The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 12, 1914, Image 7

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i ft
tAD MtlK
M.IHU. . FAT. Off
Winchester Revolver and Pistol cart
ridges in all calibers prove their sup
eriority by the targets they make.
Shoot them and you'll find they are
j wa Ik! ri3 anxious to establish for himself a happy
Ifi i aXzlK 9 nomc and Prospwy Canada's hearty in
I 7F Viaa Tl 44 vitation this year is more attractive than
mSKMSMSMSMSHISHSB ever, rvneai is nigncr out m-r iurm muu
just as cheap and in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
160 Acrt Homesteads are Actually Free to Settlers and
Other Land at From $15 to $20 per Acre
The people of European countries as well as the American continent
must be fed thus an even greater demand for Canadian Wheat will keep
up the price. Any farmer who can buy land at $15 00 to $30.00 per acre
get a dollar for wheat and raise 20 to 45 bushels to the acre it bound to
make money that's what you can expect in Western Canada. Wonder
f ul yields also of Oat, Barley and Flax. Mixed Farming is fully as prof
itable an industry as grain raising. The excellent grasses, full of nutrition,
are the only food required either for beef or dairy purposes. Good schools,
markets convenient, climate excellent
Military service is not compulsory in Canada but there It an unusual demand for farm
labor to replace the many young men who have volunteered for service in the war.
Write for literature and particulars as to reduced railway rates to Superintendent
Immigration, Ottawa, Canada; or to
W.V. Bennett, 220 17th St., Room
4, Bee Building, Omaha, Nebr.
Canadian Goverment Afrent.
Too Good.
Rcggy Sweet Arllno, will you bo
Sweet Arllno Before I answer your
question let mo ask you one. Do you
wear when you lose your collar stud?
Rcggy Never!
Sweet Arllne Then It cannot bo. I
cannot marry a man who has no 'spirit.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle oi
CA8T0HIA, a safo and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
Ttnr ffia
Blgnatur -.: ugtAfrffllnhi
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
In the Suffrage States.
"Tho candidates ore having a club
held over them."
"Is it a woman's club?" ,
A mouse scares a woman almost as
badly as a milliner's bill scares a man.
Tho most economical, cleansing and
germicidal of all antiseptics Is
A soluble Antiseptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as needed.
As a medicinal antiseptic for douches
In treating catarrh, inflammation or
ulceration of nose, throat, and that
caused by feminine ills it has no equal.
For ten years tho Lydla E. Plnkham
Medicine Co. has recommended Faxtlne
In their privato correspondence with,
women, which proves its superiority.
Women who bavo been cured say
It is "worth Its weight in gold." At
druggists. COc. largo box, or by malL
Tho Faxton Toilet Co,, Boston, Mas!
Don't Persecute
Your Bowels
Cut out cathartics and purcatlvcs.
They are
brutal, harsii, unnecessary, i ty
Purely vegetable. Act
genuy on tnc aver,
eliminate one, ana
soothe the delicate
membrane ol t lie,
bowel, tore
lk Ma.jL.
eka ini InilMitlon. II million! know,
Genuine must bear Signature
Will reduc- Inflamed, Strained,
Swollen Tendons. Llcaments.
Muscles or Bruises. Stops the
lameness and pain from a Splint,
Side Bono or Bone Spavin. No
blister, no hair gone. Horse can be
used. 2 a bottle delivered Describe
your case for special instructions
and Book 2 K Free.
AISQRBSNE, JR., the antiseptic linimentfor
mankind. Reduces Strained, Torn Liga
ments, Enlarged Glands, .Veins or Muscles,
Heals Cuts, Sores. Ulcers. ' Allays pain. ?rbt
SI 00 ibotllendnlcricrdr limed. Book "FrWrnce" Ire:.
W. F. T0UM3, P. a F , 31 0 Temple Street, Springfield, Uu
WntaoB U.RaletnaB,Wutf
lopori.DC Kuoktlrw. 11 luh
eat referenda. Itesl raeulUk
Nebraska Directory
I Omahft. Nebraiks
European plan
Rooma from 1 1.00 up single, 75 centa up double.
W. N. U., LINCOLN. NO. 46-1914.
mwrim KITTLE
4VaVJW L T r!
iur H : .cr
jwn PILLS.
