RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 1r iji.Miini'-."'wii-""""Mra,qrgJ TwwuifKcaj.MM,,igiT.iiruTwittwcjavmifiwatMjrrjy Tmann'wstJtrrainwiwi"fln i-7SAm-'TT.tnjiimKisvjtTTvio TBUCTA.TrtnTJt If niE RED CLOUD CHIEF , M -(",'-r..i... u ,,.., i LMt I SEanei?s im888ZittB OTk IVT 1 (lll, IllOlllil U III 111 I flll.Ulll ttlitle s if, fluil CInv.ii), NobrnsUc H ll' lu luiil been vMiinw lelnllv-s. Xi-w i its ji,st uc, Ivi-d tit Mlin-t Hins Co, where tiny hiito i revived new Piiif in nil 1fpiti tnifiitM. Tlu iHiirust am Im-sI litiu of Chi 1st- jim& .-.y fm mVvS,VM Jftte. iUJ1 l M.IMIir I lin IMMISPAY 'nt.teit In Hid Pirli II 1 1' nt I id ( Ituri, Nilt. n fii'oiul OtiMcMatter 'Z2 m -im i inns candles In the town h now belne- l'Liii.i" shown and Mild at Miner Ilros. Go t' fMWv. . .-. J7i ! r. t . H. Mr.Ut'llllMl -r3Ei--iv i i "a xm . . I Messrs. Adams anil Depend, hner of M,i M,wiJS"miNTv'A,'i:,t lN ,Vu,,,,,i" u,",, '" ,ort ""'" " ' tending tin' liusliii'xs men's l.iinquet. ,. ,.,, . .,, MS !' 1. Hiilei-of Noiviitm, Km, It.- ii llvo ohm Htiil litis limn tvlll iii'V- jI1III1, siiii.lny u...ri.!hK to vl-it I,.., er ln u rli'inl on... pin cuts .Mr mid Mis. II V t --T i. ar..i '' --; . .tfonwy .' ' :j MaOBfcA n .! ...SKtFl . . . V5Z&.iM iltjf -TBfJ.T v,' iwftW5J.ylBfcirty rrri"'M miii :r.i'iv . n w v-.i'A'JtJ."?sL(t-'r LOOO 1 Mil I ! I M at ID We have $5,000 worth .-. Uimi&i sold $1,000 of ihc of Suits and Over- S since our sale slarled on Novem ber 28th. Are you going lo lei the opportunity lo save 20, 28 or 8SJ& per cent pass you? Wow is the Time Tinas ss Udo Mac I" -DA HI STWWY $ 1 rr5 The Glctliicr ::r j 'J liu foot Imll ti'iiin ended the sea- J,! Mill's piny Kith ti (.'i lii'ioii- iiinoiiiit In tlio li'MMity. 'I'liN slunvli'j; vi s hugely iiu- to tin cm oful lnaiiiiKcniiMit of 1'iof lloehr Mi' has I lie ulnltty to l"lt out nil Standing o Contestants Tin- follow liiir Is tlu -tiiniliiu' of tin. , ftinitl slMlllk ill Tim r.ii.('u tin. I C.,.,l,'t iinM-cfiitry i-xpi.ii'iliin.s lMI1,j, ,,.,,.,,., ,,. ,,.,. ,, itid us n teptilt the bos will In. Well ciiii ped with the. wir be.t iiihletiu iiml will lisu! sniuethhtp to hlimv for their iIVoMh. Imposition Com. st: ti. I IB U I). II 1J., i., 13., II , IS. 'I'lie Xebihtlu itillwiiy uotnmbshiii will .tttrml it iiu'illiif nt Oinnbn iU.l Hiitur.h.t lo consider lh piopow vi In- crfM on (,'i-nln rules The tidiniulss- Ions nf lllti'fii ktattis Iiiivl foriue.l (in . 4. ri;iitiiy.,ilitt to oppiisc the tinlroinlft. Ji,-s in. H ittt is being ivinplUil by ihoeoiniiiiss ioti Kin! ittt i ll''rt wi!l he nmdelo show tint t lie propped Kites oil f-iHln itiu niijiit lo Ni-lirasltti fiuniHih. . ., .,4. i Mt.l MI .ill ))i 6. ,1?. i 20 10 11. 