The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 26, 1914, Image 6

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Germans Claim Important Suo
cess in the Fighting Near
Kaiser's Forces Plan to Check Rub
slan Advance News Is Conflicting
Naval Battle Takes Place In
Black Sea German Statement, of
Fighting In Flanders.
llurlln, Nov. 21 (by wlrolcBH) Ho
porta received today from Holland,
snyn Information given out In Hcrlln
ofllclal circles, uro to the effect Unit
In tlio IlKlitliiR near Ilixticliooto and
Dixmude tho French lost 20,000 men
nnd that l.fiOO Uritlsh wore drowned
in thu Yaer canal.
Gorman troopa liavo repulsed a
French attack In tho neighborhood
of Verdun, Franco. .
Complain of Snow and Frost.
An official announcement of thin
repulao, containing niao news of tho
hattlo slt,untlon olBowhoro in Uelglum
and Franco, rends.
"In Woat Flanders and In North
Franco no appreciable chango In the
Bltuatlon has taken place.
"Heavy ralna and hiiowh, which first
noakod and then partly frozo the
ground, havo mado our movements
very difficult.
"A French attack at Conibro, south
east of Verdun, was repulsed.
"Special diapatchca from tho front
say tho French posltlona at Chuuvon
court havo been blown up by Oertnan
mines, with heavy Iohsch for tho
French, and tho Germana then oc
cupied theso positions."
To Cross Flooded Areas.
London, Nov. 20. "Largo bodies of
German engineers havo been aeon
passing toward tho front," aaya n dla
patch from Hrugoa, "and it la believed
tho Germans aro planning to cross
tho Inundated country by means of
scientific engineering methods.
"Mcanwhllo tho western atorm con
tlnuea and tho waters of tho North
sea aro sweeping inland through tho
six big locka at Nicuport.
"It Is learned that tho Germana at
tempted November 18 a raid on theso
locka, which aro built in a semicircle
Their attack, conducted in armed
automobiles, was repulsed."
Germans Marshal Enormous Army to
Check Advance of the Forces
of the Czar.
London, Nov. 21. Tho Germana, It
In believed, havo brought up by their
lino of strategic railways in Posen and
Silesia at ileast half a million men
in an effort to break tho Russian
lino at this point.
Weather conditions, tlio frozen
ground and tho situation of tho bat
tlefield favor a battlo declslvo to a
degree not equaled on any other field
In tho present war.
Two Claims Conflict.
Tho other battlo In Poland Is taking
placo on tho Cracow-Czenstochowa
front, and both tho Russians and tho
Germans claim it Is proceeding satis
factorily for them. In East Prussia
tho Russian advance is moving slow
ly through tho country surrounding
tho Mazurlan lakes, which la difficult
of passage. In Gallcla tho Russians
ore moving steadily westward and at
tho same tlnio aro seizing tho pasaes
of the Carpathians.
IJcrlln declares that a concentric
attack is being made on tho Russian
center, tho German armies coming
from tho west and the northwest,
whllo Austria Is sending u forco north
from tho Cracow region. Pctrograd,
however, states that the offensive In
western Gallcla is still under way and
that Cracow la believed to bo invested
on three aides, leaving only ono lino
of rail communication open.
A dlapatch from Vlenua Bays: "Op
erationa of tho allies in Russian re
land havo forced tho Russian main
array to battlo, which developed along
the whole front. A group of Auatro
Hungarian troops captured 3,000 pris
Russians Report Victory In Naval En
gagement, Claiming Cruiser Goe
ben Is Injured.
Petrograd, Nov. 20. Tho following
ofllclal statement was given out today
by tho Russian ministry of marine, re
garding tho naval battlo in tho Jilncli
sea hetwoon the Russian ami Turkish
Russ Claim Goeben Is Afire.
Tho following ofllclal statement
Asiatic Cholera Always More Feared
Than Any Pocclhle Invasion of
Armed Men.
