The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 08, 1914, Image 8
WwM ,tMrK!rm.tTiltHm- UMiHfrti ... RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 4 WFwwwrwivrf ! jw ntwMj:wmrairrrTnmvM'swi,mtiwrrvxznmiJJiTzai2MXi ,.,.,.,.ii.miiuw muu wwMumJW w imm -. wnma -i iur - m,., . in n HI 11 I 11 ?"! lnt 'nmsTm. $ "Kaao v . iuiwibi - s; It US r We Have V In Style We Have, It It If . It's In Style Our lines combine correct styles with more than moder ate prices, makes our line of great importance to women interested in dress. Our gar ments must give satisfaction, and they do. This is why our sales increase.-' STYLE, QUALITY and LOW PRICES -..s tmh Barbara Phares A pent For Anu'ili'iui Iieniity iiniUVnrner ltros. "Corsets imtl HutteiieU Patterns. UrjSfcw VP iff T -;- y '.i ( ", Ileal KstiiteTiiumfuiA furnished y M. W. ('niter, Hondo 1 Abs.Ujieter,.Hcil Cloud, Is'i'brnslcn. llobpi't Datum oil nii'l nt;, Ciirrli! Si'lieilnlt, wil, fol 7, 8, H, I'lW 1, sub tllv Annex lot 12, Ucl Cloud 5 1 "'J S. V. Frlslile and wife to Frank S Filstiiu, so,' sv .'ll-iMO ... Finnic H. Filslilo mid wife to Sylvester W. mill Mary F. KrUblc, se'.fHwM 31- !.' 10 Wllliniii Topfcr, Sr., to Marie .liilinson, wil, n l.'Jl-lO... I'liulinn ilium- to CIihh Hi line o? ul ,cjcmI, ni-J-J HKMO J S. nillmiii, rc-feii'f, to Ilul- clu Fussier, rofcivc; docl, nwM '-M-M0 Ini It. Wnironur iukI wife to Alice Smith, wl, lot- 0. 7, 8 ami Vi lot 1), bll; Ul, Hud Cloud , 30'JO 00 Joliti Merrill to Jennie L. Merrill, wd, lots 1to 0, bll; I, sub ciiv. annex lot l'J, Ucil Cloud Samuel W. Foci to Klizabolli Foo, A, lots Hi, II, If,, 10, bile .'I, Garl-cr's addition to Ked Cloud Samuel W. Foo to Elizabeth Foe. wd, lots Ifi, 10,17, la, bllc SU, Hoil Clmul Mori Runes tiled, $11,050. Mortgages released, SalHNl. 1 00 1 00 MM) 00 1000 00 i::000 mi xTQSvS fflEn 'SSS H bkXh HBJ Bjt'laB, Hbuiil 1 bQd IhB H Hfal IH C;fc'ii 1 00 i oo 1 10 An Unusual Bereavement 'he Car With Conscience 9p ST BILl I'Y The OnUlim I Motor Oar Company ni'ide Its Hi-t ear fn l.)0r. So the Company i" In It- edghth UianufrtCliiiliU' year. We have fol lowed the progiess of the Industry and in miithsMoii have made two four and six cylinder cmr.s We built li-s than 3oo c.irs in loo". In ItM.'J we pfodui'Mil overS.oOO ConNtMiit. proarps like thli e in iiichii but ouu tliiiiK that oin- roiiuiUiion wh hive built periiiiiieutly an I lor all lime. Constant growth llho this nii'iuioti Inxt of tmtUileil owners Owners who huv told others Hint the Oakland Is a good car. For 191. m otYer u lli of beautiful and depen lublo ciiih. 0 us that ium good to look at and uaii that timtnxchmi! 'ally true. Cars that urn nunlo to satisfy the most erltii'al owner. Four and six models Open and closed bodies. Many typts SI 200 to 8'Jt00, fully i quipped, f. o. b Pontine. Michlgcu. Win. Prevost, Big Popular Voting Contest Hundreds of Dollars in Valuable Prizes Given Absolutely Free by Cook's Pharmacy" and The Red Cloud Chief. V i i;f ... " -"Ml LIVE-' .f " From October 10 fo 17th: Extra Votes on Stationery and Rubber Goods HI. Points and ills wife, formerly Surah Arncson, living south of Inavale. have been sorely titillated in 'the loss of their twin boys, Dallas Prank unci Donald Clyde, boru August Hth, 1013. The former died last Friday, the funeral occurlng on Saturday, the lat ter dying on Monday night, the funeral being held on Tuesday afternoon. Hev. I. W. IMsun hail charge of both ser vices, the choir from Inavale lieinu present to slug. A largo number of neighbois and friends was present at both services and every expression of love and sympathy was given. Singularly