r"f-m RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF wmtWjl" iiiMiii'ttiivi'jwnyAT.nirwtitqnirw3mTwwiiMiiw I 4 I 1 m Mn1 h'.iaift Prnnsl',rf. lUftl IVulf 'I rmii fnri 'u-ilisl cd lV M. W. Cai rr, Joinlcd AlmUauVtr, Hod Cloud, Nebra<n. Ernest U Johnson nnl wlfti to Stinlien II. Denton, wl, lots 8, It. U1U. H, Spenc-V Ad.l r B)n. mi llei r Slebrass ivml wife lo Hub ert A. Simpson, wil, lot H, UlU. , llusehow'b Add to Uhiu MM, Robert A. Simpson tuul wife to A. 1). Onit.oti. u-d lot 8. 111k. It, MtifcclKm'b Arid to Miik Hill... )!(0 Kino N. 13. llmvey mil wile to Pi H. Albtlght, wd, lot , WW 0, Lo Due's Add to Hod Cloud 'A0 fcllsnabeth J lid lo. Joseph I'ftV- elWn. wd. M-H 2D 1-1 1 John llermnd wife to Charlie nil-Plc. wd, ll)f, S8-l 11,. . . Lewis Soil I bund wlf" N) Lloyd II. I1iiut.fr. wd.swM. 20-2-0.... Lloyd 11. Hunter to Li-tin M. Sndtli. wd. -.wli, JOitt undo l.iUO" 12000 l2oti Surah A. UohIh mid Htisb., to Rliziit.ulh HukIu-, d, pt M-Jif t-wK, Ufi 'Ml 1 Oliver HiulsJn mid wife to Ralph mid Delia Koe, wd, lots I. r., Dlk. 7, Rn-cinont lO.'b Amiuidii Muy Dillon to Uouj. F. Hudson, wd, pt lllk. tl. to Guide RoeU, by ordinance H"i Mnry 13 Warwick, etui, to Will linn Herbert. Wiiruuclc, icd, mH. -"- w ' i" Cyrus H. Hlshop tinri wife to L. H. HriidrlcW, wd, lots 10 11-1'J, . Hilt. :t, Uudcllll's Ad.l to Red ciond won John P. Kropp iinri wife to Lydln Mcl.uimhlln, wd, lot 11-1'J, 1311c. 11. Cox's Add to ltladon .'IlloU Merle .1. and .li;svi McLaughlin to John 1. Kropp, wd, lots (!, lilk. (J, IllndPii !.:.(. Lydlu McLaughlin to John 1. Kropp, wd, lots I, :.', :i, I, Kile 0, llhiden . tOOO Mortgages Filed SIlSIOOO Mottgngcs Released, 810700. Weather Report for August Temperature Mean 7. degree, maximum lo5 degtoes on 17th, inini ilium i' degrees on 'J(ith. Precipitation: To till 1.81) inches. . Number of dujs dear )!), puill.i cloudy 7, cloudy ft Dales of Tliunriuritoriiis 2nd iii'd "d I'icvalliiig wind Direction S. W. Hemui Ich R ilnfiill since Jamtitry 1st, lit 10 Inches. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. THREE. The fallowing vroposeit nini'iiilinent to tlio eoimtltmlon of tlm Statu of Nebraska, tin lintuliiiirior sot fotth In, full. I submit ted to the iIccliii-h or tlio Statu of Nebras ka, to lio votril upon at tlm Kuiuiml uli-c-tlon to be held TucMlny, Nnvctnbor Unl, A.n. 101 1. "KOlt a Jiiltit resolution piopiislni; ameml- niunta to Hcctinn 1, of Artlclu V. aiul Section 21. of Article V, of the Countl- tutloti of NuliRiMka, lel.itliiK lo teiin of otllce ami n.il,iry of (.ovenuir and other excouih'u o'llcerM. He It ItH'ilvi'd and Kiiuctpd by the People of til- Stain of NelinwUn: Section 1, Thut at the Kencrnl election for ft ue and ItKlH'atlvc elite, n, to li hi Id oa the TiiPMl.iy surei'odlraf tlio first Men- rt.iy la Niiviinher, I'.iM. tlio followlliK' bo aubialtle I as iinn-iutiiiuiitK to .Sect! ma 1 and H, of Article V. of thu ComtiUutlon of Xeiin ska: Sec. 1. Tlio encal!v drpartiuent shall tMiihNl of a (Jovoraor. who shall hold hW l:!1ci for a ttriu of two years from tlm tlrnt Thtusdiy after the llrt lueyiliy In .1 Hillary, next after hU elec tion, and until hU sitnrmnr In itlonti'il and iiu.illtled, la addition to the lloveruoi', tlu oxtcatlvo di'p.iiitaent nhall Includo the follow inu nitieeiH: l.lniitouaat Ooverr.iir, Secretin y of State. Auditor of l'ubllc