The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 31, 1914, Image 2

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The Last Shot
(Copyright. 1914. by
At lliolr lidtno on llio frontier liptwoon
tho Drowns nml Uruya Murtu flullund unci
(her mother, untariulnlriK Colonel WpaWt
lllnir of tho Gmyn, bco Captain I.uitntron,
tnft Irli'llleciicc ollleer of tho llrowns,
Injured liy u full hi his iirrnplann. Ten
lyeari later. Wnatprllmt. nominal vice but
oal chief of BtafT, relnforcrH South I .a
rir, niciIlltttOM on war, nml npi-culatcH on
'the compiiratlvn urck of hlmnclf iukI Mnr
ita. who to vlAltlng In tho Oray capltul.
Westerllng cnllH on Mnrta. Hho tclla him
of lior touching chllilnwi tho follies of war
.ami martial imtrlotlmn, Ikikh lilin to pre
vent war whllo he In chief of Muff, and
predicts that If he makes war uKUlnnt thu
llrowns hn will not win. On tho march
with the Md of tho Drowns 1'rlvato Htrun
ky, nnnrchlst, decries war and played
out patrlotldin and Is plaretl under arrest.
Colonel Lanntron overhearing, bees him
'pTT. Irfinslron culls on Murtu at her homo.
lie tall with Keller, the Kurdener. Mnrta
.tollH I.nnstron that who believes Fcllor to
bo a spy. Ijinslron confexses It Is true.
ttn,'!,lr"" "hows Mnrta a tclephono which
,1' oiler han concealed In a secrot iiihhiiki
,unuor tno tower for mo (to benefit tlm
Drowns In war emerKonclcn. Lntntroii de
clarcs his lovo for Murtu. Westerllmt nml
tho Gray premier plan to use u trivial In
iternntlouul affair to foment warlike pa
triotism In nrmy and people.
CHAPTER VII Continued.
"And tho press tho mischievous,
frcedy, but very UHcful press?" usked
tho premier.
"It also shall servo; also obey. No
llsta or killed and woumlod shall bo
lvon out until I am ready. Tho pub
lic must know nothing except what I
chooso to toll. I act for tho people
and tho nation."
"That Is ngrced," said tho premier.
"For theso terrible weeks every nervo
and muscle of tho nation Is ut your
crvlco to win for tho nation. In
throo or four days I shall know If the
public rises to tho call. If not" Mo
hook hlB head. '
"Whllo all the .Information given
out is provocative to our people, you
will declare your hopo that war may
bo averted," Wcstcrllng continued.
"This will Bcrecn our purpose. Final
ly, on top of public enthusiasm will
come tho word that tho Drowns have
llred tho first shot as they must
when wo cross tho frontier that they
have been killing our soldiers. This
will make tho raclul spirit of every
man respond. Having decided for
wur, every plan is worthy that helps
to victory."
"It Becma fiendish!" exclaimed the
premier in answer to a thought eddy
ing in tho powerful current ,of his
brain. "Fiendish with calculation,
but merciful, ub you Bay."
"A fast, terrific campaign! A ready
machine taking tho road!" Westerllng
declared. "Lcsb Buffering than if wo
wont to war carelessly for a long cam
paign than If wo nllowed sentiment
to interforo with intellect."
i "I like your energy, your will!" said
tho premier admiringly. "And about
the declaration of war? Wo shall
tlmo that to your purpose."
"Declarations of war before strik
ing, by nations taking tho aggressive,
are a disadvantage," Westerllng ex
plained. "Thoy nro going out of prac
tice. Witness tho examples of Japan
Ml Stake My Llfel" He Cried Hoarsely.
against KubsIu and tho Balkan allies
against Turkey. In theso days dec
larations aro not necessary as a warn
ing of what is going to happen. Thoy
belong to tho etiquette of fencers."
"YeB, exactly. The declaration of
war and tho ambassador's passports
will bo prepared and tho wire that
fighting has begun will release them,"
agreed tho premier.
"Yet If wo did lose! If when I had
given you nil you aak your plaus went
wrong! If our army wore broken to
pieces on tho frontier and then tho
nation, kept in ignoranco of events,
learnod tho truth" tho premier enun
ciated slowly nml pointedly while he
locked glances with Wcstcrllng "that
Is the end for us both. You would
Charles Scribncr's Son)
hardly wnnt to return to tho capital
to face public wrath!"
