mm m m m mm fc "t- 1 r RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF in-miVMu- niriiriBr.wiwvnCTn nMnmw. fvw-mmrxitijxnrnwwvvmwwvtnmrrwrvxwv'Aivn rnmiwwmRMTrammtii itihwhw t.wcttowm mnwnn'wrwnniHmt tjtmm m A a i . HOME NEWS Bulletin of The Wn.V Dulngi .! 1-- ijl 01 11 II 11 II SSfr i " 1 II rl n ;'. I3-' ,. "(5he Pi rpppp Jus JIT jLi AJt A Four Pari Drama In Natural Colors tir. A Hell" am la A Bcu'liful Picture With Fine Contrasts Between Strife and Peae Monday I Tuesday December 21 and 22 An enter' iiininu iti y f love unit iiiUimiIihv wIMi Hie liiUitnii'Kiv ml sllriin sei'iies of war The tfliitioin iiinl (,'liu-v of tW" tt'iiieil llcl iiiv all licHUtifiillv jiortinjeil in tin lofof nature. Smc the sjieet.ieul if llnttle in f'l'Hiils nui) tliu great mill hluwn into Hie air Regular Prices 10 and 5 cents Kuiiiftli WiNon KipiHe ill thi-. WL'i'k Frank KUiiiKiii- was in Ilatini Hun lay. liotyour furs at Miner Uios stoie. V. S lleoley wis in Hastings Tin-v day. J. M.Mills of Cowles was in town Fi iilay. Hurry Waller of Cowles was in town Friday Will Aultz of Alum was in town Tuesday Mrs. Low Boors was in Hastings Tuos lav. Mih. Fieil Maiiror was in llHstiiifjs Monday. For your new shoes K to Mlmr llros Co Al Ho IV nan an 1 family have moved into town. F. K. Mutton or Illue Hill was in the city Satin day. Noble Ball of Guide ltuolc was in town Tuesday. II. M. Wheeler of llastii.pi was in the city Fiiiluy. V, '.I. O.'Cuhhwlt was in Hastings Tuts. , dny on business. llye hhepeidsonbf llivertou was in the city Tuesday W. ll..Ionusol North Platte was in town oor Sunday. FOIt RUN t' oo) ,Vro 1111 house Hutchison & Salnduii. adv Uuy Palmer of Inavale was in town ihu last of the week OeorRoJ. Warren was in Hastings Saturday on business Clmiles Williams of Falls City, Xeln., was in town Niturdify Uv. lleebeof Altira piviicliod lit the United churoli Sunday. I Hallieit Thomas wont to Clijton, Kas, on business .Satuiday. Lojd l'et,'K anil wife of Cowlen are in town visiting with ielutives; Mi'iodith Butler returned homo Wednesday evening from low 11 Tliu eounty otlleeis are moving into tho new court house this week. Fuul Pope enterUined tbiity friundh ut a atugpaity Monday evening. Churles II. Hill and wife ol Hastings weie vi-ntlng with lelntivus heie Sun day. Mts. Kl. Chunov and daughter of Superior spent Sunday with J. K Cliuney and wifo Mrs. F J. Smith left Wednesday for Tliomai, OUIa.,lo lsit liur daughter, Mn, Klley Burton. It was 18 degrees below .yro Wednes day morning. Tliis kind of weather makes tho coal men smile. ' New emits jint received at Miner Bios. Co., whore they have lecelved newllnefc in all depaitments, Tho Rod Cloud public tcliools will close next Wednesday so the teachers 1 and pupils can enjoy the holidays. Tho ladles of tho C'ongregatlouijl churoh will hold their marliot Satur day, Dec. 10! h, ut"l A. WullhrandfH store- George ViiuCamp of Omalia anived in town Sunday niKlit to spttid the holidays with Or Dauierall and wife. Mrs. VanUamp and li'iby mil veil last week. Miss llael Saladon, who is attend ing 'college at Mel'heraon, Kansas, will arrive homo Sunday ovontiig to spend tho holidays with her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. All S'llmion. The Rev.Cloo. b. Freeborn of McCooU will hold services In tho Episcopal churoh, next Sunday, at l:'.W, tlio church being used by the Lutheran in tho morning. Mr. Hates will bo lib sent the next two Sundays. All are cordially iuvlte.l to attend these ser vices. V l IVl Was up fioni (iuide loi'l Mnlldll)'. )t whs in decrees below xcio Friday liioiiii ,ti Eli Om of Bl.tlpu win in Hi ally I'iiis Uy Wbl ther be ntiy wvihlln bell 0uitlllll ? (J. .J P.lht will ent'Tiitln Hvml fllrll.llt ttllllKllt. Tli.'