SfaMjRBi ii.(, i Vft, Ffr.. Is. r V '-li S-, wi MiMMut ji mm. mi .un .m rjt.1. 'i.timii. mm I BETTEH GIVE OS WHILE ST IS EASY TO GET Good Coat Is Sure To Be Scarce When Cold Weather Comes. I 3 iSSSBgsg S3 nmi$3g3 - M s TO cFar!ard Where I will conduct an exclusive undertaking business, piano and musical merchandise. Some Furniture Loft Going at Cost iiriii.4 JL3 jyo &) ALL THE PHONES - (w "- ' " " ""' """ t THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Clovii!, Nobniskn OhlSUKD ll IO 'lHUItSbAT tCMcrtil In (lie I'lMill (i nl lid lotiil. Neb. UK Si-i-onil ClnM;MiiUvr A. M. MiiAIl'l IIL'U I'tni.ininep THK ONLY IIKMl-CHATIC IMI'KK IN WKIIrtTKIU ClUNTY The New Year "A frioml stands al tlu door; 111 i-U'lRT lillt l-IOM-ll tin 1 1 cl lllilllij,' 1 lull fclfis, tin .- hlimllid Htul lliroo -coio; Wui tinof to Mu-w till-in, iliillj', ii'op llio lllll'l, IJvoji us the aovM-r. Ksiuh lnii.-, It-, tn-mls it In, iiiitl puw-os It cannot no uiauY f.ullfnl till tt die. I-'rii ml, ootiio thuii llko u fiiQul, A ml whotln-r lu'tfht thy fup, Or dun with 0 uuiIh we ojui iittCumpro lifii'lj WVll hohV our path nt IihihIn oium in 1 liW jiIhoo, ' Anil niihL thou to IjK ot il; ICitiiwIiiK tliim I- auefct unwind iq thoo spliores Whom thoio me n It lmr iIh.vs, nor mouth, nor jmr-. ' bs Mulnck. in litis beautiful 01-111. Kivuh our hlt-iii hot tor llniti wo c'11 s- OtO-H till III. TI'O U'H (if Plil-ll tltl.V lip iuijaulft, liiildi 11 fioin us until Un hour I'oini-u, 11 putty thought .so nniiiy (,'ifts, mi iiiiii-h tinii- to iiNo f r i-ilhor piotUor lo t-. mill mi nmn.v linnds ur hi-ll out ci.K-'il.v lor tho ouniliij; ilnyw, looliln for llu-iii to hi'lii' huppl iiosh, or t,',ilti of no 1 no liln-l. 'I'ln-hplili SOIIIIltlllll-H (JKMU fit t ti L iiitloio tho 11 I- known fiittno.uoiiM'diii nth lllsonnuiji to talio onodiiy nt a tlni - and try 'o ,,.,,..., ,, , . , . , . , wo can onij wit.li in n-tuiii a lowurd niako that t,'ood. It is hard oiiouh ' , iiTi.il thou, i.n.1 Miinollmoh II Ubist to1' 'I'l"' f'U.o Chief ...ado doubly jioliour l.y hour. One day at a tltuo 8 ' bi tlu-it "tood will to man" ic.noin in tho hooiot of rvH'v iioldo lift-. "Olio , bruui-u. - Luwionoo l.ociMiiotivo. il.iy at 11 time, lal.on U bravely, with' rsv .. "l.h dtitli-s f.ilthtnl'ydono a-. tho foino, V wish to i-Mind our tin n ;s o ItMiiaU patlonilj home, iln tompla- t ...is II. inly M-sisted, its o.oss ohoor- filly oaiiiod, its joh rltfhtlyiiboil, ami its Khulnoss ntilCI,,i fiom ouuy hoi r Hiitpiibsos on." InMetid of milking tunny lobulations nt the llrst of I ho 3-iar to boipilohly biokon, lot iihMrlve to moot oaoh day bravely, aid take iuIiiiI It lii-lmrw iiiwiin.i.t iinlliirlv 1 4 Oh, hauK Huiim lamp like hope Above tho unknown way. Kiuriyoar. toi'lvoonrsnirlU frooscoi 0. K.JVud our hamlhSiiot.