. W ! ) L .1 vr LI aiilo Historical SocUty Tirade at Home and Boost For a Bigger and Cloud " " w"T A . " - 2smt" J'vV mM ii JfcA' JAl Ji iPW m1?JHtfc, """" i jrj -- - ; Vw A Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME 1 J RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. OCTOISHH 2 - 1SI14. NUMBER 13 I u 'l If You Desire 4 m V ,. -. VERY one of your banking connections to be a profitable one. returning you the '.JwJr largest measure of service and accom modation commensurate with the size of your deposit, open an account with us. Interest paid on time deposits. Deposits Guaranteed by State Guaranty Fund Red Cloud High Loses To Hastings 1 Pi Iday afternoon liefoie a fair slcd cim Hustings High School team do fi'Mtt (1 iliu 1 eul tiMitu by a semeof 20 loO 'I'lii' j';iiiio was ii limd loii'lll one, Business Men Enjoy I Banquet on Monday i On .Monday noon at tin1 Iioyal hotel (H caned the second banquet of tho I i WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITAL W.".(lt)ll Nf IiT IS THE TIME J W TO THINK OF YOUR COAL WANTS We Handle All Kinds ft 4 cy" ' - : i "?'" "GOOD SERVICE" THE MALONE-AVERY CO. "Talk With Us About Your Wants" buslne iiumi of Red Cloud. About ' tueiitj live (it our business men uo 1 lMMiil. It hiii dei'idi'd at thi. meet- the Minis owicoi lliliuil of mi u!i-,v , ,n' u ll,,ul 'ii DiiiMiuuis iietoartor on Vietoij, Weio irieatlj sinprKyl, to llnd th seemid Tiie-day of iieli month, tlii'iti-olves k eenly initelied. The ' ,("i S-ltlf ae'ed us toistinastei and only iiintcii.il illlUi.iiCH to he Mi'iil,,,! following piogriin was canted between the two teams, was tile liielt n," or ooaehlng with the local team while I'uited We bliuiil I. ( Mitchell llaviitu's has (.iijoyid a paid o ncli lor Adu-itlslng Hie Home Town , t.ei.il jimis mul tlu-iolii lies the title. ' ' '"1 ' I limine l'he unite plnjid as fining . IJui jjulu I) iy Hpeiiei.e. s and Sug- ( Jilt. Ili-t .matter nii.-n.d Willi Hast.1 g'-ions 1 W. Cowdell lugs kicking to li'ul Lloinl Polnicky I I etui il'mir 'mil l."i jatds; lied Cloud's I II ist down they lot the hull on it him I bin Hailing-, on a lliie Mulish miitlo I val ds on Hist down, second down mule U yaidh mid iniide their gain on the I h down, Hastings on Hist down lot Imll on fumble, ilson lecovcrlng same. Ked Cloud made ft jutds on liist down, added two moie on the second and madetheli 10 yauls on the third down. On Hist down lilacklcdgc lost 0 ymds; and another 10 yards loss on account of fotwiud pass. Polnicky kicked 'Jo yaids to Hustings who re tin mil bull ft yards. Hastings made ft NEW SUITS ereoats " iutX$ Uach ol tho above n lined penile-; men made eiy pood talk-, nil thu sub ji ft they wel" assigned. No. tic of the opinion that these j nice tin;,"- accomplish much good j amongst the business muu and should , liUulostuii latter number tuiu out to thu ne.V one. Obed B. Harvey Is Laid At Rest On Sunday Obed II. Hitivey was bom July ii, 185:.', In Evmtsvilie, Wisconsin. He came to is'obtas'ui In 1871 mid taught yards on llrst, mid Red Cloud penalised school In YorU county, Inter coming to ft vards for offside. Hastings made Webster county mid homestoading In If It's In Style We Have It We Have It If It's In Style Our lines combine correct styles with more than moder ate prices, makes our line of gieat importance to women interested in dress. Our gar ments must give satisfaction, and they do. This is why our sales increase. STYLE, QUALITY and LOW PRICES A- i M. .i. &HLii. 2. .liln & BattoaPhares Affc'iit Tor Amciicnn lleauty and Warner llios. Coisois and llutteiick I'ntteins ?)SSEKS3 2SSS S3eraS3 Mrs. Vm. Forgey h tsbiind, two sisters, four brotheis Hilda laro number of other lolatlvcs Rose Witt wer wits born in Swltzur-. "tl fiends. I t'... I -1 iiji land. October 1 , 18C0. When two; ' u""' service WIls num ui ino years of iiKeBhe moved with her pur ents to Atchison county, Kansas, wlieie they lived until 187.J, when they came to Smith county. On November ill, 1831, she was mar ried to Mr. Win A. Fottfey. To this uniouwere born tliree chlldien, two Blrlo who died In Infancy, aud one boy, John, who lived to bo eight years old. For thirty thiee ytiars they lived on the old Forgey homestead In Logan township, Builth county. Mrs. Forgey died In Lebanon, October 11, 1014, nge J)3 years, 11 months aud 22 days, leav ing behind to m urn her loss, her home, Tuesday, October Kith, at 11 o'clock, conducted by Uev Percy It. Atldns of Lebanon, and the remains luteired In the Webb Hill cemetery. The Odd Fellows lodge of Salem, of which Mr. Forgey is a momber, at tended the funeral in a body, acting as pall bearers, assisting in the ser vices at the grave, and in every way allowing their fiaternnl lovo and sympathy for their boroaved brother. New coats just received at Miner Bros. Co., where they have received pew lines in all depattments. i their 10 yards In the next It downs and again made one yard, on firs! down and on second