RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i limn iiimimipTMimwim inniii iinin 1 1 n M-wanraii iiiiiiiiiii m iwBj&vctm7vmxtj,.irmtriKfnra&riuuri?ini,-Uiumaiim - Receipts 70151 lido 10 Dlsbnisetiieiits 018 2tl :f t f I ; h' I V 1 9.-V 1 .' I'l f1!1 ii 1 PI -i - m It & fcb; . VU Kf fi i: 'tU - M in ass OS&.EN.lMi: BAKING POWDER i?y ..nnruww "'i i)nirmvntw;Tr'Um ni" ;! I, ' .- , A 5i -t?Aifc-i ffiiaffliaKffiaazzreaa c THE RED CIOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered In ttiu I'oMolIIre lit Hut ( louil, Net), nn Second Clium Matter A. B. MoAUTIIUH l'UIIMSIIKIt THE ONIiY nKMOt'llATH1 YM'VAl IN vi:nsmi county DEMOCRATIC TICKET Governor Jons II. Moiimii:ai Lieut. Governor James Pi.aiihon Secretary of Stuto. ..(JirAiu.r.s V. Pool. Auditor Public Accounts. . V. II. Sun li Treasurer Oi.oiicik B. Hall Sunt. Public Inst P. M. WiuriciiKAH Attorney General Wim.ih E. Kckd Commissioner Public Lands and llulldlnirs W.m. 1. Eahtiiam Hallway Commissioner.. W. M. Maupi.v Kegcntsof University.. (J. V. Noni.E John E. Mit.i.i:it Congressman Fifth District , A. C. S ALLKSIlElNlEn Couuty Clerk Fiiank Vavimcka Treasurer Uuo W. Tiuni: Sheriff Ias. Hijiiatica County Attorney.... Fiiank J.Munday (Superintendent (lEirrnuin-: L. Coon Coroner Du H Cook Comml-isinnei s . . . . Li:k DeTouu. . . . ....Dlst. fijCiiAs. Dickenson, Olst. 3 Representative Gro. W. Linii.hly ytuto Senator, 20 DIst.-V. L. Vi:u.m:h NORTH WEST JEWELL Dick L'tnjli has gone to Dakota (o see Ills mother. Tlic rain Sunday seemed to be a wul cotno caller. Hoy Shngley fiom lnavale, Nchr., Is visiting bis btotber, dies Shngley. Loch and .Sluini Iliitclilson spent a few da,s nt Wilcox, Nebr., last weok. John Gibb's father uinl mother from Bsbnnnru vUitinu; this week with him. Will Aubushons attended tho fall one day last week at Hidden, Nebraska. MIs'-esMnymoand Johana lludlburgh atleiided teiHiciV meeting at Matikato, Kiis,, Saturday. Mrs. C. C. Hutchison mid family went to Bladen Wednesday, Nebr., via auto to tho fair. ('.minium Sattley came out from Red Cloud to spent! a few days with her daughter, Mrs. I'ngh. Shoemaker's finished thrashing for Aca Dillon las', Thursday and pulled out for home. The thrashing is all over with in these parts for the season. SOUTH 1NAVALE In view of tho fact that Postmaster Hacker has served this community so pleasantly and soelUclontly wo believe that wc could show him our apprecia tion by giving him a farewell banquet. Surely he tins been an cxcellout olll clal, treating everyone with picat kindness and courtesy, and wo respect fully suggest the idea of a banquet or something of that nature to tho proper committee of the Chamber or Commerce. Tho Webster County Fair hold at llladeu last week was a success. Tho exhibits were all good but. the school exhibit and that of the ladles department was far and away the best ever displayed In llladeu The cultural display was fair but not It ought to have been I hoie was uti tibiindaiico of faim product iaied this year In the county and thee should haveben displayed. On the whnlo e.veryon.1 so far as we could learn was especially pleased with this year'b event. A igiist Meyer U quite sick with rh'UiiiHtlsm. A numhfT of our people are petting ready to husk corn. Mrs. liny Mitchell spent Sun lay In Red Cloud visiting relatives Miss Artie IJlckersou was a week end visitor with relatives near Frank lin. Juo. Mitchell is building u new houso on his farm just cast of the river bridge. Theo. Hawkins has completed a lino new barn on his farm on Walnut Creek. Hay Hunsicker uent to Uladen Wed nciday to attend the fair, returning Friday., The Mt. Pleasant Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. Kiiuilnskev last Thurs day afternoon. Isaac Shepardnn of Riverton pur. cimhcd a bunch of cattle from Chas Ilinker this week. Mis Uortlm Whitley loft Saturday night for Oxford to visit with her sisfr, Mrs. Cy Xoriis, T. X. Mlankenliaker and w.lfe and Harry Chaplain and wlte untried to UlHilen, Thuisday to utteiul the fair. Mrs. 