Ac rouatH. Vreistuer, SiiperltUemlent of Pub lic lust'uctlon. Attoiney Oeneral. nntl CoinnilHslouer of I'ublle l.undu and llulld liiKH, o.i"h of whom slmll hold IiIh olllco for the term of two yea in fiom the Hint Tliursd ij- nfter the llrHt Tuesday In Janu ury, nest after his election, and until his successor Is elected and ili.illlled: Pro Vldrd. however, that tlio first election of ald ollUers shall lie held on tho Tuesday fuiereeilliiK tlio lint Monday In November, lllfi. and each suceeedltiK election shall bu held at tho same rel.ulvo time in each even year thereafter. The (lovernor, Soc retaiy of it tale. Auditor of Public Ac counts, and Tieasiuer shall tcstde 114 the seat of irovernmeat iliuliiK their l-tw I olllee. ncd keep the public leeords, books and papers theic, and shall puiform such duties as 111.1v be eiiulied by taw. Sec. SI. Tho su.iry of tho Oovernor shall be live times md ($.',000.00) dollain per aiiiium Tho silkies of Auditor of -Public a' counts and .-'ecieliry of Slati. Superlnte .('eiit of P'lldle lntnietlfm and GiiminlsM 'jer of Pu'dle Ijinds and llulld liiKH shall be two riiousiud live huudttd IIJ,riO('e"i dolhrs each per annum, and of tho Aid -w Oeneral. .four thousiud lol lars) (Jl.rjif.00) per unnuin. tho salary of tlm Stntn Treinurer shall lie three thou Bind (ja.00rt.00) dollars per annum, and the I.leuteraut Ooveitmr shall lecelvo onn nml ono-hnlf tho compmisitlon of a senator, nnd after the adoption of this constlt" Hon they shall not receive to their ow 11 use nnv fees, costs. Interests upon p'i ' moneys In their hands, or under thuli con trol, perquisites of otlleo or other com fietisatlon. and all fees that may hereafter 10 payable by law for services performed bv nn olllcer provided for In this uit'-'o of tho constltullon shall bn pihl la 4 I vance Into tho st ite tre.iauiy. Thero ! II be no allowance for clerk hire In the 01 flces of the Supeilntemient of Public 1 -Btruetlon and Attorney (leneial. Sec. 2. That nt wild nleetlon on 1 ' Tuesday sueceedliu: Hie Hist Monda November. 101 1, 011 the ballot of e . elector votlnir thereat, there shall .printed or written the words. "For l -posed iiuiundinoiiU I" tbe constltat tixlnir the term of olllee ami wilm Kovcinor, and other executHo ni'hir ' mid "Airalust proposed amendiiients tho constitution. IKIiib the term of or und salary for governor, uml other ex. . tlvo otllcerM." Approvrd. April It. 1013. I. Addison w.ilt. Secretary of State . t the State of Nehraskl, do hereby ceit that tho fiircKnhiK proposed nniendiu ' to the Constitution of the Stato of I biaska Is a true and coirect copy of t . original enrolled and emcroshed bill, passed by the Thirty-third session of l. v Lrulslaturo of the State of Nebraska, a' appears from s 1 til nrlnlnal bill on Hie In this oineo. and 'tint said ptoposcd nine ' ment Is submlttixl to the uualllled vat of thu State of Nebinslm for their ad M' tlon or rejection nt tho Bcnor.il elcctl "i to bo lietd on Tuesday, the 3rd day 1 November. A. I). 