!tKUmmm. H,B,D A MJT-A. flTTTlT. V r'"tltn" tS.X st a1 fw Trade at Home an- I Boost For a Bigger wtw aocVw and Better Red Cloud xsVov ,v ikVO M IsaoiAl Into151"1 tho, tlvoi i " thai ti Is j ross-j n or king ting' KJi If c a ftir. ?.. li A. - r c I' -- VOLTJAU5 I -J Iifei'i-ii! ', , .d? j IU & IP i HS Deposits Guaranteed I If You Desire 1 1 KI. , : t?-i 1 WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NKDRASKA CAPITAL K.-.OOO MR. FARMER- Have you provided your sell with a proper place to keep your corn? Are your Grain Bins in good condition? Do you know that we offer for sale the best Crib and Bin Material on the market. "And Our Prices Are Right" THE MALGNE-AVERY CO. "Talk With Us About Your Wants" Your Watch Ideal Many people have learned to consider such, and such a watch as an ideal time piece. When they buy they want that particular watch. We don't blame them be cause we have watch ideals too and ideal watches. They are the South Bend and the Hamilton and the Howard and one or two others. These we have learn ed to depend upon these we buy and sell each year in greater quantities. And be fore you make a watch pur chase we would like to talk to you about these move ments. May we? E. H. Newfoouse Optometrist and .leweler. John biers eamo down from Orleans Wednesday. Weesner & Koontz shipped a ear of mixed stock to Kansas City Wediics d iy. - Herald Thompson and Emtio Holes of Lebanon, Kansas, were Hed ('loud visitors Wednesday. Thero will be the regular church services Sunday morning and evening at the Congregational churoh and the mid-week service on Wednesday even ing at 7:30. -T--.-- - v - -rj'- -.. . . -- .-' '-j? """""-"--L '--i-''-'S ''--y's VERY one of your banking connections to be a profitable one. returning you the largest measure of service and accom modation commensurate with the size of your deposit, open an account with us. Interest paid on time deposits. by State Guaranty Fund 1 Commissioners Proceedings Uetl Cloud, Nebr., Sept. 1st, 1014. Tho Hoard of County Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Mem bers all present, viz: W. G. Hoffman. (!. Ohtustede, Floyd McCall, Paul Storey and T. J. Chaplin, chairman of said board. In the matter of purchasing steel tlxtuies for the new court house. It was moved and seconded that the bid and contract awarded to the Steel Fixture and Manufacturing Company of Topeka, Kansas, be ami Is ratisfled and said deputy be and is instructed that they deliver said II x tines in place by Nov. 1st, lull. Motion carried. Hoard adjourned to Sept. 2nd, 11)11. Uoard met pursuant to adjournment. Members present as above, On motion tho claim of Vernon Har ris for bridge work in the sum of HQ.il) was audited and allowetani the cleric authorized and instructed to draw warrant on bridge fund in payment of same. In the nmtterof selecting hardware for tho new court hou&o. The board and Mr. Howies met with the hardware salesman and selected such hardware, that isreijuircd for the new court house, On motion board adjourned to I ho ft!!Uh day of September, 1011. Mii and .Mrs. Coy of Kdenburg, .Ind are visiting 1. A. Wnllbraudt tills week. Miss Josephine Miner left Wednes day for Gulosburg, Illinois, to resume liei teaching at Knox conservatory. Now they say that the supreme court has muddled up the law so effectively concerning the sheriff's compensation for feeding prisoners, says Tio Exam iner, that ull of the shoriffs in the stale will be entitled to all of the feos they collect ami the statutory salary besides. However, it might be a measure of protection for each candi date for sheriff to declare uefore elec tion that he is going to bo contented with his salary. li 1.1'nmwmiiiliimmiiwnwwMaHM A fl civsinper That Rhus The News KED ULOU1), M3B1SASKA. SHPTHM15KII 10, Ted Harris Sails On Matrimonial Sea ()t last Sunday evening at. 7:!M) oVIouk nt the homo of tho Initio's nfnther, Mrs, Joseph Publicity, in this by occurred tho marriage of her daughter Miss Julia Publicity to Mr. 'IVd Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs Kobt. Harris. Rev. Lfninger of Cowles per- fo-ined tho marriage rorcmoiiv. 1 ne uriile is a .voting lady of many graces of mind and person, who h capable of lining the homo she will adorn with happiness and will prove to be truly a belpinuto and companion to lit-1' husband. 1 lie groom Is from one of our best l.uiillies and ho is one of our prosper ous young farmers. Thlsjoung couplo will tnalte their homo on his l'uin north of town and they are spending their honoyinoen in , I;lnooln this week attending tho state t fair. It is-a pleasure to ehroiliolu the marriage of such worthy jniing people mid the Chief along with their many friends wish them a long, pleasant 'and prosperous life. High School Opens With Large Enrollment The lied Cloud Hiyh School opened Monday, .September 7th, with tho laiKcst enrollment in Hj, history. Tilt' (list days eniollmeiit exceeded 'JtU as comparcdjwith lei.-, a year no. This would Iiidicute that the enrollment before the close of the week will put our high school facilities to u severe test in onnVr to accommodate tho en rollment. With 7ti non-resident. pupils in attendance the total enrol. nieiit for tho semester promt o to be more than 2'J.V In order-that the teachers may be able to handle this body ol students with as little confusion as possible, elass advisers have been appointed as follows: Grade 0 Huth Johnston, Ceclle Thornton and Stella Ducker; grade 10-Josephine Hichards, John Hoehr; grade 11 Vernon Storey; grade K' Gertrude lilucliledge. Since Inst year nu additional teaelier, Miss Stella Ducker, lias been employed on half time, and on account of the increased attendance it has boon found necessary to divide the grade, in two and throe sections each., Tho greatest bundle-up now exper ienced in our high school is the lack of laboratory facilities which impairs tho work nnd necessitates the handling of classes in small sections and con sequently requires more touching force. Hod Cloud needs u new modern high fachool building. The enrollment in the grades for tho first day was; Kindergarten ft; l-t ZZZZIII. 48 2nd ;. ttJ d ;....( Do 1th ! ' w r'th 31 (itii ;..f: ,'j .-;..;; !.:.L.T n 8th in Total ns7 Odd Fellows Hall Now Assured The contract for the building of the new Odd Fellows hall was lotto Howies A Co., for SG90!).1() Monday evening. The slzo of tile building will be I0x0 and will bo two stories high. The brick to be used will be the same as those in tho court house. Work on the new building will commence next week. It will be completed abput tho middle of November and will bo a credit to tho city and the organization. Floyd McCcill made a business trip to Kansas City Wednesday. J. II, Bailey aud wifo uro home from California where they spent bovi'ral tuocths. Fifty - two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. .Business Men Enjoy ' A Banauet Mondav A y About forty of tho business uieu of tho city gathered nt the Uoyul last ' Monday for dinner. This Is the first time in tlie history of Ked Cloud thai 'such an alVair has happened among business men. This meeting was u real get-together gathering and the spirit of fellowship was in evidence nil around tho room. There is a feel- , lug that when one business iiiau starts something It would be better for all concerned if all the others would fall into line and push a good thing along. There has been too much ol a feeling that when one merchant gets busy on a new lino the rest have to gut up