The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 17, 1914, Image 2

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    -a-5jw!ifiej7,aftciwvv "
Old Lady
Author of
"The Story of Sarah"
"Tba Sblp of DraBUM
Copyright by Tho Century Co.
Cap I (tin Abraham Itoio and Angelina,
Mm wlfu, liavn lost their tlttln hntna
through Abo's unlucky purchase of Tcna
flyrQold mining stock. Tholr household
roIls hoM. tho 1100 auction money, nil
they liavo loft, will placo Abo In the Old
Man's homo, or Angy In tho Old Ladles'
home, lloth arc selr-sacrlnc-InK but Abu
dcuiflHft: "My dear thin Is tho runt tlmo
I've'had a chance to tako tbo wust of It."
Tbo old roiiplo bid good. by to tlin llltln
house. Terror oT "what folk will say"
vends-them nlontr by-patlm to the unto of
mo uia i.niii-ii' Home
MU Abigail, ma
tron of tbo Old Ladles' homo, bourn of
tho 111 fortuno of tbo old c-nupln. Sbo tolls
tbo other old ladles, and Mossy, who ban
paid n double foo for tbo only iloublo bed
chamber, voices tbo unanlmoun verdict
that Abo must bo taken In with his wife.
Abo awakens next mornln to And that
Ii la "Old Ijidy No. 31." Tbo old ladles
rflvo him (inch a warm welcome that ho
a mado to feel nt homo at onre. 'Tlrothnr
Abo" expands under tbo warm reception
of tho ulsters, and a rnlgn of ponco beiclni
In the Old Ladles borne.
CHAPTER VI Continued.
It "plagued" tho others, liowover, to
oe that none of them could get ahead
of Blossy in their noblo endeavors to
make Abraham foel himself a light and
welcomo burden. She It was who dls
coTered that Abo'n contentment could
not bo absolute without grlddlocakes.
for breakfast three hundred nnd sixty
five tlmoa a year; she It was who first
baked him little saucer cakes and pies
becauso ho was partial to edges; and
Dlossy It was who mado out a list of
"Don'ts" for tho sisters to follow In
tholr treatment of this grown-up
young-old boy.
"Don't scold him when ho leaves
the doors open. Don't tell him to wipe
his foot. Don't over mention gold
mines or shiftless huBbands," etc., etc.
All these triumphs of BloBsy's In
tuition Horved naturally to spur tho
othors on to do even more for Brother
Abo than thoy had already done, until
tho old man began to worry for fear
that he should "git sp'llt." When he
lay down for hlB afternoon nap and
the house was dull and qulot without
his waking prosonco, tho ladles would
gather In groups outside his door as It
In a king's antechamber, waiting for
tilm to awaken, saying to one another
ever and again, "Sh, ah!" Ho pro
fessed to scoff at tho attentions ho
received, would grunt and growl
"Humbug I" yet nevertheless he
thrived In thtB latter-day sunlight His
old bones took on flesh. fills aged
kindly face, all aeamod with care as
It had been, filled out, tho wrlnklos
turning Into twinkles. Abraham bad
grown young again. With tho return
of his youth camo tho spirit of youth
to tho Old Ladles' homo. Verily, ver
ily, as DlosBy had avowed from tho
first, thoy had boon In- Bore need of
the maacultno preBonce. Tho ancient
coat and hat, which had hung In the
ball so long, had perhaps served Its
purpose In keeping tho burglars away,
but this lifeless substitute bad not
prevented tho crabbed gnomes of lone
liness and discontent from stealing In.
Spinster, wife and widow, they had
every one been warpod by the testy
Jest-so-neis of the old maid.
Now, Instead of fretful discussions
of health and food, recriminations and
wrangling, there came to bo laughter
and good-humored chatter all the day
long, each sister striving with all her
strength to preserve tho new-found
harmony of the homo. There were
musical evenings, when Miss Abigail
opened the roelodeon and played "Old
Hundrod," and Abraham was encour
aged to pick out with ono stiff fore
finger "My Grandfather's Clock."
"Hymn tunes" were sung In chorus;
and thon, In answor to Abu's nnnnni
for something llvoller, thoro came
tlmo-trlod dlttloB and old, old lovo
songs. And at laat, ono night, after
leaving tho Instrument Bllent, muto In
tho cornor or tho parlor for many
years, Aunt Nancy Smith dragged out
hor harp, and, seating herself, reached
out hor kuottod, trombllng hands and
brought forth what Boomed tho very
echo, so faint and faltering It was, of
"Douglas, Douglas. Tondor and True."
