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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1914)
5r:te35ttSa!S'' WfiWft,..'S6J u'i y tiV t L-s?r -r-f .. n Trade at Home and Boost For a Bigger and Better Red Cloud f Ul8loriCft Society J--Jj. vS " i- - - -. . M SUto "i'.Tl ' ' ' .w 4fc . -, ",v.ri: 1 . - I ft i i 4 .-t"'''aw .- ?r i&;sLa-'j.T,tsw.wy-&Miiz,-?zv- r ..-r jrf- v r.v v.v a.1 iUvA :t uvj:nzJvmamr-:r: wi-4ir-r.F-. -.v. vjxti.vfcw--. -i ' -x- I- -'5 .-j .v?s- -' T H "flE n ..i MA "" - - , . vxnLVubU .s a -J JrlT id -- . -.S - - .tfH IfIW l.ftf i -. ' - -.--.' -u1mp - mx ...r " . ' JKmait&&fa & . .- 'IHlZTKu , , ----- is"!?' -" :?.-a iCA & .- t i i-- .v. - . tr --j.--.-. jrf v .- -v4ff.M"i.n.T idvni Lirj.YFi.wiTr'tiii .iw r.r . . avii-csri-. i - . i r - -M"s w.- - ti . tv 111.. r "i t i kt ,-. tow M ! r-r ts1- i Ti--r3 a ',. .- "V I .VKL 7 -- 1. "- 1. I ir-1-1 t . T - ' C T "T if f TTir f" -"- ' "'- fiT ""ir s, cM.?i.T4ajivr - t. ?&Sztmf-i ft II , 1$ 1 -i -? " "3 " MWfc I ,v - I "i '- T1 5f. " " -"- i- ; . l " - - --: TWsVi. -rZ5" .1 Nr.wsinpcr That (lives Thn Ncwi PUty-Hfo Weeks Each Vwr For 51.50 M3m7iiMuswnxfKraviQUowjrvruxuuanKncvavuoA -s5siri5r r -r mwtM)mMWnnfrmm&ximMiwirwmwmmmkmuitmjmmimmimmiimmn m VOLUIE 4 Si RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OCTOHMH 13, 1JI14. WMWaM,imiiniiiJiiiiiii utiruTrnji'.Twm'a.T-iajLuaupjjmiiiiw iiiiiiM'i..iwitTrKJKtja-tiJKgoiaaijMiJMHMtfigJtuiaginMiMt,MiiMiw m f H '; .. iiii'J'ii'il imi. ii ii I i ,'.i" .Mi 4.1 .i ;;:;.: If You Desire X ft ,4 VERY one of your banking connections to be a profitable one, returning you the largest measure of service and accom modation commensurate with the size of your deposit, open an account with us. Interest paid on time deposits. Deposits Guaranteed by State Guaranty Fund WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA OiVlMTAIj 82B.OOO mi l1ll!li!l"l!,illHl!ll"'lll '"I"""" "'""' ;i'"'Il''!'"l!l1l'"l!llll"l!"",,liii!',l'"l(ll'lffiill I1'', lllll!'i'IKI!!!HI!; "'ll, ''"'uri'it'l 'M!Iinil'lirt""i',i'" iJiK'EiilLfU.ii.i.i ;i..I;ilLl!ii!i!i!i!l.ii!iJiiil!l!i iiJlHilii. :,,.,u,., :::,;;'.:;,: ;!:::::.,,,:, "ii'iwi'i;! NOW YOUR COAL WANTS IS THE TIME TO THINK OF . We Handle All Kinds "GOOD SERVICE" j v. THE MALONE-AVERY CO. "Talk With Us About Your Wants" Your Watch Ideal Many people have learned to consider such, and such a watch as an ideal time piece. When they buy they want that particular watch. We don't blame them be cause we have watch ideals too and ideal watches. They are the South Bend and the Ilamijton and the Howard and one or two others. These we have learn ed to depend upon these we buy and 'sell each year in greater Viuantitios. And be fore you make a watch pur chase we would like to talk to you about these move ments. May wc? E H. Ncwhouse Optometrist nnd .lewder. Notice Lnst week nottco was given to ro move nil rubbish from the alleys of the city. To my knowledge seven only responded. Notice is hereby given to here after refrain from throwing refuse material of any description in the alleys of this city nnd 'to throw the same on your own premises and not on the premises belouglng to the oity. We are cleaning up. , HeniiyCook, Health Physician. Caucus Call The Deinooratie voters of Ilatin township will hold 11 caucus Saturday night, October 17th, at 8 o'clock at the usual voting place to nominate a town ship ticket as follows: road overseer assessor, constable and justice of the pence. FitAXK Stuoui., Committeeman. Farmers' Telephone Co. Holds Annual Meeting Tlio annual mcutlng of the stock holders of the Farmers' Independent Telephone Company was held In tills city Suttmlny afternoon and there was a huge number of the stuck holders present. The old Board of Directors wore re elected and consist of tlio following gentlemen: O. 13 Harney, J. FI. Blling er, Clark Stevens, Geo. Heardslee and O. C. Teel. The meeting then adjo imed and the Board of Directors met and re-elected the following ofllcers for the ensuing year O E. Harney, president; O. C. Teel, secretary; Clark Stevens, treasurer and manager." s Oris Fearn Weds A Fairbury Girl The following takeu from the Hast ings Tribuno will prove Interesting reading to the many friends of Oris Fe-un, a former Hed Cloud boy, and whose parents reside here: "Without taking his many friends here into his confidence, Oils C. Fearn, slipped quietly away last Saturday to Fairbury where nt 2:3o o'clock in the afternoon he was married to Miss Fern Wary of that place. The cere mony was performed by the Rev, J. K. SUelhmberger of the Fairbury Christian church a', the home of the bride's pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wary. The wedding march was placed by Miss Jessie Iiaiim of Fairbury. 