- r MVttaiW MWlNiMM;i9. j. ' s- i. .tot- .f.vuiai. iiiy. tl . .--&... .. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF WWHWIHWgHMWTIIwmU lAJUWWWJRr tmHuAjuiwjwwiJHuiiiMKMgpfnKWituiuiu wiwutt f-nminn.XTT.ixyrTTtaTjm i.- I ft i V. 1 SI ? If J Ik. Ss ' V.i n Ik S .S n i t J- ,1 IS' . V L" r C3C l$SSS ACJu jPkJLi The soutli "t or flic northwest li of section 10, town 1, rnntfe 9, Webster County, Nebraska. Guide Rock Township,, known as the HENRY WATT liighly. V.i miles south audi mile west of Guide Rock, on Saturday. AT 3 O'CLOCK P. M. AT GUIDE' ROCK This is one of the best homes in the valley. All A No. 1 soil. Hest of location' close to church, school and market. R, F. D. and telephone. If you want a farm don't let this opportunity pass by. Parties arriving in Guide Rock by train to see the farm will be met at the station and furnished conveyance to and from the place. If desired, sealed bids may be mailed to the Guide Rock State Bank, care of L. H. Hunter. This farm must be sold to settle the estate. TERMS:--$250.00 cash on day ol sale. Half of purchase price on March 1, 1915, balance to suit purchaser. Possession March 1. The 1) (4 Col. R. C. Peters, Auctioneer Ilk la $ TMLmle Mrs. A. McCall Writes An Interesting Letter (Continued from 1st party) the i-qoiiih open Into ilic court, which s paved or hits u tiled lloor ami open tntlioHky. Tho windows rcncliiiiK to the iloor lmveti hlatiod bhutter to keep out tho j litre of tho mui. InSi(e of this in stormy weather and in earlier days adoffiibO against the bandit ) In bomy houses an iron jjrll'o is outside of botli hhutter.s. Part or half I ho .side walk is tindi'r roof, supported hy lioi'iy marble-or ceniont ooioniulcs, dlvldiiiK it very inconveniently, but blinding it. Xliori tiro no front yard's l.ut tl o courts n iu tilled with plants biu'h us pultnettob, loiuon, roses, ferns, vinos, fountains and perhaps u piece of stat uary, all plainly visible from thu htrtot untitiuco. The roof, all Hat, many surrounded by n low pararet on which stand ornaments, plant., etc. Ilavaun doib not seem to have an exuluslvo residence district. Vou will find u costly houso beside a carpenter shop or smoomiiUer shop, the hotels have Spanish cooking overythliiK doped up with olive oil atid garlic. The Cubans browu their coffee to u cinder, which destroys much of Its toxto quali ties. Theater tickets are sold iu booths lu front of the theater. We went to a "movie " Tho scenarios were written in Spanish. Having gone in the middle of a play, wo were stay. tin TATE Henry Watt " 5 Wltat Kind Do You Use ? Cream of Tartar, the chief ingredient of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is a product of ripe grapes. It is pure and healthful beyond question. Alum is the chief ingredient of many of the sub stitutes offered in place of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. Alum is a mineral acid, declared by physi cians and chemists to have an injurious effect when used in the preparation of food. No baking powders containing alum are permitted .to be sold in England, France or Germany. To avoid alum and be sure of wholesome, home-baked food, read the label carefully and use only Tfo, ISM ffiirara mm NiO?.!- Jtv OlEAM BfflfflfaWwr&oi s wr w$$m m?& iSf. JffJ 'I? a, a Sr'J V, & F r. VutVHJ. Ji JL JSm) . - --i -rtcfc m' U L.m &je1 Myf j U.1 j.J!r 't rT tTz Sf Baking! J 'fltafKvsr 'iwfti UVtf Jtf from Cream oS-Tarter lug in order to set the (list part of ' the play when wi were told in a queer , mixture of Spanish and Hnglish that ' wu must go out to the booth and get tickets. We went out, but not to ro turn. Another experience: Saturday i evening we went to Central park, which is beautiful, to hear the baud. When we were heated a Cuban came up bejiau talking to us iu Spat lsh. Seeing ho was very much lu ear-no-t we, for a moment, did nut know vhnt was ovpeeted. Then untieing va cant .-eats ami so many people stand ing, 1 otlVred him a dime, lie shook his head, motioning to the rost of our party. I then gave him a quarter, 10 ceiviug a Spaiiixh quarter in change. 