x&x- b - v ! K K t1-1 f,'v'"' KWi'W.::,; '' '"' -A iJ'T'4 MBtiuniwCTftaaarmiraicm k VOLUME 1-J i IMS i !"ll. J llll'l f'l If You Deposits Guaranteed -x-s--:. M.mm:mMH:?,j& ;- . ?b Ji.mras l. b : r;-?i':-iS:i. ""-iMA'vw.;-.,.; , ;;&AM,i i, JTimfiL r m. ... . n-.-:;;-hl. ...." 2i i 3fc: '. J- v' ttv&JA riKX2& h 4vV., ..Wfltft F ,-fc Tl ,- I3- ; V. 'A - . V .. JwWrasfoaft Vi2 -bTV- -METERS ffJAiSE-?.- s- . -"isal 15- w " -- .-" i35!?t-r-:fr.'-r--i V" &..: --JT.-. ;-'-, " '.T ' f:PW - . - . -:--f"- ; fE") WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. OAlHTAIi m. . IV'iCTiiiW '"' '"' m u lil.'lllu.Mli'lllll Ltl.S.lallit'i .,j.iu!.ia .,.. Nn iat" ls THE time J V V TO THINK OF YOUR COAL .WAP4TS -" We NansSSe MSI Kairids r.. A GOCi THE MLONE-AVERY CO. "Talk With Us About Your Wants" mmturnsKwwxrwKW KmrtoiirmTvmrrKtvjxurrmurmtnarjvLvna. Mir&trvtjxkamrxmrvxmncmrn w 1:.','nv':'. t . . :. aOhks .... . v. JOHN H. MOREHEAD' NEBRASKA'S BUSINESS GOVERNOR CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION . Governor MorohciulTi iippenl for support at llio pollH is mude purely on Ills record as NebrHskuV Business Governor. Ho has no I'gK'turowinK martyr doiu to relate. lie lias no pet-rioh quick bond scheuu'H to exploit, but he lias an enviable rocord as Governor, which every thoughtful voter will couslder wheu he comes to mark his ballot ou Novomber Third. Player Piano at a Bargain We have u ellKhtly iuud Player Piano in tine condition that one of our customei'H was unable to finish pavlug for' Wo will place it free of charge in the homo of any satisfactory party in the vicinity of Red Cloud who will pay the balance in cash or payments as low as 910,00 per, month. Address, Olney Music Co., St. Joseph, Mo. nnTTtr - r - T - rrirnm wrrnrrriTi rirri,i ami I in wimu miiii i IHiM !i,' 7' ,i i'u'i. .!Wi';..i,iiili.re,1i.iii.'' i Desire VERY one of your banking connections to be a profitable one, returning you the largest measure of service and accom modation commensurate with the size of your deposit, open an account with us. Interest paid on time deposits. by State Guaranty Fund NEBRASKA 8r,()()() '"'7..:; ' " -ii iii.fi .in, illirr !H 1 1 I'l .'lll'llll .........iii.l.,iii.il,.l..,t.iliii;. se&vsce:" " vv-v ; .- , Rov. B L. Myers will speak at the M. B. church next Sunday cvouing on "Bqual Suffrage." The Democrats of Hastings will hold a bi barbeque at that place Friday, October UOth. Senator Hitchcock, Hon. W. J. Bryan, Gov, Morehoad aud other democratic candidates will be on baud to speak. IS i mi ni'in'iMiim. -j u1 1'fflifiiJJ Irade at Home and Boost For a Bigger and B k-V V Atiff ".. WiBaaHRfe3K - - fra A Newspaper That (ilvcs The Nr.ws RED CLOUJ), UE15RASKA. OGTOltltJIt i!J, )iM. Mrs. A. McCall Writes An Interesting Letter ' i i The following letter written by Mrs. McCall, to her himband, Alf McCall, describes the Isle of Pines, in an inter esting manner, and no doubt will prove interesting reading to many of our readers, many of whom bio per sonally acquainted with the writer: Santa llarbara, Isle of Pints, West indies. October 12, 1011. The Key West extousion of the Florida East Coast It. R. is one of the modern wonders of tho world. It might be described as a series of bridges, built from one key to the other. It ls rather an odd experience to sit in an observation car of a rail road train and have no other view in sight but that of sea and sky. The Flagler system of railway ferry will bo put in operation early next, year, and when tiiat is done three ears will be operated between American cities, Cuba