. rfcMOii -,v it- .aitt.jTHaNwrt- .CH5t,il Jvw- hJj w-r. v . -r tx A !JkRu w :t RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ii' v REQUESTED TO ' RETURN THANKS GOVERNOR MOREHEAD IS3UE8 ANNUAL PROCLAMATION. GOSSIP FROM STATE CAPITAL Items of Interest Gathered from Re liable Sources and Presented In Condensed Form to Our Readers. Western Newflpnper Union Newa Servlca Tho Thanksgiving proclamation just Issued by Governor Morehoad calli attention to the super-thankfulness Nebraska should fuel becauso the country Is not at war with another country or engaged In domestic em brogllos. Tho proclamation reads; "Another year has passed und thft record of ovents has been made by both tho Individual and the state. The seasons havo passed In their order and tho blessings of God have been seen In 'early and late rain. Tho prom ise of tho springtime has been fulfilled in tho abundance of the summer har vost and tho fruits of autumn. Our barns nre full and the cry of want Is seldom heard In the lnnd. Nebraska Joins with the other states of the union in praise for the fact that while tho eastern world Is being rocked In tho throes of war Involving wholo na tions In utter desolation we are at peace, tho blessings of which wo see In tho contrast more clearly than over before. May He who guides tho Btar In their courses mercifully preserve ub from want and und-eT tho lead of thoso In high authority let us follow In the path that tends to a perpetual peaco. "That wo aro a happy people can bo witnessed in the troops of children, young. men and maidens, as they pas; to and from our schools and Institu tions of learning; in tho faces of pcoplo as they go in and out of their homes and meet each other on tho streets and highways. In tho midst of the multitude of our blessings let us not be unmindful of the great sourco from whence they flow. "Thorefore, In keeping with tho proc lamation of tho president of the United States and by the authority of the law vested in mo as governor, I do hereby set aside November 26, 1914, as a daj of thanksgiving and praise, and recom mend that all our people cease from ordinary labor and assemble in thcii churches and homes and render unt God the praise duo unto His namo foi his great mercies vouchsafed unto us Not forgottlng to seek out thoso lest fortunate and give unto them as th Lord has given unto us, ever kcepln In mind that tho eternal God Is our refuge and underneath aro the ever 'astlng arms." Value rf Nebraska Corn Crop. NebraSKt' corn crop is worth $SG. 302,545, according to figures compiled by tho stato board of agriculture. The yield is figured at 165,559,957 bushels and tho acreage returned by tho as sessors waB 6,630,078. Crop corres pondents reported the yield and tin averago prlco from tho various pre cincts of the state. Strango as it may seem, the high est yield per aero was in the extreme western part of tho state, Scottsbluff county, 45 bushels. Tho nearest ap proach to this yield was In tho other extrcmo end, Douglas county, 43 bush els. Tho county with the largest acre Age and tho most bushels In the ag gregate was Custer, 358,792 acres, at 18.3 bushels to the acre, or a total of 6,665,893 bushels. Railroads Did Good Business. Nebraska railroads did a thriving business for the fiscal year of 1914. The reports Just filed with tho sta'e railway commission show that tho total of tho roads' Nebraska buslnesn amounted to 153.834,767, as compared to $52,545,584 for tho preceding year. Operating expenses for tho samo period advanced In excess of $800,000 over tho fiscal year of 1912. For the last fiscal year they totaled $34,398. 183 and for tho fiscal yenr of 1913 reached tho mark of $33,595,763. "Stop chewing gum In public," Is a slogan that Is apt to be adopted at tho state university. Speaking of tho gum-chewing habit, one member of tho faculty Bald that it was really amazing how many students had that habit. Information has been recolved at the stato veterinarian's office from a practitioner at Wcoplng Water that four horses died thoro a few days ago from a disease similar to spinal men ingitis. Tho veterinarian who treated tho animals thinks tho malady is tho same which carried off sevornl thou sand animals In this stato In tho sum mer of 1913, and caused great loss in other western etatoB. Tho exact character of the dlseaso then preva lent has nevor been determined. Veterinarians wero poworless to save tho anlmala stricken with It. A spcclaL winter term for fnrm boys, beginning November 30 and' closing March C, is being ofTored by tho Ne