! , 'I J, -. . . . ! 'i MMM n RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF MWwrjT. Manur.rv n. i. w ffit n mrrnittrrixwnir r-rvivKT'xrrrvntijm.T.,ti&Ji.niuiiUTJx,im.,T!em?v. s. iMnvinn. .:tha.yvnnti tn jiar injMW imramnirommTmii w i imwtMwim nw tr -jtornim awninuuiMiriwiwn tuiinnrnnow)7jixsc33r2sanaxmmuxjn V. i s HOME NEWS Ilullctln of The Week's Doings Mr. Tony ( liii U s nnt Chii.-dmus In Hustings, Ivl llui-r of ilulde Wo.-h wus'lu town Tuesday. Aiv vim uo UK lo swunr lt" llu1 tli ft of .luiiiiiii'.vV I-M. Uiirher wits In Inavnlc TueMlny Oil bttsl'ics. llerl ', of Fort MorRiiit, Colorado ls lit luwn this week. Attorney A. M Waiters of Hlno II ill iv sn in town Mondiy .lack I'ejw arrived hi the oily last week to visit his molliur. TIlCIV life it'VlTHl WISI-S of IIICIlSl S in the oily nt this writing Guy Z'dislur spout Christum-, in ltivoiton with Ills p.u'oiils Curl is (loof ami W.fo spent Christ, inns in Diller with liis inoilior. Mr. nml Mis. Note IMutt. spent Christ urns in CoaIcs with relative. Attorney Monday spent Christintis in Untiver City with r.-latlvos. Uyd Host 11U1I w iff of KtiiiMis City lire heie visiting lln-lf niriit-. Prof. Uoohr nml wife spent Chi 1st mas in Kulrlleld with relative-.. .leromo Wright of Hebron spout ClnistiiiHs In thceliy with Mends. Klnvd Tin urn o was in Uoseinniit Tuesday nml Wednesday afternoon Mr. mill Mrs. Ueo. llnlll-Uor spoilt Christmas in Lincoln with relatives Paul .Johm-toii "f Uneoln spent Christmas In tins city w.llr his mother Mrs. Johnston. J. l' Uilme.4 of nine UlU wns in town this woeh visiting his son, H. I Grimes ami wire. Mr. and Mr. Tml Pope " ls mother, Mrs A. A. I'ope.spunt Chi'lat iuiii in Superior ' Mr. himI Mrs iora llradshtw ot IHooinltlgton spent Christmas in tills pity with relatives Oul-J.Il. ElliK-r whs 1 1 ll-iMin-m Tnwday owl Wudmainy nfU-ruoon comluatlntf a aab Will ttlfo of Beatrice arrived In town Tltesdny moinintf t visit hU uroMier,, Hoy Ulfeand wife. Wiu. Probneu a. id wife, of tla-iiiis Spnt Christmas In this elly with J. A. dlrndfuid Hud wir. . ' Doc Wolf of B'plCUy. Kansas, U In the city visHln his father, Wolfo und other reL.tlvtrs. Mrs. Bheeley of iJnlde HocU enmo up cKo it f tlie week la vlttit her sou, Clieiilvr SUeoly and wife Guy BMrni's and wife left. Tuesluy murnlDK fjv"0kHlofi, Iowa', when (hoy will spend tu wlot-r. Mr.ond Mib. A' I) Womlerly s-iHiin ChrUimus In In-ivale wirli thoir ddimhter, Mi'. .Jamoabilv y. Will Yuuntf of H'jHver City f-pont " 14.. mint- In lilts UHY with Ills tlimle, W. 11. McKimmey nni family. In yon Unvo lioadnuho or If your chili 1b a month br-rulivr fto Dr. Warrick, Tuesday, .lamiary 5th. Dr. Qlydo Oio-s ami wif of Uxct)-, hpontChiWnwlnlbiotiy with hi Inoilior, Dr. 0. B CroMiiud wife. - The Misses Minmo hiiI Mary I'hrln- tia.i cntfrtutli'd a nninhor of friend-. at their ljomefSsiuvday ovtiilntf. " " Orant and Veru UhI oy of Omul fjpont ChriNtmas In this uUy with Uio.r ptuojits, Mr. and an. ' " u- Mr. and Slw, Will . W.st and child i uit of N ip-u e P""t Chr-stmas In lhl dly with Ills inithiT. Mrs M West, llnrt Stevens of tsiulth CoiHer, .Iva: - bns-, wa In town Tu-dtijr vUHIii W iinronts, Mr. and Mh I'lurk WW-v;.i.