The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 17, 1914, Image 3

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I fli owi Kendrick Bangs
Author of
"A Houie.Boat on the Slyx.M
"The Idiot," etc.
tUipyillhl, Tho Frank A. Mumey Co.)
IE was only a littlo bit of
mV I of a chap, nnd bo, when
I I for tho flrst t,mo ,n htB
A M. I le lie catno Into closo
contact with tho endless
current of human things,
It was as hard for hitn
to "stay put" as for somo
wayward littlo atom of
flotsam and. jetsarf to keep from toss
ing about In tho surging tides of tho
His mother had left him thero In
tho big toy shop, with instructions
not to movo until Bho camo back,
while sho went off to do somo mys
teriouB errand. Sho thought, no
floubt, that with so many beautiful
things on every side to delight his
Byo and hold his attention, strict
bedlenco to her commands would not
!o hard. But, alas, tho good lady
reckoned not upon the magnetic
power of attraction of all thoso lovely
injects In detail.
When a phonograph at tho other
end of tho shop began to rattlo ofT
melodious tunes and fUnny jokes, in
spite of tho Instruction Littlo Uillee
nan received, off ho pattered as fast
as his littlo legs would carry him to
Investigate. After that, forgetful of
everything else, finding himself
caugbc in tho constantly moving
stream of Christmas shoppers, ho was
borno along in tho resistless current
until ho found himself at last out up
on tho street alone, free, and inde
pendent It was great fun, at first, Dy and
by, however, the nfternoon wnned, and
little Bllloe began to 'grow tired. Ho
thought of hlB mamma, and tried to
find tho shop where ho had promised
to remain quiet until her return. Up
and down tho street ho wandered until
bis little legs grow weary; but there
was no sign of tho shop, nor of tho
beloved face ho was seeking.
Once again, nnd yet onco again
after that, did tho little fellow tra
verso that crowded highway, his
tears getting harder 'and harder to
keep back, nnd thou joy of Joys
whom should he seo walklnr; slowly
along tho Rldownlk hut Santa ClauB
himself! The saint was strangely
decorated with two queer-looking
boards, with big red letters on them,
hung over hiB back and chest.
With a glad cry of happiness, Littlo
Bllllo ran to meet the old fellow, nnd
put his hand gently into that of tho
saint. Ho thought it very strange
that Santa ClaUB's hand should be so
red and cold and, rough, and so
chapped; but ho was not In any mood
to bo critical.
Santa Claus, of course, would rec
ognlzo him nt onco, nnd would know
Just how to take him back to his
His Mother Had Left Him Thero In
x the Toy-8hop.
mamma at home wherever that might
be. Littlo Blllee bad never thought to
inquire Just whero homo was. All
ho know wbb that It was a big gray
stono houso on a long street some
where, with a tall Iron railing in front
of it, not far from the park.
"Howdldoo, Mr. Santa Claus?" said
Littlo Blllee, as tho other's hand un
consciously tightened over his own.
"Why, howdldoo, klddlo?" replied
the old fellow, glancing down at his
now-found friend, with surprlso gleam
ing from his deep-set eyes. "Where
did you drop from?"
"Ob, I'm out." said Littlo Blllco
bravely. "My mama loft mo a littlo
whllo ago whllo sho wont off about
something, and I guess I got lostod.
But It's all right now, I'm found again,
ain't I?"
"Oh, yeB, lndoedy, you're found nil
right, klddlo," Santa Claus agreed.
"And pretty soon you'll take mo
homo again, won't you?" Bald tho
"Surest thing you know!" an
swered Santa Claus, looking down up
on the bright but tired littlo faco with
a comforting Bmllo. "Where do you
"Ab if you didn't know that!" cried
Littlo BUIcc, giggling.
"Hn, ha!" laughed Santa Claus.
"Can't fool you, can I? It would bo
funny If, after kocplng an cyo on
you all theso years since you was a
bnby, I didn't know whoro you lived,
"Awful funny," agreed Littlo Blllee.
Jus then Littlo Blllco noticed for
tho flrst tlmo the squnro boards that
Santa Claus wns wearing.