braska school of agriculture at Curtis. It is planned to offer full somestral courses in all tho subjects given and thus mako possible for tho farm boy, who cant bo away from tho farm only between harvesting and seeding, an opportunity to do regular academic work that ho may uso toward gradua tion. Tho aim In tho winter term Is to make tho work both practical and sufficiently theoretical to meet the needs of the credit given ILLUSTRATING THE REAL JOY OF THE DAY wati VaF J r VaflBft j.i. a . laaaa .Jsbbk t KW IBiwi !?tu aaaaaaaaJP'r'x M$ttl':i v btw?A avBSBaaaa&lx rtJpo SSS ka JS Pt Tt 'o- K ra'fi t .tiri &M:m --i . ?0ivv iPaataaaa. i ZSwE&23 tlaaraMI Lord, we, thy children, small arid great Beneath thy care, where'er It be, The while thy grace we supplicate, Give thanks to thee. Clinton Scollard. JHfoffi HWKLrow Ooru YES, yes, indeed! Wo would havo had a perfectly lovely tlmo at our houso on Thanksgiving If it hadn't been for an accident that happened at the din aer table. At tho time 1 felt terri bly misanthropic about it and really had a very bad movay quart dour for a minute, but I soon con oled myself by recalling dear Rob ert Burns' precious words, "Tho best laid plans of mice and men gang bide aweo." Wo only had a small dinner party. Just the Bollvards and Wood's sister and her husband and their little boy, Harold. Did you ever meet Wood's Bister? My dear, between you and I remember this is strictly sotto voce she is very ignorant and snobbish, and such a talker! Wood himself ac knowledges that she would surely ex plode if Bho ever got tetanus, and over since she went abroad she holds her head as high as Mnrlo Antoinette go ing to tho Moulin Rougo and talks nothing but Paris a perfect parrl'cldo, I call her! And Ignorant! Why, do you know, she brought mo back a llttlo statu esque of Venus from Italy and apolo gized for its broken arms, by telling me It was that way the diagonal was found! Ha, ha, ha! I could scarcely retain my specific gravity, I was so i amused. She didn't know that Mickey Angelo had carved It that way on purpose to make It look old and de bilitated because the Romans dearly loved antiquo things. I don't blame them either, I do myself, don't you? I have a colonial monogamy antima cassar 600 years old with all the knobs broken off. I had a high noon dinner at one ( o'clock "when Jocund day stands tipsy on tho misty mountain top," rou know, as dear old Will would lay. It was a strict New Eng land dinner, of course, in honor of the day and Wood's ancestors I am an F. F. V., myself and before it was served wo each agreed to tell tho one thing we wero most thankful for. Wood was first. Ho said wordB couldn't express his gratefultude be causo ho didn't havo to pay an in come tax. Poor Wood! Ho staid up all tho night boforo, figuring out what ho would havo to pay at tho source. Ho was terribly puzzled at first and wanted mo to help him, but I was too busy assisting Nora to mako tho stufllng. Ho didn't know whether to multiply tho least common multiple by tho fourth dimension and add 1 per cent of tho remainder, or extrlcato tho cuberoot of tho not proceeds and square tho result. Ono thing, ho said, was certain. Ho'd just like to got Bquaro onco with tho Democrats! My, but ho was tickled when ho camo up Btalrs tho next morning to toll mo lio had escaped after nil, but, ho Bald, it was a very closo shave. I don't know whother to tell I was thankful becauso I had been elected president of my suffrage club, or be cause I had such a wonderful child as Gwendolyn, but I finally decided to in timate Cordelia, tho mother of the Gratchy, and display my Jewel child. , Besides, I am far too modest to boast of myself. So ! had Gwendolyn rend a compo sition on "The First Thanksgiving," In which sho told all about the hard ships of tho poor Pilgrims who came over in the Maybell with Lord l!ultl moro to Plymouth, and how they sat down to their first Thanksgiving din ner of hominy and codfish balls, and gavo thanks bpenuso they hadn't been scalped or burned as u Itches. Then Wood had her bind every stato in tho Union and tell what time it is in the Scandalous peninsula when it in six o'clock hero. Then she showed all of her beautiful sketches and played several duets on tho piano. Sho Is Mr. Boguslatchkey's favorite pupil, and ho often tells me that she will be a perfect tyro when sho grows up. JuBt then, the "tocsin of the soul, the dinner boll," rang and wo had to ovado tho rest of tho program. I was glad, too, because tho Bollvards looked awfully bored when Wood's slstei