The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 26, 1914, Image 5

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( 4.
ujircmi.1 .- TJwui.fK.Jir' w v.t- ftT rv
own' nuTMai iiwiiiwwpmiiwHiJiiwr''" mwiuwiBiiwivwini, Tinri.irnMMNnuuwMWw mi i
TT n-nn.nmuiHiiTwiwnnmwnmu w-rnwitmmrrtMMtwM.mirmjmritrimTraHin
bulletin of The Week's Doings
Amos Mlk-c)i was in Superior Moll
diy. Jus Ollbert went to Lincoln hist
Tor your new shoes go to Miner
liros Co.
' (ieo. lioit was down fioin Cowles
liny your kodak supplies lit Steven
Urns, studio. udv
Win. II. llioiuiisof Chester was in
town Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mis. Paul Tope weie, in
Supetloi Monday.
.luck Waller and Fied I'oo of Cowlis
weie In town Filduy.
liuit Pucker was In Lobnnon, Kns.,
Saturday afternoon.
New shoes for the Indies just re
ceived at Miner llros. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strayer were
down from Franklin Sunday
Choleo iilfalfti and prairie hay for
sale. Inquire of Ned Grimes.
Miss Mabel Bailey spent tho week
end in Cowles with relatives.
Nato Illlngsworth took in the auto
polo game at Superior Monday
Mrs. Serlvner of Benkelman Is in
the city visiting with her children.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oat man took in
tho nuto polo game at Superior Mon
day. v
Warren Longtln and wife came down
from Hastings Monday evening to visit
Kd. Garner nnd Geo. Hollistcr were
in Lebanon, -Kan-us, Saturday after
noon. Mis. 1) J- Myers of Boulder, Colo., is
lu tho city visiting Mr. and Mrs
Harry Buckles and Al
the ntito polo gumo ut
Uhul (icllatly went to
nesday evening to spend
with friends.
C. li. Cutting mid .las.
to St. Joe tit" Hr-t of the week to
goods for their stoic.
.1 ,. Ilosiner of I)s Moines
..... ti-n.i Miiiulav to visit his
A.O. llo-mt-r and wife.
The Mioses Cecil and 7-olla Taylor
cntoi tallied a number of fi lends at a
cm rd party Friday evonlng.
Fd. Cook of NowaM. OklnliMii". ar
rived in tho city the first of the week
to visit his father, Or. Cook.!
v...... ..,.. inst loeeived at Mlnoi
Bros. Co , whero they have received
new lines in ulldepnitincnts.
Clark Stevens, lien MoFrliui(1, J. A
'Burden, Spcnce Potter took in the
auto-polo game nt Superior Monday.
Miss Hva Foster returned homo tho
last of tho week from Republican City
whero she had been visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs Bruce Robinson came
down from Clay Center Wednesday, to
spend Thanksgiving with his paren's
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Robinson.
(Hon Ralph of Benkelman, who it.
holding down a position in the News
Chronicle oillco tit that place, spent
tho last of tho week hero with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Ralph.
Mrs. Oeo Llndsey returned home
from North Platte last Thursday even-
M s 1 i I. s anlii in re i i n il to hoi
U !,!. ut s nt s nil N, lii.i-.hii, I'TnLiy
ow nliirf Mf!ei m t-1 1 1 1 1 li f a few weeks!
h le with her fiith r, IM Atn.iok. '
Hill v-Jnhnson iiL'i'il '.''J mill
of Mr. inn! Mi-s Henry Johnsun who'
I v.- east of Lester, died lit I)t adwouil,
Sini'li Dakota, Nov. 21 Mis .lohnsnn ,
noi'oiiipiiiiied the toniMius hnine Mon
day owning. He was bom at l'liiiline,
Nebraska, and was a young mm of
exemplary habits. Tho funeral was
held at Hie Catholic ohm oh Wodi!esdy
mnruiui; and Inti riiiout took plaee In
the Catholic cemetery. Mr and Mrs.
ilohu-oti have the .sympathy of the en
tire community during thdr sad hour
of iH'teaveiui'iit.
The Internal Revenue Oillco is now
receiving limited ipiautitles of wine
slumps and documentary mid proprlo
taiy stamps. Special taxis imposed
upon Ranks, llioher, I'liwiilirokeis.
Commercial Itiokeis, Custom House
lirnkeis, l'ropiietois of Theatres,
Museums and Concert Halls, Cir
ciises. 1'roniotors of other nublh' ex
hibitions for money, Rowling Alleys,
Billlaid Tables, l'ool Tables, Com
mission Meicluints, Deuleis in Loaf
Tobacco, Doaleis lu Manufactured To
bacco, SnulT, Cigars or Cigarettes,
Mnnufuctureis of Tobacco and Mann
fuoturers of Cigars lire effective from
November 1st, and t'.ioso subject to
tax are required to make return and
pav eight-twelfths of the total tax for
ono year, or fiom November 1st, 1011,
to Juno :iO, lDlfi. The roturns must be
Hied during November.
