s&pMiwstti jtf.-f-SW-' .- t t4w -t( .-.4. .ij nnM,BMr's.'njfA-fis"" wi5wri'rift,wW','iliTl RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF '.' I L. ' i V ( I ! OF Early Career of Man Who Be came Great in the Insur ance World. WAS FEARLESS AND HONEST Darwin P. Klngsley's Lively Expert ences In Pioneer Times In Colo rado and His Rise to High Position. By RICHARD SPILLANE. A mild-looking, clear-eyed youth, named Klngsley, arrived one day In 1883 In a wild little town In tho far western end of Colorado, near tho Utah lino Tho town had been found eoby Governor Crawford of Kansas, who saw with prophotlo eye that some day it would be a center of industry. Two roaring rivers, the Grand nnd tho Gunnison, met Micro nnd joined their waters. The site selected for tho town had been a favorite camping ground for the White- River Utcs and the Uncompahgres for ages beforo white men knew America. No more beautiful setting could man find for a home. Nea'r whero the rivers joined, the valley broadened into a great bowl, the sides of which wero formed by towering cliffs. To tho north wero the Dook Cliffs, to the southeast the San Miguel peaks and to the northeast the Grand Mesa; to tho south lay tho glorious Uncompahgro range. Two hundred miles to the northeast was Denver. Midway between lay Lead vllle and the Continental Divide. Far to the south was the Santa Fo trail. Tho TJtes were gone. Lcadvllle was playing out Prospectors, gamblers, un men, fortuno seekers and the Cot am and Jetsam of western humanity vero wandering over tho mountains His Finger Was seeking new treasure houses in the onderful land of riches. The town had been named Grand Junction and it had five or six hundred Inhabitants when tho mild-mannered, clear-eyed Klngsley arrived there. Ho was from Vermont and had been born in Alburg, in that state, May B, 1857. He had known poverty and had ex perienced hardship. Ho bad worked on a farm, and farm work in Vermont is very hard. It had been difficult for him to get an education. He was so earnest, bo hard-working, so eager for an education that he had won the good opinion of all who knew him. He had longed to go to a university, but be did not have the money. A kindly farmer had offered to supply the wherewithal. How He Went to College. "I know," satd tho farmer, "that you will pay the money back If you live. Now, if you will give me security, so that in case you die I will be repaid, I -will furnish the money." 'The farm boy thought a moment, and saw a way. He took out a life insurance policy for $1,000 in favor of the farmer, and he went to tho Uni versity of Vermont. Ho did what he could to work his way through college, and all the actual money he spent in his first year at the university was 165. After getting his bachelor's de gree In 1881 he went West to Denver, and there for a year he taught school. Then ho moved further West, to Grand Junction. That raw, boisterous llttlo town, at tho junction of the Grand and Gunni son, must have been a shock to tho young man from Vermont. It had plenty of dance halls, lots of gambling houses and many saloons. Ho wanted work. What could a farm boy or a teacher do in Grand Junction at that tlmo? There were no children to teach; the town web composed 'of i EDITOR H ION fBSiHL v Iff 13 -IB -- yr - I" adults. He looked for work, but there was no work for which ho was fitted. Ho could not deal faro if he would, and ho would not work In a barroom If he could. Thcro was little farming, for at that tlmo Irrigation had not been developed in Colorado. Tho beauty of tho land appealed to him strongly. The ruggedness of No Thoroughfnro canon is enough to stir tho imagination of any man. Monu ment canon Is one of nature's wonder works, and Llttlo Book Cliffs nnd Mount Garfield nro enough to lnsplro rhapsody. The whole valley was a picture. Once upon n tlmo In n prehis toric ago, this great bowl of tho moun tains was an inland sea, nnd the gulls of tho Pacific still como to visit there. A naturalist finds tho land n novcr ending joy, but a young man who must make n living has sterner things to think about. Became an Editor. Klngsley had' to do something, or return to the East. Ho was not one to acknowledge defeat. Ho studied tho situation thoroughly and saw only ono way In which ho would get a job. Thero was a printer In Grand Junc tion who had a few fontB of typo nnd an apology for a press. Tho man's