REP CLOUD, NEBRASKA, 031 T F. F ' iwiii !! rinimiw m ii urn urn 'in tin mniirim i nil rwrm ithmiiwhmi wiwiaiwni ''rafc!jTrwMWpaiHni0(AUW'iiiseir, aWEM13afflHE3iraffiX2ra.K A Main Line Thro9 Centra! Wyoming On October I8tli tl e HtirliiiK'on will InaiiKUiato. IIiioiikIi ims'eiiKer tmlii Bcrvli'u between Dei.ver ami Hllllntfiour tin- new main line tin )iiih the llljr Horn UinIii throiiKli Chejetiiie, Oiln Junction, ('n-jier hiicI Thei inopoHs. The CNttudlhhineut of thiniitfh ti.iln service ovi-r thin in'w main tin of milriMil Is IiIhIoiIc. It closra one eif the lasl Kieal lileahs In the tt Htipni tntion sstem nf the eiinntry, and oll'ei for the Hist tlini) to the Mielnl, oointn icial unci anil cultural activities of Wyoming mid of the Middle Wot, iliieet niean'i for Inter courno and the exeluinye of eoininodltlcs between Northern mil Southern Wyoming betvvi'ei the ih'h farming, lite stock. Mini oil legions of the 1 Horn Uaslu, In the N'oith, and Cheyenne, the Stale Capital, and Denver, the Metropolis of the KoeltitHon the South. The opi uluir of this new line should provo u reat stimulus !o every fanner, stoc"kiiilsoi, and business man in Central and Northern Wyoming. NOIlTHUOUiND.tlio new liiiin will leave Denver at 1:00 l. M. and arrive at Hillings, (S:2o the nc.t afteiuoou; feOL'TIIIJOUNI), leave Hillings 'i'.SO A. M. and arrive Denver, I'Jii'o the net noon, ltwilleairy a eafcpailor eur In each (Hreetiou Tor thu daylluht tilp betwion lllllinu's and C.ispei, and stiuid nrd sleepeis for the night tilp bctvvein Casper and Denver. hd mo send you bnoUlets descriptive of this new country, or answer your spiu'lllc luipih ies at out oppoi tuultii s for 'he f.u hum and business man. 5.B. Howard, iss't. Immigration Agent JOOsi Farnam St., Omaha, Nebraska .SSftiKi aiasiaaLjwaaiaffsoijjasaajs l,iMWtUll 8 ftfTfts rJv 'Ti.Twv5";sws'i Jit?1 M . B ISTO . & . y lis m, Sto M Hl.AV .ItmaU- .-. VIF? iWrKXV "a.v it 03K:C.A.7VE f" --s. w. ! TTrv rr cx rrL-tn. jrmTwr 0. --rw ;'i u ti n ri if u i i r m -&"- w ,v . k 1 '- , WtrT bK Ka m HR-ffrl " atL-W? V4"iV S JRJWSTLLJBL- tog J. I'l fa-M-WMi".. Vtfip.,'i YdWi-. ,. . s . . v V s v . ,xovSssSs-t. vSif j y ' '" '-- r , , 1 . . 111. 1 , . ,... 1 4. mmkpm Wm JOHN H. MOREHEID Nebraska's Business Qcvc.irr CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECT IO.N WIE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rca CloviO, Nobrnk. I 11LIMIKI) I!l(l TIll'l.NDAY ntif(d In tin l'i rttillUt at Kid flouil. .Nob. as Stioail nasi Mattur V. H. McAKTIIUU i'UHMMlKlt TDK ONIiV IM'.MOt'HATH' I'APKIt IN Wi:itS1i:ill'Ot'NTY PEMOCRAYBG TICKET Uovetuor Ions II. Mom IIiiad Llont. (loveinor .Tamis l'i hson Secietary of MaU'...Cn.ii!.i:s V. I'ooi. Auditor Public Accounts. . W.I1. Smiiii Tieastuer G101101: K. Hall Supt. Publiii Inst. ,,..!' M. U'litirm.Aii Attorney (Jeneial Wit.Li.s H. uci.ti Cotniulssiouer 1'ubllu hands and liuiliiiiiu'H Wm. It. Estiim Hallway Comiulssloner..V. M. MaI'pin IluKentsof Unloi-lty..t'i. W. Xoni.B .lollN I!. Mil. 1. 1 u CoMKiesMiiiiii Fifth Disttlct A.U. llLt.l NUKIloEr. County Cb'ik Kiiwk Vaviikkv Tii'iiiuier 0i:o W.Tmm. Sheriir ,1as. IIihvtm County Attoiuej ... Fiiink J. .Mi sia siupi'rlnteiiduiit (.iLiiiiicdi: h. Coon Coi oner D11 11 Cook Ci'iinnUslniicis... l,i 1: Dl.Touit ... . Uist. i;Ciix. DiCKi.S'soN, Dist .' ttepiesentative Gko V. Limisey .State .senator, 1!0 Dlst.