' Wr'imtiiph('mmmu' . -JlSEHS" V "4' V u-aifvreTti'Wxizi w I lPt -wu r 1 HOME NEWS Bullotln of The Wuok's Doing) whs n pnssoiiKt'i Paul Kldil whs In Hustlm,'. stu Any. Lynjiii) lissl whs in llluc Hill Sat unliiy. .!. S lieiiluof Illuo Hill was In town Friday R .1 Oi ice was u Hastings visitor n Riilny. Fri'tl Omul ivhmUuvii from Uluu Hill Friday. Harry Lotson wub in ISInoinitiKton Saturday. C. I J. l'litn-un of Cowlos was in tin city 1'ridny. .1. F. Urlnifs of HI wo Hill was In town Monday. Miss (Since Slnror was homo from Ulvertoti over Sunday. Now shoes for the ladies just it ceivud at Mini'r Hi us. Co. Joe Toplinm vMti'il a fiiond(V) at North IMatte over Sunday. F. L. IHnes is movin into his new i chide nee- In the weit put of town. Mis. .Ins. Mcintosh and Mli Muml Crow were llivtlns visltots Saturday. Miss Fhironce MrDowell has losicn ed her posUion in the Carpenter aliou store. Ned Grimes and Col. .J. H. ElliiiKi'i iuitnoil to Crttnpbell Monday after noon. Allen HlacUledtfe left TupmIii.v for Lincoln where ho will take a W est Point t-xntninatiou. .1. II. Halley and wifo arrived home Sunday nlu'ht from Onmlui where thej visited thoir sou. Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Will I.etson and child ren an ivodSiitui day from Shu Fran cisco to islt his mother, Mrs. Let-on Mcsdumes 12 W. Itoss and V. G. Warren left Monday for Grand Inland to attend the lteheliah j-innil assembly UV wmit to L'ivo you nil tho l"'Hl tinu-s mid in order to that vou let nsltnmv any you may h-.u-. Uoth i)honi-s. Pr. WarrieU. The Specialist, will meet eye, oar, nose and thioiitpulU nts and tho-u lif-edioi: ylassi-s Utted ht l)i DanieieU's otlli-u in lU'il Cloud, Tilt's day, Noveiulierllt'l. Oan Garher, V. H. Newhonsi Huiihon, F. !:. Minuet and Arthur left Tuesday Grand Ishtnd to do so iv e a-k I. it of news Kd A. M Me mori.in,; f"i itlenil the Gram'. Lodge-of Odd Fellow.. The dats for the Funnel S Institute are November in, 11. 13 and l.lth Plan to exhibit and al-o to attend all the sessions as it will no doubt, be the bo-t institute in the great Uepuldic.in valley this winter. Paul Storey lett Sutimliiy nlfilit for Fiemont and York, wheio he will check up -nine of the i-llicers of tin Grand Lodge of Odd Fellowsai.d from thorn lie goes to Grand I-laud to at tend the Orand Lodge mm-ting. Mr. Holtoll Li'Uoii is nuw thcotlleial postamster of lied Cloud having taken i.t.n..u .inslUoii Wedno'dav morning He received hi- commission a f-vv d. y ago ami Mr. Hacker wanted out .it tin.-e.u-Uest possible moment i-o thechaiig was made jestrnlity. The hiyh mjIiooI Is so crowded thU year that t-m hoard o( odtientUi mad. an ortlcial visit lust Ft id"? tj sco thlugb for t hemselves. Uui school In s boon growing atu uite Hint is hartlij believable yot the rom-rd- allow that it Ins inci eased novi-try pel " ' t in the last throe years. ho. e tl..-y all come from is a won Ii-r ' "' v "u ,Urt' and am asking f i s 'i In- Al 'linnet eiillu- hoUie ftoitl Pnlllllie M ill lay. Fr your tinv slim go to Miner lb oi Co I' A WulUiniu.lt to Chicago .Monday, Orvllle Keigu-oii of Oberlln, ICansa-, is lu the city this week. Del llolliday of Orleans was in the city the la-t of the week. FOR 11KN T A good .Vrouiu hoiiso Ilii'i'hi-iin & Suhiden. mlv Guy llanvood of III vol ton bpetit the wiok end. here with fiietids. Mr-. IMgur row don entei tamed at a card party Fiidny evening. F C. Hiiehov and Chns Ueddon ol illue Hill were lu town Monday. Mr and Mis. Geo. Ilollister an. home from a shoit visit in Lincoln. Lewin Orillleth of Heatilco visited his brother Geoigc in town Monday. Mis. Dayid Morrison of California, Is visiting Mrs. M. M. Mi-Conkey this Week. Guy" Hui wood of Hlverton spent Satuiday and Sunday in town with friends. VANTLl)-tI(ir-es or cuttle to winter l miles -oulli of town. Plenty of feed John Staekhoii-e. ('. It. I'Vrgi'son and family of Ohorlin Kiin-a-, aio visiting .it the J. N. Hogeiirief home this week. Mr. and Mis Sheridan Pharos are the proud p-uenls tf a baby boy which in rived on S-itniday, October lTtli. IM Garher, W. G Hamilton, C. W. and HkM't K'llev aileudul the Masonic lodge at Hastings Friday evening. liemomber the big foot ball giimo Oxford High vs. Wed Cloud High on Kouniz's Held tomorrow alleriioou at 3:.10 o'clock. Don't fall to attend the foot ball game tomoriow afternoon at :t:!'.0 on Koontz's Hold Oxford High vs. lied Cloud High. Lloyd llinp, who has been touting the country with the Putt ui sou show-, in the capacity of band man, loturncd homo Thursday. Trunk Wlttwer leturned to Fort Morgan, Colorado, Monday evening. He was here attending the I'unotal of his sl-ter, Mrs. Forgey. Mrs. Tom Allen returned to her homo at StoeUhuui, Colin ado, Monday, she being called here by tho death of her sister, Mrs. Foigey. Mr. mid Mrs. Paul Sehi-sler,Jr., and Mr. and Mts. Paul Schisslcr Sr., and Prof. Mitchell of Hastings took in the foot ball game here on Friday. 1 have the best talc in the county on farm loans. See mo and he couviucod RED 0 L 0 TT D , NEBRASKA. CHIEF HHmunv'imrsmmmMmifrmmmm"ttM'''MHimtiiMHtiMMwmumnm - ? m M-w.wMWMu.w.,nMru,,MiiW,wr.t.y, rj.'gMur mm l .ii.u'l Mis Peill I hlleiet l ,it amrwmv vMMnmuHmKnryiufffcr)t d lu-i- m.iiliei Siturdny ind Sunday. The young lady is teaching -cho'il til Kosenumt. Geo. and 111. (Heiiug weie in Not-li Uiani'li Hie ilrstof the week on bitsi-ne-s pertHinlng to. the Overlug Urns Monuinetitiil Works. Sevetul of the real foot ball spoils such nieti as Arthur Gilbett and Will Storey ale making pieprriiilons to wituc-s the foot ball game in Lincoln on Saturday, riv -4 m . i Ifiieres io titne like the present ViSSiMSP yrK Curds of Thanks To the dear fiienls and neighbo' who -o kindly gave tln-lr help and sympathy in our sad bereavement in lite loss of our husband and lather. Also for Hie many beautiful llowois we ostondour giuteftil lluiuks May God bless you all MllS. M.VKV U. IIVIIVKY VMl Clllt.tlltKN Democratic Meetings Draws Large Crowd Last 'Hun-day evening Governor Moreliead addre-sed a huge and en tlnisinstic gathering of votois at the opera lioiiM-. Tim governor confined Ills leininks to state i-sucs and e plained ids business like conduct of the otllco. A. C. Shiillenbciger and M. L Corey spoke Friday evening and had an attentive midli'iice. Uoth speakers made it plain how a vote for Congtoss man Hirton was a vote against Presi dent Wilson, as Hiirton is