The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 24, 1914, Image 1

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Trade at Home and Boost For a Bigger and Better Red Cloud
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4 Newspaper That fllves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Br Sf.Sf .
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If You Desire
VERY one of your banking connections
to be a profitable one. returning you the
largest measure of service, andv accom
modation commensurate with the size
of your deposit, open an account with
us. Interest paid on time deposits.
Deposits Guaranteed- by State Guaranty Fund
Strong Effort Being Made For
Up-Town Express Office
The efforts or Itiu Chamber of Com
merce to secure an up-town telouruph
mill express ollleo have mi fur resulted
In failure. Until the Adams Express,
Company mid the Western Union
l Telegraph Company liavo turned tlio
proposition down, It now remains to
be seen what tlio Railway Commis
sion will do.
It seems to us that we are asking
only what is fair and just in this mat
ter owing to the faet that our depot Is
one mile away from the center of
town and it is dlillenlt to trausaet
business at such it long range.
Have you provided your self with a proper
place to keep your corn?
Arc your Grain Bins in good condition?
Do you know hat ve oer for sale the
best Crib and Bin Material on the market.
"And Our Prices Are Right"
"Talk With Us About Your Wants"
!!tal Estate transfers.
Heal Estate Transfers furnished by
M. W. Cat ter, Hondo I Abstracter Red
Cloud, XebraMtu.
Hugh It. Hunter and wife to W.
A. Hall, qed, lot 5, Ulk II!,
Guide Itook S
Charley Eindgren and wile
Ctirl It. Lludgrtfii, qcd, s
2: i 12
William T. Mount ford and wire
to Telia Uinus, wd, lots 1, 2, .'I,
ISIk. 4, Kndcllll's Addition t.
HedCloud ... 1
Clide L. WieUwite and wife to A.
E. K. Strong A: Co , wd, lots 5,
o, U1U. i, lnavale 18(H)
Vogei Investment Co., to (limit
Shidler, wd, ejtf sej, 2:1 110 ... .T00
K. 11. Albright and liar-
burn Galley, wd,lotU, 151k. 15, j.
EeDue's Add to Kd Oloti.l. '. SOJ
Willtam Vim Dyke Mini wife to
llenjamln Sylvmms VauDyke,
wd part nw'4 2S-1-11
Mortgages Filed 12,222 IW
Mortgages Release 1, 81U270.
The Methodist Conference
Appoints New Ministers
At n nieetlnir of 11 Methodist Con
ference held at Fremont this week the
following men were appointed to till
the pulpits in the various towns In .
Webster county: I
Dtadcn W. It Alexander. !
Ulue Hill To be Supplied. !
Cowles .1. V. Davis.
tluide Kjck A. U Umpleby. 1
lnavale Scott lilunt.
Ked Cloud-C. L. Myers.
': i
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8 If 's In Style We Have
r r r 11" t 1 t
We Have It It Its In
it 8
Our lines combine correct
styles with more than moder
ate prices, makes our line of
great importance to women
interested in dress. Our gar
ments must give satisfaction,
and they do. This is why our
sales increase.
My Auto Tis Of Thee.
My unto 'tis of thee, short etit to
poverty of thee 1 uluitit. I tdew a
pile of dmiKll oil you two years apo, j
and you do refuse to no, or won't or
eaii'i. Through town and countryaide, ,
you weie my joy and pride: a happy
day I loved thy iriuuly hue, thy nice'
wliltti tires so new. but now you'rdown
and out. for true, in every way. To
thee, old lattlebo.v, came many bumps
and knocks for thee 1 grieve. Itadly,
thy top U twin, fiayed are thy scats
and worn; the whooping eouh effects
thy horn, l do believe. Thv perfume
swells the bree.e, while Kood folks
choke and weeze while we puss by. 1 ,
palu for thee a price, 'twoulil buy 11
mansion twice, now everybody's yell
ing 'leu" I wonder why? Tliy motor
has tho rlp, thy spark has the pip,
and woe Is thine. I loo have suffered
chills,' ague and kindred IUh, endeavor
ing to pay my bills, since. thou weit
mine. Gi.u; is my hunk roll now, no
more 'twould choke 11 cow, ta once bo
fore, l'et it 1 had the moil, so help me
(lolin amen, I'd buy myself 'a car
again, and speed some morc Hx.
New Fall Hats
3 Jfi v Jtr! C3
Governor's Proclamation
hT-j vA
A:iM i&Ji-Slu
Barbara Phages
Agent For Ameiieati Heauty
and Warner ltros. C-.irsots and
Hutterick Patterns.
Seed Corn Pointers.
When corn reaches the glazed,
dented, or still dough stage, it may 'be
safely picked. Seed Com Selection
Week this Jear btglus September 2S
Choose mature earsjfioui plauts in the
Held that have grown under average
rather than favored conditions, even
, tho the oars may not be large.
