The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 29, 1914, Image 5

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    "t tytathwtKf , ittaft4rt:ft 'T?--
"! jm
Bulletin of The. Week's Doings
I .lid .'li was In Superior
was in ton n
T. C. Hacker was it. Hebron Monday.
For your mow shoes no to Mlinr
Itios Co
Col. 1J. C. IVtois wax up fiotn Guide
Hock .Monday.
Fred Temple of Kansas City was in
, town Saturday.
, Mr. and Mis. Frank I'jlliuifor were
in Campbell .Sunday.
FOIt UHN'T ood Ti-ronni honso
IIfi'llun &. Saladett. adv
Xw shooM for tin' ladles just re
ceived at Miner Mies Co.
Dow K.iloy att.-udeil llio foot ball
piuie at Lincoln Siturday
Attorney II ilt litis moved hls.ollluo
over Wee-tier & Perry's store
Paul Johnston of Lincoln suont Mon
day hero with ills mother, JIh, John
bton. Arthur fiilbort and Will Storey to
tut ned houiu from Lincoln Sunday
Juki' KllliUfr tradi'il hi CulU'iic
nutomoblle olTSutuiiliiy forii now lloo
Allen Mlaeklodiro Is home from Lin
coin whore, he took the West Point
Hurt Person left for Wiay, Colorado,
Sunday, where he has a position In a
harness hhop.
Jiih. Peterson drove down a new
Overland automobile from Hastings
Friday morning.
WANTED-Horses orcattle to winter
9 miles south of town. Plenty of feed.
John Stackliouse.
Mrs. Wm. Dohror i visiting her
' daughter, Mts Walter Moby and family
at Nelson this week.
Misses Kat'.iryn Kowak and Lucy
Ludlow of Franklin spent Sunday hero
with Curtis (Jeer and wife.
New coats just received nt Minor
Biost Co., whero they have received
tiiW lines in all depaitments.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson of Clay
Cjnter, Kansas were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Creighton the last of
the week.
If you have licnditrlie or If your
child Is a mouth breather see Dr. War
rick, Tuesday, November 3rd. Ex un
illation free.
I have the best rate in the county on
farm lonn. See mo mid be convinced
My motto- prompt service.
A. T. W.U.KKlt.
Paul Stoiey leturned home fiom
Grand Island Friday morning whine
li. li.ul bron uUcndinir the I. O O. F.
tjr.iiid lodge.
Mes'lames W G. Warren and rV V
Ross returned home from (iiaiid Inland
Friday whero they had been attending
the Uobeknh assembly.
We WHiit 1 1 give you all the loenl
news an 1 in oidur to do so we iibk
that you let us know any bit of news
you ni'iy hear. Both phones.
Mr. and Mrs. Kitehell of Illinois,
wlio have bi'en visiting with Mis
Johnston and ehtlili en for some timu,
returned to their homo on Monday.
Kuv. Cressmiin of Ctete wa-. In the
city Friday visiting friends. He had
beon atteiuling the CongregHtlonal
couforonee at Fiunkllti and was on Ids
way homo.
John I'.ivlleok, living northwest of
town, was adjudged a dip-omauiui: by
tho insanity boaid the Hist of tlu
week and was taken to the "dip" at
Linco'n by Sliuilif Hedge.
Dr. Win rick. The Specialist, will
nied'eve, ear, novo and tlitoat nutlmts
and thoe needing glasses lilted at llr
Danieiell's olllee in Ked Uloud, Tues
day, November Iltd.
Dan Oarber, R II. Xewhouse, Ed.
Hanson, A. H McArthur and l' R.
Maurer returned home from Grand
Island Thursday evening where they
had been attending the 1. O O. F.
grand lodge.
ltev. Cole of Genoa, Nebraska, form
erly pastor of the Haptist chuieli here,
arrived in tho city Monday evening,
coming hero to pioich the t uncial ser
vices of J. O Llndley which was held
Tuesday iiftornoon.
Monday afternoon little Fiank Cow
den, son of Mr. and Mib F. W. Cow
din, had tlm misfortune to lull oil' his
tiicyclc while on his way to school and
broke his leg near tho ankle, and also
injured his taco and liuiid badly.