Yes, waiting for every farmer or farmer's
cnn nnr fnrltiQtrinna Amnrirnn tvhn Iq
Guest Who Didn't Care for Salmon
Was In Fair Way to Have Hot
In some parts of tho Canadian
back country tho recurrence of
boiled salmon, broiled salmon, sal
mon cutlets, and salmon steak at ev
ery meal becomes, after a few weeks,
a trifle monotonous. To tho native
palate, brought up on it, this constant
reappearance of tho selfsame dish is a
matter of course; but to the newly
arrived tourist it grows at least into a
feeble joke.
"Is there nothing else for break
fast?" said one such victim of colonial
hospitality, as a wholo ilsh and a pot
of mustard were laid before him on
the table."
"Nothing else!" replied tho host, in
surprise. "Why, there's salmon
enough there for six, ain't thero?"
"Yes," responded tho guest, mild
ly; "but I don't care for salmon."
"Well, then, fire into tho mustard,"
was the rejoinder.
Preparing for Eventualities.
Shortly after the declaration of war
in Germany, the cashier of tho largest
bank in Hcrlln recolved from a strang
er tho following letter, postmarked
"Dear Sir: A few wcokB ago, while
in Derlin on my vacation, I found my
self temporarily in need of money and
pawned my diamond ring. I enclose
the pawn ticket to you, asking that
you redeem tho ring, sell it for what
you can and turn tho proceeds over to
tho Red Cross fund. It may bo that I
shall havo no further use for Jewels."
"Where was that big sea fight of
which you wero speaking?"
"On tho front page, I think, my
Food Demanded.
The human body will stand a lot of
abuse, but sometime it will surely re
bel and demand proper food In place
of the pasty, starchy, greasy stuffs on
which it has been made sick.
Then is the time to try Grape-Nuts,
tho most scientific and perfect food in
the world.
A lady of Washington says: "Threo
years ago I was very ill with catarrh
of the stomach and was given up to
die by one doctor. I laid in bed four
months and my stomach was so weak
that I could not keep down medicine
or hardly any kind of food and was so
weak and emaciated after, four months
of this starvation that my daughter
could easily lift mo from bed and put
mo in my chair.
"But weak as my stomach was, it
ncceptcd, relished and digested Grape
Nuts without any difficulty tho first
time that wonderful food was tried.
"I am now strong and in better
health than for a great many years
and am gradually growing still
stronger. I rely on Grape-Nuts for
much of tho nourishment that I get.
The results have certainly been won
derful in my case and prove that no
stomach is so woak it will not digest
"My baby got fat from feeding on
Grape-Nuts. I was afraid I would
havo to stop giving tho food to him,
but I guess it is a healthy fat, for hla
health Is Just perfect." Namo given
by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
Look in pkgs. for the famous llttlo
book, "Tho Road to Wellvllle."
"Tuero's a Reason."
Kver read (lie nbnve letter? A Mew
ono npiirnm from time to time. They
are irrnuine, true, nu mil oi
i Intercast
Items of Interest Gathered from Re
liable Sources and Presented In
Condensed Form to Our
Western Newspaper Union News Service,
Chances of Infection Remote,
Chances of tho foot unit mouth dts
ease striking Nebraska nro remote
according to State Veterinarian Klgln
llo makes this statement not only on
his own tosponslblllty, Imt also on au
thority of Chief Inspector Furgason of
tlm United States Live Stock nssoel.i
Hon, who wrote hero from Chicago to
that effect. Rules of the present stnto
live Block sanitary board can bo
thanked for this, according to tho ofll
clal. This board has Bet up such a
barrier that It Is believed no stock
iffccted with thu dlaonso can pet by
Dorothy Grace Field, who scored 99.S per
cent at the state fair better bablet con
test, Is the little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Otis Field, R. F. D. No. 5, Lincoln,
21 months old, and the rural champion
girl of Nebraska. She was given a
bronze medal and a cash prize of $25.
the Inspection points into tho state.
In this ono step tho board is proving
Its worth and Incidentally refuting by
ltd activity tho statements of poll
tlsians that It has not done its full
duty in timeB past.
How Do You Feed Yours?
Here are some stock rations that
are approved by tho animal husbandry
department of tho Nebraska college
of agriculture. How do they compare
with those you aro using:
For Work Horses Corn one part,
oats ono part, prairie hay.
For Colts Under Two Years Oats
two parts, corn one part; alfalfa, lib
eral feed.
For Fattening Stoers (1) corn, lfl
pounds; alfalfa, all they want. (2)
Corn, 16 pouivtls; alfalfa, nil thoy
want; silage, 10 pounds. (3) Corn,
1G pounds; cottonseed cako, 3 pounds;
silage, all they want. (4) Corn, 1C
pounds; alfalfa, all thoy want.