Select ea8 growing at a convenient
height on upright stalks that me
sturdy and of moderate size. Splnd-
i 4li fl !! sici and leaf iness
I t S i S 5l '.tO "21 TfitU drouth re-
t ; - - ,
j j . ,, ,-i BtuiJk proteot-'
I i . ,; 1 4 8 old, and con
sequently are liable to havo low ger
minating powers.
As soon as the seed is picked it
must bo stored r.way immediately in as
dry and airy a place us possible. The
attic of a kitchen or granary or above
the driveway in a double corucrlb, the
university farmers have fouud is bet
tor than. 1 liay mow.
Seed if left In a pllo may mold In a
few hours, cWdevleo for separating
the cars is the corn post, or corn tioe.
This consists of a post erectod on a
standard, with Mulshing nails (prefer
ably with the heads off) driven in tlio
sides. This may hold enough to plant
10 to 35 acres of ground. Tho seesaw
method with the use of trrtuj is also
In view of tho fact that our success
ful farmers and experiment stations
find that early select ion of seed corn
is advisable, it seems, in a matter of
such great economic impo.itmice, that
a time should be sot aside for its early
Tho followlcg reason for early
selection are apparent:
1. Early selected seed is less liable
to be injured by free.iug.
2. Seed selected In the Held enables
the farmer to obtain ears from plants
of the proper type und from plants
growing under normal conditions.
3. From various reports recelvod,
tho present crop has ripened e.Aily,
and seed may bo safoly selected at tho
end of the month. It appears essen
tial, however, that such corn once no
lected should bo stored immediately in
as dry 11 place as possible,
A special reason why our farmers
should select their own seed will ap
pear from data of the Nebraska Exper
iment Station showing that native
seed produced 0.2 bushels more per
ncro than excellent seel brought in
from other districts.
With those fautsin mind, Idesigunte
the week beginning September 28 as
Seed Corn Selection Week and urge its
geuoral observance as the proper time
for this important task.
Given under my hand and the Great
Seal of the Statu of Nebraska, this tho
twenty third day of September, MHl.
John II. Mohkiikao, Gorornor. '
.. . . m .,... 1
City Streets lo Be Uiled
Councilman Terry recently advocated
oiling our city streets und as a result
this will bo tried out in n small way
at once to see if it is a practical tiling
here. On ordinary dirt roads it is tlio
practice to open up the dirt to a depth
of eight inches, work in the oil und
then roll the road witli a heavy steam
roller. The council arj of the opinion
that this will not need to be done in
this city owing to the fuct that our
streets are itlroady very solid and need
no foundation. An application of, oil
will be placed directly on top of the
streets as they are and the results
noted, If this should prove to be a
success It will cat the dost about three
This coming Sunday will close my
pastorate of the Congregational ehuieh
of Hed Cloud
1 expect to pi each my farewell ser
mon and wc shall have special in isic
by the choir both moridngaud evening.
1 take this opportunity to extend a
cordial Invitation to my friends to at
'tend these services. '.John .1. Havni:
Will Speak At
Bladen Fair
Hon. A C. Shallenhergcr of Almn,
who is a candidate for Congress from
the Fifth District on the Democratic
ticket, will speak at the County Fair at
Illaden, October 1st. Go up and hear
him as he will discuss tho important
subjects of the day.
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Ileal OMGoatsl )
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JIM 1 1
I Jdaekinaai Goats ri,
83 ' tJ-wpi i
. .uaps 'fi
I " SEE 'EM "I W I
1 PAill STOPFY 1 I'1
I & The Clothier . '"
& mv f'''' 1 Mm.
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s Hags -Hags -Hagslili
Your v
Watch Ideal
Many people have learned
to consider such, and such a
watch as an ideal time piece.
When they buy they want
that particular watch.
We don't blame .them be
cause we have watch ideals
too and ideal watches.
They are the South (Dend
and the Hamilton and the
Iiow.ard and one or two
others. These we have learn
ed to depend upon theso we
buy and sell each year in
greater quantities. And be
fore you make a watch pur
chase we would like to talk
to you about these move
ments. May we?
Our Fall Stock of Rugs
Are Now in Ready For
Your Inspection.
v We Have the Largest
Line We Ever Bought
Having purchased these
any advance in price we
the benefit. Come in and
you the largest line of Rugs
in all the new patterns. W
in all grades.
,. , ,T fftxj.'taY,
' &fW'l:l
. tfBMvJ
. Mi"!f !h
, .ra8Wf,.i
' . AVlT'WSi'l
E. H. Newhouse
Optometrist and Jeweler.
! Ji Wt
t Sf&. IM ft
Rugs before I lMi I '
can give you 1 ;1I
let us show v) ' -Sil
in the city, g
e have them S S4M
I -Mb 1
r ''onl "'
fl Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. Jl ''W