Miss Flossie McKimmey, who ro-
turnftd to her home hero sonio two
weeks ago, on necount of illness, left
Friday lor Sutherland, to again icsumo
her school duties Her mother, Mis.
W. Jt. Molviinmev. accompanied her
and spont a few days visiting with her
dutghter, Volma, who Is ulso teaching
at that place. Mis. McKimmey return
ed homo Monday cvnihig.
E. S. Gaurber
HI i ( nv of lllnden
Monti ly.
Hoy jour kodak supplies at Stevens
Bros, st.nlio. adv
Next Tuesday is election day. Be
sine and vote.
Mr. and Mrs. Have Kuley entertained
a number of friends at tuelr home on
Fiiilay evening.
Mis MoUrtdo was a passenger to
Denver Monday.
Attorney A. M. Walteisof Mine Hill
was in town Monday.
Why should a town niuzle the dogs
and not the knookeis?
, Mis Sehuinaeher spent Sunday in
Fianlcliii with hor-lslor
A A. ltineliold of St. Frnni'is, K in
as, was iu tho ei'y Tuesday.
Miner Sherwood attended t lie foot
li.ill game at Liifoln Saturday.
' tleii. Fall Hold and fattillv have
moved into the L"ngtun tosidence.
Will Hunt arrival In the city Mon
day to woik in the Uoynl barbershop
"Frank Cow den went to MeCool
Junction Wednesday moiiilng on bu-d-
TlieW. C. T. V. will meet with Mrs.
C O. Cox on Wednesday, November I,
at U:'!0 p in.
The Senior el iss of the high school
will entertain tho Junior class at a
banquet Fiiday
It Isn't very long after a wise young
man roaches the marry lug ago befoie
ho reaches tho parsonage.
Henry Johnson left for South Dakota
last week to he at the bedside of his
son who has typhoid fever.
"IIO.MR, SWRRT HOME" looks bet
ter on tho piano than a mall order
c italog on the center table.
Dr. Cross was a passenger to Oxford
Monday where he attended the south
west district dentists' inotiiig.
Mr. and Mrs .Tamos Silvey of Imi-
vale. spent buntlay here wltli her par
ents, A. 1). Wonderly and wife
Mr. and Mis. Kobt. Harris roturned
home Saturday from South Itend,
Indiana, whero they had been visiting
i I'he Major is uuth iritj for the stale
I nieiit that o!ra pollen will bo on dutj
Hallow 'eon night.
County Attorney
The voters of Webster county should
elect Attorney F. J Monday County
Attorney by a gooil majority next
Tuesday lie is well ipialllled by ex
perience for the olllee. lie Is a Ne
braska man having lived In South
western Nebraska most of his life and
knows the conditions of thin p.irt of
the state. Ho is a graduate of the
t'niversity of Nebraska ami also the
Nebraska College of Law. "The
Chief" heliecs that a vot for Muiulny
next November will not be misplaced
but for the tight petsou.
A Tax Payer's Statement
(icorge W. Llml-ey one of Web-tot
o mntj'n most popular and successful
Morlt men, will no doubt be elected to
tue Mite Legislature
Mr. Lintliey has been idoiiMlled with
Nebraska's greatest indiistiy, stock
raising over since lie entile to the state,
and It is sate to say that he is well
and favorably known to every man in
the county who is entitled to vote at
the coining election,
lioorgo. us lie is known to his ft lends
is the type that Is needed In our State
Legislative department, where the
outlook must be foiwatd and not back
ward if we ever expect to i (ink with
our sister states. Honest, sipiare,
business methods and' sti let attention
to tho smallest details In every under
standing has been the secret of his
His associates when he was in the
Legislature soon discovered that when
important matters camo up, (ioorgo
Lindsey wns a good man to have on
tho committee and when he goes back
next January you can back on George
belng.on the side of interest to his
constituents even if tho measure is
introduced by a Republican.
A vote for George Is a vote for self
interest. A TAX PAYRU.
I k, V. Y
13lf33-SSCT5E!-'vQSvsASsBvr' 3
There's fo time like
the present
You wouldn t buy a
straw hat in Sontembor.
Why wait until Xmas
to buy your Fall and
Winter clothes.