name was Prlco. Ho got out a llttlo nowspaper which he called tho Grand Junction News. Price liked tho print ing business, but ho did not care much for tho nowspaper end. Klngsley talked with him, nnd Prico expressed a willingness to soil n half interest in tho business if Klngsley would rus tlo up tho money to pay for it. Kings ley did not have tho necessary capital, but ho had a friend in Wisconsin and this friend lent the money to him at seven per cent, and when It was paid over to Prlco, Klngsley became editor of tho Grand Junction News. A new county had been formed In western Colorado, and Governor Grant had appointed officers to conduct Its affairs pending a regular election. Tho county was named Mesa and Grand Junction was made tho county seat. Governor Grant was a worthy and good man, but some of the men he sent, to Mesa county wero rather sad speci mens. The young editor had his own idea of civil service and of town gov- on the Trigger. ernment. He had the courage to ex press his convictions. Some of tho things be wroto for the Grand Junc tion News offended tho county officials and aroused the resentment of tho gamblers and tho pluguglles of Grand Junction. They looked upon him as a tenderfoot from the East, and it was not long before he was In a peck of trouble. Men went armed in Grand Junction, in '.hose days, and settled their diffi culties with the gun. Tho tenderfoot from Vermont became a marked man. The gamblers, the dance hall people and the saloon keepers wanted to get rid of him. Ho annoyed them. But he won the admiration of tho sturdy, earnest, clean-living men of all that country. His Life In Danger. At last things came to such a pass that' tho lite of the editor hung by a thread. For threo weeks an armed guard protected him from the men who would take his life. When ho went out in the street he had a pistol in his coat pocket and his finger was on tho trigger, ready for instant ubo. To add to tho intensity of feeling, an election was approaching. Tho gang wanted to romaiu in office. Klngsley wanted to oust thorn. That election was fought bitterly. When the votes wero counted, the cause of decency had won. The men whom Klngsley sup ported wero elected. That was the first regular election In the county of Mesa. He had fought for decency1, for honesty and for right, and Grand Junc tion and Colorado wero better for his coming. ' The llttlo town caroo to have a pride in the young man from Vermont, and the following year ho was elected a delegate to the national Republican convention, tho one that nominated James G. Blalno for president of the United StatoB. A few years later when tho state convention was held ho was nominated by tho Republicans for statii nudltor nnd superintendent of Insur ance. He was ulectcd and for two yeare administered tho nffalrB of thosoi offices. Colorado novcr had n bettor auditor or better superintendent of Insurance. Klngsley had a groat liking for In surance ns well ho might, inasmuch ns a $1,000 insurnncc policy had boon tho means of giving him an education. Ho studied lnsurnt.ee In all Its phases, and tho moro ho atudtfd, tho more It appealed to him. When his term ol office expired ho had many opportunl tics to rngago In business, for offers o positions wero showered upon him. In the Insurance Business. Of all tho offers that enmo to him, one, from nn insurnuco company proven most attractive. Ho took it. He loved tho work and entered Into It with nil his heart. Ho did so well that tho company cnt him to Boston to tako chargo of Its offices there. Iloston proved n rich field for him. Ho did magnificently. Ho Inspired his men with some of his own energy and en thusiasm, made friends and did u tre mendous amount of business. He wnB In Iloston for about three years, nnd then tho company culled him to Now York, to becomo superin tendent of nil Its ngcncletf. Ho was nn good a superintendent as ho had been canvasser or branch manager. Next ho was mado third vice-president of tho company, nnd then vice-president, and five years ago ho was mado president. It seems very simple as It Is print ed here, how this man rose. Essen tially ho is no" different today from what he was when ho edited that llttlo newspaper In Grand Junction, Colo. He has broadened and is moro studi ous, perhaps, but ho has the same ideals, the same earnestness of char acter, tho same keenness of perception and tho same