and Isle of Pint's. By this sys tem the Pullman or freight ears will be Vuu on the steamer ferry, making it unnecessary to leave your train or unload freight between these places. This will be lino for fruit growers, who can go with their fruit and lnive it, pleach market with very little handling. It, is eight hours sail from Key West to Fluvanna. We arrived there at 0 o clock h riday evening. Standing uu. the rail, on the steamer .Miami, wo watclnd the oily come Into view. .Mono cattle conio.s fh-At In siht and our ship passed close under it. Wo saw the place in the htirlior where the .Maine pniji-eUMl nliovo water tie fore it was removed. The entrance to Havana harboi' is narrow, about forty yards wide. It is said to lie lull of sharks and that many a poor Cuban patriot was shoved through the chute of .Mono Castle into the sharks uoit. Opposite Fort. Mono at. the en tianoe of the harbor is l.aT leru, meaning, "The Fori built in lr;!8,unu dates Mono Castle by fifty years,"' The guide told in It." wa- lit 10 the wife of Uuisoto waited and watched from the lower for four weary years for t lie leturu of thu exjiloier, who was then governor of Cuba, when reftigooi biought her news of his fate She died a few days later. This fort is now u it lie, except in the ancient tumor room is a dynamo plant for lighting Che Senate chamber aud the I'i'isldt ill's palace, ami, to use the Ian gunge of the guide, "Prom out the sixteenth century comes illumination for the twentieth." Before wo left the boatweweio told by the steward to assemble In the dining hall for phy.-d clan's examination. After waiting about twenty minutes the doctor came in, bought a paper from it "newsy," and wullied out. We were thon told we could go down the gang-plank. On the wharf our baggage was inspected byoflloials, and here by tho unfamiliar way of everything, and the Spanish tonguo, wo realized that wo were in a foreign land. 1 thought Hie porters of tho different hotels, would oat us up or carry us off bodily. Upon entering a cab Tor the Brooklyn Hotel, a, man came up with his Hand extended for twenty-five "centa." Wo were told at the hotel that It was for taking our baggage from tiie ship to tho wharf, a custom they are trying to abolish. Hiding through the medieval streets at dusk, I felt'very much alone and homesick, yet there were six In our party and it was not all unpleasant. Havana has a great deal of unneces sary noise. All tho cabs have bells, a thing required by law. Tho sound of jingling bells mingled with tho cries of men, women und children, selling lottery tickets, is constantly heard. The selling of lottery tickets is it gov ernment enterprise for the raising of public revenue. Tho housos of Hit- j vuna are heavy and masslvo looking, J built of limestone plastered with ce ment of rubble work. They are built with an open court, with window glass and screens entirely absent. All (Continued on page eight) I - 4" " --:. - i2 -nfefcrr-' .r ury "w -"ta VMa. "3s Fifty - two H':r.ks Each Your For $1.50. 'J. 0. Lindley Dies Suddenly Friday Night J. O. Llndloy. aged 77 yearn, 0 months and 10 days passed away Frl-1 day evening at his home from a stroke of paralysis. He was a'. Ids stand ou I Fourth avenue when stricken and was removed to his homo whoro he died slior.tly sftorwards. I Mr. Liudtey was an old settler hero, ' and for a number of years was en , gaged in the restaurant business, fie was well known and leaves a largo number of friends, who were shocked to hear of his sudden death. The funeral services were held at