EUD CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF wumVJataTrntmtwnuijiim nrwMTOWiv;v.f.i.rtr I' u. H i: Y E'? R e m m b K HSi Jl frr u m M mm&&96S'aM&n&88mTllb RED CLOUD CHIEF QUALITY ON THIS WE HAVE BUILT OUR PRESENT BUSINESS WHEN wc began our business career in in Red Cloud we took as our motto the one word Quality and we believe all our patrons will agree with us that it has truly been our slogan all this time. Our reputation for high-grade Groceries is well known. We are fully prepared to supply all your wants in our line P. A. Wullbrandt THE HOME GROCERY let Clovnl, Ncbrnoke. 1'UDLISHED LVEHY THURSDAY Kntcrcil In thb I'dstcllkc nt Hid ( loud, Nob. ai Second I'lnni Matter . It. McARTIlUR Puiia&in:lt TUX'. ONIiY DI'MUCKATIC I'Al'KH IN WnitrtTKU COUNTY )HSBS6SSS -asaM 33SSSBEi r r.mm1- """ .f 'Vtsr - mii ti irrir -iii-nirniriinirn i irrn ii j . I-"" " "k - -- "- fUliJ-. Jt,i( .r- x r f "-- k, r -.. Big Popular Voting Contest Hundreds of Dollars in Valuable Prizes Given Absolutely Free by Cook's Pharmacy and The Red Cloud 'Chief. DEMOCRATIC TICKET Governor John II. Moiii:iii:.uj Lioul Governor James L'i.aiho.v Secretin y of Statu.. .Ciiaiim. V. Tom. Amlllor Public Accounts.. .W. II. Smith Treumirur Ghoiuie K. Hall Supt. Public Inst ,...P M. WniTKinaii Attorne General Willis 12. liUi.t) Cotumlhhlotiur Public Luiidh and Hullillnus Wm. It. Eaktiiam Rillwuy Commissioner.. W. M. Maupi.v Iteyents of University. .0. V. Xoiu.E John 1. Mli.i.Kit Ciii(,'re9smiii Fifth District. A.C. ii.LLi;NEi:mit: County Clot I: Fiiank Va vimcka Ti eitsuivr G no W. Tmsi: SIlK-iH' J.S. Hl'llATICA .Superintendent Gkiitrcih: L. Coon Coroner Dit II. Cook UoniinUsioiiotH....Lr.i: DcTouu.... .... Dlst. ,'J; Uiias. I)icki:.nson, I)ls.t. B Uenicseutatlvv Geo. W. LlMiSCY Stato Senator, 'JO I)Ist.-W. L. Wr.ESNUit which whs helil In Oiniihii lust week. Four liuiiilrnd tin I Ilfty-seven aisled Ited iloii'nteH weiohoiitod by the cie detithils'commlttee. The foatuio of the entertiilniiieiit was a moving pie., lure exhibition jilveii by tho lluiuiiti of Publicity, when moving pictures of Ounilia and Nebraska weio shown. Tho lusouroe of the state and metropolis were- explained ushuustlvuly and tho blK crowd of visitors left with a dlf feient opinion or Oiniilm nttil the stale. A movement by tho insurgents- In the convention to ovei throw the ndininis, triitloit wns defeated by eighty-seven votes, nil tho old ollleeis beltijj re elected. Lot AngelfH was selected as tho meftlng place. Webster county landed in tho filth place at our .state fair which i3 just over. Sho took the sweepstaUes on sweot potatoes and her general exhibit was a good one. lied Cloud is now, in the metropoli tan class, having her lira department Installed in tho center of tho city and an uuloinobilo ready to respond in wise of lire. Wc feel u littlo bigger. . Purchases this week will entitle you to votes as follows: 20c Tooth Brushes 1000 votes 25c Hair Tonic 1000 votes 50c Hair Tonic 3000 votes 50c Bottle of Toilet Water 3000 votes . We are giving away, absolutely free, hunilreilH of dollais In vuluuble prizes to tho ladies entering our voting con test. Kvoryotio has the privilege of entei- ing tliis contest and wo feci sure that the ones securing the pilzes will bo well paid for their time, so come in, let us show you our prizes, and explain the contest more fully, and you mie,ht bo the lucky one at the close. Tile only way to secuie votes In this oontest.ii by purchasing things In the Cook Pharmacy or by getting sub scriber for The lied Cloud Chief. Votes will be. given at the mte of 100 to the dollar on regular cash sales or collections U't'O votes to the dollar on tho sale of duo bills. 