-.lay Hued of Kort Mortjan Chira I41, II. C Mis John Yonniiison win In Hastings l'-.i s I ..v. HiileiKh Litwretiuelin koiiu lo Iowa to visit relatives., I. P. Albiixht is in Un.-o'n tills iu'i It on business Co. its uml Suits t M Pi ire for Cash. -Miner Itros, Co. C. II. A'ikmN mill family spout Christ inns in Guide ltoi'U. a l). II. Webber nml family spent C'lristiniis in Giiiile lloek li. II llhuiUleiU'e w-.is alteiiilini,' court In llustiim's Mundiiy. Mi-s IVarl Sberer wus a pa.senuer to IliooinliiKlon Tuesday evenint,'. Part of the -inoUe stHi'U at the power Iioum' blew down MniitUy ovenin. Lew 1'iiller anil wife of TiiIhu. 0'iu , me vl-ltiiui wttli.Joliu Putter ami wife. .Ihiiihs PlilY and wife of .ShioiiI1'o ne visiting wl'li l;. y Oiiltnun and wife tills vmi k. Cotidoi'lor II A. IJMle and wife of MeCook p'l Cliristiiiiis in Hits ei'j wltii relatives. Mi.s. (iieen of Wisconsin nriiveil riiiii-sdny to visit Iiit sons Cluis. mid Kriuik llerriek. Arch Prolmso mid wife of ldneolo spent ChrNtiiris in this city with rlill" Popn nml wife. I.nydrirtmisof Lineoln spent Chr.Nl inns in this cllv with ills brother, li 1j iifimes mid wife. MUs Pmiline Kiiiiuey, 11 icnlnr in the Peru State Normal, Is spending the holid.is at lionie. C.eore Carter or Cre'o arrived home rinnsiluy eveuliiK to visit Ids parents, M. W. Carter and wife. tSo to Miner Itros. Co., for all your wniils in W'omen's Wea( and In Dry Coods, (IroeerlOisKnd SliO's. ( Clninle G arrow and wife of St. .Toe spent Christmas in tills eity with her piireutfi, Geo. Cltiwsou and fife. Miss Cora Weesner is expected home soon from Atlanta, Jleorjrm wheio she vin l-ein visPii'K for some tltuo Jolin (Jrluies of llolse City, ldhn. arHvtdln thec'ty today to vl-lt his .brother, B. L. Gi lines and fan)!'. Aa Hiiieklottteand family' of( A1m spent Christ mat. in till oily wlih his nrother, ,. II. UlaekledgB and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor- of Itiver iiii, spent ChriiiUna in ihls city wlti. her inrcnls, Mr. and Mrs. GcorK" flmi-lwr. Miss Hose II fill of fort Morgan, Colorado. lirilveJl tlie llr-toC th week 10 attend the fuueial of her motlier Mrs. Heed. Yinoeiit Jobuot n letorneU to Uav 10 v! , MUi'liir), Sundar lifter eu-liiifr ChilstiuHH in Ibis eity with bin mother, Mts. 3 ihuktoit. , Dr J. C. Caldwell lft Sjktiirday r.iorolnjr forSla'er and Katuns City, Mo , to spend a few dayi with home f ,111s and oilers. Mhenff HVdno wh a paMtier to liraiid Ist.ind Wedncwlay moinlmf to afond a meoiiun of tho Hebioska Sberlll's Bss'.etHllon. Frmife Reed of Wlohlta, KatisHs, iw rived the first of the week ti attend the fnu-ral of his Uiotlier, Airs, luoo, wliieli vv.is held Tuesday. Tho Coiwellotinl mid Methodist Sunday Mshoolh held their ChrUtmus es-reises last riini-jdny eveiilntf and