(;th to work, wliilu ' ltiailii," iunijiiMniucimnniiijiunmLjiiiMwiKU'.wiiJ.i'J"l '! fcSasW39-3 THAT ORDFR FOR THE ss? Building r ' McFAiSLAKB BUILDING (if n a ,, , , , , mm-,mt Bin- lit In mo 8i 1111 cnii b i at In. Ui! an (.inij.l to the t.wu, ptubl.im. in t a .So lltu ilml when ji i'r""hiitiiinoHh ounto In join In- Clipub. r of Com moioc jou will jinn, ni fuUuiu'e Oooflo .M ttlnua has tlu- hViupHtliy ' t-' PtHlOIS .f tho Stlltu baCulltKI 1 U IHUI-ll 10 pnu uoti Hill rt-ilt-riti RJI pulntint nt plum Xivri- iiiiml, Di-othrr .Mi.ttlu-wtt, it is a lun-r 101U that lu.h 11.) tin 11 'i'lm Jniiriial i-iiwiw-il a M-ry m-iit ChrlstniHs caul bruiiiiK Hie gioetiiiK or tlio hoason H otn t ho Huil Clutul Chief llllS WUth.HWI ttllllB it ts 11 tiew VIII- tuio pith 11 country iiBWs.pajior.tt U lu tUvitivvof ihu propc-i- fcph-lf towanl oiIihn in tint niofoefcloH.Jui ia! Alma, KuhiubUa. Uurb.g- the jour just passed two modi 1 11 bnlldiiiKb hiio boon mei-tod in this ciij.tiio fount y couit hoaso mm! tin- l''.iimoi'.i.Tiloploiiebiiildiii(jf. Iioth 01 Hum- buildings un well built und Ulvo tho cit.V 1)11 llltU-l Ilppi ;mii1l-0 if liorillHtianc'. At I lie e.um' luiii thov ll.tvo boon Mitral Uioi.,111 drtillitiK oivytot which Shu tbnt ro iumI.Uik tulv.iiici-uioiit. A'o ipo In loctipt of 11 pu-uy l.Ule o.ii tl fu 111 tho Itcd C'liuo l.',lf 1 otV. in y: bst nhliib tor tho lmipioihH t.f i. ho ldas. ThU lltilu iiniuuu I1 uiiiM-d us to ttl:o tho hut-mid Id.k ,.ii I tho Mornid thounln of how nice it is t be llllli'lltbi led I V llitio villi) en no u juinst It tnsi us un l.v f...- -. ...... - w "i' vV Huiiiiuol for 11 tino'fat ohlikm ,,,, .,,, , , ,, ,, , ' , f,om him tw C-I11 Ihtiniih. AIU10 wo btlll Ihe In single blii.i-oilnohiiiul lmo no homo of our own, moll. or know, l0 v u, coo) tllhl ,j,,jll ,uill wu ,.,,.,.,1.. ltltu Ul ,flh ,, ,hS ,v, ' " " Just bt-causo wo hapi'Uii to bo 11 bncl.o lor 1- no lotiMui why wo bhould not on j iy ood thliiKs to oat. .i .1.1 1 , 1 1 . , ,1 Uho petition boinol.culto,l asking, F"7 Hffii TH" r if (H rf f p V 0 w BV RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. ft TT T T! T? the ooii nty Kiiiitiilshiiiiiois toiw onstilor th. Ir 1 OliiusBloii fttunHiiK tin- p'hl-IikIk'- to plnco a liioiix' tuhlot In tin niiw i-oiii t hoiini It; honor of Rev. (;. V lluimiifl, mis iiiifoi tuniitc- in Its Imvptli 11 ntiil uiiciilluil fur. No 0110 for 1111 in-?' nut helli-voil I lint It was safo to allow our u-corils to ri'itialn linloll n.itrly iu tho