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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1914)
V jwp&3Xrtji&tobal&LJ, , I. JMMMhXa "f4. 5t-te h y hVotcft SofUtJ 'lC. ! SbA. T . j- -Av j('! kr. S tOTili.. - ?- rirj -: -. VOLTJME I J ISMIIIiHI i , I I'll,, 'I ,1 'IjVUI III iit-i,! II 11 . r ii, i i t .. i. ii ' ill I . r ji Ml Deposits Guaranteed by 1 If You Desire 1 fig A m c- i I f E 1 MIHUMMMUrtMMNil WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITAL friii.-.OOO KR. FARMER-- Hqvc you provided your self with a proper place to keep your corn? Are your Grain Bins in good condition? Do you know that wo offer Jor sale the best Crib and Din Material on the market. "And Our Prices Are Right" THE MALONE-AVERY CO. "Talk With Us About Your Wants" Your Watch Ideal Many people have learned to consider such, and such a watch as an ideal time piece. When they buy they want that particular watch. "We don't blame them be cause we have watch ideals too and ideal watches. They are the South Bend and the Hamilton and the Howard and one or two others. These we have learn ed to depend upon these we buy and sell each year in greater quantities. And be fore you make a watch pur chase we would like to talk to you about these move ments. May we? E. H. Newhonse Optometrist and Jeweler. To Our Subscribers It will be h KiVHt help to us it those who are In tirreui'b wovlil call in and renew your subscription, us it will save us the time of sciuliug- you n stHtemout. Dr. Warrick, The Specialist, will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients , and those needing glasses fitted at Dr. Damerell's office in Bed 4' loud, Tues day, October flttj. A . Damerell's office In Red 4' loud, Tues-1 Sheridan, Wyoming, tone at the bed IFWW'K'! i" '?'" 'r""'ff'11!!l iKI. VERY one of your banking connections to be a profitable one. returning you the largest measure of service and accom modation commensurate with the size of your deposit, open an account with us. Interest paid on time deposits. ZU m State Guaranty Fund - -a i M, Report of the Condition of mi: Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEBRASHA. Charter No. 1019, Incorporated In the State ol Xchrnxkn, nt tlio close o( business bepttm- btr 21,11)14. ItKSOUHCbS: I.outiH nnil nihcouiits . , fcBO.'Wl.G.! (mnlraltH, stcuiut tuiri unsecured... 81.71 I urulliiru mid fixtures : .......... 1,500.00 Current expenses mul tuxes paid .... lw.MH Duo from national and Mate banks fcJMUi) 01) Checks und Items of exchange IB.") 02 Uurreuey 1.J1I.00 hllir, iilikeUnud cents ... 1'JiU Total i ash on hand ....... UH.TJI.S8 'lotal Slll.W.yj maiiii.iiiks: Capital stock paid u g-25,000.00 .Surplus fund . ....... ........ 4,000.00 Undh Idtd proilts ...... i,83.i.'JU Indh Idual dc)oslts subject to check .. G7,17l.t llinecortltlcatcsofdoposlt 2-J.M7.4J Total Dopostts "a.712.28 Depositors' guaranty fund . .. 77'J.lj Total 8 111, 17.0!) STATIC OF NKIIKAHKA, I Ka County of Webster. I, S3. It. Fi.oitANCK, cashier of tho aloo iiatucd bank, do hereby swear that thottboo statement Is a correct and true copy of tlio report made to thoStato Ranking Hoard. H. It. ri-OUANCK, attkst: ' Cashier. II. r. Mi7un, Director. C.J. I'oi'K, Director. Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo this !Mth day of Sopttuiber 1014. O. C. Thicr. (skai..) Notary Public. Stockholders Meeting The annual meeting of the stoblc holders of the Kiu met 's Independent Telephone. Company will lie held at the court, house in Red Cloud, Saturday, October 10, 1911, at 2 o'clock p. m, A full attendance is desired. Dated September 20, 1014. O. C. Tekl, Secretary Mr. Oliver of Pulisude, Colo., spent the tlrst of the week here with his friend, C. W. Kaley. Ererton Foe arrived Tuesday from Sheridan, Wyoming, to be at the bed side of his father, S. W. Foe, Trade at Home and Boost For a A Newspaper That (lives The Hews Firty-two Weeks Each Year For SI.50- RED CLOUD, MEBRASKA. OGTOHISK 1, 1JM. Letson Is Nominated Red Cloud Postmaster The following is taken fiom the Omaha lice, under date' of Wednesday, Sitptpinber, 30th: "In iK'coidiiui'o with thu imrcemeiit mmlu Satiitduy, between Seimtoi llltolieoclc, Ctinii man Tliomiison of thu Xebiaka statu eointultUo and the postmaster (.'etiei nl, tlio tniiiie of II. (J. ljt'tson lor postmiistor til I ! Cloml went to the senate today. Tin Humi liation will not be opposed by Senator lliti'lii'oek. notwithstanding lie had months nj.'o leuouiiuendi'd llulelilson tor the position, and l-etson will tin doubtedly be con lb mo 1." . The Farmers' Institute i l'lm Fin tin tt.' Inslltu'c will bo hold in this oily XoM'iubcr '0 111. Thu ox puilt'itee of tho p ist is that U.ta liijti tiiiiott is one of thu most helpful tuViiit.s for this eountr thai Mir-has bui n iiiaiiuur.tted. lvic'i pel -on call siu tlm ui. that all the oLhuis Ii k1 ice mid thin slimnhitos mi 'ever Incii aslujf desire lo do btt(ir and beitoi. 'I hen, too, the lectures pjlwii b t ii r'fii'iiliuial Si'lio 1 piolossois have in en highly sa'lsf.iotory. Willi (he coopuulb'ti of tuo school, the fiumois and tl.o business met)', it makes a htwd combination to bent for real cllicieiicv. Weespect the exhibits of all kinds will far hUtpa-sany previous i,curand n recoid attendance is asMiied. Let ut do whatever he can lo in ike this yeat's iiittitiiten big success. Republican Ct.iilral CommlKve The follow itipr i the Wdbster County Republican Ceutial Commlttoi), whiclt wc publish on n quest of a voiy close ft lend of tlio editor: Chiilt man S. It. Flotanco. Secretary Geo. M.Oveilug. Guide Rock Ed. K Crary. lie aver Creek H. H. Miner. Stillwater Louis Dangert. Oak Creek D. Uoppen. Garlleld Frank Aninck. IMecsant Hill Jake Ellingcr. Cow lei W. R. Scott. Kim Creek -O. R. Abbey. ' Blue Hill V. C. Fiahtn. Line J. V. Mclntjrti. Red Cloud Ted Harris. 1st Ward R. V. Kootiti!. 2nd Wind Wilhtr Hamlltoti. lliitinOeo C. Pi I ley Glen wood Frank Harden. Walnut Creek Hat ry Chaplin. Innralo C. A. Waldo. Ciit herton Otto Sk jel ver. Harmony C. W. Fulton. Largest Tent-Theatre En-Tour The Lewis Stock Company will open a week's engagement in Red Cloud starting Mouday, October 5th, pre senting a line of plays with specialties between the acts that will be entirely new to local theatre goers. This sea sou Mr. Lewis promises his prospec tive patrons a stronger company, new plays, better speclaltlesand the most thoroughly equipped electric lighted and water proof tent theatre on the road. The opening play will be a powerful comedy drama entitled, "Tho Call of tlio Wood.H," telling a heail gripping story of tho Canadian lutnbir country. Flays and specialties will bo clumped nightly. The admission prices will be. adults .15c and children 2.pc. Tho big rain proof tent thoatro will bo lo cated on the lot south of the Hansen laundry. For Sale Two and one halt acres of land with good eight room house, two good chick en houses, wash house, coal house and a Hood well. Everything In first class shape. Will sell at a bargain ortrade for stock. Inquire here or phone Ind, No. 81. County "Dads" Met The First of the Week