enough, tlilx is the second case of dual loss ill a family in tb'ii vicinity, in a few weeks past, the two children f Mr. Wintj-n pis-dug uwuy within nn hour of each other, the in terment being in the Mine cemetery, Rev. lMsoii also having charge of that t unci al. t Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mis. Points of Walnut Creek, desire to convey their thanks to the very large number of Willful friend1 and neighbors wlm havn minis ti'ii-d to them in the sicklies a'nd death of their beloved children, May the dear Heavenly Father loii spare your loved ones to you, unci in the event of Htuictiuu comfort and bless you as we feel lie is blessing us. Hi. Points S.VIIAII AltNESON- Poi.VfS Red Cloud iiL-lilrttf "III" II v NA Nebraska w.l. Ti iM'ii.iiiinii mi jNiiWlffif CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -;- Nebraska Second Hauso North of I. 0. 0. F. Hull -O- Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free o- Phone lnd.212 We iiro giving away, absolutely free, 20 hundreds of dollars in valuable prizes 21 to tlie ladies entering our voting cottt '.22 test. , 2:i Kveryoue 1ms thu privilege of enter-. j lug this contest and wo feel sum that , , the ones securing the prl'.cs will bo!tj well paid foi their time, so conn- in, ' 7 Set us show you nux pi explain 'ovj the contest nunc fully, and you might,. "j ibo the lucky one. at the close. I 30 The only way to secure otes in this contest is bv puiclmslug things In the Cook Pharmacy, 'or by gelling sub boribeis for The Hud Cloud Chief. Votes will bo given at the rate of 100 to the dollar on regular cash sales or collections. lUOO votes to the dollar on the sale of duo bills, 1000 voles to the dollar 011 special sales. l.'.OO votes for one yearly subscription to Tho Keel Cloud Chief. Contestants will please turn in their votes for credit on Tuesday of each week. .Standing ol 1 I l-V, :i -t .1 0 4 13 . 10 11 12 13 It IT, 1G 17 18 ttMf Coiitcstauls to Date. 5.1800 r.Tl.l.-i 5.1100 MIHM) 117155 5000.1 01'Jo5 .12!','0 ir..,-..v........... ,kH .MMW' :ti :j:t :r 37 38 111) 10 41 12 III II 1.1 10 17 18 1!) 50 51 52 ,i:j .11 5.1 -IH1" WWUIml tMtM n.isoo .1.100.1 17200 ll'JIO .1.111.1 Gir.1.1 55100 .15001 1 1170 I17S.1.1 ,iri!i2() :t 1:17.1 2:1110 51130 1072.1 0.1210 0710.1 3114.1 .'IS805 .10020 1.118.1 (U'.Ur. 21030 .lIllU.I 27:12.1 112-tao 2s:io.i Nl.lsO :iio2.i 10'25.1 :ii!)i.i 10:120 I i3i;o .1708.1 1707.1 r. 1.10 COMING TO RED CLOUD ASSOCIATED DOCTORS SPECIALISTS At Royal Hotel, Saturday, October 24th ONE DAY ONLY Iteinnrkablo Success ofTheseTulentod l'liysielans in the Treatment of Chronic Discuses - ftY . f ' ....i.L.T..-.. VN r,:,':j5 1 ftii ;.; 001 10 ns 50 do 01 02 03 01 0.1 10 ...: DlOl'O oo 1510 .1SD0J .10815 miV'.i 0033.1 11000 ;-R i"5 ,;,.. 33110 .1010; !' :i5870 27300 .10 1 0.1 :illl25 13(115 .'HS35 fir.'.i2.1 57010 711000 1871.1 DR. DEARDORF VKTKRUHARY BUHQEON Graduate Chicago Veterinary College XWBI.VK YKAH3 KXl'KBlKNCE ,v , ; XT BAILEY'S TIE BARN Dr. J. C Caldwell PHYSICIAN 6 SURCEON Calls Answered Day or Night OlIlcoTelphonos: Hell, Ul; Ind. 160. Ken. .Teloplionei: Hell, Hed2TJ; Ind. 160. nice tver A. kMiWt Stm Offer Their Services Free of Charge The Associated Doctors Specialist, licensed by the slate, for thu treat ment of deformities and alt nervous mill chronic diseases of men, women and children, offer to all who call on this trip, consultation, examination, advice free, malcinir no ch-truu what ever, except the cost of mi'dicine. All that IsHslced in jeturn for these vain alile services ih tluit. every person treated will tell their sulfuriiu,' filxuds and uelglibois of the