"What are you wearing thoso
boards for, Mr. Santa Clnus?" ho
If tho lad had looked closely enough,
ho would havo seen a very unhappy
look conio Into tho old mnn's fnco;
but thero waB nothing of It In his
"Oh, thoso aro my new-fangled
back and chest protectors, my lnd,"
ho replied. "Sometimes wo havo bit
ter winds blowing at Christmas, and
I havo to bo ready for them. It would
n't do for Santa Clnus to como down
with tho sneezes nt Christmas tlmo,
you know no, slreo! This board In
front keeps tho wind off my chest, and
"What Are You Wearing Those Boards
for, Mr. Santa Claus?"
tho ono behind keeps me from get
ting rheumatism in my back. They
nro a great protection against tho
"You'vo got letters printed thero,"
said tho boy, peering around In front
of his companion. "What do they
spoil? You know I haven't learned
to read yet."
"'Merry Christmas to Everybody!'"
said Santa Claus. "I havo tho words
printed there so that everybody can
seo them; nnd if I miss wishing nny
body n merry Christmas, he'll know
I meant It just tho same."
They walked on now in silence, for
Littlo nilleo was beginning to feel al
most too tired to talk, nnd Santa Claus
seemed to bo thinking of something
else. Finally, however, tho Jlttlo fel
low spoke.
"I guess I'd Uko to go home now,
Mr. Santa Cluus," ho said. "I'm tired,
nnd I'm afraid my mamma will bo
wondering whero 1'vo goilo to."
"That's so, my lltlo man," said
Santa Claus, stopping short in his
walk up and down tho block. "Your
mother will bo worried, for a fact;
and your father, too I know how
I'd feel If my littlo boy got losted and
hadn't como homo at dinner time. I
don't believe you know whore you
live, though now, honest! Come!
'Fees up, Bllleo, you don't know
whero you 11 vo, do you?"
"Why, yes, I do," said Littlo Tillleo.
"It's In the big gray stono houso with
the Iron fenco in front of It, near tho
"Oh, that's easy enough!" laughed
Santa Claus nervously. "Anybody
could say ho lived In a gray stone
houso with a fenco around It, nqar
the park; but you don't know what
street lt'B on, nor tho numbor, either
I'll bet fourteen wooden giraffes
against a monkey on a stick!"
"No, I don't," said Littlo Bllleo
frankly; "but I know tho number of
our ortymobile. It's 'N. Y.' "
"Fine!" laughed Snntn Claus. Then
ho reflected for a moment, eyoing tho
child anxiously.
"I don't believe you oven know
your papa's name," ho said.
"Yes, I do," said Littlo Bllleo Indig
nantly. "His name Is Mr. HarrlBon.
and ho owns n bank."
"Splendid! Mado of tin, I suppose,
with a nico littlo holo nt tho top to
drop pennies into?" said Santa ClauB.
"No, It ain't, elthef!" retorted Lit
tlo Bllleo. "It's mado of stone, and
hns more than a million windows In
It. I wont down thoro with ray mamma
to pnpa's office tho other day, so I
guess, I ought to know."
"Well, I Bhould say so," Bald Santa
Claus. "Nobody hotter. By tho way,
Bllleo, what does your mnmma call
your papa? 'Bllldo,' like you?" ho
"Oh, no, indeed," returnod Littlo
Bllleo. "Sho calls him papa, oxcopt
once In a whllo whon Iio'b going away,
and then sho Bays, 'Oood-by, Tom.'"
"i-ino agalu!" said Santa Claus,
blowing upon his fingers, for, now
- i
that the sun had completely dlsnp
pcarod over In tho west, It was get
ting very cold. "Thomas Harrison,
bankor," ho muttered to himself.
"What, with tho telephone book and
tho city directory, I guosB wo can And
our way homo with Littlo Blllco."
Ho led tho littlo fellow into a pub
lic telephono station, where ho eager
ly scanned tho names In tho book. At
last last It was found "Thomas Har
rison, soven-slx-flve-four Plaza." And
then, In tho seclusion of tho tele
phone booth, Santa Clnus sont the
gladdest of nil- Christmas messages
over tho wlro to two distracted par
ents: "I havo found your boy wnndorlng
In tho street. Ho Is safe, and I will
bring him homo right away."