-W. , The Webster County News published at ( u Its made Its appearance on out iloslt last week and we ooiic;iatulutc lliothei Spetice in (ettintj out such a clean newsy sheet. 'Ihis ventiue will lltl a b UK telt want and we wish it lasting sucoss. lbotlier llosnier has had hlsquat U in eiiiaijred lately and now has an e. e'dlent pilntshop In fact he has one r : ... 1 1 ' nfllccs in the valley and iiutuially he Is 101110 pioud. This is what he ha- . en woiklnu; foity jeais to accomplish .iiid now ho is like a boy with n paii of new boots. Here's the Kind hand, "Ilos," and may yon live lone; and r - er. The pieinhiui i-ts for the Parmet Iustilute aie o ' The plies oll'eied aside ft (m all niendly ilvaliy ntie;lit to liilnjj in tin inhibits. Theie is no quebtion but uhnt this yeai will be the best eei. The inteiest litii been steailily kiow1ii; fimu J ear to j ear and we now iceoKiiie this event as the most hupoitant one we have dni'liiu the enr. Now If a few 111010 will et the uthiisiasin we will have a hum mel . Head over tlie piemluin list on theback pace of this i-sue PP0P03CD C0M3TITUTI0NAU ' AVENDIENT NO. THREE. The ful wlnK pruioifil atiundnu tit' to t.ii" r mit int. on of tn" felatt of Nuor.nk.i, ! Hit I 1 1 . 1 t it r n 1 foi 1 1 In full. Ik i i .nut- t it to (in nt 1 en of ihv rtUt of . 1 t lii to ! jli 1 upon it tli- k n nil dic tion to be I10IJ TucaJay, Nm.iil)Lr uid. A. I) lH "I'ul! 11 J Int reRoliitlon ptotioiInK ametul- tmntfi to Hecllun 1, of Article V, ml Heel Ion J I. of Attlcia V. of the Coastt- tutlon of .Win ioka. rclutliiK to turn of ot!e nnil Filiirv of Governor ami other executive oilloo't. He It Hofiotd nnil J'nncleil by tbo I'ocple of the Hlute of Ni'nmlui: Section 1. Tint nt the xenernl c lection fot state 11 rut lcKlx'ntHe olile h, to be ikmI oa the 'I ni d i. nuie. eilna- tliu llrst .Moa 1nv la Noli nilier, 1'iH. tlie following bo Htllillllltld us alia ailni'Mx to h 1 1, ma 1 anil m of Article V, of the Constitution of Nebraska: Sec. 1. The executive department xanll eonslHt of a Clove raor. wno cli ill bold IiIh olilre for a tinn of tw its from the tint 'Iliursdiv after the llrm Tin Mil iy In .llliliirj. i i t after h H eli tloa and until hit mtn eHor Ih i It-rt. 1 and tpiallfluh In addition to tile Ooverunr, t'io executive ili-p u tmr nt nlialt Inelud tbo following o!IW 1 4 I. lent' mint Ooveiror, HLeretirv of htito. Auditor or I'ui.lie o couatH 'lreimmr, Superintendent ()f piib llc Iimti notion Attorney (linural ami CouimlSMloner of Public l.andH and llallil Inurx, tnch of vvboin nlmll bold Ills o'ileo for tlie term of two nrs irom tin ui!t Tliursdij after the tti hi Tutml.iv In .1 mti ar.v. next aft-r IiIh i ! etlun nail until Ills uteer(MU Is ilrctnl itnl ipi illlled, lro vldul. hnwrvir tint the (lint eli rtlo'i of Hilil oillirrc "hall In hfld on the Tie d iy HurreMlltiK tbo llrst Moml ly In Nov em' r, I'll',, ami each ticeeedbiK eh etlon a.ill be held nt the nanio rditlve tl ne In e icli rv n jiar then ifter. Tlie Ciovernoi See renin of ill ite Auditor of Public Ac count. and Tre.imin r shall reside at the peit of uovuninnt durltu; tin Ir terms tf olilee, nril the imlillc n ennls books and pipers tlirro, and shall perform such duti. s as m iv be council bv law See. 1. 