The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 24, 1914, Image 6

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i ,
Old Lady
Author of
"The Story of Sarah"
"The Shin of Dreams"
Copyright by The Century Co.
, 8YN0P8I8.
Cnplnlti Abraham lloso and Angelina,
nls wlfo, havo lost their little home
throUKli Abu'R unlucky purchase of Term
fly (lold mlnlnK stock. Their household
foods nold, tho $100 auatlon money, all
hoy novo loft, will plnco Abo In tho Old
Man's homo, or Angy In tho Old Indies'
home. Iloth are nelf-Bacrlflclnn but Abo
doolden: "My deur this Is the fust time
rvo had a chnncn to tako tho wust of It."
The old couplo bid jrood-by to the little
liouso. Terror of "what folks will say"
ends them along by-paths to the Katn of
tho Old Cadlcs' homo. Mlos Abigail, ma
tron of tho Old Ladles' home, hears of
the III fortune of tho old couple. Bho tells
the other old ladlos, nnd Illossy, who has
paid ii double feo for tho only double bed
chamber, vnlros tho unanimous vordlot
that Abo must be taken In with his wife.
Abo awakens next morning; to find that
ho Is fold Lady No. SI." Tho old ladles
aire him such a warm wolcomo that he
Is made to fil at homo at once. "Ilrothsr
Abe" expand under the warm reception
of the sisters, and a reign of peace begins
In tho Old ladles' home. Abe Is the cen
ter of tho community. The semi-annual
Visit of Tllossy's aged lover, Capt. Samuel
Darby, Is due. Abo advises her to marry
him. For the first time the captain falls
to appear.
CHAPTER VII Continued.
At night, however, nho was obliged
to admit that ho could not bo coming;
and then, quivering with honest anxi
ety for her old friend, Blossy dipped
Into her emergency fund, which she
kept In the heart of a little pink china
p4g on a shelf In her room a pink
china pig with a lid mado of stiff
Hack hair standing on edge In the
middle of hie back and sent a tele
gram to Captain Darby, asking If he
were sick. f
The answer came back slowly by
mall, to find Blossy on the verge of
a nervous collapse, under tho care of
all the womon In the bouse.
That letter Dlossy nevor showed to
Brother Abe, nor to any one else.
Neither did she treasure It in the sen
timental trunk beneath the attlo eaves.
The letter ran:
Dear Betsy Ann: I never felt better In
my life. Ain't been sick a minute. Just
made up my mind I was a old fool, and
was going to quit. If you change your In
tentions at any time. Just drop me a pos
tal As ever,
"This, Captain Darby, makes your
rejection final vowed Blossy to her
self, as she tore the note Into frag
ments and drownod them in tho spir
its of lavender with which the sisters
had been seeking to soothe her dis
tracted norves.
The Anniversary.
About this time Blossy developed a
tendency to draw Brother Abraham
aside at every opportunity, convenient
or Inconvenient, In order to put such
questions as these to him:
"Didn't you say it 1b fully thirty-five
years since you and Captain Darby
woro on tho beach together? Do you
think he lias grown much older? Had
ho lost his hair then? Did ho cure
for tho opposite box? Was he very
brave or would you say more bravo
than stubborn anil contrary? Isn't it
a blosalng that I nover married him?"
Poarful of tho ridicule of the Bisters,
Blossy was always careful to conduct
these inquiries In whispers, or at least
In undertones with a, great observance
of secrecy, Bomotimcs stopping Abo on
the BtalrB, sometimes beckoning him
to her side when she was busy about
her household taeks on the pretense of
requiring his assistance. On one oc
casion sho oven wont so far as to In
veigle him into holding a Bkeln of
wool about bis clumsy hands, while
she wound tho violet worsted Into a
ball, and delicately Inquired If ho be
lieved Samuel spoko tho truth when
he protested that he had nevor paid
court to any other woman.
Alas, Blossy 'a frequent teto-u-totos
with tho amusod but sometimes impa
tient Abraham started an exceedingly
foollBh suspicion. When, asked the
slstors of ono another, did Abe ever
help any one, save Blossy, shell drlod
beans or pick over prunes? When had
ho ever been known to hold wool for
Angy'e winding? Not once since
wooing time, I warrant you. What
could thlB continual hobnobbing and
going off Into corners mean, except
Ruby Lee whispered it first into
Aunt Nancy's good car. Aunt Nanoy
Indulged In four plnchea of snuff In
rapid succession, sneozod an amaxing
number of times, and then acridly In
formed Ruby Leo that she was a "Jeal
ous oat" and always had been one.