Asiatic cholera, reported as" having
broken out In Vienna. Is ono of tho
moat virulent diseases known. Even
In mild cases its mortality Is nbovo CO
per cent, whilo 90 per cent of sevoro
caseB result In death. If tho news of
its outbreak be Into, Austria's capital
juuet combat a foo within Its own
wns given out ot I'etrograd by tho
Russian ministry of marine, regarding
tho naval battlo In tho Muck aca bo
twecn the Russian ami Turkish fleets'
"On November 18 a division of tho
HIack Ben fleet, returning to SobiiBto
pol from Its cruise near tho coast of
Anotolln, sighted 20 miles from tho
Chcrsoneao light, n Turkish detach
ment, consisting of tho Goebcn and
tho llreslau. Tho Russian Ilcct lm
mediately drew up in hattlo order,
bringing tho enemy to starboard and
opened flro at a dlstanco of 40 cablo
lengths. Tho first salvo of 12-lneh
guns from tho flagship Admiral Kvs
tafry struck tho Goebcn and caused
an explosion nmtdahlp, setting tho
ship on fire.
"Following the Kvstafry, tho other
Russian ships opened fire, the Rus
sian guns giving nn excellent nccount
of themselves.
Series of Explosions Seen.
A series of exploalona wcro seen in
tho hull of tho Goeben, which opened
flro alowly. Tho enemy aecmeil not
to hnvo expected to meet us. Tho
Germans fired salvos of their heavy
guns, directing thorn exclusively at tho
flagBhlp. Tim encounter continued for
M minutes, after which tho Goebcn
withdrew and disappeared in tho fog,
taking advantage of her speed.
"Tho Drcsluu took no part In tlio
fight, holding herself on tho horizon.
Tho Evstafry suffered only Insignifi
cant dnmage. Tho Russian losses
wcro n lieutenant nnd 10 sailors killed
and five snllora slightly wounded."
German Official Statement Reports
Little That Is of Material
Herlln, Nov. 20. A Gormnn ofllclnl
communication given out In Dcrlln
"Tho situation In West Flnndera
and tho north of Franco is un
changed. "A German aviation squadron en
countered somo of the enemy's avla
tora whllo making a reconnolterlng
fight nnd enuscd them to descend, ono
of them falling. One of the Hying
machines is missing.
"A flerco French nttnek In tho re
gion of Snrvon, on Iho western slopes
of tho Argonno forest, was repulsed
with heavy loss to tho enemy. Our
losses wcro email."
Winter Supplies for Army.
Paris. Nov. 20. Since the first cold
days tho ministry of war has sent to
tho front ovorythlng tho soldiers need
for tho winter. Exclusive of private
glftH tho ministry has sent 1,730,000.
blankctB. 1,100,000 email tcnta, 1.C83.
000 awenterfl, 1,494,000 flannel belts,
1.4C9.000 pairs of woolen socks nnd
904,000 gloves and mufflers.
Germans Halted by Flood. '
nerlln. via Amsterdam, Nov. 20.
Though temporarily halted In their
cnmpalgn to gain the French coast by
the floods caused by tho cutting of
dikes in tho Yser vnlloy, the Germans
aro meeting this emergency. Bodies of
cnglneerB numbering 7,000 men havo j
ueen laxen 10 mo uixmuuo ironi cur
ing tho laat week and aro engnged
In closing tho gaps in the dikes and
constructing pontoon bridges on which
tho Infantry can cross inundated coun
try and resume tho offensive against
tho enemy.
French Sink Foes' Submarine.
Pnrla, Nov. 20. Newa from tho
Adriatic says that tho French cruiser
Waldock-Roussoau has sunk another
Austrian submarine. Tho enemy
seems to have nindo a special effort to
attack this warship. During a recent
crulso of only four days the cruiser
had to run quite a gauntlet of nero
plane, submarine nnd torpedo-boat at
tacks. It not only camo through them
unscathed, but with tho honors on Its
sldo, for besides sinking the subma
rine It chased and badly battered n
flotilla of 17 hostllo destroyers.
Liner Ekbatana Sunk.
London, Nov. 20. Nowa has been
received hero that tho Hemburg-Amer-Ican
Hnor Ekbatana has been sunk In
tho Persian gulf.
State Department Walts.
Washington, Nov. 20. Secretary
Daniels rocelvod meaBagea today from
Captain Decker 6f tho cruiser Tennes
see and Captain Omar of tho North
Carolina, acknowledging receipt of his
order that no action- bo taken by either
ship In Turkish waters without spe
clllo instructions from Washington.
