" (( RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF mi mini CTffM.'yiniFt)iwmwui)Brfcm3jgmctwiT fctwivrirgja'CTgii i?.ujrtf.try?TWTtr-iijiuVvrjw. ,r.racfcjnr.tnvjwn.TrjT - artr w t- " l LI 7 w r wseiGRagaBggjgr'ag- H 8 K 9 8 K S S ft I H $ $ S ft A Sixty Year Standby For sixty years Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder has been the standby of countless housekeepers who have relied upon it for healthful, home-baked food. Dr. Price's contains no alum or lime phos phate. There is never any question about the absolute purity and healthfulness of the food it raises. It has stood the test of time. That is why the best informed housewives will use no other. Ih.FMGE'S BAKING POWDER Made 2rom Cream oS TarEar No Alum r 3 ; p ft ft ft 9 iw ft ft ft 9 k BETTER GIVE US THAT OflDFR FOR f WHILE IT IS EASY TO GET Good Coal Is Sure To Be carce When Cold Weather Comes. PMTT & FREES !. ;ii ullliiidli !i, SOUTH INAVALE Mis Kiunlc I'i.iiilu'iilialu'r Ih oh Uic HlfU list. R M Ivlllknlil and rumil v sitonl Sim ffl (illV III tilt) Unlit. .Mituhuil IlllllHV ' Or.i KiMsey mill ifo aro llu ptonil pai HI- el a ImIiv boy born S.itmil.iv . .li-S Ellllllil I'ntt'lMIII, tll tl'lielllT in -INlth'l 70, Mii-iit S,it unlay uml .Sim tiny nt home vMtlnc- Iict nnt'int-, who live south of Kt'd'Cloitil. Tin- Ml. I'lcuvuit Ladies' Aid So.-li-ty will moot lliii wculc at Mil' Imtiiu ot .Miss M,iniir:L IliiiUoison, Mis, .lot' Tunisoii of Hod Cloud in vliitiiiK at tlio boinu of Ium' (laiinlitor Mr-. Oni ICoi-ov, and helping cue. fin der t; ru i. I sun. Wlni I ml lit have been a M-riont. aculdetit lliippened to Win. Z ipp' u li-n a colt lie was cli iviny, last Fiiilny nlnlit licuitno iimimiiitei'iililo at I lit river biide, ninl fell ovor tint bnulnti r into tilt) liver. Tlio cart was de-tnnli-lieil and Win. was tpiitu badly bruised fiilllnu a lion t. IT. feet. The banisters on the bridge are ui t iny rotten and a number of places there in c none lit all. They shoul 1 be re prired at once before sumo si'tiotis accident does happen. QUALITY ON THIS WE HAVE BUILT OUR PRESENT BUSINESS J(7hEN we began our v business career in in Red Cloud we took as our motto the one word Quality and we believe all our patrons will agree with us that it has truly been our slogan all this lime. Our reputation for high-grade Groceries is well known. We are fully prepared to supply all your wants in our line P. A. Wullbrandt THE HOME GROCERY "The Sunset Trail" To Be Shown Here COL R. C. PETERS GeneraJ Auctioneer Will Guarantee Competent Service. Ask Those Who Have Had Him Cry Their Sales Write or Wire For Date Guide Rock, - Nebr. Deo. 3 Edson Minor, 1 inllo cast and 2 north of Guide Rock. Dec. 15-10-17-18-10 Morcautllo sale at Lebanon. Deo. 23 Real Estate salo at Rivorton. Feb. 4 Win, Montgomery 3J' miles south of Red Cloud. Feb. 11 Fred Harris 2 south and 14 miles east of Red Cloud. Feb. 10 Geo. Jennings, 7 miles south west of Guide Rock. March 15 John Ohmstede, 3 miles southwest of Guldo Rook, Puro bred Shorthorn sale. CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska Second House North of I. 0. 0. F. Hall On the night of December 14th, at the opera house In Red Cloud, Rlchaid C. Merwln villi present a big home talent production of "The Sunsut Trail," ii western comedy drama in four acts, under the auspices of the lied Cloud Conceit Hand. We have been fortunate in seeming Mr. Merwln, ah hu Is a very talented producer, hiving produced ShaUosperlan plays, muhlcial comedies and dramas, and comes highly recommended. We aio sine that tliH play they tire giving will please all The Hut a orchestra will furnish the music, l'l ice of admission L'.'p and :).r cents. licit! fcstnte. transfers. Ileal INlate 'liausfeis furnished by M. V. Outer, Hondo 1 Abstractor, Red Cloud. N'ftirttsKi. Isaac II. Coh In and wife to I'M ward Mi I'arl or, wd, west 2.1 fei-tnir HuM end of lot 10. Illk. 10, VaiiLvs Add lo (lulde UockS M) Itiymoml Chaplin and wife to Tliomiis J. Chaplin, wd, tiejj ii4i and w4 tic),r?j nw'.f 1S 3 10 1000 Elizabeth Wilson to Alice A.' Hands, qcd, lots ft, 0, 7, 8, Ulk. I, and lots fi, (I, WW. 0, Stvcczys Add to Ul.ie Hill 1 Mimuel C. Shuck to O. M. Hedge, d. lots 2-V'2l, 21, U.k. 1, Hhuck's Suh'Dlv., Annex to Red Cloud 1 K. V Ovuiiiuui and wife to M. M. McKllintiey, wd, lot -20, 21,22, 211. Hlk 10, Foe& McltiidoAild to CoivleM J Charles Rassur. et. ah, to The Red Cloud Vol. Flro Depart ment, wd, lot 1, Hlk. .1, Red Cloud :5('0 Charles W. Dow mid wlfetoYola Swartz, wd, nj of lot ls,all of v lots 18, 1!, 20, Hlk. 2, Richard son's Add to Red Cloud 1000 Myrtle llolf and hiishiiud and Ora liarllett mid husband to Uelihecn J Thompson, qcd, I, n'sw'4,Mv' swj, 1S.2!) .., MurtgiiL'os tiled SttltiSU'.KO. Moititnges releasid ? 