i Red Cloud, Nub , Sept. 23, 1014. i The county board of cummisHiimeru I met pumuunt to ca 1 of cleik. ! lit the matter of awarding thu con-' tract for wood furniture uihl llx'urea fur tho new court houie, at pur tho nil vcittxciiiciit in thu Webster County Argun ami the Advortiai-r, weekly uewnpitperi publiiOicd in iUd Omul, N.h. Tne following tunned pcrslino or linns h.iVd filed their nouled piopoHfl.1 nc compiMilid by their ccrlilied chucUi1,' viz: Hadt'ii UroJ. of Omiha,lNcb ; A. I'. Andri-WH Co. of ChicHgo, III.; Amcri c n Fix urcCo. of ICniiH.ia Cit, Mo. Cuming uii iimv for lnvotiuiion. Alt r a careful IiivchIIuhIIoii ant) coitipiiriion of the ne-vi-r 1 propoduls, it was riirvtd anil necotiilod lb it tho otin triu'r fur tin wood fundi tiro and fix tures for 'lu' new court houiie bo and Is1 u.varded to Ihu Aiimrirun FlMUtt'Cc.t ii II j. .iu (Si rli iiu ttut ftlititii tiinl ' i pccili -utiotiH oi W. F..(iiirtMiu.t, arcl.-j Hud, now on (lit' with the count) ch.ilc, in tlie nun ol $1UG0 inatallcil in placa lit tac u i htiurii. Motion ciirrbd. 'lhj tollowing claitni were alliivVLti: T. J. Ulinpllii ?1W TO II. Ii HeiMi :... m 87 l)r.l).tiueitill .. 10 00 1'iiid Miinrcr 0 00 Mike Kohler !IJ to W.G. Uollmiiit' t, Kl fid I 'a ul Storey no 00 i'aiil Storey 11 00 T ,1. Chaplin 2 88 G. Ohmstede 103 80 A. K. Strong it Co 1 1 20 Cillzens LitmherCo 1!) 00 lames Keaglo 23 CO J A. Silvey Lbr. Co 8 00 Flojd McCall loll 25 WeUs A- MoTaggart 107 05 Klod McCall . 1 00 N. C. l'utinan 8 00 J. K. Martin 1 88 W. E. White 3 7.1 Guide Rock HdwcCo 50 80 T. H.Deakln :i9 85 J, II Mottcr IS 50 H. Hoppeu 10 75 Sam Kellogg 21 00 John lloyko 45 00 A. C. Hosmer lo 00 Anne Ilclle Spa'ingle 3(1 80 W. D. Kdsou .'II 90 II. J. Mnurcr in Oo O. I). Hedge 115 01 A. U. McAt thur 25 00 C. F. Peas Co 10 30 W. D. Kcibou 11 00 A. C. Hcstnor 135 00 Charles Reddon 157 CO A. D. Hauucy 0 20 A. E. Wolcott 2 00 A. H. McArthur v. 18 50 W. D.Edson ' 135 00 Joe Fogcl 5 00 II. J. Maurer 14 50 Gertrude L.Coon 75 00 A. E. Strong &Co ' 3 00 Pope Bros .-., 14 20 J.O.Caldwell....'. C 00 Klopp & Hartlett 41 33 H.C. Wright 50 .11 State Journal Co 240 20 F. O.Turnurc&Son. 44 83 Sam Lludsey '. . . 2 50 A. A. boron , 3 00 Remington Typewriter Co 0 05 P. A.Wullbrundt 0 40 T. J. Chiplln 5 00 Paul Storey 5 00 PoouF.utM Sam Fletcher 23 10 John Iloers ..... 8 00 Glen Eearn 18 00 J.S. Rlggins 19 no Mis. Clam Wilson 5 00 Elmer Wilson 110 00 Olen Wolf 800 Chas. Wolf 18 10 Guy Wolf 5 V0 Jas. Young 7 00 Judges and Clriiks Piiim.vrt Elect ion CERuigle 8 10 J Pope COO ESGarqer ' 6 00 WG Warren 6 00 WCGiiham COO (Continued on page 5) Bigger and Better Red Cloud :; r,'M!!:p;iHi'iiiii!iiliiiiiliitii!(iii I NEW SUITS lie m (teeoats New Fall Hats 5 HO v S WE A TERS V 'v1-' TRW 4 9 Caps ,. SEE 'EM PAUL STOREY I The Clothier -r sfirmcHprmcHprmc I Our Fall Stock of Rugs I m m m m li m m mr Your Inspection. $$& We Have the Largest Line We Ever Bought Having purchased these Rugs before any advance in price ve can give you the benefit. Come in and let us show you thelargest line of Rugs in the city, in all the new patterns. We have them in all grades. ROY SATTLEY g Licensed EmbalmorJIand Furniture Dealer, fl JO .-.TRY US FOH ARTISTIC JOB PHIOTG .-. "-. ---r- .-.'a- T. z--. J. - . i--. xwr T ... NUMBER 4(1 iiiitiiffliiwwiiiiiiiiiiiPiiiiiii t aav m m m w r m m m vaMMHB94E - -rjLra W3 Coats ,( '8 ' 1 1 i. ! H i , if SM 'I i 'V I II II 1 B J Ml i , T,.,., . ' j. ,'' - - , 4 f u. " m. towU&JkJj&ttiJxgti wX T. ' I '.?" -J---'"f 7r "7-ym 1 ""T'"f""'"'"" ii PPPpBWBHMBMHiHMHpHHHHHM