1 afterwards learned the price of a heat was six vents, Our three days' s.ay lu Havana was eujoyod by all. We did not have a dull moment,. Tho guide told us tunny things of iuteiest I can only tell of a fov, that you may know what the trip meant to us, We were told during tho term of in tervention the U. S. expended SlO.OOO, 000 for tho schoolsof Cuba, which are modeled after that of Ohio, lu 1000 a thousand Cuban teachers wore sent to Harvard College for a summer normal and hundreds more to other schools in the U. S. for normal training. That' Oon. Wood, military governor of Cuba paved tho streets, remodeled tho parks and boulevards, rebuilt the docks, eradicated yellow fever using petroleum on water that could not be eS&SE-E 8 f. 1 (6 n Estate L. H. Hunter, Clerk ( d!i !:lSi3 Ko Almn ill ained, and entirely regenerated the city. We were made to feel proud ol the U. S. iu a way wo had never thought of at home. Sunday eening while walking on tho l'radn, we met a V.ilpo student, wlu was lu Havana taking the l'har mic exams. n0 said there was a great chance lu Havana for both Plumules and Medics. Monday evening we bought our tick ets for. U.Unbauo. Hy thin time so ha l met u number ot Isle of 1'ines people, who were attending a couit trial in HnvaiM. Ai riving at U.ua biiuo wo took a boat for Ninab tierona, tho capital of the Isle of Pines 10 telling there at 10 o'clock Tuesdny morning. 1 was sorry ho much of this trip was made by night, This was surely a delightful trip The wateis of the Carribean are as smooth as a lake iu a city patk and in many places quite shallow and very clear, The bottom is plainly visible A traveller who was on the boat said It was much like tho Mediterranean and that the muluo gardens surpassed those of Catellua Islands, and ho had seen both. It Is said a rise of fifty feet would connect Isle of Tines with Cuba. Five large porpoises played lu front of the prow for about u half hour, then seem ingly becoming weary, left us. These fish are not edible, but scavengers of the sea. The Isle of l'ines is a large island iu the ceuter ot a circle of smallor is lands. Some of these smaller Islands arc a huge hill of s did marble whose height equals" or exceeds the ale . Others at i! of coal formation. Pieces hi marine urn round all Uirotuli the i soli horc. The lsk Is hllv and hns forests of p'ne, cedar, mahogany and i imiiioqua, along with many unities of palm ami palmetto.. The itioulfis of I S4.ilitmiiliui hti.l i...l M..I..1. . II... I lepteinb' tottest tl ... ,'11 ....... IHIII M1I I, ML VUt'MI'-J Jill.' t' hottest Mini' of tin venr I'rivlous to that lime the sun Is north of ili'u tropli of Cancer, after that It in south of it. One day It was '.)( lu the shade. 'I lm ' nights are call, itialsoeool In the' slcide. Frost has never lieutl kiiouM, on the isle. The heat, here In temper! ed In the trade winds. The native' Cubans are called "Splekitles." The ii inn nilginatid the time of the '-'pan-Mi America, i wail Wl.o i tin m- ii ctn Miluii-i-h mimo in Culm and tiled to eoii.piso with nittlsc boMlem thej would leply, "Mo lm speaklly.'" Hen tiny speak of -pieklty shoes, Jiats mid houses. The Utter built of logs of ro.Mil palm and roofed with rojal palm leaves. Valuable bpouge Usher les are all around I lie Is'e. Uatatmuo is said to have the largest sponge llsh orlos iu the world. Turtle llshlng is another industry of tho Isle, tho shell of one variety bringing f.. Mineial water is one of the exports. It is said since 1001 Cuba and Isle of Pines has the lowest death rate in the world with thu exception of New Zealand. The Isle Is at present under Cuban government being u part of Uavatia province. All tho public improve ments have been made by Americans, who have the hope that sotuo day it. may become U S. territory. There .arc no railroads on the island and tek- phunes tire just now being put up. The population is nearly nil Ameri