flSgpttAfS , i ar r&t Tjfc, ,3L v' vMf -.jwai-"!! i -wo-to )t 'i'"'Miiii'My.-a.. -1 " 'szsmzm 4 :L, r nMh ;$ V" Mf ti I'' i i It n "A ( -' 7 f- 1Mmw - - HOME NEWS Bulletin of The Wook'a Dolnga 5 TuWo your uivuui to J. 0. CaUlwoll. I) M A 1 1 1 e was in Hasting Sutnr tluy. Will Mount foul was In Kltto mil Monday. Hoy llmohUon was In tliistitiKi on TiiuiMlny , L C. Pk-liwrtif Hluo Hill whs in town Momluy. V. C IliKulicnvof IIluu Hill wan in town Mond iy. Mol Putnam of linu'ule was on our M reels Momluy WihIh Tiite w rlreil In tho city tlie tir-t ot tlit wRt'l;. MNs (irnei Stewnril was a Ilast'uiKs visitor Thursday. Attorney Wallers of Hluo Hill tvas on our streets Monday. Come to lied Cloud sjiMiHuy or nny tiny in tliu week Mini (Jo your trading ,A1. lleelter is liotno front CoinstouU where ho attended his lirothcrV ftincr nl. l'rof. Mority. has purchased n now ltuick automobile of the Red Cloud Auto Co. Mrs. Siwim Ludlow of Fiunkliu visit ed her daiij,'htor, Mis. C. .1. Geer, over Sunday. Mi's Hurtliii Doyle left Friday mom liiK for CluuupiiiKn, 111., where she will attend college The September term of district court will convene In tills city, Monday, September SSHi. The Red Cloud Concert Hand went to llyroti Wednesday o play for a two days celebration. 1'red Witt wer, who was operated on at Lincoln Inst weel., ts gutting iilnnp; nicely at Hum writing Meredi'ili Duller is ttoiklnjr for Will Koon in liis buteher shop during the ab'-eneo of Mr. Butler. A. II Carpenter returned home Sun day morning from KunsuV where he had beer, on business. L. M. Wittwer of Htirb,ink, Soutli Dakota, Hrrlved in the city Sunday to visit with his brothers. Leonard Iteihor left tho first or tin week for Lincoln.' where he will study law at the state university. Mr. and Mrs. Root". Avery "atitocd to Edgar and Superior Sunday and spent the day with tucjr parents U. A. Teel of May wood, Nobr , spent the last of thawet-k here with his biotlier, Oscar Teel and wife. Mr. and' Mrs.JRoy Feaiu of Superior Hpeiit Suuduy here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Wolfe are the proud parents of a baby boy which was born last Thunday imrnlnff. t Mrs. Chas Potter and tho Misses Tillio Cook, Hattie and Mary-Christian were Hastings victors Thursday. "Bud" McCune who has been in California for sometime for his health is In the city vloiting his patents. Dr. Summer reports the arrival of a boy Thin sday night at the home ol Fred Burden. BloomiiiRtJii Athojute Fred Good of Cowles was in town Saturday attending a meeting of the Democratic County Central Committee. liruco Robinson leturtfc'd to his home in Clay Center Saturday mom ing uf :er spending the week hero with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Robin son. Oris Fearn, who Is holding down a job in tho Adams County Democrat olllco at Hastings, spout Sunday hea with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fearn. Dr. Warilck, The Specialist, will meet eye, ear, noso and tin oat patients and tliosu needing glasses lltted at Di. Dntnerell's otllce in Red Cloud, Tuts day; October Uth. Mr and Mrs. .1. R. Butler left Satur day morning for northwestern Kansas, where they will visit with relatives, after which theywlll visit in Lincoln, Iowa and Illinois. Raul S'orey, who is Gland Repre M 'sentutiVe of t lie NebrnskaOrniul Lodge of Odd Fellows, left Fiiday morning for Atlantic City, N. J , to attend the Soverign Granil Lodgoof Odd Fellows of America. Mr. mi i Mib. Low Hohenseo of Boatrtco w'oro tho guests of l'rof, Bets'. and wife Thni sday. They had been out to Dunlng and were on their way homo. Wo ncknoVledgo a pleasant call from Mr. Hohensoe. Father Fitzgerald and Shcrln Hedge were in Hastings Saturday attending tho funeral of SherilV Chas. Sanderson, of Clay Center, who was shot at Har ' vard last Wednesday When this edi tor, A 1). MoAithur, workod In the Patriot oflioe In Clay Conter, several years ago, wo became acquainted with Mr. Sanderson, he being elected to the otllce of sheriff that year, a position whloh he has held for seven years. Mr1. Sanderson was a good officer, and