cnoli chinch wns oiowded. C. 0. Kinney of Tins Anlmu", Colo , IsspendioK Ids Ciirltoma acatlon hi Red Cloud at the bourn of lli pironth' Mr. find Mrs, A, D, Uumiey, o irsfa Tr I Ea 1 VX1 66 '0 ITh W KL i UNCLE TOM'S CABIN III life pint, depi-etli-ir AiilerA-u's slrouyest ,mnl most fi.tnons s.iy. IVodneeil by 11 cninpaliy of fniiinns stni-s niiib r the miHinceineiil it 1 br World Film I'mp-a'albni. the io (Ineeis of "Tin- Mini of the ll( ur," "Ai'-imi the Piiellie." ete. A splendid todiu'tbui in evfiy w..v. Monday I Tuesday January 4 and 5 Regular Prices 10 and 5 cents 7 30 and I): 1.1 THE TREY OF HEARTS In two lee's emii-lndiii w'.th Tin iiimateil Wei-Uly .unl Pailm-rs In ( 'i line Comedy . Wednesday lj Thursday January 6 and 7 Regular Prices 10 and 5 cents 7::Sostn.l U:lfi ;is3 HiSS VJrs- wCw tmmm muni off' fl 9 Fti ". jrs Wa ji L$ III LS ? AND - mmlr nrrlved the flint of the weak to attend tilt funaral of hU mother, Mr. utn ' Mr. mid M. W. W. Wilirlu of Hebron tpeut I liHstinai. lA tbia eUy wltii her patent, Mr. and Mrs. Abol. '. s Mr, nml Mr. Fred Gund 'n- d child, ron.of Ulue. UlU spent ChtUtuyih m it,t.tiv with bar mollier, Mis. Jllner. Mr. iinatf. C. U Crono of Yotk hpent qiirlstmas In tbi ilty with tbuir diiitghter, Mt'. Prank PeterVott and family. Sherwood Albi-Ibt and family id Omaha arrived In tin- city hist Tliurs day to spend tint holidays with Ids parents, h. P. Albiijjbt and wif-. Mils. A. Roiikolnnd eliildren of Colo rado, who have been vNltluj,' lui brother, Fred WnUin mid lle, went to Ijlneoln Friday to visit her parents. Chits. Kulloittft who is prinelp.il of tliu school iu Allen, Nebraska, is spending bib vacation hern with bis parents, Mr. und Mrs. John KuIIokt. ',Mtss Mario Pulsiphei. wlio is teaeli lift' school lu tho western part of the stute, Is spending her vacation lieie with bur paionts, Mr. und Mrs, Ed Pulsipher. Dick Hundley mid wife of Grand Island, who dttvo been spending a few "days in Cowles with i datives, ciiuio down Tuesday to spend a few days with friends. On Clirlstnnoiddy little UeUi Cniblll, dttwbusr of Mr und Mrs. (.'has Cinbhl 8-iick "it hat pin In tier eye. She waa t,il(en lo Omaha Saturduj f-r uieiUcAi t-et mi tit. IV. Wtti-rielj. The Specialist, will me.'t eye, ear, time and threat pathmja ndthoq ncodliMT Kinase fitted at Dr. Daiuerell'a JBo In Bud flood, Tues day, January filb, Mr. and, Mrs. A. R. Aaber and child rn and ber it(M. Mrs, Joe MeCollom, Bti'it Christinas with their puratte, Mr. .nd ftlra. Urule, who leside In Catherton preolnet, Tue Miaaea Mra Cook and Oftttte Christian wt-ntto Oaiaba the laot r tha week U visit Mrs Klla W.trlel? and family. The yotnif laole retiit'iioit liomo Mo d.y eveniiiR. Jo'lff" Dmigaii baa et tho followiriK diitss for district court to- bo bold ill Webtbr county n.t year: dory Teiui. .Iitnnuvy II. "September RJ; Kipilty Term. May 3rd and November 2!Hh. ' Tho G. A. K. and W. R.C.. will hold a Jo.nt intullalioii of orilcei-i .Saturday nfteiiMon at 1:150 o.olock. Let