courage today that he had In 1883. Ho has grown and pros pered, but so has tho llttlo city In which he played his part in making. Today Grand Junction in the center of what is known ns "the Little Em pire of tho Western Slopo." Tho gam blers, the gunmen and the flotsam and Jetsam of western humanity hava passed to other fields. Tho valleys of the Grand and tho Gunnison are rich with agricultural wealth. Irrigation has transformed the land. In few places of the world does tho soil yield more bountifully. Tens of thousands of tons of fruit are shipped .from Grand Junction every year. Fine, big stores and brick structures stand where the saloons, the dance halls, the faro banks wero housed in shacks in '83. There are banks and libraries and churches and handsome dwellings in tho beautiful city. It Is a land transformed, it is a land of peaco and plenty. All Is changed but nature's work. Tho Grand and the Gunnison still pour their waters down the valleys, tho pic turesque Book cliffs still stand guard nt tho north, to the southeast rises tho San Miguel peaks, to tho northeast the snow-capped Grand mesa, and to the south tho glorious Uncompahgro ranges. The seagullo como from the far distant Pacific, as did tho ecagulls of countless ages ago. The Indians are only a memory, al most as distant a memory as tho faro banks and the dance halls. Occa sionally a prospector wanders in from tho hills, but not often. Edwin Price, who had that little printing shop in the wild, turbulent town and was proud of his few fonts of type and his apology for a press, Is there still. For sixteen years he has been postmaster. He Is the last of tho old guard. Ho was in at the birth of Grand Junction, and he will remain there as long as he lives. May Dream of Old Days. ' In his magnificent office on Broad way, or up in the University club or the Union Lenguo club, or in hie hand some home at Riverdale Klngsley may dream at times of those days when an armed guard protected htm at Grand Junction and when he carried a pistol in his coat pocket and had his finger on tho trigger for Instant use when he went abroad. He does not look much like the man supposed to be the type to defy tho western "bad man." But quiet, earnest men are the ones with moral courage. New York knows Klngsley and knows him well, but it le not prouder of him than is Grand Junction, when they point to the early files of tho Grand Junction News, for the Grand Junction NewB is still printed, and show you the editorials and the other articles that Darwin P. Klngsley wrote, and when you read the time yellowed columns they will tell you that tho man who wrote them is presi dent of one of the greatest life insur ance companies In the world and trus tee of many hundreds of millions of dollars. And they will tell you that before ho went to Colorado ho was a farm boy in Vermont nnd that ho worked early and late to get an edu cation and that he knew hardship and toll as farm boys aro likely to know them. And all they tell you about this man's career is true. (Copyright, 1914, by tho McClure Newspa per Syndicate.) Jockey Had Easy Return to London. Many people havo had worries in getting back to England from tho con tinent. But Trigg, tho Jockey, who turned up at Brighton from Austria, got through easily enough. He wau lucky enough to moot a king's mes senger, wh. knew him. "I followed him like a dog follows his master." Tho king's messenger Just showed a paper whenever there was trouble, and "everybody Instantly stood erect and saluted." London Chronicle. , The Bridal Trousseau, Tho old Idea of providing brides with n scoro or moro of gowns, wrap and hats has qultu gono by. Even tho fnshlonnblo trousseau of today con tains no moro thnu a dozen gowns, If ns many. ""St los change so fast that by fall tho gowns for tho Juno wed ding, necessarily mado somo weeks be fore tho ceremony, begin to look odd. Somo ntithorlty has declared that tho best dressed woman in l'nrls buys no moro than threo new toilets each year, but tho opinion may he ventured that she Is altering hor Inst year's supply most of the tlmo. The vast assort ments of lingerie havo also dwindled Nobody provides such a multitudinous wedding outfit nowadays iir used to be required. LcslloV. Between two cvIIh It Is better to marry for money than for n chance to get even. It's easier to g(t n poor wife than a good cook. Physicians Recommend Castoria