For Fattening Pigs (1) Corn 10
parts, tankago ono part. (2) Corn and
For Fattening Lnmbs Corn, one
part; short, two parts; alfalfa, lib
eral feed; silage, medium feed.
For Fattening Ewes Alfalfa; all
ago. two or threo pounds.
Warned to Be on Guard.
A warning to Nebraska live stock
men to bo on guard against tho dread
ed foot and mouth disease in cattle,
which has made its appearanco In sev
eral of the eastern and central west
ern states, has been Issued by State
Veterinarian L. C. Klgln. Ho de
scribes tho symptoms of the disease
so that stockmen may tell It In their
stock nnd tnko steps to prevent tho
spread of the malady. Ho also states
that dourlno, a disease that spreads
among horses, used for breeding pur
poses, 1ms appeared In northwestern
Nebraska, and that the railroads have
1 been notified by him not to ship
horses out of Grant, Hooker, Thomas,
. Blaine or Cherry counties without a
speclnl permit from tho state veteri
narian's office.
Dr. Booth, of the school for tho deaf
at Omaha, asks tho state board for
$5,250 for cqulpmont-for tho manual
training department and tho printing
ofTico now operated. He asks for n
$3,000 Hnotypo machine for the latter.
Its lots of fun for tho boys nnd
girls to put printed lauds on tho
things they raiso or can, providing tho
labels nro colored like thoso scon In
our home stores. And that is just
what tho boys or girls in our commu
nity can do if thoy will write to tho
Agricultural Extension Service, Uni
versity Farm, Lincoln, asking to join
one of tho several different hoys and
girls' clubs. If a boy raises corn or
potatoes for seed, he may havo all tho
labels he wants to put on his boxes or
crates, and tho girls may havo tho
samo for their canned gods
The North Platto experimental
farm, whero about threo carloads of
hogs nro raised each year for the
market, has shown a greater profit
upon the Investment in growing pork
than in any other farm operation.
Grain purchased at tho markot price
has frequently shown a profit of 100
per cent by feeding to hogs, either
upon alfalfa pasture or with alfalfa
hay fed In tho racks to supplement
tho corn ration. Wheat and rye used
as a winter pastuto with alfalfa hay
and a vory small grain ration has
proved a most economical method of
wintering brood sowi, .nd approaches,
--' ---IT
I The Popular Redingote Dress ,
(f k "N$" VisRslsssEiUssfeiHsWX) i Htf"
Sjh- j ssaiaiaBm snSir& fflsssKwIflssHiJBBsssslRlswl I
.' -''3r jaLsBrT a 'fljc tTM a LBsFBEiHBW'assssfc'"' a
rHEUR aro so many varieties In tho
development of tho rediugotu dress
that tho idea prevails In gowns for all
sorts of wear. Hero Is a clever now
adaptation for tho street that Is a sort
of compromise between the one-piece
garment and a coat suit, it Is an ex
cellent deslgu for between-scasona'
wear, without an outside coat, and, for
tified with a heavy outer garment, Is
all that is desirable for tho coming
It constats of a scmlflttlng basquo
finished with scallops at tho bottom.
The scallops are bound with braid nnd
tho basquo as long as tho averago coat
In a coat suit. A box-plaited tunic 1b
set into the basque, stitched by ma
chine along the lino of the scallops.
The tunic is finished with a plain hem
less than two inches in width, and Is
very long. It Is worn over a plain,
straight-line underskirt of either tho
same material aa tho dress or of satin.
This underskirt, which is short, le not
much In evidence. It is narrow, and
when made of the same goods as tho
tunic is often slashed In three or four
places to admit of a free stride. When
slashed In this way it has the effect of
trousers worn under a long eklrt. nnd
wo must concede that It looks attrac
tive and would seem a startling Innova
tion except that we aro already accus
tomed to slashes In walking skirts.
Redingote models, like or similar to
Oliver Twist Suit
FOIt small boys, tho Oliver Twist
suits seem to suit tho llttlo ones
and to appeal to tho mothers who are
always looking about for something
now and practical for their restless
youngsters. These aro two-plcco suits
combining plain and striped materials
or plain material In contrasting colors,
In u blouso and pants. They aro mado
up in soveral different modelB, tho sim
plest of them consisting of a plain
blouse liko that shown in the picture,
to which a pair of straight pants is
Tho blouses nro mndo of striped per
cale or in plaid ginghams or of equally
durablo plain materials of other kinds.
