te n-n" ' .f'RtW fT iMsA'aIW-USM n RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ant I) j 3 i 1 it C.KO. W. THIN!;: Democratic unil Peoples Independent Cnndlduto For Trcaaut or Webster County , Red Cloud, Nebraska, 1 uctober zi, l'Ji-i. To The Voters of Webster County: T nm n candidate for Countv Treasurer of our county. I have met many ot you, but as time is limited, I could not meet all and I am writing you in order that you may know my views in regard to this office. I believe that the office should be conducted with the least expense possible to the taxpayers and at the same time givi the county efficient service. A county officer is a servant of the people. The County Treasurer of Webster county is allowed $2,000 per year and 51,000 additional for a deputy. Now I have been a business man of this county for fourteen years and have had experience enough to conduct this office for the 52,000 allowed the treasurer without any extra salary for a deputy. This letter is a plcdtre and a written contract ty we with the inters and taxpayers ot our county, that should they see fit to elect me their servant that no other salary shall be received or asked for by me except the $2,000, thus saving the county $i,oo per year now paid fj tie tiiAiajirs o Webster County for running this office. The law of Nebraska does not permit a man to be County treasurer for more than four years at one time. This is a good provision, as the law recognizes the fact-lhat the books of this (office should be subject to examination by those not connected with the office, as so much of Ihe people's money is entrusted to the treasurer. If the voters elect me to this office, I shall keep the letter as well as the spirit of this law and not remain as a deputy, but leave the books for others Vo examine. 1 have been a resident of this county over twenty-five years, and am a free-holder in the county. If elected I shall devote my entire time to the office and work for the interests of the taxpayers. Any support you give me will be appreciated. Yours very truly, GEO. W. TRINE. Political Advertisement ILAS R. BARTON CONnilHSHMAX x Flflh Dlst. Nebraska eilAND ISLAND Ibousc of IReprescntatfves X. TRUasbinflton, . ..... . October 27, 1014. To the Voters of the Fifth District: President Wilson has kept congress "on the Job" as no other prcsldont hat ever done. This has been cauBcd partly, at least, by conditions which have confronted no other congrecs In recent years. I have believed It to be my duty to "stay on the Job" with him, and, whether you re-elect re or net, I can conscientiously say that I have been one of lees than a scoro of cong-eo' men almost continually answering roll call. Wherever It has been poaslbl for mo to do so I have aided the precldcnt and the members of his cabinet This has been especially true of the administration's efforts to free Itself froi high prices on armament, etc. I have aloo been greatly pleased to upho lilm in his neutrality policy. In substantiation of the above statement there Is submitted the tes. inony of others. The United Press, an Independent, non.polltlcal newtgatl ring association, on Friday last, carried the following news account from It Washington bureau: "Washington, Oct. 23 (Dy United Press) Representa. tlve Barton, of Nebraska, missed but one roll call of the pres ent session of congress according to the report of the ssrgeant of arms today while working on the proposal for docking salaries of members for absence without excuse. Represen tative itcne, of Illinois, and Representative Morgan, of 0"'v noma, tied for second place, they having been absent only twice." nut tnia "remaining on the Job" has made It Impossible for r:b ace al ef the people In my district before the election. In fact I shall b- able to c-c' but very few, and I am taking this method of appealing to you f r your vote i iif in your opinion, i nave served my district faithfully, may I r. t " pe td recolve that approval which every ccnccientlcus rran prises, arij viuii will certainly value most highly? . I slnccrc'y regret that I have been unable to be In the field, and, v.