.iouiiff fulks tielil a olnb ilanco VvtlniMitn) ovening'. John Tlirorhtnnrton wn In Lincoln Inst wofk mi bimliies. Dr. Ui'im nf (lutile Uiok was lite litest of Dr. Camp Sunday, K. ly. .JollllBllll of HllRtllUS wns In town 'fuesrliy on telnp.lione-HlValrs Mrs. Will Aultxof Alma la In towft vi-itii tf Iter timthei', Mrs MeMurmy. A If. Snladen and W A Mnynard t'o turiied homo Die In-'t of Ihu week fiOUl 1't'XHS. Lld (Jiluii's of Lineifln vls'ted hli brotlu'i- M Ii tiituirs anil fHiully ovr .snuday. Al "Chiektn" Meiedlth left Moiuliiv moriiing for Minnesota to visit lil ilnuKhtei'. Wi liu Taj lor Is home frmn Pueblo, Coloiado, viiero In) lias been tho past few mouths. I. t . MyeM and wife left for Lincoln Weilmsihiy wheie they will locate for a .short time. All Kodak lllms bought of Stevens Bios., developed fieo when order for pi lilts is k'hell. Mr. and Mis. Beit (tin lier who have been visliinp; in the city left for Gland Islam) Fiiduy. Tho largest and best lino irf Ulnist mas candles in the town is now beiue; shown ami sold at Miner Bros. Co. Mi. D.ive K n ley entertained this afternoon in honnr of Miss Bessie Kaleyand Mis. Anna Catherof Lincoln. Tho homo talent play entitled, ''The Suiet Tiall." was put on at t lie opera house Monday evening. A fair sized audience was present. Tho players all acted their parts exceptionally well and the show was enjoyed by all pits Hit. The Bet.orehestra furnished the music which was up to their usual hiu'h stindard. We hope that the band will put on another play this winter. Race Track Couple Wed One of tho Thanksgiving weldings of Inst week was thai of Miss Brnestine Duvey and Mr. Kstey Smelser of Kace Track at the home of tho bible's nioi'i r, Mrs. W. 1. Bootmuii. For the hapjiy oeiMsinn the' living m un was mule iray w. th ileciuations of asparn gus v lie and pink cai nations am! prompt ly at 2 o'clock th welding patty tnk Its place lieneith an lin menVe bt-B of pink and gieen The lirlde, who Is of ail exquisite bl md tj pe, whh never morn IcailUfnl than In her wedding gown ot whito poplin with blou e and oveiskirt ot shadow hie", ller liouipu't .Mis of splendid w hi tf carnal i' ins. Two In ides maids attended her. Miss Hael Uilbei I of I) or L 'ili.'eiiiid MishAlvma HowelN. 11 consul, of l'laiiis, Montniii. They hI-ii carried white eninalions The groomVaiteiidauts were It iseoe Divey. bn.thi'i'of the In ide ami 1) mild Davey, ucoiisin. Fldei J. I WieUotV pel form ed the eeiemonv. witnessed by lelu lives and 11 few intimate friends. Immediately after the ceteiil'Miy a riuinksgivlug dinner with all the up pointinents of tradition was seive 1 to the guests who uuiuoeieil inioui i''. The eenterpieee was 11 delicious we 1 ding eike, sitioiindel by a iope of siinlux and helintiop-. The In ide nnd ginom boarded the evening train for a short trip uftei which they will be at home at Knee Track, wheie Mr. Sniei-er lias ptep ueil a eo'.j home and wheie he Is Hiu'iiged in business. The many fi lends ot the yi nng people showciod them with gifts of beaut v and usefulness tor the new home Tne Silver State joins in best wishe. The Silver Stale, Deer LoifL'c, .Montana. The L'rooin is the eldest son of Mr. mil Mr. Cieorge Smel-er ot this city anil he Is wcM known here. The Chief along with Kstej's Bed Cloud friend wish him and his bi ide much joy and happiness. Standing of Contestants The following is the Mantling of the Contestants in The Chief's and Cook's Drug S'oie Fiee Tiip to the Panama Imposition Contest: ! l.