can colonists, numbering about three thousand and it Is a surprising fact that with gasolene at 4Go per gallon and costing SHOO to get an automobile out of the ciiKtom house at Havana, there is over GOO autos on tho island, paitly due to tho fact that most of the steamships at Havana lie tnoorod at the bay. The cargo is carried to shore hy "lighters." We were told tills was due in some places to lack of water, but, iu Havana it Is becauso the light eag interests are powerful enough to prevent n change and that it cost mure to (li-chitige a ton of cirgo over two huniicd yard- trotn thedocK than to bring lt.roni Llverpoil. The. Isle of Pines Co. tiad two autos lit the. wharf to meet the teachers as Santa U.irl'nra is live miles inland This is a pioneer countiy, practically only nix years old. The m-ijoiity of tho people live iu groves ol about ten acres, grow ing grape fruit, oranges, pineapples, etc. uu in i.as ai-o some American Ii tricts limit up since the S . win-, when its couui.e.icial possibilities be came known. Siiuio very line houses weie, pointed out to us as belonging tu American- who had made fortunes since :haL lime. Tho advance iu trop ical sanation havu enabled white pen pic. fiom the north to live here and enjoy good health. This is the rainy season, yet I tunc seen very Utile uimt owing to tin ii iture of tile soil. Much of the surlace is sandy gravel with a clay sun soil, which becotili s Illicit with moiftiiic. and reta'ns it. Thi Uiud of soli is gimd for all citrus finite as ilie-i Ir. es h vc a tap root which is a water feeder. I hav s'liiti black -oil heie Iwo or three feet de-p. Tlnuo is al-o niiiiih red soil. I visited at on h'.nie S.ituiday and made a list of whin 1 haw growing I mi-sed the names of some. Tin; owner is a laud agent and Itei psa ".show" place to dem ons' rate what can ho done. Oranges, grapefruit, pineapples, lemons, lime-, tianaiias, mangos, tigs, cocoautits, rice, vanilla, Mipodtllas, custard apple, dates, cotfee, olivx-, tamarind , giiavas. pomcgiar.aios, persimmons! stryehlnfl, licouce, p qmyas, giugi-r, camphor, In mintoii, allspice, walnut,-, tobacco, al monds, pecans, cguacate, cacao, bread truit, peanuts, langauues, together with all the garden vegetables we have at home. An apple tree live years old had three oiops this yoii,r. There were twenty seven varltie of. palms and several varities of bamboo", along with blooming roses, vines and shrubbery growing in luxurious profusion. Two trees iu which 1 vwis touch interested were celba and royal poinciauas On diiretent parts of this ninety acres I saw red soil and other places the black besides the gravel, Vey much of the soli must tie fei tl!i.cil. , Some say tills is easier and cheaper til. ill trying to keep down the weeds which grow high er than the trees on richer soil, They use blcod and bone from the packing housts for fertilize.1. Thus we see how one locality is dependent upon another and thus unities thu whole. vl'he sugar hero is very courso and tlurk, thosamu is true of Cuba, there being rip refineries nearer than thu sttites. At ouo lime the Isle of Piin s was a placo of refuge for pirates and Is the Isle of wlileh Robert Louis Stevenson wrote lu 'Treasure Island." Yesterday we saw u number of one story stone buildings with the roofs, a ild to bo hundreds of years old arid quarter sand training ground for slaves There are many such buildings found here. Tho American homes are nearly ull of the bungalow type with a piazza ruunlng around three sides, and con necting with a breeze way betweeu kitchen and other parts of the house.