'. t t s RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF On The WYOMING LANDS Burlington's New Through Line The Hiii'llngUm's new in Online thmiigh Co ilral Wymn'iig brings u niw rO'i.itiy wit Iiiii close loui'li wHh tin- Kistainl South. The hoiiiebiilltler with n lim bundled dollais In.- hern the ehn"-e ut a life time I In- Held is br.iml: 111 nir ' .v m-; ficips ns u.-i'lutn asvnil, sunshine, au.l inolstur e-iu in ike them. .M ik i trip over thin great niilioml. See 1) uglns, tlmt noted tuck centerdsper, fuitntiiN fir hr sheep, oil IMiN himI ri'll'i-iii'S 'l'h. in ipi. lis, htruii rally lint Spilng iiiut.itl mi- and tin- K'ent ti vi i i-es Uimiiti'.v in which ii In tliH jfHlmvny. N H'o ii li r r p rn tins of tli 13' Horn IUui iw jrou truoiiw Ihelr fi i ill vail . V -iliinl. It isln, Urevbiill, tiiif-ll. I1 fl' C "If and n Jirtp. V e ii in ilvn tlil-' ji iriu-v ')t ot new train lMrte"-tt lr tlif'fiin Mild UM'nx-'-i I'Vfi v mile prs enLintr mirpr! e in Siiente mrm ot U 5',,,,,l' viillt.v Ask for till Imim udlliig iiliniil Ilic elfin tM. i-rij M. '(.'.m-W, ('vi r ni' ll' liT t.(i i il li inn sl '' under llo inteiest J'ljinr un iiu-o N ditev Ve , ' fnilVuns In ' ' I . Ii f . , S.3. Howard, A ss't. Immigration Agent 1004 Faritarn St., Omaha, Nebraska wrrrvrmatKir. Gssasi ourjonPhts Are Made Right Wei! Lettered And Our ..,., Carefully Erected Prices Are "nlMC Reasonable coE m ANa SEE 8 I s NORTH WEST JEWELL Worth Shlppinmi marketed hog on Hatitrdny. Aiiron Weaver hiiiI mollu-r visited ut Chess Shn5l' 'h Sunday. Mis Vl'ili-t iMnrtlii spent a few iluv iliu (IriLof tin) wek hum with her iiuiit, Mrs, SSi)iIit. KcVIVltl IllUI'tlllgS will begin at Hlgl 1 jt tul de.vl Siiiiiiii,. Kerbody is ii" VltCl) 1(1 l"llie Hll I ilOlp Allljl Ijllllli (Dl Hill) Itll'gl-S plMll UnMiy .Monday at her home in Isn i h limit di, aflvr mi .'illness of a yetu'H iinrttlii", A VcfJ .II I'piW I ll'tetlleil Un T II cvhiit nfNttf, hhiio i'V jiUiint n hi Well, Tlltt l.tult-V At I i'l'lffjr nf U'lUm v I fit u r, i S3S3! - Rtghtl 0t up' rjglit tn tho-inornlt.tr?. Go to boil right, ut iil'tlit. Start wi'h loy Pi your hcttit, hvjo in -the future, kind lipsn In. your purim. If It Iff r dark day, novtr mind; you vlll l (I'tcii it np if it is ri btifiht day, you will nd'J to the litlMUlncBa. Give u word of clion-, a kindly greeting and a w itn handrhnko to our friends. If j u liavo t'lii'inles, look tip. imsH thnm l. fnrot ntnl try to forslvn. If all of iih would only think how much of huninn hupplnoaa Is nndu by aur-Hi'lvcfl, there would ho lrs3 of hit man mlppry. If all of us would bear In mind that happiness Is from within and not from without, thero would bo a wellsprlns of Joy In ovory heart and tho buu would shlno forever. Try it! I osllu's Weekly. rtpss A (-.l rffj J A LA 1 i ' 9 "j'A j. k N' v-r 'sj& 9l i K0 51SsSSS,iiflSBs4u&"SSS CUTTING THE 4 Hicrh Gost of Mvim A.V wi Mwmiwi That is what the members of our sr ELGIN CLUB WILL DO Co:bininn their Really Baby's Fault. The youna motlier had ttt tho bJx-months-old baby only u fo niinutca. but upon koIiik back to It discovered quite n large lump over one oyo. Dis covering three-year-old Henry In thp vicinity, she surmised tho cause ami questioned him. "Henry, did you hurt tho baby'b eye?" "No." "Now, I know better than that. If you do not tell me how you hurt thb baby's eye I ahull spank you." "Well," said Henry, "I did throw n block at him, but 1 told him to looi' tho other way." OVERIflG BROS. & GO. 2 $3aE2&$$3 ... SOUTHJNAVALE It F. Points has h badly Npmlned mi kit'. A new house is being built on the Gohle I'ltnvh. Miss Surah Nohhi Is visiting her bister. Mrs. Kay Artiesuii this week. A. Jiiiisvii mill family etitertiilned flier.ds from near Cowles last Sunday. ( Mr.s V. M Points left Satiiiday iiij;ht for Uouldor, Colo , to visit rela- tlVfb Mrs. Oliver Sutton is very ill at tills wilting, with small hopes for her re cuvery. Ulyite Kersey it tul wire are the par ents ot ti nine pound hoy horn last FrldHy. M. 11 Hiuisieki'i', wife mid sou, visited ut the C'liioll Noble home Sut tii'diiy iiIkIiL and Siuiilny. Mis. Iji-ii Wlllnmt met with (I'lileau aui'idelit n few dins ii'o by falling on u ci uieiit MilU at Iiim- lioiiii'. Ml-S Po lllil WilllO'ti.V l- vl-l ill:,' relatives in lied Cloud Ibis week and attending the Farmer-.' Institute. I ROSEMONT w. CAMP I HE CKIRCPR1CT0R RcdClcud, -:- Nebraska Second House Noith oi I. 0. 