Thero was a long silonco after alio
had finished, her hoad bowed on hor
chest, her hands drop pod to her aides.
Abraham spoko first, clearing his
throat before he could mako tho words
"I wish I could git a husband for
every ono of yer,' said he.
And no ono was angry, and no one
laughed; for they all knew that ho
woa only seeking to express tho mes
sage conveyed by Nancy's playing
the message of lovo, lovo triumphant,
which cannot ago, which over tho
years and over death Itself always
hath the victory.
Old Letters and New.
BlosBy left tho room without a
word, and went stealing up the stairs
to tho llttlo cupboard whero sho now
slept, and whore was hung on the
wall, In a frame of yellow hollyhocks,
palntod by hor own hand, a photo
graph of Capt, Snmuol Darby, tho man
who had remained obstlnatoly dovotod
to hor elnco her days of pinafores.
Tho ptcturo betrayed that Captain
Darby woro a wig designed for a
larger man, and that tho vlsago be
neath wdb gnarled and weathor-beaten,
marked with tho signs of a stubborn
and unreasonable will.
Even now the aged bello could hoar
him saying; "Hero 1 bo, como cround
tor pop ng'ln. Heady ter hitch?"
Samuel's Inelegant English had al
ways been a sourco of distress to
mossy; yet still she stared long at
the picture
Six months had passod since his last
visit; tomorrow would be the date of
his winter advent
Should she glvo tho old unvarying
answer to his tireless formula?
She glancod around tho tiny room.
Ashamed though sho was to admit It
oven to herself, she missed that amplo
and cozy chamber which sho had so
freely surrendered to Abraham and
his wife. Sho missed It, aa sho felt
thoy must cravo tholr very own Are
sldo; and tho thought that they missed
tho old homestead mado hor yearn for
tho home that sho might have had
tho homo that sho still might have.
Again sho brought hor eyes back to
tho portrait; and now sho saw, not tho
characteristics which had always mado
It seem Imposslblo for hor and Samuel
to Jog together down life's road, but
tho great truth that tho faco was hon
est nnd wholesome while tho oyoB
looked back Into hers with tho prom
ise of an unswerving caro and affec
tion. Tho next morning found Dlossy
knoollng beforo a plump little leather
bound, time-worn trunk which sho kept
under tho eaves of tho kitchen cham
ber. Tho trunk was packed hard with
bundles of old letters. Somo her
younger fingers had tied with violet
ribbon; somo thoy had bound with
pink; others sho had fastened togeth
er with whlto silk cord, and there were
more and more bundles, both slim and
stout, which Dlossy had distinguished
by some special hue of ribbon In tho
long ago, each tint marking a different
suitor's missives.
To her still sentimental eye the col
ors remained unfaded, and each would
bring to her mind Instantly tho plc
turo of tho wrltor as he had been In
tho golden days. Dut save to Ulossy's
oyo alono there wero no longor any
rainbow tints in tho llttlo old trunk;
for every ribbon and every cord had
faded into that muBty, yellow brown
which Is dyed by tho passing of many
Abraham discovered hor thoro, too
engrossed in the peruBul of ono of tho
old letters to have heedod his creak
ing Htcps upon the etairs.
"Didn't see ycr, till I 'most stumbled
on ycr," he began apologetically. "I
come fer tho applo-plcker. Thar's a
hundful of ntBsets In the orchard ylt
that's calc'latln' ter spend Christmas
up cIobo ter heaven; but Say,
mossy," he added more loudly, since
she did not ralso her head, "yew seen
anythln' o' that air picker?"
Dlossy glanced up from her ragged
edged, crackly billet-doux with a start,
and dropped tho envelope to tho floor.
For tho moment, bo deep In reminis
cence was she, sho thought Captain
Darby himself had surprised her;
thon, recognizing Abe and recalling
that Samuel's winter visits wero Inva
riably paid In tho afternoon, she broke
Into n shamefaced 'laugh.
"Oh, Is that you, Drother Abo?
Don't tell tho others what you found
me doing. Theso," with a wavo of
hor dellcuto, blue-volned hands over
tho trunk and Its content, "are nil
old lovo letters of mine. Do you think
I'm a silly old goose to keep them
cluttering around so long?"