- mi muni i i A A iftl HA EL !oN A iiIL A ra K3 ww m li TO x Tfl w ;sa R3 i?a w m . a m vm w m . jjkh u.i rg . , --i MA m , mjm i gl III V ! r a up mr mwsmhmi m """ "' " ' 'WM1IWWM WW ll..1WMJW.mMI..l.WM.l...MH.li,mKtMHI j ON TRACK FOR M:-: OF TNIS Theae Apples are Hand Picked Box i In Bulk Per Bushel 88c to $1.10 g In Boxes - $1.25 to $1.33 U Hfii These are Extra put away for your s I Poston pi'"'"''il!ll'"l;v!f"'ij;''!i; l.lllllllMlllllllllllllllliilllllllUlllllllllUliulllll I No glass is used in the witidows, but unlike those of Cuba, they are screen ed against insects. A small insect is here called pejeiia, hay bane, which they say feast on new comers. They sure have found us.' This Is a great place for pleasure. Everybody swims and dances regard less of age, creed or previous condi tion of servitude. A great many fami lies have motor launches. Homo have two or three using them on the rivers, bays and shores to take fruit to port. A great many tourists come here during the winter, that 'is from No veinber to May. We liavo visited Mr. .McPhersoti'. at Los Initios. There is it settlement of western people there, lie is one of the big men of the island, owning three thousand acres of laud. There we hud a Une time. They have i wo autos, three motor launches and a beautiful placo, but I am going to qu t wilting. I see a 1 1 ymt d des cription of the Island in thin week's Isle ol PI 1 1 os Appeal, written hy a girl wtin was u tourist here last winter. Will write you more of .Mr. Me Phei son's place in my next letter. MtJs. A. McCai.i.. Ileal Lslntt: lnitis,fcrs. Ileal ilstate Transfers furnished by ,M. V. Cuter, iioudod Abstiacter, Ued louil, Nebraska. .lolin Milton Martin to i'hiljp (I llueK, wd lot- 1, -, ," and east IS!) left of lot . lilu l,Ctili-els sub div UoIiicih .lild and part of lot 1, It.ihiors Add to libit: Hill M050 00 0 I) Hedge sheriil' to O II l.'lldgren, slierilfh deed, 1 5 inifivst in bwj.,, sensii J3:j:i o: .luhii Weigel.and wife to Tillic Lotier, wtl g iv lots 11, 4, sco )1-1 '.i ,1020 or, Charles Itlobaum ami wife to O .) iioos, wd, mw'4', 1 "i-: i) 1P.0J00 .less leglor and wife to Wtll. linstock, wd, lot I, Idle '.'1 liliiellill TttC (HI 1 V Nogly ami wife to Charles Hunter, wd, e, ne)( and ej.; m ' , -iJ-'i l'J 100 10 00 Claude 1 Cimler and wife to Charles A Martin, wd, lots I-MlO-ll.btk .1, luavale HIi.TluMiip'on and wife to Jt tireeuhalgh, wtl, nw'.j, hwj.j, 10 2 10 '. Ida j Thompson and husband to IKJreouhalgli, wd west 00 antes iu im'i, 7-t!-!) II Circcuhalgh to Ida L. Thoiup son, wd, nwj'i, swJJ, 10 2-10. . irmo on l oo l oo l oo II Greenluilgh to ll ii Thomp son, wd, west (i0a,neJi,7---!t. .State t.f Nebraska .to Hees It Thompson, deed, se D-tMO.lOSI :,'. Mortgages Hied ?'Ji,,Sl5S.00. Mortgages released f 1,8015 Oil. r. J. Caldwell PHYSICIAN SS51RCE0N Calls Answerod Day or Nifiht (ilUeuTeliilitiiiiH: Hell, Mi lint. 101. I ten. Ti It'phoiH's: llcll, Uitl JTJ; Intl. IW). Office Over N. A. Albrl&lit's Store Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate Chicago Veterinary College TWELVK YKAItS DXl'KHIKNCE AT HAILEY'S TIE BARN Hmd Cloud -:- Ntbrathm Q3-csaBgg. or p A in v REMAINDER WEEK -- Colorado Fancy and Bulk Fancy Apples to winter use. S 5 P3! 8 & Son I PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. THREE. The following proposed amendment to tho constitution of tho Stato of Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth In full, is submit ted to thu clcctois of the State of Nebras ka, to be voted upon at the Kcnoral elec tion to be hold Tuesday, November 3rd, A. I). 1914. "KOll a Joint resolution proposing amend ments to Section 1, of Article V, und Section :M. of Article V, of tho Consti tution of Nubraska, relating to term of oIIIpi nml salary of Governor ami other cxei'titlvu ollleors. Be It Resolved unit Knacted by tho People of tho State of Nebraska: Section 1. That at the general election for titati and leglH'atlve others, to bo held on tho Tuetnlny succppillng tho lltst .Mon day In November. 1U14, the followiHK bo Hiibmlttod as uuinndnients to Sections 1 am! LM. of Article V, of the Constitution of Nebraska: Sec. 1. Tho executive department shall consist of a (Juvernor. who shall hold his olllee for a term uf two years from tin Orst Thur.