However, Aunt Nancy could not re
frain from carrying tho gossip to Mlas
Elite, adding that ehe herself had been
suspicious of Abe's behavior from the
"Ob, no, no!" cried the Bhockod and
shrinking spinster. "And Angy so
cheerful all the time? I don't believe
But whisper, whisper, buzx, bun,
(went the goaslp, until Anally it reached
tk pink little ears at the slds of
Miss Abigail's generously proportioned
hoad. Tho pink ears turned crimson,
llkowlso tho adjoining cheeks, and
MIbb Abigail panted with righteous In
dignation, "It all comos of thin plagued old
winter time," she declared, sharply
biting her thread, for sho was mend
ing a tablecloth. "Shot the winders on
summer, an' yow ketch tho tall of
slander In tho latch overy tlmo. Naow,
of I hear one word about this 'tarnal
foolishness comln' to Angy'a ears, or
Brother Abe's, or Blossy's either, fer
that matter,' we'll all have to oat off n
oil-cloth Sundays, the same as week
days, until I see a more Christian
sperit in tho house."
She gave tho Sunday damask across
her lap a pat which showed she was
In earnest; and tho rebuked sisters
glarlcod at ono another, as If to say:
"Suppose the mtnlstor should walk
In some Sabbath afternoon and And
oilcloth on tho table, and ask the rea
son why?"
They one nnd nil determined to take
Aunt Nnncy'B advice nnd "sew a but
ton on their lips."
Fortunately, too, tho February thaws
had nlrcndy sot In, and tho remainder
of tho winter passed without any se
vore Btrnln on tho "buttonholes." And
at length the welcomo spring began to
poop forth, calling to the old folks,
"Como out, and grow young with the
young year I"
With tho bursting forth of the new
sprlngtldo the winter's talk seomod to
drop ns n withered and dead oak leaf
falls from Its winter-bound branches;
and Abo stood onco more allvo to tho
blosslngB of renewed approval.
Angy went out of doors with Miss
Abigail, and puttered around among
tho flowers as If they were nor own,
thanking Qod for Abo'e Increasing pop
ularity in tho same breath that she
gave thanks for tho new buds of the
The anniversary of the Roses' en
trance Into tho Home drew nearer, and
Blossy suggested that the best way
to celebrate the event woald be by
means of a "pink tea."
Neither Angy nor Abe, nor In fact
half tho sisters, had any clear concep
tion of what a tinted function might
be; but they one and all seized upon
Blossy's Idea as If It were a veritable
Inspiration, and for the time Jealousies
were forgotten, misunderstandings
Such preparations aa were made for
that teal The deaf-and-dumb gar
dener was sent with a detachment of
small boys to fetch from the wayside
and meadows armfuls of wild rosea
for the decorations. Miss Abigail
made pink Icing for the cake. Ruby
Loo hung bleeding-hearts over the
dining-room door. Aunt Nancy resur
rected from the bottom of her trunk a
white lace cap with a raklsh-looklng
pink bow for an adornment, and fas
tened It to her scant gray hairs in
honor of the occasion. Blossy turned
her pink china pig, his lid left upstair,
into a sugar bowl.
Pink, pink, pink, everywhere; even
In Angy's proud cheeks I Pink, and
pink, and pink I Abe used to grow
dizzy, afterward, trying to recall the
various pink articles which graced
that tea.
But most delightful surprise of all
was his anniversary gift, which was
slyly slipped to his place after tho dis
cussion of the rose-colored strawberry
gelatin. It was a square, five-pound
parcel wrapped In pink tissue paper,
tied with pink string, and found to con
tatn so much Virginia tobacco, which
Blossy bad Inveigled an old southern
admirer Into Bending her for "charit
able purposes."
After tho presentation of this valu
able gift, Abraham felt that the time
had como for him to make a speech
practically his maiden speech.