11 21 Hii&lOli HlMft:. ISlTLTi i2.':i'i(i 1 I .MM Sll!.s-. I i-Oi) I Aiivo Tl'sTo' 101 15 TiMOii Til r (117 III OiKii;, aoisii MCI) fil.V.IO I l l B WW IS THE TIME TO THINK 0 YOUR COAL WANTS We Handle All Kinds "GOOD SERVICE" 1 THE MALONE-AVERY CO. "Talk With Us About Your Wants" .Soii)vtiiiK't v.i hour u little utlili'lsni if niie of I ho tuiichuis in the puliliii M'hnols but when the iiieslIoti Is put i us lo whuthiM the piiity Iihs visiluil ihn ii' in the utiswer it ihvstrh.lily no. i This Is nl! wrunn If wo lenity wlll l know uDiiiHtioiis In our -titmols niul h.ixe a ih .she lu belter theiiiwe shonhl in nil fail iiOss Iniilii: u pi'isoiuil iliM-H- ii)4.lliiii. lui we thu i have to mi l 1 i-afiy suine weight. SppaKUK of vihl i i it won il -eeiu that the pin mis woiihl at hn-t oneo u iirnU" a speenil etfnt him I islt the mollis wlu to their chihli en are ett'u'tr their e ItH'iition. It would eucourao the, te.ieher ami .stimulate tho child. I'hiiiU it iiv.M niul no. 1l Wll Wlihl.IMt PREPARE ' ' bWM rX"i ii ni f -x.-riz. "-s--. ki AND HE "'. u'un$ W 'J' iWi rtrAKt FOR CHRISTMAS RIGHT NOW Disp HSFrEi The uudersigncd will sell at Public Sale on his farm 6 miles east of Red Cloud, 4 west of Guide Rock and 1 1-2 miles cast of Lester, on Tuesday, Dee. 15th s At t O'clock F. M. Sharp 105 iCSCirfl Ti?? 3 MU7 hUU Stfa L'LSysG o DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Qki'tbph Jj V J U g flyk 45 Head Pure Bred Poll Durham Cattk 15 head of 2 and ! year old heifers, will calve soon: 10 head of milch cows, from 1 to G years old. Some giving milk, others fresh soon: 8 head of yearlini! heifers; i) head last spring's calves; 3 bulls, two last spring's bulls, including my 2-yrold registered herd bull. 60 Head of Shoats The above stock has been choicely bred up by me on my farm for the last 15 years, and they are all bred in the purple and are a fine bunch for any breeder or farmer, and you cannot but be pleased with this offering. Terms o Sale: 10 months time will be given, pur chaser giving note with ten per cert interest, and approved security. I i Aphles Deail nun me. only lit tu inh.ihit U'Miitteries If thty me ileueutly ilea.l, (lead all ovi r, wo titiderly lay them nwuv In the sleep of Ihe tomb; but If they at e dead lo nil Ihe ou'erpi is mil of the iiafinw pltuie of their own in- j tetests niul jet peislst in wnllitnt,' iii-oiiml, moving their lry bonef, ea loused henits and eoiitelenees wlieiu real liii-iness is wont to tlnob and (iiilse wiih xigor, lliej iiienulj" like the drone bees, in the way until they uie stui fj to death ami draped outshle Hie lilwuf leKitiimitoimlusiry. Twen ty tual live men aie wmth moie to the public 'eiieially thsii a loiihd full thousuud of u-.uless imitei'ial t lit. t lies around HUe rubliUh U a rising slit-am that is uelilii' and foiiininif to tin 11 mills mi 1 laeloiles. Ves, IWe men lil.'hs, and dead men cuise a town. Notice to Farmers The Atfi'leultutal Depiitmeut of the Ueil i loud MUh Sulioid will lest fue of eliaiKe anj fiiiiner'.s seed eorn. A writ on lepoi t will be liiinshed Hith eaeh test Application Im- fn-.. eed I'oni