Fifteen tninutca later, there might
hnvo been seen tho Btrnngo spectacle
of a footsore Santa Clnus lending a
sleepy littlo boy up Fifth nvenuo to a
cross street, which shall bo nameless.
Tho boy vainly endeavored to per-
suado his companion to "como In and
meet mammn."
"No, Blllco," tho old van replied
sadly, "I must hurry back. You see,
kiddle, this Is my busy day."
But it was not to be as Santa Claus
willed, for Littlo Bllleo'n papa, and
his mnmma, and his brothers and sis
ters, and the butler nnd tho house
maids were waiting at tho front door
when they arrived. ,
Led by Little Blllce's persistent fa
ther, Santa Claus wont Into tho houso.
Now thnt the boy could see him In tho
full glare of many electric lights, his
furs did not Beem tho most gorgeous
things In tho world. When tho flap
ping front of IiIb red Jnckot flew open,
tho child wns surprised to seo how
ragged was the thin gray coat it cov
ered; and ns for tho good old saint's
comfortablo stomach strange to say,
It was not!
"I I wish you all a merry Christ
mas," faltered Santa Clnus; "but I
really must bo going, sir"
"Nonsense!" cried Mr. Harrison.
"Not until you have got rid of this
chill, nnd"
"I can't stay, sir," said Santa. "I'll
loso my Job If I do."
"Well, what if you do? I'll give
you a better one,'' said tho banker.
"I can't I cantt!" faltered tho man
"I I I've got a Little Bllleo of my
own at homo wnltln' for me, sir. If )
hadn't," ho added fiercely, "do you
suppose I'd be doln' this?" Ho point
ed at the painted boards, and shud
dered. "I guess Santa Claus Is tired, papa,"
said Little Blllee, snuggling up close
ly to the old fellow nnd taking hold
of his hand sympathetically. "He's
been wnlkln' a lot today."
"Yes, my son." snld Mr. Harrison
gravely. "Theso aro very busy times
for Snntn Clnus, and I guess that, as
ho still has a hard night ahead of
him, James had better ring up Henry
and tell him to bring tho car around
right away, so that wo may take him
back to his little boy. We'll havo to
lend him a fur coat, to keep tho wind
off, too. for It is a bitter night."
"Oh," said Little Blllee, "I haven't
told you about theso boards he wears.
Ho has 'em to keep tho wind off, and
they're fine, papa!" Littlo Blllee
pointed to tho two sign-boards which
Santa Clnus had leaned against the
wall. "Ho says ho uses 'em on cold
nights," tho lad went on. "They hnvo
writing on 'cm, too. Do you know
what it says?"
"Yes," snld Mr. Harrison, glnnclnfe
at tho boards. "It says 'If You Wont
a Good Christmas Dinner for a Qunr
ter, Go to Smithson's Cafe.'"
Littlo Blllee roared with laughter.
"Papa's trying to fool mo. JuBt as
you did when you pretendod not to
know where I lived, Santa Claus," hn
said, looking up Into the old fellow's
face, his own countenance brimming
over with mirth. "You mustn't thlrk
ho can't read, though," the lad adddd
hastily. "He's only Joking."
"Oh. no. Indeed, I shouldn't have,
thought that," replied Santa Claus,
smiling through his tears.
"I'vo been Joking, havo I?" said Lit
tlo BlIleo'B papa. "Well, then, Mr.
Bllllam, suppose you inform mo what
It sayB."
"'Merry Christmas to Everybody,' "
said Littlo Blllco proudly. "I couldn't
read It myself, but ho told mo what It
oald. Ho haB It printed there so that
if ho misses saying It to anybody,
they'll know ho means It Just tho
"By Jovo, Mr. Santa Clnus," cried
Littlo BUleo's papa, grasping the old
man warmly by tho hand, "I owo you
ten million apologies! I haven't bo
llovcd In you for many a long year;
but now, sir, I take It all back. You
do exist, and, by tho great horn spoon,
you are tho real thing!"