down .lohnson, II list ing's full hncit, scored first touchdown failing to kick goal. Hustings again kicked oil", (tiger returning ball 1ft yards. (Siger made Hist down. Cain by Hlackledge made seven yards and Polnicky made tliree through center. Red Cloud on llrst down attain, (ilger lost six yards on a fumble. Polnicky kicked to Hastings, Hastings ro lim ing ball 3 ymds on the llrst down and Whitchous, Hastings quarterback on a2ft yard run scored second touch down .lohnson kicking goal, score 13 too. Red Cloud kicked off Hastings re turning ball 25 yards making their gain on the third down. On iiist down Hastings made l) yards aud received a peualtj of IS yards for rough tactics and holding, made 2 yards on 2nd down, kicked to Red Cloud's 10 yard line, Pope getting tho ball. Red Cloud on that down made G ymds added two on the second mid made their gain on third down. Hast ings receiving fj yard penalty for ollside Red CI Hid faced to kick on 3rd down Polnicky booted bull ftO yards Hast ings leturniiig ball 20 yaids, mid los ing ball on fumble. Red Cloud made trains on four downs. Hustings pena lised ft ymds for nllMdtt. Polnicky ktcking.10 yards to Hastings. Hast ings letuinlng bull is ymds. 1st half ended s 'ore Hastings 13 to (. 2nd h.ilf 3rd qumtur Hastings Uiekod to Ked Cloud, Hlackledge i Pluming bill twenty yards, but lost ball on downs. Hastings on 2nd down madu In jiii ds and on their third sctimmtige fumbled, Red Cloud tecoveilng the bill Poptigiiued 12 ymds on Hist d w ii on mi end run Red Cloud on two downs ni.iilu 11 yards. On Hist down Red Cloud failed to g tin and were pou al I .ed ftyardsfoi offside. Hustings ball on downs made their gain in three downs, which put ball on Red Cloud's 10 ymd line, Mist down Hastings made 0 ymds; second down added a yard and were held for downs on Red Cloud's II yard lino. Red Cloud gained r ymds and Polnicky kicked 111 yards Hustings returning ball IS yards. Fourth quarter Hastings made )(( yards on two lino plunges which put tho ball on Red Cloud's 2 yard line; two downs failed to gain and Johnson w.is pushed over for another touch dowu, ulso kicking goal. Score 20 to 0. Hastings kickod off to Red Cloud, Zeiss taking Blackledge's place, lted Cloud returned ball 10 yardf. lied Cloud made downs, Zeiss making 7 yards on llrst down, and I'ope adding (Continued on pugo 0) 1873. Ho was man led May 12, 1877,to Maty E. Rice of Webster county. He died October 1ft, 1014, nged HI yems 3 mouths and 7 days. He leaves to niouin his demise, five daughters mid two sons, his vvifn, two brothers aud one sister, three grand children mid a host of relatives aud f i lends. ' He united with the Methodist church at Imivale, as a charter member moie than thirty jours ago, and has remain ed an active member since. Tho funeral services weic conducted at his home by Rev. Geo. Hummel on Sunday, and Interment was made in the Rlverton cemetery. Player Piano at a attain We have a slightly used Player Piano in line condition that one of our customers was unable to tlnlsh paving tor Wo will place it free of cliargulu the home of any satisfactory party in the vicinity of Red Cloud who will pay the balance in casli or payments as low as SI 0.00 per month Address, Gluey Music Co., St. Joseph, Mo. a New Pall Hats SHOES S WE A TERS iVlackinaoi Goats i Caps i o SEE If EM I PAUL STOREY I I The Clothier Your Watch Ideal Many people have learned to consider such, and such a watch as an ideal time piece. When they buy they want that particular watch. We don't blame them be cause we have watch ideals too and ideal watches. They arc the South Bend and the Hamilton and the Howard and one or two others. These we have learn ed to depend upon these we buy and sell each year in greater quantities. And be fore you make a watch pur chase we would like to talk to you about these move ments. May we? E. H. Newhouse Optometrist and Jeweler. I ags -Rags Rags Our Fall Stock of Rugs Are Now in Ready For Your Inspection. 5 We Have tho Largest Line We Ever Bought Having purchased these Rugs before any advance in price we can give you the benefit. Come in and let us show you the largest line of Rugs in the city, in all the new patterns. We have them in all grades. ROY SATTLEY 1 Licensed Embalmer 'and Furniture Dealer. 71 l69 .THY US FOR ARTISTIC JOB PRIJ1TIHG.V ' Jl ,...- . f ..!.. , ., ia.JLW..J.k' . . JrtfrfW&..!tfVi.lWii.A,.i ,rf'. ... .. . 11 . ... ' ' . i i ITrffliilflrf '-it illrvTiltYiir frl r " Mri v -if FI1MMMT'M'imM,'-" "MJM"asMMIMTiBttmwigBii'lffyfir r, ,VfrqM,f ,v- AiUiriBiiJ . ,A ..,! . -1.U .... . ' ' -' m . 1. IMVM. m.,.. .1- MO,,..,. , , MJMjmi., l -) yup '4.A, ., ,-A-W f'tftffij iM-mtmriJC!lffVW.iBnmmmimwmmnw WMiii.iiHiigpwjwi iSil lH22 -J ... Ltigi.wn. i, ' - VTirttMl.iV''itff ' t ' oM.ililAiJAiMiVMkkJjL JMt iJuUhlk .iwJi, OmjBBiri-k',PwKtami2iiimMmi i r Aiyffl iTOMMiMMMMMiJMiBHf M-ii MTtmgJha'awJX"MO'aMm-J--1""'Sa-s.-A. J " .. . . ij jliX , lilllMfc ., WP- L.1