Ho said at tho beginning, more
suavely at hie ease than ho would
havo believed possible, secure of sym
pathy and approbation, with Angy's
glowing old eyes upon her prodigy,
that all the while ho had been at the
Home, ho had never before felt the
power to express his gratitude for the
welcome which had been accorded
him tho welcome which seomed to
wear und wear, as If It wero all wool
and a yard wide, and could nover wear
Tho old ladles nodded tholr heads In
npproval of this, overy face beaming;
but nt tho speech went on the others
perceived that Abe had singled out
Blosoy for special mentlon-r-bllnd,
blind Abraham Blossy, who had first
proposod admitting him Into this para
dise; Blossy, who had given up her
sunny south chamber to his comfort
and Angy's; Blossy, who had been as
a "guardoen angel" to him; Blossy,
who as a fitting climax to all her sis
terly attentions had given him today
this wonderful, wonderful pink tea,
and "this flvo hull pound o' Vlrglnny
Ho held the parcel close to his
bosom, nnd went on. still praising
Blossy this Innocent old gentleman,
heedless of Angy's gentle tug at his
coat-tall; while Blossy burled hor ab
surdly lovely face In the pink fluBh
of a wild-rose spray, ami the other old
ladles stared from him to her, their
faces growing hard and cold.
When Abraham sat down, aglow
with pride over his oratorical tri
umphs, his chest expanded, his counte
nance wrinkled Into a thousand guile
losB, grateful smlleB, thero was abso
lute silence.
Then Blossy, her head still bowed as
If In shy confusion, began to clap her
hands daintily together, whereat a few
of the others Joined her half-heartedly,
A Bense of chill crept .over Abraham,
Accustomed as a rule to deferential
attention, did he but say good morn
ing, by no means aware that his throne
had toppled during the winter, he was
still forced to perceive that somothlng
had gone amiss.
As always when aught troubled his
mind, "father" turned to Angy; but
InBtead of his composed and resource
ful littlo wlfo ho found a Bcared-faced
and trembling woman. Angy had sud
denly become conscious of the shadow
of tho green-eyed monster. Angy's
loyal heart wan crying out to her
mato: "Don't git tho Bisters daownon
yer, Abe, 'cut then, mebbe, yew'U lose
your hum!" But poor Angollno'e lips
were so stiff with terror over tho pros
pect of tho county houso for her hus
band, that sho could not persuade
them to speech.
Abraham, completely at sea, turned
noxt to her whom ho had called his
guardian angel; but Blossy was rising
from her seat, a baffling smllo of ex
pectancy on hor faco, the rose spray
swinging in hor delicate hand as If to
tho ineuuuro of eomo music too far
back In youth for anyone else to hear.
Dlossy had worn that expectant look
all day. Sho might have "been delight
edly hugging to horsolf a socrot which
Bho had not shared even with tho
trusted Abraham. Sho was gowned
In her yellow laco, tho beauty and
grace of which had defied the chang
ing fashions as Blossy's remarkable
eleganco of appearance had defied tho
passing of the years.
"Brother Abe," In hor heedlessness
of tho mischief she had wrought,
Dlossy seemod almost to sing "I
nover shall forgot your spcoch as long
as I llvo. Will you excuso mo now?"
She swept out of tho door, her skirts
rustling behind hor.
Abe collected himself so far as to
bow in the direction she had taken;
then with lamblike oyes of inquiry mot
tho exasperated glances cast upon
Not a sister moved or spoko. They
all sat as if glued to their chairs, In a
silence that was fast growing appall
ing. Abo turned his hoad and lookod bo
hind his chair for an explanation; but
nothing met his eye, save tho familiar
picture on the wall of two white kit
tens playing in the midst of a huge
bunch of purple lilacs.
Then there broko upon the stillness
the quavering old voice of Aunt
Nancy, from her place opposite Abe's
at the head of the board. The aged
dame had her two hands clasped be
fore her on the edge of the table,
vainly trying to steady their palsied
shaking. Her eyes, bright, piercing,
age-defying, she fixed upon the bewil
dered Abraham with a look of deep
and sorrowful reproach. Her unsteady
head bobbed backward and forward
with many an accusing nod, and the
cap with Its rakish pink bow bobbed
backward and forward too. Abe
watched her, fascinated, unconsciously
wondering, even In the midst of hla
disquietude, why the cap did not slide
off her bald scalp entirely. To hla
amaaemaat, ahe addressed not himself,
but Angy.