Littlo Bllleo had tho satisfaction of
acting ns host to Santa Clnus nt a
good, luscious dinner, which Santa
Claus must havo enjoyed very much.
Aftor dinner Henry camo with tho au
tomobile, and, bidding overybody good
night, Santa Claus and Littlo Blllce's
papa went out of tho houso together,
Christmas morning dawned, nnd Lit
tlo Blllee awoke from wonderful
dreams of rich gifts, and of extrnoidl
nary adventures with his now-found
friend, to find tho reality qulto as
splendid as tho dream things.
As for Santa Claus, Littlo Blllee has '
not seen him again; but down at his
father's bank thoro Is a now mossenger,
named John, who has a volco so Uko
Santa Claus' voice that whenever Lit
tip Bllleo goes down thoro In tho mo
tor to rido homo at night with his
papa, ho runs 'into tho bank and has
a long talk with him, JuBt'for the
Pleasure Of nretondlncr thnt It In Knntn
Claua,ho la talking to,
(By H. O. SKLLK11S, ActlnR Director of
Sunilny School Course.)
l.KSSON TKXT-I.Ukr 2t:M-63; Acta Hi
ll. C10MM2N TnXT-He wan tnkrn up; am!
ii cloud rcrdvi'il I Urn out of thnlr nllit.
'Acts 1:9.
We have now reached the (Inn! les
son of tho present course In tho life
of Christ, next Sunday being devoted
to the review. Thu lesson committee
hnv'o selected the continuous account
of this final earthly act of our Lord
as given us by St. Luko, for tho Hook
of Acts In - contlnuauco of tho Gos
pel of Luko (Acts 1:1). Inasmuch us
this Is really but ono nccount we will
consider only thnt found In the Acts,
I. The Proof of the Resurrection,
vv. 1-3. This book of "Tho ActB" Is n
continuation of what Jesus "began to
d,o" and glvca us tho record of how ho
continued this work by means of thoso
"whom ho had choson" (v. 2). Fol
lowing ills resurrection ho gave them
commandments "through tho Holy
Spirit," viz. In tho power of
tho Holy Spirit. A like honor rests
upon every bellovor to hear and to
obey tho commands of Jcsub given In
tho power and demonstration of the
Holy Spirit. Tho nll-suniclcnt proof
(see nlBO I Cor. 15:1-8) was that Jesus
had been seen for n period of 40
duys. This Is tho "many infallible
proofs." During that time they not
alono saw tho riBcn Lord, but con
versed with him, oto with him, and had
communion with him. During these
days of communion ho gavo them his
commands as to tho "things concern
ing tho kingdom of God." TIiIb en
tailed a burden that these commands
bo proclaimed in over widening cir
cles to tho utmost bounds of tho earth.
Additional Experience.
II. The Promise of the Father,
vv. 4-8. Tho disciples wore not to be
gin the proclamation of their message
until they wore fully equipped, until
they had recolved that all essentlnl
preparation, ytho enducment of the
Holy Spirit. Hero, again, tho Scrip
tures nro to bo fulfilled (Isa. 44:3;
Joel 2:8, also Luko 24:49). That ton
days' delay wns not tlmo lost, for time
spent in preparation 1b novcr time
lost. We must not suppose these
men aB not regenerate (John 13:10;
15:11), but ns lacking an equipment
necessary for tho successful execution
of their Important task. Wo as bo
Hovers cannot call him Lord except
by tho power of tho Spirit (I Cor.
12:3), but wo do not nil havo that In
filling of tho Spirit which alono will on
nblo us to render effective service
This Is nn additional experience, but
ono open to all who will honestly and
intelligently Beck it (seo Acts 8r,12,
and other references). This experi
ence is (a) commanded, "charged not
to depart till, etc.," (b) to bo preceded
by "repentance," nnd (c) to carry with
it authority, v. 7 R. V. It does not
mean, olther, temporal power nor Is It
tho prerogative of a vlslblo church
and confined to nn elect tow. This
kingdom is a spiritual ono. Tho pro
grnm of Jesus Is Spirit-filled men to bo
his witnesses, und to begin "at Je
rusalem." A true reception of tho
Holy Spirit means world-wldo mission
ary endeavor.
