The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 17, 1914, Image 1

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You people do, too, we guess-judging from the good feeling and enthusiasm you show while shopping here.
The Holiday spirit is abroad in the land, all right, and gift giving is the one thought of all.
Jewelry stands ahead of everything in the hearts of those who have friends to remember. Just as it is
appreciated above anything else, by those who receive it. Here are just a few suggestions for your
consideration. A visit of inspection will show the many suggestions each line affords, and you must
acknowledge that here you can find something for any one. Remember we lay aside any article you may
select and hold it until you are ready.
fit 'J2 r NS
If 'JO ""v S'-'Yft
vs JT A ) 4yf
Provides a most desirable gift and the Parker is the most desirable of all
fountain pens.
The only pen with the factory guarantee, the new self fillers are the neatest
and easiest working of all self fillers. A varied assortment from which to select,
piain black, mottled or the new Bakelite transparent barrel, some with gold or silver
trimmings and all have the famous Lucky Curve Feed, Spear Head Ink Retainer.
Prices Are $io to $2.00
The New Parisian Ivory Ware
Provides many suggestions and articles sure
to please the recipient. Not expensive, durable
and with a neat monogram or initial engraved in
color is sure to please
One of the gifts that most every one would
like is one of our rings. Solid gold, all of them
set rings for women or men. girls or boys, signet
rings, plain and engraved band.
A special price of 75c for any baby ring in
the stock, worth 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50, plain
and engraved bands, set and signet rings.
Do Your Xmas Shopping Early- But Do It With Our Home Merchants
.' ri k
Pre-eminent For Gift Purposes
Is a Good Watch-Our Kind - the
Kind You Like J
Nothing will give more
lasting pleasure or be longer
treasured. The line includes
the beautiful, dainty, thin
models from 5125 down to the
SI. 00 watch.
Ladies' watches, girl's
watches, men's watches and
boy's watches, something in
the line at a price to suit.
The now popular bracelet
$2& down to 2. SO
In Silver the number of gift suggestions is also almost endless. Silver for the table in
endless variety, fancy dishes, serving and spoon trays, bread plates, casserols, baking dishes
and others.
Table Flat Ware. Knives, Forks, Spoons and an almost limitless variety of fancy p ieces
both solid sterling and plate.
Silver, Parisian Ivory, Ebony and Pearl Toilet and Manicure
in sets. Something here right for most anyone.
Of all the gifts that fit the
Christmas day, none so timely
as the one that provides the
picture story of the day
All the up-to-date goods from
the Kodak factory arc in our
Brownies $12 to $1.00
Kodaks $65 to $6.00
Call and sec, or send for
Jeweler and Optometrist - Watch Inspector for C. B. & Q.
Red Cloud, Nebraska
&.- -r : - .-r---jMKfcka
A Nr.Ksruncr That ilcs riii: Km
The Jewelry fine includes
something for every one.
Brooches. Pins, Chains and
dozens of other articles for
women and girls.
Cuff Links. Tie
Fobs. Chains and many other pieces 1
suitable and uselul
men's wear. Call in
look our jewelry
over, before buying.
A Diamond makes a gift that not only has a
gift value, but also an investment value. Set in
a ring or otherwise the one article that remains
always the same and day by day grows in value.
Our selling plan on diamonds assures you
the fullest value for your dollar, and makes easy
the purchase.
The above only suggests in a general way
the multitude of Christmas gifts to be found here.
A personal visit of inspection will show that you
can find here something for every one.
? T!Vir. J
ha. Vtftiw
PlfiHwa Wt.;:ks Each Year For 51.50.
We liike Itl
A Gift Every Onr. Wli! Apprrrlatc and Enjoy
Is One of Our Phonographs or Talking Machines
We have the three best the Edison
Disc, the Edison Cylinder and the
Victor Victrola and offei you the
opportunity of making full comparitive
tests, so you will get the instrument
that suits you.
We shall be glad to demonstrate
these, or to send you price lists.
$250 to $15 for the Instruments
$7to COc for llio I'coouls
Tie Silver Novelty Line
Provides for simple, incxpen
f)'(l rememberancet'. Some
thing good and useful and at
our low prices, something you
will enjoy giving.
articles, 'in single pieces and
Pins and Clnsns.
llll - l.