f AST0EIA. has mot with, pronounced favor on tho part of physicians, pharma- coutical sociotics and medical authorities. It is used by physicians with results moBt gratifying. The oxtenflod uso of Oastoria is unquestionably tho result of throo facts: 7rr The indisputable evidence that it is harmless: Second That it not only allays stomach pains and quiots the nerves, but asBimi-, latos the food: TAMIt is an agreeable and porfect substitute for Castor Oil' It is absolutely safe. It does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narootio and does not stupefy. It is unliko Soothing Syrups, Batoman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, etc This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say.1 Our duty, how ever, is to expose danger and record the means of advanoing health. The day. for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end. To1 our knowledges, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by regulating tie system--not by stupefying it and our readers aro entitled to the information. Hall's Journal of Ilcaltlu I'11''1 1'l'll-lll iinllll I I II I RgggS.i.ii' . ... JiiBPI m' '"" '"'""'""'ililillTlimTT ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AViielableRtparallonlbrAj slmllatln theFbodamlRegula tiflgUieStoinachsandBowraof Promotes DigrionCheemi ncssandHesLContalnsneltor OpiuntIorphJtie rorMtoal Not Narcotic. JSSua AcMltbOf Ini Uk Anerfect Remedv forConsfltt tton . Sour Storaadi.Dlarrhoea Worms jConvulslonsfeverislrl ruess and Loss of sleep. ItcSimfle Signature of The Centaub Compass NEW YOHK. ChiArantcedundtrt Exact Copy of Wrapper. PARADISE FOR THE ARTIST Devotees of the Brush Are Accorded Accommodations Without Price at Inn at Capri. Capri, beautiful In Itself as a winter resort, offers an irresistible Invitation to artists, slnco It has an Inn whero anyone, by painting a picture on the wall can get free board. To tho lovely Island of Capri, with Its perennial summer, Its bluo grotto, and Us lemon groves, came, some fifty years ago, a ruined artist Ho opened an inn, and died rich. In his will, leaving the Inn to his heirs, he made these conditions: "The charge per day, two bottles of red Capri wine Included, Is never to be moro than six francs. "If any artist is too poor to pay he shall paint a picture upon some wall spaco, receiving all tho accommoda tion accorded to those paying tho high est price. "If any German artist shall come to the inn he shall bo accommodated, and shall reoolvo tho amount of his faro to Germany upon his promising never to roturn to Italy." Tho Inn is conducted today on theso conditions. Its walls are covered with paintings. Now and then a German gets his faro homo. Correct. "Lovo levels all things," quoted the sago. "Yes, everything but beads," cor rected tho fool. Queer Talk. "So poor old BUI has gone under." "Yea, they say hi business U going RiSidlfH iililillin vHSXSii m Empty Titles. Tho emperor of Auatrln, It has boon noted, Inys claim to tho tltlo mnrquls of Antwerp. If all Europenn sov ereigns could make good their minor territorial titles thoro would, Indeed, bo u reconstruction of tho map. Tho king of Italy, for Instnnce, Is officially styled king of Sardinia, France, Spain nnd Englnnd, of Italy and Jerusalem, of (Srocco nnd Alexandria, of Hamburg nnd Sicily, Master of tho Deep, King of the Earth. Tho king of Spain also clnlnw to lio king of .lisnisnloin, king of Gnllcla (a title shared with tho em peror of Austria), and, In addition, king of Gibraltar, of tho West Indies nnd of India. Shame on Him. "What Ih your friend so elated nliout?" "Seems his wlfo Is marooned In Eu rope." - Louisville Courier-Journal. Abuse somo ono nnd wo always find an appreciative audience. Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. Dr. B. Halstcad Scott, of Chicago, Ilia., says: t'l havo prescribed, youn Castoria often for infants during my practlco, andtflnd It Tory satisfactory." Dr. William Belmont, of Cleveland, Ohio, Bay a: "Your Castoria standi first In Its clnss. In my thirty years of practlco I can lay I never hava found anything that bo filled tho place." Dr. J. H. Taft, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I have used your Castoria and found It an excellent remedy In my household and private practice for many years. The formula Is excellent." Dr. R. J. Hamlen, of Detroit, Mich., says: "I prescrlbo your Castoria