0. F. Hall Mrs. It. Liiird mid HriieH vNhul Lfetseh's Sunday. Frank Autuburii shelled fjmvie ICos t icii'scorn for him Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Sehultz visited A Sehultz ut l)evt'0i Sunday. Olio Knegge iiml IlNs Kriuices Momlie vlsltol A. Gestrlug Siindiiy. V. P. Lurk and Miss Verim Wright spent Sunday evenit.g at F. Harton's. Mr. anil Mrs Itiui'j.'r visited their sou, lieo. Ituntjer, at Itlue Hill Sunday. Ugeue Oeyheurt and MWs Mlhe Lurk of Lawieneo visited Sunday Ht II. C. Wright's. Mr. iiud Mrs. U. Itose ami eliildren visited her sl-ter, Mrs. Ilepler, at I , . . .... o .. . .1.. .. iiuwienun vouin,iy. m Mis. A. F. Krau'e ami iaiighters mid Mis, F. S ovens visit.-d Mis. II. Aiitii'iurii Moinluv. The Misn's Anna Cowel and Peml Sheier weu,t to Linenlli Sutiirilii' iiinriilug'-aiii) retnrnu'l Mniid.iy even- lug. The L-idlcs Home mnl Foieigu Ml-v- ! Uury soeiely will give a pie Mini oysl"l supper at the il. Crawford tiuililinu' Fiuliy Itev. Smith, the new minister of the Kvmigleial ehuie'i, was hetu Suiulny I mid will move his family tu'o tlui par I Miinikiti nex' week. Pan Memorial to "miid Antheny." The Chrster County (Pa.) Historical society is planning to placo a mark er upon the old homeBtead of Gen Anthony Wayne of Paoll, and holil commemorative exerclbes there tome time In oarly fall. Tlu Chester County eoclct will ?eek the aid of the Pennsylvania Vtnte historical commission, recently ap (iolnted, to suitably marU many ide-ces of 'historic' Interost'ln Chcrter' county aifd the state commission will be a?Ked to take care of the old Friends meeting liouso at Mlrmlngham. near the Urandywlne battlefield. It Ib proposed to erect a taolM nar that old Goshen meeting house, near which there came near being a battle between tho American army and the Prltlsh troops In the fall of 1777 There came a heavy rainstorm as the tiring began, and the forces withdrew from the neighborhood. a A 1 .il t resources i. t;o iirxvr rrcuioa oi purcr.ocing uty win savo many doJlcrs. A w'uolcsaie purcim-je oi live Finest IE f gin move ments in the highest grade 20 and 2G year warranted Hand Engraved Gold 2?iHod Hunting and Onon Face Cases, in all sikos, compete ino to distribute those quidcly and enables me to make very special pricsa. Watches that have never sold for less than 523.00 to 032.30 arc now offered at your choice for ($25.00 and only by special permission on account of the large purchase am I permitted to make this price. Furthcr-You have the privilege of owning one oi these high grade timepieces on o small cash payment oJ $2.00 and the balance in easy pay ments if you vish. The Club opened November 7th and as the membership is limited it will pay you to secure yours early. Two Watches Will Be Given Absolutely Free One wutch will be given in a guessing contest. The Elgin National Watch Company has sent mc a sealed bottle containing watch parts. No one knows how many pieces in the bottle. You may have one guess, as to the number of pieces in the bottle, FREE. All that you need do is to come to my store and register your name and your guess. The person guessing the nearest will receive free their choice of either Man's or Ladies1 Watch on display in my show window. Contest Opened Saturday, November 7th The other watch will be given free to some member of the Club. It will cost nothing to investigate this offer and vou will save dollars if you buy a Club Watch and you may own two watches for less than the regular 11 cost of one. y Call, Write or Telephone For Full Particulars VMHVI M J . , -. t...ihji. (JL A HltS . w K p & - & w a & i t ff : E. H. NEWHOUSE ELGINEER Graduate Palmer School' of Chiropractic, Davenport,; Iowa. Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free At Office Phone Intl. 213 DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OYER SU1E BANK Red Clcud I Nebraska ' " THE ALARM is a liieiuHul think' OF FIRE for the man without insuinnce. Kveiv time lie stn-s i lie engines racing along Ids luait comes up in hl throat if the lire is auywhoie near his plnee. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COST OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be eonsiileied. The freedom from wony a lone is worth it many times ovoi Have us insure, you today. O C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. Patience Necessary. There Is no perseverance without patience. The man who must see re sults or who else will not work. Is sure not to accomplish the most that Is possible for him In life. The spirit of persistency that can keep plugging when nothing seems to move Is the spirit that at length Inherits the prom ises. Tho battle Is not to tho strong, nor the race to the swift, but the per sistent win out in the long run Many lose out becauso they let up Just a llttlo before the dawn of victory If they had patlrnce to endure they would toon have the Joy of a enleve ment. Tho Way ma F-iIvIIcqc. It was dv.:i.'3 the rush hours and the car was crowded to its full capaci ty and thou name. A rntlur gaudily lreb8?d young man was etundlroj next to a German, each holding an to tho overhanging strap Tho car gavo a sudden lurch, which re rulted In tho young man's stopping on tho Germnn's toes. This Irritated the Gorman, who addressed the other an grily. . "Mlno friendt." ho said, "I know mlno foot van mennt to bo valked on, but dot brlvllego belongs to me." Lip- nlncott's. Crdiir To S!nw Cause. Sl'l.tu, '!' "r"Vrn,..lm' ! inTlier.Mirn Court V clntei I viiintl. Am omity inirt hoM at tlio Count I'ourt room In unit fur sulil toimty (U'IuIht Jlilh. . ILIUM. IN tln umt)er utllie enlsiteot Solon H. arnt'iitL-r, linenont. I if. rimt'iw ami r.ljn lite liotltlon ot U.i Wiiiur unit ('nrii; Mutluiws iiraylm; tiiiilailniliiMraUoii of salil tlale limy lie i'iiiiIkI 10 Civil i:mr.r iMAiliiilnlMtratur. iiiiiiiiii:i. Tlmt l-'rliliiy, the llltlt iluy ol Now-iiilier . li., 11)11. at III o'clock a. an. In iis.si. mil lor linn ln juIi! iutlllou, wluu nil in ihoiHtnti ri'Mcil In .-s:lil mallur iiiav iiih'iii' iilnioiinn ourl n he lielil In ami (ursuia ooiiiii) :iulhovratiH why pnivir of jn-tl-tloncrHlioiilit not be umnti'il: mu( tlitil notlre ( iliu ni'iiileiii'v of mm lil in Utloii unit lliu Ik ar- lint tin riof lio ulNim to nil persons IntiireMeit uisalil iiiutlcr, hy iinlilUlilin: a copy ot tliH onler In Din Itcil t'lniul CliltdU weekly iicub pnper prlnieil In salil eoimty. for three eon bi'i'iUKii wil'Wh prior to said iluy of lunrliti;. JSKVI.I A. I). IlAN.NKV. t'ouutv .luiiuu I'ltKii Maiiukii, Attorney. Oi C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector Scientific Eye Fitting QEgE35&a o .xris Knil 4 wm a BEST REPAIRING W UNDER THE SON -$ Invisible Patches Neat workmanlike repairing i;j a branch of our business which is given especial atten tion. Rend Your Torn Garments To Us We will clean press and re pair them so that they wil give you much satisfactory,, wear. You are accustomed to ( having your shoes and watch ' repaired. Why not your, clothes? QUALITY ON THIS WE HAVE BUILT OUR PRESENT BUSINESS YHEN we lgan our vv business career in in Red Cloud we took as our motto the one word Quality and we believe all our patrons will agree with us that it has truly been our slogan -all this time. Our reputation for high-grade Groceries is well known. We are fully prepared to supply all your wants in our line P. A. Wullbrandt THE HOME GROCERY rn 17' UP E. S. Gaurber Ileal KstnU, Fat in Loans and Iiisuniiiee. KeJ Clcud, - Nebraska. R.G.flassingep;; Cleaner and Dyer . Doth Phones .gaES3SS gfflg S3aM' 1 o3SSafflKEQ2ffi S3S3 tffiasai:J2SS3 FUR.NITU5CE' UNDERTAKING Dr. Nicholson DENTIST OIT1CK OVIlt Al.lllltOIITS STORK in uivmiro.v on mo.noav Red Cloud. Nebraska ED. AMACK ALL THE PHONES NEWHOUSE BLK Try Us For Sale Bills u Jpi -I fwM'wWpwwflw .. T i i ii naBMJMlHi 1 illllKM I ' ' ' ..,,r,- o B".t-iumamxato'.".,jfT nvtzwnKrrTiv - '- - . ' r r vl s 8' msjum v I srfcwfe' Stm t