The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 03, 1914, Image 5

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Jjl Bulletin of The Waok'ii Doings
Take your oronm to J. (. Caldwell.
Hurl Hall ,vmi iv passenger to Omaha
Attorney V.. G. Caldwell was In Super
ior Tuesday.
Mrs. Lou White visitor in Guide
Rod: Sund.iv.
Mr. i:. A 'helghtou visited in Hast
ings Wednesday.
Bernard MeNeny wns a Hastings
visitor Wednesday.
Lylo Eller of Hastings visited Hoy
Hassinger this week.
Attorney E. G. Caldwell wns in
Guide Hock Monday.
A. T. Walker made a business trip"
to Hastings Tuesday.
Herb Ludlow was a passenger to
Campbell Wednesday.
Attorney L. H. Blacklcdgo was In
Holdregc Wednesday.
J. A. Bradford was a passenger to
Hastings Wednesday.
Mrs. Win., Shoemaker and childiun
are visiting at Orleans this woek.
Mesdumes E. M. Gnrd and licit Slier
niau.left Wednesday for Grand island,
Frank Couhnn put chased a Studc.
baker auto of Hall's garage this week.
Fon Svt.uCitKAP: A Uarley David
son motot cycle li good bhapo Mrs
Wm. Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Knlr-y and Dow
Kaley arc expected homo Saturday
from Colorado.
Mrs. Jno. G. Potter and daughter
Mrs. Lon Fuller eamc down from
Bethany Saturday
Attorney C. N. Hale of Lincoln has
located in this city. Ho hns his olllce
with E. U. Overman.
Will Aultz, who has boon employed
at the depot for somo time, left Mon
day for Omaha where he will attend a
school of telegraphy.
Leslie Canning and Miss Genevivo
McKeover of Hubbel wore guests of
Mrs. L. It. Rust this week.
Mr. and Mrs Frank' Ellingcr are in
Campbell this week visiting relatives
and attending the streut fair.
Miss Eleanor limits of Campbell is
visiting- with her .sister, Mrs. Joe Mr
Calluui and family this week.
I havo the best into In the county on
farm loans. See mo and be convinced
My motto prompt service.
A. T. Wai.kkii.
Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Tool, Mis. L. II.
Blackledgo and her sister Mrs. .John
son spont Sunday at Ucwcesc. Frank
Kllingcr took them up via automobile.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hobinson return
ed homo last Friday from Clay Couter,
where they visited their son, Bruce
Hobinson and wife- and attended the
Clay county fair.
The Diamond Milling Co. have pin
chased the ice liouso south of Peter
son's garage and are moving it to the
11. .fc M. right away whero it will be
converted into uniill.
Thomas Hall of Strang left the first
of tho week for his homo after visit
Ing his parents, G. E. Hall and wifo
who accompanied him to Strang for it
At at a meeting of the Democratic
candidates held in this olllco Wednes.
day afternoon they elected Mr. Ed.
Payne of Catherton product us chair
man of the county central committee,
Win. Weesuer, treasurer and! A. B.
MoArthur, secretary.
Miss Flosslo McKimmey left this
morning for Sutherland, Nebraska,
where she will teach school this term.
Her father, W. M. McKimmey, ac
companied her and expects to spend
a few days visiting with relatives in
the north west part of tho state.
Tho W. 0. T. U. will open Its year's
work with a basket picnic at Mr. David
HefMebower's, September 9th, to which
the public Is cordially invited. Bring
your baskets and have a day of pleas-
ure. The tbemo of the short program
will be "Suffrage," as this will come
before the voters this fall.
The county court house under the
efficient management of the contmo-
fttorX'Rowles & Co., Is fast neaping
, .cpmpieuon. xne ruui win uuvu uc uu
' ,;nd the entire building will be plas
1 tored'by the 20th of next month. In
" conversation with Mr. RowleB he in
formed us that the building will be
ready for occupancy by the middle of
.November, at which time he expects
to turn the keys over to the county
On last Saturday afternoon tho two
little boys, aged 2 and 4 years, of Mr.
and Mrs. 13. C. Wlntjen, who live south
of Inavale, died after a short Illness
of a week's duration. It Is supposed
that the boys ato too much watermolon,
causing an attack of llu.v, which re
sulted In tholr death. Tho f uncial
services were hold at tho Christian
church lu Itm'vulo Sunday afternoon,
I W. Edson olllclatltig Tho beieavod
have tho sympathy of the entire com
munity in their sad hour of bereave-tuout.
h li D CLOUD,
Two rixniis In ri'iit. U
F. Uiillin.
George Fall Held
wns- In Minting'
Jm. MuKrKltt of Cotvles wan -in town
Tho Slate Fair at Lincoln will stint
next Monday.