'Jutni's Klnkald was called to Rod Cloud HatiuMiiy on account of the soi lous Illness of hei sister, Mis. Nelson. Commissioners' Proceedings Red Cloud, Xeb , Out. 0, lilt I. County boat d of commissioners" met puisuant to adjournment. Members present, vl.: Paul Strey. O. Ohnistede, Floyd MeCall and T. J Chaplin, chairman of said board. The matter of the application to have valuation reduced. No action taken for tho reason that, the board has no iiuthoilty to acton such ques lions except when insisslon as a board of tqualh'.ution. In tho matter of the petition asking that the question "For Township Or ganlatlon" and ''Against Township Organisation" bo submit ted at the general election to be held In Webster county, November . 11)11. Coming on for heailng. Win Wegman appeared mid upon oath testified as to the slg natuies on said petition being legal votcts. Upon examining said petition, we (hid same to be signed by mm u than 2.M) who appear to be qualified eleutoi of Webster county. It is therefoio ordeied that said quest inns be submitted to the voteis of Webster county at tho election to be held in Webster county, Nebraska, Nm ember 3, 1911 The following claims were allowed: E A. Creightun $ 30 5() M. A. Albright 142 135 Mike Kohlor 24 00 Webster County Fair Aaso G94 75 August Lumpman 27 95 Statu Journal Co COS National Roofing Co 15 00 Willis Bowling 8 00 Hliiine K. Moss 128 32 Mrs. Clara Wilson 4 00 Oil Miller 7 00 A. N. Sibera 11 00 John Abhcv 5 0ft WhltBker & Buckles 173 45 Adjourned to Nov. 10th, 1914. Balance Oct. 0, Ml 8 887 57 Electt lo Lluht Levy Fund llalance on hand Sept. (!, '14.. . . iioih No iceeiptsj no disbursements. Ibilanco Oct. 0, '1 1 none Firemen's Fin d Malanco on hand Sept. I, '11... S 17 4!i Receipts 1)0 00 Xo tllsbiiis6'inpul. Uahinco Oct- 0, Ml Judgment Fund Balance on hand Sept. 1,M L . . Xo lecelpts, no disbursements. I'M 15 HOMO Balance Oct. 0, Ml none Recapitulation Occupation Fund 8 02 IlC Water Fund ,. l '.s Water Levy Fund 2 ; General HM Electric- Light Fund i$7 s7 Fii emeu's Fund, 127 1." Total euir, m; Registered Warrants Outstanding. Occupation Fund SI.123 13 Oeneivil Fund 102 o7 Electric Light Levy Fitlid.... 1011 17 Total 8182D 35 S. R. Floranci:, City Treasurer If you seek to endorse the work of the admlnistiatiou, don't bo niggardly about It. A vote for a Demoeratl.j Gov ernor Is good, but a vote for tho Demo cratic ticketis the kind of an endorse ment that President Wilson will not entertain any doubt about. COWLES Aa They Sou It In IlsCook Tho Chief editor was this week re quested bv some of tho leading and most inlluentlal politicians of the county to make the statement that they had sevei al handled dollars, or any portion of the smne, which they would gladly wager with Editor Mat thews of Riverton, or any of his fol lowers, that ho will not land tho United States Maishal plum. They cordially Invite, lb other Matthews, oi any of his fi lends, to ooino down and exhibit some of their sportln blood do thoy possess the same Red Cloud Chief. Tho only pnslbl point that be in favor of Matthews and which might lose tho Red Cloud money, Is tho fact that Matthews Is not well known. McCook Gazette. Democratic Convention Tlio Democrats of the First 'and Second Ward of the City of Red Cloud, will meet in a Mass Convention at tho Chief Olllco on Friday, October 10, at 7:30 p: in., for the nomination of a City Assessor, City Constable and Justice of Pence. Ed Pulsipher and J. A. MoArthur., Committeemen. Stockholders Meeting Tho annual moetlng of the stock holders of the Farmer's Independei t Telephone Company will bo held at the court house in Hod Cloud, Saturday, October 10, 101 1, at 2 o'clock p. in. A full attendance is desired. Dated September 20, 101 1. O. C. Ti:i:l, Secretary, Last Call Take Notice Save trouble and expeuso by clean