extensively, as I havo never found anything to equal It for children's troubles. I am awaro that thcro are imitations In tho field, but I always see that my patlonta got Fletcher'B." Dr.Wm. J MoCrann, of Omaha, Nob., says: "As tho father of thlrtecm children I certainly know something about your great modiclno, and aside from my own family experience I havo in my years of practice found Cas toria a popular and efficient remedy In almost every home." Dr. J. R. Clausen, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: "Tho name that your Cas toria has mado for itself In tho tens of thousands of homos blessed by the presence of children, scarcely needs to be supplemented by tho endorse ment of the medical profession, but I, for ono, most heartily endorse It and believe It an excellent remedy." Dr. R. M. Ward, of .Kansas City, Mo., says: "Physicians generally do not prescrlbo proprietary preparations, but in tho caso of Castoria my experi ence, Hko that of many other physicians, has taught mo to make an ex ception. I prescribe your Castoria In my practlco becauso I have found It to be a thoroughly reliable remedy for children's complaints. Any physi cian -who has raised a family, as I have, will Join mo In heartiest recom mendation of Castoria." GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS .V Unarm fho Hirrnani-a ftV The EM You Have In Uso For Over 30 Years. HB OINTAUN COMPANY, NIW VOMK CITY. Her Memory All Right. Mrs. Geddcs had a now maid, and she found It necessary to repeat her Instructions several times before Nora obeyed them. Tho mistress had told her repeatedly about tho finger-bowls, and ono day, when thero wero guests they were again forgotten. "Now Nora," said Mrs. Geddcs, ex tremely exercised over tho omlBBlon, "this Is the sixth tlmo I've had to tell you about the finger-bowls. Didn't the woman you last worked for havo them on tho table?" "No, mum," replied Nora, "her friends always washed their handB before they cum." Accounting for It. "That girl has a swelled head." "That's only because alio wears such big 'rats.' " Men who havo nothing else to apolo gize for should apologize for being on earth. After a girl gets to be about so old she makes a bonflro of the baby pic ture of herself taken in a washbowl. Get the M olllna Molting time is lost time thero n mw . nod Mil. Get it over Feed a good full ration and be sure to include pr&tts, Poultry Regulator Uc tVff . to 25 lb. pall If a sent!. Inrlfforatln tonic Jiut PfBitX Ucc Killer S5a. to $1.00 and all Pratta froducta ara raaxantaed-aaUafacUon o .money back. . , nUavtotPratttPnltnBooJr-lMpagut Piatt 160 pas Poukty Book U complete ajuidt), handtomeW iUurtialed. Ba ten le gat Seal pottpald lot 10c. FOOD A MINISTER'S WIFE Always Speaks a Good Word For feruna. A"" Splendid Woman Mrs. O. F. MclTarffue, 117 W. 9th 8t., Jacksonville, Florida, writes: "I had catarrh and throat trouble. Threo bottles of I'cruna cured mo. Ah a minister! wlfo 'I como In con tnct with all clnnsoa of people, anil shall iilwnyH speak a good word for Pcruna. I havo given trlaf bottles to a few friends. Wishing you abun dant success. I roinnln, yours truly. Always Bought Fighting the White Plague. Adequate hospital facilities for tb'j 35,000 residents of Ohio who aro s'if fcrlng from tuberculosis has been de cided upon by tho prevention of tuber culosis and officials of the stato board of health. It is proposed to create 12 hospital districts of from four to six counties each, wherein campaigns will bo Inaugurated for the erection of dis trict tuberculosis hopltals to bo main tained jointly by tho co-operating counties. Through tho erection of theso It district hospitals, supplementing the present sanitaria, antituberculosis workers believe that the 36,000 vlo tlmB will bo adequately cared for, and that the peoplo of the stato will be so well pvotected through this hospi talization that eventually Ohio's death rate of 7,000 per year will be reduced materially. Many a woman regrets that she didn't change her mind before shs changed hor name. Better an ounco of did than a pound of going to do. Over are no eggs with whk at tz.C0. what th hna saed. rMIUU CHICAGO. TORONTO, KB. T ST Oulcklv xA fKJz'WmfamkjM ssy I vtffc jpr ' i i-, t , M Ml w I mi Hi m IK I IJl I. ,m 4lSf! Iwt Y i.'tS J V3 Id m vTa urn wf -," .:;(?, J9L -,!,. :.(, j .-i, ,, .s- i tt fa.j SJlSJSBrUilfiiarfcaia'filiiiiittsilJil HfH