Presumptive Ignorance. '
III. The Present Place of Jesus,
vv. 9-11. Even yet tho dlBciples failed
to grasp tho idea of a spiritual king
dom as evidenced by verso six. In
a most emphatic way ho tells them
that It is not for them to know the
"times and seasons which tho Father
hath set within his own power" (au
thority, v. 7, R. V.). Their power la
not to bo earthly, but spiritual (v. 8).
It 1b tho height of presumptive Ignor
nnco for any ono to set tho data of
our Lord's return (Dout. 29:29).
Jesus has given us explicit Informa
tion on tills question (Mutt. 24:36),
and his parables all warn us to
"watch." Whllo Jesus talked with
his disciples concerning tho recep
tion of this now power and tho place
where they were to begin to exorcise
it, his feet wore parted from tho enrth
and a cloud received him from their
sight aB ho ascended "Into heaven"
(Luko 24:51; I Pet. 3:22; see also
Gen. 5:24 and Heb. 9:28 R. V.). Hla
parting benediction wns an adjuration
to a llfo of service not In their weak
ness, but In tho blessed enduement
of power. Yonder Into heaven ho had
gono to prepare a placo for us (John
14:2, Heb. 9:24.) Thero ho over llv
eth to Intercedo for us (Heb. 7:25).
HIb presence thoro makes us ctor
nally secure (Rom. 8:34, Heb. 7:25).
'HIb presence In tho hcnvenlles is tho
gunrantco that we, too, shall ono day
bo "with him" (John 12:20, Rov.2:21).
This hopo inspires tho church to
evangelism, to holy living and to
faithful service It was necessary that
our lord's work bo transferred from
his lnvisiblo person.
Lifted up ho was on Calvary, lifted
up ho was Into glory, that "If I bo
lifted up, wll) draw all mon unto mo."
Mysterious birth, wondrous llfo, glori
ous, marvelous ascension!
Ab this is written Europe Is bathed
in blood, and America is ongaged in
a sot season of prayer for peaco. Tho
only abiding peaco wo can hopo for
will bo when tho Prlnco of 1'caro ahal'
return to rule and to reign.
Two Stories of Courteous Conductora
Who Looked After Their
"Onco I was down In Louisiana." a
raveler began, "on n littlo railroad
that runs from Franklin to Week's
Island. It took flvo houre to go 20
miles. Tho most ninaziug thing to me
was that tho conductors slopped the
train unywhero ho wns naked to, nnd
If there wore no ono to meet a woman
passenger with Innumerable bags and
tho Inevitable baby, ho helped her
across a plowed Hold or sent a brake
man to enrry her traps to her own
gnto and tho train waited until ho
camo back."
"Nothing surprising nbout that," re
turned n born Now Yorker. "Tho
Madison nvenuo enrs stop every day
for reasons qulto renioto from u regu
lar Bchedulo. 1 was on n car this after
noon and n littlo boy dropped his
mother's umbrella out of tho window.
Tho conductor stopped tho car nnd
rnn back a block nnd n half, got tho
umbrella, delivered It to the woninn
and incidentally advised her not to let
her son hnvo It again.
"Besides, I've known of more than
ono oyo being nunched out by a care
leas baby with such u plaything."
New York Times,
For Itching, Burning Skins.
Bntho freoly tho affected surface
with Cutlcura Soap and hot water.
Dry without irritation and apply Cutl
cura Ointment with finger or hand.
This treatment affords immcdlato re
llof, permits rest nnd sloop and polntB
to speedy hcalmcnt In most cases of
eczemas, rashes, Itchlngs nnd Irrita
tions of tho skin nnd scalp of Infants,
children nnd adults. Free sninplo ench
with 32-p. Skin Book If you wish. Ad
dress post-card: Cutlcura, Dopt. X,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. a
Cure for Thirst.
"What do you want tho ten cents
for?" nsketl tho minister.
"Booze," replied tho bleary beggar,
shamelessly. "I need It awful bad
It's Jest about klllln' me."
"Isn't there any way you can got rid
of that tcrriblo appotlto for drink?"