10(10 votes to tho dollar on special sales. 1.101)' votis for one yearly subset iplloti In Tho Ked Cloud Chiel. Contestants will please turn in their votes for credit on Tuesday of each week. 1000 votes for every dol lar paid on account between September 2nd and 20th 1000 votes given vith every purchase of itfyals Talcum, Nyals Tooth Paste or Nyals Face Cream from Sept. lllh to September 20th. Standing of Contestants to .1 Blanche Honor ii Emm Uunney n Alison Cowdcn 1 Gladys Wilson . . o Josephine Ksslgv fl KlotH Davis 7 Ila.ol Spires 8 Atltui Jeruberg 1) Laura Pierco , JO Kthel Doylo 11 Pearl Wolcott .?. T2 IvaUutledge l'. Griico Sherer Date. I fi. 1.1.1 1.1170 1721I.1 Jl'JSO 23lX)0 1T7U'0 ll7ii.r) i:i():to 14117.1 Joa.'o KiO'.M) irsn.i 201S5 11 .Mabel Smith 1.1 Jleinico West 10 Muile ltoss . 17 .May Wright . .......!.. 18 Glut u Turnuie 1!) Marybollo Hassinger '. 'id Dorothy Potter 21 Jllnnlo Traiit Jj Hnyel Uoblnson .' ' S3 r.llziibetli Overman !il Marguerlto Fogel So Lola Coplen SO .Maurluo Caldwell 117 Gr.ieo Wilson I SH Grace McCrillK . ' '29 Laura Hedge :iu lla.el Sheldon " .'U Zeluiii Wotideily . 'M Inez Crnbill .. ' ''.,'. l' nieauor (iilhaiu SI IMclle Uajlor .1.1 Veuia Henderson 30 I-Mnn Uaiiuuy !17 Hdna Ikndeisun 3s Isabel Mnjiiiud 30 .Mailrt Tuiut K) Dorothy llartwell U KJith llerrick IS Iteiilrlcti Sloss II Faith Kowity. '. II Miuie llarwood 1.1 Lillian Koonta Hi Mary ChrisUau ...",' ... 17 Clara Wairen IS lather Storey 10 Maude Ciow .10 Dm n llrinkiuaii 51 Kelta McDowell . ..'.. fS Martha Arnold r:t Hmma Uurgmun 51 Volina McKlmiuey .1.1 Margaret Ileal .10 Pearl Carpentor .17 Mabel Dailoy ".!"".!.. 53 (lertrtido Wullbrandt... . 5U Iva Carter 00 Helen Rallies 01 Marie Pulsipher OS Lena Ludlow Gl Pearl Hint's ..'..'.." 01 Carrlo Diedrleii 0.1 Sadio Graham 10 Anna Peterson 1S0I10 10720 11) J 7.1 131 1U 1510.1 1.102.1 IDS 10 17.100 1KS10 1500.1 JtWl.1 1701.1 1I7S0 S00.15 13U70 101 S.I SOJt'OJ lOtiS.1 101J 1S030 i:ii7o 17.1S.1 1(11 1,1 llCs.1 1401.1 1000J ;:t.vii 1011:1.1 is 1:10 1 1!),." i:iiio.i 117.10 1 loso icsoi) 130.10 11)1.1.1 1010.1 10070 111)10 11135 1100.1 11770 1 1SS0 1(1 ISO 10(110 1.1020 1200.1 lllllll 12.110 1301.1 1020.1 2IM70 12.17.1 Towtispioplo who frequent the Chamber of Commerco rooms should join that, organization and secure all tho benefits. Person'! outside of the city are invited to use tho rooms whenever they desiro. Something ought to bo done to make the town hitching racks inoro service able. Whenever it rains Clio water stands around the posts, the horses stamp to shako oil' the Hies and the buggy and harness nie bespattered with mud. These places should be propei ly drained or elso filled with cinders. Those who intend to bring pioduee and other articles to the Farmers' In stitute which will beheld a little lator on should select their goods now. A much bettor exhibit can be made if everything is not left to the last min ute. Indications are that this year's institute will far surpuss any previ ous ell'01 1. That is saying u good deal, siuco Red Cloud is known the state over for holding institutes that are right up to the top notch. If everyone will help a littlo wo can easily fur sur pass anything in the