Chamber of Commerce
Holds Election of Officers
On Tuesday night tho Chamber of
Commerce held their niiniuil meeting
and elected otllcers for tho ensuing
S3S3aS3SS3 -ss3MBss-S3 -saraHSa S3SSS3a63wS3vv9K)
Men9s Boys9 and Children's j
High Grade Suits and Overcoats
Commencing Saturday, November 28 th
We will put our entire stock of Men s, Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats
on sale at a great sacrifice of our regular plain figure prices.
JUST THINK! Kuppenheimer and Cloth Craft Suits and Overcoats, right
here in December at such money saving prices.
The Open Season has compelled us to make this sacrifice to your benefit and
gain. We will divide this sale into three big assortments:
Assortment One will include
all regular New Fall Suits and
Overcoats at a
reduction of
Assortment Two will include
the last of our Fall and Winter
Suits and Overcoats fO
at a reduction of - k J O
Assortment Three is Odd Suits
and Overcoats, all good materials
but carried over from last season
but will carry our
lleers took In
Superior on
Lincoln Wed
TlnnUsgivit g
Mitchell wont
year. A largo number of tho members
were present mid the following weie
elected olllcers:
W. 0. Hamilton, President.
H. L. (Iriiiios, Vice President.
l' W. Uowden, Secretary.
V. A. Sherwood, Tioasurer.
Iloud of D'leetors
II. A. Letson K .1. Oreiiug
IV11.11W Pvi-ry IM Gnrbor
Paul Storey U 1). Morltz
Paul Pope H. Mo.imy
The following is the treasurer's. state-
iiieiit for the year ending Nov. 21,11)11:
l5alano on Imnil last report. ... 120 15
D ifsuiid memhet ships H3I 0
Calenders KM 00
Iiobate postage I 00
Tcta) receipts. slOlfi l.'i
Paid for Phones and Lights ...S J7 3")
P.iid .lunitor ir.2 CO
Misoel. KvponseH -(it! 01)
Paid forCalendeib .WJ .rK)
Rent Ml 00
Ueb.ito membership fro........ 8 00
Total disbursements fl2S2 14
ltalancoonhand S (TO 01
the Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
Red Cloud, -:- -:- Nebraska
Standing of
Contestants f)
The following is the standing of the
Contestaiith In The Chief's and CooU's
Drug Stoic Kico Tiip to the Panama
i:positlnn ConUHt:
15 12.')S:.-
i) KCJlln
We Hae Fresh Today:
ing whero she had been visiting li r
daughter, Mis. Mabel Thompson and
Don't miss the second number of tho
lecture course at the opera house Mon
day evening, Nov. !Wth. I he first
number was Hue and the second num
ber is deserving of n full house.
Dr. Warrick, The Specialist, will
meet eye, ear, nos-o and throat patients
and those needing glasses fitted at Dr.
Damerell's ottloe In Rod Cloud, Tues
day, December 1st.
Robt Damotell and W. P. Kutdin
will offer at public auction on Satur
day, November 28th, at 2 o'ciock p. m
three farms consisting of 472 acres of
land. R.C. Peters of Guide -Rock Is
the auctioneer and E. S Oarber Cleik,
For further particulars seo lurge bills.
At a meeting of the Rebekab lodge
last Thursday evening the following
wore elected offloers for the eusnlDB
term Mrs. Harrington, noble grand;
Mrs Scrivner, vice grand. Clara Mc
Millan, secretary and Mrs. Frank
Smith, treasuier.
Last Friday morning, Tom Idle
man, who was working on Cottlng's
drug store, was struck on the shoulder
by some bricks which fell from the
front of tho building. Ho was mi
conscious for several hours and while
ho is still confined to his bed at this
writing, ho is doing as well as could
bo expected.
We will have on sale a lino of fancy
work and useful in tides. Anyone de
siring to purchase Xoias present, need
not look any farther. Come and see
At SattloyV furniture store, Dec. tilli.
Mhs. l'n. (iAitni:it
Seed Potatoes
Nebraska potato growers do not give
sulllciint attentl n to tho selection of
thoir soed potatoes. The usual plan
of planting whatever happens to bo
left In tho spring cannot be too strong
ly condemned. A very few of our best
informed potato .growoi s are nlieady
making hill selections. This is a wise
practice and will pay for itself In the
Increased yields.
