RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEF ' t I Jj w-irtf-'i ini'i'H-i'ii'iimiHimumiuM- The La DT FREDERICK (Copyrittlit. 1914. by Charles Scribner's Sons) SYNOPSIS. At tlidr home on aim frontier between tho Hrowim atnl Uruj Miirlu (Jalliiml and iier tuotliur, cnlortnlnlnK Colonel Wtntor linn of tlm flrayn, wo Captain I.iinKtron, ntnrr IntclllKoncn ollker of Urn IlruwiiH, Injureil by u rail In bin iioroplutio. 'Ion years later. Weslerllim'. nominal vlro but real clilnf of Htaff. rolnforccii South I.u Tlr, meditate on war, unci speculates on tbn compurutlvo tiRvn of lilmsetf nnil Mur ta, wbo Ih vIhIIIiik In tbo Oray capital. WesterllnK rails on Mnrta. fiho tolls him of her tcaehlnK children tbo folllei of war and mnrtla! patrlotlHin, bcKS blin to pre vent war while, he Is chief of staff, ami SredlctN that If bo malms war against tbo rowns bo will not win. CHAPTER HI Continued. "You think 1 am joking?" sho askud. "Why, yes!" "UutI am notl No, no, not about uch a ghastly aubject aa a war to day!" Sho was leaning toward him, hands on kneo and oyoa burning like coale without a spark. "I" sho paused as aho bad beforo sho broke out with the first prophecy "I will quote part of our children's oath: 'I will not bo a coward. It 1b a coward who Btrikci first. A brave man evon after ho re ceives a blow tries to roason with his assailant, and does not strike back un til ho receives a second blow. I hall not let a burglar drlvo mo from my houBo. It an enemy tries to tako my land I shall appeal to his senso of jus tice and reason with him, but if he then persists I shall fight for my homo. If I am victorious I shall not try to tako his land but to mako tho most of my own. I shall never cross a frontier to kill my fellowmen.' " Very impressive sho made the oath. Her deliberate recital of it had tho quality which justifies overy word with an urgent faith. "You boo, with that teaching thero can bo no war," she proceeded, "and thoBo who strike will bo weak; those who defend will bo strong." "PorhapB," ho said. "You would not llko to seo thou sands, hundreds of thousands, of men killed and maimed, would you?" bIio demanded, and her eyes hold tho hor ror of tho sight in reality. "You cuu prevent It you can!" Her heart was In tho appeal. "Tho old argument! No, I should not llko to see that," ho roplled. "I only do my duty as a soldier to my country.'1 "Tho old answer! The moro reason why you should tell the premier you can't! Dut there 1b still another reason for tolling him," sho urged gently. Now he saw her not at twonty-uoveu but at seventeen, girlish, the subject of no processes of roason but in tho pell of an intuition, and ho knew that something out of the blue In a flash was coming. "For you will not win!" she declared. This struck fire. Square Jaw and sturdy body, in maucullne energy, reso lute and trained, wero set Indomitably against feminine vitality. "Yes, wo shall win! Wo shall win!" ho said without even tho physical dem onstration of a gesture and In u hard, even volco which wnB llko that of tho machlnory of modern wnr itself, u volco which tho aristocratic sniff, tho Louts XVI curls, or any of the old gul-lory-display heroes would hnvo thought utterly lacking In hlstrlonlcti suitable to the occasion. Ho remained rigid after ho had Bpokon, handsome, self- poBscssod. Thero wob no uso of beating foml nlno fists against such a stone wull. Tho force of tho mnlu was supreme. She smiled with a etrango, quivering loosening of the lips. She spread out her hands with fingers apart, as If to let something run free from them Into the air, and tho flame of appeal that had been In her oyos broke Into many lights that seemed to scatter into upace, yet ready to return at her com mand., Sho glanced at tho clock and roso, almost abruptly. "I was vory stronuous riding my hobby against yours, wasn't I?" she ox- claimed In a flutter of distraction that niado It easy for him to descend from his own steed. "I stated a feeling. 