"Sister Rose, yew kin leave the
room." Implacable purpose spoke In
Aunt Nancy's tone. Angy started,
looked up, going first red and then
white; but she did not move. She
opened her lips to speak.
"I don't want ter hear a word from
yew, nor anybody olse," sternly Inter
posed Aunt Nancy. "I'm old enough
ter be yer mother. Go upstairs t"
Angy's glance sought Miss Abigail,
but the matron's eyes avoided here.
The little wife sighed, rose reluctantly,
dropped her hand doubtfully reassur
ing on Abo's shoulder, and then went
obediently to the door.
From the threshold she looked wist
fully back; but an Imperious wave
from Aunt Nanoy banished her alto
gether, and Abo found himself alono
not with the sisters whom he loved,
but with 28 hard-vlsaged strangers.
Wanted a Little Praise Himself.
Following a disastrous flro In a west
ern city, many men and women gath
ered to look at the ruins. Some of the
mon, seeing that a wall noar which
they wore standing was toppling, made
hasto to get out of tho way, and nar
rowly escaped being crushed.
Johnny Brablson, a good Irish citi
zen, was so near tho wall that he could
not escape with tho others. So, whirl
ing about, he made for a door In the
wall, burst through It, and came out
on tho other side safo, and evidently
very proud of his exploit. Women
who had shut their eyes and shrieked
whon they saw his danger now gath
ered round him In great Joy, and cried
"Pralso heaven, Johnny Brablson,
down on your knees, and thank
heaven 1"
"Yls yls." said ho, "and I will, but
wasn't It InJaneyouB Inn mo, now?"
Youth's Companion.
No Landmarks In Space.
"There aro no landmarks In space;
one portion of space Is exactly like
overy other portion, so that we cannot
tell where we are. We are, as It were.
In an unruffled sea, without stars, com
pass, soundings, wind or tide, and
we cannot toll in what direction we
aro going. Wo have no log which we
cast out to take a dead reckoning by;
we may compute our rate of motion
with respect to neighboring bodies,
but we do not know how these bod
ies may be moving in space." Max
well. Futurist Window Display.
An Oxford street store has turned
ono of Its windows Into a futurist
boudoir, which Is a regular "Midsum
mer Night's Dream."
There Is an oxydlzed bed with black
sheets and pillows, black and white
striped wall paper, spruce and orange
cushions scattered about at ' random
on sofas or on the floor, and finally,
one of these very green china par
rota, the reason of which Is not ap
parent. Washington Herald.
' WzXH&VjifS lsH Firtt in Qaatity
S ':$&&&& '--' '' "!' piH Fint in Purity
frf?l' ';' ' M Fint in Economy
sS&&L'': .''.' if 's sbbbI and for these reason
!g&iV.' kf M Calumet Baking
viC' '? LH Powder Is first in the
vy)iYJ, H hearts of the millions
'VyLy H f housewives who
' 's. H usc 'l nn( know '
... ,, bbbH WerU's Pert Fee btdttba,
8hallow Manure Pit. H CUc. ICaeb. .. .
B fr tr rWa, Fwscs. Hart,
For maintaining or restoring the
,'ertility of tho fields thero Is nothing
beter than barnyard manuro. By tho
ordinary methods of piling manure on
tho ground or storing It in wooden
pens or boxes, 30 to 60 p,er cent of
Its fertility Is lost, according to the
U. S. Department of Agriculture.
This Iobb Is brought about In two
ways: First, by leaching or washing
due to heavy rains; second, by fer
mentation or heating caused by lack
of sufficient moisture. Sinco concrete
pits are waterproof, manure may be
kept In thorn as moist as may bo
necessary and such an enormous
wasto in tho fertility of tho manure
may thus be entirely prevented. Ono
load of manuro from a concrete pit
is worth y to 2 loads of manure as
usually stored. Moreover, with con
crete pltB the supply of manure 1b
Increased by all tho liquid manure,
the richest part, from the barn gut
ters and feeding floors. ,
Shallow manure pits do very well
where the manuro can bo frequently
hauled to the fields. The walls and
floor should be 5 Inches thick. The
clear dimensions of the pit are:
Depth, 3 feet; width, G feet; length,
12 feot. Dig the trench 3 feet 5 inches
deep by 6 feet 10 Inches by 12 feet
10 Inches. By keeping the sides ver
tical only an Inside form will be
needed. Frame the sides and ends
separately. For the sides cut the
1-inch Biding 12 feet long and nail
It to the four 2 by 4 inch uprights 3
feet long and equally spaced. The end
uprights for the sides are 2 by 4 Inch
pieces nailed flat to the siding; the
others are alBo 2 by 4 but aro nailed
on edge. It Is not necessary to cut
these uprights to exact lengths; they
may be allowed to oxtend above the
siding. Make the siding for the end
sections of the form 5 feet 2 inches
long and at tho ends nail it to the
edge of two 2 by 4 Inch uprights.