asked Harold to recite my, my, how she does love to show him oft! We had a lovoly meal. Nora cor talnly Is a fine cook, even if she is Irish. I had her mix the mincemeat with strong tea and cane pepper In stead of wicked things like cider and brandy, and tho pies were delicious. Everything was. Nora hasn't quit talking about her fine cooking that day yet. That's ono trouble with tho Irish, they are so boastful! I firmly believe it Is tho reason that Julius Caesar, when he conquered Ireland, christened it "Erln-go-Brag," don't you? Beg pardon? Well, tho dinner had passed off beautifully. Wood had kept tho table in a roar you know what a delightful bon mot ho Is! and had carved the turkoy Just like a surgeon. But first I must tell you about Harold. Tho little wretch, instead of peeling his banana into strips and laying them carefully on the table like Gwendolyn, turned his skin back and, after eating the fruit out of it in two bites, threw It under the table. He Bald afterwards it slipped off his plate. At any rate It fell right at Wood's foot. Poor Wood! He had on some new shoes without any heelshe didn't want to buy them in the first place, but I begged him to, because I love him to be tho observed of all observ ers and have a moldy form, as my be loved Shakespeare would say and he wasn't used to them, so that when he got up to leave the table he slipped on the peel. Ours is an extension table with ball gearing rollers, and when he grasped tho edge of it to save himself from falling, alas, alas, it parted In the middle and all tho combustibles of the dinner were participated onto the floor and Wood fell backwards on top of his chair with tho most violent em phasis. Poor boy! Ho had been telling a baseball story and had been using such shocking paraphrases bb "Jammed the cushion," "swatted the sphere," "clat tored across tho pan" and "dented tho platter." Don't you think it was a dreadful coincidence that Just as ho said "platter," down went tho turkey? Oh, dear! I Just can't help but feel somoway that perhaps tho whole thing was a nomosts on him for using such dreadful, undcfllod slang. Well, ho paid dearly for it, poor fellow! I'm afraid it will bo weeks beforo his solar system will be entire ly renovated. When wo disinterred him that day wo found that his paral lax was dreadfully bruised, and that ho had a severo attack of nostalgia I declnro I thought his ' dear noso would never, never stop bleeding! Yes, wo all partook of Homo injury Mrs. Bollvard hasn't spoken to mo slnco becauso her new scrnpode-shln skirt was ruined; that is. all but Har old and his mother. It seems liko tho very ironinc; of fato that they wero tho only ours present who escaped from damage, don't you think so? Real Cause for Thanksgiving. On overy sldo thoro is causo for thanksgiving. Wo aro at peaco with all, oven our enemies, if thoro bo such. Our past achievements stlmulato to further efforts, and our present diffi culties breed frech determination to overcome them. MET HER HUSBAND AS A HOUSEBREAKER Mrs. Mortimer Choked Intruder and Then He Set Fire to the House. Now York. Mrs. Phoubo Mortlmct of 68 Crystal street, East Nuw York, was awakened early In tho morning when sho henrd boiiio ono trying to enter a window. Sho thought It was a burglar, and, ns her husband had disappeared several days before, she decided to tacklo tho Intruder horsulf in order to protect her three children. Sho caught tho man by tho throat in tho darkness after ho had climbed Choked Him Until He Ceased to Struggle. through tho window, knocked hlra down, and choked him until ho ceased to struggle Then she lighted an oil lamp, and saw that tho man on tho floor was her husband. As Boon as lie had recovered his breath' ho got to his feet, berated his wlfo vigorously, and throw nu oil lamp at her. It missed nor, but broko ngalnst tho wall, setting tho room on fire. Mrs. Mortimer ran to her chil dren and carried them out of tho house. Neighbors, seeing tho flames, turned in an alarm, and tho depart ment put out tho firo. In tho crowd watching tho fire fight ers Mrs. Mortimer saw her huBband, solzed him, and turned him over to tho police. He was held' for further ex amination by Magistrate Dodd in the Now Jersey avenuo court. BAD BEAR HUGS HOUSEWIFE Animal Entered Home, Uninvited, and Mussed Things Up In General. Chicago. Charging thnt a hungry, affectionate. bear wandered into her homo, ato everything edible in sight, cuddled her until she was breathless and then tossed the kitchen sink Into the very soul of a baby grand piano, Mrs. Henrlotta