1 made a sucbb, a threat about your winning and all In tho air. That's a woman's prlvllogo; one men grant, Isn't It?" "Wo enjoy doing bo," ho replied, all urbanity. "Thank you!" she said Blmply. "I must bo at home In time for tho chil dren's lcBflon on Sunday. My sleeper 1b engaged, and It I am not to mlsB the train I must go Immediately." With an undeniable shock of regret ho realized that tho lntorvlew waa over. Really, ho had had a very good time; not only that, but "Will It be ton years before we meet again?" bo asked. "Perhaps, unless you chango tho rules about officers crossing tho fron tier to take tea," sho roplled. "Evon If I did, tho vlco-chlef of staff might fcsrdly go." "Then perhaps you must watt," she warned him, "until the teachors of peace havo dono away with all fron tiers." "Or, If there wore war, I should cornel" ho answerod In kind. Ho half wished that this might start anothor argument and she would miss nor train. Dut shomade no reply. "And you may como to tho Gray capital st Shot PALMER uguln. You aro not through traveling!" ho added, This nrouscd her afresh; the flamo was back In her eyes. "Yes. I have all tho memories of my Journeys to enjoy, all their lessons to Btudy," Bho oald. "Thero la tho big world, and you want to havo had tho breath of all Its climates In your lungs, tho visions of all Its peoples yours. Thon the othor thing la three acres and a cow. It you could only havo the solidarity of tho Japanese, their pub lic spirit, with tho old Chlnoso lovo of family and poaco, and a cathedral near-by on a hill! Patriotism? Why, It Is In tho soil of your three acres. I lovo to feel tho warm, rich earth of our own garden in my hands! Horeafter I shall bo a stay-at-home; and it my chil dren win," sho held out her hand in parting with tho samo frank, earnest grip of hor greeting, "why, you will find that tea la, as usual, at four thirty." Ho hud found the women of his high official world u narrower world than ho realized much allko. Striking cor tain keys, certain chords responded. Ho could probe tho depthB of their minds, ho thought, in a single evening. Then ho passed on, unless It was in tho Interest of pleusure or of his ca reer to llngor. Thla meeting hnd loft his curiosity baflled. Ho understood how Martu's vitality demanded action, which exerted Itself In a feminine way for a feminine cause. The cure for such a fad wob most clear to Ills mas culine perception. What If all tho power she bad shown in hor appoal for peace could be made to servo another ambition? Ho know that ho was a great man. More than once he had wondered whut would happen It he wore to meet a great woman. And ho Bhould not see Mnrtu Qallaud again unless war came. CHAPTER IV. Times Have.Changed. Tho G3d of tho Drowns had started for La Tlr on tho same day that tho 128th of the Grays had Btarted for South La Tlr. While tho 128th' was going to new ecenes, tho f3d was re turning to familiar ground. It had de trained In tho capital of tho province from which Its rankB had been recruit ed. After u steep Incline, there was a welcomo bugle noto and with Bhouta of delight tho centipede's legs broke apart! Hankers', laborers', doctors', valolB', butcher', manufncturerB' and Judges' sons threw themselves down on the greensward of the embankment to rest. With their talk of home, of relatives whom they had met at tho station, and of tho changes In tho town was mingled talk of tho crisis. Meanwhile, an aged man was np proachlng. At times ho would break Into u kind of trot thut ended, after a few steps, in shoitneoa of breath. Ho was qulto withered, his bright eyes twinkling out of an area of moth patches, and ho wore a frayed uniform coat with u medal on tho breast. "Is this the G3d?" ho quavered to the nearest soldier. "It certainly Is!" some one answered. "Come and Join us, veteran!" "Is Tom Tom Fraglnl hero?" Tho answer canio from a big soldier, who sprang to his feet uud leaped to ward tho old man. "It's grandfather, ub I live!" ho cnlled out, kissing tho voteran on both cheeks. "I saw sister In town, nnd sho said you'd bo ut the gate as we marched by." "Didn't wait at no gate! Marched right up to you!" said grandfather. "Marched up with my uniform and medal on! Stand oft thero, Tom, so I can see you. My word! You're big ger'n your father, but not blgger'n I waa! No, sir, not blgger'n I was In my day beforo that wound Bort o' bent mb over. They say lt' tho lead In tho blood. I've still got tho bullet!" The old man's trouuorB were thread bare Ijut well darned, and the holes in tho uppers of his shoes were carefully patched. Ho had a morry air of op timism, which his grandson had In herited. "Well, Tom, how much longer you got to servo?" asked grandfather. "Six months," answered Tom. "One, two, threo, four " grandfa ther counted tho