i "Tt Vfrfffc - --. IV. w RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF A f : ".. .- v x y??tp i i -1' 4 ykf Wv Ci "W r.fti X "jtfik . i'JL i" . r V i ty&JZ ?&& 31' W& y I f!-- miK 6Wf KskV $K&4 j I' ft" i' r I. f' V-.. r V i V I H Is' k ife, ! I ' JOHN A. MAGUIRE Lincoln, Nebr. CONGRCSS FIRST DISTRICT. Darn In Illinois, 1872. Graduate Iowa College of Agriculture, and University of Nebraska, 1098-9. Deputy treasurer Lan caster county two years. Delegate St. Louis 1904. Secretary Democratic State Committee 1905. elected to 61st, 62nd end 63rd Congresses. JOHN H. MOREHEAD Falls City, Nebr. GOVERNOR. Governor Morehend was born on a farm In Iowa. 8ettled In Nebraska 32 yean go. Taught school, worked on a farm, established a country store. County treasurer Richardson county two terms. Four terms mayor of Falls City. State Senator 1911; president pro tern and later acting lieutenant governor. Elected governor 1912 and now renominated by overwhelming vote. CHARLE3 W. POOL Hyannls, Nebr. SECRETARY OF STATE. Resident of Nebraska 49 years; 35 years In Tecumseh, serving as newspaper editor. President Nebraska Press Asso ciation, 1813-14. Member and Speaker of NebraskaHousc of Representatives, 1909. At present Deputy Commissioner of Labor. WILLIS E. REED Madison, Nebr. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Born In Iowa 48 years ago. Taught eohool there 7 terms. Settled In Nebras ka, 1886. Admitted to bar, 1888, and later to practice In all stateand U. S. courts. Ha wide and extensive experience In law practice, and Is a public speaker of marked ability. sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV MMmT ' JsaaHaBaBaffiaHaBBaBaBaBal . : Aba w aV aii- Jft rK$iAm DON'T ROCK THE BOAT! This la a time for unity and har mony. It Is a tlmo wtaon all pntrlotlo Amor lean citizens regardless of polltlca will rIvq aid and comfort to Presldont Wilson. Those who J any way lend assist- CHARLES O. LOBECK Omaha, Nebr. CONQRESS SECOND DISTRICT. Dorn In Illinois, 1652. Educated In schools at Andover, Qeneseo, Derra and Chicago. Commercial traveler 1875 to 1892. Republican state senator (Omaha) 1892. Became sliver republican 189G. Omahe City Counollman, 1837 to 1903. City Comptroller, 1903-12. Democratic presidential elector 1900. Elected to 62nd and 03 rd Congresses. ) WM. H. SMITH Seward, Nebr. AUDITOR OF PUDLIC ACCOUNTS. Dorn In Illinois, 1873. Publisher of the Independent-Democrat at Seward the past 17 years. Five years secretary of the Nebraska Association of Fair Manag ers. Secretary of the Nebraska State Senate In 1909 and 1911. State Senator, Twelfth district, In 1913. Author of ex press tax law and uniform bridge plans bills. W. B. EASTHAM Broken Dow, Nebr. COMMISSIONER OF PUDLIC LANDS AND DUILDINGS. Dorn In Virginia. Settled In Droken Dow ahead of the railroad In 1884. En gaged In real estate business continuous ly, except for six years as deputy revenue collector. First democrat ever elected to legislature from Custer county. At pres ent member city council and echool board. nnco to his onomles at this most try ing of trying times are unpatriotic and unsafe members of society. "Don't rock tho boat!" Puinillng tho duties of president of tho United States, oven In times of profound peaco, Is a most Ulfilcui: task. it Is much moro difficult whon tho United States Is carrying on a war. Dut most difficult of all Is tho presi dent's duty when the United States Is at poaco with all tho world and prac tically all tho rest of tho world are at war with each othor. f' 1 DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES I jC " '"'''Art f .siiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKutsliiirS'C!' Baraks Tyvi i ..nr-n-.. u.tuo WaaMMmaMWKABi BseffislBlkl f A WILLIAM J. BRYAN uiuouni m. niiv,nvuur faaaaaaaaaaBaaaaBBSBBBBHsjs-vsmBjBjV bbbYbbbuSIM 't&sW Omaha, Nebr. VLaaaaaaHBaVHsBBBBBBBBBBK. bbbbbbbSI' sf aW Llnooln, Nebr. UNITED STATES SENATOR. MmMMff9MmWMWMmL BBRV' "W SECRETARY OF STATE, U. 8. A. . 