made manv friends who were sorry to bear of bis death. - I - - - w - . .. s.v- - a-... mtUT - F r lnii new snors go to Miner II. os Co l'f 'R IlttN'T cowl "i-ro'itn lioiue llttsch'-ou it Salai'fu. A Sa gold fount tin pun for only f,9c bj trailing tSuOeash ut Ih'iiry Cook's. FouSm.UCHkm': A Hurley David son motoii'iele go"d shnpu. Mis. Win Wolf,' Mr. II L. GilniHs and children re turned from Blue Hill Saturday after a weekWioit. Robt. Potter of Oklahoma, is visit ing his parents at the . It ihn ( Potter home this wt ok. Col. .1. II Rllingerand A If. McCull lft via auto for lliid City. K-ts., Wed itesday utornlug. Orlu Hedge and wife aie tlie proud ptreuts ofu buby boy which ttnlved the lltt of the ok Chief Cloil; Miiokio retained hnnio from Red Cl.niil, Fiidny moiiilngoii l'.. .Monday's McConk Unzette. Next Monday, Sept. 3S the first show at the Tepee will commence piomptlj. at T:-lo Second show at 0:00. New co-its jus.t received nl Minor Bros. Co , whom they have iccelvud tiewiliieK in all depaitmcutH. For tho . latest stylos in full and winter millinery go to Mts. Barrett's millinery store. adv Last Friday morning Hartv Buckles had the misfortune to injure Ills hand quite badly while working In tho blaelismitli shop. A. Kopish of Blue Hill was In the city Satttiday afternoon attending a meeting of tho Democratic County. Cen traLCommlt too. Lincoln Bcacliey, the world renown ed avla'.or, has ben secured to give flights three davs dining Ak-Sar-Bou carnival in Omaha. IWohey will ap pear there Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 7, 8 and' !. He will loop the loop, lly upside down and do other feats with his machine that no one save a man with Beachoy's daring would attempt. That sunflowers uso thtee times as much moisture as the corn plant is a I liictrcccntlv found to be true at the NebiasUa experiment Station. After comparing several coin ami snnllower plants during tho growing season, up to September 1, this year, itwas found that the average amount S)f water used by a corn plant was four 11 fills of a barrel, weighing :to0 pounds. Tho aveiago amount of water used by a snnllower was two bariels and a keg, weighlnir 9."2 pounds. From this it would appear that tho farmer can well afford to keep down not only his sun llowers but all other weeds which are robbing the soil of moisture needed to grow a crop. , , COWLES Lewie Fuller of Bethany, is here visiting relatives. R. B. Thompson was in Hastings Tuesday on business. S. P. Stark bought a new Ford car of the Cowles Auto Co. last week. ' Kauan Sprenklo of Wllsonvllle, Nebraska, Is here visiting rolatives and friends. Born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Will Butler ii baby boy with the weight of nine pounds. Mrs. Baylor left for Illinois, Satur day, to be at the bedside of her father, who Is verv 111. A large number of the members of the Chi istiau church autoed to Guide Rock Sunday evening to hear Rev. Holly preach. A. .1. Guy, James Saunders and 11. B Thomson started for thesaud hill country Wednesday to have a short vacation shouting chickens. No GaiTble You can get a dollar's worth of merchandise in our store for one dollar. We don't force you to take a chance on,a house and lot, nor an automobile, neither do you get trading stamps and when you get three million of them you may get something. Neither do wefgive you tickets good for trashy crockery. In fact, Uierc is no chance when you trade with us. You are sure of what you get. B. E. (Hepai-land AHh fl Sum ffi 3r &&& 3 tTiL,mLi o L o L Dll!M as K A . Kin 11 rrB-Bl 'W M w iWWTIHiUMIM W WMWtHW w linn 15he En i" ir t JLj JLj Program For Week Commencing Monday and Tuesday SEPT. C8 mid 21) FOUG'S MILLIONS, in two reels. An opportune discovery snatches a for tune liom a pair of schemers n tragedy is averted niid the law does the tost. An RGYPTIAN 1'UINCI-WS A comt'dy In which the elixir of youth astonishes with its antics AT the FOOl' OF THE HILL A tine picture, appealing in heait inter est. Wednesday, Sept. 30. Afternoon and Evening ONE DAY ONLY HA0i:NUECICirn d" W A h L A C V. GREATSIlOW.Slnfourroolsof Motion I'lcl nres. showing i he entiiiCirens and Animal peiformaiici, Menagerie, pa rade, unloading tialns, erecting the Ciicus City, in tact over) thing pui lulu lug to the dally llfeof thlsgiimi ciicus. Tho "(in people, 00 lioises. 