numbers off on his flngors. "That'B good. You'll bo In tlmo for tho spring ploughing. My, how you havo flllod outl Dut, some how, I can't get used to this kind of uniform. Why, 1 don't seo how a glrl'd bo attracted to you follows, at all!" "They have to, for wo'ro tho only kind of soldiers tbero aro nowadays. Not as gay aa In your day, that's sure, when you woro In tho Hussars, eh?" "Yes, I was In tho Husears in the Hussars! I tell you with our sabres a-gleamlng, our horses' bltB a-jlngllng, our pennons a-flylng, and all the color of our uniform I tell you, the girls used to open their eyes at ub. And we went. Into tho chargo llko that yes, sir, Just that gay and grand. Colonel Gnlland loading!" Military history Bald that It had been a rather foolish charge, a fine oxamplo of tho vainglory of unreason ing bravory that accomplishes nothing, but no one would suggest such skopti- clem of an Immortal event In popular imagination In hearing of tho old man as ho lived over-that Intoxicated rush of horses and men Into a battery of tho Grays. "Well, didn't you find what 1 Bald was truo about tho lowlanders?" asked grandfather after ho had finished tho chargo, referring to tho pcoplo of tho Southern frontlor of tho Drowns, where tho H3d hnd just boon garrisoned. "No, I kind of liked them. I made a lot of friends," ndmlttcd Tom. "They're very progressive." "Eh, oh? You'ro Joking!" To llko tho people of tho southern frontier was only less concelvablo than liking tho peoplo of tho Grays. "Thnt's becauso you didn't boo deep under them. They'ro all on tho outside a flighty lot! Why, If they'd dono their part In that last war we'd havo licked tho Grays until they cried for mercy! If their army corps had stood Its ground nt Volmor " "So you'vo nlwaya said," Interrupted Tom. "And tho wny they cook tripe! I couldn't stomach It, could you? And If thoro's anything I am partial to It's a good dish of trlpo! And their light beer llko drinking froth! And their bread why, It ain't bread! It's chips! 'Taint flt for civilized folks!" "Dut I sort of got used to their waya," said Tom. "Eh, oh?" Grandfather looked at grandson quizzically, seeking the cause of such heterodoxy In a northern man. "But I Won't Fight for You!" "Say, you ain't been falling In lovo?" ho hazarded. "You you ain't going to bring one of them southern girls homo?" "No!" said Tom, laughing. "Well, I'm glad you ain't, for they're naturally light-minded. I rcmomber 'em well." Ho wandered on with his questions and comments. "Is It a fact. Tom, or was you just Joking when you wrote home thut the soldiers took so ninny baths?" "Yes, they do." "Well, that beats mo! It's a wonder you didn't all die of pneumonia!" He paused to absorb the phenomenon. Then his half-chlldlsh mind, prompted by a random recollection, flitted to an other subject which set him to gig gling. "And the llttlo crawlers did they bother you much, tho llttlo crawl ers?" ' "The llttlo crawlers?" repeated Tom, mystified. "Yes. Everybody usod to get 'em Just from living closo together. Had to comb 'em out and pick 'em out of your 'clothes. Tho chaso wo used to call It." "No, grandfather, crawlers havo gone out of fashion. And no more epi demics of typhoid and dysentery either," said Tom. "Times hnvo certainly changed!" grumbled Grandfather Fraglnl. Interested in their own reunion, they had paid no attention to a group of Tom's comrades nearby, sprawled around a nowspaper containing the latest dispatches from both capitals. "Flvo million soldiers to our threo million!" v" "Eighty million peoplo to our fifty million!" "Dccauso of tho odds, they think we aro bound to yield, no matter It wo aro in tho right!" "Let them como!" said tho butcher's son. "If wo havo to go, it will be on a wave of blood." "And they will como some time," said tho judge'B son. "They want our land." "We gain nothing It wo boat them back. War will bo the ruin of busi ness," said the banker's son. "Yes, wo aro prosperous now. Let well enough alone!" sold tho manufac turer's son. "Somo say It makes wages higher," paid the laborer's son, "but I am think ing it's a poor wny of raising your pay." "There won't be any war," satd the banker's son. "There can't be without credit. The banking Interests will not permit it." "There can alwayB be war," said the Judge's son, "always when ono people determines to strike at anothor people oven If it brings