Singer of Chicago has brought action for damages against tho owners of a theater. Tho bear, which was part of an animal show, walked out of tho stage door when waiting for his turn to appear profes sionally, and, according to Mrs. Sing er, must have hustled right for her home. She declared that sho heard some one fumbling at the door in an uncer tain sort of way. Knowing that it could not he her husband, sho ran to a window to seo who was knocking. The bear pushed In the door, took charge of tho house and began to mix things up. When Bho Interfered, the bear hugged her, smashed the furni ture and escaped. "JOKE" DISFIGURES A BOY Woman 8hoots Him "for Fun" and Be comes III, From Shock at the Result. Netcong, N. J. "Hands up!" said Mrs. Clemens Oxander in tho way ol frightening Archie McMlckle, tho milk boy, when ho appeared at her back door. His hands went up when he saw a rlflo poked through tho door, but that didn't stop Mrs. Oxander Ifrot.' shooting. McMIcklo received a j cliai-go of shot In tho face. Dr. Clar- enco t'lumo oi rseicong removeu me shot from tho youth's face. Ho will bo disfigured for life. Mrs. Oxander explained that she put tho gun through tho door for a Joko and didn't know it was loaded I Sho is ill from shock. TRAPPED ON TRESTLE; SAVED Man Falls Fifty Feet to River After Two Trains Pass Above Him. Aurora, III. Trapped on tho Burl ington railroad bridge, which spans Fox river hero 50 foot in tho air, when two freight trains camo upon the structure from opposlto directions, Edward Dehlln gresped tho end of a Ulo and hung suspended over tho wa iter whllo the trains thundered over Jills head. He became exhausted Jusl tas tho last car passed and fell Into 'the river. He was rescued by fisher mon and taken to St. Charles hos- pltal. E UFEJS BARED "Society" Burglar of New York Confesses to An Amazing Criminal Career. EVEN DECEIVES WIFE Herbert Eaton, Posing as Model BusN ness Man, Performs Daring Crim inal Acts In Gotham Dance Partners Victims. Now York. Herbert Eaton. New York city's daring "society" burglar and thief, who was recently mortally Hhot by n detoctlvo while attempting to escape from tho sleuth, hnB con fessed to having stolen last year gems worth $15,000 from Miss Mario H. Kohn, dnughtor of a Paris banker. Eaton, a dapper, stylish, socially In teresting young man, posed as n model family man. Ho lived quietly with his wlfo and baby In a stylish apartment. Seldom did this Jekylt and Hyde being go out a night. Burglar Deceives Wife. HIb devoted wlfo know nothing of tho criminal sldo of her husband. Enton, however, not tnklng his wlfo Into his financial confidence, spent much moro than his salary as secre tary. Ocnslonnlly, ho would mix In tho gay throngs at tho expensive hotels, where his ncqualntanco was wide, now posing ns WIlllaniB, now ns Eaton, and nt other times as Brown. Eaton did not pntronlzo tho dancing places frequented by tho gay CBt of the gay. Ho choso for his tango-tea appearances resorts fre quented almost wholly by persons of acknowledged social standing and un questioned wealth. Ho cared nothing for meeting beautiful women of slen der finances; ho cared only to dance, attendnnco upon matrons possessing JewolB of great valuo. To such wom en, tho "socloty" burglar mado him Belf agreeable. Ho danced well, talked well, appeared well, and Hod well. Eaton Meets a Victim. It was at tho exclusive Hotel Astor that Eaton met MrB. Gcttrudo Plko, a Now York woman of wealth and posi tion. Ho tangoed with her under the namo of Williams, chatted with her, took teas with her, making himself nn entertaining companion. Mrs. Plko, Fired on the Fleeing Man and Brought Him Down, introduced to him In good faith by an old friend, a woman, gladly accepted Eaton's proffered escort home after a tango-tea at the Hotel Astor. During the trip to Mrs. Piko's homo, her hand bag dropped, scattering its contents. Eaton picked up tho things, falling, however, to put into a bag a .key to Mrs. Piko'B apartment Tho next aft ernoon tho npartment of Mrs. Piko was robbed of monoy and valuablo lowels. Sho reported to tl.o police. Eaton Falls Into a Trp. In a few days Mrs. Plko recolved a letter from WllllamB stating her Jewels would bo returned to her upon payment of $500. Tho letter was turned over to tho police. A trap was laid, and Williams nppeared at tho appointed tlmo, according to his own arrangement, to get tho monoy from Mrs. Plko. At a given signal, detectives pounced on Eaton nnd took him to a station houso. Thero tho captain ordered him removed to