-day after the tlrst Tuesday In January, net after his elec tion, and until his successor Is elected mid illialilinl. In addition to the (Joveriinr, the M'Ciitlvo ili-parlment shall Incliule tho following ntlloeis: Ueiitenant Ciuvernor. Hecri'l.irv of Htit Auditor of I'ubllc Ac counts. TiPMsiirt-r, Snpi'tintenclent of l'ub l!c Jnstniction. Attornev fli neral. and Commls .loner of I'ablle Lands and IJm.d Ings. i'.t-U o'f whom f-li ill hold his uiliun for the trrni or two v-ir.s from the llrst Thurmlav after the tlrst Tutd.iv In J t i ary. iii-m .hi. i 'its e'i eilon. and until 'M Mi.pti"tior la elipird and iinillllfd: I'm-vlil-d. Iiowwi-r. th it the tlrt eliei'mi of P.ild '!'!! is sli.ill In- !)..il tn the Tuef lay sue ii filing hi Ilrit .Monday lu Novemtor. IHSi'i. anil i-iPh sut-ei-i ithig i-lecliiu sliill be held at tin s.nio roiulv.- time In icli even year thi-r"ifl'r. The Oovernor. Sec retary of Stite. Auditor nf l'uhl'C Ac enunin. tyt, Treasuif-r shall iitldo at tho seat of govern 111-1)1 ill'tlng tluir tet tna nf nine", ami l:oi-p the public records, bonks and pipns thi'ie. and shall pnrform such duties as in.iv be i-'nilrctl by law. S'c. 2-1. Tin- Hilary of tho CJivernor shtll be live" 11 outturn! ($j,00J.OO) ilullnrn r-r tnuuiii. Tiif mlarlrs of Aiulltnr of I'l-bllr ncf nuts nid .t-'ci-ei try of Statf. Siiperlntrt dint of I'-'blle Instruptloi and I'o-mnlf om r of I'n'.'e I.iii.U ii'itl Dull.l liigs slioii bf two thin ".tail live biiudiid ti.fiiiO.riii d-'Hi is rap!) pr-r aniium. and "f the Atlnrr.py tj m-nil, four thiusand dol lars itl.iiiii'.'Ni) p,-r annum, the unlary of tll St tte TtPisen-r shill lip three tlnui snnd itl.009.nm dull ir. jior annum, nml tho I.IfUteimnt Goveinor shall rePfive one nml one-half the o,iniM-nsitlon of a Hiwi.itnr, and aftor the nliptt'in or this constitu li"il thv fluill not iccpIvi to their o n imo-nnv fi i s, costs, jnterials upon public iiimii-vs In thiir hands or unilur HihIi- con tinl. t., nislt"s of otPpp or other eom pfp"i"')ii, and all fres that may limcnfter In iitvablo bv law for sp:ikrs perfonn tl In- . i olbciT je-ovld. d f r In this urllc'u of tin- constitution shill be pld In ad vance Into tin State tteontirj-. Tlli'to ahill lip no allnw.iaco for elftk hire In th of-IIpi-m of the Sur-iliitpudi'it of Public In siruetlon and Attorney (.lenoral. , Sec. 2. That at said nlpctlon on tho Tt psday surrpedlng- the first Monday In November. 1914, on tho ballot of each elector voting thelent, tln-ro shall bo prlntfd or wiltton tin words: "Knr pro IiobpiI ninendnifnts to tho constitution, llxlng tho term of olllee and Hilary for governor, and other extcuHve otllrers," and "Agal st proiospd annjudniPiitH to tho constlttitinn, fixing tho term of olllee. and salary for governor, and other execu tive otllcers." Approved. April 21. 1913. I, Addison Walt, Secretary of Rtito, of tho Stato of Nebraska, do hereby certify that tho forpgilng proposed amendment to the- Constitution of the State of Ne braska Is a true and correct copy of tho original enrolled and engiossisl hill, as passed by tho Thlrtv-thlrd session of tho Legislature of tho Stato of Nebraska, na appears from said orlglnnl bill on lllo In this olllco, and that said proposed amend ment Is submitted to tho iiunlltled voters of tho State of Nebraska for their adop tion or rejection at tho general election to bo held on Tiifd ty, tho 3rd day of November, A. P. 1914. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and nfllxed tho Great Seal of tho State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this 2lnl day of Mareh. In tho year of our Lord, Ono Thousand Nine Hundred ni.d Konr).ppn, nnd of tho Inilepeniloueo of the lmi"d St ttes tho Om- Handled and Thirtv-s--ventll, and of this Statu the Korty-'ewt'i A'lMriuN WAIT. Seal) Ke,r,.i.irv of State. CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska Second House North ol I. 0. O. F. Hall Graduate Palmer School o! Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa. Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free At Office Phese lid, 212 tir X ' tMMfWHiwianautttst KyHMaaiiesi sgaBawBSHaBgqjSgSfT