state. At the geneial elcctlou in Nebiaska this fall her clti.ens will by theit vots either -ipprove, or condemn the ad ministration of Woodtow Wilson as president of tho United Status. Ily placing tho state in tho democratic eolutun you can approve his acts, and at the same time elect men who will aid him in the construction of still greater thiiiKS. Especially U this true in the election of congressmen who have a dliect working power in accord- unco with the wishes of tho president and his party. Regardless of your former political ulHllutioiiH, Mr Voter, if you 1110 satisfied ulth the manner in which Wooilrow WINou is conducting tliu alfairnof Him nation. g. to tho polls ui November and uto ti.e I), iiui- eiatic ticket from top to bottom, and thus assist in maintaining a satisfact ory administration Alma Journal. Ancient Spnnlo'i University. The oldes: Spanish university is thin it Salamanca, founded in 1240. 1 ney K.iow All About Us. A French wr'ter says that Ameri cans use a coal-black china dinner tiorvlcc when In mourning. Definition of a Gftntleman. A kindly heart, a quiet voice, pollto words and manners, it hand open to help, attention to littlo things for tho comfort of others, freedom from an ger, boasthig, mid patronizing; toward the strong, courage; toward tho weak, chlvalrj ; toward all men, fairness. Few men ever see one In a. mirror. Ltfo. Who among us that cannot sing with new meaning today, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty," and llnda deeper and sweeter exultation in contrasting our own laud of peace and prosperity with war-distiossed Kuropelf And who among ns that does not hope and pray that the mes B'igo of "l'eaeo on earth, good will to ward men" has taken such u hold upon the hearts of the Aninrieau people that our example in the future may inspire the other nations of the world to make this message the uualteiable law of all generations yet unborn that all mankind may praiso God for giving tho American mil ion to the world'.' Plattsmouth Journal. For Sale Two and one halt acres of laud with good eight room house, two good chick eu houses, wash house, coil liouso and a good well. Everything in first class fihupe. Will sell at a baiguln or trudo tfor fctock. Inquiro hero or phono Ind, :No. 81. Toil Sale Chkap; A Hurley David son motorcycle in .ood shape. Mrs. "Win. Wolfo. T. W. While Progiossivc Candidate For Sheriff ot Webster County. I favor enforceuitnt of tho liquor Iuwb, and If elected I guarantee to contribute 5100.00 per year to a fund' to bouisod for that pui pose, conditions fully explained In a piovious issuu of this paper. FOR RENT A good B-room house Hutchison & Suluden. Coneoiniug tbo Democratic ticket in Webster county the Rod Cloud Chief renmiks: "From top to bottom our candidates uro men of sterling worth," etc. How about the lady who is run ning for superintendent of public in struction? Uro. McArtliur is either it little prejudiced, or else he is too mod est in expressing his views of tho ac complishments of tho suil'ragette. Franklin Pi ogress. The editor of the Progress evlJeutly does not know that iu Webster county this year tho county superintendent's olllce is priictlotlly a non-partisan af fair. Miss Gertrude Coon is running for re-olectlon without opposition. ia ing tho only candidate in tho Held, sho Is tightly considered tho candidate of all tho parties. Could any testi monial as to her etlleieiiey bo higher'.' Every