"Wa'al" Abo with on equally dep
recatory gesture lndlcatod Angy's
horsehair trunk in tho far cornor of
tho loft "yew ain't no more foollshor,
I guess, over yer old trash 'n me an'
Angy be a-koepln' that air mlnln
stock of mine. One lot Is wuth 'bout
as much as t'other."
Recovering the envelope that sho had
dropped, he squinted at the superscrip
tion. "Not meanln' ter be Inquisitive
or personal, Sister mossy," a teasing
twinkle appearing In his oyo, "but this
looks dretful familiarity, this here
handwrltln' does. When I run the
beach yow'vo heard mo toll of tho
tlmo I was on tho life-Bavin' crow
over ter uieaK mil ror a apoll my
cap'n ho had a list jest llko that.
Usetor mako out tho splckest, span
nret reports. Lcuimo aeo," tho twlnklo
deepening, "didn't tho gala Bay yow
was a 'spoof-In' somobody terday? Lav,
I ain't saw Cap'n Sam'l for ton year
or nioro. I guoss on theso hero pop
pin' trips o' hls'n ho hain't waatln'
tlmo on no men-folks. Hut, Dlossy,
yow bettor glvo mo a chauco ter talk
to him this nrtnrnoon, an' mobbo I'll
apeak a good word for yer."
Ulossy, not always keen to eeo a
Joke, und with htr vanity now In tho
ascendent, felt tho color rise Into hor
withered cheok.
"Oh, you needn't toko tho trouble
to apeak a good word for me. Any
man who could over write a letter like
thlB doesn't need to bo coaxed. Just
Tho man you take for a mate Is tbo
luckiest doR In tho whole round world. I'd
ratner do mm inun Kinir or all the coun
tries on earth. I'd rather bo him than
Btrlko u gold mine reuehlnK from hero to
China. I'd rather bo him than ninstor of
the finest vessel that ever sailed blue wa
ter. That's uliut I would. Why. tho man
who couldn't be happy with you would
spill tenia all over heaven.
Dlossy's cheek was still Hushed, but
no longor with plquo. Hor volco qua
verod nnd broke; and finally thoro foil
upon tho faded pago of tho letter two
sparkling tours.
Abraham ahulllod uncomfortably
from ono foot to tho othor; thon, mut-
taring something about the "peek?
applo hook," went scuffing across the
floor In the direction of tho chimney.
Dlossy, however, callod him 'back.
"I was crying, Drother Abe, bocause
tho man 1 did take for a mate once
was not happy, and and neither was
I. I was utterly wretched; so that
I've always felt I never cared to
marry again. And Samuel's wig Is
always slipping down over one eye,
and I simply cannot endure that trick
he has of carrying hie head to one
side, as If ho had a left-handed spell
of the mumps. It nearly drives me
"Drother Abo, now tell me honestly :
do you think he would make a good
Abe cleared his throat Dlossy was
In earnest Dlossy could not be
laughed at She was his friend, and
Angy'e friend; and she had come to
him as to a brother for advice. He,
too, had known Samuel as man to
man, which was more than any of
the sisters could say.
Stroking his board thoughtfully,
thoreforo, ho seated himself upon a
convenient wooden chest while Dlossy
slipped her old love letter In and out
or tho onvelope, with that essentially
feminine manner of weighing and con
sidering. "Naow," began Abe at length, "this
le somep'n that roqulroa koerful de
batln'. Fust off, haowsomevor, yen
must remembor that wigs an" wayi
nover made a man ylt Ez 1 rlccoleo'
Sam'l, ho wna pooty good os men go
I should say ho wouldn't bo any more
of a risk tew yow than I was tew
Angy; mobbo less. He's got quite i
lectio laid by, I understand, an' i
tidy story-an'-a-half house, an' fronl
stoop, an', by golly, can't he cook!
IIo's a splendid housekeeper."
"Housewifery," remarked Dlossy
sagely, as she began to gather her mis
sives together, "is an accomplishment
to be scorned In a young husband, but
not In an old one. Thoy say titers
hasn't been a woman Inside Samuel'i
house since he built it, but It's ai
clean as soap and sand can make It."
