The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 01, 1914, Image 4
'1WW W.H'WWWMWHI IT u I 1 i .nrri jaiMito.faim,to'tauA.axft', nnwwttMfajS!S5!BLSSSjf nfrarf.MfrM.'HWITJli IK. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF m its- m 4J" 1 M V I ! '! if & i r I ! I Protect Your Food There is no alum in Dr. Price's ' Cream Baking Powder. The names of its ingredients, printed on the label of every can, show it to be made from Cream of Tartar, which comes from grapes. No alum bak ing powder or food containing alum is permitted to be sold in England. . To civoid alum read the label and use only , - KJ mwnp.f MljvJu..; 1 M m At? M mwti TP. IM. Ul I MUG Made from Cream of Tartar No Alum THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebrnakn. 'UllLlSUJsJU EVERY THURSDAY Entered In ttio I'oRtolllce nt Hcl cloud, Neb. aa Second Clans Matter A. B. MuAKTHUIt 1'UUMSIlKlt THE ONLY I)i:.MOUltAT1U PAP nil IN WKIlHTlUt COUNTY gets his mill. .Turning from his write nps, mid apparent knowledge if cer-t-.iln Wet stv entu.ty men, wo mo hi- Icim-dtii believe thnt hh mull must read Webster Instead of Franklin county, notwithstanding the fact that his paper is published atlllverton, and ho lays claim to being a citizen of Franklin county. DEMOCRATIC TICKET men of the democratic brand, who will (rive the county a clean administra tion and who would not expect when onco placed in otllce that they aie put there for life. Governor .Ions H. Moui:iu:ad Limit. Governor Ja,mes l?i:.nsoN Secretary of State.. .Cii.vm.Krt V. I'ooi, Auditor Public Accounts.. W, M. Smith Treasurer ..Gi.oiiok W. Halo Supt. l'ubllu In-st 1' iM. WtiiTUlIiiAl) Attorney General Willis U. KEi:i Coinmlssioner Public l.uuds mid Hulldlngs Wm. II. TOahtiiam ltHllvviiy Commissioner. .W. M. Mai'piv Regents of UnlU)rslty..G. W. Nom.K John K. Mii.i.kii Congressman Fifth District , A. C. UALLKNIlKIHlKn County Clerk Fiiank Vaviiicka Treasurer Geo W. Titixi: Sborlir .Ias. Ht'llATKA County Attorney.... Fiiank J. Mund.u Superintendent Gehtrdhi: L. Coon Coroner Dit II Cook Commissioners..., Lit. DbTuur ... ....Dist. r;CnAs. Uioki:nmn, Dlst. .1 lti;prescntatlvi Gr.o. W. Kindsey State Senator, 20 Dlst.-V. L. Vki::m;ii The Democratic stato ticket Is do serving you support at tho election in .November,' Mr- Voter, as the enudl Vlates are a good, clean elabs of men, who are capable of handling the alTiilis of t ho Htate in a business lllie manner. They are men who belong to no cor poration or cliq'io of mini, and If elected cull be relied upon to give the people of the state a squ ive deal. Wc notice several streets in the olty need to be flxd up before cold woath er. A little money judiciously used would put these streets In pood condl tlon for the winter and at the same time would enable them to propel ly care for the lain that will come In the spiiug. Tho Chlyf editor was this week ie quoted by some of the leading and most Inlluentlal politicians of the county to make tho statement that they had several hundred dollais, or any portion of tho same, which they would gladly wager will) Hdltor Matthews, of ,Rlverton, or any of his followers, that he will not land the United States Marshal plum. They cordially Invite Ilrother Matthews', or any of his friends, to come down and exhibit some of their sporting blood do they possess the same The entire Democratic county ticket is deserving of your vote at the com ing election as tho candidates are from all parts of tho couuty, are n good, clean class of men who are In every way fitted tins olllco to which they aspire. Most of the men hnvo nevi r bold olllco before, and would, no doubt feel sulllciently houored, were thej permitted to lender the county faith ful s'Tvice for but one tei m, and we feel safe in making the statement thai there Is not a nun on I lie entire tlokel who would ask for, or even expect, mote than two tonus. Since the yeai 1014 finds Wob.sUr county the proud posst s-or of a new court house, let. us dedicate the same with new oillelals ROSEMONT Mr. .1 Kenning Is on the sick list. IlC Wright lost n huge horo .Sun day. Uurl Shis was on the sMi list .Mon day. Hoy nud Volla Wright wore in Hast lugs Friday. Mrs. Schultz visited at the J. K Cowel home Sunday. H. Iv. Haas, wife and family visited Charley Stroh Sunday. A baby girl was born to Mr: nud Mrs. F. Hat ton Monday. It. II. Allen has leturned fiom a visit with relatives In lltluoi- Rov. Lobaugh of Kosedale was a Ilnscmont visitor Monday. A. IKrause and wife and E. llo'v aid autoed to Hastings Friday. Harrlsoii Auterbmn and family epent Saturday with A. F, Krtnibc. Quite a few. people attended the show in H.