the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon, U'ev. Cole, of Genoa, conducting the services. Interment took place In the Highland cemetery. He loaves be sides his wife, three sons and two daughters to mourn his death. Red Cloud High Defeats Oxford Boys Before a fair crowd Fiiday afternoon I Jed Cloud High defeated Oxfonl High 27 to 0. Iletl Cloud was never In danger and the defeat of Oxfonl was easily inliicled. The gamu was an open one, forward passes and long end runs being numerous Oxford had conslileiable luek with forward pa-ses I uktysjd (loud broke up tliu Oxfonl deifiisfl mid captured several Oxford misses. Siiiectiiomar dashes bv Pone. fibriir inwt l.illtitlf l' li:u1 I In. i.r'Mivilb. tin thelr toi".,' while considenude ground was gained. Giger captured an Oxford foi ward pass in 'hi center of the Hold aud by cmi'dstcnt plunges mitt end runs can itl Mid ball ovei lint Oxford tine for the first touchdown, Zis carrying this bah, Poluicky kicking goal. Long end runs by (ilcor and Pol uicky were UitmeroiH, uaiiiiug from 10 to .10 yards each, and Mo in the I M'eolid iiusrfer, I'nluickv was pushed hduwu, over the Oxfordllno for a touol failing to kielcgnal. hiitrly in tho di'tl (piarter, Pope caught a forward p.iss from Oxfonl ill the eeiiter l t!ii Held, and behind per fect Interference, raced !() yards thru a Inolun Held for a touehiUnvn. Pol llieky uicKinggoal. In the lib (piarter Polnlckyon a llu plunge carried the ball .10 yards nod Glger on an end run of 15 yards car ried the ball over for Ued Cloud's last touchdown. Politick) kicked gotl, making tin score i!7 to (I. Your Watch Ideal Many people have learned to consider such, and such a watch as an ideal time piece. When they buy-they want that particular watch. We don't blame them be cause Ve have watch ideals too and ideal watches. They are the Sou tin Bend and tho Hamilton and the Howard and one or two others. These we have learn ed to depend upon these we buy and sell each year in greater quantities. And be foro you make a watch pur chase we would like to talk to you about these move ments. May we? E. H. Newhouse Optometrist and Jeweler. l " I NEW SUITS Item OtfefGoats New Fall Hats SHOES S WE A TERS fflaekinaoj Coats I QL i Pd ' EHJ if r-ik i-. s 4 r m I H " & vtf-tf 0 M Si '"1 &- hi ra i ' fa t9 ' S' xSn f93 fff m mj tomtrm mma trmm WKk'- fy W3 A K? I RT 0 ikr' j0! ht, rrjntrV V I 9$ Ail 1 gS 1 la H Z v.. I w . GT Iv n,' VJ)7feiVMtry . fc1 The Clolhfef ""'"" '"""" "" ' -r"-"" ' " " ii hi . ;,, ,,,.. ,', ..'j;'; LnaTTnuiTii! Tm i i ,91 Jvifbfi ilviekei TyifHt w) rtflllS w K flllS H WW IIS S I Our Fall Stock of Rugs I Our Fall Stock of Rugs Are Now in Ready For Your Inspection. We Have the Largest Line We Ever Bought Having purchased these Rugs before any advance in price we can give you the benefit. Come in and let us show &) you the largest line of Rugs in the city, dv Jr. ill f-lin nn,., 4..AW.nn W 1 - 1.1 in cm me new paiiciud. tvc liavc iiicill in all grades. ROY SATTLEY l Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer, fl .MHY US FOR ARTISTIC JOB PRITI1G.'. etter Red Cloud ntrnvaanaM!' NUMBER -U n: m to U&. " r;r in MHHHHi nMIHHHBQZ We- .1 ; X i . 9 mm . .''I sv m awn : s I i! i 'HUm "?VIM f i'lMiMALiElS '.J 1 . ..it.i ,:l .. v- -.-A-v-..JfcjA... A..- rf.CT.yCTwwi'i.1 W -ii((llwAtiiilHiMitMIIll'ifflt( I -wn MpMaH)MiMmnun . 'i..K,J0KHI.Hill im ii Pi UysWHn SrH(r'vr ZMi-'ii fJl ij-' r ? i ,j-..,"I-g7 i; hi u. . . ! i . V1. i ' V ly' '- f . IKWiViMIMV'tgfiiriiimMmiTflftMHIitlfBffffflirfiTrTTir-Trir Mim A.tffiMli iiii1 f If i H. mtn.m