'M) wild beasts, 'Jttii pei formers. TiU clowns, etc , taking puit in this show are all por trayed In 1100 feet of film and explain ed by a lecturer. Fo'ur Shows will be given of this wonderful lllm, vi, '2:W and 1:00 In the afternoon, and ut7::U)'mid l):l'0 in tlie evening REOCLAR PR1CF.S only will lie charged for tills speuial piogratn, (though doublo prices are being charg ed ovorywhote els,-) but all children will be required to have u ticket. 10 cents fur adults; 5 cents for all children under 12. Thursday, Oct. 1st One Day Only DOLLY of THE DAILIES. The tenth' page In the active llfu of Dolly (Mttrv Fuller) in whicli she plays de tective and sets a clever trap for tho evildoer. THE SOUTHERNERS, in three parts. Adapted from the famous novel by Cyrus Brady and a magnificent present ation ot thrilling Incidents of the Civil War, including the battle of Chiclm manga mid the entrance of Ianagul into Mobile Ray A sttonir and con vincing slorv laid in tlie unsurpassed beauty of southern scenery. The naval engagement at Mobile, the soljieis, sailors, slavs, etc , make a most com plete ntul entertaining picture. Friday and Saturday OCT. 2 and 3 The RIVAL RAILROADS PLOT, in two parts. Two railroad companies are after u bi mall contract and the trouble they. make for eacli other fur nishes au interesting story. . HER TRIP to NEW YORK. A stflry of pathos that lays bare man's thought lessness. . , . PIGS is VIGS. Comedy. You have seen pigs but never such pigs as, those, They set John Bunny daffy and almost ruin the express business. CHANGE In HOUS Commencing next Monday, Sept. 28, First show nt 7:30 Second at 0:00. Now shoes for the ladies just re ceived atMinor Bros. Co. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hall returned home from Geneve Sunday morning, where they iad been visit iug his brother, Tom Hall. A treat is in store for Nebraska teachers who attend tho State Asso ciation convention in Omaha, Novem ber t, Ii and 0, for the Buietu of Pub licity has secured Mtidamo Gerville Beadle to give a concert on the night of November 0. Every moniker of the Stato Association will bo the guest of tho Bureau of Publicity, tickets of ad mission to bo given at the time of registration Madiuno Roache, who is one of the most prominent aiugeis of the United Stiito",'ruiiking with Gadski, Tutia.luul and Nielsen will bo brought to Omaha especially for this concert. This appearance, however, will not be her first In the middle west as about fiur yems ago she toured this section of the countiy. Ro.ioho is h mezzo soprano of mnarkablo ability and her concert before the tenchots, will bo one of the big featuies of tho con vent inn. f !.. li Not Vi v r -u screes e Wheat Yields A'tt tetncgwio ell'sct of fanning wheat for 12yeiro and of fanning oats for9 years for ited thete appeals to bo ui) Himtiuugu in such a piautlce from tlie viewpoint of increased yields, according to oxpoiinHiits conducted at the Nebraska Kxpet Intent Htnticn. Vields of wheat for 12 years aver aged: Heaviest eed planted il'l .1 bushels;. oiiglual unfanned seed, ,13 f bushels; lightest seed planted :W.O bushels. Yields of oats for 9 years, uveiaged: Heaviest seed planted, M fi bushels; original tiofunuod seed, CI. ,1 bushels; lightest seed planted, 51.0 bushels. Tlie slight difference of one half bushel is considered negligible and well within the possibility of ex perimental error. These data corres pond to similar tests for 11 years at the Ohio Kxporiment Station. On tho other band, a fanning mill may prove a profitable investment for use in eliminating Injurious weed need and other foreign matter, when present CHIEF IPaJl Con Bur win In Fiaukllii Thursday. .1 F. Ui lines itturued fiom Blue Hill Satuuhi. Everett Bean of Inavalc was In town We luel'day. Prof, lletz teturucd Sunday from Republic, Kansas. Ed (larber