now opp.is. ing flu- pro-ident's policy. Red CloufTilTgh Loses to Hastings (Continued from page I) ." inor. Zei-s again made I yanls, mid I'olnieky milled two. Glg"r iniide I yards. " Pope again on llr-t down inade ti jurds, putting bull on llast. ings !i'iyiird lino, wheio tlio game ended. l-'ollowing was the line-up: v x s J-Jr v I t L-r. t;i iU 'ILi ly ' ! I ft i I I 1 1 1 I I 1T COPVRIOMT IBM THE HOUSE OK KLT't'CNMCIMCR You wouldn t buy a straw hat in September. Why wait until Xmas to buy your Fall ami Winter clothes. If you buy them now you benefit in three ways First, you have a wider variety of styles and patterns to select from a chance to be more in dividual. Second, you get more wear out or every dollar because they have to be laid aside when Spring comes. Third, "you slip one over" on the other fel lows by being among the first to be well dressed for winter, and comfort able while they shiver in summer clothes. Right now is the best time to purchase your shirts, underwear, neck ties, hose, gloves, and a new suit and hat. We have a most complete stock, smart styles, new patterns and colors and everything that appeals to the discrimina ti ng buyer. The new Kuppenheimcr Clothcraft suits and over coals are belter than ever. Everyone of them is guaranteed all-wool, shape-retaining and ser viceable. That's why we handle the line we don't have to take a chance, neither do you. There's a wide variety of styles and patterns, and the price is always right S10 to $25.00. Bo &mMg the WSsa B?jye$& DO ST NOW Red Cloud Kidd S'llmluii Now house 5 Zeiss i Polniekny ' Pelcheler Perry I'ryj Wilson lUUcr Overlfese Pope Hlackledge I 'Zeiss f Giger Pol nick y Mv molto piompt service, A. T WAI.KKII. Mi-s Peuil Ihiirer returned home from Fiemont the first of the, week wheieshe had been as a delegate to a state meeting of the Degree of Honor. Mis. Voyden K. Liggett, formerly Miss Flla Hr.idshuw of this city, but , now-of Uiankot. Coloiudo. nriived in the citj Tuesday to visit her sistein, Mesdamcs t lur.i and Tiace bhercr Hustings lo .Mclirevv It Hiiro lg Coulter c Mooi lir Paulson H Steitit ro Long qb Whltehoiise Hi!) J Kiieii ( Van Pat ten I lib ( Kinilig P.uk- lb Joiiuson llefeiee. Sherwood; Head Line Man. Mitchell; I'mplre. Sclieler. "linhRDlstrlct Court oT llic.ltiilli .Judicial District of Ri.hrnska In and For Wi;l)Sicrt'.oiiniy II' IS IIKULIIY OltliLltKI) that tin liteeiul.er Hill, eipilty term of eourl railed tor Webster l ouuty on tlio'th day ot Dei-em-lit-r, lllll, lioaml tlioMimols hereby adjoui li cit wltliout day. II Is farther ordered that the elnk until) i-oiuiMl iilM'earliit! (or parlies and all appll ennts for iiiiturnlliitlon, as well as llio chief of the bureau of nalurallallon at St. l.iiuH, Mn of sac-h ailjournnietit. In wltniss wheriol I luviu hereunto icl mj hand at llolilnije. 1'lit-lps i-iuuit). In H.llil district, this -'Oth day nl Ortotn r, ISU I. Alll.