Neither commander supplied addi
tional Information concerning the fir
ing at tho Tennessee's launch at Smyr
na, and tho stato department nlso still
wns without advices from Ambasaador
New British Loss List.
London. Nov. 20. Caaualty lists in
sued tonight show eight ofllcors killed,
44 wounded and sir missing. 'n tho
Indian forco two llilih officers nnd
ono native officer woro Wiled and
seven nrltish and ton nntlvo officers
wcro wounded. Threo British and two
native ofllcors aro recorded as miss
ing. nates far mpro dnugcious than ever
Rusnla or tho Ilalkan allies could bo.
Tho disease tuiibt not bo confused
yith bubonic plague, another product
from tho Orient. Their only similarity
la their" high death rato and shortness
of duration In tho individual enso
"lllack duath" usually means bubonic
plague, but sometimes is applied to
Asiatic cholera.
Tho cholera has boon known slnco
boforo tho Christian ern. Again nnd
again It swept over the world, taking
millions to death.
Refugees Pouring In Cities at Rate of
25,000 per Day Funeral' ,
of Lord Roberts at ,
Western Newspaper Union News Service.
Washington. Ofllclal advices to tho
United States government from Its
agents throughout Mexico reveal tho
situation as moro Confused than it haa
beeu In many mouths. Tho ofllclal
telegrams summarized events as fol
lows: General Gutierrez, selected provis
ional president by tho convention nt
Aguas Callcntes, has decided to con
tinue Gen. Francisco Villa in command
of all the troops controlled by the
convention. Villa has advanced to lr
apuato without resistance", and Amer
ican consular agents say ho will con
tlnuo to Querctaro and tho vicinity of
Mexico City without difficulty.
Refugees Pouring Into Brussels.
London. Notwithstanding the
amount of relief work which la being
done for the Belglans.-condltlons there,
In the larger cities as well as tho rural
districts, aro becoming moro serious.
Jean Van Brandon, a member of tho
Belgian national relief committee, who
arrived hero Friday from Brussels to
consult tho' American relief commis
sion, said that tho situation In Brus
sels was growing moro alarming con
stantly as refugees are pouring Into
trial olty at tho rate of 25,000 a day.
Funeral of Lord Roberts.
London. Tho body of Field Marshal
Lord Roberts, borne on n gun carriage,
moved slowly through tho streets of
London to Its Inst resting placo in St.
Paul's cathedral. The streets were
lined with troops, while hundreds of
thousands of civilians stood with
bared heads in n cold rain as the
funeral cortege wont by. Lord Rob
erts died from natural causes last
week nt tho headquarters of tho Brit
ish army In Franco.
Running Down a Grave Rumor.
Lincoln, Nob. Though report that
two strangers wero aproadlng the hoof
nnd mouth dlscaso in tho west In ordor
to prevent shipments of pttle and
hogs to Europe for feeding purpoaes
waa looked upon na a fako, govern
ment Inspectors have arrived here to
look Into tho matter. They havo so
far mado no headway In their investi
gation. Similar operations were said
to hnvo been Indulged In by tho samo
two strangers at.St. Joseph and Kan
sas City.
No Cornhusker-Harvard Game.
Lincoln, Nob. All hope of a post
season gamo between the football
teams ot the Unlvorslty of Nebraska
nnd Harvard university havo vanished,
according to a Bpeclal dispatch re
ceived here by tho Dally Star. Har
vard refuses to play any post-season
games, nnd will end tho season with
a clash with Yalo. It was thought a
.game mlghf be arranged for tho bone
fit of tho Belgian relief fund.
Counterfeit Money at Omaha.
Omaha, Neb. Government agents
aro wondering if thoro is a counter,
fclters' den in or about Omaha. W. L.
Gendron, arrested on n charge of pass
ing a bogus hnlf dollar on a Greek
fruit vendor, led Hugh Mills, n gdvern
ment Inspector, to where ho had n hid
den storo of counterfeit GO-cent pieces.