something that will counteract this new airair. but we think Unit day will toon pass away. We aio sure It will If the business men continue to hold such meetings as this one Monday. The sooner that we got thu lull uu iler.staudiug of i lung pull, a strong, pull and u pull all together, the quick er wo will get down to leal biisliiesi and seo the ndvantage of unity in ac tion and feeling. The toasts were alt, well responded to and brought forth geiierous applause. the following was the program: ft. J. Ovorlng, Jr., Toastmuster liargaln Day W. D. Hilson Ciu Publicity ;... K. II. Newhouse Hod Cloud Compared With .Others. . 'Mayor Djiuierell Good Fellowship ,. .,0. L. Cotting What Ked Cloud Needs T. J. Diamond (Jeneral Discussion Eferyliody The following were in attendance: C. II. Miner II. A. Let-on V Perry It. P. Weesner A. L'. ICaley 0. L. Cot ting J. C Mitchell M. A Albright H. V. Koontz H. L. Avery F. ti. Turniire J. W. Auld W. T. Auld Stneey Moihart A. Morhart Hoy Sattley C. II.Hust K. J. Ovoriiig A. 13. McArthur 10. II 'Ncwhouse L'd MoAlistor SV. D. Ed-on T. J. Diamond II. Nuuerberg W. ('(. Hamilton K. S Gurber Dr. H Damcrell P. A. Wullbrattdtj J. O. Caldwell G. W. Hutchison O. O. Tcel' W. ti. Warren K. G. IlHssinger Md Hanson A. C. Hostuer W. A. Sherwood S Heezeley S. U Floraucc P. 0. Popo Nebraska! Farthest from war aud its horrois, The roar of the cannons uu heard; Nearest to peace with Its blessings, With never a dark passion stirred. Furthest from shed blood of brothers That darkens with crimson tho sod; . Nearest to brotherhood keeping, And drawing more closely to toi. Farthest from kings and their passions, Blood-guilt of crowned Heads uu kuowu; Nearest to, labor rewarded, With lovo ever guarding Its own. Farthest fiom schemes of aggression, From ull who would plan tu despoil; Nearest to Liberty's blessings, Where God ever smiles on the soil. Thero where thu sullen guns thuhdor, And blood-lust is sowing in hate; Hero whero tho peace songs aro ringing, And Uod Is the Keeper of State. Fur from thu din of the battle, Afar from tho canuoii'Sinoke's pall; I hit near to our neighbors and brothers,, With Liberty's torch lighting ull. September's Midwest Mazazine. Carl Hedge was in Kansas City Wed-, nosdny. j Chas. Howies returned trom Ounha i Wednesday. Chas. Kessler of Hastings was in town Wednesday. Mrs. Harry Cramer was u passenger to Lincoln Wednesday. A. H. Mansfield of Hastings trans noted business in town Tuesday. Mrs. Chas Foster and daughter of Orleans 'are visiting Al liters and family this week. V.M4. ItaSaits Hem Overcoats New Fall Hats s H O 3 S m Mackinaw Uoat Suieateps PAUL STOREY The Clothier l!iIitili!lll!lliil!!SII!!3 toprilfhl 1909, bt C. E. ! FOR THE BABY t Go-Carte, High-Chairs, Rockers. Nursery Chairs, Cribs, Trundle Beds, in fact everything that goes to make things pleasant for the Baby and convenient for the mother. We have them in all prices and quality from the cheapest to the best. Call and Look Them Over ROY SATTLEY I Licensed Embalmer J. A. Fairfield of Hastings is in the city on business, Hev. John J, Ilayne, pastor of the Congregational churoh has returned from Omaha where he has boan spend ing his vacation. ..:-,; - - ..' NUMJJl! 11537 s Gaps M KI'llilRI!' Zlmmtrrain Co,--No. 31 and Furniture Dealer. S Fred StefTea came down from Uraiul Island Wednesday ou business, Joo K'ogel, H. E. MoFarhind, O. D. Hedge, Will Crabli, John Yost, Paul Pope, Fred Maurer and wife were state fair visitors this wook. ' . , : - '- . 'OHMM,. ":: Jihi,-''MimBtf, .'.,s-v,itc notii A. A'.Bfttata ' .. ..kdmk mlf. $ i-upv 'ltrylli 'ad 'tub- uie.-ss uso jeo- , i a md ad 0P m li Lb Id id Id id a d i. t, V r li 1 j. M t r f M u u L-n trMUIUtri'-'rSi tm me -wM j..i.v' ummmmmBgmmmmml