"We must win though wo loso n
million men I" ho answered. "I stake
my llfo!" ho cried hoarsely, striking
his fist on tho table.
"You stako your llfo!" repeated tho
premier with Blow emphasis.
"I do!" said Westerllng. "Yob, my
life. Wo cannot fall!"
"Then It will bo war, If tho peoplo
want It!" said tho premier. "I shnll
not resist their dcslro!" ho added In
his ofllclal manner, nt peace with his
Pnrtow wns a great brain set on an
enormous body. Partow'a oyea had
tho lire of youth at Blxty-flvo, but tho
pendulous llesh of his cheeks was
pasty. Jealousy and faction had en
deavored for years to remove him
from his position at tho head of tho
army on account of ago. Now govern
monts decided as they camo In that ho
must go, and they went out with him
still In tho saddle ,
Lot olllcers apply themselves with
conspicuous energy and they heard
from a genial Pnrtow; let olllcers only
keep Btep and freo of courts martial,
and they heard from a merciless task
master. Peculiarly human, peculiarly
dictatorial, dynamic, and Inscrutable
was Partow, who never asked any ono
under him to work harder than him
self. Lnnstron appeared In tho presence
of Jovo shortly after eight u'clock tho
next morning after ho loft La Tlr.
Jovo rolled his big head on his short
neck In a nod and said:
"Tho train was late, sir," Lanstron
replied, "and I havo somo news about
our thousandth chance."
"Ilm-m! What Is it?" nsked Partow.
When Lanstron had told his story,
Partow worked his lips in a way ho
had If ho were struck by a passing re
flection which might or might not havo
a connection with tho BUbJect in hand.
"Strango about hor when you consider
who hor parents woro!" ho said. "Hut
you novor know. Ilm-m! Why don't
you Bit down, young mnn?"
"The way that tho Grays gave out
our dispatch convinces mo of their in
tentions," Partow Bald. "Their peo
plo aro rising to it and ours are rising
In ntiBwcr. Tho Grays havo been trans
ferring regiments from distant prov
inces to their frontier becauso they
will light hotter In nn invasion. Wo
aro transferring homo regiments to
our frontier becauso thoy will light
for their own property. Hy Thursday
you will find that open mobilization on
both slduH hns begun."
"My department la ready," said
Lanston, "all except your decision
about press censorship."
"A troublesomo point," responded
Partow. "I havo procrastinated be
cauBO two deflnlto plans were fully
worked out. It Is 11 matter of cholco
between them: either publicity or com
ploto secrecy. You know I am no be
liever In riding two horsoB at once.
My mind Is about mado up; but let me
hear your Bide again. Sometimes I get
conviction by probing another man's."
Lanstron was at his best, for his
own conviction waa Intenso.
"Of course thoy will go In for se
crecy; but our case is different," ho
Partow settled himself to listen with
tho gift of tho organizer who draws
from his Informant tho brevity of es
sentials. "I should take tho peoplo Into our
conlldenco," Lanstron proceeded. "I
should make them feel that wo wero
ono family fighting for all wo hold
dear ugnlnst the invader. If our losses
nro heavy, if we havo a setbnek, then
the Inspiration of tho heroism of thoso
who havo fallen nnd tho danger of
their own homes feeling tho foot of
tho Invader next will Impel tho living
to greater sacrifices. For tho GrayB
aro In tho wrong. Tho moral and tho
legal right Is with ub."
"And tho duty of men llko you and
mo, chosen for tho purpoBO," said Par
tow, "Is worthily to direct tho cour
age that goes with moral right. Tho
ovort act of war rnuBt como from thorn
by violating our frontlor, not In tho
African Junglo but hero. Evon when
tho burglar lingers thu window-sash
wo Bhall not lire no, not until ho on
tors our house. When ho does, you
would havo a message go out to our
peoplo that will set them quivering
with indignation?"
"Yes, and I would let tho names of
our Boldlers who fall first bo known
and how they fell, their backs to their
frontier homes and their faces to tbo
Our very liberality In giving news
will holp ub to cover tho military
necrets which wo dosiro to prosorvo,"
Partow said, with Blow emphasis. "Wo
shall hold back what wo please, con
lltlent of tho people's trust. Good
policy that, yes! Hut enough! Your
orders aro ready, In detail, I believe.
You havo nothing to ndd?"
"No, sir, nothing; at least, not until
war begins."