Jail, nnd, as ho was being taken out of tho station houso tho thief mado a break. Detectives fired on tho fleeing man and brought him down. Wanted Sudden Riches. It nppears Eaton is a Welshman, who camo to tho United States to cot rich. He didn't get rich very fast, but ho wroto homo glowing letters ol hia "prosperity." To his dovctcd wife ho gavo somo of tho costly gems ho , stole, snylng they wero Klvon him bv his admiring friend, "Colonel Carte: ! of Cartcrvillo." Othor stolen Jewell ho gave his wlfo ho said ho had bought out of tho profits ho mado lc dealing In stocks. Papers wore found In his npartment showing tho mar had had extonslvo, losing transaction! in stocks. Ho nlBO gambled to a con Bldorablo extent. Successfully, how evor, ho concealed his double !lf from his wifo and from her sister. IFKYLL Pelvic Catarrh I Would Not Do Without Peruna. Miss Emello A. Habcrkorn. 2 2 61 Oravols Ave., St. Louts, Mo., writes: 'For over two years I was troubled with catarrh of tho pclvio organs. I heard of Dr. H a rtmin'i book, The Ills rf Life.' I read It and wrote to the doctor, who answered my lettei promptly. I began taking treatment a soon as possible. Tongue cannot express how I suffered. I feel grate ful for what tho doctor has done for me, nnd would not do without Peruna. I now enjoy as good health as ever. I find It has Improved my health so much that I will recommemf It to any ono cheerfully." PROPER CREDIT FOR GRANDPA Happy Father Wanted Generous Con tribution Entered Under the Proper Heading. When Mr. Otis returned from the ofllco ono afternoon, ho was mot at the door by his wlfo, who crlod, excitedly: "Oh, Hcrbort.lovo, I received a love ly letter from father today." "Yes, my dear?" quorlod ho. "Yes, dearest," ropoated Mrs. Otis, enthusiastically, "ho congratulate ub on tho birth of our baby." "Thut's good," was tho roply. "Yes," went on Mrs. Otis, "and hs says it will cost us moro to live now that babtcs aro expensive." "I supposo thnt is truo, dear," as sented tho hubsand. "And, Herbert, Just think!" said the wlfo, Joyfully, "father has sent us a check for 91,000. Isn't thnt Just lovoly of him?" "I should say it was!" said Otis. "I'll sit right down, dear, and thank hint for his generaUB contribution to the Fresh Holr fund." 8UFFERED FOR FOUR YEARS. Mr. J. M. Sinclair of OltvehllL Tcnn., writes: "I strained my back, which weakened my kidneya and caused an awful bad backache and Inflammation of the bladder. La tor I became so much worse that I consulted a doctor, who said that I had- Dia betes and that my heart was at Mr. J. H. Sinclair. ,0.ct,od- ' ,u0op ' ed for four yean and was In a nervous state and very much depressed. Tho doctor's medi cine didn't help mo, so I decided to try Dodds Kidney Pills, and I cannot say enough to express my rellof,and thankfulness, as thoy cured mo. Dia mond Dinner Plllo cured mo of Con stipation." Dodds Kidney Pills, 60c. per box at your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household Hints, also music of National Anthem (English and German words) and rec ipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent Ire. Adv. A General Collapse. , "I hear poor Mrs. Smith was com pletely broken up whon aha tried to sing at tho copcert" "So sho was, poor thing! Her vole broko, her face fell, and she went all to pieces." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle) ol CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy tot Infants and children, and see that II Bears the Signature i In Uso For Over 30 YnVra. Children Cry for Fletchera Castoris The Difference. "Gossip has no business methods." "What do you mean?" "People retail It by wholesale." youn own DRcanisT vmx tew, too Trr Merino Kro lU-nxxjj for lla, Weak. Wiuit Urn nd Urannlalrd Kj.'lldii No HorUn iuM Bra Comfort, writs lor lioon of tba ifra by mall free. Murine K;s Uouady Oo- Cbleso. A Mistake. Wlfo James, you aro going out without your mufller. Autolst I cut It out. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cur LAKIKK'S UHIt LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta ble act surel but gently on the liver. Stop after 0 inner dis tresscure y Indigestion. improve the complexion, brighten the eyes, SMALL FILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuihe must bear Signature "BAoUefc.A 1 A tolltt pMprtlon or nirlL - LaaaaaaK g? 'a Y .AMMPADTrric KHflim biitti r MW IIVER SMPI PILLS. &2?&&zg ftallW?lSM l For Ratoria Color n4 I Qcl anil oat PrunrUtaT "4 1 4 tyX I w 3 4 1 a ie. i r '1 ji, 'I c I k'l X t 4 tit m&smm&sw Ktitm. ,y ti If w