"I bet yer," agreed Abe. "Hain't
never been no fly Inside It, neither, 1
warrant yer. Fly can't light artoi
Sam'l's cleanln' up nohaow; he's go)
tor skate."
"Ho says he built that little hous
for me," said the old lady, aa sh
closed down the ltd of the trunk. There
waB a wistful note In Dlossy'a voice,
which made Abraham declaro with a
burst of sympathy:
" Taln't no disgrace ter git married
at no time of life. Sam'l's a good per
vider; why don't yow snap him ui
terday? We'll miss yew a lot; but "
"Hero's the apple picker right over
your head," Interrupted Dlossy tartly,
and Abo folt himself peremptorily dis
missed. Scarcely had ho left the attic, how
ever than she, too, hastened down thi
steep, narrow stairs. She spent the
remaining hours bofore train time In
donning her beautiful lace gown, and
In making the woman within it af
young and ravishing as possible. And
lovely, indeed, Dloesy looked this day,
with a natural flush of oxcltoment on
her cheek, a new sparkle In her bright,
dark eyes, and with her whlto hair ar
ranged In a fashion which might have
excited a young girl's envy.
Tho hour for tho train came and
went and, lo! for the first time In the
history of twenty years Captain Darby
did not appear.
Dlossy protended to bo relieved, pro
testing that sho was delighted to find
that she would now have an extra
hour in which to ponder the question.
Dut tho second train camo and wont,
and still no Captain Darby.
All tho afternoon long Dlossy wore
her lace gown, thinking although thero
were no more tralnB from the east
ward that day, that Samuel would still
find his way to her. Ho might drive,
as ho usually did In June, or he might
even walk from' his home at Twin
Coves, she said.
Found In a Glacier.
Sir Martin Conway has recently told
this story of finding a lost ax In the
Alps: Zurblggen, one of the cele
brated mountain climbers of the
world, In scaling a peak of Lea An
glalses, near Cbamounlx, accidentally
lot his ax fall near tho summit of the
peak. It fell some thousands of feet
In tho normal course of things It was
burled In snow and swallowed up In
the glacier, being covered deoper and
deeper each year, and at the satno
tlmo bolng carried alowly downward
aa tho lea flowed on. Soven or eight
years afterward Hon. C. Q. Druco and
HarUblr, a Sepoy chief, In descending
a peak of the Alps Just aa night was
fulling, and a groat crovasao barred
tho way, being unnblo to find the
bridge over It, cut a path down to
t bottom, whero Harkblr atoppod on
an ax which had M. Z. Zurblggen's Ini
tials on tho handle. Thero could be
u, mlstnko aa to tho Identity of the
ax, aa Harkblr had Been it and used
It beforo.
He Knew That Money Talks,
He couldn't talk English, though per
haps ho understood a llttlo, but ha
knew a thing or two. Ho was riding
on a huckster's wagon past a publio
school. His partnor had gone Into a
house to soil somo truck, and ho was
learning tho business. His clothes
were ragged und shabby, much like
thoao of tho atago tramp. Tho chil
dren started to Joer at him, making
remarka about his clothes. Ho seemed
to understand that thoy wero making
fun of his clothes, bo ho reached in
hlB pocket nnd pulled out tho bromldlo
"roll of bills that would choke a cow."
Thoao bills ho waved at tho children,
for apparently he belloved that monoy
would Insure respect, even If he did
have old clothe.
Paris. When I escaped from
Amions, beforo the tunnel was broken
up, and the Germans entered Into pos
session of tho town on August 28, the
front of tho allied armies was In a
crcscont from Abbeville, south of
Amiens on wooded heights, and
thenco In a Irregular lino to south of
MezleroB. f
Tho British forces, undor Sir John
French, wero at the loft of the center,
supporting the heavy thrust-forward
of the main German advance while
the right was commanded by General
A Million on the Move.
On, Sunday afternoon fighting was
resumed along the wholo line. The
Oerman vanguard by this time had
beon supported by a fresh army corps,
which had beon brought from Del
glum. (
At least 1,000,000 men wero on tho
movo, pressing upon tho allied forces
with a ferocity of attack which has
nover boforo been equaled. Their
cavalry swept across a great tract of
country, squadron by squadron, llko
tho mounted hordes of 'Attlla, but
armed with tho dreadful weapons of
modern warfare.