Gendron refused to stuto where ho ob
tained the worthless coins, nnd tho
fodornl agents aro undecided whethor
thoy wero mado In this vicinity or
brought hero from somo other town.
Charged With Buying Stolen Serum.
Lincoln, Nob. Charged with buy
lug and rocelvlug 8,000 cubic conllme
tors of hog cholera serum alleged to
ho stolon by a Btato farm Janitor, 'Wil
liam Teusclrer, a wealthy Mllford
stockman, was arrested hero. Mlc'iaol
,Cody, tho Janitor, It Is said, admitted
laftcr his arrest that his total thefts
'amounted to about 38,000. cubic centl
motors of tho product. His operations
'covered a period of several months.
(Tho sorum was manufactured at tho
'state farm for salo to farmers at cost.
TW0 thousand soldiers de-
Tourists Urged to Thoroughly Exam
ine All Citizenship Papers
Fremont Suffers Dis
astrous Fire.
tVestern Newspaper Union News Service.
Washington. General Villa's march
on Mexico City continues unobstruct
ed, according to ofllclal tolegrams from
American consular agen.s accompany
ing them. Two thousand Carranza
troops changed their nlleglanco to VII-,
la at Leon, the dispatches said, and
garrisons all along the line aro incor
porating themselves in the Villa col
umn. That Villa will reach Mexico
City without difficulty Is the opinion
of tho American agents, who say his
army Is well equipped and moving
with scientific precision.
Bad Fire at Fremont.
Fremont, Neb. A $175,000 fire, tho
biggest in tho history of Fremont.
Thursday burned down tho Gumpert's
department store nnd damaged tho ad
joining stores of It. P. Turner & Co.
nnd Hauptcman & Thomas. Tho flro
was discovered In tho basement of the
Gumpert block about' fi o'clock. In tho
zero temperature tno firemen fought
tho flames under difficulties. Gum
pert's store, occupying four brick
blocks In the heart of Fremont's busi
ness section, was completely de
stroyed, only a part of the walls being
left stnndlng.
But If You Must Go, Look Well to
Your Papers.
Washington. Another Warning to
American citizens against unneces
sary visits to countries Involved In
war has been issued by tho stato de
partment with a particular caution to
naturalized citizens. Americans who
expect to travel abroad aro advised by
tho department to provide themselves
with letters and documents of Identifi
cation In addition to their passports
and to be cortnln to Inquire of the
proper diplomatic officers In foreign
lands about having their passports
Finally tho department once moro
cautioned all citizens not to violate
neutrality by conduct or utterances.
Working on Annual Message.
Washington. President Wilson has
begun work on his annual message to
congress which he will deliver In per
son at the opening of the regular ses
sion in Decombor. Whilo tho message
has not yet taken deflnlto shape, !.
Wilson is expected to discuss Philip
pine Independence conservation, tho
Mexican question, government owner
ship of merchant ships and the effect
of tho Europoan war on tho United
Pittsburgh. Women for the first
timo in tho history of tho Protestant
Eplscopnl church wero recognlzod as
ono of the important boards of that
denomination when the synod of tho
third province decided that the provincial-
board of social scrvlco shall
hereafter bo composed of one bishop,
four presbyters, four laymen' and two
"Bob" Burdette Dead.
Pasadena, Cal. Dr. Robort J. Bur
dotte, preacher, author and humorist,
died at his home hero at 2 o'clock
Friday afternoon. Ho had been 111 for
tho greater part of two years, and
for the last week had boon in a state
of coma. Dr. Burdotlo's Illness becamo
acuto ten weeks ago. Up to that time
he hnd continued his. literary and Jour
nalistic work, to which ho turned nfter
giving up tho actlvo pastorate of Tern
plo Baptist church, Los Angeles, in
Alleged Counterfeiter Arrested.
Lincoln, Nob.' James Ward, alias
Stewart, alias Nolan, has beon nrrest
ed at Sprlngflold, 111., charged by tho
government with counterfeiting. I A
fow days ngo several counterfeit or
"raised" bank nptca wero passed in
Lincoln. Two or threo woro detected
at banks nnd business houses. Ono
wns found In a roll of about threo hun
dred dollars presented for doposlt by
n customor of tho Nebraska 8tato
bank. It had boon taken In by tho
depositor Jn tho ordinary routine of
business and could not bo traced.