When tho blouse Is plain tho pants
often nro mado of a narrow strlpo, or
if tho blouso is striped tho punts aro
plain. Plain pants, with striped blouso
having round collar and turnback cuffs
of tho plain matorlai, mako tho best
looking of tho Oliver Twist suits, in
tho bettor grndes of theso suits tho
blouses are box platted, made with
round collars and turnback cuffs.
Tho plaits mako tho waist a llttlo more
dressy and add to lta strength. In
tho choaper suits tho blouse is cut
without plaits and tho slcoves finished
with narrow band of contrasting ma
terial liko that In tho collar. A small
patch pocket on tho blouso Is llnlshod
with a narrow band at tho top also. In
all tho suits tho pants nro straight.
Thcso suits aro mado for very tiny
ssssssL?''JsrV ssssssHl Isfti" vVasHflsfaV
B&VJ&mSP4 1 lsVl tih' '??' TsaB
lafM?-'! Wfr WMxiQM Iff i " 3 vH'ti -Mj 'Z ' r M
'1'witssjVs'vwwvivvrt.Mfr4ws'M "-" --, i,mnlr
tho ono pictured hero, aro often worn
over straight underskirts faced up
with Roman-Btrlpod satin. In this cnee
tho collar nnd vested and separate
cuffs nro mndo of tho same siitln. This
makes a snowier and dressier costume,
and ono may mnnngo this dress by
having two undcrskirtH (ono of the
goods and ono of tho entln) and two
sets of collar and vestco with separate
cuffs. One of them Is to be of whlto
cotton or linen nnd tho other of satin
llko that In tho underskirt facing. In
this way tho same dress will furnish a
costumo for many occasions and a re
freshing variety, at loast.
With tho oncoming of cold wenthor
and the high military collars of outor
garments, now vcBtee and collar com
binations havo been designed with
closed throat nnd high turnover col
lars. Tho sleeves In this particular gown
are tho plain coat-Bleovo type finished
with a soft, flaring cuff. When sepa
rate cuffs aro to bo adjusted an en
tirely plain sleeve Is preferable.
Either of tho hats pictured is appro
printo with tills gown, and It le a wiso
thing to own both a small nnd a largo
hat. But If only, ono Is to bo chosen
let It bo tho larger ono. For brims nre
widening nnd tho lnrgo hat Is more
offectlvo for occasions whero ono
wishes to look somewhat "dresBcd up."
and Slip-Over Dress
boys; llttlo fellows of two yenrs only
are put into them, much to their own
delight. But thoy aro worn by boys
up to ten yenrs, and aro thoroughly
practical. Clever designers havo
adapted tho Ollvor Twist suls to girls,
substituting a skirt for panfs. Very
pretty ones nro mado with plaid skirts'
buttoned to plain blouses, tho lattor
having cuffs nnd collars of tho plaid
material, Theso dresses aro provided
with patch pockots on each side of tho
skirt, and nro mado up In sergo and
other woolen goods for school wear,
as well as In wash goods.
A llttlo Blip-over dress for a tiny
girl Is shown In tho picture. It is of
plain blue gingham with a straight
narrow box plait down tho mlddlo of
the front nnd back. It Is decorated
with short bands of whlto embroidery
placed on tho plait near tho top and
bottom nnd with small pearl buttons
and simulated buttonholes.
Tho sleoves are long, with turn-back
cuffs. Tho neck Is plain and bound
with a bins strip of tho material. A
small soparato round collnr is to be
worn whon thu little dress needs to do
other duty than to provldo an easily
laundered romping outfit for the lit
tlest girl.
Both theso garments nro cut with
roferenco to tho fact thnt thoy must
bo washed nnd ironed often, nnd with
that in view they uro mndo easy to
Alliance will have a council of th
boy scouts,
Lincoln's Belgian relief fund hat
reached over $1,000.
A Bolglan relief fund has been
started at Tccumseh and ancat sum
raised. ,
Tho company of national guards at
Holdrcgo may bo placed on tho cav
airy list.
Nebraska has ten million dollars In
Its pormnnent school fund, nnd owes
no public debt.
Broken Bow will establish a city
sewerago system, tho contract for
which has been lot
Burglars havo been busy In tho resi
dential pnrt of Fremont, soveral homes
having boon ontorcd.
Flro starting from a defective flue
destroyed a big portion of tho busi
ness district of Oconto.