Their artillery was In enormous
numbors and tholr columns advanced
under cover of it, not llko an army,
but rather llko a moving nation I do
not think, howover, with equal pres
sure at all parts of tho lino. It formed
Itself Into a battering ram with a
pointed end and this was thrust at
the heart of the English wing.
Impossible to Resist.
It was Imposslblo to resTst this on
slaught. If the British forces had
stood against It they would have been
crushed and broken. Our gunners
were magnificent and shelled the ad
vancing German columns so that the
dead lay heaped up along the way
which was leading down to Paris; but,
as one of them told mo:
"It mado no manner of 'difference.
As soon as we had smashed ono lot
another followed, column after column,
and by sheer weight of numbers. We
could do nothing to check them."
After this the British forces fell
back, fighting all the time. Tho line
of the allies was In tho shape of a
"V"; tho Germans thrust their main
attack deep into the anglo. This po
sition remained tho same until Mon
day, or rather und completed itself by
that date, tho retirement of the troops
bolng maintained with masterly skill
and without undue haste.
River Choked With Dead.
Meanwhile General Pau was bustain
Ing a terrific attack on the French cen
ter by the German loft center, whtch
culminated on (date omlttod). The
River Olse, which runs between beau
tiful meadows, was choked with
corpses and red with blood.
From an eye witnesa of this great
battle, an officer of an Infantry regi
ment who escaped with a slight wound,
I learned that the German onslaught
had been repelled by a series of bril
liant bayonet and cavalry charges.
"The Germans," he said, "had the
elite of tholr army engaged against
us, including tho Tenth army corps
and tho Imperial guard, but tho hero
ism of our troops was sublime. Every
man knew that tho safety of Francs
depended upon him and was ready to
sacrifice his life, If need bo, with Joy
ful enthusiasm.
Gave Great Punishment.
"They not only reslated the enemy's
attack, but took the offensive, and, In
plte of their overpowering numbers,
gavo them tremendous punishment.
They had to recoil bofore our guns.
"Hundreds of them were bayoneted
and hundreds wero hurled Into the
tivor. The whole flold of battle was
outlined by dead and dying men whom
they bad to abandon. Certainly their
losses were enormous, and I felt that
tho German retreat was In full swing
and that we could claim a real victory
for the time being."
Pau Compelled- to Yield.
Nevertheless the Inevitable hap
pened, owing to the vast reaervos of
the enemy, who brought up four divi
sions, and General Pau was compellod
to give ground.
On Tuesday German aklrmlahora
with light artillery wore coming south
ward, and tho sound of tholr field
guns greeted my oars. Presently I
saw tho flguro of a French dragoon,
with his carblno slung behind his back.
Ho was standing by tho sldo of a
number of gunpowder hags. A llttlo
farther away wero llttlo groups of sol
diers at work by two bridges, ono over
a stream and ono over a road. They
woro working very calmly and I could
see what thoy woro doing. Thoy woro
mining tho bridges to blow them up
at a given signal.
As I went farther I saw tho streets
wero strewn with broken bottles and
littered with wire entanglements, art
fully and carefully mado.
Trap for German Army.
It waB obvious that there was very
grim business being done and that the
soldiers woro waiting for something to
happen. At tho railway station I quick
ly learned the truth. Tho Germans
wero only a few miles away In great
force At any moment, wey uusuv
como down, smashing ovorythlng in
their way.
Tho station master, a bravo old type,
and ono or two porters, had demand
ed to stay on to tho last.
"Wo are here," ho said, as though
tho Germans would liavo to reckon
with him, but ho waa emphatic In his
request for mo to leave at once if an
othor train could bo got away, which
waa very uncertain.
As a mattor of fact after a bad
quarter of an hour I was put on the
last train to escape from this threat-,
ened town, and left It with the sound
of German guns In my ears, followed
by a dull explosion when tho bridge
behind me was blown up.
Escape Narrowly.
My train, In which there were only
four other men, skirted the German
army and by a twist in the lino almost
ran Into the enemy's country, but we
rushed through the night, and the en
gine driver laughed and put his oil;
hand up to salute when I stepped out
to tho platform of an unknown sta
tion. "Tho Germans won't get us, aftei
all," he said. "It was a llttlo risky,
all tho same."
