The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 03, 1914, Image 5

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I, ,
Bulletin of The Week's Doings
For your new shoos no to Miner
liros Co,
Tom Jones was down from Inuva'o
ll. I). Post of Uowlos was in town
E. T. Foa of CjwU'H whs in town
Huy your kodak fupplles nt Stevens
liro.s. studio. udv
V, A. Struck land of Rivertou wns In
town Monday
Fred (Sund was down fiotn Ulue lilt)
Monday evening.
Miss Oeello I'hoi ton RpT.t Thanks
giving in Lincoln.
F. W. Studubakcrof Klborta, I'tnli,
is In town this week.
FOR HUNT A good i-romii house
Hutchison ,t Sahiiten. udv
New shoes for tin- Indies j'ist re
ceived lit Miiier l!nS. Co.
Chuieo iilfnlfit and prniiie liny for
btile. Inquire of Ned (irlines.
Mi&sTil.te,l. ftthe liiht of the
week for Mr-Conk to relatives.
Miss Louse Schumacher spent
Tholtksglvlng in Orleaim with her
Mux Mlzor is home from Oregon,
where ho has boon looking over the
Clml Celhitly rotmned the first of
the .week fioiu Lincoln wlieio lie spent
n few dav.s.
New emits just received lit Miliei
Uros. Co., where tliey have leeeived
new line, in all depaituieiits.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold of Itlooniington
bpent Thanksgiving in this1 city with
their daughter, Mr A. K Holes.
Hurry Stionpe and son, Kvurutt, at
tended I lie funeral of his father, David
A. Stroupe, ut Henkeluian, Sunday.
Chas. Fox returned to Vork Mtuidaj
after spending u few days here with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S 1 Fox.
Mrs Ida Marshall returned home
the ilrst of the week from St. Joe.
where she had been visiting her son,
Mr. and Mrs. Orris Fi-urn of Hast
ings sp nt Thanksgiving in this citj
with his tiurcuts. Mr. and Mrs. I'M.
Kev. Autln and 'wire of Oenevn
spent Thanksgiving in this city with
their daughter, Mrs. Hany Cramer and
Miss llazol Robinson returned home
the llrst of the week from Lincoln uti'l
University l'laee where she visited
Mrs. Susun Ludlow and Miss Leva
Ludlow of Franklin spent, Thanks
giving in tills oily with Curtis lieei
and wife.
L)r. Stockman has moved his olllee
into the rooms foimerly occupied b.i
10. U. Overman, over the Urlce ding1
Miss (iraoe Sherer. who is teaoliin'
school near Riverton, spent Thanks
giving in tills city with her mother,
Mrs CI him Sherer.
lieo. Warren and wife and Mr. anil
Mas. E. L. (Jrhnes and ehihlieii spent
Th-inksgivlugin Blue Hill with Mr.
and Mrs. J. F.Grimes.
Miss Kav Teel. who is utlcn ling the
state university at Lincoln, spent
Thanksgiving here with her pareu's,
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Tool.
Phil Sherwood and Chas. Sherer re
turned to Lincoln Monday to lesiune
their studies at the slate uiiiver.stty
after spending I hunksglvitig here with
their paienls.
Mr. and Mrs. Iiruee Robinson re
turned to their home at Clay Center,
Friday morning, after spending
Thanksgiving here with his patents,
Mr and Mis. C. 1). Robinson.
Sherlir Tom Cairoll of Alma, who
Is an aspirant for the olllce of United
States Maishal, spent Friday in this
city with SheiilV Hedge. Whllo here
lie made this otllee a pleasant call.
The W. It. C. will meet jsiiturdm,
December .r), liiH, at :t p. in. for the
purposo of electing oillcers for the
comiiiL' vear, also to transact any,
business that may come before tho
Mr. and Mrs. C. W Malouo announce
the approaching marriage of their
diughter Until, to 11. Chalmeis tiel
latly, jr., of Rod Cloud, Neb. Decern
bar 31 has been chosen as the wedding
date. Sunday's State Journal.
' On Monday night the Odd Fellow
lodge elected tho following oilleeis Tor
tho ensuing term: Ted Him is, P. ILi
W. (! Warren, N. tl i M. Hunsicker,
V. ('..; W. O, Hamilton, secretary; S. I!.
Floranee, treasurer; M. U. Corner,
Wc will have on sale a lino of laney
work and usof ul ai tides. A n one de
siring to purchase Xaias present, need
not look any farther. Come ami see
At Sattley"s fui'iilluro store, Deo. Jith.
Mits, Kit. (lAimi.K
K.vnii:iiiNi: a, Kiru.viiiis.
In rive Realm
Men's Boys' and Children's
High Grade Suits and Overcoats
Commencing Saturday, November 28th
We will put our entire stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats
on sale at a great sacrifice of our regular plain figure prices.
JUST THINK! Kuppenheimer and Cloth Craft Suits and Overcoats, right
here in December at such money saving prices.
The Open Season has compelled us lo make this sacrifice to your benefit and
gain. We will divide this sale into three big assortments:
Monday x iuesday
December 7 and 8
One of the gicatest successes the
nicricun stage has ev r known Is
shown in a splendid live reel picture
wilh Robert Warwick and a line
Itroulwiiy Company, who eieated the
leading pat ts in liotli tlie original pla
and the photo drama.