bankruptcy." "It would bo a war that would make all others In history a mere exchango of skirmishes. Every able-bodied man In line automatics a hundred shots a minute guus a dozen shots a minute ' and aeroplanes and dirigibles !" sold the manufacturer's son. "To the dentil, too!" "And not for glory! Wo of the G3d who live on the frontier will be fight ing for our homes " "If we loso them wo'Il never got them back. Hotter die than be beaten!" Herbert StrniiBky, with deep-set eyes, slightly ttjulntlng Inward, and a heavy Jaw, nn enormous man who waB tho best shot In tho company whon ho cared to be, had listened In Rllcnco to tho others, his rather thick but ex prcBsIvo lips curving with cynicism. Ills only speech all the morning hnd been In the midst of tho reception in tho public square of tho town when he said: "This homecoming doesn't mean much to me. Home? Hell! Tho hedgerows of tho world nre my homo!" Ho nppourcd older than his years, and hard and bitter, except when his eyes would light with a feverish sort of fire which shono as he broke Into a lull In the talk. "Comrades," ho begqn. "Let ub honr from tho Socialist!" a Tory exclaimed. "No, tho nnarchlBt!" shouted a So cialist. "Thore won't bo any war!" said Stransky, his volco gradually rising to tho pitch of nn agitator relishing tho sensation of his own words. "Patriot Ism Is the played-out trick of the ruling classes to keop down tho proletariat. Thero won't bo any wnr! Why? De cause there nre too many enlightened men on both sides who do the world's work. We of tho C3d are a pro vincial lot, but throughout 'our army thero aro thousands upon thousands llko me. They march, they drill, but when battle comeo they will refuse to fight my comrades In heart, to whom the flag of this country means no moro than that of any other coun try!" "Hold on! Tho flag Is sacred!" cried the banker's Bon. "Yes, that will do!" "Shut up!" Othor voices formed a chorus of angry protest. "I know you thought It; now I've caught you!" This from tho sergeant, who hnd seen hard fighting against a savage foe In Africa and there fore was particularly bitter about tho Dodlapoo affair. The welt of a scar on tho gaunt, fever-yellowed cheok turned n deoper red as he seized StratiBky by tho collar of tho blouse. Stransky. raised his fruo hand as It to strlko, but paused ns ho faced the company's boyish captain, Blender of figure, aristocratic of feature His In dignation was as evident aa tho ser geant's, but he was biting his lips to keep It under control. "You heard what ho said, sir?" "Tho lntter part enough!" "It's Incitatlon to mutiny! An ex ample!" "Yes, put him under arrest." The sergeant still held fast to the collar of Stransky's blouse. Stransky could havo shaken himself tree, as a mastiff frees himself from a puppy, but this was resistance to arrest and he had not yet mude up his mind to go that far. His muscles wero weaving under tho sergeant's grip, his eyes glowing as with volcanic fire waiting on the madness of Impulse for erup tion. "1 wonder If It Ib really worth while to put him under arrest?" said some one nt the edge of tho group in nmlablo Inquiry. Tho volco came from nn officer of about thirty-five, who apparently had strolled over from a near-by aeroplano btatlon to look at tho regiment. From his shoulder hung the gold cords of the staff. It was Col. Arthur Lanstron, whose plane had skimmed the Gal lands' garden wall for tho "easy bump" ten yearB ago. Thero was some thing more than mero titular respect In tho way tho young captain saluted admiration and the diffident, boyish glnuco of recognition which does not presume to tako tho lead In recalling a slight acquaintance with a man .of distinction. "Dollarmo! It's all of two years slnco we met at Miss Gotland's, Isn't It?" Lanstron said, shaking hands with the captain. "Yes, Just before we wero ordered south," said Dollarmo, obviously pleased to bo remembered. "I overheard your speech," Lanstron continued, nodding toward Stransky. "It was very Informing.'' A crowd of soldiers was now press ing around Stransky, and In the front rank was Grandfather Fraglnl. "Said our flag was no better'n any other flag, did he?" piped tho old mun. "Doat him to a pulp! That's what tho Hussars would havo done." "If you don't mind telling It In pub lic, Stransky, I should llko to know your origin," Bald Lanstron, prepared to bo as considerate of