County Commissioners
A cscpl New C curt HSeuse
Hod Cloud, No ! , l)i o. li, 11),
Hoard of County CoiuinUsionois in-t
as per adjoin nun nt. Members all
piesent, Ohiustfilf, llotruiiili, MuCiill, '
Slorey Mini (Jlmplin, c!i;iii tnun of sniil
1)0111 ll.
In tlu m-it'iM of ilit udjiHtmi lit Mini
lliial M'ltlt nifiit ami fee Ivltitf tlio ntv
coili'L Ikhiid ui the IiiiiiiK of the Cciii-i-til
Contuu'tor, miw c imttiK on f-n-lii'iu-Ink',
Mr Kuril's of tin- Knlih Co, of
() mw.i, Iowa, with tlie nicli!tfuf V. V.
G.'iiiiumII, Inline pi i-Hutit, anil uftor
hiving mucin tint llinil siUti'inunl ultli
thu Uowli-s Uotiipiiny, ll, v,ih uioveil ami
HL'UOinled that Mild IniildliiK bu upprov.
O I hllil accepted.
On motion the National Hoofing Go.'h
Kiiaranty to lo-op tlio asliestos roof put
on thu Coma llonsu Inilliliiu located
at. lied Cloud, Nidiiuslca, in watortlhl
condition for tlio term of t in yoari
from dale iflven aliovc, as piovidod for
in thoir KiMritiiti'ti dated at Oinalm, Nu
Itr.isUii, Supt. L"J, 191 1, now on lllo with
County Clink, Is approved and acfopt-
ed by thu Iloatd of Comity Coinniisi.
ioneis of Wutwtur County, Nibraska.
Motion Hindu and Hccouded Hint the
liincoln Ti'leplione & lele(raphCo , In
stall a phono in thu County Cluik'i
olllce, County Tn'tisiner&olllfje.itinty
Supeiintoiident'h olllco anil DUtilct
Clerk's olllcu. Motion ciuiod.
On motion tlio Clerk Is authorized to
draw warrant for 67.00 in favor of Hit
Howies Co., and 6.'H).7I In favor of lied
Cloud city, belr the totnl account dim
the Howies Co , for claim (Hod Dec. 8,
1911 and the amount of 10.71 bclnu;
the amount the Howies Co., Is indebt
od to Itcd Cloud city for water iisb on
new court house us per the bill tiled by
the city against the Howies Company.
December 10, 1014.
Board met pursuant toudjouriimeut.
liond of J. J. Gurber in the sum of
$5000 in MuHsaclniHetts Bond and Iu
sura eo Company, approved.
The following named olllecrs' bonds
wcro road and approved: 0. W. Ful
ton, Justice Pence, Harmony; P. SV.
Kruger, Hoad Dist. No. 8; A. D. Rhu
ney, Comity .IikIbc; Joseph Molverson,
Overseer Highway No. ll; O D. Hedge,
Sheriff; (J. II. Overing, County Sutvey
orj J A. Bui don, Justice of Peace; V.
J. Mundny, County Attorney; V. E.
Tompkins, Constable, Guide Rock.
HccoiiHideriioii of eiz'j of conduit fir
teluphonu Hystcm being under consitier
atitin, it wub decided to place 25 puira
of cublu and size of conduit to uccum
mo.lute Biiine,
It woi decide J to put in 1J Inch con
duit. It was moved that the Country
Independent Company be ntkcd to or
der a 20 pair c.iblu and that the county
rent 7 pairs of cable to Lincoln 'IV I u
phone and IVIcurnph &., at $1 par
pair ptr ycur. Turtniniil bt.x to bo at
tached to polu to uccomtnodate built
linen. No charge for labor ixcept for
digging and filling, all material to be
ut coat and fit. Carried.
Bund of I S. Colvui, justice of peace
Bond of A. II art tnun, ovoreeor of
liighwavs, approved.
Bond of II. C. Ftiu, ovcrHJer of higli
wayp, approved.
Bond of J. E. Buottcnbacli, ovtraccr
of highwnyH, approved.
Bond of C. D. Robiiuon in tlio sum of
$100, COO in the Mbb Bunding and In
suranco Co., submitted. It was moved
and seconded that enmo be accepted at
cost to county of $125 fur the term of
two years. Carried.