Wyoming School Mistress Heroine of
Prairie Fire. Canada Will In-
crease Number of
Western Newspaper. Union News Service.
Washington. Turkey ha3 voluntari
ly explained to tho United States
government through Ambassador Mor-'
genthau that the firing toward the
launch of the American cruiser Tonn
cssee was Intended morely as the cus
tomary warning that the port of
Smyrna was mined nnd closed to
navigation. Although the explana
tion was Informal and tho United
States government still Is awaiting n
reply to formal representations which
Ambassador Morgenthau was In
structed to make to tho Turkish for
eign ofrico. it was generally admitted
nt the white house and navy depart
ment that all danger of serious com
plications over the lucldont had beer
removed. '
Canada Will Train New Troops.
Ottawa, Ont. Canada will Increase
Immediately to 91,000 the number of
men under arms. Fifty thousand ,nre
to be mobilized and sent forward as
requisitioned by tho war ofllce. In
December a forco of 17,000 will be
dispatched to England and by a sub
sequent enlistment, tho total number
of Canadians under arms will tic
brought up to tOS.000 before tho end
of the year. Premier Borden's an
nounccmont points out that .1.1,000
soldiers already havo been sent from
Canada. Eight thousand moro are
engaged in outpost duty in tho domin
ion nnd new mobilization will put
'0,000 others under training.
School Mistress of Wyoming Heroine
of Prairie Fire.
Cheyenne. Wyo. Benin Rhelnhart,
a school teached, is dead from burn?
received In rescuing her pupils from
a prairie flro. Miss Rhelnhart taught
a country school near Horse Creek. A
cloud of smoke, pierced with tongues
of flames, heralded the approach of u
fire. Tho teacher roalized that the
blaze, driven by a high wind, wns
rushing straight for tho school house.
Sending the children to a rocky hill1
nearby, Miss Rhelnhart went out to
fight tho flames In frontier fashion by
burning off a strip of prairie In front
of the main fire. She succeeded thus
In diverting the blaze from tho school
house. In the meantime, however,
several of the children had left the
hill and run out into the path of tho
flro. Whllo running to rescue them
Miss Rhelnhart was caught and re
ceived burns which caused her death.
Cornhuskers Are Champions.
Iowa City, Ia. Missouri valley foot
ball waa easy Saturday on Iowa field,
and tho Nebraska Cornhuskers, cham
pions of the Valley conference,
trounced the Hawkeycs 16 to 7, In a
bitterly contested battlo. Playing tho
last gamo of his football career, Victor
Halllgan, the Nebraska captain, kicked
the Cornhuskors tc victory by booting
three placo goals from tho field. Each
eloven scored ono touchdown, so Hal
llgan's too won tho gamo for No
Thoroughbreds Killed and Cremated.
Spokane, Wash. One hundred and
one head of tho thoroughbred Holstcin
cattle, en routo from Lake Mills, W1b.,
to Ray, Wash., woro pronounced hero
by Inspectors of the federnl bureau of
animal Industry to bo suffering from
tho hoof and mouth dlseaso and wero
ordered killed and tho carcasses
burned. The shipment was valued at
Railroads Kill Fourteen Daily.
Chicago Railroads of tho natlonj kill
5,558 persons annually, an average of
fourteen every clay, because there! aro
no laws penalizing trespassing on rail
road tracks, R; C. Rlohards, general
claim agent of tho Chicago and North
western railroad, told delegates! at
tending tho eighth cohforonco of th
western economic society hero.
Lincoln High Defeats York.
Lincoln, Nob. For tho .first
slnco 1909 Lincoln high school Is In
possession ot the undisputed title ot
champion of the state, Victory pver
York waB almost a foregono conclu
sion, but tho scoro of 34 to 3 camo as
a distinct surprise to followers ot tho
red and black. It was a' crushing do
feat from a team that has scored' 214
points this season as against 9 for, her'
oppononts. Tho victory over Yorlowns
thrilling ono,
Think He Met Foul Play.