-r: IIAItHY S. Ill M.V.N, KIMIll L. Ml Kl KillAN, JuilKi i lurU I'litrlet Court. The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. "ALWAYS RELIABLE" 1 i Red Cloud, -:- -:- Nebraska I SSSSS w ssssss MMwr Big Popular Voting Contest Hundreds of Dollars in Valuable Prises Given Absolutely Free by Cook's Pharmacy and The Red Cloud Chief. From October 24 to 31st: 1000 Votes with every 25c tube Lilly's Tooth Paste 500 Votes with every 5c box of Cough Drops Wo are rivIhk hvviij-, absolutely free ft w IF tl n mm Pk pm a - 1 1 v (?) W W r&iL 3a ! tMa MLS MzJ? Id 1 Mmfasssmfr WW m Ic ; m tSmeSmW WM rffo H W S felikJ m W a U L tf 8 . 7 SSS3 .ehability huiidieds of dollaih in vtilmihlo prlzeb to the ladies entering our voting con test. Everyone hah the privilege of entei - inii llils contest anil wo feel sure that he onus securing the piizes will ho iv ell paid for their time, so come in, let hi show j. hi our piies,nnd explain the contest mote lully, and you iniclit b- the luchy one at the close. The onlv way to .sociuu votes in this contest is by purchasing things in Uie Cooli Pharmacy or by getting sub ei iheis for The lied Cloud Chief. Votes will bo given at the rate of 100 to the dollar on n giilur cash sales or eidleeliolis. UW0 votes to te dollar on the sale of due bills. 1000 voti s to tlie dollar on special sales. tfiOO votes for jiie yeaily siihsoilption to The lied Cloud Chief. Contestants will please turn in their votes for credit on Tuesday of each week. standing of 1 Every housewife knows the annoyance that comes from reaching for something on the shelf, in the course of preparing a meal, to find that owing to it being of poor quality it has spoiled. You save this annoy ance when you deal with us. We stand back of our goods. McFarlamTs Sanitary Grocery :i i i'i 7 8 i 10 Contestants to Date 71."i30 OSIIl.'i (JH100 llOili).. ti230r oinor. tu:i3.-i ;.:ino (iiifl:ri .1 ttlDO j i (Will-.Ti 12 11! 14 15 r,8:s3f 1110(15 (HH15 tooso 10 00780 17 "".'.'.'. "'.'.".'"'.."'.'.. :i50- 18 10 uo 31 at 20 27 2S S 30 3t 32 :i:i 31 Wi !'.0 37 38 10 II 12 111 U ir lo 17 18 41) no 01 o3 51 05 50 57 M 01) CO 01 02 03 Gl ... ... I...,.,.,.. M.... ......... ,..,.M. ... ....... .f.... ,n..,-4 .. ...... ,...),,.. t .. ... ........ ., ...,. .. . ............... ..M....M....-, ....... . ... ..... .m... ,..,... ..... ...............a,.. ......,. .... " ...,.?.,....- ..... .. .... .M. '.., .t' ........... .. . .............. .,.. ... -.. " ) ..".. ... ........'........ ....WM. iM)MiWtlN ....M.. ....... ..,. ..o. ........riitM i ..,........ ,.. . 0U6O5 03 (18IQ0 58 i si I (joi ;).- it-70 niHio (i.1 .or. 0iU7: rnoiu 03iH5 18220 113205 711 0 liOCl.Ui sio-:o II 1105 I10S5 70010 72580 3 lOIJti 107J.-) 557 l.r) 1851)0 71)1)70 :i.'.0O 551)5)5 28S05 ! 152 10 11175 521110 :t5555 53.1S5 :j5:t5 02710 518S0 .M515 lOKii) 111050 (ioooo :io28o 17h70 01515 105)00 0o(175 a 1370 57370 07320 70890 5325)5 "Wanted horses or mares Eroni S to 10 years old, 1000 to 1200 pounds 15 to 20 hands high, fl riding shaped, must be in fair flesh and good BVQKe. Any coior except gray or aignt mm. Mules from 5 to 10 years old, IS to ISJ hands Mgh, to weigh from 900 pounds up. Mu broke to work and in fair flesh. LSI he WILL BE AT mn n Ww Peddicora &33 'CSS3S3' 1 1- Oar Job Work SpotsJks For Itself Have You Heard It? ',WMMlWfnieiiiitVw u JuuJ. ,lif&.4i i uMidt. Klfc-fek-s-seiAiv' V hjfatij)RS&, i Him T'Tn'MHtii-' "---- i - ...... .M it ' m n .! Vi 11 h w hi -J tst mi m a mrw t-v I .