Settlement with road overseer for
district 2i was approved.
It waa moved and seconded tbat the
matter of insurance on the court house
in the sum of $40,000 and on furniture
in the sum of $5000 be taken up at the
next meeting and that the board will
consider bids at that time. Carried.
Adjourned to Tuesday, Dec. 22, 1914.
The fire department is getting ready
to erect their new building. The sand
is being hauled this week for tho
foundation. The building will be con
struoted with cement blocks, and have
a brick front.
-? i-, '
I '5 he iQl5 Calendars
Ready For Distribution
The following business men of Hod
" ' "to cintilhutniH to tin buauti-
lul I!iir Calendar now ready for distri
bution. They can In) had by applying
at any lime to tlio following.
Cowdii-Knh'V Clothing Co.
.Minor Bios Co.
i lii Ma'oue A very Co.
'I'll.-Stati. IS ink o'f Ked Cloud. ,
K. (J, Tiiriiiird JL Sou.
It i:. MoFirlaiid.
People- I! ink.
Wesiinr, Poiry.fcCo. i"
I'M Amii'U. '"
K. II NtiA house
lted Cloud Auto Co.
Hoy Sattley. , .
.1. i:. Yo-t.
V. L. Koou.
Dr.O K Cioss.
K. S. Oalinaii.
O. C. 'IVi'l.
H. V. Koontz.
Biirbaiti l'hiiriai. ..'
Dr. Henry Cook.
Dr. H. V Nleholson. '
M. A. Albright. f v
Wt'lister County Bank.
Tho Wohster Cnunty Argus.
Ilulehisou k. Siiluilcn.
l'niil Storey.
Ambov Milling Co
Thu Keil Uloiiil Cliier. ,
I)r A. i:. Boles
The Trey of Hearts
The "Trey of Hearts," u grout pie
tut t play, with a new plot and a now
limine, full of mispeusu and action,
will open nt tho 'yopeti next Wednes
day and Tliuislay, December 21 and
'21, and on Wednesday and Thursday
oi i'iicii weeu HiiMfiitlur,
Tim story of thu plsturu will com
uiHiiee iib.M Monday In tho Commercial
Advertiser, mid continue each Monday
thereafter. Thu pictures will follow
the publication of thu story.
A Hp-olal inttlui'u will bo given at
the Tepee next Wednesday afternoon
nt 2:30, to which hidioi will be ad
mitted free.
Complaint From Red Cloud
Tcleftraph Lines Are Tee Far From
Population tenter v
The chamber of commerce of Red
Cloud has (lied n complaint with the
railway commission against the West
ern Union Telegraph company. It ap
pears that thu towu whs built before
thu Burlington railroad was built, that
tho railroad company .preferred tho
lower "bench" in tho valley and the
towns were usually bullt'on the upper
bench, farther from thu river, and that
thb telcgiuph lines have a habit of
clinging closely to the railroad light
1 of way. Thus it happened that Rod
Cloud is a milo or more from tlio rail
roml depot and thu tulrgraph olllcu, and
thesu places of business eiin not be
readied by uiliz"nsof the tpwn except
at ti.itu times by u lioiso car or omni
bus, If thu people in town telephone
to thu depot mid tclcgiaph olllcu j 1st
bafoiu tialn time they me likely to
find thu station tiguiit busy and he can
not answer I hem.
For those and other reasons Iho busi
ness men comprising tho lied Cloud
ehambiir of commereu havu banded to
gether and binned a complaint asking
the eomtiiistdon for nu order requiting
thu Westoin Union Tolegruph com
pany to establish it telegraph olllcu in
town. Tho business men have begged
thu tolegiaph company to do this, tho
company has positively declined, nud
now tho business men ask the railroad
commission to compel the company to
Tho complaint is signed by V. G.
Hamilton, ptesident of tho chamber, of
cotniuuico, and H S. Oarber.secretary
Sunday State Journal.
The Chief along with a large number
of Hod Cloud business men and citi
zens hope tlio railroad commissioners
will compel the Western Union Tele
graph company to install an np-town
office hero. The objections are many
to the office at the depot.
Poultry Car On Track i
December 21, 22, 23
Hens and Springs price 8a
Old roosters " 5c
Dux ' 80
Turkeys " 10c '
Got rid of your staggy young roosters
-V I.