every tueuiber be present. All soldiers und their wives are especially invited lo at- ten I. The ladles will now a timnpiei in the evenint'- Attorney Walters was in Red Cloud a few days auo transacting business w Hi Hie county judge und other county olllcials who are now located in tho now court house. Ho reports the new lmltdtnir all O. K. except in the olllee of Miss MuICuIkIiiiii, olerk of the dis trict court, where the usual cuspldore, tlie receptacle for tho expectoration of tob.icco users, was conspicuous for its iibseuoe, wltiuh caused tlie aforesaid attorney considerable inconvenience, 111 no Hill Leader. Paul ytnev was in Cmvlos Tuesdiiy. dqlui Career Is on the Hlok liat this weok. Coata ttnd Suit at J Price for f'afib. Miner Bros Co. II. ,J Mmrer wai a pa8eilp to Grand Ialund Tuesday night. The seventh giado had a Mfepriae party on Mildred- lieland Wednesday cTelilliif. Mia. Roy flnU'bi-'on.of Campbell la visiting In ibo eity with liar husband, Roy Hutchison thU week. Mr and Mrs John Crns rolurnoii home Tiiojiduy froin booth ,1akotu, wbeisj tboy had been visiting th'-ir dauglitor. rjnc'a Tom's 'SMn In fiv spleiHid reti at ibe iep e next MoJidm nni ! Tuedny, Jnnu-ii-y 1 and 5. R.-jju a pricat 10 and 5. Dr. Nichols mi itrled home f. em Wlsner, 'lii-aki1 Vedued.y even llitf whrrehe hnl U en api ndintf Christ inna wi'h his fi.lis. LOHl' A watch and nbain Monday uiKhf on Sni h Webster street Flndei p tue rfc'iiin the same to this offlee Hud leetive reward. Ou Wednesday at noon, Rev. flutn uid united in manlnffo Mlsa Katie KnOick to' Mr William Ueautee. lliere iverc about fifty Koesis ;rpaont. The following M .s na wont to RlvertOn Monday u hl to Htlond lodge ut t'.iit place, and wluifss the third decree or the lllue lodge: A. 'W. KiUeV, Ibo Uutehtson, A If. Saiadou, Goo. HollUUr, FlaveGrlce, A 1 Turner. Go. VanCainp, N. lb Hush, JoeMaann Joe Fopel, Itoy Iliftcldsou, Flunk Abel, Heft Duckor and Mr. Uomiiie. Tho following went from luavale: Geo. M nor, Cljdo WlcUwlry, J.uiias Silvey a.ut Ag-nt Joype. AflerVot'ga a ban. quit was held to wlriob they all did justice after which hiivikintf tuid aUiry te.Rlnjf were Itidulffed lo. -SOUTH INAVALE .V. little ohlbl of Ilarto Fortiahms was quite id last wrek. Homer Squires departed 1ml wo.k to Visit frUi!id ii) we eiU tlos.iB Mr. and Mia. Jtni Patuo wro guibts at thoW. M. IMMB boina last vwok. A number of relntlvea were gaest nt the O A. Aduina home CnrhtimH' Olde Mltrhel and wife ctiturtainud a number of relhilve Clirl-tmas day. Mrs. O. C Reod of Known. Cur l" vlsttliiff at the Wllda homo this week. Ira Trueblood and wife of Rod Cloud spent CuifsJina at the Tom Whiloley liotua Rev. Immh and wife spttit Saturiluy mid Siiuibiy.lu the Mt l'leiisiiut neigh borhood. Oia Clin (I'm and family of near FiituKliu spent CliristuinS at tlio Dickerson home. Mrs. Kumln-diy will eutortaiu the Ml. Pleasant. Ladles' Aid Society Thursday afternoon. Miss Cleo Willmolt entertained a number of young friends