If you buy them now
you benefit in three ways
First, you have a wider
variety of styles and
pat terns to select from a
chance to be- more in
dividual. Second, you get more
wear out of every dollar
because they have to be
laid aside when Spring
Third, "you slip one
over" on the other fel
lows by being among the
first to be well dressed
for winter, and comfort
able while they shiver
in summer clothes.
Right now is the best
time to purchase your
shirts, underwear, neck
ties, hose, gloves, and a
new suit and hat. We
have a most complete
stock, smart styles, new
patterns and colors and
everything that appeals
to the discrimina ting
The new Kuppenheimcr
Clolhcraft suits and over
coats are better than
ever. Everyone of them
is guaranteed all-wool,
.shape-retaining and ser
viceable. That's why we
handle the line we don't
have to take a chance,
neither do you. There's
a wide variety of styles
and patterns, and the
price is always right
510 to 525.00.
Be Among; the Wise Buyers
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
Red Cloud, -:- -:- Nebraska
Amos Ayers and family who have
been visiting witli Geo Coon and wife,
returned to their lioni's in Salida,Colo ,
We are informed this week that the
farm prodnco and poultry exhibit will
lie displayod in the Geo. Lindsey
bulHing instead of nt Koontz's livery
birn as proviously advertised.
On last Satuiday evening at tho M.
R. parsonage, Hev. Myers united in
marriage Mr. Lienjiimin Rasser and
Miss Ha.el Rust. The young couple
will malio their homo on C. II. Rust's
I'urtn northeast of tovn.
(In Tuesday eveninga surpiise paily
vas u'ivfii Rev. Colo ikt Mr and Mrs.
K V Gulden's (homo. About sixty
1 1 ion Is wcie pioent and all repot t a
having hud a good time. At a late
hour sHiidwioliosutid cake were set veil
The A O IT , W. lodge had a big
meeting Tuesday evening and all pres
ent leporlod as having hud a good
i lino. Mis Kthol Wi.eenrvcr gavo n
leading and J B. Gilliam was the
spo'ikor of the evening G C. liailey's
orchestta furnished the inilsij.
A huge number of friends of Mr.
and Mrs, Hoy Stevens gathered at their
home on Tuesday evening to help them
celebrate their lift It wedding miniver
'a i j. The eveuiiicr's entei taiinnent
consisted of a ilslt to tho Stevens'
studio, utter which Jtoy taken them
all to the Teepe, filially teturning to
Ids home, wIimio a bountiful feed was
solved and a good t'm wa enjoyed by
all. Roy savs ho can not refiain ft out
wishing ho had an nunlvetsaiy evoiy
To The Voters of Webster
Having received the nomination of
the Democratic party for the olllee of
Sheriff of Webster county, I Uml that
it Is impossible for me to call on all
the voters before tho general election,
November 3, tis my farm wofk does
not permit my absence only occasion
al ly.
1 was unable to devoto as much
time to my campaign as I should have
liked. To you whom I lime been un
able to meet, 1 wish thtotigh the
medium ot this paper to respectfully
ask your Mippoit at the goneial eho
lion, Tuesday, November iiid. To you
I have mot pcisiumlly I wish to thank
lor your cour'eous tieatnieiit'iiiid as
sistunce while in your neighborhood.
As tomysell, I have lived In Webster
count since ISi, and have made a
successor the fin uiiiig industry, and
all my intuivstu are in Wobster county.
If tlie volors of Webster count
elect me to Ibis olll !, I shall conduct
it In an elllcieiit. manner at tho least
expense to the county.
To all I wis'i to Hiy that I will ap
preciate any iiivor.s shown me at the
oltctl'Hi, Novembel .', 1911.
Yo'urs respectfully,
J s Huutka
IJ uleii, Ncbinsku.
SSBCi Hfe ucca
Barreled Apples
Bulk Apples
Fancy Early Ohio
In the District Court of the. Ten I It
Judicial District of Nebraska In and For
Webster County.