"Very well. We Bhnll have tho or
ders Issued at tho propor moment,"
coucludcd Partow. "And Westerllng
Is going to find." ho proceeded after a
thoughtful pause, "that a man Is
roadior to dlo lighting to hold IiIb own
threshold than fighting to tako unoth
or man's. War Is not yet solely nn nf
fair of machinery and numbers. The
human element is still uppermost. Glvo
mo your hand no, not that ono, not
tho ono you Bhnke hnnds with the
ono wounded In notion!"
Partow inclosed tho stiffened lin
gers In his own with something of the
caress which an old bear that is In
very goou numor might glvo to a
promising cub.
"I havo planned, planned, planned
for this time. Tho world shall Boon
know, as tho elements of It go Into tho
cruclblo teBt, whether It is well done
or not. I want to llvo to soo tho day
when tho last chargo mado against our
trenches la beaten back. Then thoy
may throw this old body onto the rub
bish heap as soon as thoy please it
Is a fat, unwlcldly behemoth of an old
"No, no, It Isn't!" Lanatron objected
hotly. Ho was seeing only what most
peoplo saw after talking with Partow
for a fow minutes, his lino, intelligent
oyea and beautiful forehead. '
"All that I wanted of the body was
to feed my brain," Pnrtow continued,
heedless of tho Interruption. "I have
wntched my mind as a navigator
wntchos a barometer. I havo been
ready at tho first sign that it was los
ing Its grip to glvo up. Yet I havo
felt that my body would go on feeding
my brain and that to tho last motnout
of consciousness, when suddenly tho
body collapsos, I should havo self
possession und oncrgy of mind. Undor
tho coming strain tho shock may como,
as a cord snaps. At that Instant my
successor will tako up my work where
I lcavo it off.
"Tho old fogy who has aimed to
Join experlenco to youth chooses
youth. You took your medicine with
out grumbling In tho disagreeable but
vitally Important position of chief of
"It Is All There, My Life, My Dreams,
My Ambitions."
Intelligence. Now you thero, don't
tremble with stage fright!" For Lan
stron's hand was quivering in Partow's
grnBp, whllo his face was that of a
man stunned.
"You nro to bo at the right hand of
this old body," continued Partow. "You
aro to go with ma to tho front; to
Bleep In tho room next to mine; to be
always at my side, and, finally, you aro
to promise that it ever the old body
fails In Its duty to tho mind, If ever
you see that I am not standing up to
tho strain, you are to say so to mo and
I givo you my word that I shall let you
tako chargo."
Lanstron waa too stunned to speak
for a moment. Tho arrangement
seemed a hideous Joke; a refinement
of cruelty Inconceivable. It was ex
pecting him to toll Atlas that ho was
old and to tnko tho weight of tho
world off tho giant's shoulders.
"Havo you lost your patriotism?"
demanded Partow. "Are you afraid?
afraid to tell mo tho truth? Afraid
of duty? Afraid In your youth of the
burden that I bear In ago?"
His lingers closed in on Lanstron's
with such force that tho grip was
"Promise!" ho commanded.
"I promlso!" Lanstron said with a
"That's it! That's tho way! That's
the kind of soldier I like," Partow de
clared with chango of tono, and ho
rose from his chair with a spring that
was a delight to Lanstron in its proof
of tho physical vigor bo stoutly denied.
"Wo havo a lot to say to each other
today," ho addod; "but first I am go
ing to show you tho wholo bag of
Ills arm crooked In Lanstron's, they
went along tho main corridor of tho
staff ofllco and entered a vault having
a single chair and a small tnblo In
tho conter and lined by sections of
numbered pigeonholes, each with a
combination lock. At tho base of one
section was a small safe. It wnB not
tho first tlmo that Lanstron had been
In this vault. Ho had tho combination
of two of tho sections of plgoonholoa,
aerostatics and Intelligence. Tho rest
bolongcd to other divisions.
"Tho Bafo is my own, aa you know.
No ono opens it; no one knows what
ia in it but mo," said Partow, taking
from It on onvolopo and a manuscript.
I h n llllififl i:M
ni i ii i i i n j r.
which ho laid on tho tablo. "Thero
you havo all that Is In my brain the
whole plan. Tho envelope contains
the combinations of alt tho pigeon
holes, If you wish to look up any de
tails." "Thank you!" Lanstron hnlf whis
pered. It waB all ho could think of
to Bay.