ing your alleys of all rubbish, manure ami offensive material. ' ' Hi'.Mtv Cook, Health Physician. Oney Abboy waw a Rh1 Cloud visitoi Tuesday attending the political gath ring. , Mr. Hnnlleld of Blue Hill shinned a car of hogs to the river market Wed. nesday. j Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Denton and J Ii W .it son w'etc. transacting business in itud Cloud Tuesday. Morgan Davis goes to Bladen today where ho has an engagement to cleik In the Joe Denton stoio. T. II Honk in, C E. Putnam, Hivvnou Morse and Chas. C. Bennett attended tho funeinl of Samuel W. Foe at Red Cloud Sunday. Mr. Wood and family have moved in fo the Alvln MotUr piopoity in the south pint of town. Mr. Wool Is em ployed by the C H. Seldomiidge elevator. A man from the eastern part ot this state has a car ot line apples on tho ttack here He Is disposing of them fast anil they aiu nearly all gone at this writing. T. II. Deaklu, C C Bannett, Horace Morse, James Saunders, C. K. Putnam ami Rufus Dotphit attended the Mastinlu lodge at Guide Rock Inst week. They all repot t a Hue time. Chas. Reeve who formerly lived out east of Cowlebbut now living up near Alliance came in Monday for a short visit with friends-and relatives. He expects to have a car of sand hill potatoes on the track heie home time during the week. The annual meeting of the Cowlo dlst i let of the Glen wood Telephone Co , was held in hc A. O U W. hall Tues day afternoon. The meeting was some what noted by tho great number that flame out. Tho following otliuors were elected tor the ensuing year: G A. Wells Secretin y, 11, Clreenlmlgh Treas tuer, and J. T. Lacy who was elected director last year holds his olllce for twoyeais. .. FOR RENT A good 5-room noire Hutchison & Saladeti. adv City Council Net Tuesday Night Red Cloud, Oat. G, 1914 The City Council met on Tuecdny evening with three member present and the following business wud tran sacted: The report of S. R. Flnrance wn' read and approved. Tho council ordered walk construct ed in front of lots 4 to 12, blk 1, Rid cliff's add to Red Cloud. City attorney was instructed to prt pare necessary notice to maeHu epecii anacssment against lot 3 to C, blk 3 railroad add. Recomrneudiitiun of City E Mincer t reimliur.'e Rutta Miner for cross walk Where ndj icent pre party is duhcittiri to public UH Tht mutter of repwira on bridge loud ing to the Joe Topham f.trm rt-fcrrec to city engineer. On motion the city decided to pur chase two barrels of crude oil to mk a test of street oiling. Mayor sppninted Stori'v, P.rry an Cuklwell to tl'iitt resolutions on tl death of Councilman Tli" following cluimii were allowe- Gut Zeigler $140 U W. A. Patten 80 0i J us. Elhi-rton..- GT'0ij n. II. Weber 51 3.' VS. It. Florence 171 R- 0. C.Tcol 52 17 OrnntChiisty 05 0( Geo. Clawaon 80 0( Dr. Nicholson DENTIST vg OFI'IOK OVFtl AMIUIOItT'S STORK IS Iliri:ilTON ON MO.MHY , Red Cloud. Nebraska DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud ' ' ' Nebraska E. S. Goo-ber Real Estate. Farm Loans and Insurance. Red Cloud, - Nebraska, iFIRF Frtitik Caw-son Jas. Mc'IiiIokIi . S. II. BogurJ .. Ovei Ing Bros . W. T. tohreiv. J,C. Sloss iVm. Pogg ... . Carl McArlhur li 3 272 K 3 2." 4 IB G 00 3 01 18 7b 18 11 Jas. Peterson 11 W filler Dniij Co Fairbaiks, MnrseC . .. Mier Coul C" Mulone Avery Co City Treasurer's Statement October 0, l!)U. Mayor and City Council, City Red Cloud, Neb: Gentlemen: I submit statement covei Ing receipts and dlsbuisemeuts of my otlice for the period from September 1, 11U4, to October!), 1U11. Occupation Fund Balance-on hand Sept. 1, Ml. . -Oil 00 Receipts t.... none ?!!!: AL4&M is a iin aitfol tblm OF FIFOS fn tl euii.i ullhoiit lustiriiui'C. Kvory time he sees tin engines racing aloiii! hN luMirt come up in lib, tin oat if the lite Is any when near his place What folly, what mis tiilion eeiinoim TtiC COioT OF is so mnt.ll that it INSURANCE tie, d hardly be