-hcrt challenged, to meet my opponents or crlfcs, and their statements. To cne of these criticisms I wlch here briefly to addrets myself. It hn3 come to mi that opponents are urging that I am not a property holder of any consider able proportions. Comparatively, perhaps, I have been less fortunate In this rccpcct than tits average congressman; but the tax records In my home county of Hall chow that I annually py almost $100 In taxes and I believe that, could I meet you, and speak with you about th's matter face to face, I could convince ycu, If you are not already convinced, that a careful guardN ....unship of the Interests of my district and Its people In Washington dees not at all depend upon a large fortune In property or a voluminous bank account. Somehow I feel confident that you will not permit my absence, In Itself work to my Injury, and that I can safely leave the matter In your hands. Very respectfully, SILAS R. CARTON,.. rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nebraska 'UBLISHED EVEKY THUKSDAY Entered In the I'osttilllco nt Iti-tl Cloud, Nob. "ns Second UIiibh Matter' I'UW.IHIIKK Tsssosssasssssssn iponraB'ragrenrqcs THE BIG HORM OF PLENTY That Is tlu lllj,' Horn lUsin of Wyoming, with Uiu heiivii-st omp-, in Its lilstury of ii-ilgHtlon; tliomtiiiiris of ions of nlfulfn, wht'iit mitl tmls mi (iuvi-in Burnt unil luiwitulriiKittcii lands; oil ilWciivi-rii-s Iri'ijiuMif, tin llni'st undo of irrigated land, with reliable iin.l perpetual water iljrhts, li.t 1 hv tin' (iov eerninent, may lie honu-hteaded on easy tonus. Cliu-ip i-oal iiml t'unliei- fo 'domestic use A fiii'iu in Wyoming's richest imliu trial anil faimini; -i-tiou cm "Imj yours unlay, with a certain increase in all laini values The Jiurliiijflou's liuvv main Hue runs through the heait of the liaslji, which has alieatly over '$W),(M)() population The new 20 year payment law has just passml coigiesc. Ti.is male s the Jlund uinl a perpetual water right alino .' a gift. Conic ami see these wonderful ciops. .loin our personally conducted wxcurMoiiH. I am employe 1 to help you tiuil a suitable location nluiig the .nturllngton Write for "Ilasin" Llteiatutv. S.B. Howard, Ass't. Immigration Agent J004 Farnam St., Omaha, Nobraska To The Voters Do Not Be Mislead Om pre-ent tit pu'.y ticHMiior has only bun in t o tit-asm ei's ; ollicc for seventeen youis. Our d pitbciit deputy oltiik hajs only i l)i-i ii in the cleiU'fi olllce for elt-vi it joins unil our piosont sher'IV haw only boon In ottiee tor nine joins Aie you lu tnvor of giving thei-o men a life job ailv ? !i '- . .'IiITuTiX Wil.l I L; We lmvo a now industry in this ulty iince tnnro we have a sawmill right ii tin heart of lliecltj'tmniiigoiit luniliei of the linest Mud. The JacUbon gmvi is being cut Into lumber. Governor Moichcail lias set apart Ncvember sixth to bo observed u lln picveiition day. -Many of the (Ires thai occur lu the winter timu could have been avoiileil If proper pi eeautions hud lu-eii talien in fie fa I. This is an on cellcnt move on the p-irl of the (Juver uor and cveiyone sliouhl inuUe it n point to i-arij- outtlio siiggchtlonhC'inr tally Dr. Nicholson DENTIST vg topyiOK ovrn .vi.nuiaiiT's storh IN ItlVIMiTON OX MONDAY ClMd, Nebraska DIt. CHAS. E: CROSS DEKTIBT OYER STATE BANK Red Cloud ' ' ' Nebraska The big bridge just west of Inavalc lias been completed by i'l.itt A Frees and lb one of the best in the state I'll Is is the. largest bridge of its kind in the couutj ami Istiiii-hetl in t m-cII-e it shape. Messrs, l'lutt & lfiees mo t lie conratubitod on the succos--ful outcome of this untie rtukliig and Webster county lms a bridge that will lK-Verhiivo to be lebiiill. Wo liuve inmlu a few inquiries tho past week and wo lln 1 that our nu-r-chants at e pijlng more for eggs right along than arc the merchants in the sut rounding towns. Somctimcb this price is-as much us two cents more on tho ilo.cu, Careful buyers know that they arc treated right by tho Kcd ('loud nieu-iiants and tl.i-y know when hi bring tlu-ir piodiiee The Chief lulus pleasure til present ing to the voters of Wc'ster county, the ilctuoomtic uiiiidliliitus for county olllce. They hi on clenii sot of men and ato all well fitted for tho ollicc for which they aspire. They have con ducted n clean campaign and arc worthy of the support of nveiy clticn who desires eflielent otlleers Xono of them ever held i-llli-e in Webster cnun. ty and ate om best clti.enn. Hive them u trial. TiicolIIco ot rtmtl overseer is an tin poitmil one. Many roads me ruined because inipiopcrlyt i eatcd. The intids made by ,11m .Mtlntosh 'are lli-sl class lu eveiy uspect. lie him liatl a gre-t tleiil of ex peril nco in malting roads and lie has shown timt lie Uii'iws how in iii'tke tlir-m Inst. He is a cuntliiltittt for the position of rond overs' er and he is worthy of e cry volo Mr. f.co DeTonr of (i-.iiile Itocir is a t-audidnte for tiic olllee of t'ountj- com missioner, lie has lived in this couutj ever sinic March tsTi! ami