iwaaF3i' f.'WP j,eflin'!Mj n J-" ,. xH'ii ! ,.,. . .AST in.ti. I'jiMHtuiA HUiorlcnl Society rtWk. .,- --w..--..-..- ,.,. -JTr-'-KaiissiSssS fiva i fA NcHsnapfir That Gives The Nchs Flfty-twa Weeks Ear.li Year For $1.50. VOLUME 1J RICD CLOUD, M 1S1SRASK.A. 1")15CI3M UliJK '.M, 1!lM. NUMHJGK52 f wihwwiiwpi iihihiii wmwi iiinw wmiiiiwiim nil im urn mm MirniniiBHiinTnniiiniininii iiwimn in n vmmimhwmwuxwiWKmnwMwmnKrfmi'trrT7--m-' ' '" ' ' M -,MM'-,nTnTTwiriiTirrraMTWiraiiwiiiir SI r " ." ' -"" . ' """ . : '. ' "' '"'! MM . : . 3flS m m If You VERY one of your banking connections to be a profitable one, returning you the largest measure of service and accom modation commensurate with the size of your deposit, open an account with us; Iriterest paid on time deposits. Deposits Guaranteed by WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, , RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA CAPITAL. &25.000 Se3.. WISHING YOU; A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS 1915 THE MALONft-AVERY CO. "Talk With Us About Your Wants" 8 We extend to one and all our Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous New Year. We also wish to thank all our friends for their patronage. E. H. Newhouse 151 jl Jeweler and Optometrist J I 1 ' '-: I ili lT""1 U .1 -im r r lHJWwWwww " - J wC9J3lHI sr pesir State Guaranty Fund m 8 rrt r .. ,n vLmti rtu in iyu.r is ita toislj ii fits Chamber of Commerce Secures Up-Town Office At ii meetln; of the directors of the Cnamber of Commerce Tuesday even ing the president of the Western Union Tolegiaph Company was present ani after going over the ground thoroly lie believed it to be to tho best, inter ests of both the company and the city to have an up-town telegraph und express I'tllce. The Grlce Drug Store hits been selected for the piesent for, this ollleo. Tho business men are to be congratulated on their successful handling of tills question. Tills is another step in advance. At this same meeting, Piosldent W. G. Hamilton appointed tho following committees: Hou-c K. S Curlier, P. W. Cowden and P. C. lVjpe. Finance - V. A. Sherwood, B. Mo Neny ami Flunk Pciry. Entfrtuiiimcul II. A. Lctsnn, E, h Griiius and I'. J. Orcrlng. Membersliip-H. 1). Morltz, P. V. Cowden and E. S. (iiii'ber. Advertising Paul Storey, E. J. Overing and P.O. Pope. Tralllc Paul Storey, V. A. Slier wood and II. A. Letson. Public Improvements P. W Cow den, 11. I). Morltz and Prank Terry. Musical Tho people of Cowles will bo de lighted to know that on Dec. Hi) Mrs. Ida Squires will give a musical in the Congregational church. Mrs. Squires Is an accomplised musician and us a teacher she is a tireless worker and is deserving of much success. Her work is superior to many who comehore for the sole purpose of making money. People often go to other towns and pay more to hear music that is no better. Why not bo loyal where loyal ty is due? Mrs. Squires will be assisted by three of her pupils in ensemble work. Thero will also bu some outsidB talent. The program will consist of violin, clarinet, cornet aud vocal solos, piano solos duets duos and eight hand piano pieces. Webster County News. Notice The farmers and citizens of the dis trict aro hereby called to meet en masse at the court house in Ked Cloud on Thursday, December 31, 1014, at 1 o'clock p. m. to pass resolutions and to let our senators and representatives know our wants and needs. Wo want to protest against tho ap pointing of needless olllcers all over tho state and demand, the abolition of several o dices now In force. We demand an accounting for all the money spent by the state. We request our senator and repre sentative to bo with us at this meet ing, aud invite senators and repre sentatives of adjoining districts. This is not a call for a meeting of any political party, but a meeting of taxpayers, aud all honest men. We protest against the lavish use of tho peoples money and demand to know why our taxes are three times as high as they wero ten years ago. We protest against the raise of freight and passenger rates. We protest against tho governor ap pointing to office men, regardless of their fitness or ability to serve the people for his own personal benefit. N. V. ANDERSON, t State Central Committee. zzs v JKfosSSSl pivcitacrs wm&tt$ RedCIoudChief County Commissioners Met on Tuesday Red Cloud, Nebr , One. 22, 11114. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment.. Present Mct'nll, Hoffman, Ohmstede, Storey and JhapMn. Chairman of board. In the matter of Iifiirancu on Court House and furniture, it was moved and seconded that O. C. 'feel be' and Is heieby Instructed to write S."000 Insiir anco on tho furniture and fixtures of the new Court House situated on Block 12 Red Cloud, at the rate or 81. 'JO per hundred Motion carried. Motion made and seconded that the insurance on the new Court House building situated on ltlook 12, Ked Cloud in the sum of 810,000 be and is hereby placed as follows; SI 000 insurance with 5 (i. Caldwell. BwT ffmm. 13 8000 " " C. P. Cather. HvRi " " II. W. .Stewart. 81000 " " M. W Caiter. 81000 " ' Jus Mellride. 81000 " " A.T. Walker. S1000 " " J U. Stunser. 8101K) ' " V K. Maiirer. 81000 " " W. 0. Fruhm. SJi'OO " " Hutchison & Saladen. Said insurance to be written In companies ncceptnlilc to Uoard. On mo '.ion the claim of W. P. Oer tiaudt, Architect in the sum or 8r13.ri() being tho dual payment to said Archi tect, was audited aud allowed on the Court House Fund for tho year 1013, and Clerk ordered aud instructed to draw warrant for same in favor of W. P. Oernaudt, in full payment of Ai'-hl-tect's fees on new court house. Motion carried. The following claims were allowed: W. P. Gernaudt $.113 .10 Ueorgc Smelser 0 00 Sam Lludsey - f0 The following reports of Road Over seers wero audited and allowed: Peter Luhn, DlHtrict No. 8 lohn Zimmerman, District No. 2. Johann Rose,J)istriet No, 3. Hoard adjourned to call of Clerk. Grain Sorfthums Promising Snmo of the most talked of new crops which promise to have great value In western Nebraska arc the grain sorghums, Some of the most promising varieties of thoso aro katlr, fetoriti, dwarf mllo and kaoliang. These crops are well known for their ability to withstand dry conditions. In fact they have been adopted as stand ard grain crops in largo portions of western Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, where they yield better than corn. One reason why they have not been introduced moro extensively in west ern Nebraska is because of a lack of sufficiently early maturing varieties, The difllculty has now been practically overcome by the selection and intro duction of new and earlier types by the United States Department of Agri culture and different experiment stat ions. The feeding value of the grain produced is practically equal to that of corn, Farmers are advised by tho Nebras ka Experiment Station to grow a small plat but not to be too ready to grow large acreages of the new grain sor ghums uutil experience has been bad regarding tbelr methods of culture and local adaptability. The department of experimental agronomy at the station would bo glad to hear of tho results secured. New coats jubt received at Miner Bros. Co., where they have received new Una In all department!. M tr U M MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY To All Our Friends and Customers ;"U PAIL The The Question y Is Well Answered by Something in the ft Furniture Line I We show such a wide range of things at moderate prices, which, while of practical utility, serve as orna ments as well, that you could not do better than to prescut some of these valuable gifts to those of your friends who would appreciate them. WE HAVE Rugs (all sizes) Pictures Mirrors Rocking Chairs Davenports Library Tables Cedar Chests Dressers Buffets Ladies' Desks All of Which Make Useful Presents E!OY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. iV toad The Chief Hz NEW YEAR ) STOREY Clothier What To Give China Closets Chiffoniers Dining Tables Book Cases Cabinets j H i i y s i m f 't VA 7' m v ' J i M jy- , eVKi. AW,' Wl rM Vrf. .'.' fffssrawgssarsiarx ,mtawwaaawwgmwTOt ii ..' ",r ..ki - .. , ,i J I HKJ '-' ':