old luiilitliif; ami tho ovt'i-wheliuliif; volo (,'lvrri the Inst prop-o-itluiihlinwoil that, tho couiry as a uholo was nioti) than pIciiMtl with tho plmi for 11 now Inilldln. Thld now titiildlii is iliilshoil and is :i oit-dit to tho wholo onniity ami tin- ooiinty is pioti'l of it. Hov. tliitiiinol tnoro than iiiij other matt was iustritiiioulHl in Bi-i'iiiiiif,' this biillillnu' for t'no county, and, sini-o tho county as it uholo is woll ploaoil, ho should bo praistd foi what ho has douo. A now nnxxw law that should bo p-iss-od l.y all sin o- would contiiln tho fol lowing: ' Hook agents tuny bo shut bi twoon Ootobrr 1 and Hoptotubi-r 1, spring pouts fioin Mnich 1 to Juno I; automobile spuod demons from Jauii my 1 to ilnuuary 1; road hog 8 from Apiil 15 to April K; amiitour hunters from Soptotnbor 1 to February '; war tillo-rs no olosod soio-on; -any man who 11iTeptH.ii pnpor for twoyoais and then, when the bill Is pro-tiilo 1 'aja 'J iifvor ordotod it,' may lio lilllod on siuiit and Hhall bo bmried fnco down- watd in quicklime o as to dostioy tho K01 ins and pro out the sproid of tin- iiifi-otluii." Tho Norfollt I'n-hs. Cilt (IS ui IlliinliS Wo dosiio to tlin 11 k tho neighbors and li't.jiiils for thoir hind as.sistaiioo iIui'iiik Ui" illiics-, mid ib-atli of 11111 tii-liii'd hiistiii'id and fathor. Also for tho bu 1 nt it nl ilovhi". Aliw. I'i:..t irtwht: ami Kamii. Wo.ulshto thaiil; tho Irionds and noibtioiH tor llii-tr nssistitocu iliiruiK tin-more in s-, ami L'UH.il of our wito and niuiliiT. Mlt ilullS iiUUUM AM) Cltll.!)l!l.N Wanted Charges Prepaid Hamimjii, Niibr, J)i-o. at ,'-iin HH win m ol diaiii'iliils wi-io in .1 (.ins. rth'Oll .1 U. Sirt.lit., lilll llliliill i.ji 111, loiiii-t iii tho poelti-tbouk tfu Kill tlomt iuiii.ui Utt in 11 pas-oiigor eoaeli' lii-it ii'i'oully 'i li w iiniiio of tho owiu r. looclptb ami ohoctis In t tie pui'no inailn col tnili tin owi.or lo whom Mr. bwaii. pioiupiij soot the vtt1Uatle!. lnstoiul i.l I Intnl. llio tvuintiu Miuto to 11 1 111 , cniuphilliini; iiicmso 1 10 had not prfpnui in, eli:ttt.-s on tu- tiitipiiH-til Tuesiia'-. Xuhin-.l.n ibiali- .loiiriial. Cowks Fciiuon '1 llC fullOM fc j ill lll II .0 1 UlS.I tt vu llj Uiw.Ls ptop.e, Willi 2l0 CwutliJ ct.it,: TO TU8 COUNT Y COilMISSJONKIIS 01' r.aTisn county tiULIv'ilUii: Vf, U.u aUi.ef.