state in tho Union was repre sented at tho annual convention of the United Post Otllce Clerks Association, - J))M imsmki -Jiff l rrtrtDS &i$MWm8s& h csf aoj u "Tg W HAUE JUST GOT IN DRflV LODS OF NEW FALL GOODS, COME. SEE THEM. WHEN VOU DO YOt) WILL LOOK NO FARTHER BUT BUV WfJT VOU NEED RiGHT THEN AND HERE. OUR NEW FALL ambIS!S,,NIFTV: UR STflPLES RELIABLE: OUR PRICh LOW. WE DESIRE THAT THOSE WHO HAUE NOT BOUGHT ALL OF THEIR GOODS FROM US. AS WELL AS THOSE WHO DO. COKE. SEE OUR NEW FALL 5I?,SKJ!PWING 0UK STOilE MEfiNS MAKING ET YOUR STORc. New Goods in All Departments THE MINER BROS. CO. General Merchants "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" Red Cloud, - Nebraska ' -aaHEg3. V to PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. THREE. The following proposed ainuiiiliucnt to tlio constltutiun of tlio SUto of Nubmalui, u hereinafter set forth In full. 1.1 8utinlt J'cl to tlio electors or tlio Stato of Neljr.m Kti, to be voti'ii upon ut tile Bmicnil cloo tlon to hu lielil TuLSOiiy. N'ovi nlior 3rit, A. . J'Jll. "J'Olt a jjlnt resolution proposing aiucnil- liieu's to Siilion t, of Article V. and Section LM. of Article V, of tlio Constl- tul'on of Ntlirn.Hv.i, relating to term of i ui fi'.iry of O.oviruor ami other weeutlve o.'lco:?. lie It Itcilvi'il ami I2nartpil Uy thu People of the .S.ato uf J.VttiiaUa: Section 1. Tint it the Konoral nlortln for stite a"il 1, -Ulativc olllc , to lie h 1.1 nn tlie TtiChil iy Kueceedlntf the llrst Mi a l.iv In November. I'm, tlio folloi.iiu: bo Huhm'.tUil aa to Sictl -na 1 uml l't of Article V, of the Coi.jtitutlon of Nebr.iaU.i: Sec. 1. Tlii CNeoiitlvo ilcpartnit nt sliill consist of a Governor, who cu.tll holil his elPce for a teini of two y t.i fioni the llrst Thursil iv after the t'lsi Tueail-iv In .1 ininry, n"st aftei Uln ! c tlon. nil until hW hUui eh M iu eli'Ctul and finlii!oil. In adilllloM to tbe-iloveiniir, the I'M'Clltlve ili'piirliuent hlmll IncHldo tho folluwIiiK oir.niM: Lieutenant Uoverpoi. bVeietaiy of Slit", Auditor of I'uullc c oiiutH. Treu surer, Huiivilnteiident "f PH -lie IiiRtructlon, Attorney Oeneml. nail Coi'rtinlsrlonor of Publle I. inda and Hull 1 Ihkh. o.ich of whom shall hold his oilleo for the teim of two y. ir. from the llii Thursday nftei the Mrst Tue.div In .In i nry. net af t r hit oh ctlon, -ind until bM fueeeu r In eketcd and iiimilnViI. I'io llded, liowcvu. tbut tho tltst e.eitl 0 ''f Mid otrietlB -titilt bo li Id on lh 'I u-'d i niierenlintf tlif llr'it Monday In Noveinlni. tiilfi. ind eieh ditccruilliiK election shall be held at the timt relative time in ' leh even year there ifter. Tho (Jovenior. Hec tctary of St ite Auditor of Public Ac ooiititn. and Tie-vmrer ulrill lesUlo at the ceot of government durlni; their terns if otTlee, and l.erji tho puolle records lcol: and p-ipera tin ro. and shall p"ifoun smh dutliM a in.iv lie euulrod by law. Sc. 24. The Hilary of tho Governor flhiitl be llvo IhoiiHiinii (1.0J0 00) dollim n'r annum The Hiliirlen of Auditor f I'ullle iieenintB anil f-'ueiet iry of Slit Huperliiieuiii'iit of V il He ItiMtruellori mil C 'nimlp nie-r of Ii' lie 1-iniW nnil Hulld u ,',- shad be two CiidumiiuI live bundnd (K "00 ei i ilollnm eaeh pel iinliutu. and of tho Altotr.ov iieiieral, four thousaml dol lars (l"0O001 per anrilim the a.iliry of the Pfite Treijnirer Htmll lie three thou sand i$l!.ono iirt) dolIirD per annum, anil the Lieutenant Ooveinor nluill teeelvo one and