10702)30. 200 El m H KM fr3 KM mmm t 4ira( W v.'w-t .&& tdi a. IX " ' '"' BEST REPAI RING H UKDER THE SON !-H mmmmm Ki mmimm. If Yon Desire Sat4 VERY one of your banking connections to be a profitable one, returning you the largest measure of service and accom modation commensurate with the sie of your deposit, open an account with us. Interest paid on time deposits. - Deposits Guaranteed by State Guaranty Fund WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA OAIMTAIj Hli.-.OOO I '""ill II 1 11 ' I lllll l'lU I, ill Miia'ilii rtill'i! iii'iiii'miiiiii'iiii'itii.iraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMJiBiii ynraraMi.i nf'nii'Mii'iic'niiii j'n i"i' 'i I I'M" 1 1 H", i iiiiwuir ii'iiiiraiiniiiiiWiifitii tiBNRY COOK, M. D. iii:.M.i:u is DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES c 2l&3to3&3m E Invisible Patches Neat workmanlike repairing is a branch of our business which is given especial atten tion, i Send Your Torn Garments To Us We will clean press and re pair them so that they will give you much satisfactory wear. You are accustomed to having your shoes and watch repaired. Why not your clothes? tv1 m 9) 1 8 SEfr-sss8- I ZSi -J J m 1S3S3SS11 JA Complete , Line Of R. G. Hassingep Cleaner and Dyer Both Phones Dr. Nicholson DENTIST OFFIOK OVKR AMIUIOIIT'8 HTORK IN RIVi:RTON ON MONDAY Red Cloud. Nebraska DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST Graduate Palmer School of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa. Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free At Office Phone lnd.212 Notice of Final Rctiort. In tlio County Court ol Wctatcr county Xi'liniNkn. Intliumntti-rultliOL-stiitoof KilleD.StrU'k- llUlll, (iLOCllhOcl, All jicrKonK Interested In salil'cstnto aro Hereby nutllkd tlutt tlio Executor has tiled u Hunt nccount niul n port ot Ills mliiiln iHtrntlon, niul n petition lor IIiiiU HCHtleiuent of hU nccount ninl a decree ot distribution ol personalty and at-sli;nnient ot tlio real estate niul a dUclinrgo (mm bin trimt. which hnvuhcen feet tor hearing lielorosald court on tlio 18th day ot Decciubcr tUll, at 10 o'clock A. M when nil perKons Interested In tlio premises may appear and contest the imme. Pitted tilts 30th day ol November tOM. skai. A. !. ItANNKV, County Judge. OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud Nebraska E. S. GLrber ltenl Hstnti, Farm Lohiis iinil Insnranuc. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. Work Harness Prices Ranging From $37.00 to $65.00 In order to compete with catalogue houses and since the prices in leather are advancing, I have decided instead of raising my prices, to scjl for cash. Remember I carry everything in . . LEATHER NOVELTIES FOR CHRISTMAS Such.as pocketbooks, handbags, toilet sets, traveling bags, suit cases and trunks. You will find my line of the above articles complete, as well'as a full line of lap" robes, blankets, etc., and my prices are the lowest. s m JOE III F O GEL aU3 In the County Court of Webster County Nebraska. Now blioes for the Inilios just re ceived tit Miner llros. Co. State ot Ncliraxka, Webster County. In tlio matter ol tlio estate ol Solon I). Cnrpcutor deceased. CUKDlTOHSolbaldestnto will tnko notice thntlho time limited lor presentation and lllliiK ot claims against tlio sumo U .hum 10th, 1015; niul tor tlio payment of debts In November lllth, 1015, tlmt I will sit nt tho county court room In wild county on tlio tlth day ot Juno 1111.1, at 10 o'clock A. M to re ceive, oxtunliut, hear, allow, or ndjithi nil claims niidobjtctlous duly tiled. Dated this I8thday ot November A. 1) I'jlt, (Heal). A. 1). UANNKY, County J misc. DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON Qrndnato Chicago Veterinary College 1WELVK YKAIIS KXPKHIKNCE AT DAI LEY'S TIE DARN Rod Cloud -:- Nebraska Dr. J. C Caldwell PHYSICIAN 6 SURCE0N CHRISTMAS STORE BRING THE CHILDREN TO THE SANTA CHADS STORE We have gifts for the ladies ' xToys for the babies Gentlemen will find Presents of every kind The Model Variety Store FURNITURE AND Calls Answered Day or Night Otllco TclphoncB Hell. W Ind. 1WJ. lies. ToleplioiK's: Hell, lied 'ITS; Ind. 100. Office Over N. A. Albright's Store Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska UNDERTAKING ED. AMACK ALL THE PHONES NEWHOUSE BtK e i Hi J m td I aaaBawaa ,mrftmmMWmmmimmmi Kms-Manet