1YKiBaaaaaK'''ap;;jBaaaaaa "'" i Ms Slij:if Mtipmwmmm sbbbbbbK A .aiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaHBiBlllflBMste JT MMMY JWfssft bbbbbbbbK M JBYaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaWiBBB&. " bbbbF vSfWaaaai tl&inSfct&Zff'y . I saavHsKPsiaaaaaaSBBaaaaaaW V THP'? aeaaw " -y-'rS f.JJsttBaWJSmA,l I AaTCPisaaaveBaaBMBsiaaaaaaaaaav - ;yismi , , A, HSv. . ll"l,i'3S3'f''3KSai m&iTKV ' laaaaai rs9BBiaaaa9aaaaaaaaBaV l i ' M sMaaa '. '55$Sj?PJl' DAN V. STERHENS Fremont, Nebr. CONQRESS THIRD DISTRICT. Dorn In Indiana, 18C8. Educated at Valparaiso College. Settled In Nebraska, 1887. Two terms County School Superin tendent. Author two books on education. Delegate St. Louis 1904, Denver 1908. Elected to 62nd and 63rd Congresses. WOODROW WILL M. MAUPIN Lincoln, Nebr. RAILWAY COMMISSIONER. Dorn In Missouri, 1863. Learned print ers' trade. Came to Nebraska In 1886. Engaged In newspaper business ever since. Held editorial positions on Omaha World-Herald and Bryan'a Commoner. Now edits and publishes Midwest Maga zine. Deputy labor commissioner, iiw 1911. The wonderful wisdom and sagacity displayed by President Wilson in guld lng tho United States safely through tho Mexican situation are being moro than duplicated now in uis bkiuui handling of tho European war prob lem. "Don't rock the boat!" Tho presldont of tho United States wields moro powor than any Euro np.in Rovcrolnn. The czar, the kaiser. and tho sovoral kings aro relatively mcro llguroheads whon their respec tive powers aro compar.cd with those exercised by Presldont Wilson. Hut tho most highly efficient work of 'tho presldont can bo performed only whon ho has tho hearty sympa thy nnd co-operation of ALL THE PEOPLK, regardless of political names or labels. flMKBiQiK0a1a.EellalKU livA ''C;K Vr ajMifrjWaHmy j b'JbbbbbbT bBLu9'miJ3w 2aw9ojt3 ar WALTER H. RHODES I Hebron, Nebr. CONGRESS FOURTH DISTRICT. Born In Deatrlce, Neb., 1872. Learned harness trade. Graduated University of Nebraska, 1836 and 1902. County Super intendent Thayer county two terms; City Superintendent Mlnden schools; two terms Mayor of Hebron, and two terms Treasurer, Thayer county. WILSON 'JOHN E. MILLER Lincoln, Nebr. REGENT OF UNIVERSITY Born In Pennsylvania, 1857. Left the farm at sixteen for country store. Then salesman In Harrlsburg dry goods store until 1879. Settled In Nebraska In 1879. Engaged In dry goods business, Winger & Miller; later Miller & Paine. State senator 1909 only democrat ever elected senator from Lancaster. Prosldent Wilson needs this sym pathy and co-oporatlon in the present crisis and on our part wo nil need his most painstaking and efficient services. "Don't rock tho boat!" In Nebraska there is Just ono way to uphold and sustain and aid and comfort President Wilson and that great commoner, his secretary of stato; Elect six democratic con gressmen and. tho entlro dcmocrntlc stato tlckot, from govornor to rallwny commissioner. This Is not a time to hngglo over tho expenditure of a fow dimes moro or los3 in the conduct of stato busi ness, nor to enter Into profitless com parisons of this candldalo with that. It can safely bo said that all candi dates of all parties this yenr nro good, capable, worthy mon; and that ) t ASHTON C. SHALLENBERGER Alma, Nebr. CONGRESS FIFTH DISTRICT. Dorn In Illinois. Educated University of Illinois. Settled In Nebraska 1830. Twenty years In banking business up to 1909. Member 57th Congress from this district. Governor of Nebraska, 1909-11. Now engaged In farming and cattle rais ing. Popular Chautauqua lecturer. GEORGE E. HALL ' Franklin, Nebr. STATE TREASURER. Born In Illinois, 1870. Lived In Nebras ka since 1873. Educated In common schools and University of Nebraska, 1887 1901. Postmaster 1893-97. Cashier Ver don State Bank, 1831-1909. Now Presi dent FrankJIn Exchange Bank. Expert accountant, good business man and well qualified for State Treasurer. G. W. NOBLE Omaha, Nebr. REGENT OF UNIVERSITY. Born lTOhlo, July 4, 1862. Graduate Oberlln College, 1885. Settled In Cass county, Nebraska, 1885, and taught untrr 1889; then elected county superintendent two terms. District manager (Lincoln; New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., 1894-8; then promoted to general agent (Omaha), which position he still occu pies. any of them, It elected, could and would render the stato excellent service. Dut right now, whon tho United Stntes faces tho possibility of becom ing involvod In tho most stupendous war of all history, tho olectlon of any man not wearing tho democratic hall mark Is suro to ho construed as a ro buko to President Wilson. "Don't rock tho boat!" Each donioeratlo candidate for con gress and each democratic candldato for state office Is n man who stands well nt homo among his neighbors. If hv some magic tho names of thoso candidates were to appear on tho of- ,- -BMW M FRANK J. TAYLOR St. Paul, Nebr. CONGRESS SIXTH DISTRICT. Dorn In Illinois, 1866. Settled In Ne braska, 1879. Graduate University of Michigan, 1891. Practicing attorney since 1891. County attorney, Howard county, six terms. President Citizens' Stats Dank, St. Paul, and large landowner. Deeply Interested In agricultural prog, rcss, and successful In business and pro fessional matters. JAMES PEARSON Moorefleld, Nebr. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR. Born In Illinois, 1873. Settled In Ne braska, 1883, Cass county. Engaged as grain buyer past 11 yeara at Germantown and Moorefleld. Actively Interested In farmers' Institutes, agricultural extension service, writing for farm Journals, eto. Representative 66th Nebraska, 1913 leg islative session. P. M. WHITEHEAD Gothenburg, Nebr. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Born In Wisconsin, 1874. Never held elective office. Began teaching at the age of fifteen. Was trained at the Eu reka College, Illinois; State Normal School, Peru, Nebr., and University of Nebraska. City superintendent of schoola at Gothenburg for ten years. CANDIDATES OF DEMOCRATIC AND PEOPLE'S INDEPEN DENT PARTIES. Governor John H. Morehead Lieutenant Governor.. James Pearson Secretary of State... Charles W. Pool Auditor of Public Accounts Wm. H. Smith State Treasurer George E. Hall Superintendent of Public Instruc tion P- M. Whitehead Attorney General Willis E. Reed Commlslsoner of Public Lands and Buildings W. B. Eastham Railway Commissioner. Will M. Mauplrs Board of Regents of the Univer sity of Nebraska ' ..G. W. Noble and John E. Miller CONGRESSMAN First District John A. Magulro Second District.... Charles O. Lobeck Third' District Dan V. Stephen Fourth District.... Walter H. Rhodes Fifth District Ashton C. Shallenberger Sixth District Frank J. Taylor ficlal ballot bearing the label "Repub lican," moro than a hundred thousand republican electors would voto the tlckot without a scratch from top to bottom on Novombor 3rd, and not a man of thorn would afterward find causo for regret. In theso trying times, with men crying, "Peaco, peacoj when there is no peace," wo should all forget parti sanship nnd tho little, potty porsonal JealouElos and Rtrlfes nnd conten tions; nnd wo should all, as Amerw ennB, unite In tho support of President Wllcon and his unparalleled adminis tration. "Don't rock the boat!" . 1 JaWs' "aw-' ,vV;-'-A'',' 'v'?, l - . -" yv0wvj. 4gJ JRM il-UimtilWtlC r a- 'r4WMvk SMtaew swssw-.-T- -sn4W -taft, . If- 'W-