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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1914)
urvAkfaunuM. juai&a r. t , s. V -,s ta. it . '.jv4A ; V -K 'J " ' I ii.iwjunB?uiigiTjCTWJiirwmim.'yt M.tnwmiiiii,wmmrr C'uitiTt (tcr wis iii llhic Milt Satin (lllV. ("In 1-, Sttirko was In Hasting Moll day. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CHIEF f jptoJ nsi wmimwio HOME NEWS Bulletin of Tho Weok'o Doing? mum iwnminH Frank Cnudon was hi Byron Satin day. For vonr new shoes go to Minor llros Co. Chii". SehellnU spout TueMlav In 1 lasti njr. Kcv. Hummel tutuiiit'il fniiii Uliultn S'ttm iltiy. W A. Kr.ilun of ltluu 1 1 111 was In the city Monday. Earl Dlekerson was ill) from (Snide Hock Sunday. . By KhepheHHon of Klvoiton was In town yatuidny Hon, Dun (Surlier of lliwtton was on ourstieots Monday. New shoos for the ladles, just ie ceived at Miner Urns. Co. l'ied Temple of Kansas City was in town the last of tho wet It. Wm. Kiikpatrlck of Guide Hock was in ilits city Sutut day evening. II. C. Cutter can o homo fioin Whoe or Kuiimis, tlio llrst of tho week. Attorney B. W. Stewait was a pass eugor to Lincoln Friduy morning. Chas. Brubaker Is able to bo around again after a thr'o weeks siokness. The Republican county central com mittee held n meeting in this city Monday. Foil Su.E Chkav: A Harley David son motorcycle In good shape. Mrs. Win. Wolfe. adv The last open air band concert of the season was given Friday evening by onr band. ' Tho Democrats of Hastiugs are going to have a big barbeque there homo time this month. Kd. Ainaclc, Sid Florance, Geo. Over ingandd.W. Iliimmel were in Ouide " R iclc Tuesday morning. New coats just received at Miner Bios'. Co., where they have received new lines In all depaitments. Oscar Te'el has moved his oillce Into his new headquarters In the Fanners' Independent Telephone Co. building. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Han is left Wednesday morning for South Rend, Indiana, to visit with relatives friends. Ralph Foe of Oreybull, Wyoming, arrived In the city Wednesday be nj called here by the sickness and death of his father, S. W. Fqo. Rev. Bte- left Monday morning for St Paul and Minneapolis Mli n., where he will attend a meeting of the Missionary Province of nliu Hpiicopul o'lurch. Tho cable and poles have beou taken down on tho south side of the Farn ots Telephone Co. building ud the yard Is being cleaned up which adds lo Its Htineaiiuice vety mucli. Are von going to help to make Fanners' Institute the best in Republican valley this year? it booster and lef us make this best institute In Nebraska. (So out to the foot ball game Fiiday afternoon at Uiuil. The Red Cloud and Superior High School team? will uiett on the Koontfc Held He sure and be thme and boost for the home team The dates for tho Funnel's Institute are November in, 11. 12 and l.ith Plan to ohlblt and alto to attend all the sessions as it will no doubt be the best institute in the gi eat Republican valley this winter. Tho Republican voters ot Rul Clt.ud township held it caucus Wednesday afternoon and nominated the following township uillcer-. R. S Fit, loai' nvtu'sfur: Geo. Baylor, assessor A largo eiowd was piescnt and a veiy eiithiihlahtiirmeeting was held. The school in Distilct Number 14, whioli Is taught by Howard Yost, won two llrst piie.s at the Webster County Fair held in Bladen this week. One prize was for tho best map of Webster county and tho other for the best written analysis in arithmetic. This is tho first timu this school has ever ontered any of their work as exhibits, and it speaks very highly for the scholars and their teacher, Howard Yost, who though young In years, this year being his llrbt ono as a teacher, and it also proves In a way ho possesses the necossary qualifications to make good. , W. M. Overlees, brakemau on the extra local freight No. (13, was injured while tho train was switching in the yard hero Wednesday afternoon. A uir was bolng sot out and Rrakeuian Overlees was on top at tho brake when a sudden jerk of the train threw him oil". Ho struck across tho rail on his back, but had presence of mind enough to roll over and over, clearing the track all but his loft foot which was caught under the wheels, and the toes crushed so that the great too, at least, will have to be amputated. Dr. 0. J. Vallicott dressed tho Injury and the tralu crow hooked engine No. O.'iO onto a caboose and took tho injured man to Red Cloud, accompanied by Dr. Valli cott, for further treatmeut. Republi can pity Ranger. from ).'