The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 27, 1914, Image 6

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Old Lady
Author of
"The Story otStrth"
"Tb Ship of Dream"
Copyright by The Century Co.
Qaploln Abraham Rosn nn1 Angelina,
tita wlfo. hnvo lost tliotr llttlo homo
throtiRh Abo'a unlucky purclumo of Tona
lly dold mining stock. t Tholr household
Roods Mold, tho 1100 nuctlon nionoy, nil
tlicy hnvo left, will plnco Aim In tho Old
Man's homo, or Any In tho Old I.iuIIoh'
hom. lloth lire solf-BticrinrlnK hut Abo
decides: "My denr this Is the fust tltnn
I've had a clianco to talio tho wust of It."
CHAPTER II Continued.
Under the pink tobo a soft pink
flush bloomed on cither of tho old
lady's checks. Her eyes flashod with
unconquorablo pride, nnd her square,
Arm chin sho held very high; for now,
Indeed, eho was flllod with terror of
what "folks would Bay" to this home
leaving, and It was a bright Juno after
noon, too clear for an umbrella with
which to hldo one's faco from prying
neighbors, too lato In tho day for a
; Angy tucked tho green-black affair
(which servod them ob both under her
(arm nnd swung Abe's figured old car
tpotbag in Iter hand with tho manner of
(ono setting out on a ploaennt Journey.
iVbo, though resting heavily on his
itout, crooked cano, dragged behind
ilm Angy's Utile horsehair trunk upon
crcnklng, old, unuHually largo toy
express wagon which ho hnd bought
,at somo forgotten auction long ago.
Tho hUBband nnd wlfo passed Into
jtho gnrdon between borders of box
Iwood, beyond which nodded the heads
of Angy'B carefully tended, outdoor
"children" her roHes, her snowballs,
her ewcct-smolllng syrlngaB, her wax
llko bleeding-hearts and her shrub of
"Jest a minute," sho murmured, as
Abo would havo hastened on to the
goto. She bent hor proud head nnd
kissed with furtlvo, half-nBhainnd pas
Blon a fluffy whlto spray of tho bridal
wreath. Now overtopping tho hus
band's silk hat, tho Bhrub had not
como so high ns his kneo when they
two had planted It nearly a half-century
i "Vou'ro inlno!" Angy's heart cried
out to tho elirub and to evory growing
thing In tho garden. "Vou'ro initio. I
planted you, tended you, loved you
Into growing. You'ro all tho children
I over hnd, nnd I'm loaving you." Hut
tho old wlfo did not pluck a slnglo
flower, for sho could never boar to sco
a blossom wither in her hand, while
nil Bho said aloud waB: "I'm glad''twas
Mis' Holmes that bought in tho houso.
They say sho's a groat hand ter dig
In tho garden."
Angy's voico faltered. Abo did not
answer. Something had caused a
swimming boforo his oyce which ho
did not wish his wlfo to see; so he
lot fall tho haiuHo of tho express
wagon and, bonding his slow back,
plucked a Bprlg of "old-man." Though
ho could not havo expressed his senti
ments In words, tho garden brought
poignant recollections of tho hopes
and promtsra which had thrown their
roso color about tho young days of his
marriage. His hopes had never blos
somed Into fulillment. His promises
to the llttlo wlfo had been choked by
tho weeds of his own Inefficiency.
worso than this, tho bursting into
bloom ot-soeds of selfish recklessness
In himself was what hnd turned tho
garden of their llfo Into an arid wasto.
And now, in their dry nnd withered
old ngo, ho nnd Angy were lining torn
up by tho roots, Hung as so much
rubbish by tho roadside
"Mothor, I bo drotful sorry tor tnko
yew away from your postes," muttered
Abraham its ho aroso with his green
sprig In his hand.
With clinking Augurs, Angy sought
a pin hidden boneath her basquo. "Fa.
thor, ehnll I pin yer 'old-man In yer
buttonholo?" Bho quavered. Then ns
ho stooped for hor to arrange tho
posy, sho whispered: "1 wouldn't care,
'copt fer what folks must uay. Lo's
hurry boforo tiny ono buus us, I told
everybody that wo wa'n't n-gwlno tor
break up till tormorror morn In'."