-ljJIIfi. lM.p.j.,!i 1 ball! ,, !).,, TO ilf, iu,. t g n uci uiui iv.u iWiui i ii tt , j- ui tuu-.t,), juut imi Wdmiti . ut In iJco O'vil , utul iti'iii ijla, !, tin 1. .f)ttrfer, liv. 1 1) en- Wic j, ,i.a nl, il,,ii nitO t 1. IiMi-i Cuunl,, Wv " tKi'j P lllUW JOU IU , t t It. Il-wlii , l .In.; In til" 11. ii t, UtHix lllo ,y , ml lei in I1U1.1.1 A t,u W. lluiiuii,, H Ik, I'liuinUuuii .In. iMili.nut W. V i Ulu.joil KlCil.ill) Imjcolijl-.l rt. W uiUlui-. .li.ltll V 11A I, A U. .ScolX . u. . t-ck A. J. .y A .1 Wm.? I'.iui .I.itnd'ia l". J I'Yilmi V. Liu 11 J I-'iuj liutd J Ij Ki;(jli b l-rnhli tt, l o 1' ir.t a. V iice an. tt ttiovw v iihb. A lUyve A A iiu un h V. O.iy A n-t' CArjr Cl U ul.lll!l U. Adwwmi 1 .u. G 0.1 I), J ill'. toil W. K. S.'uu (ioure r oa 1 ur Ii, J. SlUlHlCiS J. 'A y.uuu,s JoH.HnVBl K. W t-ii.H-r 0 I'.Ofll; Nid lluld W. U. G- X W It. IMtfCuy Deli UjrkKa Kiiii.li U Kuiun Ullh. A'lnl. b ,ji I1 It. 1 uud W.ll.Tj, .inj)urt,J, J K UKUer K. Ant) y I) Jufillulll) C IS Put ti-jii C. V. IJ III olt W J. C -li. V V. rtt 'Vd.n M. it. a 1 1,. .1,, A A W.ui!s . Vd. N . 1 t' Miir i . S u tt I !). IS Ojilvviu I'lii, -i . 0 , ti t.. U. HpikC tv G tl 1. llllitrj Hvuve K. A. UOuU G. A. Wulb 1-. It ijiiuui n II li. mti(Mkr A. tl a,ir..ctu,r bid i V SurMcuor M KiiIlt J P. Kufek I1'. V. cli. k t'l l Crivi t . M II Ija H V. 11. Iu i.jhs J. A Norm .J ISl'JllDSOll J. M MilH Win Bt .)Htim C. It. IJonUii A J 5 runt (.. . . It 1 1. or H. h. II no S U h un ti. W. Wi-mI II. G. Murai) V. A. Licy A I. Itecvo J. il. Motti.r II. M. Wullor lrviu ll.iMil.urn IS 11 Kimn S. It McCoy 0. li'OIIOtt I h P..11I It. I'ou'lnl U M. l-'runcU I-', A Vanco I M, Honor I H. Nywood J V, TnnmiHon C .1 G.ix 0 IS. Littn 11. A CrniK E. J. Buch U. F. kl . U liiituch . I'. i l J 1 " Grrmd IS T -I-.,.. .1 tt M t hbacku J li .VI .inio W. V. I.w It . Wuifu 11. W. (Juii.hmm t! IS Fruncln lien, iionio.i A li. I')0 W IS B Ulcr A .1 lioroi) TiOil I' rtrnliHlur IS. II. Kot ui-y 1 It HiMil.k-kHon T 11. n.i.Uin It. 1) P.ift ,11. IS. (Steorihaluh I B France W. Scott L. M. Martdi vVillirim Whllir I.ouU Hiltfaus W. B Vatico It. T. Crozier Gpn. Fohz 0. U. Abbey ' J. II GrcenhulKh Leo Syrachor J. T. Lcy J. F. CortriRht IS. G. Green ri. w. seott n. u I'litnam s v Jrubaker Wurd McTaKKnrt R. W. Scott N. C Putnam Dr. Nicholson DKNTUVT V.5? orrtit: ovi-u ai.iiiuoiit's stohi'. IN IllVl.liroX O.V .MONDAY Red Cloud, M(.!rnskii COL. R. C. PETERS Gcnerecl Auctioneer Will Guarantee Competent Scrvic. Ask Those Who Have Had Dim Ct y Thoir Sulci Write or Wire For Oaios Guide Rock, Nehr. DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON (linduate Chluiik'o VotoiiiiHt-y CoIIokc iwklvi: viiMts t:.pi:im:.cn AT HAIMSY'STIK BAUN nod Cloud -:- Nohrnsti.i Dr. J. C. CsktweiS PHYSICIAN 0 SJIKGEON CnMa'Ansu ot-cd Doy or Night lllllco '-ilili(iuii,: Hi It. :h In, 1. .-y. lie-. Till pin. uu: IU II. II.kI .'7.1. I nil. 10O. Office Over S3. A. AlbtKbl'ti filers Iced Glcacs, -; Kebraska m IM lU jYTwivy 4 BiO L '-ft I V ., &j UMDER IMS 30N !