-i-tlngs Monday evening. C.IIubhard, wife and son, visited the former's mother, Mis. (5eo. Henderson Friday. Mrs. Krause and ton Ami), C. Slum and wife of Shlckley, visited A. F Kruitu Sunday. HiiHio Uobinson has returned from a few days visit wllli his father lit Alliance, Nebr. Have You Heard It? "Tho Shepheid'B Call" ut the Opein House, October '2nd, for one night only Tho l'errj'n beautiful four actpastoiial drama. Cariylng special scenery and effects for each act. Winter hi Mon tana when the snow Hies thick you will see the oldshepheid lounding up ills Hock, and searching for the ones that arc out of the fold. Those Hint arc lu i he fold don't need his care, its those that arc out on the hills astray. The country schoolroom scene Is without a doubt the funniest act ever written This play was written to please everj theatre goor. Plenty of good, clean acting, and plenty of good clean comedy. Remember The Perry's gijar antee your money's worth or youi money hack. Sents.on sale now Cue, 3oo and 2)U we can crrr you WITH SHOES AND HOSE v;e cftN surr you with shoes because we CftfiRY THE RIGHT STYLES. OUR SHOES FEEL GOOD, TOO. WHY? - BECAUSE WE BUY SLIM LftSTSI FOR SLIM FEET AND BROAD. COMFORT ABLE BLASTS i FOR 1BROAD FEET. OUR SHOES WEAR. SO DO OUR HOSE WEAR. BUY THEM. TRY THEM. AND YOU'LL COME AGAIN FOR THEM. Dr. J. C- Caldwell PHYSlCIAdN&SURCF.ON Calls Answered Day or Night THE MINER BROS. Co. General Merchants "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE The Store That Sells Wooltex Olllco Telnlionrs: Hell. Ml: I ml. 1.7). lies. I'lluplioiics: IK II, llitl -JTl; lixl.l.V). Or lire Over Iti. A- AlhrUtU's tor: Red Cioudi b- Nebraska Mr. Floyd McCall has denionslrated his ability to conduct the affairs of his olllco hi n business like manner. As County Commissioner appointed to I'll a vacancy ho has inadi good. He was born in this county and has lived practically all his life in Walnut Crick township. As n cindldate for election to tho otllce of county commlsloneron tho ii publican ticket he comes I ofore the voters with a clean record both pri vate anil public. Ho Is careful In the Afioi- r..mlliiLr tlm Rlv.ulmi Urn-lew ' o.vnend Iture of nubile funds yet lie " I ' the past few weeks we cannot refrain does not hesitate to perform his duty Irom wondering where Cecil Matthews when work is necessary to bo done, adv Tho prohibition-republic in papers are making considerable fuss because (5ovorior Morehead has 817,000 state patiouage In publishing constitutional amendments to give out toncwspapois and Inferring that lie is buying news paper support therewith, says the Lincoln Herald. These fellows are as dishonest as they nie noisy. Two yeais ago Governor Aldiich had f.10, OOOof Hie siiino kind of patronage to give out and he did not cuull e it to republican newspapers. He gae some of it to papeis that claim to b demo- I crat, and it did actually bribe them into Hiippuittnz Aldricli and trjing to t'irow mud at Morehead. Goveinoi Morehead has eoiillned s patronagi ao democratic newspapers Why can not you lellows be honest, or is it foreign to your make up? tF I R C,- JTs" Mi I i Hmiin.nvi""'! H I "Diamond Brand" I i THS ALAHM Is adieatltul tliirn.' Of FIRE for the man without uisuiance. Every time he spes tlie engines racing along his liart comes up lu his throat it tho tire is anywheie near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COST OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly b. considered. The freedom from