Fortunately, there waB a way across
lots to tho Old Ladles' home, an un
frequented by-path over a field and
through a bit of woodland, which
would bring tho couplo almost unob
served to a Bldo gate.
Under ordinary circumstances Ange
lina would never havo takon this path;
for It exposed hor cnrofully patched
and nowly polished shoes to scratches,
her fragllo, worn silk skirt nnd stiff,
whlto petticoat to brambles. More
over, tho drngglng of tho loaded llttlo
wagon waB moro difllcult hero for
Abraham. Hut they both preferred
tho narrower, 'rougher way to facing
tho curious eycB of all Shorovlllo now,
tho pitying windows of tho vlllngo
As tho couplo camo to tho edgo of
tho woodland, they turned with ono
accord and looked back for tho last
gtlrapso of tho homo. Dlazlng gold
red against tho kltchon window llained
(tho afternoon sunlight.
"Look nyiiatl" Angy cried eagerly,
as one who beholds n promise In tho
skies. "Jest Bee, father, wo couldn't
'a' mndu out that wlndor this fur at
all cf the huh hadn't struck It jest so.
I dpclnr' it seems almost as ef wo
could sco tho rocker, tow. It's tew bad,
Abe, that we hnd tor let yor old rocker
go. IV yow rcmombor ?" sho laid
her hnnd on his arm, and lifted her
gaze, growing clouded and wistful, to
his faco. "When wo bought tho chair,
wo thought mebbo somo day I'd bo
rocking a lectio baby In It Twns
then, yow rlcollcc', wo sorter got in
tho habit of cullln' each other 'father'
an' 'mothor.' I wonder of tho young
'uns had como "
"Le's hurry," Interrupted Abo, al
most gruffly. "Lo's hurry."
They stumbled forward with bowed
heads In silence, until of a sudden
they wero otartlcd by a surprised hall
of recognition, and looked up to find
themselves confronted by a bent and
gray old man, n village character, a
harmless, Bllghtly demonted public
chargo known as "Ishmael" or "Cap
tain Hover."
"Whar yew goln', Cap'n Rose?"
Tho old -couplo had drawn brick at
tho sight of the gentlo vagabond, and
Angy clutched at hor husband's arm,
hor heart contracting nt tho thought
that ho, too', had becomo a pauper.
"I'm a-takln' my wlfo tor Jlno tho
old ladles over thar ter tho hum," Abe
answered, nnd would havo passed on,
shrinking from tho Bight of himself
as reflected in poor Ishmael.
)3ut the "innocent" placed hlmeolf In
their path.
"Yow ain't a-goln' tor Jlno 'em tow?"
ho bantered.
Abe forced a laugh to his lips in re
sponse. "No, no; I'm goln' over tor Ynphank
ter board on tho county."
Again tho couplo would havo passed
on, their faces flushed, their oyes low
ered, had not Ishmael flung out ono
hand to detain them whllo ho plunged
tho other hurriedly into his pocket.
"Hero." Ho drew out n meagor hand
ful of nickels and pennies, his vacant
smllo grown wistful. "Hero,,
Cnp'n Itoso. It's all I got. I can't
count it myself, but yow can. Don't
yew think It's enough ter set yow up
in business, eo yew won't hnvo tor
go ter the poorhouso? Tho poorhouso
Is a bad place. I was thorn last win
ter. I don't llko tho poorhouso."
Ho rambled on (of tho poorhouso.
Angy, punting for breath, ono hand
against tho smothering pain at her
heart, was trying, with tho other, to
drag "fnthcr" along. "Fathor" was
shaking lib hca'd at Ishmael, at tho
proffered nlckols nnd pennies shak
ing his head and choking. At length
ho found his voico, and was ablo to
smllo nt his wou Id-bo benefactor with
oven tho gliost of a twinkle In his eye.
"Much obliged, Cnp'n Hover; but
yew keep yer money for terbnecy. I
ain't 110 high-toned as yew. I'll take
real comfort at the poorhouso. S'long;
thank yer. S'long."
Ishmaol went on his way muttering
to himself, unhappily Jingling his re
jected alms; whllo Angy and Abo re
sumed their Journey.
As they camo to tho gate of tho Old
Ladles' homo Angy seized hold of her
husband's arm, and looking up into his
faco pleaded earnestly:
"Father, let'H tako tho hunderd dol
lars fer n fnmbly tombatun an' go ter
tho poorhouso terguthor!"