may there fine be said to have gulne 1 a resldoi ce. lr. DeTou i-served one term in the county cicrifs' olllce a number of years ago mid lie is tiioiolj acquainted witti the needs of Hie county, lie believes inn careful conservative administra tion and will safe guard the peoples money. Voto for hoe PeTour. . it. MiJMtftfttL. - ' k r iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi 'LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLv LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLV Hl, Political Advertisement Progressive Party The regressive Party in Neln-askH have the c mnge to demand National prohibition. They have the good sense to reeogtiie equal sull'iiigc as just unil right. The j- ilei-lare that t quality belore the law 'shall apply i tin- coipuratlon and the iiullvlilual. the rich man and poor man unite ul that principal sluill not be trailed olllce Head anil ciisider the tt platform All of theli cauditlates prove and stand upon it. W E Tinm.M:. Caifdiilatc for Situator MlU district unties of Kuckol. Webster ami la-ik'in. ust Before Election It should be plainly evident to nny itelligeiit man thai the stand I liuve olun'iirilv taken for liquor law en- ict-'iieiit lias aiitag''Uied all clement UVhstei- emint to tlie exten' that ont'em-eis an 1 law lirt niters are all ini-rl ni- liquid t ine , Now neighbors, e J- 11 K'-ii g ' lu-lp them elect their iiiiu-f f i li'i.lf. 'Ihink Hover I -i i- ul ii lil in) pi it tn in in tin i st n- iv e. us the iiiti-.l In vi i" Y s er e unity Yi-u Uuovv -Y t I, t I M.n it i. i-. Ii I am Ilbltl I win . ni .-.-in vti'e. II 1 .mi V. HON', II OVM- 't I" scitlioiilie l-isl-. If Mil- i. a'lltl'i; CI I'll-iN ui-h piir"n'. i il in iiii t v eliiN j oil vv ill i I'i'l! loi i i MAN "ii cm .llel lh- Ii e i!1 .Ill', en 1 let tlie Ci.ll-i'tpi''i.i Hi what they may. , Hut it yi'ii a e not a true clti'-n, tli. u on will liMi-n in tin- "HI KONl'ihM' I N" tiulf lliii is beig s(l tri-i-h 1 ulati-il by interested parties ju-t inv, i lit i vote for jo ir sect, nil choice f you rltv this j-itur VOl'I'i lil.iv cause he I)IJM:aT of jour KlUT elioiue nil iiltow the electiuii of the man j-ou lo ausinus tu di'fi'Hi. Ltnl jtinrow'u etnscit)iiei!qii ire in the taee mid t hen uiu tor the iiiitu mi con- itH-r neiiitsi li'ht.if joii vvisli to Kel easj over results. n-)-pcctfiillv. T WHITE . J- Fa QRflMES Progressive Nominee For Treasurer 01 Web ster County. r IiKnkkai. Ei.Li-rio.s Novi.jiiii:ii .1, 1911 i3lue Hill, - Nebraska SEE OUR JX J?L fLK. i A.V.r-WL (j--." ZS' sffvmjcky44M 'S MERCHANDISE NOT ONLY fiRE CHOICE MATERIALS "AND HARMONIOUS TRIMMINGS USED IN MAKING OUR READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS, BUT THEY ARE ALSO SPLENDIDLY MADE. WHEN YOU SEE THEM THEY WILL SUIT YOUR FANCY: WHEN YOU USE THEM THEY WILL GIUE LONG WEAR. IT IS ECONOMY TO BUY YOUR DRY GOODS AND READY-TO-WEAR GAR MENTS FROM US. BOTH BECAUSE OF THE UP QUALITY AND THE DOWN PRICE. New Goods in All Departments THE MINER BROS. Co. General Merchants "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE The Store That Sells Wooltex n -Sm 'vCSsS- QUALITY ON THIS WE HAVE BUILT OUR PRESENT BUSINESS Yl-IEN we began our vv business career in . in Red Cloud we took as our motto the one word Quality and we believe all our patrons will agree with us thst it has truly been our slogan all this - time. Our reputation for .high-grade Groceries is well known. We are fullv prepared to supply all your wanls in our line P. THE HOKE GROCERY 4 Wulltrandt MUHMa4t MMl i.mfm trmmnrtrmMmmB saS3'v, aSS2 S3SS23 OUR CONGRESSMAN WiEGHTER'S ANNUAL SAJ OF Pure Bred Poland Cliina Boars and Gilts SILAS It. BARTON Candidate for Second Term Wi. V mtimi,imim TO 1)13 hOI.I) AT Riverton? Nebraska, Thursday, Nov. 5, 1914 i i i i ii . Consisting of -22 Dtiars initial Cil:s, ot ly sik-Ii Uom'h as W !(,' Oiiiiiho OSCl, winner of Ul it ml f-wtepstalu-s at Franklin Fnlr. HufV .Motlol OsSIm. tl in ultvs at same show ami l.onn ili)f, tliw liiu lit),' from Kttnsas. Out tf Dams lij- sitcli noted ltoats as Milli-ih Clili-f Pric-t-, Rvmnslon Ovt-r. Choice (lootls, Hoft-rimtliiin ami otln-r.s that nro ,'ootl. Try ami liu with us slau day. C, ta okuos now roatly. Wiito for ono Will nho oiroi- 2 tloen C ioIco It. U Uo'ck Cockcrls. Col. P. (J Kolh, Auctioneer. A. N. WAECHTER & SON, Owners Rivcrton, - . Nebraska 6SS3SSM52S3E SSSS SSSESBB!SS3SS. FUR WITI7R IT. 8 f-2-9S AND SSiS- UNDERTAKING ED. AMACK e ALL THE PHONES NEWHOUSEBLK T2 (9S9MM SS MHMS93S A N V MHtitf .mfcty-MgjMMtwtrfyr-f m Htywsmi w r7tf MBg gig JPVta"y T I