10H. In Testimony Wheieof, I have hcreunt set my hand nnl nillxcd tho Urpat Seal ct the State of Nebraska. Done nt J.lneoln, this 21rd ilay of Mar-:-. In the yenr of our Lord, Ono Thous'"'l Nino Hundred and Fourteen, and of the Independence of tho United States l.i' Ono Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of this State the Forty-sevonth. ,m ADDISON WAIT. Seal) Secretary of State. BIG, POPULAR VOTING CONTEST Hundredsof Dollars in Valuable I Prizes Given Absolutely Free 'Wby Cook's. Pharmacy and The Red Cloud Chief. We inn giving awuy, absolutely frei-, hundreds of doiliim In viiluiilile pilzvs to the ladles entering our voting eon test. Kvoryotio bus the privilege of enter ing this contest tinri we feel mho Unit the onus scum-lug the pilzeu will bo well psild for their lime, so come ill, let no show you our prizes, untleX) l.iiu tilt; contest mom fully, tiutl you might be tin- lucky one nt the close. 'J'lie onlv way to secure otes In this contest is by pure bust tig things in the Cook Pharmacy or by getting sub seilbeisfor 'I'lie Hcd Cloud Chlel. Voles will be given tit the into ot 100 to the dollar on n gulur ensh sales or collections, H0 votes to the dollar on the -ale of due bills. 1000 olis to the dollar on Hpccial sales. 1500 votes for one yearly snbicilptloii to The Red Cloud Chief. Contestants will -please turn in their votes for credit on Tuesday of each week. 1000 votes for every dol lar paid on account between September 2nd and 20th 1000 votes given with every purchase of Nyals Talcum, Nyals Tooth Paste or Nyals Face Cream from Sept. 11th to September 20th. Standing of Contestants lo D.i'e I Blanche Honor 1 lri'.tr, '-' Ktiiut Wiinncy 7-:ir II Alison l 'owriun i !." 1 Cihulys Wilson l-'siiu j Jo-ephliic lsig .... -'l'J7.i 0 I 'let a Davis 11 .'"() 7 Hael Spiles ,.., 7115 8 Annii Jurubcrg 0(SO 'J Laura I'icico tUa.l 10 KthelUoylo PJrfvO 11 Pearl Wolcott 1 MbU I'i IviiRutlcdge .'...:. loO.Vi III Grace yiieicr v 1.W1.1 II .Miiliol Smith 13170 l.r Ilernlco West H2U) 10 Millie Uoss 1M7U 17 iMuy Wright . . ' OV.O iy GietiiTnruuic v... 1)01.'. l!l A.uij hello lliistiui'cr 10775 M Doiothy Potter t)7!)o JI Minnie Tiuut 17.0 '2: lluzul Robinsou ' 13100 ,'3 ICliiibuth Ovurumu IOS05 'Jl Mtirgnciito Fogul Ibl !." S3 Loin Coplen 1037r '.'0 MuurliioCuldwcll loOIUl 27 llruco Wlhon 17l':13 Jd rh-iico MeCrillis 11021) 21) l.aurii Hedge 1 IS','.'. U0 llnzel Sheldon lUs;ir, III .eluui Woiulcily 10230 ,'W I ilea Crabill ..' OTiu :i:t KlciinorUilhnui 773.") yl lMcllo Uuylor HU3 :!3 Vunia llctirierscn UIlUu :tti Kduu Uiinnor H8S3 .'17 Kduu lletideiaon 31)03 :iS Isabel lujimid 1O703 III) Muiie Traiit 11280 10 Dorothy lltirtwell U783 11 Kdyth Herrick 17l.ri5 i'i Hentricu Sloss '.I'.'SO 13 l-'uith Koontz ;.. 10C0:i 44 Murle Hurwooil !)H" 13 Lillian Koontz .'. 1037.'. 10 Mury Clirisliitn 1182!i 47 Clara Wairen Ir.:i0 18 ICsther Storey 10300 l!) Maude Crow- 17003 30 Dura liriiiUuutu or.'js 31 Ret tn McDowell 'JI03 r2 Murtlia Arnold UC.:i3 !:i Kinniii Uurginan (1703 fit Velum McKlmmey 0703 3.r Margaret Heal !K)2ll 50 Pearl Carpontor 127113 37 Mabel Ualley it.vro 33 (icrtrudo Wullbiatidt... D.110 30 I vu Carter 10770 00 Helen Raines 10435 til Marie Pulsipher 100.10 02 Leila Ludlow Uino 0.1 Peail Illties Hol5 01 Carrie Diedrieh 8003 05 Sadie, (Iruliain S0.'l83 0(5 Anna l'tcrson 11233 The value of advertising is felt at tin oe cuds the merchant, tlio con sinner and tlio publisher, says the rianlclln Now ft. Through the medium of Ids lulvuitiseiiiuuts, tlio merchant iicipinlnts the consumer with tho wiuvb he has fur sale, with their Tallies and their attractive features, uml is himself coiiNtnntly in touch with tbe consumer. The consumer