Sunday, ami they spent the afternoon on tho ice. Tlie young p-ople, und somo of tho older ones too, are making good use of tho ice, and are having skating pirtles most ovoiy evening. I'ut'ing up Ice Is the older of the duv at present. (Julie u nutntier are getting their ice bouses tilled with a goo I quality of ice from 8 to 10 Inches thick. i i In order to raise some necessary cash we are offering tke larger part ol our Ladies' Coats, Suits and Skirts at Vz price. The more staple styles and all Children's Coats at 333 Per Cent Discount from regular price. These prices are for' cash awd ate good! for onty a short time. COMB AND TAKE YOUR PICK m i I.i Til.. . . p. '""i ' -.... Mi . ,i m ... t m u-wt Mi wi ewawaMW .w iiair Wwwei m, , '1 ' ., ! MBi i Upil fTJftiii. W V1Jm VT1VUUN . i ,-h .tMv-jc... -srfU r - -mBB'y- -zissGS ,r,m'k ,&ss$i Nebraska is3Q MHk Cow for a'e oi wl I ti..de b'r liogs-C. V. Wallm. College Steers Sell For 1 1.5 Cents AH reuoidi i V'o South Oiiinha Stoelfjalda weio biokeo lb- other day when tliecolleo of ugib nltuieliecoiv ad ll.fi ceiitMi pound for two i.teets tli.n Mild for sns.'Jjj Tim eiucii-H of into of the ateei when fleshly dressed weighed a trllle ovt r 70 percent id i's live weight. Five of tlie steers ot the J lot Mld for $7M. bonie oi the i tucK sold was to buye been onlered at the Ii.tei national Live Sloel. Kxpositlon at CbiosfcO had it not been uaticelled on' iiccoilnt of the IrtOt-and-u.oulhdiheaa-, NORTH BRANCH 'lid Pnxaoua eiitertulned at dinner Dec. 2.11 h. Tim MeKlebum children ato dilst mat s'o' He under the borne roof. The Ou-gw J 0 'pie did lino at '.huh play given heio last Saturday nlifbt. , Misses Miney and Augellne Henry Unvo fjoncboinu to apend their a'i-' lion. i The MoMllHau dun about bfty or sixty lu iiumbor Mv fl.ristmasat Vei non Ktvetla i Merle Mlydor, 1-M RuUh and lb n Allen shipped a cat load of In j;- to St. ioe hist Saturday. , Standing o? Contestants Tho following is tho standing of tin Contestants ill Tlie Chief's and Cook's Drug K'oie Kino Tilp lo tlie P.iunn.a Imposition ConlvBt; 15 BK33'v -&$&- oSS30 QUALITY ON THIS WE HAVE BUILT GUIS PRESENT BUSINESS Y7 HEN wc begJin our business career in in Red Cloud we took as our motto the one word Quality and we believe .nil our patrons will agree with us that it has itrnly ', been, our slogan all this lime. Our reputation for' high-grade Groceries is j well known. We are fully prepared to supply all your wants iti our linie. ' FTXibrandt THE HOME GROCERY '. -V Magsgy smmrn &33g: 63$3w3 mmmsm f&&wmf&&&?) i.. i, tl , ) f 4 I VI.-.:.. ii n 17 h :i....', in 10 r yo.... 10.... ii.... in.... ui ... . ,i y i iff) T " -. TIHUmMawlHfl i If fl (A I h so Win . . s wij?.m fa Are Made Right m . Ml lo ft e-l i:ii:m.-. ffi Well Lettered fl ritoji ffl j M uvea i ' ffi And nrt io.tr. i. V Our m oia) $ Carefully Erected & wjm5 Prices ",8 Are ML fi mono (0 1B 01 7jo.fi! Reasonable corns in anu she OVEHING BR0S.& GO. I J W fcM.4MMiSAhH4LimM)MVAiA "j;H1tV wwHWt