Tho department of agricultural
botany of the Nebraska College of
Agriculture has already shown the ad
van age of fumigating or otherwise
disinfecting tho potatoes and the cel
lar. Dry rot can be prevented by
nroner treatment of the cellar and
potatops. The work of this depart
ment has already demonstrated that
tie dreaded leaf roll may be elimina
ted thru the development of resistant
You Furnish the
Turkey and we will
furnish the rest for
your big Thanksgiving
Lettuce - Radishes
17 - li.UH
.'"'.! C2.1i
jO.. K5"
13.'.... - 3831
10 "771
11 M2i
lo" B3H
21 43120
Double the usual amount of votes on
Mrs. Oliver Sutton Is quite ill.
Robt. Mitcholl and family spent
Sunday at the Chas. Rinker homo
Quite a number of the farmers
finished husking corn this week.
Ivan Blankenbaker and John Hayes
went to Grand Island Saturday, via
John Mitchell lias a brother In-law
visiting him from the western part of
tho state.
Mrs. O. A. Adams outertained a
number of her neighbors and frieuds
Thi Ladles' Aid Society met with
Mrs. Juo. Harwlck lust Thursday
Mrs, UruceConlcy was called to Red
Cloud Saturday by tho death of her
nephew, Harvey Johnson.
Mrs. Jesse Hendricks from Oregon
is vlsltlna her sisters. Mrs. Frank
lllankenbakerand Mrs. Alva Stoner.
The Box Social at District No. 70,
was well attended lust Friday evening
and a peat sum was obtained from the
sale of the boxes.
R. L. Hunslckor and wife left Tues
day for Morolund, Kansas to visit
their son and look after business in
terests ut that placo.
ii i iihiimiwwmiiw nmm m in r i it n hiii i m i himww hwiihwihidi n - mi
Leaf Lettuce Cauliflower Pears v
Cucumbers Celery Cabbage Bananas "
Celery Toinat es Florida Sweet Oranges
Cabbage Radishes Grapes
We Pay Cash For Produce
Weesner, Perry ft Co.
Dry Goods, Groceries and Ladles' Ready-to-near Garments
Red Cloud, ...
The olfectsof tho European war on
tle Nebraska farmers will be discuss
oil by expe.'ts of national reputation
ut tho meeting of Organized Agricul
ture ut Lincoln .lununiy 18ih to 'J3rd.
II priKeiilutlvesof t'unty live societies
wll give proKrums and all phases of
agriculture, rural eilucition, riuirjllig,
horticulture, live stock bleeding nnd
kindred subjects will bn coveted.
Koertner Farm
Brings $38,400.00
One of tho most important real
estate transfers for some time took
plaee Monday when tho farm belong
ing to II. A Koertner was sold to F.
Vavrlcka of Red Cloud. Tho half sec
tion brought 8120 per aero This farm
Is oue of the choicest in Webster Coun
ty and lies five miles south and one
mile east of llladeu. Mr. Koertner
came out from Illinois soino twelve
years ago and bought tho farm, paying
8!i,(00 for it. He has since made it his
home and has built n splendid house
and substantial bams nnd out build
Iiibs. While the farm has been self
supporting all this time It has doubled
and threbled in value with the rise of
farm land in this vicinity. llladeu
Don't miss the foot ball nnd basket
ball game today
According to tiro estimates of the
state board of agriculture there are
128,451 men over 21 years of ago on
Nebraska farms Tho women number
101,018. In 1013 tho assessors reported
tlur. there were Kit), 191) men and 101,
8.'j0 women.
Indications point to a very large volume of Winter TonrUt travel to
Southern California tho season of l914-ir because of the opening of their
exposition, rv c
It would be well to think of the advantage of n winter in California and
the comfort in seeing these expositions during this season, when we consider
tho crowds that will tax tho'qisourcos of the linteN and railroads next sum
mer. Arrange to join one o'f the Burlington' Personally Conducted Tourist
Sleeping Car Parties to Los Angeles via Denver and Scenic Colorado,, planning
to Include His San Diego hxposltion during, the winter, returning via 8a
Francisce, after March 1st, 1915.
Ask for our now California folder "ISLjht Routes to the Pacific CoasU'
We Have Aided
In Building Great
Fortunes For
Clever Advertisers
N. B, BUBH, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Nebr
L.iW. WAKE LEY, General Pavenger A ft.
l()0l Farnatn Street, Omaha, Nebr.
Armies Of Peace And War
When a general wants to tour down
a citj in time of war ho sends un army
of men to do It. When fromobody
wants to build up a town In time of
poneo it takes uu army of winkers to
accomplish lesults
You can't make this town better by
wishing It were better. You have gpt
got to work along with somebody else.
It requires a plan of bnttlo and con
certed effort. You would enlist quick
ly to prevent an nrmy of enemies frota
destroying this community. Why
don't you enllstjn sunie of tho move
ments that are being made to build it
Tho Red Cloud High -ohool basket
ball team will play tho Franklin team
to work to in ke llboMerimd you have iu.n today, Rout for Ilia homo gliK . ";
A f
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