'the Hilaiy of Ihn O-iveroor Rhall he live thntiHind (Jj One 0i do, I im I" r annum The sil.irlc of Au lit ir of Pulille iec units ami S-crrtirv if Ml it tiif rlnli ndent of p ibllc lii'triicilnn m. CjinmlM'' ne r of Pnbl'e I. ntiN and Ilnlll Inm nl nil I i two tliouind live buml . I iJ VM Hi') doll us each n r .iiiiluin end of the Attornev lb ti.-inl, four tb UMiiid di 1 lars (JJoeof) jinr aiiuuin. tin mlm of the State Trf iinur tti ill be time th m pand i Jt 000 no) dollar! pel annum, and Hie l.lruteti mt (loveinor Bliall luielvo one and one-h if the 1'ninii nKitlna of a i-eintir, ami after the mliptloiv of this constltu tlU tbrv rIiAll not neolvo to tlulr own uxe anv fee, cor'h Inti rests upon public mon vi In their ho dt ir under tin Ir cm tr 1 pernillftlti m of o'Hce or other coin pen lilnti. and nil fees thnt m ly hcieuftir l p (v i le by law foi performril bv an o'llci r piovlibd f r In thin artle'o of tlio eoiHlItutlon ill bo paid In ad vaneo Into the slate tieiamy. Thire ell ill he no alliwiince for Merit hire In the of l'r of the Muperlnle nb nt nf Public In stn etlon an 1 Attorney Oenoril. Sec. 2. That at mid election on tho TiteKd iv sueceedliiR the flrnt Moml ty la November. 10M em tho ballot of each elector votlns theteit, tin re li ill bn prlntrd or written the words: "for mo tioned nineiiilmentn ti the cnuKtltutlnn tWInc the ti i in eif oltlee an 1 snl irv for Kovermi, and other exeetltlvo otlleprH," and "rnlint pi mom d ameidments to the coiiHlltutlon IMnu the te rtn of oillee and Mil-it v for Kovoraor, and other execu tive nippers " Approved Airll 21 10)1 I. Aellhnn Wilt Heeretnry of RtTte of the St ito of Nphr.ixki, do hereby certify that the foreuibiK propoMt 1 unit ndm Mil to the CotiMtltutlon of the Pt ite of Ne -branlm Is a true and correct copy of the ntlu'nil enrolled mil inures...! 1'1 ,m imiiiI bv the Thlttv-thlril sison of the 1 elolutltre of the St Me of Xelir if-lc I spt i us freiu silt original bill on tl'e u Hits olllce and th it f el pum mel nm id meat Is siihmltti d to tho iiuilld d v .te v of thi State of Ne brisk i foi their a 1 p tloa or reliction it the) Ke"iei il ele Hon to le held on rn.-d ly, tho Jul 1 ly of Nov i mm r. A. I) 1'JH. In T "tl'n"nv Whereof, I hive hercunti set ntv band and alrb t d tho Oiuit Si il ol tlie l ite of Ne'o-ilf I. pone at Lincoln th's '."rd div of Match In the war of our lord One Thonsiod Nine Mumliid and Poirtecn. and of the Iiiele pemli'iice of the' I'ni'ed S ite s tie O-i Hundred ami Thtrtj -seventh, and of UiIj State tho rorty-snventh addisox wait Seal) Stcre'tiry of State. THE rja HJ HERQPR.1GIQR Red ClcEid, :- Ktbfeslia Second House North oi I. 0. 0. V. Hall -O- Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free -o- !'hni ImJ.212 Political Advertisement Progressive Party The Pioivssivi' partv in X'lta ki liftvo thu cotitajje to di'iuutiil Ntitlntla I piohibitlon They bine the ,moi I sense to icu'inli equal s ft'i ti;, iw ijiist and ri(.lit. I hey deelaie tl i it . "eijuiiiity neioio itiu i.i.v niiaii appi to the corporation and the individual to the t ich mi ii and poor mini alike tiiul that pnueipHl shall not be tiadul for olllce Read and consider the btitto platfoini. All their candidate n prove and stand iipmi it. V. U. Thoum , Candidate for Seimtoi SOth diatitct. ciiiiultes of Nuckol. Webster ami Ft link Un. kjlii is v w . y , 3i fiSJjfv j . ti- i $ BEST T " ''JVi mum . . 