nonsldoied. The freedom 'fiom won 3 .iluuo is worth H many times ovei Have Us Insure yon today. ;j 2( 2 -2 fZSZ53B&5K,jSW&WtTTS:s- tttttMffOKLt IPBBU7H 'JUK HHHHBHBMliaU Disbursements 0 10 Balance Oct. 0, Ml Water Fund Balance on band Sept. 1, Ml. . Disbursements ll,il;uiu on hand Oct. 0, Mt ...I Water Levy Fund Balunco 011 hand Sept. 1, M !.... Xo receipts, no disbursements. U2 0(1 8 OS 7 .15 1 23 I 17 BU!SjMS7 Wmmmk mKmimMM fllWM ?eS Mv Ml. ohSL, m' M a"p ?r JVV S $ IVE ALSO PRICE OUR REATy-TO-WEAR GAR MENTS RIGHT. TOO. WE DO NOT MARK THEM UP JUST TO MARK! THEM DOWN. BUT MARK THEM DOWM-RIGHT LOW IN THE BEGINNING SO THEY WILL SELL FAST AND MUKE CUSTOMERS FOR US. SEE OUR COATS AND YOU WCL BUY THEM. WEAR THEM AND YOU WILL LIKE THEM AND SEND YOUR FRIENDS TO US. New Goods in All Departments THE MINER BROS. Co. General Merchants "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE The Store That Sells Wooltex III' ...Ij rl 'IT ' I - ." II Ji ' k "Diamond Brand" The Flour With the Quality BIG PREMIUM OFFER We have mode arrangements with theS. L. iGec II. Rogers Company, whereby our customers may obtain' any of the Simeon L. & Geo. II. Rogers Co.'s genuine standard, A-l Plate, silverware at a very low cost. This silverware is positively guaranteed and is now on dis play in the Bon Ton Bakery window. Each 40-lb sack of "Diamond Brand Flour" contains one full certificate. Each 24-lb sack of said flour contains one-half certificate! Three fun certificates together with a small cash 'pay ment, entitles the holder to any one of the various premiums offered. See large display cards. n.ilance Oct. 0, M 1 (leneial Fund llalance Sept. 1, Ml 3 No receipt, no dlaliiirsementB. Balance on hand Oct. 0, 14.... nicotric Uulit Fund Balance on hand Sept. 1, Ml. 2 17 3 53 3 53 704 Br. M (BtOlO QIIKtte AC We Are Looking For The Man Who hnn soiled his olothe. m liadly that, they are not lit to wear. No matter how dirty or greasy the suit may lie we are equipped with tli most modern machinery and have skllkd workmen who Icnntv how to Clean, Repair and Pres Clothes The Diamond 'Billing Go. Kod Cloud, - - Nebraska I ' ' 1 1 I1 1 ' 11 M 1 W.M . , i, ;'-5jasaSEu' 'r?T v J, 'K5as A Main Line H. Q. Bassingef Cleaner and Dyer Both Phones Thro9 Central Wyoming On Octoher 18th the BurlliiKton will iiiuuBuruto throiiKh passenijer train service l.etween Denver nml Bllli.iffsover the new nuilu Him through the lllir Horn Basin-throuKh Cheyenne, Orln .lunctlon, Casper and Thermonolls The estahllshuiont of throiiL'h train service ovr this no m..i 1 ... ' , . ., . , ... ..... "'" ",,D lauroau is historic. It closes one of the last Kreat ureuks In the transportation system of the country and offers for the Urst time to the social, commercial and nRr. cultural activities of WyonUnW and of tho Middle We,t, direct means for Inter course and the exchange of commodities between Northern an 1 Southern WyouiinK-uetweer. tho rich tannine;, live stock, coal and oil regions of the Hie- Horn uas.n, in me .orru, ami ctieyeniie, the State Capital, and Denver the Metropolis of the Koekies on the South.' Tho opnln,r of this new lino should prove BKrcHumiiii to every farmer, stockraisor, and busines. man in Cential and Northern Wyoming " IMn '" NORTHBOUND, the new train will leave Denver at 400 l M nnd arrive at Hilling. 0:20 tho next alternoon; teOlTTHBOUNl), leave llllllnJs 70 A. M. and arrive Denver, lSit the next noon, U wlllcarrv i if"S !"r or c! in each direction tor the ,l,yHKht trip hetween lll,,ffh and Casper, ,nd stand ard sleepers for tho uiirht trip between Cnsper and Denver Lttmeseml you booklets deseilpttve of this new "country, or answer iourspuolllc inquiries about opportunitUs for t,0 fanner and business man S.B. Howard, Aso't. Immigration Agent tOOa Farnam St., Omaha, Nebraska V - S. fll I &,--! ''.lijitfiftiniimiiiiiiiwiiVin-niiiiinin,,, mrMrm -'" " . .i - j ilg!!!?'.1 ":?.: . ;'HilinVitni.i..iiJ ufliT mil