was In Guide Rock Wed nesday afternoon Barney Sutton mid wife are home from Wichita, Kansas. Commissioner t Ohmstedo was from Guide Rock' Wednesday. up Horace Brown and .Ion Bat tit wore home from Dcweese over Sunday. Mr mid Mrs. llenrv Strayor weic down fiom Franklin Wednesday. B. E. Mei'arlund was in Nelson Tnediiv nt the Nuckollas county fair. Fori S.i. Cm:r-A good gentle horse, also buggy mid harness. L. II Uu.. Judge Ratiuey- Is oiit again after a severe tussel with tutT military rheu matism Glenn Foe has purchased a tiiotot cycle and uses tho same on his journo to his school noithwestof town. W. L. Weesner, Mr. and Mip O. C. Tool ami Mr ami Mis Joe llew'ett at tended the Nuckolls county lair at Nelson Wednesday. The Tepee will have a sure enough circus nest Wednesday, Sept. .'(), after noon and evening, ut'J:!i(), J:oo, 7:R0 and !:()(). Four tools of moving pictures bhowing every thing pertaining to a circus its daily life- performances etc. NORTH WEST JEWELL Most of the fanners have began sow lug wheat. Mis. Andrew Mitchell of Ilolton, Kausas, is heie visiting Lloyd Mori Is has icnted tho Bee. man place for the coming year. Several from this ueighhoihood ate attending school nt North Brunch. Mrs. Lola Kenworthy and children visited a few days last week with Mrs. Will lludiburgh. Enoch Weaver has began sotting wheat on the farm he recently bought Ifrom R. W. Ilelmer. Loch llu'ehlson with his mother mid two sisters, Virgio and Vina stinted to Hutchison, Kansas, last. Wednesday to at toud the fair. Louh took sick nt Sallna, Kansas, and they had to return homo. He Is some bet ter at this wilting, although still under the doctors eHro. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. THREE. The following proposed amendment to na hereltioftpr set forth in full, Ih submit ted to tho 06ctors of the State of Ni-Iiiiih- tlie constitution or tno state oi rseuniim.i, ku, toT)o voted upon at the general eiec- tlon to ho held Tuesday, November 3rd, AAD. 1014. "FOR a Joint resolution proposing amend ments to Section 1. of Article V, and Section Z4. of Article V, of tlie Consti tution of Nebraska, relntliiK to term of olllee nnd salary of Governor and other executive otllcers. Do It Itesolved and Enacted by tho People of tho State of Nebraslc.i: . , ., Section 1. That at the Kencral election for state and leKlslatlvn olllets. to ho held on tho Tuesday succeeding tho first Mon day In November, 1H14, the follow Iiik bo submitted ih amendments to Sections 1 and 24. of Article V. of tho Constitution of Ncbrasku: Sec. 1. Tho executive department shall consist of a Governor, who shall hold his olllee for' a term of two years from tho first Thurediy after the first Tuesday in January, next after his elec tion, and until his successor Is elected and qualified. Ill addition to the Governor, tho executive dep-irtment shall Include the following oIIIomih: Lieutenant Governor, Sccretaiy of State, Auditor of Public Ac counts, Treasurer, Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction. Attorney General, and Comnileslnuir of Puullo Lands nnd Hal d Iiikh. each of whom shall hold his olllco for llir. trni nt in vimi-m from tin- 111 fit Thursday after tho ll-st Tuesday In Janu ary, next after his election, and until his HiiccoFsot Is elected anil ill.illtleil: Pro vided, however, tint tho Hist election of said ot'teiTS shall l.e hi Id on the Tm "day succeeding the Hist Moudiv In Novcmi'i-l. run, and fiich Hiiec'-edliiK el ctlon sin 1 bo held nt the same relillvo tlm In oaeli even your tht rentier. The Oovuinor, Sec retiirv of State, Auditor of Public Ac counts, and Treasurer shall teside at tno mu of govorum- nt diulng th-lr tnns of otl'co, and lie, p the public records, books and ropers tlir-ro. nnd slinll porform sueh dutloH os nmv be euulred by law Sec, 24. The siUiiy of the f'.ovornor shall he llvo thousand (I'i.Oui).') i) dollais Iter annum. The snlarlws of Auditor of Public ureuunts Hid S,errtir of Kttte "uporlnt' -id' ut or I"it lie Instruction and Cninmbsl mer of P'i'illc Lftndt and Ilulld ings slei'I hi two tnoiiwuul lle uundt-d