The station was crowded wltb
French soldiers, and they were soon
tolling mo their experiences of the
hard fighting In which thoy had been
engaged. Thoy woro dirty, unshaven,
dUBty from beud to foot, scorched by
tho August sun, in tattered uniforms
and broken boots; but they wero beau
tiful men for all their dirt, nnd the
laughing courago, quiet confidence and
unbragging simplicity with which thoy
assured mo thut tho Germans would
Boon bo caught In a death trap and
sent to their destruction filled mo with
admiration which I cannot express In
All tho odds wero against them.
Thoy had fought tho hardoat of all ac
tions tho retirement from tho fight
ing line but they had absolute faith
In" the ultimate success of tho allied
Germans Are Reckless.
London. A Chronicle correspondent
writing from an unarmed town says:
"Tho Germans are displaying ox
traordlnary recklessness, flinging awaj
thousands of lives in the hope of ulti
mately gaining their end. No doubt
tho rapid advance of the Russians in
eastern Prussia has something to do
with this, and Is responsible for the
frantic and InBano haste which char
acterizes the German attompt In north
ern Franco to smash tho thin khaki
line which so valiantly bars the road
toward Compelgno, Solssons and Paris.
"That stories of German atrocities
aro not one whit exaggerated may be
gathered from tho story told mo by a
Borgcant who was wounded In the ac
tion near Mons Sunday a week ago.
"As ho lay helpless on tho ground
and tho German Infantry swept by he
could hear, from tho Imploring cries
of tho wounded in his front, that they
wero being ruthlessly put to death bj
their foes.
Ordeal Is Terrible,
"Closing his eyes and simulating
death, tho wounded sergeant lay per
fectly still. As tho Germans passed
him he received a violent blow In the
chest from tho butt end of a rifle
which broke ono of his ribs. Ho bore
tho Daln unflinchingly and nevei
moved a muscle. Another Prussian
stabbed a wounded man with his bay
onet as ho went past
"The sergeant's ordeal was a terri
ble one and he expoctod every mo
mot to bo hln last. Ultimately ths
German advance waa broken and their
infantry came rolling back, shattered
and disordered, leaving behind a trail
of dead and wounded. Tho wounded
sergeant waB picked up by British
stretcher bearers and convoyed to tho
base hospital, whore he Is now fast
English Are Cheerful.
"Freshly arrived troops from Eng
land, who had boen pushed forward,
arrived In tlmo to participate in the
battle. These British re-enforcements
had been carrying out strateglo move
ments In troops trains for several
days, and In the expressive phraseol
ogy of Tommy Atkins, 'they were fod
up with the whole thing' 'and were all
eagerness for a brush with the enemy.
"Their chance came yesterday. Many
wero reserves with South African ex
perience, and thoy marched to the
front cheering the French and growl
ing for 'William tho Weed,' somehow
confusing tho omperor with William
(of Wled) of Albania. French and
English flags wero borne at tho hoad
of each company.
"Thoy wero In line fettle, 'Aro wo
downhearted?' would shout some one
from the ranks, 'no, but William tho
Weed will bo down-heartod by the
tlmo wo finish with him.'"
French Kind, Says Dying German.
Paris. Tho Amorlcan embassy here
ia dully In receipt of lottora written by
dying soldiers, forwarded to It by tho
French govornment for transmission
to Gormany.
Ono Is from a German aviator, who
had fallon Into tho hands of the
French. The man wroto;
"Good-by dear father and mother;
my leg has been crushed. Tho French
officers aro very kind."
A postscript to this letter, added by
a French officer, reads;
"At thlB point tho bravo fellow died;
please forward this to his parenta."
Man Germany Honored a Hostago.
pari8 The Potlt Parlslcn points out
tho Irony In the caso of M. Ernst Sol
vay, wljo with' Baron Lambert de
Rothschild was taken as a hostago at
Brussels. Tho paper says tnat Solvny,
who la woll known for.blB Invention of
a process by which soda con bo bought
at an extremely cheap price-, was re
cently highly honored by European na
tone. Germany conferred on Solvay
one of Its highest honors, the gold
modal of the Acadomy of Sciences of
Surely Canine 8agaclty Could Hardly
Go Further Than the Instance
That Is Here Recorded.
Thoy wero gathered round tho etove
In tho country grocery store swapping
dog stories. Abner Morgan had "all
tho best of It" with his yarns of the
extraordinary Intelligence exhibited by
a colllo belonging to his undo. Tho
others grew restlvo. Finally Job Per
kins deemed tho momont appropriate
wherein to spring a tale that would
cap all tho others.
