wr. UR ASK A, CHIEF r ??fc afto .. ..i. . . . - - i s?wI---Ib--K ilBHMIilHlHraKmS aj .-s?- --,,i,nrr,-?i:-!fc::gTiy " -vVyiBaMjyfn SnBmBBit Ma?v' lWflKiii' sfiST - -:MSriTCvnYiliwrniJ. BaBBMiTrrvrfMM r V !' ;? i M ." i i. J , --,, VOLUME 4 -J fPi - -. ',"11 !H,,i; ii"',! 'iii,FW,,N',1WliWiIW!! If Yon Desire - -si" p El i 92M? r Deposits Guaranteed WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITA!- HUn.OOO MR. FARMER-- Havc you provided your self with a proper place to keep your corn? Are your Grain Bins in good condition? Do you know that we offer for sale the best Crib and Bin Material on the market. "And Our.Prices Are Right" - THE MALOfiE-AVEftf CO, "Talk With Us About Your Wants" Your Watcls ideal Many people have learned to consider such, and such a watch as an ideal time piece. r When they buy they want .that particular watch. We don't blame them be cause we have watch ideals too and ideal watches. They are the South Bend and the Hamilton and the Howard and one or two others. These we have learn ed to depend upon these we buy and sell each year in greater quantities. And be fore you make a watch pur chase we would like to talk to you about these move ments. May we? E. H. Newhouse Optometrist and Jowolcr. For Sale 1 Two and one half acres of land with Rood eight room house, two good chick en houses, wash house, coal house and a good well. Everything in first class shape. Will sell at a bargain or trade for stock. Inquire here or phone Ind. No. 81. Don't fall to read the Urge ad of the U. K. Oriee Drug Co. on the last page f this leeae. VERY one of your banking connections to l;e a profitable one, returning you the largest measure of service and accom modation commensurate with the size of your deposit, open an account with us. Interest paid on time deposits. by State Guaranty Fund 4 l ' 117 Will Boron was in Cowles Friday. John J. Garber visited in Hubbel over Sunday. Kd. Walters was homo from Minden over Sunday. Fred Copley was, 11 passenger to Ash. Irtiid Monday. John Frohneii was in Hastings the iHsi of the week. Oia Hun-well left Sunday for his homo at Holbroolc. Ivan Uobiiifon left for liih homo at Ft anklin Saturday I Mrs. C. 'It. Sv.miI was a passenger to utiiito Koek Sunday. Hon E. Sam. dors of Kanaa City was In town the Hist of the week. Ned Hnid and Uhas. Ilennett of Cowles were in town Saturday. Wilbur Hamilton and family spent .Sunday in (iuldo Koek with relatives. Frank Condon returned home from liis fall buying trip to Chicago. Sun- dny. Mt.s. Ed. Walters spoilt. Fiiday in Guide Itoclt tho guest of Mrs. Noble Hall. Dr. O. K. Reno was up from Guide Rook Saturday the guesi of Dr. II. D. Camp. Miss Diet Smith of Lincoln is visit- ing her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Wurren this week. Emory Guy and wife returned to Guide Koek Sunday after visiting E. tl.- Weber. Mrs. Ilert Sherman returned homo from Lincoln Saturday where she had been visiting relatives, Mr. and Mis. Curtis Geer returned from Franklin, Sunday, and are now settled in the Albright property. Webb Ray of Stella was in town on Sunday visiting friends. Webb has a good position with a lumber firm at Stella. Misses Irene Miner. Gertrude Blank. ledge, Mabel Buckles, Dcsale Taylor, Fay Teel, Floyd Turnuro, Miner and Phillip Sherwood and Jaok Catber re turned borne Monday from Daweana. where they had enjoyed a week's out ing at inn popular resort. ' - A Ncwspnpcr That Olvcs The News 'fDD CLOUD, MSHKASKA. SlSPTISMHliiK , The Closing Days of Teachers, Institute Tho Inst two ilnys of Instltuto Mr. lluit W. Harris, a puntiiniishlp special M. Xivo soino p.VL'i'Uent work. Ilotid Vik itis tlio llminatii)ii of f'incy K'tters and tennliomlio plain uuslno.s hand, w '11' lli fjnVo t he luaclicih inns' cnl ir tela nation o.oicNp, as woll ns prn -tico uoik and iiislrnctions on ptc spntliifj the woilc to chlldiPii Ilo Is enthusiastic In his work and impaitcd his enthusiasm to the teachers. On Wednesday morning the instltuto whs fa voted with special music given byMimeoftho niPtnliPrs of tho Itod Cloud normal training class. The program consisted of a piano solo by Ileutrlce Slots, a trombone solo by Glenn Foe and vocal duet by Grace Rhoier and Hazel Saladen Tho num bers were well rendered and did credit to tho schools as well as flic indi viduals One of the special features of tho in .stitute, and one which was much en- joyed by tho tenohcrs was the Vlctrola inuslcale, giron on Fiiday morning by Mr. U. L. Cottlng, assisted by Mr. Mitchell. Tho tprogram consisted of mum and varied t-otigs and lecitations lor children, which might be taught at.d used in the school room. It clear ly deinonsliated the educational value of the Vlctrola in training children to appreciate and enjoy the best in music. A good many rural schools iu our state now own Victrolas. , Everyone was wishing for more wlieu time was called but the program served as a very , pleasant closing of the week's special exercises,"' and the kindness of these people In trlving their time to tiie entertainment' was very much appreciated. A large audience was prosent at the lecture given by Chancellor Fulmer at the Methodist church Friday evening. The subject of his address was, "The Power of Suggestion,', and was nre- sented in .1 clear, decisivo manner and made especially luteiesting by the many illustrations used. The talk was logical, and hi ought out distinctly the evil resulting from allowing childien to load poor literature. He Pinnha- flled paiticularly the tiemendous in- lluoiiee of suggestion over children, and because of its potent po.er iu molding chaiactor, lie. showed why tho uhild's Miirotiiidiiigs hhntild lie ab beautiful and up-lifting as possible. A very pleasing t'iauv of the pio gram for tiie cMsning was n boll .solo by llaymond Turtiuie iu which he showed exceptional hklll. The young man is especially talented along musi cal lines and liis willingness to as3ibt is always appreciated. Geoigo Triiut and family .snent Sun- day iu llluo Hill with iolatlve. Chai Iny Fox was lioincfioiu York on Sunday visiting with his parents. Alf Saladeti and wife visited Win. Hooves and wife at Byron, Sunduy. Mrs. G. 13. Throne and two sons left Sunday for Wilsouvillo for a week's visit. Grant llalley loft for liis homo in Omaliti, Monday, after enjoying a two weeks vacation, part of which was spent with relatives here. Mt6ses Graco and Pearl Sherer wcru Inavalc visitors Mouday, where Miss Grace Sheror will teach school the coming tcim. Eniio Funke, Frank Delehoy and L. A. Wright returned to their homes in Blue Hill Saturday after spending the week here attending the Institute. Misses Anna Cowel and ltorylc Slrrs returned to their hotnes in Rose raont, Saturday, after spending the week here attending the Institute. Bruce A. Porter and family who have been visiting Mrs. Laura Ponn. nnd Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pope for the past two weeks left Saturday for their homo in Chicago. Dr. llobt. Mitchell, Allen and L H, Blaqkledge and Flavins Grid return.' ed home Monday from a ten dava fm. reatlon and flihing expedient atTaber- aan, Colorado, . 1 . , .. ... Fifty-two tVcr.k-i Each Year For $1.50 The Eighth Grade Graduation Exercises The Twelfth Annual Graduating V.k erclses of the Webster county public schools was held at the Methodist chinch Saturday morning, August 20, at 10 o'clock 11 in. About one bundled graduates wore present. The Interest and willingness ot these young people was shown by the songs uml lecltitttouu with which they entertained the audi ence. The" address of the mottling was given by Superintendent .loy E Mor gan ot Guide Itoclt. Ills subject, "Lifo lluildlng," was one of deep Inlet est to each gmduato, and proved to be help ful and Instructive as well as enter taining. At the close Of tho address Miss Coon spoke 11 few words of en couragement and upp-eolutlun for tho intetost shown and the faithfulness of these youug people, and then ptosont ed to tho class of 1014 the long coveted diplomas. Mr. Ed. Orc:iag-closed tliu piogrum with a bhotttalk in which he outlined tho din'ovn.jt courses given in the uni ons high ichools, and told why It is becoming s,o necessary to intiuduce oouisos iu ngileultuial, domestic science, etc., in the high schools of to day. Ho cmphasled particularly the fact that if we wish to keep our child ren at home we must give them an education which will lit thin for tho work which they cau do at home, and not give them an education, tho com pletion and practice of which necessi tates their leaving home. 'NQlTH WEST JEWELS . - - Andy Buster bas 'gone to Page, Nebraska. ' ' Loch Hutchison is building a gran ury for Will Hudlburgh. Shoeuiukers were threshing for John Gibbs the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith attended church ut Highland Sunday. Itcv. Adams dolhorod his fatewell set 111011 at Union Sunday morning. Oft Smith has touted the L. Hotuhltiss farm lor the coming year. Hog choleia seems to bo stiikiug soino of the people mound lieto pietly haul home oi the fanneis me hauling their wheat to market, leccivliiir !)l cents per bushel at lMion. The Ladles' Aid will meet at the fhtueli next Friduy and tie some com foi ts and do some sewing for the Will Wood's family. Our county treasurer, J. W. Beeman and E. ). George, editor of tho Man kato Monitor had some trouble iu the tieasurer'b oilicu lasl Tuesday which resulted iu the an est of tl. D. Gemw The ttial is set for next week. Why Meat is High. Mr. jHiues Walker, a furmer of Scottville, Macoupin Coiintv. 111., sold at Chicago, August 10, loll, five cuts of cattle (80 head) for $11,781.10, of wliich 47 steers averaging 1175 pounds, brought SlO.fo per loo pounds, ot S15MG per head, while 2(1 steers aver aging 1378 pounds brought 810.50 per 100 pounds, or SH1.70 per head. Those are the highest prices ho ever received for such stock. Mr. Walker is 81 years old and has fed cattle and hogs for the Chicago market continuously for G2 years. Within this period he has sold the best cattle as low as 83.75 per 100 pounds and the best hogs at 8..50, and has seen corn selling at eight cents por bushel such us now btings oltrhtv ceuts. Mr8. MnSI'B f'nfmnnn,. n.i.l ..1.1 !.! ' , -w... ...w,.jr uuu VIIIIUIUU visitea her mother, Mrs. C. C. Cox, in uea uioud, the c os n? davs nf inMt week. McCook Trlbuue. C II. Wright and wife and children of Merced, California arc visiting his orotner Hev. W. II. Wright aud family nt ,. .. . " 1 11 t1 ' Ut parTBe tor B d"V ortwo They are on the r wav tn vUlt ' ... .. , , -' his mother In Canada, who Uvea east: or loronto. The two brothers hsd ot ta eaoh other la oia yr. ' ?hbO " "-- 'Vrf- K ,yj( 1SM. LOT AT DISCOUNT 1 y? I8Ji j& iJIUld I rLOT 3 EVERY SUIT IN STOCK 20 DISCOUNT Straw Hats Except Panamas at OxTords (lords in 98.00,94.60,94.00 4fcO A A Grades go at . J-"" J! . Jr.: This n Your Chancer To Saw TERMS ''n' Q "It's 'Hp PAUL The 1!IIMIi'!!ll"l,,lL'IIJILnill!l!'M ii:riiwi;:vi jii'iti mm i Copnliht 1909, b C. C. FOR THE BABY S Go-Carts, High-Chairs, Rockers, Nursery Chairs.' Cribs, Trundle Beds, in fact everything that goes to make things pleasant for the Baby and convenient for the mother. We have them in all prices and quality from the cheapest to the best. Call and Look Tham Over ROY SATTLEYl Licensed Embalmer 5 iu amamaaam w.u. yneuer, formerly a successiui tailor or this olty, hot who for the .. j ... L. .., .. yoi. yer uu nail oh reoiueu Kb i-i.tilo-.i. i I. .. iL- . (UrwMk r.niwing cquminUnoe. au4 vWtlnf reltUvM. NUMBER 3 m LOT 2- AT so DISCOUNT EXCEPT BLACKS AND BLUES AT 50 OFF oniy CMH . To Ydii"n STOREY Clothier t& Zlirmciman Co. --No. ?t and Furniture Dealer. M f Mrs. J. P. Grimes and Miss Irmjt Urimes ot Blus Hill, visited E. I Grimes over Sunday. MluIrmaQrisss lea? a Friday for Caspsr, Wrottlaff. whers she m ft position lo Mt puMis sobools. V S3 rnttm r ' :?;: P 'I ' . m Ait, jCaAM'-ti: .HM.,11.11.,.,1, lit vhv lif, i'