"And yrnt will find that there Is
more than you thought, perhnps; tho
reason why I havo fought hard to re
main chief of Btaff; why" Partow
continued In a voice that hud tho so-
pulchral uncannlnesB of n threat long
nursed now breaking free of tho bond
ago of years within tho sound-proof
walla. "Hut" ho broko off suddenly
as If ho distrusted even tho security
of tho vault. "YeB, It is all there my
life's work, my dream, my ambition,
my plan!"
Lanstron heard tho lock slide in tho
door as Partow went out and ho was
alone with the army's secrots. Ab he
road Partow's firm handwriting, many
parts fell together, many moves on
a chessboard grow clear. Ills breath
camo faster, ho bent closer over the
tablo, ho turned back pages to go
ovor them again. Kvery sentence
dropped homo In his mind like a bolt
In a socket. Unconscious of tho pas
sage of tlmo, ho did not heed tho door
open or renllzo Partow's presence un
til he felt Partow's hand on IHb shoul
der. "I see that you didn't look Into any
of tho pigeonholes," the chief of staff
Lanatron pressed his finger-tips on
tho mnuuscrlpt significantly. '
"No. It is all thero!"
"Tho thing being to carry It out!"
said Partow. "God with us!" ho add
ed devoutly.
Close to the White Posts.
On Saturday evening tho I28th regi
ment of tho Grays was mustered in
field accoutrements and a full supply
of cartridges. In tho darkness tho
first battalion inarched out at right
angles to the main road that ran
through La Tlr and South La Tlr. At
length Company U, deployed in line
of skirmishers, lay down to sleep on
Its arms. a
"We wait hero for the word," Fra
casso, the captain, whispered to his
senior lieutenant. "If it comes, our
objectivo Is the houso and the old
castle on tho hill nbovo tho town."
Tho tower of the church showed
dimly whou a pale moon broko
through a cloud. By its light Hugo
Mallln saw on his left the pinchod
and characterleaB features of Peter
kin. A few yards ahead was a white
stone post.
"That'B tholr side over thero!" whis
pered tho banker's son, who was next
to Poterkln.
"When we cross "war begins." said
the manufacturer's son.
"I wondor If they are expecting us!"
said tho Judge's son a trlflo huskily,
In an attempt at humor, though he
was not given to humor.
"Just waiting to throw bouquetB!"
whispered the laborer's son. He, too,
waB not given to humor and he, too,
spoko a trifle huskily.
"And we'll llx bayonets when wo
start and they will run at the sight
of our steel!" Bald Eugene Aronson.
He and Hugo alone, not excopting Pll
zer, tho butcher's son, spoko in their
natural voices. The others wero try
ing to mako their voices sound natu
ral, whllo , Pilzer's volco had devel
oped a certain ferocity, and tho liver
patch on his cheek twitched more fre
quently. "Why, Company U is in
front! Wo have tho post of honor, and
maybeour company will win tho most
glory of any in the regiment!" Eu
geno added. "Oh, we'll beat them!
The bullet Is not made that will get
"Your service will be over in tlmo
for you to holp with the spring plant
ing, Eugono," whispered Hugo, who
was apparently preoccupied with many
detached thoughts.
"And you to bo at home sucking
lollipops!" Pilzer growled to Hugo.
"That would bo better than murder
ing my fellowman to get his property,"
Hugo answered, bo soberly that it did
not seem to his comrades that he was
Joking this time. Pilzer's snarling ox
clamatlon of "White fenther!" camo in
tho midst of a chorus of Indignation.
Captain Fracasso, who had heard
only tho disturbance without knowing
the cause, interfered in a low, sharp
"Silence! As I have told you bo
fore, silence! Wo don't want them to
know that we nro hero. Go to sleep!
You may got no rest tomorrow night!"
Hut little Petcrkln, the question In
UIb mind breaking freo of his lips, un
wittingly asked:
"Shall shall we fight In tho morn
ing?" "I don't know. Nobody knows!" un
awered Fracusso. "Wo wait on orders,
ready to do our duty. Thero may be
no war. Don't let me hear another
peep from you!"