IT IS HiatlCllY Olll)i:iti:t) that the
)Lcemler IU1I, ispilty term of court enlleil
tor W'elntir County ob tlie'th iluy ol Itieeiu-
l. .. llllt t... A ...1 1. .ml.. li.lllllirtl. '
ill' rt 111 t lie luiu ii iu nitiiiuin nvi wiij aujuunr
Vi WltllOUl llll I '
It Is further onlrretl thtit tlio rlirk notify
irtitiit.jil ti niifi'i flint tif iinrlliiunml rill iitilill
eniitH (or naturalisation, as well hh tlie ehlel
n( tlio bun nil o( uatiirallatlon at St. I.uuls,
Mo., ot hiii'Ii ailjoiiruiiieul. I
In wltniBR wliert ol I Iiiim) liireiiuto nt my
liiiml at llnlilreise, , I'liolpH county, In nalil
illHtrlrt. llimauii iluy ot Detoliir, UN I. IIAItltY S. 1)1 MIAN".
CDITII I.. McKCIlllIAN, ,lmle
i ItrK Dlitrlct fouit.
Ordir To .Sliow Cuisc.
SIi,t!.rtt'-! ;Thefou,li Court
Arn t'liiinty oart held nt the ('oiinty
fotirt room In ami fur snlit eoiiuty Dctotur
.Mih, A. I), llll I.
Ik tho matter nt tlio wtilto of huliin II
Carpenter, Utecniil
OS ronillin; iiud llll
Ia, Wiillir unit Carrie MiiUiouh i r : i Inn
thai ailiiilliUtinllou of kiilil i-lilo mny bo,
itruntiiltn 1'rnl Maurer as Ailiiitiimiriior.
01110.111:11. That 1'iMio. the 1:. h lay of
Novi'inlHir. A. I)., tun. at it) u'lioik a. m.. !b
iihSUaul for hcnriiii; Jiilil pttlilmi. whin all (
tui-KuusliiWio-lul In k:Ii! iiiutior 111:1 1 upponr
ai n (.ouiii) couri lonfiiiiu 111 uuu un mh
i-oiiiii anil hhuw em m lij pruji r of lull
tliuiei hlinalil not In yrnntoil, nml tliat notice
of llu i mteney ol hnlcl potltloa unit the hear-
tnu tin not ho ijlMm to nil pi ixms Inti 11 slut
llisnlil innttrr, by iiiIiIIkIiIiii 11 copy of this
orili r 111 inn id 11 1 1111111 1 niei. a wit hiy 111
paper pi Inti it In Mild nuiii', fur ihrti eon
scciithi vm'i 1k prior loMihl il:i ( hi uliuj.
l.l. N. I ItvsM .
I niiliU liuUt
I'm i M i 111 1 Attorney.
ir 1.
ir us
In Style We Have
We Have It If It's In Styl
llU tho petition ol (n
f. J. fHanday
County Attorney
': VL7
1 ii
1 'V 1
u? 1 I v.
f I 400 m
Our lines combine correct
styles Willi more than moder
ate prices, makes our line of
tficat importance to women
interested in dress. Our gar
ments must give satisfaction,
and they do. This is why oilr
sales increase.
Barbara Phares
A iff n t I-'or Ainetlcan Homily
and Warner liros. Cothols and
litittuilek I'atteius.
f 1 Zr..,v m..
Ileal Dtate, Farm Loans
and Insurance,
ReJ Cloud. - Nebraska.
Special Priees
Invisible Patches
Neat workmanlike repairing
is a branch of our business
which is given especial atten
tion. Send Your Torn Garments To Us
Wo will glean press and re
pair them so that they will
give you much satisfactory
wear. You are accustomed to
having your shoes and watch
repaired. Why not your
e What Causes that Book
The abnoiiiiiil position of
Pinches the Nerve
That Controls' the Stomach
Frank Vavricka
Democratic Candidate tor County Clerk
Webster County
G. Hassingep
Cleaner and Dyer
Doth Phones
Tho Mtom.usli ciiiuot ilo its duty until tlnit
HiViix'itiuii i ailjuMnl and tlio pressure! on
lite 111 rvi'SToliewd, Your local Cliiropiac
tor I hi1 glad to explain inoio fully how
lie.tUli i ulVeotoil by tlio mililuxatud vortu
brat; in yoiirupiue. It o.'HtH nothing to
invent lato and may' mean much to you.
See your local
profcsHional card in another column of
this paper. No Drug No Surgery No
Osteopathy No ManuBago.
. n
s a
w -
It 8
.yiry-yaMBW,,- itMMayg;iSXCS