Uotli the exterior and interior scenes
are well chosen anil many of them
beautiful The story is forcible and
true to life. It deals with American
political life in a .splendid way that
cannot fall to both please and enter
tain. A Broadway Success,
Staged by Shubert and
Acted by Celebrated Stars
Regular Prices 10 and 5 cents
COMING -"Gentleman From Missis
sippi." "War is Hell," ".Moths,"
"Mother." 'Focle Tom's Cabin," am!
other special attractions.
Assortment One will include
ali regular New Fail Suits and
Overcoats at a (
reduction of - &xJ? Q
Assortment Two will include
the last of our Fall nnd Winter
Suits and Overcoats
at a reduction of -
Assortment Three is Odd Suits
and Overcoats, all good materials
but carried over from last season
but will cany
our guarantee
u & S o
e Gowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
Red Cloud, -:- -:- Nebraska
7:30 and SCl'i p. in.
I rude with Red Cloud merchants.
Mi'-s Mabel INileywas In IIhsHiiks
The County'rs will nif et
next week. v
Clnis K.issler of I'.lue Hill was in
town I'liesilay.
('. M. Siuith was in (ir.uiil Jstand
Totsdny on business.
Uoinmisiiciuer Olun-tede of (Sulde
Rock wa In town this weelt.
Col. .1. II. Kllintfer was in Iteatrlee
this week visiting with relatives.
Weesner &. Kooiit. shipped seven
enrloidsof lioirs to Kansas City Sun
Die busine moil will hold their
banquet at the Royal hotel next Tues
day. (
Pi of. Retz was in Norton, Kiiiishs(
Wednesday playing with thi Norton
All Kodak lllms bought of Stevens
Uros., developed fiee when order for
prints is pi veil.
1'iviiU Cortden, C. W. K ilev and
Frank Perry were in I'riinklin Wednes
day on business
Miss Dessiu Trtylor, who is attend
injf the stHte uiiierslty at l.liifoln
spent Ili.iulisKl'li'K i''s w,ll her
The Red cfoud llinh school pills'
b.isket hull leamde'eatod the Kraiilclin
Ae.idemy team by a 'core of 1!) to (!
here last Tlmisdiiy.
The second division of the Methodist
Ladies Aid society will serve chicken
pie supper fiotn 5 to S Friday evening
in tho basement of the church.
. The A. F. A. M. lodge will hold a
district school of instruction here on
tho evenliiL' of .1 an. tth uud all day nth. It will be directed by Grand
Custodian, Robt. K French.
The second number of the lecture
course was given in the opera house
Monday evening. Tho Arcadluu Trio
was the attrnction and evorybody pres
ent spoke very highly of the entertain
ment. (leo. Ilolllster. Robt. Avery, C. W
Kaley, I J. Urlce, Carl Jornbeig, II. A.
Letsou, Ityo Shephoidson and Jim
Morris of Rlverloii, Win, Dopt udeliner
of Franklin, James Silvey of Inuva'e
went to Hastings this morning to at
tend a meeting of the Shi iuerr. Frank
Abel and Hairy Ro its of this city and
Clyde Wickwii;e of Ioavalo went alulig
to lake the inysteiics of the .Shriiiem'
Ghfistmas is Jast Jttoiind the GorneF
There Are But Twenty Shopping .bays i t
. Before Christmas And Now Is The
' Time For You to Select Your Gifts
No other store offers so many suggestions for giving as does this. We have been busy for
, months selecting and planning for this time and have gathered this year what we believe to
be the best assortment of gift suggestions we have ever had. New, popular up-to-date
goods of the very highest qualities. We have space here to suggest but a few of the many
articles we have for your inspection. Your call tov look and examine will be appreciated.
Our Watch line embraces most anything you could
wish from the Boy's or Girl's Watch
at - - $1.00 and $2.00
Up through the various grades
beautiful expensive timers at
and prices to the
- $65 and $75
IV rtKT177 Jl
ii fi.l
mi L
And nothing makes a more pleasing gift than a good
Watch one that is true and slays true for a
life time.
Just a few still left lo be sold on the Club Plan
wr ? . rv:N
&ho "- ori
("9 a- 44
.-n... " jfiy
A ,'ift sure to please and be a constant source of pleasure is one of our rings. Solid gold all of
them, set with various gems guaranteed to remain signet rings in various weights and sizes
from the largest to the smallest. The entire line is especially low priced as well, and the entire
line of rings for baby arc on sale at 75c each stiaight through. Not a one of these was ever
offered for less than 75c and many should sell for SI. 00, SI. 25 and SI. 50. Everyone solid gold.
Our special gift certificate is an easy way
of making presents. First used last year they
are being used more extensively this year. It
makes gift making easy and assures you that the
recipient will be pleased with their gift.
.V!i HllViO Ul OlITVl
i or every use anu
purpose, no matter whom the person intended for.
When in doubt come here. We have such a varied assortment that no matter for whom
you will find something that will "fill the bill," and at prices that will please you. Profits
have been pared down to the lowest possible point, and especial attention was given to
selecting articles that represent the most value for the smallest expenditure.
, yv
S.T liWtoSltMW