The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 19, 1914, Image 5

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Uullctln of Tho WecK'tJ Doings
I" i'V
r r
um n
(id on' to ilit' bill tfaine Friday
.1. II. P, linger lentrneil fr .m Mr
UonU Suiiiliiy
A. KopMiof l!Iiu IIl'l was mi our
streili l'lldity.
.J I!. Holler wus i n tin slot. list tin
lllM nl tilt' wunh
Ml-ss Kriim Ijiiiflle.v ws down rioin
, IliviMlitii Kililny.
MUsOrarn Shei r was home fioni
Kh'i'itiiii .Sunday.
Miss lioiitiiv.' .Sloss wns liomo from
(Mill.- Knek over S lud.iy.
On y live more wwlm until unisi
lii is, liu jour shopplnp tally
Mr-., .1. P. dimes of Ului! Hill i-vi-illng
her sou, Nid, thi- week.
Geo. Vrtuo and family spent. Wm1
lU'h.Iay xl-ltln ft'LitlvHs In Itlitu Illll
Mlts Miiry tunl Prank Wa'son or
Wonii-r, Kansas, wore- In town Tuesday.
V. s fl.i.11 of Hidden was In Ihe !'
Thnr-ily, taking in the K..i'ii.pis'
About twenty live lloyal Xeltfhbo.s
iilteiiili'.l a county moutlitjf in liiiviuo
on Tuesday.
Kev. Deede or Ainu will preach nl
tlioCoiijiv:itioiial cluiivh next Sun
day, Nov. 'il.
Mr. ami Mr, C-o. Warren returned
homo from lieitrieo ami Omaha Tlitiri
day evoniiie;.
Mr-. Vi'in Ilarwood of Kivetlnii
spent the week end the tfiiest of MiH
Clara Sheier.
Mr. tni.l Mrs. ). A. Oilman of Law
loneo weri! in tin city Thuisiliiymkiiij,'
in tint runner-.' I nti ti L-j.
Chui. Slurr of Lebanon, Kmi'su
spent l'ri lay in the city with his
brother, Kruuk St irr anil wife.
loliu llamUtoniiii'l Lee Detour of
(iu'ule K .!; were in town Thtirndiiy at.
'tending the Farmers' Institute.
Mrs. .lames Monison of Supeiior
spout the ivh'Ii Mini huio as the ftuo-t
of Mr.-. Walter O. W.irieu and family
Mr. iiml Mis. .1 mie-i SUvey of Inn-
vale spent Siiiul.iy in ihiH eity wltn ! r
pirents, Mr. mi I Mrs. A. 1). Wonderl; .
Mr. mill Mr. C .1 1'lntt nod Mi.
ami Mr,, V. A. Sherwood Ktlinded
tliu toot, b.ill jMine at Lineoln S.itur
day. The Club (liliee belli forth Wednes
day nlKht and all piesent enj.y.-il a
pleiisant time tiippii.K tho Hjrlii inn
t us tie.
Don't fall to willies-, the (jreat
tlonal play " f lie W iiKes of Slu" tliu
feature piny of Iho llillinan Co , tit tho
Opoia HoilSb bOOII.
Mondiiy a'teruooii, the conneetiiij,'
rod on the na,olene engine In the Dl.i
mono" Mill brulce and dauiugo.l the
eiiKino considerably.
Noble Uall of (Julde lloclc was in
town Sunday. Ho 'of' on No. 14 fir called there by the
'6erious Illness of his futher
Mm. A. Arnold und children, who
live west of Iuavale, departed Satuij
day via automobile for Columbus to
visit her daughter, Mrs. Martha
Dr. Warrick, Tho Specialist, will
meet eye, ear, nobo and throat patients
and those neediiiK glasses fitted at Dr.
Damerell's otllce in lied Cloud, Tues
day, December 1st.
Ells Adums took his nieee, Mar-
Buorotc and Miss Hlma Dykes up to
lted Cloud, Thursday wheio he left
them for n few days visit with Frank
, Starr and wife. Lebanon Times.
Uncle Joe McUraekeii of lied Cloud,
was in Lebanon Monday, in company
of his son, J. I. who had a load oi
wheat on the market from his tarm in
Logan to.Mislnp. Lubiiuoii (Kmisal,)
Next- Thursday is Thanksgiving da v.
There will Le .1 big foot bull guiiio
here Franklin Academy and the Ued
Cloud High School team will meet on
the L'ridiiou. Uo out and sio
the game.
See the Last Volunloer at tho Tepee
next Monday and Tuesday. A special
at traction ttnil u splendid picture in
live p.uts. Regular prices 10 and 5c.
Tho Nebraska-Ames Foot Hall game
Mr. and Mi a ICulJer Coplon of Oat
den Grove, California, are the happy
parents of a baby girl which arrived
last week. H. W, Copleu, tho popular
grocery dolivery man, Is stepping
quite high all because lie is gnmdp.i.