-.sOlo ir. t. t. y. 11. .... . luSMr. i:i'j.lir. i2l'.':u) lllil'-'O ; tciaon ; iwotn 8,'ono iiV(f TtiU.'lfl 77800 7(5210 72.100 7ia:n 717a 781.10 i!2o:tri i!iyi.r) 587!fj :,rir,(! 522110 12. 0. 1:1. . h. a. is. 19. r. 17. jo 1(5. 11. 10 21 Wallets 0? Final RrDort. In tlio I'ouuty Court of Welmtr manly Nebraska. v . .. . Ilitlie'liiatttrottliueitatootl.llleD.Mrli'K. llltlll. lllllllMll All iiernuiis Inleresliil In wilil itUato ant lirnliy uoiiilut Unit Urn l.xeeuuir Iiiik lilt it a llual iiiTiiaiit mill report o( Ills mt niln iKlrallon. 11111I u pL'tlllmi for Until ki'stleuu'iit ol lilHiici'oiiiitanil a ili'iTfii of iliKtilliiillon uf perwiaulty ami lisxlmiiut lit "t ,U" rent estutii anil a illsi'liurKu from lils tr hi. which luive lieen het (or hearlni; licforusnlil court 011 tlielhtliilnyof luceiiiliir mil. at in o'clock A.M., wliiii all pirxuus Inleresliil In llio prtiiilKus 111,1)' appear ami tunttui the ' Kiiti'il this :wtli liny ot Novuiiil'i r mil. fSKAI.J A. D. ItlNNKV, 1 ' County Jiulue. 1 m IPs ff r ?"-' ". Trading Stamps Given With Every Cash Purchase Ik III Ii. I !!""i It II m wmMmmiosmmM .. i " Ul'lliav f Its the Early Choice That Counts J You Get Better Selection and Consequently S fl ill" '" JUm W m Ab . fc JKm You sirpply can't go wrong on Hand kerchiefs at Xmas time. No one ever has too many and every one wants more. The import ant thing about handkerchiefs as Christmas gifts is the selection. We have the proper handkerchief for every one at the proper price for you. laiAkertIm OUR, GROCERY DEPARTMENT (?- Is Efficient in Fancy Eatables - Call and See Our Christmas Specialties F Mi o HJLo Red Cloud, Christmas k.J T m NSARLY HERS J What WUI It Ho This Yr FOr the Men Folks and Bis of the Fctm flics? Suit and Overcoat, Mackinaw, Pnntu, Sltiit i, Uederwoar, Nucktits, Collars. Olovos, niKr.110, IlatB, Cnp-, Brtlli IJotiuH, SmoKIni! Jackott, WuC fleis, Ilandkeichicfs, Bugs nnd Suit Cased ornnythlng uman orloy wears. It Is easy this year to buy lor men. The uelcctlon Is large the pricei ate low. Suits nnd Overcoats 20, 2B and 33', 1 per cont discount trom our regular prices, miikes Christmas buying a snap. Wo arc prepared to toko care ol a lurgo Christmas bitsl no89 and extend u cordial invitation to sco us bctoro buying elsewhere. Don't Sun! Awny-Comc Here Flrat THE Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. ALWAYS RELIABLE ;? m a m JU rfifc mW nHk 9L nW iLb JP O Mt Cw If you have been troubled about your gloves about the wear, fit appearance or price we can re lieve your mind.We bought gloves i n large Quantities this year and tore able to sell them at a lower price than most shops. All colors. Investigate our prices. TURNU '1-1 ''miIhi p&& I, ifc 1 1 914 4,fllllllili,iii ii, wn rzr.A msm HAl H 111 W if ill rK Urn i o 31 ' hVlT rw- wmJAMm 1 ....mimm Sa & Mm Trading Stamps Given With Every Cash Purchase llWMI Jb m mW UT JL.A, 9. 5 faB Wfc A. . K 9 are there- Nebraska 1 ii M I r ' t r, a V t h 4 m t 1 k