"That was a purty clever dawg, Ab,"
drawled he, "an' I mako no doubt he
was Jest as knowln' as you let on. But
say! He wasn't a marker to a dawg
my old man owned! Boys, the devo
tion of that dawg to the old man was
shoro amazln'. Onct ho heard the old
man say ho waB pressed for money, so
he went an' died the day beforo tho
dog-tax was duet"
Casevlllo, Mo. "My hands and feet
wero affected with a trouble similar to
ringworm for a number of years. It
first appeared as tiny clear blisters
and in places tho blisters were bo
closo together that thoy almost formed
ono largo blister. Tho skin waa rough
and cracked open. At times It waa
so bad that It disabled mo; my hand
became bo soro that I could scarcely
use thorn.
"I used every remedy that I could
find but nothing scemod to do any
good. Finally I oont for a samplo of
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment and I
thon got a calto of Cutlcura Soapand
a box of Cutlcura Ointment which
completely rid mo of tho trouble."
(Signed) Rny Bryant, Mar. 14, 1914.
Cutlcura Soap aud Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Sample of each
free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post
card "Cutlcura, Dept L, Boston." AdT.
The "Bauer" la Austria's Backbone.
Tho most Interesting of Austrian
types and tho backbone of tho dual
monarchy Is tho "bauor." In social
rank he occupies somewhat the same
position aB tho old English yeoman,
farming his own land, and In many
cases enjoying a far moro substantial
fortuno than tho nobility. Tho "bauor"
has a Btrlct social codo of bis own,
mixing neither with tho laborers on
ono hand nor tho aristocracy on tho
othor, 1b apparently qulto Content with
his lot, and takes prldo in his ability
to provldo almost all tho necessaries
of lifo from tho productions of his own
land, oven, in many cases, growing the.
flax from which Is womenfolk weave
all the household clothing. London
Supreme Test of Friendship.
An Invitation to breakfast was, in
Macaulay's opinion, one of the su
preme tests of friendship. "You Invito
a man to dinner," he wrote to Mrs.
Harriot Beecher Stowe, "because you
must Invite him, because you are ac
quainted with his grandfather, or be
causo you wish to aeo him. You may
be sure if you are invited to breakfast
that there is something agreeable
about you."
Filial Solicitude.
"When I was your ago," Bald Mr.
Dustln Stax, "I did not stay out and
dance all night ae you do."
"I know it," replied his sociable son.
"And I'm mighty Borry about It That's
why I'm trying to get you to come
along aud make up for somo of the
chances you've missed."
"Practice makes perfect" quoted
the sage.
"Well," replied the tool, "that's mora
than you can say for preaching."
We Are All In the Apprentice Clasr
When a simple change of diet brings
back health and happlnesB the story U
briefly told. A lady of Springfield, 111.,
"After being afflicted for years with
nervousness and heart trouble, I re
ceived a shock four yeara ago that left
me In such a condition that my life
was despaired of.
"I got no relief from dootora nor
from the numberless heart and nerve
remedies I tried, because I didn't know
that coffee was dally putting me back
more than the doctors could put me
"Finally at the suggestion of a friend
I left oft coffee and began the ubo of
Poatum, and agalnat my expectations I
gradually improved In health until for
the past 6 or 8 months I havo boen
entirely free from norvousnesa and
those terrlblo sinking, weakening
spells of heart trouble.
"My 'troubles all camo from tho uso
of coffee which I bad drunk from
childhood and yet they disappeared
when I quit coffoo and took up tho use
of Postum." Name given by Poatum
Co., Battle Crook, Mich.
Many people marvel at the effects of
leaving oft coffee and drinking Postum,
but there Is nothing marvelous about
It only common sense.
Coffee Is a destroyer Postum Is a
rebullder. That's the reason.
Look In pkgs. for the famous little
book, "Tho Road to Wellvllle."
Postum comes 'in two forms:
Regular Postum must bo woll boil
ed. 16c and 25c packages.
Instant Postum is a soluble pow
dor. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly
In a cup 5f hot water and, with cream
and sugar, makes a delicious beverage
Instantly. BOo and COo tins.
The cost per cup of both kinds li
about the same.
"There's a Reason" for Postum.
sold by Qrocera,