The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 08, 1914, Image 1

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--WW -" jtttgMWe--)! ' ' ' '""
Mr.' vm.?- v rwffw"' "
Vt' " l-f 1VK '
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plcM SocUW
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ijt yv
ir-mag ruMwuui
If You
f P
VERY one of your banking connections
to be a profitable one, returning you the
largest measure o service and accom
modation commensurate with the size
of your deposit, open an account with
us. Interest paid on time deposits.
Deposits Guaranteed by
i' , in
ill' h lu,il!
i n urn
We Handle All Kinds -
"Talk With Us About Your Wants"
Watch idea!
Many people have learned
to consider such, and such a
watch as an ideal time piece.
When -they buy they want
that particular watch.
We don't blame them be
cause ve have watch ideals
too-and ideal watches.
They are the South JBend
and the Hamilton and the
Howard and one or two
others. These we have learn
ed to depend upon these we
buy and sell each year in
greater quantities. And be
fore you make a watch pur
chase we would like to talk
to you about these move
ments. May we?
E. H. Newhouse
Optometrist bud Jeweler.
To Our Subscribers
It will be ft great help to us If those
who uro in arrears wovld call in and
renew your subscription, ns It will
save us the time of sending you a
Mary . Simpson, widow of Nelson
Simpson, has been granted a widow's
(pension of 112.00, per month. Fred
II aurtr was her attorney.
... ,. ... t1
sa j-js.45 -jeur ,,.
o vaievucrannc
State. Guaranty Fund
I U.I I IM ' ' (
The Bushes Are Gone
Lust week thu news was spieud in
Obeiliu tlnit our agent, N. li. Hush,
wus liulilo to be tiuiisfoied to lied
Cloud, Nebraska, to take charge ut the
stntion ut tliut place. Tliu leport
pi oved true and Monday of this week
he whs checked out al Obeilin uud on
Wednesday ho took (.'hinge at lied
We can thiuk of no tatnily leaving
Oboilln in jciu-j that our people hated
so badly to lone us thu Hushes. They
weie tiied and true in every lespeet
As niembeis of the Piesbytutiati
ehuich thoy were luudeis in music,
leudeibln the vuiluus young peoples
oiguiilzitiuus of tlio ehiueh, In thu
piuycr meetings uud other depait
meats of the church work. Mr Liuhh
was one of the otlglniil muinbeis of the
Gospel reuiiiund in additlou to being
one of the most spltittiiil in his work
he was musical diteetor of the organ
ization. As agent ut this place he wus accom
odating, com tuuub uud ulvvays 'ready
to give advice 01 assistance. We have
never heard him give u ui oss wo id or
tidiscom tcous leply to un inquirer. It
is our hopu thut the new agent, who
ever he may be, will 1111 the bill equal
ly lib well but it lb a ten to one chance,
yos, an hundred to ono. Wo feel bufo
in saying that tliu times have been
hundiuds that the writer with Mr. uud
Mrs. Hriish have boon milled upon to
furnish tuublc for suuiu bpeuiul occu
biou and we have never heard a com
plaint or au expression of unwilling
uebb. Tills biime thing is true with
everything with which they had to
deal. While they will he missed in
Oberlin, Red Cloud, Nebraska, will be
the gainers wherein wo lose and be
lieve that thut eity will receive a
moral aud spiritual uplift because of
their presence
The change is a considerable of a
promotlou to Bert In his ohosen field
of action whlob he justly earned in
honest labor and proven efllcieuoy in
looking after the business of the Bur
llngton wherever intrusted to him.
Oberlin Times. v
If IthapfVeatd It is in Tab duur.
Trade at Home and Boost For a
.0 . .,. , . - - . ,'!' r- k. t -
5wa- r - . . 'JaiB.'w: - -- -"- j-'Uinj!
tKir - - - . .idPJLWr.IVV - - - - -aw.-, 5--&-
k Nenspnner That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1,50.
Samuel W. Foe
Is Laid At Rest
Samuel WuUulluld Foe, after a linger
ing llliieis of eveial month-., -pushed
uwny 1'Ylduy morning, Oetobur, Uud.
Mr Foe came to tills eountiy fiotu
Caimdii, with his parents, in 1S7I1 Mis
Iliht homo was in the contrul part of
the county, north of Cowles. Some
time after the building of the railway
into the county, he hecntnc nn em
ployee, uud continued in the railway
beivlo a number of veais. Eventually
he, removed to this cltv, where ho
reared his family.
He boived us deputy sheila under
J. W. Kuuuhey uud J. A. MuArthur.
Ho sciM'd onu tutm us ninyor of this
eity, and Illicit the otllco with eueigy
aud fidelity, and was tildeiiuau of the
Hi st waul ut tho time of his death. A
lortdlng member of the socialist p.uty,
he wus a formidable candidate tor the
leglslatuie on the socialist ticket.
lie was un enthusiastic, zealous
masuu, uud his character and work
weio held iu .high esteem by his
masonic brethren.
Mr. l'oe hud the ability to vylii
filutids leadlly, uud the frleudshlrls
ho inude generully proved to be en
dutlng He whs frankly outspoken in
his lews, yet never made enemies or
aroused untugoulsm by their e.pres
blon. He was born near Pott Hope, On
turlo, Canada, April l!)th, 1833, Htvl
was (II years, .'. months and 111 drtjs old
ut the time of his death. t
lie was the oldest of u family of
nine hi others uud sister", till of whom
except one, weie leslitenti of this
couuty for some time. His brother,
Thornton has Oueu cashier of the Dank
of Cowles a number of years.
He was mm lied to l".ll. ibeth Ilium
n Louisville, Nebiasku, August II,
lS8o, and to this union weio born ile
bonH and one daughter. His wife uud
four sons me left lomouin his death.
Ills daughtMr, Vuuue, pieceded him to
the giave i-eVeral ye irs ngo.
The oldest of his sons, Ralph, was
for many ycais the agent of tho llur
lington at this place. Hvcrton Is time
keeper for the sum coipoiutioii at
Sheiidan Howurd has been enmph
ting a course nt tho unlvi'isity, and
(ilenn Is ut present engaged in tench
lug school.
The funenil scrvieos whro held Sun
d iy afternoon from his home. He v.
Hummel conducting the mi i vices. Tho
masonic brothuihood conducting his
body to the giave, uud poi forming
their impresilve, eeiemonics.
Gov. Morehead
Will Speak Here
Next Tliuisday evening, October lfi,
utS o'clock Governor Moiehead, who la
u candidiitc for re-election on the
Democratic ticket, will nddress I ho
votoisof tho county here. Do sure
and come out uud hear him discuss the
uffrths ot this btato.
Foot Ball Line Up
A Very Strong One
Thu complete line up of tho high
sijliool eleven appears below and is the
one that Is going to win tho Ilepubllcuu
Overleese, left end.
Saladen, left tackle.
ZeUs, left guard.
Pitchier, center.
Perry, right guard.
Wilson, right tackle.
llakerf right end.
Pope, quarter back.
Giger, left half back.
Wackledge, right halt back.v
Polnlcky, full back.
Tomorrow come out and see these
boys trim Superior in that good old
fashioned wajr. i
- ;
Qtorgs VanCanp of Omaha was in
conn tue nrst ot tut week. , v i
'- v-i- -sSP'Cjkfcj,
umiuvjuih inmiiTMUpmwur
''"' mimwinn
School Board
Holds Meetings
Hud Cloud, Sept. t!l, Kill. I
Special meeting of the bounl liultl in
the olllce of l)r Cielghton, 1'iesldcnt
Gilliam piesldlug. Members ptoscnt
llhickledge, Coon, Cielghton, N eesuer,
Moied and seconded that the board
no longer sanction night class picuics
or parties and that each grade bo al
lowed one party during the school year
to be held during school time. Motion
can led.
Moved and seconded that all presents,
gifts or tokens between teucheis und
pupils tie not allowed. Motion carried
Moed aud seconded to adjourn.
Motion carried.
H. .1 OVKiiiKii, .In., Secretary.
lied Cloud, Oct .1, Kill.
Hegular meeting of thu board held
iu Washington building 1'ius. Ilemy
(Jllham ptcsldmg.
Members pioseiit Cielghton, Coon,
Wuesner, Ovei lug.
MiuuHs of lust meeting read and up i
ptoved as read.
Superintendent gave monthly report
und reported Vl'2 enrolled iu the high
A. W. Sherman appealed before thu
board aud stated that he could upt
build walk on agricultural farm for,
tlin r.,'1..,. nt CUTi (0
Moved aud seconded that board per
mit Mr, Sherman to withdraw his bid.
Motion catried.
Moved uud .seconded that Secretary
ask for leblds on sidewalk on agricul
tural fat in to be tecelvedby noon, Mon
day, October l'Jth. Motion carried.
Moved and seconded thut business
men be notified to present their bills
every month. Motion cuirled.
Moved uud seconded thut thu Secre
tary be Instructed to notify pool hull
owners toiuludc Illinois fiom their
places of business. Motion carried
The following bills wore prcsunted:
Aini'ilcan Hook Co., S ll.ti'l
Au'iis , 8.h0
H. 1. (irlcu Drug Co lll.Oo
O.C.Teel Ut.lU
UoySattloyT .'l.iiu
Clias. i:. Men 111 :).'iil
IbnidMcNally 81J
Gluu .tCo t '22 IS
Underwood Tpyowtlter Co., 7 70
Scott Formaii !),00
O. I. Brown - 2 12
W. M. WeWi Mg. Co 78 US
A. Fliinagun A Co 2110
Sllvor Buulett Co 27.03
I'eubody Seat Co , lft. 15
University I'ub. Co., 10.20
Nebiasku School Supply Hoiuu. 10 2r
Morhart Ilros., 40.111
M. A. Albright IlO.'i
PJutt As Fiees ,.. ..'. 270.00
Moved und sucoudud that thu above
olainiH be allowed, Motion carried
Moved uud secon led to adjourn.
Motion carried.
K. J. Ovriiino, Jr., Soorctiiry.
Caucus Calls
Kcd Cloud Township
The Demooratic voteis of Ked Cloud
township will hold a caucus Ht the
Hod Cloud Chief olllce, Saturday after
noon, Oct 10th, ut 2 o'clock, for the
purpose of nominating u township
tlckot consisting of a Roud Overseer,
Assessor, Constable und Justice of
Peace. - Joe Chow, Committeeman.
Pleasant Hill Township
The Democratlo voteis of Ploasant
Hill precinct will hold a caucus ut thu
Pleasant Hill school house ut .o'clock
Friday evening, Oct. 0th., for the pur
pose of nominating a Road Overseer,
Assessor, Constable and Justice of
I'eacc Fakd Union r, Committeeman.
For Sale
Two and one halt acres of land with
good eight room house, twojood chick
en houses, wash bouse, coal bouse and
a good well, Everything first class
shape. Will sell at a bargain or trade
orstock.-Inqulre here or phone Ind.
No. 81.
Bigger and Better Red Cloud
rau'nwiuiamxnnwniiuwMi'iivmu ihmiwiih
Sj ,,!
Ileal Overcoats
New Fall Hats
IVlaekinaui Goats
GSiESSKHESn 2232222223 nfi3S33E30S
Haas - m
Oar Fall Stock of Rugs
Are Now in Ready Fot
Your inspection. p
We Have the Largest
Line We Ever Bought
Having purchased these Rugs before
any advance in price we can give you
the benefit. Come in and let us show
you thejlargest line of Rugs in the city,
in all the new patterns. We have them
in all grades.
fl Licneed Embalmer and Furniture Dealtr. C
a Tftli lie rAn FlftTTIPTlfA TAt) iltiTllT'f BMif
. . 1 fl I UJ fUll MillldllU UUD TlllllllllU .
iI'?J,'it,.l ...
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