The County CnininUsioliors well) in
session this week.
Seveial of the farmers are busy till
ing their silos thl- week.
Ralph Woods hus up from Guide
Kot'K Sunday evening.
Jus. Burden and Chai. Hobinson
were in Blue Hill Monday afternoon.
Mis. Wnrron Longtln and daughter
of Hastings uro visiting hero this
A baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Del Walters of Cowlos on Mon
day. Mrs. Otis Leggett and children arc
visiting her father nt Franklin this
Esty Smelser left Tuesday for Mon
tana whero ho will take up a homo
stead. .
Mrs. John Wcesner and daughter re
turned homo from Superior Monday
Nowt Slebeits returned from Illinois
Saturday where he had been working
tho past two years. '
Mises Maratha, Nolllc and Albert
Hust of Bladen visited C. II. Bust and
family over Sunday.
The little week old liabo of Mr. and
Mrs (Ihi Gi Moth died Tuesday even
ing and was buried Wednesday.
Mrs. C. E Cross and sons are homo
from Franklin where tlioy have been
visiting her patent, Mr. and Mis C.
L. Owen.
Grandma Gilliam was 5)2 years old
on Tuesday. Tho lady Is, to our
knowledge, the oldest woman in the
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Amack returned
homo Tuesday from the western part
of the state whero they hod been visit
ing for n few days.
Harry Lctson returned home from
Chicago Monday evening where ho had
been buying fall and winter goods for
the Miner Bros. Co. store.
Hew Bates will return from his va
cation on Friday and there will be
regular sot vices held in the Episcopal
church the next two Sundays.
Judge Dniigau has adjourned the
September teimof district court from
September 21st to 2Sth and there will
bo no jury tei in at this time.
Tho school board hold a special meet
ing the llrst of tho week and appointed
.Miss Jessie ICellogg and Miss Hertha
Potter to fill tho vacaiieies'ln the 0th
and Stli grades.
Freeman Erieksou, who resides north
west of town, lost a stack of hay
which was struck by lightning the
latter part of the week. Tho stuck
was worth about 81(H) and tho loss Is
partly covered by insurance.
School begins Monday, September
7th. Any one desiring u place to
work for boaid, looms for lighthouse
keeping or a place to board and room
should iiKjuire at the high school
olllco but ween tho Lour of 1:30 and
', p. in. on Saturday.
B. I). Monuv, Supt.
Lew Conrad, who has been in the
employ of tho Standard Oil Co., at this
place for the past two years, left Tues
day morning for Bloointngton whero
he will have charge of their business
at that place. This editor is always
glad to hear of the advancement of our
citizens oven tho it requires their re
moval from our midst. Mr. Conrad
will move his family to Bloomington
in the near future.
No Gamble
You can get 'a dollar's worth
of merchandise in our store for
one dollar. We don't force you
to take a chance on a house and
lot, nor an automobile, neither
do you get trading stamps and
when you get three million of
them you may get something.
Neither do we give you tickets
good for trashy crockery. In
fact, there is no chance, when
you trade with us. You are
sure of what you get.
B. E. JWepaFland
.Miss Iieue Cinw utiuued to her
lioni" at llostwiik Sunday.
A $'! gold fountain pen for onl, tlDo
In finding 2 .0iMsh nt Henry Cook's.
Mrs Oeorge IlolliHlor and daughter.
Miss Muiie, were passenger to Lincoln
Mnndnjt to visit tolativiis-,
L. E Fuller and wifo of Lincoln are
guests of Mrs, Fullor'N pat cuts, John
1 'utter and wife, this week.
Dr. and Mrs. A. I!. Boles rotnrnod
Sunday from Denver, Colo , at which
place tlicv spout their honeymoon.