nne-luilf the couuiniiii itlon of ii fetritor, and after the adoption of tills constitu tion thev thall not recpo to tlulr own wo any fees pnstf, Intuiestn upon public moneys In their IiiiiiiIh or under their con trol, peniulMtPH of olllcn or other coni peuMitlon. and all feei that may hereafter bo payable by law foi nervliort porformed liv mi ntl'.cnr piovldid for la this artlclo of tho eoimtltutloa nluill be pild In ad vaneo Into the state treamiry. There Khali bo no ullowance for clerk hlro In tho of flcen of the Superintendent Of I'ubllo In struction nnd Attorney rieneral. Sec. 2. That at said election on tho Tuesday sueceedlnK tho llrst Monday In November. 1014, on tho ballot of each elector votlnu thereat, there shall bo printed or written tho words: "For pro poned amendments 10 the constitution. IIxIiik tho term of nlllco nnd suliry for Ifovemor, nnd other executive ofilcurs." and "AKiiinst propoed umendtnentH to tho constitution, llxlnu tho term of oilleo and wiliry for KOernor, and other execu tlvo olllcers." Approval. April 21. 1D1S. I. Addison Walt. Pocretnry of State, of tho Blato of Nebraska, llo hereby certify that tho foreuolns proposed ainendinent to thu Constitution of tho Stato ot No br.iPl'.u Ih a true and eorrect copy of tho original enrolled and eiiKrohed bill, as pncseil by tho Thlrtv-thlrd bpn.nIoii of tho l.pKlRlaturp of tho Statu of Nebraflta, an nppearH from Bald orlutnnl bill on lllo In thiH olllcn. and tint wild proponed amend ment In submitted to tho nuatltled voters of tho Stuto of Nobrask.i for tholr adop tion or rejection nt tho rJeneral election to ho held on Tnenday, tho 3rd day of November. A. D. 101 1. In Testimony Wheriof, I hnvo hereunto sot my hnnil nnd .illled tho Heal of tho State of Nebraska. .... riAna nt ilnrnln. HHs ?.1rd ihiv of Mnrch. in tho year of our Lord. Ono Nlnu lluudreil and Fourteen, and of the Independence of tho United Slates tho Ono Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of thl. State tho ty;vH-er.thk Seal) Secretary of State. S3 0) f MdlliUIIl! rv xj- .-.........w-...ii, m " I The f itiA & ore ii s ; r v k ;1oup With the Quality BIG PREMIUM OFFER We have mode arrangements with the S. L. & Geo. II. Rogers Company, whereby our customers may obtain any of the Simeon L. & Geo. H. Rogers Co.'s genuine standard, A-l Plate, silverware at a very low cost. This silverware is positively guaranteed and is now on dis play in the Bon Ton Bakery window. Each 48-lb sack or'Diamond.Brand Flour" contains one full certificate. Each 24-lb sack of said flour contains one-half certificate' Three full certificates together with a small cash pay ment, entitles the holder to any one of the various premiums offered. See large display cards. Pi. U tVi a.. J nn :it' . g me umwim jviiiiiD 9 Red Cloud, g Go. h Kebroslia f) ''''""'''rTrT,TTTV7''Jil'nrilTr7r j i , Only Fifteen Days of Low One-Way Fares to PACIFIC COAST SEPTEMBER 24TH TO OCTOBER 8TH IF YOU EXPECT TO (30 TO CALIFORNIA DU1UXG THIS BRIFF AUTUMNM'EUIODOF LOW RATES, YOU SHOULD AUUAXC E PA1 Y FOB YOUR ACCOMMODATIONS IN THE HURLIN TON'S TIlSoioH TOURIST SLEEPlNtJ OARS TO LOS ANOBLKS AND SAN FRANC SCO nlvMnm TUH0U(5" 8CBXI0 "KAI)0 AND SALT LAKE V $30.00 geI5&,c8a H. E. PETERSON, Ticket Agent. L. W. WAKELEY, General Pnssenffor Agt. iMAtMiwtMwl 'IBHPVHHSHHHHHHIHHHHMHfltf'BMHHHfiHMHHHH ..Try Os for Sale Bills.. I IKUKaarA, UiwtiWMatiafw , , . , f H W)l iH0KW WWtiWW.WnM&HMtfiJf!jK2 $PRy i-f-ffi