Weesiier ,t Koontz the popular hog
buyers, and who, by the way, treat the
farmers right, bought six carloads of
hogs on Saturday. They were unable
to secure but three empty cars on Sun
day, and wore obliged to hold tho rest
of them over until Monday.
Kobt Damorcll and W. 1'. Kuehn
will otfer at public auction on Satur
day, November 38th, at 2 o'clock p. m ,
three farms consisting of iTl acres of
laud, Il;C.l'otoiH of Guide Rook is
the auctioneer and E. S. Oarber Clerk.
For further paitlculuis see largo bills.
2 iCsnrM I J
Monday nnd Tuestluy
NtiVKMHHIl 'J'lid ni.t '.Mill
The Last Volunteer
A Special
in tlw pxriN Aii intensely hiituini
I'trrl'ilhi Dinni'i. Wt cannot reentil
iiientl this pleiuie 'io hlulily to our
pairoiOi. UlsH.s'el sh in "Viiy de
lul. l as tun at tl e I'lliu'ess I lit'Htii,
Oiuiitui's finest pleiuie ho'isi, for a
solid Week. You will ini-s a pletille
reat if y u 'ail ti f oe it.
10 and 5 Cents
KliM Show- 7."i Si-iMinl - P "
The Nebrasha-Amcs Fool
Ball Game
Will He shown
Wednesday, Nov. 25
In addition t the uvulnr. prraiu
Also the faimi'ii I'ntl.e WeiMj.
10 and 0 .Cents ,
FirU Mhow ':'.)') Second - K 0
1V -i A
k MM'1; ' t CtM
M limit AM"1
tin Wmvi 1
' MR1'.: l";(l
Win i ,
i -Mm 1
1 mts
What tlass Are You In?
Wins Championship'
Herb Met' y of Itl.i.'en was in town
For your new s!.ois ro to Mlmr
Itios Co
Dr. V.. A. Cii'lKhtou is in Lincoln
this week'.
IJitv voiir kodak mpplies at Steven
I'.ros. studio. mv
FOR I5KNT A good fi-ronni hotice
llmclilsoii k Siihulfii. adv
Nw shoes for the Indies just re
ci'ived at Miner Ittr.s. Co.
Road muster I'lill Trout was in Me
Cook Mondny on business
Altoriinv MeXeny was a piist-eiipr
to Omaha Mondny uioinlng
Choice nl rl fn and pralrio hav fur
sub'. IiKiuiio of N'i-1 (.iiiint's.
Mnv l.-t'l. the first of tile wei-k
r i m in T
ror Oregon on a DiiMiiess nip. iQQ. ClOUG ill?il
1 . II. . 1..... ....... l......r. ,,...i "
11 J HI lutny un ; .ii. i'
don't 111 it with uiitil-otder houses.
Fred Sleeper is in town this vc k
visiting u ith, Sim Robtrtson and wire.
Mr. and Mm. (ieo Coon are the par
ents of a baby girl which arrived last
A..1. O'Hrieii and fHinily departed
Saturday for Cluiomoro Spilng-, Okla-
.1. k. Thorne of Illaden was In the
city Thin oday taking in the Fnruiers'
Mrs. Cook Is in tho city visiting with
her hi other, W. A. Maynard and family
this week.
(Jo out to the foot ball game Fihhiy
iiflirnoon Nelson Colleiro v. Red
Cloud High School.
The following lelativesof John Most
and family spent the first of the week
hore with them: Henry Most of Paw
nee, N'ebr., Will Most of Dubois, Khs.,
Otto Iletippelsheuser of Seneca, Ka-.,
Mrs. Kndorf md Mrs. .lordening of
Tobias, Nebr., Henry, Will and Cnv
Bai tels and families of Campbell, Nebr.1
Henry RrirtelH and wife and John Volk
and wife of Campbell.
There are three classes of
apparel buyers, whether for
shjrts, hals, shoes, uil.s.over
coals or anythinelso.
First,'. is the man who is a
"huu" on dress thinks he has
to have"' everythiujt made to
order or he won't look well.
Next is the other extreme
Si!; the fellow who buys clothes just
ST because he has to wear them.
notcarinij about style, comfort
or wearing qualities.
TheJhirdOclass is made tip
of men who are particular in
their dross, but who know that
ready to-put-on clothes are satis
factory in every way, easier
buy, and less expensive.
We are in business for the
third class, and are converting
many from the other two be
cause we can convince them that
in our store they will find the
excellent qualities they look for,
and their dollars will go farther.
If you'll drop in this week
we will convince you in a short
In men's suits and overcoats
Kuppenheimer and Clothcraft
Clothes are actually a big sur
prise. Their style, fit, all-wool
material, and long life have won
many to'our way of thinking
that you can be entirely satis
lied in Kuppenheimer and Cloth
craft Clothes.
tiic Gowden-Kaley Clothing Co,
Red Cloud, -: -: Nebraska
ilg5S5frvli il iS33l
We will have on sale a lino of fancy
work and useful article. Anyone de
siring to purchase Xaias present, need
not look any farther. Come and see
At Sattlej's furniture store, Dec. nth.