"Yep I kin do It In a holy mlnuto if
you'll lemmo havo that dime." Toledo
Beyond Its Power.
"That rich Mrs. Stlgglns doesn't
speak to mo now. Yet sho used to bo
my next-door neighbor and they wore
awfully common."
"Well, there arc somo things money
can't do."
"Mako oldtlme neighbors forget tho
early dayB."
A Comparison.
"There goes the Widow Blyni. SIio'b
been married three times and she's
still aB pretty as a picture."
"That shows the superiority of a
woman over an automobile."
"In what respect?"
"After a car has changed hands
two or three times It's u Bight to bo
hold." "Watchful Waiting."
"What nro wo to do for fashions, If
tho war In Franco continues?"
"Wear as littlo as wo can, and
wait." Cleveland Plnln Dealer.
yoiTR own nnronisT will teu. too
J'rj Mnrlno Hyo Jtpmndjr fur Hisl, Wruk, Wntou
Kjrns nnd Orunnlatixt Krxllds; No Hioanlmr
turn Ktm couifun, Wrllo for Jlnok of tho Kro
T mall Fruv. Murine hje llenu'dy Co.. Clilcauu
It isn't always lovo that makes a'
man nttentlvo to Ills wlfo. Mnybo ho
Is nfrald of her.
Tho young man fresh from college
always thinks thnt the world has a lot
to learn.
Awgerable Preparation For As
similating IheFoodandHegula
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcslion,Cheerful
ness and Rest. Contains neither
Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral
Not Narc otic
Bnipt fOM DrSAHVEifYTVfiOt
ftimpkin Sttil
jttxStmnm '
Aniu Sit J 4
Hwm Sad
Hintyirtn Flavtr
Apcrfcct Remedy forConstipa
lion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
the Centaur Company.
Exact Copy of Wrappor.
R KWill--iJ--3i L AA 42 tJ-l
Xpuaratitecd under thu Foodaiii
the cup
make it, "with hot
water, quick. Van
Houten's Rona Cocoa.
A tasty drink. Half
pound red can
is constantly growing in favor because ii
Docs Not Stick to the Iron
and it will not injure tho finest fnbric. Fof
laundry mirposn "It has no cquaL 16 ox.
package 10c 1-3 more starch for same money.
A Misanthropic Reader.
"I don't bellevo more than half of
what I seo In print," said the Incredu
lous man.
"Trying to bo on tho sufo Bide?"
"Yob. And oven nt that, 1 generally
pick the wrong hal"
Self-Satisfaction Explained.
Ho I Ilka simple things best.
Sho I'vo noticed how self-satisfied
you nro. Boston Trnnscrlpt.
That ileatba from kidney dlacaaea have la-
created 73 In 20 yoaraf If ynu are ran
dowa, losing weight, nervous, ''bine" and
rhcumatlo, It you nave buckaeho, sharp
pains when stooping, dizzy spells ana
urinary dlsonlure, aut quickly, if yon
would avoid tlio serious kidney trouble.
ley i
Uso Bonn's Kidney Fills.
ere'a bo
other medlolne so widely used, so
falor so bkihly recommended.
A Nebraska Case
nn7 atvfMwp
John M. Hilton,
Bloomflnld, Neb.,
aiai "For ytn
my kidney wars
disordered and
caused such vara
pains through the
mall af my back
that I couldn't
turn In bad. Morn
ings I had to set
up slowly and
when I did mn
BB) to get out ot
bril 1 couldn't
stoop. Tho kidney
secretions passed
far too often, ee-Di-clnllr.
at nlaht.
Donn's Kidney nits rid ma of these ail
ments nfliT everything- else had failed
and I hnVA bioti In good luoltli since,"
Cat Doaa'a at Any Store. BOe Beat
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver is
right the stomach and bowels are right.
gently but firmly com-i
pel a lazy liver
Co its duty.
Cures Con.
and Distress After Eating.
Genuine must bear Signature
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 51-1814.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought.
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Are Your Kidneys Weak?
Bo you know that deutfis.from kidney
troubles are I (K).OOO a vear Id tho U.B. slanel
sarar-a-iarv aa kills.
jr jajgV1
aUl V
T sift
. a