an anarchist's prlvato feelings as of anybody's. Stransky squinted his eyes down tho bony brldgo of his noso and grinned sardonically. "That won't tako long," ho answered. "My father, so far aB 1 could identify him, died In Jail and my mother of drink." "That was hardly to the purple!" ob served Lanstron thoughtfully. "No, to tho rod!" answered Stransky savagely. "I moan that it was hardly Inclined to make you tako a roseate view of life as a beautiful thing In a well-ordered world where favors of fortuno are evenly distributed," continued Lan stron. "Rathor to mako mo rejoice In tho hope of n now order of things the recreation of society!" Stransky ut tered tho sentlmont with the trium phant pride of a pupil who knows hie text-book thoroughly. By thla time tht colonel command ing tne regiment, who had noticed tho excitement from a distance, appeared, forcing a gap for his passage through tho crowd with sharp words. He, too, recognized Lanstron. After they had shaken hands, tho colonel scowled ns ho heard the situation explained, with tho old Bergennt, still holding fast to Strnnsky's collar, a cnpnblo and In sistent witness for tho prosecution; whllo Stransky, tho flro In his eyes dying to conla, stared straight ahead. "It Is only u suggestion, of courso," said Lanstron, speaking quite as a spectator to avoid tho lenst Indication of lntorforenco with tho colonel'a au thority, "but It secniB possible that Stransky has clothed IiIb wrongs In a garb that could never set well on his nnturo If ho tried to wear It In prac tice. Ho is really nn Individualist. En raged, ho would fight well. I should llko nothing better than a forco of Stranskys if I hnd to defend n redoubt in a last stand." "Yea, he might fight." Tho colonel looked hard at Stransky's rigid profllo, with Its tight lips nnd chin as firm as If cut out of stono. "You never know who will light In tho pinch, they say. Dut that's speculation. It's the ex ample thnt I havo to deal with." "Ho Is not of the Insidious, plotting typo. He spoke his mind openly," sug gested Lanstron. "If you give him the limit of tho law, why, no becomes a martyr to persecution. I should say that his remarks might pass for barrack-room gassing." "Very well," said the colonel, taking tho shortest way out of the difficulty. "Wo will excuse the first offense." "Yes, sir I" Bald tho sergeant me chanically as ho released his grip ot the offender. "Wo had two anarchists In my company In Africa," ho observed In loyal agreement with orders. "They fought .-like devils. Tho only trouble was to keep them from shooting Inno cent natives for sport," Stransky's collar was still crumpled on tho nape of his neck. Ho remained Btock-Btlll, staring down tho bridge ot his nose. For u full minute he did not vouchsafe so much as a glance upward over the change In his fortunes. Then ho looked around nt Lanstron glower lngly. "I know who you aro!" he said. "You were born In tho purple. You have had education, opportunity, posi tioneverything that you and your kind wnnt to keep for your kind. You nro Bmarter than tho others. You would hang a man with spider weba Instend of hemp. Dut I won't fight for you! No. I won't!" He threw back his head with a de termination In his defiance bo Intense that it had a certain kind of dignity that freed It of theatrical affectation. "Yes, I was fortunate; but perhaps nature was not altogether unkind to you," said Lanstron. "In Napoleonic times, Stransky, I think you might even havo carried a marshal's baton in your knapsuck." "You what rot!" A sort of triumph played around Stransky's full lips and hie jaw shot out challengtngly. "No, never against my comrades on the oth er sido of the border!" he concluded, his dogged stnre returning. Now tho colonel gave tho order to fall in; the bugle sounded and the cen tipede's legs began to assemblo on the road. Dut Stransky remained a statue, his rlflu untouched on tho sward. He seemed of a mind to let the regiment go on without him. "Stransky, fall In!" called tho ser geant. Still Stransky did not move. A com rade picked up tho rlflo and fairly thrust it into his hands. "Come on, Dert, and knead dough with tho rest of ub!" he whispered. "Come on! Cheer up!" Evidently his comrades liked Stransky. "No!" roared Stransky, bringing the rifle' down on tho ground with a heavj blow. (TO BB CONTINUED.) TOOK AWAY HIS APPETITE Lover of Mince Pie