Mijs. Kit. (tAiuiKn
You Furnish the
Turkey and we will
furnish the rest for
your big Thanksgiving
Lettuce - Radisfee
III a fast and i :;eitiug until" l'rldiij,
before a largo crowd, the lnuh
si'hool team di fellled ih he-ivy i'h Veil
from Ucuvor City by a score nl 111 in 0,
thereby winning the eliamdiiiishin of
boulh'.vi stern Xebniskii. '1 hough out
weighed over dive poult Is to a man,
the loc'il teiitn out played the Ue.iveis
turnout tho entire game, the fast baek
Held of the locals haviutl little trouble
in gaining ground against the heavy
Heavers. Long end runs by shuck
and (llger wuie numeioiH ami kept the
erowtl in an eitthtishistic mood.
Features of the game was a 55 yard
run by I'olnicky scoring' lied Cloud's
third touchdown. Ueaver CiljV. only
score was protested by the Incnls on
c'aim of Hetiver City pushing their
man over ror touchdown, tun score i
was allowed to stand.
l?rkil Olfitifl Lfiiriiil In tfin fli'Kt. niinrtftr
rohiicky going over for Uist touch
down Ked Cloud getting ball on their
own 28 j ard line, and a forward pass
uiado 25 yards, another thru center
added 10 yards more. Au end run by
Shuck of 23 yards, lilackledgu adding
10 yards. Beaver City penalized 5
yards for offside, i'olnicky making last
gain for a touchdown, nUo kicking
goal. Kirst quarter ended wiih ball
in Red Cloud's possession on the
Heaver's 20 yatd line.
Second quarter opened with (ilger
making 12 yards on mi end run and
I'olnicky lidding (! yards on a line
smash. Ul'iciileilce uoiiiir over for
second touehdoiMi I'olnicky klcMi g
goal, scire 111 lo 0,
Again by long en 1 runs by hlimdc
and (ilger, and linn smashes by H hick
led go and tyohiieky, intermingled wi h
foiwurd passe, the locals iniuvhed the
U-ngth of the Held only to bo held for
1 iIoimis (iii the one jard line, tl-o
' HenveiH tnk'.ug the hall Mid kielung
nut of danger Tho half cinled with
tho ball in center of field in Ueaver
City possession.
Heaver City came buck strong in the
second half, but was unable to seme
only the protested touchdown in the
tlrstof Hit- last quarter, falling to kick
Heaver City kicked oh" io Ued Cloud's
10 yard line anil Wll-on returned Hie
yards, tiiger went around the left cud
fifr j yards. Slniek added I tnoie
urmiiid tight end I'olnicky on a lluu
buek thru tackle, tiroue thru I lie en
tire Heaver team for a llfty yard dash
for a touchdown, falling to kick goal,
scAru 10 tod, game ending with the ball
in lted Cloud's posrslnii in tho center
of the Held.
The playing of Shuck and I'olnicky
weie Iho main hold of the loc.ils The
speed of out team, whli their forward
passes mill long end runs, overwhelm
ed the husky Ueuveis, and only in the
third quarter did they appear dangerous.
m j,n'n
5 At ti'tr-..
V,fc "s;.
. 3s,
U i. Jol JPhs X 1 .1
ftt "'? w trri hpi na mm ,mma
;,, ia rst pa ib m na u jbsm -m
111 W 11 A
We want to furnish you wiih Groceries for your Thanksgiving
Dinner and will sell from now until Thanksgiving,
18 lbs of
Sugar for
Below we list some suggestions for your order:
All that we ask is that the rest of
your order amounts to as much as
the sugar you buy.
Campell's Soups Mince Meat Seedless Raisins
Olives Codfish ,' Seeded Raisins
Pickles Cove Oysters Layer Raisins
Cheese Salmon , Currants
Macaroni Peas Dried Apricots
Catsup Corn Dried Prunes
Salad Dressing Tomatoes ' Figs - Dates
Crackers Asparagus Candies - Nuts
Wafers Beets Citron - Lemon Peel
Cranberries Pumpkins Pineapple Glace
-------- ------- ---- ----- --.
Extra Fancy Jonathan Apples, regular price $1.50 per box,
Special price, per box
Coffees Teas Spices
i 1
I Leaf Lettuce Cauliflower Pears
Cucumbers Celery Cabbage Bananas
Celery Tomatoes Florida Sweet Oranges
Cabbage Radishes Grapes
We Pay Cash For Produce -3$
Weesner, Perry & Co.
Dry Goods, Groceries and Ladles' Ready-tc-Wear Garments
Red Cloud, Nebraska