Wllford Haines, a Brokon Bow ,
young mnn, wbb nceldontnlly shot
while out hunting rabbits.
Nebraska City has organized a
booster club, tho chief nlm of which
Is to furthor a movement for a county
Curtis Is onjoylng a substantial
building boom, a $10,000 homo for the
local telephono company bolng among
tho Improvements.
A commorelal club with 107 cnartoi
members, about half of which numbef
aro farmers about thoro, has been or
gnnlzed at Dorchester.
F. H. Ileln, 22 years old, of Lincoln,
mny dio as n result of a mistake in
taking bichloride of mercury tablets
tor hondncho medicine.
Tho wanderlust has again seized
Frank Harrison of Lincoln, nnd ho
will start on his eighth trip to Central
America tho mlddlo of December.
Over 100 delogatoB attended the
illairlct convention of tho Woman's
Itollof Corps nt Plnttsmouth. Omaha
tvns chosen as noxt meeting place.
Amos Kline, nn aged blind mnn liv
ing nonr Virginia, walked off a porch
mil foil a dlstanco or ten feet, recelT
ng Injuries thnt caused his death.
Chicken fanciers In tho vicinity of
JVymoro havo organized a poultry
t8soclatlon and will havo a chicken
ihow during tho farmers' lnstltuto,at
that place.
Dr. Karl Connell, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Connell of Omaha, will as
Btimo chnrgo of tho American hospital
ambulance corps that is to bo organ
ized in Europe
A burglar at tho homo of Harvey
Bcoscn at Lincoln fired several shots
nt his reflection In a mirror, evidently
under the Impression that It was the
head of the house.
After threo years of llfo with a
broken neck, Harry Snovor of Hooper
Is dead. Ho has never boon ablo to
move a musclo In his body'slnce tho
Accident threo years ago in June.
Falling thirty-five feet when a steel
hook holding a suspended scaffold
broko at Hastings, Peter Homple nnd
Philip Ilahn, brick masons, sustained
Herlous Injuries. Thoy wero picked up
Not in years, Bay railroad men and
othorn In touch with conditions, ha
them been such a demand for labor
ers on Nebraska farms as at the pres.
ent tlmo. Tho demand, according to
thcso people, far excoeds tho supply.
Albert Kllgoro, a farmer near Ew
ing, a few months ugo started a mod
est pork packing houso on' his farm.
It is yot in an experimental stago, but
ho is swamped with local orders, and
has been compelled to enlarge hla
Tho state Christian Endeavor union
will hold its annual convention at Lin
coln, November 12-15. An unusually
strong program has beon prepared,
and many noted individuals in Chris
tian Endeavor circles will address the
At a meeting of Omaha stock yards
officials and llvo stock dealers it was
decided that every precaution would
bo takon to prevent tho spread of the
toot and mouth dlseaso to the South
Omaha yards. A strict quarantine was
placed on all llvo stock.
Tho floral building ,at the fair
grounds at Auburn was damaged by
(Ire, tho flames being extinguished
only after a big portion of tho roof
bad been destroyed.
The Touzalin hotel at Wymore,
erected several years ago at a cost of
over $50,000, was sold n't sheriff's sale
for $12,CGC to satisfy a judgment held
ugalnst It by an Illinois bank.
Albert Noblo of Valparaiso, agod 23,
was almost instantly killed when his
brother fell down an embankment
while ttusy wero hunting, accidentally
discharging a shotgun ho was carry
ing. Harry Meradlth, twerity-one years
)ld, was killed and threo other occu
pants of an automobllo wero seriously
Injured when their car turned turtle
aear Holdrego.
Tho cement factory at Superior,
which was constructed at a cost of
About $1,000,000, and which opened for
Business a few weeks ago, has tern
porarily shut down.
An explosion In tho basement of the
Cottlng drug storo at Red Cloud
caused a fire that totally destroyed
the building and stock,, and gave the
lire department a bard fight before it
was subdued.
A sealed bottle containing the
tchool records of the year 1808, and
which was burled April 22 of that
rear, was unearthed by some boys
llgglng In tho school yard at David
, Dlty a few days ago.
Dr. B. M. Long, for fifteen year
1 pastor of tho Second Presbyterian!
, church at Lincoln, has tendered hi
, resignation to accept tho position of,
Btate evangelist.
I Members of tho Lincoln Christian.1
Endeavor union are making elaborate'
plans to entertain tne stato conven
tion of that body when it meets la
that city, November 12 to 16.
I t
j tie.
! 1