iJ IP'iohi ilollits each per tituium. nnd of llm Att.rifl (iinnrnl. ffitr th ustid ilol hrs ($loii0.no) per aniiutn. the uliry of tho State Timisui-r shall be tlno thou sitnl ($3,010 on) dollars por annum, and the Lloiitenn-it Goveinor sh ill mchvo one and unn.linlf tlm enmrienMntlon of a Henatot. and after tho adoption of tills constitu tion they shall not reeo to their own iish any fets, costs Interests upon public moneys In their hands, or under th"lr con trol, poiqulsltos of oltloo or othor om pensnttnn. and nil fees that mny hereafter bo p.iyalde by law for snrvlcs perform' d bv nn olf'cer, provided fir In (his nrtlc 'o of tho constitution shall bo paid In ud unce Into tho state trcisuty There shatl ho no allowance for clerk hlro In tho of fices of llm Superintendent of Public In strnctlon nnd Attorney General. Sec. 2. That at Slid election on tho Tuosdnv succeeding the (list Monday In November, 1014. on tho ballot of each elector voting thereat, there shall ho ptlntecl or written tho words: "i-or pro posed amendments to the constitution. Il?;ing tho term of olllco and salary for governor, nnd other executive nilleors." nnd "Against proposed amendments to tho constitution, fixing tho term of olllco nnd salary for governor, and other oxecu tlvo otflcers," Appiovrd, April 21 1DJ.T. I, Addison Walt, Hecutary of State, of tho Stato of Nehraslw, do hereby certify that tlm foregoing proposed amendment to tho Constitution of the Slnto of Ne braska Is a tine nnd correct cony of tho original enrolled and engrossed bill, os passed by the Thirty-third session of tho Legislature of tho Stato of Nebratka, ns appears from said original bill on llln In this olllco, nnd th it said proposed amend ment Is submitted to tho qualified voters of tho Stato of Ncbuiska for their adop tion or rejection at the general election to ho held on Tuesday, the sru u.vy oi November, A. D. 1914. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand nnd nlllxed tho Great Seal of tho Stato of Nebraska. .... Done nt Lincoln, this 23rd day of March, In tho year of our Lord. One Thousand Nino Hundred nnd Fourteen, and of the Independence of tho United States tho One Hundred ond Thirty-seventh, and of this BUU the rorty-seventn. ADDISON WAIT. Secretary of Stats. Seal) vuamMimtmunm.vjriw.mjuQaanmMMtrtnmtmmMmirmmtm -rr-aSSSSi-r To Ik Mile S We Ask This Consideration When you are ready to buy your Men's and Boys' Clothing for Fall and Winter we most respectfully urge you to come and see what we can do lor before you buy elsewhere. s On account of . i general feeling of unrest wc have seen ' iL :.. - ..L- :i it . . ? a uiu neLeb&uy ui muKiug special eiioris to I buy our goods as cheaply as possible and feel confident that we are in a position to save the clothing buyers of this country a nice sum of money on their fall purchases. Anyhow, come in and let us talk it. over and see what you can see. Fair dealing and courteous treatment assured all and an iron clad guarantee back of everything weN sell you. he Qocuden-Kaley (Nothing Qo. S Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers QZ-sCsaj$$g&- 9$&SKmmEKa 3S3 g FUR.NITURJE r5rr AINU fcifc-iS- UNDERTAKING ED. ANACK ALL THE PHONE i 8 1 1 1 OUR PHUTOTS-1 C j f H Are Made Right tk 1 ' Vell Lettered ' B fj4 -iss-iiwgys-.it iit,SiWSTiiwsi R i And R i Our i 53 Carefully Erected j Prices - p $ Are ' Sf 8 Reasonable come in and scs ft Sfijt MissMij,iiwisirw m'mmm sxsiisssjisi iimiissi s isssis iwspmwi w xw nil siuiiiihhibi i w WB 8. nirct)Tolfr titmz a pc U S -w- -H-- -- 8 SSSSCSKSiS S3&ISeSI3 3iSSS)SSSS 20iy K-SAH-BEN FALL FESTIVAL Omaha 8EPT. 30 TO OCT. 10 1914 WORLD AT HOME SHOWS Evtry afttrnoon and averting. Claotrlcal Farad Fralarnal Farada Kvanlng Oot. 7. Arnn Oat. s HOME COMING WEEK OCT. 5 TO 10 DiAurros Atiand th Territorial Flanaars Ra-Unlan, PIONEER 9 SaBt. 30 to Oct. 3. f-ti & nSfflESRSS s you close limes and a -3SEEffiWVW6' NEWHOU9K BLK DKUO. a bU. YEAR ' j f , 1, m Mi r ' l I t . ,.' i.uCjf!" ' . 1 sjt A-lAiS: &i c. tvj.1 V ul Hwr n ij-j -v.. - vr-'1 ; 'iii'iMiwwiwwiiiM ji lSi.JjLlL'i.JSiJWj-,'J-jiBiJ