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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1914)
MmfmfKmm!. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CHIEF 1 ,im,mmH-mmvMiiarmunjaat.'Kir.tam.'.mrmnTttui.vtiMi'rTmnm iimiwwwwiiiwmwwwnw adH9UU3&U!& i' TO SEE . THE NEW tnmwnaiMa)t&i?. i i M wiiii -. t iBBKt .JJM.M.MJMMMM.MlMjaMMMMMMMBiMMMiMMiaiMWIMlMHMHMOMBI)HMaBBir 1 '''7 i.,lLflfTr3IMBMMBfc' HUIt - 9s JjB&Hr J n ;ffl 8 8 8 " 19 ,1 -..' V "v -- I ' . ' " '- ' ' " ,' ' VALVE-IN-HEAD ffPk jS MOTOR CARS I 15 Which, Is Now On Exhibition at the Red Cloud Auto Company SHE IS A "BEAUT 99 'V The An ideal familv vehicle at a price that places it within reach of anyone. Plenty of room for five and plenty of power for any load. Wheel base 100 inches, 32x3 tires, anti-skid in rear. 213 brake test H. P., complete electric equipment. Doleo system, new windshield, inside top cur tains, and every other feature necessary to make it a car for the family. im bluQU H(Jlu bO. 0. F. Walker, Mgr. A beautiful steamlinc body, with graceful cowl; extra wide deep seats, advanced ideas in design and every detail making for utility, places this car at once in a class of its own. 35 actual b(ake test H. P., 31x4 tires, anti-skid in rear wheel base 112 inches. Full Delco equipment for starting and lights. Inside curtains, new shield and every feature of notable excellence. .....um4Hfcuiw4wuvaiMeiM:iiRR?i3i&iMaju0 raHICa dU-WiinU. ..! Irfb Mi. WM-'-.ln MMM .iI !.. OA 1 ANOTHER BARGAIN F OR SALE The Win. E. JSoDtgomepy 160 ACRES THE N. W. QUARTER, SECTION 25, 1-11 This fnrn) U locate! jnt I mil's -.mult of tin; center of Kod Uloud, It llti only riVi miles from the liievator and rilock Yards, ami a (rood road tn town Ther " SO acres Under cultivation and I ho Imhiiiuu is nil fenced In p-is' are, aud wo'l -jrasM'd with plenty of shade for stouk, anil a spr m- in tint re also runnlni; water Ih I'oiiihI on another place on tin farm, also good wi'll ami windmill with water t.nhs in tho pasture whieh come, lip to the barn. There i.s U)t aclYs In af ilfa, all yiMiiik' and an excellent stand, the hay is now sUcked on the ground, to show what It raised this . ear. The balance of Hit cultivated land is in corn and it Is ij-aiinHted it will o 3.") hashids to tl acre. Tho farm html lays ill two ilahlsoiiu Hold thrJ ns. ahtmt rri acres and thuotlior ha-, atioiit SS acres Then Is one Jarcixlraw oro-ciis thin phfo hut docs not bother It much on ac count it is in thu pasture and is wvl jjrns-ed and plenty of shad for stoelt Thlt. Ih a farm that has to bo M.'en to he appreciated, as tho lrtnd lay well and not enough ioii,'h laud on it to hoth'-r, anil wliat there is is In tho iiioure. Buy this laud now and tfet the cream us it 1ms not been biolte only u lew years and Is now tit its best. The Improvements are all new an 1 consist of a ool house '28.:i0, two story, 0 lari rooms and three olot, '1 porches, barn SOsftii, with hay mow, and shed aloim part of barn with thalls and bin in tho barn for UOii, bn-hels of raln, wood ho house with .V-i oouipartmenls for la sown, ehickeii liou-e, cave, (,'ood well olohe to the douse, with the water piped down to the bam and in the pas ture whleli comes up to the barn, all th improvements are new, the quality of tho land Is jjooi and the location cannot, be beat, (,'et busy it you Want this fur our la-.t burigalii u'v lasted a wtolc. giilE HI! 9600 TERM8-8l,," Cash, :!0eo Mareli Is , and a innrtK') for -WW on the place ftfr .1 yetus at per cent inleit-st. See