worij ilono is worth it many times over Have Us insuie you to-day. ma a 9 Reliable Insurance. QUALITY ON THIS WE HAVE BUILT OUR PRESENT BUSINESS WHEN wc began our business career in in Red Clout we took as our motto the one word Quality and we believe all our patrons will au'ree with us that it has truly been our slouan all this time. Our reputation for h'mh-grado Groceries is well known. We, are fully prepared to supply all your wants in our line P. A. Wullbrandt THE HOME GROCERY There la cousldeiable talk about a creamery at the present time and we trust that it will not all be talk. Whether the institution in mind final ly locates hcie or not it is very evident that a creamery is an excellent thing for any community. It will pay more money for cream and pay cash. A good dairy cow is n profitable animal if one can get a fair price for oream The o.iuiitrr surrounding this city is well adopted to dairy purposes find we see no reason why this industry should not be developed. Just because the present creamery has nut been a suc cess is no reason why another one should uot be since creameiiesaie suo ce-sfully conducted on nil sides of us. With tho right kind of management nnd the proper oquippinont it creamery in this city would mean a good many thousands of dollirs for tho funnel s wit hin the territory. The time is op portune nnd we bollevo the people ore ready. The Floor With the Quality BIG PREMIUM OFFER We have mode arrangements with theS. L. -1 Geo. H. Rogers Company, whereby o,ur customers may obtain any pf the Simeon L. & Geo. H. Rogers Co.'s genuine standard, A-l Plate, silverware at a very low cost. This silverware is positively guaranteed and is now on dis play in the Bon Ton Bakery window. Each 48-lb sack of "Diamond Brand Flour" contains one full certificate, Each 21-lb sack of said flour contains one-half certificate, Three full certificates together with a small cash pay ment, entitles the holder to any one of the various premiums offered. See large display cards. ty The Diamond fiilling to. Red Cloud, Nebraska u v (BlS10OllltUACa We Are Looking For The Man Who has soiled his clothes so badly that they are not tit to wear. No matter how dirty or greasy the suit may be we are (-quipped with the most modern machinery and have skllkd workmen who know how to Clean, Repair and Press Clothes I have the best rate in the county on farm loans, See me and be convinced My motto prompt service. G. Hassinger Cleaner and Dyer Both Phonas A Main Line Thro' Central Wyoming On October 18th tLo Darlington will Inaugurnto through passenger train service between Dor.ver and Dillingsover the now main line through the Ulg Horn Dasin through Cheyenne, Orin Junction, Casper Bnd Tliormopolis. Tho establishing of through train service over this new main lino of railroad Is historic. It closes one of the last great bleaks lu the transportation system of the ountry, and offers for the first time to 'the social, commercial nnd agri ciltural activities of Wyoming and of the Middle West, direct means for inter course and the exchange of commodities between Northern nni Southern Wyoining-betweer. the rich farming, live stock, coal and oil regions of the lllg Horn D.isln, In the North, and Cheyenue, the State Capital, and Denver, the Metropolis of the Rockies on tho South. Thp opening of this new lino should prove a great stimulus to p'very fanner, stockrnlsor, and business man in Ueiitnu nnu ixortnorn Wyoming. . NOUTHHOUM), the now train will lenve Denvor at 4:00 I'. M nnd arrive at Hillings, (i:2o the next aftornooiij SOUTIIDoUND, leave Hillings 7-H0 A. M, and arrive Denver, 13:fCt the next nooii. Itwillcairv a cafe-parlor car in each fliiectloii for the day light trip between Hillings and Casper, and stand aid sleepms for the night trip botwoen Casper and Denver. L.-tii.e send you booklets descriptive of this new 'country, or answer yourspecltlc inquiries ahout opportunities for tho farmer and business man. S.B. Howard, Ass't. Immigration Agent t004 Far nam St., Omaha, Nebraska li A. T. Wai.kkh, r& i T-y"-i Kmnf Wrrv. 1, If