Had Decided Ob Jectlon to Sharing the Delicacy With Restaurant Cat. Until recently Detective Sergeant Tim Halley was a lover of minco pie. Today If anyone offered him a bakery full of minco pies he would turn on his heel and do a quick countermarch. Figuratively ho has had his fill of tho good old pastry. At dinner time ono day not long ago Halley went Into a little restaurant near tho Han or jusuce. inree boiled eggs, a cup of Java and a 12 by 14 wedge of minco pie," ho told tho ' waltor. j Halley polished off tho eggs and ' coffee In great shape, and then at I tacked tho pie. Ho had JUBt begun when a big black cat that had been reposing on tho counter a few feet away awoke, stretched, struck at a vagrant fly with a chubby paw, and then leaped Into tho display window of tho place. Tho window was laden with dollcacles to alluro the hungry . passerby. Tho first thing that Tabby made for was the remains of the pie that had been cut for Bailey. Kitty's' first blto was Bailey's last. Ho dropped his fork with a bang, reached for his hat and rushed up to tho counter. "Sa-a-y," ho cried, "what aro you running here, a restaurant or a ken nel club?" He paid his bill, and was away down tho street before the dazed keeper of tho place could catch his breath. New York Times. Sharpens tha Appetite. Jokelelgh (visiting Subbubs) "And you havo a grindstone, too. Will It put an edgo on a dull appetlto?" Sub bubs "Certainly! If you turn tho handle long enough." Save money by drinking delicious Van Houten's Rona Cocoa instead of health-harming coftce. Today big red half-pound can 25c SOMETHING USEFUL FOR XMAS oia at inn wwi itorea most evprritbcro. If your dnnlar csnnot ltlWmllTrtl insist jou. Illustrated sJJ1J foldor on roquotU I.. E. WATEUMAN COMPANY 178 IlroudwBjr New York Useful Artificial Arms Write for free catalog "B 10." Carnes Artificial Limb Company 904 EAST 12lh STREET. KANSAS CITY, MO. ?FloridaChickenFarmsS B acres fur 1150. $10 cuhIi, $T per immlli. A proven hiici-csh. Near the blffJnrkaonvllle mor krts. Driving distance from Jacknonvllle 6 TearailevelopincntSTUOfnmlllesnowllvlnKMirro; BeboolR.churelies, telephones, roiidB.etc. CUAUR TIED by reliable cum pan;. Write for literature. JACKSONVILLE HEIQHT8 IMPROVEMENT CO. JACKSONVILLE, VLOUIDA PRECEDENT HAD BEEN SET Youthful Logician Could Not Sea Why He Should Not Follow His Father's Course. Who can tell the working ot chil dren's mindB, or how, all unwittingly, wo may make ourselves appear un just in our dealings toward them? This was brought homo to Mr. Hoo wit the other day as ho took his young hopeful, aged six, for a constitutional. The youngster wob evidently thinking hard, for ho was silent which was unusual. "Daddy," he said, looking up sudden ly, "I think I wnnt to get mnrrlcd!" "Do you, my son? And who to, mny I ask?" answered the proud pan ent, looking at him. "I want to marry granny." "Do you, indeed? And do you think 1 would let you marry my mother eh?" "Well, why shouldn't I?" retorted the tender logician. "You 'married mine, didn't you!" Dallas Nows. Youthful Son's Gratitude. Tho Martins wero on a trip covering a period of threo or four weeks. They left at home Mastor Edward Martin, aged eight years, to whom his father wrote nearly every day. In each let ter was enclosed a shining silver dime. Flvo or six of theso dimes had been sent to Master Edwnrd without any 'ac knowledgment of tho generosity. The? camo this brief and tothe-potnt ml slvo: "Dear Father: Every time you havs wrote to me since you went awny yo put a dime in your letter. Pleas write oftener to Your loving son, "Edward." Extravagant. Clerk Mr. Goldbug, as I am to mar ry, I would llko moro salary. Doss How much more do you want? Clerk Ten dollars a week. Boss My gracious! How many women nro you going to marry? Many things nre well dono that are not worth doing. To Build Strong Children Supply their growing bodies with right food, so that Brain, and Muscle, and Bone devel opment may evenly balance. Grape-Nuts FOOD was originated to supply, in proper proportion, the very elements returned by the human body lor growth and repair. To supply children a dish of Grape-Nut and cream for breakfast regularly, is to tart them on the road to sturdy health. "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts Sold by grocers. M C I i Ide&l A ft mHintm aMtm&jmmiV mwwsjJmhm tSt&MtfaJC&'iii0A fcflt &8$W!(3mxwl