Ho shook her off almost roughly and
lifted the latch of tho gato.
"Folks 'd say wo was crazy, mothor."
There was no ono In sight ns ho
drngged In tho express cart and laid
down tho handle. Ilofore him was a
long, clenn-swopt path ending appar
ently In a mtfbe of shrubbery; to tho
loft was n field of sweet corn reaching
to tho hedge; to he right a strong and
sturdy growth of polo lima beans; nnd
Just within tho entrance, beneath the
sweeping plumes of n weeping willow
treo, was a shabby but Inviting green
Abo's glanco wandered from tho
bench to his lfo's faco. Angy could
not lift her eyes to him; with bowed
head sho was latching and unlatching
tho gato through which ho muBt pass.
Ho looked at the sun nnd thoughtfully
mado reckon of tho time. There wero
still two hours beforo ho could tnko
the train which
"Let's go sot (leown a spoil afore "
ho faltered "aforo wo sny good-by."
Sho mndu no answer. Sho told hor
solf over nnd over that sho must
simply must stop that "nll-of-a-trem-bio"
feeling which wus going on inside
of her. Sho stepped from tho gnto to
tho bench blindly, with Abe's hnud on
hor arm, though, still blindly, with
exaggerated caro she placed his car
petbag on thu grass beside her.
Ho laid down his cano, took off his
high hat and wiped his brow. He
looked at her anxiously. Still she
could not lift her blurred eyes, nor
could sho chock her trembling.
Seeing how Bho shook, he passed his
arm around hor shoulder. Ho mur
mured something what, nolther ho
nor sho know but tho lovo of his
youth spoke In tho murmur, and again
fell tho sllenco.
Angy's oyes clenred. Sho struggled
to speak, aghast at tho thought that
llfo Itself might bo done beforo over
they could havo ono hour together
again; hut no words camo. So much
bo much to say! Sho reached out her
hnnd to whore his rested upoti his
knee. Their lingers gripped, and each
felt n sense of dreary cheer to know
that tho touch was speaking what the
tongue could not utter.
TImo passed swiftly. Tho silent
hour sped on. Tho young blades of
corn gossiped gently along tho Held.
Abovo, the branches of tho willow
swished and swayed to the rhythm
of tho soft south wind. ,
"How still, how till It Isl" whis
pered tho breeze.
"Hcst, rest, restl" was tho lullaby
swish of tho willow.
The old wlfo nestled closer to Abra
ham until Iter head touched his shoul
dor. He laid hta cheek against hor
hair and the carefully preserved old
bonnet. Involuntarily sho raised her
hand, trained by the years of pinch
ing economy, to lift tho fragllo roso
Into a safer position. Ho smiled nt her
action; then his arm closed about her
spasmodically and ho swallowed a
lump In his throat.
The afternoon was waning. Gradu
ally over tho turmoil of their hearts
stolo tho gardon's Juno-tlmo Bplrlt of
drowsy repose.
They leaned even closer to each
othor. Tho gray of the old man's hair
mingled with tho gray beneath Ange
lina's llttlo bonnet. Slowly his oyos
closed. Then even as Angy wondorod
who would watch ovor the slumbers of
his worn old ago In the poorhouso, she,
too, fell asleep.
The Candidate.
Tho butcher's boy brought the tid
ings of tho auction salo In at tho
kitchen door of tho Old Ladles' home
oven whllo Angy and Abo wero lin
gering over their posies, and tho In
mates of tho home wero waiting to
recolve the old wife with tho greater
sympathy and tho deeper spirit ot
welcome from tho fact that two of
tho twenty-nluo members had known
her from girlhood, away back In the
boarding-school days.
"Yop," said tho boy, with one eye
upon the stout matron, who was criti
cally examining the meat that ho had
brought. "Yop, the auction's ovor, an
Cap'n Roso, he Don't that cut suit
you, Miss Abigail? You won't And
a better, nicer, tenderer and more
Juicier plcco of shoulder this side of
Now York. Tako It back, did you say?
All right, ma'am, all right!" His face
assumed a look of resignation: these
old ladies mndo his life a martyrdom.