Place a single 2 by 4 upright between
each end pair. Cut four cross braces,
6 to 10 inches long, from 2 by 4 Inch
timbers. Have enough sections of
woven-wlre fencing, 7 feet long, to
cover the bottom of the pit.
Set up the forms on tho finished
floor so as to allow a fJ-lnch wall on
all sides. Join them by nailing to
gether the 2 by 4's at the corners of
the sides and ends. Do not drive the
nails home. Cross-brace with 2 by 4's
and with l-inchboards from each cen
tral end upright to the second sldo up
right. Quickly begin filling the forms with
concrete almoBt wet enough to pour,
and keep It .practically the same
height on all sides. Puddle the con
crete by running a long paddle up
and down next to the form. Do not
punch the earthen wall. Dirt In the
concrete may make a poor wall. If
the top of the earthen wall tends to
Waste of Barnyard Manure.
crumble, hold It back with 1-lnch
boards braced against the forms. To
keep out floor water, tho pit may be
extended 6 Inches above tho ground by
using the lower half of a 1-foot board
to hold back the dirt, by allowing the
remainder to project above the ground
level, and by adding 6 Inches to the
height of the inside form. Remove
the forms after the concrete has set
four dayB by first drawing the nails
in the corner 2 by 4's. The pit may
be used after 10 days.
Where the manure must be stored
for a considerable length of time,
larger pits or basins aro required,
flnrh nltit are seldom made over 5 feet
deep and are wide enough so that the
manure may bo loaded on a spreader
In the pit and drawn up a roughened
concrete incline or run. The slopo for
such a run must not be steeper than
1 foot up to 4 feet oilt.
In building a manuro baaln use a
team with a plow and scraper to make
an earthen pit In which to build a
concrete .baaln of the clear dimensions
ehown. In laying out the earthen pit,
bear In mind that the concrete walls
and floor are 8 Inches thick and make
duo allowance for the same. With a
apade trim the sides and the deep end
In order to torn a sump hole from
which tho liquid manuro can be
pumped, in ono corner at tho deep end
of the pit dig a hole 18 Inches deep
by 2lA feet In diameter. To protect
the concreto floor, at the upper end of
tho driveway excavate a trench 8
Inches wide and 2 feet deep for a con
creto foundation apron. Extend it,
around the corners and slope it up
ward to meet driveway Incline.
In general, the framing of tho forms
Is similar to that of shallow pits. If
tho earthen walls stand firm, only an
Inside form will be needed. Other
wise, build an outer form. For the
forms ubo 1-lnch Biding on 2 by 4 Inch
studding spaced 2 feet 8 inches.
These uprights need not bo cut to
exact lengths. Save lumber by allow
ing them to extend above the elding.
Stiffen each section of tho form by
nailing a 2 by 4 inch scantling to the
uprights at tho top and bottom f the
Erect the forms In tho pit. Set
them on 8-Inch concrete blocks or
bricks, so that tho floor may be built
A Cheap Shelter for Manure.
under them. To prevent bulging,
cross-brace the forms with 2 by 4 inch
timbers. Begin filling with concrete,
as for shallow manure pits, and do not
stop until tho job Is completed.
Lay the floor for the bottom and the
incline the samo as for shallow pits.
To give teams a sure footing on the
incline, embed in the concreto the
turned-up ends of iron cleats bent at
right angles, similar to a capital U.
Old wagon tires, cut In lengths not
greater than 20 inches and turned up
4 Inches at each end, will do. Leave
1 inch clearance between the cleats
and the concrete, and set them bo as
not to obstruct the wheelway. Cpace
the cleats 14 to 16 Inches. Roughen or
corrugate the bottom crosswise every
6 Inches by using a 5-foot length of
2 by 4 Inch scantling beveled length
wise to tho shape of a carpenter's
chisel. To make the corrugations, set
the timber with tho beveled face to
ward the Incline. Strike the 2 by 4
with a heavy hammer, bo as t6 Indent
the concrete to the depth of 1 Inch.