'Immediately following the cert mony Mr. and Mrs. Fenrn took a train for Hnstlugs where they are now at home to their friends at 131 East Fifth Street. "The bride is ono of the most popular members of the younger set in Fairbury, nnd has resided in or near that plnco most of her life The groom is widely nnd popularly known in this city. He is employed in the job work department of the Hustings Tribune and has the respect of' his associates." "3' NUMTJICR42 Our Boys Win the First Foot Ball Game ! 1 Tuberculosis Day lly sermons, lectures, motion pic tures, exhibit, and many' other methods, The National Association for the Study nnd Prevention of Tubercu losis will enlist thousands of churches, 8uhoolsnnd lodges of the country in n simultaneous educationnl movement against tuberculosis during the week of November 2!Hh. The campaign is to bo known as the Fifth Annual Tuberculosis Day Movement. A special circular entitled, "What is Tuberculosis Day'' has been prepared and is oeing widely distributed. The plan df Tuberculosis Day, as explained in the circular, does not' necessarily comprehend a special sermon on tuber culosis on November 2'.itli. If ti church, school, or lodge gives the subject at tjnthjn In any way during that week, tills will help in the national educa tional movement. Outlim-s for lectures or sermons on tubciculosis and "stock" talks on this subject will bo furnished free to min isters and others who can uso them. Literature for distribution in the churches, schools, lodges and else where will also bo bo given away in large quantities Persons wishing s iuh llteratuio, olther'for the prepara tion of sermons or talks on tubercu losis, or for distribution in public meetings on Tuberculosis Day, should get in touch with their local antitub erculosis society, or if that is not pos sible, with the National Association for tlio Study aud Prevention of Tuber culosis, 105 Ettst 22d Street New York City. L. O.Oone and wife of Guide Rock and his brother and wife of Iowa were in' town Wednesday, Before a small crowd, who braved , the dt rain aud muddy grounds last Friday afternoon saw the local . foot ball team defeat the Superior High i school team by a score of 20 to 0. The game opened with Hed Cloud kicking to Superior and Superior rcturningtho' ball 12 yards. Hed Cloud received two penalties of ft yiirdseach for olf sides aud gained the ball on downs from Superior. By consistent line smashes the local boys plowed their way to ii touchdown shoving over Polnicky for tirst touch down, Polnicky kicked goal, score 7 to 0. The second quarter opened with the ball In Superior's possession and Owens Superior's Higl.t, Half Back by a bril liant .1") yard dash scored Superior's only touch down and Superior failed to kick goal. Score 7 to .(!. A few minutes later after kick off Pope the local quarter back returned the ball 25 yards and Black ledge scored a touchdown on Hue plunges. Pol nicky failed to kick goal, score 13 to 0. Hed Cloud kicked to Superior and Owens returned the ball 15 yards, aud then gained 8 yards on fotward pass, then Superior received 5 yards penalty for hurdling. The first half ended with ball in Hed Cloud's possession on Superior's35 yard line, score 13 to.O. The second half opened with Pope returning the klckoff 10 yards aud the quarter was played entirely in Superior territory. In thu fourth quart or (ligcr on an end run of 2 5. yards scored Rod Cloud's third touch down. Polulek'y kicked goal, score 20 to 0. The game ended with thu ball on Superior's 15 yard line, where Polnicky missed nu easy chance for a place kick. Superior was out played throughout the game, and the bcorc bhould have been much larger. Following was the line-up: NORTH BRANCH Edgar Craven lost a valuable horse last Sunday. Ralph Hawkins and Miss Fannie Heed wore married last Saturday. Ii. Beutley returned Monday to his duties at the Deuneu Mercantile Store. Revival meetings which wore held east of here, closed last Suaulay night. Many convemioiis resulted from this meetiug , Mr. and Mrs. Horton of Monrovia, Indiana, who have been visiting his sister, Mrs. M. O. Osborne, returned home Tuesday. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. E. Turner died at Kansas City while they wero enroute from Missouri to make this their future home. The little body was brought hero aud laid to rest in thu North Branch cemotcrv. Prosperous Columbus Nan . Marries Inavale Girl Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at thu home of tho bride's mother, Mrs. A. Arnold, who lives west of Inavale, occuired tlio tuarrlugo of her daughter, Mlt-s Martha Arnold to Mr. E. W LoNnko of Columbus, Nebraska, Itev, Haggarty, of Oilell, Nebr., a cousin of tho Arnold family, performing the wedding ceremony. Little Paul Our noy nnd Eli.abeth Haggarty cousins of the bride acted as ring bearers. The brldp is one of Webster county's most popular young indies, and gradu ated from the State Agricultural School nt Lincoln last spring. The groom Is a prosperous young farmer and btock raiser at Columbus, and also graduated from the State Agricultural School at Lincoln last spring, The young couple will make their home on the groom's farm near Colum bus and the Chief along with their many friends wish them much joy and happjness. ;aafl Bmarm NEW SUITS Ileal Overcoats New Fall Hats S H O B S SWEATERS Maekinam Coats Red Cloud Superior Overieese 1 e Payuter Zeiss 1 1 Hustow Frye . Saiaden f 1 g Uirlgrlch Petchler c Mcllroome Perry ) Newtiouse J r g Ross B Polnicky Wilson ) v t Davies Baker r o Oliver Pope q b Lewis (ilger ) Wilson J rhb Owens Polnicky fb Bossmeyer Blackledge 1 h b Hursch Referee Slior wood. Touchdowns-Polnicky, Glgor, Black ledgu and Owens. (Joals from downs Polnicky, two. Caps i1 i SEE 'EM w. r PAUL STOREY The Clothier !!i!l!ll!ll!i!lll!ffi!l!!llil!il!l!IIIIili I Wm MBHM ! ! I! I I! Ilillll I isa - hiiiiiiuiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiuhoiiuii ra u 1 1 uu u n urn uo u imii iiim iuih ssm Haas -Haas -Haas VV Ii 111 and in Need of Funds Says Mrs. Rosa Jones In thu suit for divorce of Rosa Francos Joiips against Thomas A. Jones tho plaintiff this morning Hied udhhivit in tho district, oourt declaring that her property had been partially dissipated, that tho Income had beuii greatly impaired and that- a portion of it had been tied up by litigation in Webster county. She asserts that slio is ill and uunblo to work and that she must have at least 575 a month for her support, aside from 32.1 a mouth to meet medical bills. She declares that it probably will rcquiro 8150 to meet attorneys' claims for her suit. Satur day's Lincoln Star. n s 1 x Wm. Klrkpatriok of Guide Rock was in town Wednesday. .ii j JUMP -! -J- L,,;,l :"" -rA" J"-" ' Vfmmltmm4m' - - ' - ' ' ....lHI.. . . , ., ... , , m HMMHrva , , j. Democratic Speaking On Friday Night On Friday night, October lCtli, Hon. A. C Shallonbcrger, Democratic can didate for congress and Mr, M. L. Corey, county attorney of Clay county, will address tho voters here ou tho issues of the day. Come out and hear them as they are considered the best speakers in the Fifth district. Our Fall Stock of Rugs Are low in Ready For Your Inspection. g We Have the Largest Line We Ever Bought Having purchased these Rugs before any advance in price we can give you the benefit. Come in and let us show you the lagest line of Rugs in the city, in all the new patterns. We have them in all grades. i ROY SATTLEYS Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. , nmmBmmammMmmmk . J, .rtW.'WM0'W nMmmWK. ff '.M ' 4M .'. TRY US FOfl .flRTISTIG JOB PlWmG.ji(; iv - i'' . b .. .'... . ti .ty-i., a. .tluLJmMWk .JiJkH MtaCa! .Jt'ii MittodamtdblbM. ,. ,!ULkMAXWjWMSjm8i. im)tlf9MmSZfit'. .u.iillMMIMIH t irowimiiiiWi in ii i niiium"" iri'i im Jmwtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml