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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1914)
lSawwftU A RED CLOUD, NEBr4ska ch an .uiuA-l'i mumwiiii'i T$f"vjnt&6latti& IE P Winn iiiMiiii urr7i'ttjUMmKTWT7'jwuwwi.wvrt.nt,ri,iiijvKLiiaKrnmruiizmxMttrtjir t-i. w ,. Kt. m in 1 a "" . . & ( ftCliC -Lk- A.Sl If It's In Style We Have It We Have It if ' It's In Style V 8 8 W? o$ ? I '' im mj -- - PMi , - - t x-Lk: - Our lines combine correct styles with more than moder ate prices, makes our line of groat importance to women interested in dress. Our tfar ,ments must give satisfaction, and they do. This is why our sales increase. STYLE, QUALITY and LOW PRICES Barbara Phares A (fun t For Auieiieiui Henuty mid Wnriicr Hros. Cutsets and SOUTH INAVALE Mrs 11 Cotilson wn-j on the sick lint liixl wucli. Cul ltiuld Iiiih juSt crtinpleti il u liuw cement cellur. "JJ Cut roll Noblrt mid wlriittondt'd tliu fuir nt Nelson lust week. Hurry mid Con. Wliltolcy tctuiiioiJ 'ioiiio fiotn Nelson Siiiidiiy. VV, M I'oln'H win ttani o'lng linil Hi st ill lied ( loud MdiiiIh.v, 10 Curler mid faintly weie Kilo's- at the Clyde Mitchell home Sunday. A I vn ytotiei' and family spent bun iliij at ilia Wlllu'i IVtoisoii home. Llojd Kiuuiiil, has lceii IiiiUh III the past ci-l(, b I" U ntpoi toil bittoi at lliis writing'. Mis DicUeisou lutimiud liomu last woelt fiom the uoi til part of llio state where film had visited loliitlvo-i. Mis Al'iieson of Kim) Cloud hpent last week with her datitfhtcr, Mis. H b1 Points mid helped care forthellttk twins who have been vuiy hick for the past two weeks. Quite h number from this vicinity attended the social at tho M. 10. church at Iuuvale. Monday night y I veil in honor of In dopnitliijr, minister Itcv. Smith and wife MlssCleo Willnint cntoitalned the following jjuests at dinner last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Uio. Sheldon, Everett ami Nora Mitchell, Mabel and Harold liiinily. Lola and Letlia Ildiioicker and Uonnie lilankeiibaker. Big Popular Voting Contest Hundreds, of Dollars in Valuable Prizes Given Absolutely Free by Cook's Pharmacy and The Red Cloud Chief. From October 3rd to 10th: 1000 Votes to the Dollar on Any Purchase Weed Clubs Teachers form the school children In to Weed Clubs. Now N tho time Jo make a study of weeds and consider meanr. for Ion. An actlv Intel est in destroying weeds by Hie school child ran of the district will mi doitbubly prove benciiclal to Nclrasln Agriculture. T. W. White rni'Ossle Candiilatc For Shodir ol Welo.ter County. , I favor enti iveui' n of the 1 (jum law-, and if elecuil 1 uiiuruntee t I'oiitribulc l"0.tiO per year ! a fi Hi t lH tleil till' lllHt pll' !"'''. CO Millions II V 'X ilaillCil 111 It l) OVIlllH l-MIl I I this paper. iwlv 9 s ;Q3A" vS3"S3 h n h fiSlf Ik Gar With a Conscience p? S'l'AH A PY-The Oakland Motor Car Company made Its first car fu 1007. So the Company l in its eighth manufacturing year. Wo ha vu followed the progress of the Industry and lu micchsIoii have made two four and h'x cylinder cats Wo built les than .'100 cars In 1H07. In Id'.'! we pimltiui'd over S,()00 cirv Consistent projre-s like this c in tijehti but one thing that our fouiulHtlon we have built permanently Hinl for ull time. Constant growth liko this mean, a hot of satisfied owners Owners who Inivs told others that tho Oakland Is u pood car. For 191 lw offer u line of beautiful and dependable oars. that are good to look at anil cars that are nuicliaiileally true. Cars that are made to satisfy the most critical owner. lu)ur and six cyllud.M' models. Open and closed bodies. Many types Sll.'O to 82COO, fully equipped, f. o. b Pontiac, Michigan. Wm. Prevost, Red Cloud fl'W MIP1 l'" 'iii 'i ii I - tfeSv-Ssyv; Nebraska '65vva8SaA ,' 'i,ilT'i I HI nil I' il I' I '" ', 111 vS3SvS3'NSSv SS " -SSSvciS vS3nT OT.1 Wc are gl vim; away, absolutely free, hiindieds of dnllm, In valiialile privs to the ladles uiMcring our voting con test. Kvoryoue has the privilege of enter lug this contest and we feel sure that the ones securing the pilzes will be well paid fot their time, so come lu. let us show you our piizes,andeX lain 'lie contest more ftillv, and you iiiluht He the lucky one at the close. The only way to secure votes In thl foutest Is by purchasing things lu the Uoolc Pliarmaoy or by getting sub scilbcis for The Red Cloud Chief. Votes will be Klven at the rate of t()0 to the dollar on n gular cash sales or collections. WW voles to the dollar on the sale of duo bills. 1000 volts to the dollar on special sales. 1.VJ0 votes for one yearly subset ipt Ion to The tied Cloud Chief. ' Contestants will please turn in their, votes for credit on Tuesday of each week. Standing of Contestants to Date, 3 , t r o 7 8 10 11 112 13 11 15 10 17 v-- ''sd-i- .. ''"J vm- 5.1MM) A92:ri S07.r ftO:U5 57105 18(105 501105 ! 12720 lOttlS niaio 50700 51515 niii7' 4S1I15 11 UM 11055 UllOO 0 1 .1 Si , Jl ','5 21) 27 US 211 :io :tt 32 :i:t 31 : :tii 37 33 ; 10 u 12 i:t it i5 10 17 18 i GO 51 is : s""i ll 52 511 51 55 5G 57 58 09 rfO 01 02 Oil 01 t!5 SllOO'cC 557l0 11800 17010 100 10 4.131ft 5.121.1 r:t:.oo 47483 a7170 .'1705.1 45720 .'MSitt 2218a :i230 :i7ioo 57:115 .11770 3 100.1 .'tsuin 3 IU00 2702.1 5.1S70 21:110 .10:13.1 27115 20J30 SS'JOO 43:tl0 27000 40000 3100.1 47175 41100 53835 4772.1 47270 54250 35120 22710 48080 110105 4l7ti5 30010 52725 43715 02125 1.1510 lVjSi!Hi.r 3.U".B1M11. Statimunt o( iheowiioiship anil ulauuve 1111 111 ol ittil I'loml ( liluf. iih tier act (il ( uu i?ri'H AumiHt z, Uli. I.dlliii', :uinliiw ivlllor, iiiinliu-is M iinindr, I'lihllslicr and (Jiwur, . II. Me Vrlliur. Kid Cloud. .Nehr. sworn lo .mil sSTllutl I'lfnit 1110 tli luili day ol s-upti-uibu , l.l 1. js. It I'i.oii n i . ui,il ) Nuiary I'utill . PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. THREE. TI10 follanliiK pioposrd amendniLtit to 'I'ti coiiMtiitition of tlin Suit of Xebr.isaii, is he. ell .ifti r ht-t. fuitn In full, Is aulwnit- d id , i .- c. .if ihi. rtitii of Nt m. to liu vo.c. upon .it the ,!. rat elto- Jiiii to lio held TiK.jd.iy, Ncmbor 3rd, A. I). 11)14. "l-'Clt n J hit rPHolntlim propnstns nsnonil iiKnta to tieutlan 1. or Altlcle V, .mil S etlaii Bti ot .iit-Hcla V. of thu Constl tiujon of iclnthiK to arm or oil oe and mlaiy of tiovonior and othur L-M'l-'itlW O'l'CC'H. 3d It l;ei.lcil tnd rinaetod by tin; l'eople (f tho ht.ite of Xelrik.i: Section 1. That at uu- eiidial (lection ftr -lite ni-il legislative othe. .1, lo be In Id in tho Tin Ml ly suevpcdlni: tliu Oist ton ,'tiv In N-jvuinbor. liiU, tho follow Ins bo Huhiulttcd as aniendiiKno to rit-itijna 1 and :M of Article V, of the Coii-Uliution of Nebraska: Sec. 1. Tho evpcutlvo department shall coiihInI of n Governor, who sliall hold his olllco for a tt-ini of two ira fiom the Hist Thinmliy arter tho Hist 'liiid.iy In January, next arter his oh-o-tloa. and until his nuccc-wor la elected and iiialirii-d. la addition to the Oovernor, tho executive department! Inoludo the followlni; ollleeis: l.lontemint (Jovernor. rieciet.iry or State. Auditor of Public Ao rounts. Treasurer, Siipnrlntendent of Tub He Instruction. Attorney dont-ral. and CommlHsloner of rnbllc Land and llulld Inun. .irli of whom shall hold lllti Olllco for the term of two years from tho llrst after the flist Tuchilay In Janu ary, next after his e!i etlon, and until his HiiocefHor Is elided and im!lhed; Pro vided, however, that the. Hist election of wald olllecrs shall be held on the Tuesday Kiicceodlnfi; tho llrit Jlonday In November, tali!, anil each sueceedlnu election shall ho held at tho s.inia relitlvo tlino In each even year thereafter. Tho Oovernor, hoc retury of State. Auditor of Public Ac count, and Treasuier shall reside at the bout of Kovernnient ilnrlnw their tonus of oltlee, nml Keep tho public icconlH, books and p.ipeis there, and almllj perform such duties as 1n.1v bo eiiulied by law. Ssc. CI. Tho silary of tho Governor shall be live thousand ($3,000.00) dollars pi r annum The sil.irles of Amlltor of Public nee units and .Secretary of State, riuporlntomleut of Public Instruction and t'ormn: h winir nr i'umiic uini h anil uu in !r-s shall be two Thousand llvo hundred S.V'fm.i T) ilollnis each per annum, and of tho Attorney General, four thousand dol lars ($4,000.00) per minimi, the salary of the State Treasurer shall bo three thou sind i $3, 000. 00) dollars per annum, and tho Lieutenant Governor shall receive ono and one-half the compensation of 11 senator, and nfter tho adoption of this constitu tion they shall not rccclvo to their own use anv fees, costs. Interests upon public moneys In their hands, or under" their con- 1101, perquisites or onice nr outer ci-m-pensatlnn. and all fees that may hereafter be payable by law for services performed bv an otllcer provided for In this article of tho conslltutloa shnll bo pild In ad vnnco Into tho stato treasury. Ther shall bo no allownnco for cleik hire In tho of fices of the Superintendent of Public In stillation nnd Attorney General. Her. 9. Tlmt nt R.ild plectlon on the Tuesday succeeding tho first Monday In November. 1914, on tho ballot of each elector voting thereat, tln-ro shall be printed or wiltten tho words: "For pro poped nmendmonts to the constitution. tlxhiK tho term of olllco and salary for governor, and other executive olllecrs, and "Atralnst pro-msed aniendmentH to the constitution. IIxIiik tho term of oltlee and salary for irovemor, and other execu tive oiucers, I . .- Wffin F. lewis Steele Cempany . . . ONE WEEK f rraf -msm M y iiihiMV X LILLIAN HAMPTON 8 ! S S s s s NORTH BRANCH Unole Joe Kullit is very hick. Ttieltna Parker nnd Mrs. Jno. Frlnitor are on the bk-k Hot. Will Pierce ami family came In last week via automobile from Colorado to visit frlouils and relatives, Word comes from Guide Rock that John Kinney Is very low. Ills (laugh ier, Mrs. Luther Hadley of this place ie at his bed side. Ivan Tegley nnd Stevo Jones have traded farms. Alvln ami Lena Georgo former resi dents of these nails are hero from Texas visiting relatives nnd friends. Alvln occupied the Friends pulpit Sun day. The Grean olan held a reunion last Sunday at the home of Weldeu Oreen east of here. Cattle sold pretty high at M, M. Snyder's sale last Thursday. Mrs. Jos. Knight's brother Albert Hodgeus and wife are here. Antirnvn.l Anrll 21. 1!)1S. I. Addison Walt. Secretary of State, of tho State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the forcKoInK proposed amendment to tho Conitltutlon of tho Stato of Ne braska Is a truo and correct cony of the orlitln il enrolled and enrs,si oiu. us passed by tho Thlrtv-thlrd session of the l.CKlnl.ituro of tho Statu of Nebraska, as appeals fiom said bill on Ilia In this olllco, and that said proposed amend ment Is submitted to tho mialtflod vntors of tho Stato of Nebraska for their adop tion or rejection at the kciukU election to bo held on Tuehday, tliu 3rd day of November, A. D. 11)11. In Tpatlmnnv Whereof. I have hereunto set my hand nnd alllxed the Great Boat of the State of Nebraska, Done at Lincoln, this 23rd day of March. In tho year of our Lord. One Thousand Nine Hundred nnd Fourteen, and of the Independence of the United Slates the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of this State the Forty-seventh. ADDISON WAIT. (Soal) Secretary of State. s s s s In their Rain-proof 3 Tent Theatre fl ; The Largest and Most Complete Canvass Theatre in the Middle West Carrying Their Own Electric Light Plant Opening Play "The Call of The Woods" A Sensational Political Comedy Drama Change of Play and Specialties Each Night Tent:--South of Hansen Laundry PRICES Adults 35c; Children 25c; Adults Season Tickets $1.50--Children's $1.00 CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska Second House North o! I. O. 0. F. Hall -O Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free ' o PImk M.212. E. S. Geo-ber lleul Estate, Farm Loans iiutl Insurance. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. DR. DEARDORF VKTKKIMARY 9UKQCON Oruduuto Chicago Veterluary College TWELVK YKAIIS KXPKltlKNCE AT BAILEY'S TIE BARN xmCl9u -t' Nbwkm Dr. Nicholson DENTIST v OFFICK bvi'B Al.llKIOIIT'S HTOUK is uivi:nro. ox Monday Red Cloud, DR. CHAS. E. CROSS oKMTimr VER STATE BANK Red ClOMd Nebraska Nebraska i m i . :S ii .a A V JX-V; ' - I -I x li If j - . - ' If mmmmmwmm