Mr ami Mis. John Shoblor of Frank
lin, Indiana, mo visiting Ira Wolfe
and other relatives in town this week.
Miss Vernon Storey, who lias been
attending hummer school at tho Uni
versity of Chicago, returned homo on
Mr. and Mrs. Aroh McMurray nud
children left Sunday for Alliance after
attending the funeral of Mrs. Geo.
Mrs. Edwin Sutton and children re
turned home Saturday from a ton
weeks visit with relatives nt Marshal
town, Iowa.
Misses Stella, Flora and Cnrrlo
Sliuto returned to their homo at Es
'bon, Kansas, Saturday, after attend-
lug tho institute.
Harold Fox, Harry Uoblnsou and
M.Turiibaugh, who attended teachers'
Institute last week, roturned to tholr
homos at Bladen Saturday.
Clair Wolfo returned home Thurs
day from Hoehesti'r, Minn., where lie
went to secure medical treatment. Ho
returned much improved In health,
Mr-. K. K. Smith and children of
McCook aio visiting Ira Wolfo ami
family and also attended tho family
reunion nt Throckmorton's Sunday.
Misses Enily Walkor, Mabel 'James
Clarice Hein and lrma Bruce returned
to Blue Hill Saturday after attending
the teachcis1 institute.
John Schllof, who recently resigned
his position witli the Red Cloud Auto
Company, Is making preparations to
move to one of the larger towns of
our sister state to the south, Kansas,
whero, wo understand, he has been
offered a lucrative position. John was
in tho employ of tho Hod Cloud Auto
Company for tho past two years, is an
A-l mechanic, a careful dilver and
thoroughly understands tho auto
mobile business. Wo regret to see
him move tiom among our midst, and
havo hcaiil any number express tho
same feeling, particularly those whoso
cars ho has kept in Hist, class running
Older during his residence licit. How
ever, wo pi edict success for hlui in Ids
now Held of labor, as wo know ho Is
well iiitli(led for any position around
a garage which requires mechanical
To The Public
I have sold my feed store and poul
try business to Sherman lloasloy. Mr.
HoHsloy Is not a stranger to tho people
of Red Cloud and vicinity, wheie ho
has boon a respected oIMsmii for many
years. Ho is honest, upright and ac
commodating and will give my old
customeisas well ns any now ones
that may pMfror'" him "a squurn
deal." I bo spi-iik for him u good
As for myself I ItiL-nd to lomaiii lu
Red Cloud legaid's of whether 1 am
elected county treasuier or not.
Thanking you for tho liberal patron
age you havo given mo, I am.
Yours truly,
tiKO. W.
Program For Week Commencing
Monday and Tuesday
SEPT. 7 and 8
The Adventures
Of Kathlyn
This is the last number of tho Kath
lyn seiles and shows a imppy ending
with Kathlyn on tho throne and tho
Villlau Umbahla whero ho properly
belongs, in servitude.
THING. Comedy. .
Wednesday and Thursday
k SEPl'. 9 and 10
In ROYAL BONDAGE. An artistic
and appealing two reel story of royal
love and courtship. A beautiful pic
IMtEUENT. Vitngraph drama.
Friday and Saturday
SEPT. 11 and 12
two reel production carefully and won
derfully pioduced, historically correct
with olaboictto costumes and lino
pliotography. An Edison Masterpiece.
PIE for SOI'UIK. Comedy.
JJoors open at 7:;i0. First show at
8:00. Second 0:110. Matlneo Saturday
ni i;ou.
J () ii-bster tii JVIW jlM,. ,,,
MniiPd to Liuueniv M.iturdn.v
Mis Rohfit Jnhnson has ictliriml
to liei
homo nt Me( milt after lslMinr
witli Mr. L
II. Illaoklediro tlu t.nki
week ,
Someone lias advanced tho opinion
Hint the letter "e" Is the innl tin for
lunate lot tor in tin. alphabet because
It Is always out of cash, foioior lu
debt, never oiit of (anger, and in hell
all the time. For some leason lie over
looked tlio good points of tlio letter,
as wo call attention to the faut that
"e" is never In war mid always in pmoo
It Is tho beginning of exislouce, tho
commencement of ease and tho end of
tumble. Without it tlielo would bo no
moat, no life and no heaven. It Is tho
center of hojiesty, and makes love por
feet and without It there would be no
edltois, devils or news. Ev.
City Council Meets
Hod Cloud, Sept. 1, 1914.
Council met in regular session with
Mayor Damerell, presiding. Council
men all present except Foe. .
Reading of minutes of lust meeting
wero approved.
The report of S. It. Floranco, City
Treasurer, for month of August was
read and ordered placed on (lie.
A petition, signed by about twenty
residents of the 1st ward asking for a
side walk on the eolith side of block 2,
rail road addition, was roud, und tho
Council, instructed city attorney and
city onginccr to tiiku necessary utops
to have walk constructed.
Bidd for side walk on ottut Hide block
;!, rail xoud addition were opened unci on
motion contract was lot to Maloiic
Avery Co., for $Ull 00
Action was taken to construct a sidt
walk on north unci eadt side of annex
lot 27 to Red Cloud olao on the eiiht
side block. 1 Haclcllira addition.
The following claims wore allowed:
Guy Ziiglcr $140 00
W. A. Patten 75 00
Jas.tEtherton 75 00
S. It. Florence 3 87
O.C. Teel 37 70
Grant Christy CO 00
Geo. Clawson 80 00
W. D. Eddon '. 3 70
A. C. HoHtner 4 00
A. B. McArthur 3 00
M. McConkey .' 3 CO
Uarrett and Mountford 75 00
C. It. Lcwid 2 GO
Frank Cluwson 35 17
Mnlono-Avery Co 152 75
Marhiirt Bros f 10 20
PopuBrot 8 00
Piatt und Freca 7133
Cruno Co 30 80
Mutual Oil Co 27 50
Sunderland Mch. nud Supply Co. 3 15
City Treasurer's Statement
September 1, 1011.
.Mayor and City Council, City Red
Cloud, Neb:
I submit statement cover
ing receipts and dt.sbui Moments of my
olllco for tho period from August I, lhl I,
to September 1, I'JU.
Occupation Fund
Halaucoon hand Aug. , '1J..S 1.1!) So
Receipts 15 00
1.1 1 80
llalunce Sept. 1,'M
ft.-i b(
,S 0! 0(i
Water Fund
BiUanconu hand Aug. 4, '11...8 211) 05
Diubuisemeuts 210 VI
Balance on hand Sept. 1, '14 . .2 8 ti'l
Water Levy Fund
Balance on hand Aug. -1, '14....$ 108 10
Disbursements 105 C'J
BaianccScpt. 1, '14 8 2 47
Gcncrui Fund
Balance Aug. 1, '11 K-G 33
Disbursements 102 80
Balance on hand Sent. 1, 11.... 3 93
Electric Light Fund
Balance on hand Aug. 4, '14. . .8 400 81
Receipts 709 73
1200 54
Disbursements Col 89
Balance Sept. 1, '14 g 704 05
Electric Light Levy Fund
Balance on band A ug. 4, '14., . . none
No receipts; no disbursements.
Balance Sept. 1, '14 none
Firemen's Fund
Balance on hand Aug. 4, '14. .. I 37 45
No receipts, no disbursements.
Balance Sept. 1, '14 37 45
Judgment Fund
Balance on hand Aug, 4, '14. . . nono
No receipts, no disbursements.
Balance Sept. 1 , '14 none
Occupation Fund 9 00 00
Water Fund a 03
Water Lovy Fund i 2 47
Geuoral :J 03
Electrio Light Fund 701 05
Firemen's Fund 37 15
Total 8 855 70
Registered Warrants Outstanding,
Occupation Fund 8 982 00
General Fund 30 00
Eleotrlc Light Levy Fund.... 103 n
S. It. Floranck, City Treasurer
Ow flem fall
1 Suits
Arm Here and We Want You
to See Our Line Before You
Buy Elsewhere. B
New Shoes - New Hats
New Furnishings
Come Early and Get the First Pick
Kuppenheimer and Clothcraft
Suits and Overcoats
In the New 1914 Models and Fabrics
The G0KI(lenifaley frothing Qo.
Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers
That Is tho Big Horn ltasin of Wyoming, with tho hoavlct crops in its
history of li ligation; thniisaiid.s or tons of alfalfa, wheat and oats on Govern
ment and pilv.tto irrigated lands; oil dlscovoiios frequent; you can homestead
tho finest guide of irrigated lands with reliable ami peipctual water rights
from the Government mi easy term. Tho ntiillugton's now inaltiHiut rm.H
through the heai tot tho Basin, which lias alicady over 20,000 population.
Cheap coal and tlmbor for domestlo use. A farm in Wyoming's ricluist indus
trial and fanning section can bo yours today, with it certain Inctoasu in all
and values.
The New 20 Year Payment Law Has Just Passed
Congress. This Makes the Land and a Perpetual Water
Right Almost a Gift.
Como and set. theso wonderful crops. Join our personally conducted
excursions. 1 urn employed to help you llnd ti suitable location ttlong tho
Burlington Wrilo for "Basin" Literature.
School Teachers
" For This Year
Tho following is tho list of tcaohers
who will teach in tho town and district
schools this year.
1 Joy E. Morgan, Lizzie Beynon,
Mabel MuClintock, Lillian Portenler.
A. Blodwon Beynon, Rose Brehm, Ora
Burwell, Leona Switzer.
3 Agnes Steward.
4 Lucllo Haines.
5 J. O. Wiebelor
0 Frank Krei.onbccU, prln., Irma
Bruce, May Dickcrson.
9 Lcnora Springer.
10 Hu.el Johnson.
11 Llda Gllham.
12 Nellie DeTour.
13 Myrtle Koon.
14 Howard Yost.
15 Ethel Wlsecarver.
10 Leonard Rickard.
17 Elsie Loog.
18 Lena Ohmstede.
20 Margaret Turnbaugn.
21 Dorothy Baylor.
22 Harry Robinson.
23 Lois Rltchey.
24 Evan Hutohlns.
25 Bessie, Thomas. (
20 Annie McPartland.
27 Alvln Rathjen.
28 Ira Sides.
29 Gertrude Oatman,
30 Christine I'atmor.
31 It. F. Essert, Margaret E. West,
Gladys Wright, Rosalie Drydon, Laura
Koon, Florence Stolfrcgen, Mablo Bow
ma", Phyllis Neligh
31 Marlon Bloom.
at Mil til Walker.
35 Aniia Zimmerman.
30 Jonnto Campbell.
37 Beyrl Sirrs.
38 Muitulo Sponco.
39 Claude Pierce.
40 Grace Coombs.
41 Guy Dunbar.
iMwniwrniwirMniriMMw iwmmm
mmms& wvv
and Winter $
S.B. Howard, Ass't. Immigration Agent
1004 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebraska
12 Mabel James.
43 Bortha Chaplin.
15 Clara Hem.
40-Orin Foutss.
47 Anna Peterson.
48 Inoz Fof.y.
40 Walter Portenler.
50 Delia McCullura.
51 Grace Shorer.
52 Frances Nolau.
53 Viola Barrett.
01-All.'e Whaloii.
55 Elmo Fuuko.
50-Mabcl Relselt.
58 Mabel Smith.
50-Editli Ruy.
00 Pearl Shorer, Auua Cotvcl.
01 Daisy Portenler.
02 Ulenu Foe.
03-Emily Walker. , .
01 Verna Chaplin.
05 Milllcent Brooks.
00 Dona Banks.
08 Iven Robinson.
09 Clarice Keishner.
70 Emma Peterson.
72 Elsie MlUsch.
73 A6a A. Wolfe, Lottie Deakln,
Fannie Hutcblns, Grace Boner, Mildred
Koou, Floy Boren.
74-L. It. Wright, Cella Parker, Macy
Spraohcr, Anna Backer, Lillian May,
Selmu Culln, Etho Irwin, Nell Pierce
Helen M. Fay.
75 Maude Crow.
77 Frank Dolchoy.
78 Jessie Moranvillo, Wilma Guy.
8o-Ethel Vance.
82 Joe Springer.
S3 Joan Laird.
81 Phllena Fawcott.
85-Elmu Alles.
87 Luro Lambert.
89 Lizlo Holt house.
FOR RENT A good 5-room house
Hutchison &, Snladou.
Tho Advonturos of Kathlyn at tho
Tepee next Monday und Tuesday; the
last of the series.
C II. Rust returned tho last of the
week from Omaha where be bad been
buying goods for his store.
i '.i