lets should Ii ll e I at oltee Willi U. ) M.uin.. .Sipeinit mlellt mSSniWiR5!KK3SS?3Sl tMwiMwmMinimMiMimrt We have for sale the en tire car of F. W. Stude baker's Fancy Apples. These will keep until spring. Order what you need now while they are cheap. WHAT A JOY TO GWE PRESENTS! THAT GiUETH SHAW. KECEiVE. KOW 5S THE TtME; OUR STORE IS THE STORE TO BUV THINGS TO G!UE ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS mo FAMILY. THE RUSH MLL SOON BE ON. SO CCME THIS VZM WEEK AMD RUV FOR VOUR New Goods in All Departments Potato wirapa:ssa'Ci5i;5ff7i20 We have just unloaded a car of the very best kind of Table Potatoes. Try a few of these we know y.ou will like them. weesne r, Perry & Co. II Si A. JOHUSOU Col. J. H. Cll!n;er, Auci. I S3 Capt. Sid Fluiuiicc, Clcil; SSE 3i IJISlS: SPECIAL FOR Saturday, Dec. 12 FORCASH 8 Bars White Russian Soap for 26c 4 Cans Sweet Corn for 25c- Comforts 20 Per Cent Discount Red Seal Human Hair Switches 333 Per Cent Discount h nn THE MINER BROS. Co. General Merchants "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE The Store That Sells Wooltex W5 Ml Ml ,V OcSQlS ' 9) t The Question What To Give Is Well Answered by Something in the Furniture Line W iN IP YfiN n. A jpk m War Horses and Mares 100 - Horses and Mares - 100 FOR BRITISH GOVERNMENT Will be at Red Cloud, Nebraska Sated t Dee 3 m Kor your new tduns k l M ' llros Co Uyu Shepher Ison of Ulieitmi was in town Tuebduy. The couuty t'oinmitH. oners wero In .hilou this week. C'laik Piow spi ut Sunday In (Julile. K'luli with ielall.h. (liti Hydi n of .Cheyei n , Wyoming In lit town this weeh, . Deen Dynr of Denvor Is in town this' weelc vltiltlnr,filoiiilN ll'dl in j our hmsen and inures fiom 15 to 1ft .'I luuuls hlnh, 5 lo S,eiws old. fintn lKHi to 14'Olb.. I want h ehuiihy hoi'o or mine with lots nl bone. No eav.iliy sti T wanted Duly eonditloi. the. must be fat and leadj to o. Don't fail to hhovv me your stoeh, if j on have the Ulud I ean py the price. Will be on the jnh lulu or sli 111) We show such a side range of things at moderate prices, which, while of practical utility, serve as orna ments as well, that you could not do better than to preseut some of these valuable gifts to those of your friends who would appreciate them. WE HAVE Rugs (all sizes) Pictures Mirrors Rocking Chairs Davenports Library Tables Cedar Chests Dressers BuiTets La'dies Desks China Closets Chiffoniers Dining Tables Book Cases Cabinets All of Useful Which Make Presents & KOY BATTLE Y I .(,, ean p,y the pnee. u ... .. o the jh ,. ... Licensed Embalmcr and Furniture Dealer, fl Morrow .8 Wood J t?ead The Chipf fop tbe i. e M WW 1C ulllrjl $150 y LL. - : . -.. i rT p-wihjp nuKin-M. . TfTTTTITfTflrMin irrnfiimmrilrrtiflf rffili friYiinwiili nrihi iiiMtiimtwriTiiliTni nrr-TrTiM inriiyTiMrimMirnfrniiiifiriiiii wfiiiMiinnirn-tff nniMwitniiiimaijj-iaMii.mnnirt i. tMBBIBlHaMEi'LS!i!E!" bW?!JtlrtMWnFiWisWiy"Ji