the Owner, Wm. Montgomery or $) .ft? ( j, , s Now It's The Pig Club 1. r The Pitf fi ub is the latent aiMitioii to the nst nf lioys' end (ilrls Ulul s open for uiHinbership to the young people uf the state. Mend crslilp ruU-s ivili lie much rhe same as for the corn in i tomato clubs. The li-t of riz -s Mint are expected t'i be olTered -line tue ni Us have not been prepaicil. The leader in charge of the new olub Is .J. G. McMillan, lie is a Kiadiinte of the Iowa State AKriculf.'ntul College, ami has been touching agriculture in the high school at lIoldreKi. During theCtll and winter he will appear on the piMgritin of a number of farmer.-.' Institutes and short courses to explain the nature of the work. The Tig Club the same as all the Days' and (lirls Clubs, is, carried on co-operatively by the United States Department of Agri culture and the Nebraska College of Agriculture. Information concerning the club may be obuinod fioin I lie AgrluulturHl Kxtension Service, Uni versity Farm, Lincoln. 1 1 ''""' w wm wMiwwitMifififn m mwmmwmiLxmmmu-tm mrn - ir iiiiniwinn-nin m, . mm iihih i im. ,i n,n ,,,, iLi-Tinir-T j 1 1 rfl " n-'"-'----,- a til, tir i Iff wJi . VUMaMrarCiUHUMn4Kmranr(K KCM m Hutehison & Salad RED CLOUD, en NEBRASKA OltUOQUlcttaAdCa Vc Are Looking For The Man Who lias soiled his clothes so badly that, they are not lit to wear. No matter how dirty or greasy the suit may be we are equipped with the mast modern machinery and have skilled workmen who know how U) Clean, Repair and Press Clothes Strong "Pell" and Drawing Power in All of Our Printing ncrson oil TTifc! w L 3 w OT ALL advertising matter is f consifinc'tl fr hn wnsto hnskn.f Some of it finds a place in the a2 files of the receinient or on his desk or his table. The printing upon which one can depend to win this dis tinction is of the out-of-the-ordinary class, the well-designed and well-executed example of the printing art. Every business man desires that his printing should have what is known as "pulling" power: that is, it should accomplish its intended mission, namely," to set forth the value of goods and secure orders for those goods. The printing we do is of the kind that win the coveted place at the elbow of the prospective customer. Try us. Wo Maho a Specialty of Printing Noat and The Attractive Sale Bills 2? Red Cloud Chief Red Cloud, Nebraska "tl J X G. HassingeF Cleaner and Dyer Both Phonti IF 1 H 1L Dr. Nicholson DENTIST otTiai: ovr.r: Ai.uuiaiiT's stork IN KIVr.llTOX ON MONDAY Red Cloud. Nebraska THE ALARM is u dreadful thiiiK OF FIRE for the man without inauruuee. Every time he seos the cu-lti riielnjf alonif hia heart comes up in Ills throat If tho lire Is imywheio near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COST OF is so small tliut it INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone is worth It many times over HHve us Insure you tp-'3v. O. C. TEEL, DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST 0VE1J STATE BANK Red Cloud f ' " Nebraska K. S. Gaurber Roal Estate. Farm Loans and Insurance, Red Cloud, - Nebraska. DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate Chieaco Veterinary ColleKe vi:aus i:xi'i:kii:.ncc ATIIAILBV'STIB OAHN Rod Cloud -;- Nebraska Dr. J, C- Caldwell PHYSICIAN &SVRCE0N Calls Answered Day or Night Oitlco Tolplioaus: licit. CS: I ml. ISO. Itcs. leleplioues: ilell, ltCHl'.73; Ind.lfiO. Office Over N. A. Albright's Store i Red Cloud, -s- Nebraska A i I !! iM J - i y Kead The Chief &T, Z I izj?? wmttiMMmitiiaaawixx Li'.- '; -.