North Platte, Nob. diaries Clayton
wnB arrested hero In connection with
tho dlsappenranco ot Vernon Connott,
22 years old, August 2. Harold Roy
Roberts, Clayton's stop-son, Is In tho
penltontlary at Lincoln and will bo
brought horo. Clayton was arrested
and a posso organized to search tho
surrounding country for tho body ot
Cohnett. Bloody clothing found on tho
banks, of tho Platto river led ofllcers
I to tho bollef that Connott had met
i with foul play,
It tones the stomach
brings back the ap
petite assists 3iges
tion and assimilation
promotes liver and
bowel activity pre
vents Bloating, Heart
burn, Indigestion, Bili
ousness and Malaria,
1 Got A
y Day I I
Got A Bottle This Very Day
Small Matter Overlooked.
"Doctor," complained Sim Dorklns,
"1 caln't aeo nothln' through theso
here specs."
"They wero all right for tho first
day or two, wero they not?" asked
tho ocullBt, after a glanco at tho
"Yaas," admitted Sim. "But they
kept a-glttln' wuss and wuss, till I
couldn't hardly see at all."
"They will do as well as over," said
the doctor dryly, "If you will wash
them." Judge.
Tho Soap to cleanso and purify, tho
Ointment to sootho and heal. Theso
fragrant super-creamy emollients and
prophylactics preserve, purify and
beautify tho skin. The daily uso ot
the Soap for all toilet purposes and
occasional uso of the Ointment tend
to prevent pimples, redness nnd rough
ness, dandruff and red, rough bauds.
Sample each freo If you wish. Ad
dreaa postcard, Cutlcuru, DcpL X, Boa.
ton. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Plaint of Pessimist.
"Half the world doesn't know how
tho other half lives."
"But it bus Its suspicions."
Try Murlnu Kjn lU'tni-dy fur lied. Weak, Watery
Uyvs una Orunulut.'d Hjcllds; No hmartlnit
iiiat Kjrn comfort. Wrltu for llouk of thn hjs"
j inui I Krce. Murlnu ttt'uicujr Co., ihlcago.
Any man might conquer the world
if he had half as much perseverance
as n female book agent.
Stiff Muscles
. Sloan's Liniment will save
hours of suffering. For bruiso
or sprain it gives instant relief.
It arrests inilammationnnd thus
prevents moro serious troubles
.developing. No need to rub it
In it acta nt once, instantly
relieving tho pain, however
scvero it may be.
Here's Proof
Charltt Johnton, P. O. Box 10S, Law
ton' Station, ff. Y irritti: "I sprained
my ankle and (Uclocntcd my left hip by
falling out of a third story window all
months uo, I went on crutches for four
months, then I started to use somo of
your Liniment, According tn your direc
tions, nnd I must any that it is (wiping
ma wonderfully. I threw my crutches
away. Only used. two bottles of your
Liniment and now 1 am walking quite
well with one cane. I never will be with
out bloon'i Liniment"
All Dealers, 26c
Send four cents ia stamps for
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc.
Dept. B. Philadelphia, Pa.
that make a horse Wheeze,
Roar, have Thick Wind
or Choke-down, can be
reduced with
Also any Hunch or Spelling, No blister, no
hair gone, and hbrse kept at work. Con
centratedonly a few drops required at an
application. $2 per bottle delivered.
Book 3 K free.
AOSORHINE, Jll.,antisentic liniment t'or man
kind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful, Knotted
Varicose Veins, Ulcers. $1 nnd $2 a bottle at
'dealers or delivered, Book "Kvidencc" free.
W.F.YOUNQ. P. D.F..310 If mjli SI., Surlno field, Mais.
V r.llttr'l m..LI.M flilla
irked, fre Ji. reliable: un-rirrel b,
fbtm kttJOklIln. triHll.A thl
f.r..,ect. h "iw velmi (ill.
Write for booklet nnd listlmnnUls.
lO.Joie pig,, lllacklea Pills J 1. 00
CO-doso pkst. DlsckUg Pllll 4.09
The superloritjr of Cutter rrmlucis li due to oier II
"."! speUslliln In Vaccinas and serums only.
I Tb CuttM- Uftorfttory. Birtiiley, Cti, r Gbliut. II
g Kills
J Pain
$$r 3ssshX Jill