21 I mmm Progressive Nominee For Ti easurer ok' Web ster County. l 1 M'.UU Ih K( IIo.N II, l'Jll WHSM?-' WITH OUR if ''H Kfel9- If r ALL :'s-(s .gBg . J i SUITS -1! rlSi and coATSife?- mm SNAP'STVLEISSWHAT VOU WANT WHEN you B(JV vour radv-to-wear garments, our SUITS AND COATS POSSESS "SNAP." CUR READV-TO-WEAR GARMENTS NOT ONLY "LOOK THE PART" BUT WEAR WEtL WHV? EECAUSF GOOD MATERIALS ARE USED m MAKJNG THEM AMD THEV ARE MADE RIGHT. WE PRICE THEM RIGHT TOO. Mew Goods in AH Departments THE MINER BROS. Co. General Merchants "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO 1RADE The Store That Sells Wooltex MMiMMIIM esiss3if ,"Mf3 QUALITY ON THIS WE HAVE BUILT OUR PRESENT BUSINESS JHEN we began our , v business career in in Red Cloud we took as our motto the one word Quality and we believe all our patrons will agree with us that it has truly been our slogan all (his time. Our reputation for high-grade Groceries is well known. We are fully prepared to supply all your wants in our line P. THE A. Wnllbrandt HOWE GROCERY g$csfr(&3SA, zsmm& &3&$aa I -"MueHill, K .4 Ctvlls Answer, d v -. m:'..j IMIlie Tll!liUN Iti'll. If. Illil 100 Him l'tliiiliejiiiN Hell, ltril.;i, liul. 1W. OHIci: 0ir . A. Aibrlilit's. Store Ked Clouc?, Nebraska Frank Vavricka Democratic OrdliJntP far County Cldrk Webster County , (-arm I oats I inn iiKaln iniKly to tnahu a few choice fHiin ounstit the old interest rnteH. llet yoni Inun now for Intel eut ""' M7 il .'SI; ned cloud, Neb., Red Cloud Nebraska D. S, Gex.rber Keal INtitte Parni Loans and Insiiriuiee. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. DR. CHA?. E. CROSS DENTIST CVER ST4TE HANH Invisiolv) Paiclies Neat workrnai.l.ivo repairing is a branch of our business which is given especial atten tion. Send Your Torn Garments To Us , We will clean press and re pair them so that they will give you much satisfactory wuai. itiu iuu iiccusionieu 10 having your shoes and watch repaired. Why not your clothes? Nebraska OUR CONGRESSMAN R. G. Hassinger Cleaner and Dyer Both Phones 1 Wltir' WAmmm's annuail saie of Pure Bred Poland China Boars and Gilt -wottiwefKi uiiwriwii w lW4 BMWfcMWt.M.IWWmM TO Bi: hOLI) AT SILAS R. BARTON Candidate for Second Term Riverton, Nebraska, Thursday, Nov. 5, 1914 Consist ine; of "JJ Unnis nnd 21 UiUh, (,'ot by hiieli ltoai's as V'& llijrOniiijrotiScGl, winiier uf 1-t and hvv opstahes nt Friiiikllii Fair. Kufh Model OsfcO:.. 2d m el.ifh at same show and Loup Joe, the liKhojf fioin Konmih. Out of Dams hy such noted Hews, as Millers Chief Pi lee, r.vpaii.sion Ovei. Choice (loods, IJeleii'iuluin and otheis lhat ate kooiI. Tiy and lo with uh slae day. Catalogues now icady. Wiite for ono Will also eiror 2 doen Choice H. U Rouh Cockerls. Col F. C Kolh. Auctioneer. A. N. WAECHTER & SON, Owners Riverton " - Nebraska CSCSasnaaEEs 3SS amsimms FURNITURE rsS AND Sgg. UNDERTAKING u ED. AMACK S NEWHOUSC BLK f) ALL THE PHONE H 2H c M. ? n V -t v- .