Cutter for Silage.
Thero are on the market several
makes of silage cutters that will give
satisfaction, according to Farmers'
Bulletin 678, issued by U. S. Depart
ment of Agriculture. The capacity
of the machine 1b an Important consid
eration which should not be over
looked by Tfiio purchaser. Many pep
BonB make the mistake of getting a
cutter which Is too small, thus ma
king the operation of filling tho silo
very Blow and interfering with the
continuous employment of tho entire
force of men.
It 1b better to get a machine large
enough so that every ono will be able
to keep busy all the time. The larger
cutters are equipped with self-feeders,
a labor-saving device which the smal
ler slzeB lack. Other factors to be
taken Into account in purchasing a
cutter are tho amount of work, to be
done and the power available. Of
course, for the filling of a very small
Bllo It would not bo wise to buy a
large machine. Neither would It be
advlsablo to overload the englno or
motor by using a cutter which Is too
large for the power available.
Two types of silage elevators are
in us tho old-style chain carrier and
tho blower. Tho chain carrier re
quires less power, but is harder to set
up and there is more litter when It Is
used, especially in windy weather.
For these reasons the blower Is now
fast displacing the carrier.
The blower should be placed as
nearly perpendicular as possible bo aa
to reduce to the minimum tho friction
of the cut corn upon the inside of the
pipe and lessen the danger of clog
ging. The usual length of cutting varies
from one-half to 1 Inch. The latter is
considered a little too long, since
pieces of this length will neither pack
bo closely In tho silo nor be so com
pletely consumed when fed as the
shorter lengths. On the other hand,
the longer the pieces the more rapidly
can the corn be run through the out
m nix.
Not Just What Joruss Was Looking
for, But Brown Surely Had
Told the Truth.
Ab Brown landed on tho platform be
ran full butt Into Jones.
"Where bound, Jones, and why such
speed?" queried Brown. ,
"Just off to Seashell-on-the-Mud, and
am axious to get some fruit before I
"Fruit? Just the thing! Now she's
Just off; jump in that carriage. I left
a fine pear In the corner."
Jones got In and started searching
"My friend said he left a fine peat
lh the corner," explained Jones, as an
old lady sniffed angilly at the way he
searched round her.
"Guess he meant that corner, my
man," she snapped. w
Jones looked and saw a young cou
ple blushing furiously.
The British Hussars.
Tho Seventh Queen's Own Hussars
formed from dragoons In 1807 was
the regiment In which the duke ol
Connaught served to learn cavalry
service, after being in the rifles and
artillery. His son, Prince Arthur, and
also tho Ijjrlnce Alexander of Teck be
gan their military career in the same
Every man has a hobby and every
woman two or three.
When a man gets fresh he's spoiling
for a fight.
1 r ina lrl iir wIiImip ; gin fast realn. 1
&lwtUtomnrifUioirllnWik g
Tor 81 years W. I Douglas but guaranteed th
Talus br bavins' his um and tarn ratall prlc
tampaa oa tb sol baton the ahoaa laav tba fac
tory. This protacta tba waarar uralnrt blsb prlcaa
for lararlor sboaa of otbar makes. W. I.. DougUa
hot an alwajt worth what you par (or then. It
you could tea now carafully W. 1,. DoDtlat ahoei ara
iiiad. and the high grade leather! uaed, you would the
onderitaud why they look better, at better, bold their
tliaue ant wear longer than other makee tor tha price.
If lh W, U DouglM hoea ara not for aal In your
Ylclnlty, order direct from factory. Shoes enl efary
where. Toilage free In the U. B. Write fer lllu.
traled Valuing-ihowlnjr how to order br mall.
W. U DOUULAS, tld Spark Bt.,Uroolton,Mae.
Is constantly growing in favor because it
Does Not Stick to the Iron
and it will not injure the finest fabric. For
laundry purpose sit hat no equal. 16 ox.
package 10c 1-3 more itarch for sane raont
I AnTt?Q Take sdrantage of parcel pott ana
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