trood icsults ot)l liiifil by lliolr treatments that they my consult, them witlicoiilldetiec on their icturu trip which will be in two months. This is said to be one of the most, able specialists1 ork'nni.'itiou of its kind In this section of the country, and must bu a successful one from thu many good results they arc) getting. They do not treat any acute diseases their time and attention Iminn devoted to such diseases as follows; Diseases of tho stomach, bowels, liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart, spleen, lcldnuys or bladder, rheumatism, scia tica, bed wettinir, lei- ulcers, weak lungs, catarrh, bronehltisasthma.Hlow growth In children and thesis iilllictcd with long standing, deep seated chroulo 'discuses, that have batlled the sUlll of the family physiclun. According to their system no more operations for appendicitis, gall stones, tumors or goltie. If you have kidnoy or bladder troubles brlnir a twn-uunco bottle of your urine for chemical analysis. Deafness often has becu cured in sixty days. Remember this free offer is for this trip only. Married ladles must come with their husbands and minors with their pareuts. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. THREE. The followln-j proposed amendment to Clio coiiHtltutlon of the State of Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth In full, Is submit ted to thu electors of the State of Nebras ka, to bo votcu upon at tho general elec tion to be held Tuesday, November 3rd, A. D. 1DH. "FOIl a Joint resolution proposing amend nients to Section I. of Article V. aiid Section 21. of Article V. of thuT Consti tution of Nebraska, rclntlne to term of ollleu and Hilary of Governor and other executive olllcers. Bo It Ilesnlved unci Knactcd by the People of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That at die Rennrn! election for statu and Icglq'iUlvo olllcvs. to bo held on the Tucwlay MucceedliiK the tlrst "Mon day In November, l'.ill. the following bo siilimltti'd as anirndmenis to Sretlons 1 and 21, of Article V, of tho Constitution of Nebraska: Sec. 1. The expcutlvo department OtiII rnnslHt of n. (Jnvernor. who shall I old hla otilcp for a term of two fi m the llrf.1 Thuwday after the llrst Yuisdiv In Jantiary, nest after his eltc tloi mid until his tuiccessir Is elected and qii '.'tied. In addition to ttn tjowrnor, the 'x. 1 -tlie ili'iiaitmeut shall Inrliide tho fnlly-,1,)? otllrcis; I.leutennnt a.ivorror. Si-ciet.uv of State, Auditor of l'ubllc Ac- lic Instruction. Attorney and CommN loner of Publto hand'- and I'm Id-.(-.I c.2h of whom shall hold his cilice fur tlif term of two years from the llrst Thrrsdiiy after tho Hist Tuchd.iv In Jaiui ary, nest after his election, and until his niicre'sir Is eiceled and iieilllled. rro vlded. Inwever. that U10 llrst clcttloii of a'd otl'.-era shall bo Ik Id on the Tuesday m-e-ocd'-iB tho llrst Monday In November. I'Ufi. an I oich sacceedliu? election shall ho hold at the same relative time In '.icli even year thereafter. Tho Clovernor, bee rotary rf State. Auditor of l'ubllc Ac cuuiits. end Treasurer nhall reside at the sen. of fTOvernment ilurlnK their turnis of o-.Oee, ai d keep the public records, books and papers there, and shall perfoim such ilutic h as inav bo equlred by law. Sec. 24. Tho sil.iry of tlio Governor shall bo llvo thousand (M.000.00) dolintn per niimuii. The salaries of Auditor of l'ubllc aeenunts nnd Secretary of htate, Snperlnti-rJent of P"M!o instruction and (ommlss'-imr of I'li'illc Iuuls and Ilulld 1. ks alui'l lm two Ciiouannil llvo hundred rHj.iiiHU")) doll trs each per annum, And of the Attorney 11 