. Real is in Rluo Hilt this week. Ray Minor of Oulde Roelt spent Sunday in town. J. 1'. Benson of Superior was in town Wednesday. Mi .1 I1. Mayors was a passenger to Hastings Tuesday. .1 II Bailey Is In Seldon, Kansas, this week on business. Missdiaee Sheier was home Ulvcrlon over Sunday. iM-itz .uoeiie nas losiiriieu his no '.Ion with the llotl Cloud Auto Co James Gilbert went to Wymoi-eTue day mottling to take In the racing course. R. W. Stewart arrived home from Lincoln Tuesday. Ho diovo his father's new automobile back. Mis. W. N. lilchaidson mid daugh tor, Margueilte, loft Tuesday lor Hastings emouto to points in Indiana i. I). Fluent df Memphis, Tennessee, has ai lived in the fltv and has taliuu up his duties as freight agent at tin depot. Jay Robinson and wife left Tuesday for Hastings, wlieio .lay has accepted a position with the Lincoln Telephone Company. Lot's go tlshing Saturday afternoon at 1! o'clock p. in. at H. 10. ('nice Drug Company's store. Particulars on tho fifth page. ' The Red Cloud commercial club and business interests are making a strong pull for an up town telegraph station. Orleans Iser. Sheriff Hedge, Chits. Robiti'on, John Garber audUeo. Warren were In Guide Rock Tuesday morning attending a Republican rally. Fishing will be good at the II. E. Grice Drug Company's store, on Satur- dty afternoon at 2 p m. Seo particu lars on fifth page. We want to givo you all the local news and in oilier to do so wo ask that j on let us know uny bit of news you may hear. Both phones. Mary E. Rutler, widow of Thomas J. Butler has been grau'.cd. a widow's pension of 812 00 per month. Fred Maurer was her attorney. Wilber Hamilton spent Sunday in a,j Guide Rock with relatives. His wife and children who had been visiting there since Fiiduy, accompanied him homo. After gazing a long while at the hats In tho display window of tho uiilliney toro yesterday, old Bill- Heck was heaid to observe, "There's lots o' fool er ways spendin' inonoy than buyin' chaw In' tobaekeri" Kw Mr and Mis. Bui dick and family of Guide Rock, James llolsworth and daughter o South Dakota, weie among the twenty odd relatives at the family re-union at the Win. Ilolswotth home .Sunday. Win. llnlswoith and family left this week for their new homo in Catitda. Stella S. Noble Billiard, aged fil yeais, who tor niHiiy years, with a tosi dent of binith county, Kansas, .died m Macon, Mo., last Sunday. The body was brought to lnav. tie. where ".orvlofr. were conducted by Rev. I W. Rdnon, at the Cliiistlitu t'liutoh, interment being made in Walnut Cieek cumeiei on Wedne-day. Don't foiget tlio Tom Thumb wed ding at the opera hou-e, October, under tho auspices of tho Ladles' Aid Society ot tlio M. R church given by seventv-flve children of our own town. i rou '2hi to 0 yoai s of age, commencing at 8 o'clock shai p. Rosorved GO.vts IlTic; other seats tile; children l.c. Seats n sale at Cook's drug storo on Satur 10th, at!) a. m. A. U. Smith of ludlsiuola was in town on business Monday. Rtl McAllister went to Beavor City this mutuiug on business Misses Lulu and Gniee Sutton whore passotigeis to Hastings Tuesday. Walter Batlar of Long Island, Kati s'ts. vlslti'd fiicmls In town Satuiday. Mr. Hnslugut'Hiid daughter. Mary belle are viltlng In Hastings this week. Win. Frohnon and wife of Hastings, spent Sunday liete iho guests of. I A. Ilradfoid. Mis .1. F. Sutton tetuined Tue-day from Anseltuo where nho visited iela lives for the past week. Bruce Beekwlth arrived home from Racine, Wisconsin, Sunday, lo spend a week's vacation visiting his mother. Mrs. M. M. Frohnen, after visiting hot daughter, Mis. ,1. A. Biadfoid, for the past tltteo weeks, left for her home at Hastings Tuesday. See the Hampton Court Singers in songs and dramas taken fioin the Com t tf (jueeu Rllahutli, first number of lectin c com so. at the opcia house Thursday evening, Oct. 8th. Tickets now on sale at Cook's drug stoic adv One of the statu suil'iage touring parties, now woiklug throughout the state, will hold a street meeting In Red Cloud, Thursday afternoon, Octo ber l.r, at 2 o'clock. Tho party of speakers, Mr. A. M. Harvey, formerly lieutenant governor of Kansas, Mrs. Maud McCreory of Wisconsin and Mrs. W. S. Jay of Lincoln, are