The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 03, 1914, Image 1

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    P(IU)Ob .-4 Wl' A.
w A (" jl- . a.
SVr H.vlcal S;?t ty
If You
VERY one of your banking connections
to be a profitable one, returning you the
largest measure of service and accom
modation commensurate with the size
of your deposit, open an account with
us. Interest paid on time deposits.
Deposits Guaranteed by
' CAPITA I., H2r,000
ur " ' ' ' T
Handle All Kinds
Talk With Us About Your Wants"
Choose Your Winter Wardrobe
From These Stocks
The Cold of the Last Few Days Has
Given Warning That You Will
N Need Warmer Clothes.
Ladies' Outing Night Dresses, in all sizes, made of a
good grade of outing, with double yokes, all scams
well finished, from
75c to $1.25
Misses Outing Night Dresses'at
50c and 60c n
Underwear for ladies' in low neck, short sleeves,
ankle length at
This garment is well worth S1.50. Heavier grade in
high neck, long sleeves, ankle lengths, fleeced at
Extra heavy fleeced at
Ladies' Wool Union Suits at
Ladies' Wool and Silk Union Suits at
Children's Wool Union Suits, size 2, at
Como In and Look my Lino Over Boforo
Buying as I Know I Can Please YOu s
fe. Bar tew Phares
Agcijt For Butterick Patterns
Opon Evenings Until After Xmas
Do Ycrar Xmas Shopping Early But Do It
.waSs. . -4ri.-.JJts--r-.rfr '-". v
State Guaranty Fund
, Bi i i
A Hcuspnpcr That (ilvcs The. News Flf y-tuo Weeks Each Your For Sl.fiO.
City Council
Met Tuesday
, , , . . i
Tin ('itv CouirmI met on Tticailvy
eening, Dee. 1i, wiili Mnvor Darner-
"II mid CmiiK'iinn.'n Pony, Caldwell
mid .-trey prurient, it ml traiiHactui the
following lllIluf :
Tut r0 t nl S It. Flirmieu win
read aud uidercd placed on lite.
Moved liy Siorey Hint m'condml ly
Perry tht SiipHriii ciu'cnl lie Instruct-
eii K) order Hew (miter froi.t to replace
stoker Carried.
MVfd and H'C tided I hilt clerk Ic hi
8'iU'tid to cor H0 id with hnlflerH of
wa'er honds as to relirl g $1000 of
Ii.iinIh. Cirried.
Th following claiim were allowed:
Gu. Z-ieler $140 CO
W. A Patten 80 00
Jib E hotun 75 00
E II Welier C.G 70
S. It H trance 3153
O. C.Toel :t5 17
O C 'IVel 57 05
Grant Chrity 15 00
Geo. Cl.w-im G2 i
A. C. II tuner U 511
(J E 11.11 28 00
A 1!. M-A-hur 3 60
Mil W-nt E'-c. Ci 23 16
IK.wK Ey CI mpiuid (Jo 21 80
J. 0. Caidweli 24 75
Olylo Wolfe 1(5 G2
WMtnr Mean 8 01
Wm. iViri: 10 85
Win G 30
Ctrl M c A'.ttiur 35 78
A. R. Mikch 7 00
Clare Wolfe 3 50
CHiih. MeKeighan ' 8 00
V. Z-leH 5 95
Lie McArthur 2 CO
Standing of
The following In the standing of the
Contestants in The Chief's and Cook's
Drug Store Free Trip to the Piinuina
Exposition Contest:
15 .:
, i) 13(10
0.1 135
1000 votes to the dollar given on all
tollot articles tills weetc.
"The Subset trail"
To Be Shown Here
On tho night of December llth, at
the opera house in Red Cloud, Richard
C. Merwin will present a big home
talent production of "The Sunset
Trail," a western comedy drama in
four acts, nudor the auspices of the
Red Cloud Concert Band. Wo havo
been fortunate InscouriugMr. Morvvin,
as ho Is a very talented producer,
haviug producod Shakesporlan plays,
muslcial comedies and dramas,, and
comes highly recommended. We aro
sure that the play thoy are giving will
please all. The llet. orchestra will
furnish the music. Price of admission
25 and 35 cents,
i m
On last Saturday evening tho Misses
Kellett entertained thirtytlvo of their
frionds at a house party at the country
home northwest of tills city. Games
and iniibio were indulged in and at
midnight a two course lunch, was serv
ed to will jh all did justice and at the
small hours all returned to their re-
, sneoilve homes haviug reported a good
. c
Red Gloud High School Foot' Ball Team
One of the Best Teams of Southwest tfn Nebraska
pirn ?
ll'ho loeitl hlrh hchool tt'iiin elcheil
it M'uson here lat 'rinir.sdiiy by losltltf
to the Aeiidemy team of Knilikllii liy a
heoro oftito'J, lefoii! i(.. Imx'e cirowd.
Tlie friiiuu played ly the local wiih a
diRiippoiiitiiient, onfy two or tliive
times (I Itl they blinw their real playiny
Acatlotny kieled off to lied CIouiVh
10 yard line and hall was returned 'JD
yards On first down (iier fumbled
and Academy reeoveriiiK ball (,'ninlni:
30 yards, and scored a touchdown but
Brother W. D. Edson
Is "Papa" Now
Tho editor of this paper aehnowl
elites the receipt of a very pretty
birth card, which carries the glad
tidings that a son was born to Mr. and
Mrs. V. 1). Kdson, on Sunday, Novem
ber 0,l9t4. Tiie baby is forever to
be known tin lor the nou de plume of
William Herbert Kdson, which, to
gether with the hereditary newspaper
instincts which he will surely possess,
causes us to already predict for tho
yuuui; man a lifeerowui'd with journal
j ism fame and siiecuss. linithtr Klson,
we extend congrat illation -.
.John Uardwiclc is shredding fodder
this week.
Fay Aruosou and family spent Sun
day at C. W. Noble's.
Fred Wessel shelled corn for Tom
Whitley Wednesday and Thursday of
last weok.
Misses Maiguret and May Dlckerbou
spent the latter part of last week in
Franklin visiting relatives.
Finley Noble from Colorado is visit
ing his brother Walter and sister Mrs.
Frank Van Dyke this week.
Quite a uuiuber of Walnut Croekltos
took" in the foot ball and basket ball
ganios at Red Cloud Thursday.
The party given at tho home of Robt.
Mitchell Friday night was well attend
ed aud all report au enjoyable time.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Whitley went to
Franklin ouo day last week to visit
their sou, Owen Whitely and family.
Neat Christmas Presents
Ladies will bo interested Inauartlclo
In this week's Issue of the Chief, which
shows how to make neat aud attractive
Christmas remembrances at homo. The
material for any of these presents can
be purchased for !.'5conts some for less.
Conductor llagley, who bus .been
running into this city for several years
on trains 10 and 15, has been trausfered
here to the Hastings passenger train
. , , . -. -. i mm. . .t.... !! '-". '" ." .r-"'"". ,."'" inmtaaMMMMiMiaaifilMfMMWWM
With Our Home Merchants
- -J iVSi 1Ai..s
- I
A MtWi'ZP. -z-v, & jjA
) filled to kick roiiI. Later In the
l larter a .111 yard punt by l'olnleUy
, was lecoveft'd by the Fruiiklin (plait r
haolc, who was ilowiifil for a safety,
which iiiude score (I to 2 In Academy'
favor. The speed of the IncalH that
has been so much of abactor in other
panics, was not apparent, and the Ioiik
end runs and forward passe i failed to
Ijjirly in the second half the Aca
demy team iiihiIc a straight march
down the field to lied Cloud's )- yard
On last Thursday evening at Hast
ings occurred the marriage of Walter
li. Smith to Miss Velum McKimmey,
both of this city.
Thu bride is tho daughter of Mr. and
Mrs W. M. McKimtuey, and enjoys a
wide circle of friends in Uoi Cloud,
haviug been born aud raised in Web
ster county. Fur the, past three mouths
she has been teauhing school at Suther
land, Nebraska.
The groom has been foreman of this
ofilce for tho past three juus,
Tho young couplu returned home
from Hastings Saturday evening, and
the ( lihf along with their many
friends heio wish them much juy and
Methodist Church Notes
The Ash Creek Ladies Aid met with
Mrs. Lloyd Amuck today.
Some Improvements are being tnado
in the primary department of our
Members of the choir aro very grate
ful for the most generous offering of
E. U. Overman.
Fpworth League entertainment on
Wednesday evening. All Leaguers
urged to be present.
Russell Myers entertained some
High School fellows last Friday even
ing in the interest of a Sunday school
class organisation.
Next Sunday morning the pastor will
preach from the text "Of Such Is the
Kingdom" and in the evening, from
"Wo are Colabones together with God".
Everybody Invited,
Take Notice
On Saturday, December 0, 1911, at
1:30 p, in. all members of G, A, R. Post
No. 80 Department of Nebraska, are
requested to meet at 0. A. It. hall for
the purpose of electing oflicers for
1015, aud to transact such other busi
ness as may properly como boforo the
II, C. WOLF, Commander.
V-' 'n
., . -,'
' '"'t
line where they were held for downs.
The K"ine from thou on was u Heo-Miw
(fiiiiw, neither side belnjj able to score,
and bulli uuiii if) ami .down the Held
only to lie held for downs, and forced
to punt ivlion they appeared danger-
. AnIiIh fr.nn Academy's hcorc from tho
fiimblu of tilner, they never appeared
duiiKenius at any time, and the locals
should have scored an early lead An
unusual hi rye crowd was present and
the tfiuno setiuied plenty exciting for
tliem all.
Degree of Honor
Elects New Officers
The Degree of Honor met on Tues
day evening and elected the following
Chief of Honor-Mrs. Minnie Throck
mortou. Lady of Honor Mrs. Elizabeth Foe.
Chief of Ceremonies Mrs. Cora Wolf
Past Chief Mrs Lippencolt r
Recording Flnanceer Mrs 'Esther
Tieasurer Margaret Stevens.
Inside Watch llazi'l Lippon'cott.
Outside Watch LVnrl lllnes
Usher Mis W. It. Smith.
Assistant Usher -Mrs. Mary Pol
ntcky .Musician li race Leonard. N
Mrs Ruby Davis has beou on the
sick list.
Mr. aud Mrs Wm. Clino have gono
to Iowa for a visit.
A son was born Novembor 25 to Mr.,-,
aud Mrs. Wm. Dillon.
L. L. Craven loaded his car for
Gieensvillo, last Monday.
The McNichols clan ate dinner
Thanksgiving at P. E. MeNlcuols.
T. W. Clino hns been appointed as
postmaster to succeed M. B.Jones.
Loch Hutchison came home from
near Red Cloud to spend Thanksgiving
Joseph Burgess is making his homo
with his daughter, Mrs. L. W. Craven.
The academy students aro planning
on a public program in the near future.
Bort Smith has rccolved word of the
death of his mother, who resided in
John Reynolds has gone to Wlnfiold
to look after proporty interests. Oil
in paying quantities has been found '
near his farm.
Mrs. M. O. Osborne has received
word of the death of her brother, Joe
Morton, at his homo in Indianapolis,
Indlaua, Mr. and Mrs, llortou visited,
here lu the early fall.
Road tho Chief tot all tke news-,
s ' hi
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