four 111 msaiid dnl Hrs i$i noo.oo) per oiiniim. the mliry of the Slate Treinorer shall bo Hirer thou prind ($"1,000,0')) per annum and the I.loutennnt Governor shall receive one and nun-half the compensation of a senator, nnd after the adoption of this constitu tion they shnll not iccelvo to their own use any fees, costs. lnteieBts upon public moneys In their hands, or under their con nnr,.niui,ni nf ntllen or other com pensation, mid all fees that .may hereafter QUALITY ON THIS VE HAVE BUILT OUR PRESENT BUSINESS YHEN we began our vv business career in in Red Cloud we took as our motto the one word Quality and we believe all our patrons wll agree with us that it h is truly been our slogan all this time. Our reputation for high-grade Groceries is ' well known. .We qre fully prepared to supply all ryour wants'" in fur line P. A. WulHrandt THE HOME CliJCERY s TUR.NITUICE SSS AND , :S- UNDERTAKING ED. AP ACK s ALL THE PHONES NEWHOOSE BLK i A DAILY $m A DOtLAH i u I have the best rate in the county on farm loans. See me anil be convinced My motto prompt service. A. T. Wai.kkb. be payable, by law for services performed bv nn olllcer provided fir In tit's article of tho constitution shall be. pit d In tid viuico Into tho state treasury. 'I here shall ho no allowance, for clerk hire In the or flces of tho Superintendent of l'ubllc In struction and Attorney Ouncnil. Sec. 2. That at said election on tho .Tuesday suceoedlnif the flist Mondiy in November. IflU, cm to V,,,,ot ?f iiPafh elector votluK thereat, there Hliall bo printed or written U10 words: "1-or rro poRed nmundments to the constitution, iki,... the term of olllco nnd sanry for covernor. nud other executive nlllecrs. and "Aualnst proposed amendments to the constitution, nxlne- tho term of oftlco nnd salary for Kovornor, nnd other execu tive officers," Approved. April 21. 1913. 1. Addison AVnlt. Secretary of State of tho Btnte of Nobraskii, do hereby certify that tho foreKolmr proposed nmondinent to tho Constitution of tho Stnto of No brnslca Is a true nnd correct cony of the orlKlual enrolled and enijrossed bill, as ;.... ...I I,.. ,!, Tlilrtv.thlnl ROHHlOn Of tllO LcKlslnturo of tho State of Nebraska, as nppears from said orlRlnal bill on nio In this office, and that eald proposed amend, ment Is submitted to tho qualified voters of tho State of Nebraska for tholr adop tion or rejection at the Kenoral election to be held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November. A. D. 1014. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto et my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Uncoln. thla 2Jrd day of March, tn th year of our I.ord. One Thoua.-ind Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of the IndependSncT ot the United Btatei .the One, Hundred and Thirty-aeventh, and of U,, 8Ut. the orrventhk wAn, 9i)l Hecretary of HUM. From Now Until April 1, 1915, Giving You All the Wr News Fresh from the seat of trouble, through the big press associations and special service. ' Political Campaign AiTairs are independently treated as the paper is not tied up with any interests. Next Winter's Legislature will be fully reported in the interests of the taxpayers of Nebraska. Markets, special articles and a vigorous policy make this the paper you should read. Lowest Priced Daily in the state. Try it at this cut price. Paper will stop V s s s 8 9) when time is up. Send your order to V Lincoln Daily News fi Lincoln, - - Nebraska Swv9vS via S3naA3naA ; s s 8 N 8 8 8 1 .r'-M ' 8 i i i jL RedClH-l, -1- Ntbraska H mmmmmmksaxm MiiMijyi-fWHeg - - T S. fli .;''.. ' ... ' ' t. - ...'' . . tim iaTiaa-jiwMM