Now all closed their oyes. In front
of thorn was vast Bilenco which
seemed to stretch from end to end of
the frontier, whllo to tho rear waB the
rumblo of switching railway trains
and tho rumblo of provision trains and
artillery on tho roads, and in tho dis
tance on tho plain tho headlight of a
locomotive cut a swath In tho black
night Hut tho breathing of most of
tho men was not that of slumber,
though Eugeno and Pllzor slept
soundly. Hours passed. Occasional
rostless movements told nf efforts to
forco sleep by changing position.
"It's tho waiting that's Blckeulngl"
exploded tho manufacturer's son un
dor his breath, dosporntely.
"So I say. I'd like to be at It and
dono with tho suspensel" said me
doctor's son.
"Thoy say if you aro shot through
the head you don't know what killed
you It's so quick. Think of that!"
exclaimed Poterkln, huddling closer to
Hugo and Bhlverlng.
"Yes, very merciful," Hugo whis
pered, patting Petcrkln's arm.
"Sh-h-h! Silence, I toll you!" com
inanded Fracasso crossly. He wot
falling into a hnlf dozo at last.
In marching order, with cartrldge
boxeB full, on Saturday night, tho G3d
of tho Urowna marched out of bar
racks to tho main paaa road. Ono
company after another left tho road at
a given point, bound for tho position
mapped In Its Instructions. Dollarmo'B,
however, went on until It was oppo
site the Gallant! house.
"Wo aro depending on you," the1
colonel said to Dellarme, giving his
hand a grip. "You are not to draw
off till you get the flag."
"No, sir." Dellarme replied.
"Mind the slctlUl to tho hnttnrln
keep the men screened warn them
not to let their llrst baptism of shell
flro break their nerves!" tho colonel
added in a final repetition of instruc
tions alrid,v indelibly impressed on
tho captain's mind.
Moving cautiously through a cut,
Dollarmo's company came, about mid
night, to a halt among tho stubble of
a wheat-Held behind a knoll. After
ho had bidden tho men to break ranks,
he crept up tho Incline
"Yes, It's thero!" ho whispered when
ho returned. "On the crest of the
knoll a cord Is stretched from stake
to Btake," ho said, explaining tho rea
son for what wns to bo done, o was
his custom. "The engineers placed it
thero after dusk and tho frontier was
closed, bo that you would know Just
where to use your spndes in tho dark.
Quietly as posslblo! No talking!" he
Kept cautioning as tho men turned the
soft earth, "and not higher than tho
cord, and Iny the etubble sldo of the
Bods on the reverse bo as to cover
the fresh earth on the sky-line."
When tho work was done all re
turned behind the knoll except the
Bentrles posted nt intervals on tho
crest to watch. With tho uld of a
small electric flash, screened by his
hands, Dellarme again examined a sec
tion of the staff map that outlined the
contour of tho knoll in relation to tho
other positions. After this he wrote
In his diary tho simple facts of tho
day's events, concluding with a senti
ment of gratitude for the honor
shown his company nnd a prayer that
he might keep a clear head and do
his duty If war camo on tho morrow.
"Now, every one get all the Bleep he
can!" he ndvlsed tho men.
Straneky slept with his head on his
arm. soundly; the others slept no bet
ter than the men of the 128th. Tho
night passed without any alarm ex
cept that of their own thoughts, and
thoy welcomed dawn as a relief from
suspense. Thero was no hot coffee
this morning, and they washed down
their rations with water from their
"It Looks Like Business," Declared the
Old Sergeant.
canteens. Tho old sergoant wns lying
beside Captain Dellnrmo on tho crest,
the sunrlso In their faces. As the mist
cleared from tho plain It rovealed tho
white dots of the frontier posts In tho
meadow and behind them many gray
figures in skirmish order, scarcely vis
ible except through tho glasses.
"It looks llko buslnesa!" doclarod
the old sergeant.
"Yes, It bcgluB tho minute they
cross the line!" said Dellarme.
Ills glance sweeping to tho rear to
scan tho landscape under tho light of
day, ho recognized, with a senso of
pride and awe, the tactical importance
of his company's position in relation
to that of the Importance of tho other
companies. Easily ho made out tho
reglmontal lino by streaks of con
cealed trenches and groups of brown
uniforms; and here and thero were
the oblong, cloth stretches of waiting
hospltul litters. Oa tho reverse slopo
of another knoll was tho farmhouse,
marked X on his map aa tho regimen
tal headquarters, whero ho was to
watch for tho signal to fall back from
his first stand In delaying tho enemy's
advance. Directly to tho rear was the
cut through which tho company had
como from the main pass road, and be
yond that tho Gnlland houso, whlcL
was to be the second stand.
Thero nre a number of holders o)
laud In Western Canadn, living in th
United States, to whom tho Canadian
Government will shortly mako an ap
peal to place the unoccupied areas
thoy uro holding under cultivation.
Tfiu lands aia highly productive, but
In a stuto of idleness they are not
giving any revenuo beyond tho un
earned increment and nro not of the
Joncflt to Cnnnda that thcBe lands
could easily bo mado. It is pointed
out that tho demand for grains for
years to cbmo will cause good prices
for all that can bo produced. Not
only will tho price of grains bo af
fected, but also will that of cattle,
hogs and horBcs, in fact, everything
that can bo grown on tho farms. When
placed under proper cultivation, not
tho kind that is often resorted to,
which lessens yield nnd land values,
mnny farms will pay for themselves In
two or three years. Careful and in
tensive wcrk Is required, and if this
is given in tho wny It ia given to the
high-priced lands of older settled
countries, surprising results will fol
low. ' '
There nro thoso who aro paying rent,
who should not be doing so. They
would do better to purchase lands In
Western Canada at tho present low
prlco at which thoy are being offered
by land companies or private Individ
unls. Theso have been held for the
high prices that many would have
realized, but for tho war and the finan
cial stringency. Now Is the time to
buy; or if It Is preferred advantage
might bo taken of tho offer of 160
ucres of land free that is made by the
Dominion Government. Tho man who
nwns his farm has a life of indepen
dence. Then again thero are those
who aro renting who might wish tc
continue na renters. Thoy have some
means us well as sufficient outfit to be
gin In a new country whero all the
advantages aro favourable. Many of
tho owners of unoccupied lands would
bo willing to leaso them on reasonable
ferms. Then again, attention Is drawn
t tho fact that Western Canada num
bers amongst its most successful farm
tirs, urtisans, business men, lawyers,
doctors and many other professions,
Farming today is a profession. It 14;
no longer accompanied by the drudg
ery that wo wero acquainted with a
generation ago. Tho fact that a man
is not following a farming life today
docs not preclude him from going on
n Western Canada farm tomorrow,
and making a success of it. If ho it
not in possession of Western Canada
land that he can convert' Into a farm
bo should secure some, make it a
farm by equipping it and working II
himself. Tho man who has been hold
ing his Western Canada land waiting
for tho profit ho naturally expected
has been justified In doing so Its
agricultural possibilities are certain
and suro. If ho has not realized im
mediately by making a sale, ho should
not worry. Hut to lot it He idle is not
good business. Hy getting It placed
under cultivation a greater jiroflt will
como to him. Havo It cultivated by
working it himself, or got jome good
representative to do it. Set about get
ting a. purchaser, a renter or some
ono to operate nn share.
Tho department of tno Dominion
Government having chargo of the Im
migration, through Mr. W. D. Scott,
Superintendent at Ottawa, Canada, ia
directing tho attention of non-resident
owners of Western Canada lands to
tho fact that money will bo mado out
of farming theso lands. Tho agents
of tho Department, located at different
points In tho States, aro rendering as
sistance to this end. Advertisement
Wonders of Science.
A French scientist says that the bil
lions of cubic feot of heated gas that
havo been shot Into the upper air
since tho first of August have been
displaced by cold air from the north
pole, thus causing the early freeze
along the battlo lino. On tbo same
theory it may bo that the safo and
Bane Fourth of July crusado was to
blame for our hot summer.
Not Ready.
"Put on your helmet nn' your red
shirt, Silas, there's a big flro down the
road a piece." x
"Shucks! I can't go. My shirt's In
tho washtub'an tho old woman's out in
tho garden flllln' my helmet with a
mesa of beans." Ulrmlngham Age
Herald. Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle oi
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see that It
Bears the sij? sn
nature of G&Atfffl&fa
In Use For Over 30 Years. rm
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Her Age.
Howard How old can
Miss Jones
Victor Old enough to call college
men "collepo boya." Judge.
When Talk Begins.
Hostess People nrp very duH to
night, I really can't get them to talk.
Host Play Bouiothhuj, dourest
uw Ki I'MiituM. Write fur ilmik of Hitt Kre
by mull I'ri'ii. Murine hjo JUimoUy Co., Uileai
"1 .!. -t "
-.-i-t .