leads of the goods he want-, "learns where to find them, and saves the timo of fruitless hunting fiom plaioto place. The publisher is the go-bo-tweon, thu medium of communication I otwecn tho buyer and heller, a sort of public convenience. Strange as It may seem, he too, has his uses. Advertising ac complishes inoio good and better re sults for all people than any one feature in commercial life. It Is a modem uccoaaity, made so by thu con stantly Increasing demands of n dis criminating public, I T?, T 1 iew SEE THESE CARS At ? i 1 1 h &d& H JL Vk? HASTINGS. Dr. Nicholson vs DSNTIST V2 ofkici: ovr.rt Ai.iutiaiiT's , stork IS UIVKUIO.S OX MONDAY Red Cloud. Nebraska CAMP THE GE3SROPKAGT0R Red Cloud, -2- Nebraska Second House North ot I. 0. 0. F. Hall -O- Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free -o-Phonc lnd.212 E. S. Gaurber Real Estate, Turin Loaus mid Insurance. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. QlOlOQIUttttAaCa We Are Looking For The Man Who has soiled his clothes so I mi Hy tlmr they nro not lit to wear. No matter bow rility or greasy the suit may bu wo are equipped with the most modem machinery and have skilUri workmen who know how to Clean, Repair and Press Clothes V " ,fc'. .. p A AdfcMMMMMlf W ! HIMIII 1H.H W H- G. Hassinger Cleaner and Dyer Both Phones fn 1 1 ii q Aius Xk& c J tf? W (Modst (Fully Equipped) Wi w rS VQ rn Ss VH H& WS85BB38fflB8mE6R Strong and J:ggrjl' Sl Slfr11 i I "Pall" rawing Power in of Our Printing W9 tiii We Make a Specialty of Printing Meat and Attractive Sale Bills DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON r.rnduatc Chicago Vetoiltiary College TWEI.VK yiiaiis r.xrr.niKxrB AT 11 A I LEY'S TIE DARN Red Cloud -.- Nebraslta tft I T. (Caldwlli PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON Cells Answered Day or Nifilit ( lilleo Telphones: Hell. fiSi InJ. IM. Uck. Tclojilioius: lull, Uuiar.l; lutl.lW. Office Over N. A. Alhrliltt's Store Red Cloud, - Nebraska, DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud ' " ' Nebraska 'smmmmssmimsmgammi MA il imers I'll hi M x'lffl ourii 2045) I ra 6 RLj& "?i OUR SALESROOMS mi OT ALL. advertising matter is consigned to the waste basket. Some of it finds a place in the files of the receipient or on his All desk or his table. The" printing upon which one can depend to win this dis tinction, is of the out-of-the-ordinary class, the well-designed and well-executed example of the printing art. Every business man desires that his printing should have what is known as "pulling" power; that is, it should accomplish its intended mission, namely, to set forth the value of goods and secure orders for those goods. The printing we do isof the ' kind that win the coveted place at the elbow of the prospective customer. Try us. Red Cloud Chief Red Cloud, Nebraska 6SaS SrUDLill OALL s I will olfer fpr salu ut my farm, 0 miles north and 1 mile west of Rlrcrton, on Monday, September 14th, 1914 COMMENCING AT fO O'CLOCK A. M. 28 Head of Thoroughbred and High Grade n IT I . t r ! r TT 11111 Pi 9 ;(i 8 noistem cattle rrom neavy muKing oiram 160 Head of 0. 1. C. Hogs 8 Head of Horses and Mules Feed and Farm Machinery, Etc. TERMS AS USUAL Dr. T. B. MYERS, Owner u F. G. Kolb, Auct. ices iT?. ? i.il Co NEBRASKA TmwnkmMa&MmEmssmgma E1 ii ffn- J1 6SMi6S s s E. T. Rasmussen, Clerk. rk. m u lv. A !;)