said to be among the best and it will be worth your while to give them a hearing, especially tho voters, October 15. at 2 p. in. on tho street. September Weather Report Temperature: Mean G7 deg.; maxi mum loi deg. on the nth; minimum 30 deg. on the S.I and 'J5. Preoiuitution: Total .1.45 inches. Number of days clear 19, partly cloudy 7, cloudy 4. Dates of frost-Light 24th. Dates of Thunderstorms 13, 1 , 21. Prevailing wind Direction S W. Rainfall since Jan. 1st, 18.11 inches, Ciias. S. LfULow, Observer. tb tile New Postmaster To Take Charge in a Few Weeks Mr. Holteu Letson has been appoint ed by President Wilson for the posl ttou of postmaster in this city and the senate has con tit tiled the appointment Mr. Letson has spent his entire life in this city and has proven himself to be capable as well as pleasing and obllg insr. His past experience in the bank amply qualify him for this position, and wo feel confident that the patrons of the olllee will bo ploised over Ills appointment He will assume charge of the oillce in two or tluee weeks. '" In the District Court Fiatik Yctter vs. Addle Kent, pond lug slay, continued for teiiti. Oeoige. W. Hastings vs. Clonics L. Olinstead et al,, pending slay, con tinued for term. 10 Boyd Smith, as e.vectilor of the hist will mid testament of Mary A Smith vs. Vein W. Mlor, petition,' con tinned. John L. Christian vs. Wade Tate, re pleln, continued. Smalt A. Hopkins vs. Robot t Win Hopkins continued for term. Amelia Don- el. al. vs. Anna Fookon ot al , partition, dismissed at plain tilf's cost. Drovers' National Bank vs. Floyd F. Uhiistian and John L. Christian, peti tion, judgment tor plalnlllV for SlSTd and interest. S. F. Baker ,v Co. v. O. M. Hedge an I O D. Hodge, appeal, defendants given leave to inswer lustiititer In the matter of the estate of Cor delia M. Slaw-son, deceasid, appeal, Earl Slawsnii given leave to answer In ten days. R. L' Ovounan s. Lloyd A. Cat pen tor et. al , decree of foreclosure and ordet of sale. Thomas Albert Jones vs. Rosa Fran cis Jones at. til , petition, twenty days given to answer. Charles Minimum vs the Hank of Cowles ot al., petition, thltty days given to answer. . W A Cole, tacelver, vs. J. It Troost et nl., petition, defendant given leave to withdtaw motion and thirty dujs to answer. Lena Relic Keaglo vs. Richard Ken gle, decree of divorce granted, custody of minor children awarded to plaintiff, S300 alimony and 810 por month for support of minor children. Anna K.Gail vs. Mikei Gall, divorce, dismissed at defendant's cost. Mary E. Palmer, et. al. vs Kansas National Loan Co. et. al., petition, do crec quieting title. Hugh B. Hnntor vs. Christian Han sen, et. al., foreclosure, motion heard., special administrator of the estate of Cordelia M. Slawsou deceased, vs. Eat 1 R. Slawsou ot. al , petition, defendants given thirty days i to answer I Dora Weldoman vs. Charles II. Pat ten et. al., petition, sottled and dis missed. Hcrbci t E. Hardwick vs. Joseph Top ham Jr., damage, continued. Guide Rock State Bank vs. Christian Hansen, attachment, hearing had on motion John Hasselbacher vs W. O Terry et. al., quiet title, alias summons )'VNv- .Vs'N v-vWI Mo The Public ! We Ask This Consideration When you are ready to buy your Men's and Boys' Clothing for Fall and Winter we most respectfully urge you to come and see what we can do for you before you buy elsewhere. On account of close times and a i general feeling of unrest we have seen .1 . f 1 I re tne necessity or making special ettorts to buy our goods as cheaply as possible and feel confident that we are in a position to save the clothing buyers of this country a L nice sum of money on their fall purchases. Anyhow, come in and let us talk it over and see what you can see. Fair dealing and courteous treatment assured all and an iron clad guarantee back of everything we sell you. Jhe Qoodefrjaley frothing Qo. Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers ivWW-m 'aAvsAaA awarded for two defondants. Phoebe A.Cook vs. John L. Christ Ian et. al., decree of foreclosure and order of sale, nine mouths stay allow ed . Charles Guy vs. John L. Chtlstlan, decree of foreclosure and order of sale twelve months stay allowed. The State Savings and Loin Associa tion vs. Rila V. Hart, Aiiihow A. Hart et. al., foreclosure, thirty dayst given to file potition and thirty days' given to answer. Henry Voderrecht vs. Leo. C Smith, roplovln, continued. Chicago Lumber Co. vs. Louisa Kr ti ger et al., continued. Minnie Kronlng vs. August Rrosch, demurrer overruled, defendant given ten days to 111c answer. day, October T L t x. . V?IHKHHIflflMBfflMMHFJMHMnflMK!ffEwi IBiBlSMiHH Reliability Every housewife knows the annoyance that comes from reaching for something on the shelf, in the course of preparing a meal, to find that owing to it being of poor quality it has spoiled. You save this annoy ance wnen you ueai wun us. We stand back of our goods. McFarlancTs Sanitary Grocery Stale ot Nebiaska vs. Chas. Llndlej; illegal sale, of intoxicating Iiu,uo!S, nolle prosHqui entered. Stale of Nebtaska vs. Lew Waltois; illegal sale of intoxicating' liquors. nolle pittsequi entered. State of Nebraska rs. Stephen Rrucu; defendant enters plea ol guilty o assault and balteiy, county attotnej recommends minimum sentence, lined H ami costs. btato of Nclnu-ka vs. Nullum Ciucv: art-oil, motion to quash information overruled, defendant pleads not guilty, coot luiied lor tetin, bond Used at 1,1 ooo. -N State of Nebiitska vs. Wm Jelfciic: aisuii, continued to next term, i -eogui.ance of 3.VIUJ ltunlshed witli H E. Riirr as surety. Lola Hilton vs. Josio Nyborg; peti tion, continued. Hannah Etticl l'atkiiison el al vs. Rolin R King in ids owu right and as executor of Sat all A. King, deceased, parli'ion, continued for tetin. I'hilsthin II. Rolling vs. Esther M, Wuullle et. al., Confirmation of sale continued ponding sale. Atthur-F. Schouboe vs. A. E. Lund berg et al , salu coiilltmed and deed ordered. Loia A. Wliittaker vs. Ethel Ellon Whittakor, pending stay, continued for term. John Fussier et. al vs. Hulda Pus sier et. al., sale confirmed, deed order ed, distribution directed. Amboy Milling & Elovutor Co vs Henry C. Harris, petition, continued for term, Kosa Jones va. Oeorgo E. Francis, et. al., petition, continued by consent Rattle N, Glass vs. Helen M. Kitchen decree quieting title. Ulysses G. Martin et. al., vs. Louclla Proctor, et. al., ponding stay, con tinued for torm. Ulysses G. Martin ot. al., vs. Lizzie A. Slmrshel ot. nl., pending stay, con tinued for term. Occidental Building and Loan Asso ciation vs. Stephen A. Ethortnn, et. al. petition in equity, continued for tyirm. Johnson V. Wisectuver s.;Wade KooiiU, petition, various illllngsmade, defendant given stxtyjlays to Hie aus- wer. Clnttles E. Oglvlo vs L. A. Glebo, attachment, continued for term. Francis A. Vance vs. L. A. Globe, attachment, continued for term. The Clark Implement. Co. vs. Wm. E. Wallace et, al.. appeal, demurrer sus tained, plautilf given ten days to file amended petition, ii ah iiiii5iM I k I Aiilwi gS33tt&J&& SK m 31 ul&bes FREE Gold Fish i FREE On Safarda', Oct. 10th ?sS2lcy j' Commencing at 2 O'clock P. M, We Have Just Received 288 Gold Fish and 144 18-oz Globes and Are Going to Give Them Away, as Long as They Last, Absolutely Free'. OUR PROPOSITION IS n 1U I In order to more thoroughly introduce the "Rexall Tooth Paste," we propose with the purchase of one package of Rexall Tooth Paste, worth 25c, to give you two Gold Fish and one 18-oz. Globe, absolutely free, as long as they last. To give everyone an equal chance, we will positively not offer this deal until 2 o'clock, Saturday afternoon. And Remember The Rexall Tooth Paste is not an ordinary Tooth Paste, that is one which appeals just because it tastes good. While Rexall Tooth Paste is not only pleasant to the taste, but it is a superior article, scientifically prepared, containing the best ingredients which tend to correct the conditions causing tooth decay. By its daily use it in sures healthy teeth and gums, which are so essential to general good health. We also wish to state, that we have decided to continue for the month of October our "Profit Sharing Plan' which we advertised September 3rd, which is: With Every One Dollars' Purchase; with the exception ,of cigars and tobacco, we will give you a NEW DIME, worth ten cents any place you want to spend it. . . . '. . 7. H . E. Grice Drug 0. 1 The Rexall Store Red Cloud, Nebraska )imnwww 1 mt m, PWPtffc Tfelny?. m tm uu4,m -j OlWWWM .MMUHW IIJ1n.I..M,l.W" I.!.. &? .tl&, U, :4J. , J,.'.' rr V'J'1"" ifciAV ,'.fct. 'i.AmitAtmi-hmmLii4PMl T i. 4tw Jt-tUii u in i9ft i. iX ( 'vA l!4Mi -rVwUM . ifciJ' M j...., lti"111 ,irrfMilrFF H J i S 5 A t i v ,rH ti i M r ?a ivV. m iii