-H M Invisible Patches Neat workmanlike repairing is a branch of our business which is given t special atten tion. Oonii Your Torn Garment a To U ' , Wo will clean press and re pair them so that they will give, you much satisfactory wear." You are accustomed to having your shoes and watch repaired. Why not your clothes? m m iTniaMM aw G. Hassinger Cleaner and Djrer Both Plumes IKS Ca!RGPfiAT0R ' ReiicuU, -5- Nebraska Second Iloate North ol J. 0. C I". Kali Graduate Palmor School oS Chiropractic, Davenpoii;, Iowa. Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free At Office Phenc Int!.yi2 E. S. G Berber Heal llstnto, rami Loiins uiui Iiisniitiii'o. Kcd Cloud, - Nebraska. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE IMNll Red Cloud a a ebf?.s!;a I mod 1 I M rFim k jt;-sj 1 nsiti vw 'rrTTWtcnttjjwiiiiJuiiJtiiuiwr.-4.v3tiH'iia.i,i'jtvif01T- imtgfi-JHWfWUWMtjTfaaTWWtfJiWM' awaufM-wr 'yai "W Tl m witfL i " z r m v o C3 '3 F oats and buns AT V& PRICE BEGSNXgftiG '1 1 t 74 itf C o ii BtlfSIBf J 14 ( to 0 ,TWf Beginning Tluirsttaj', December 31st, ail our Coats and Suits go at yM their regular price for cash. WC ALSO PRICE OUR READY-TO-WEAR GftR MEWTS RIGHT. TOO. WE 00 WOT MARK THEM UP JUST TO MZRX THEM D-3WJ. CUT MARK THi-M DON RIGHT LOW m THE, CEGINNIKC SO THEY WK.L SELL FAST AND MAKE CUSTOMERS FOS US.' SE OUR SUITS AND COATS AND YOU WILL BUY THEM. WEAR THEM AND YOU WILL LIKE THEM AND SEND YQDR FR&NDS TO US. THE HINER BR0S Co. General Merchants A nnmr safe plac to trade" RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA rjc- ;r'j a-.ysn "-f i -v w:.';.' i U 1 HENRY CQOK, M. D. DUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL ' SUfPitS AND TOILET ARTICLES jt n , iS33i m mm K a r.'im rm T. "s K'i'a IWMZA'-Z$ab&&r. rrrs - 'x i T.-XJ...J !- - Work H Prkoa Ranging Frcm $07.00 to $65.00 In order to compete with catalogue houses and sinco the prices in leallter are advancing. I have decided instead of r,nisina my prices, lo sell for cash. Remember I carry overv thing iu LEATHER NOVELTIES FOR CHRISTMAS Such as pockctbooks, handbags, toilet sets, traveling bags, suit cases and trunks. You will find my line of the above articles complete, as well as a full line of lap robes, blankets, etc., and my prices arc the lowest. 8 f) J O E nesssesn .. TRY US ,-OR ARTISTIG JOB PRINTING... r A h.. iuAa ?a. "ITj.K. s,.m vsmnftnif i m uesssssii A 9) ,ZZ. " .. ut rra - Complete itine Of arness- n ia. r. T) m. as3iv. FOGEL i t &d$&togvtfcbt iiKM'lUiiBflBg lAwaaaaaMMAaLfeM- iiLl ti -. 7:...rrr---. r - ..-. - f --riy " -f rr i,-.- tutt L'f-li