Ho used to tell tho "fellers" that he
spent one-half his time carrying orders
back and forth from the Old Ladles'
home. Hut now, In splto of his meek
ness of manner, ho did not intend to
tako this cut back. So with Machia
vellian skill ho hastened on with his
"Yop, an they only rlz ono hundred
dollars nn' two cents ono hundred
dollars nn' n postage-stamp. I guess
It's all up with tho cap'n an' tho Old
Men's. I don't seo 'em hangln' out no
'Wolcomo' Blgn on tho strength of
"You're a horrid, henrtless little
boy!" burst forth Miss Abigail, and,
flinging tho disputed meat on tho
tablo, she sank down into the chair,
completely overcomo by sorrow and
indignation. "You'll be old yerself
some day," sho sobbed, not noticing
thut ho wns stealthily edging toward
tho door, ono oyo on hor, ono on to
morrow's pot ronBt. "I tell yew.
Tommy," regaining her accustomed
confiding amiability, ns sho lifted the
corner of her apron to wlpo hor eyes,
"Miss Elllo will feel somo kind o' bad,
tow. Yer know mo an' her an' Angy
all went ter school tergothor, nlthough
Miss Elllo is so much younger'n tho
rest o' us that wo call her tho baby.
Ilore! Where"
Hut ho was gone. Sighing heavily,
the matron put the meat in fho icebox,
nnd then mado hor slow, lumbering
way into tho front hall, or community
room, whero tho Bisters were gathored
in a body to nwnlt the now arrival.
"Waal, pay!" Bho supplemented,
after she had finished telling her piti
ably brief story, "thar's trouble
ernough to go around, hain't thar?"
Aunt Nnncy Smith, who never be
lieved In wenring hor heart on her
sleevo, sniffed and thumped her cano
on tho floor.
"You young folks," sho affirmed, her
self having 8ce,n ninety-nino winters,
whllo Abigail had known but a paltry
slxty-flvo, "yew allers go an' cut yor
pity on the skew-gee. I don't see
nothln' to bawl an beller erbout. I
say that any man what can't tako
kcro o' hlmstlf, not ter mention his
wife, should ortor go ter the poor
house." Hut tho matriarch's voice quavered
oven moro than usual, and as she fin
ished she hastily bent down and felt
in her deep skirt pocket for her snuff
box. (to nn CONTINUED.)
Legal View.
A Cleveland attorney took tho Medi
terranean trip a month ago. It was
his first time across tho water, and
ho stated on his return that he would
havo had a perfectly glorious time but
for tho Billy questions asked him by
customs officials. It was on the pier
at Now York that his woes camo to a
climax. Tho officer looked up In
amazement "Open your trunk,
'plen'so," commanded the custom-house
officer. "Have you anything In there
but personal property?" ho continued.
"What do you mean by personal prop
erty?" countered tho lawyer. "For
heaven's sake, don't you kuow what
personal property Is?" "I thought I
did," answered tho attorney. "And I
can nssuro you that thero Is no real
ostnte in my trunk." Cleveland Plain
Dualer, I
Profound Consular Advice.
The American commercial represent
ative abroad should say what he
means. Wo havo just been reading a
consular report from the Uganda dis
trict, Africa, which Informs us that
"human beings acquire tho sleeping
sickness from biting files." If this !
really a fact, tho obvious advice Is'
Substitute beetles or roacheB. Don't
bite flies; swat them I Judge.
Child of Love Match Is Aban
doned in Fear.
Blue-Eyed Mary Cannot Go Back to
Arms of Mother Who Yearns for
First Born Old Feud
to Blame.
There aro no names in this story
Because of a bluo-oyed, five-year-old
Mary, who should nover know until
Bho Is old enough to kuow and under
stand and possibly forglvo.
Hecauso of, a man and wlfo who
stumbled In the path, who suffered In
secret and who will continue to 'Buffer
whilo life lasts and they should bo
permitted to retain their secret.
Because of a man and woman to
whom God denied offspring and who
havo taken Into their hearts and homo
tho baby abandoned by a boy and a
girl when expediency overruled love.
And, because
The "moving finger" wrote that they
should hate each other with tho cold,
deadly, never-dying malevolence of a
Kentucky feud. They did, and they
do to this day, but no ono knows the
reason why. V
In early manhood thoy left tho Dluo
Grass state and fate, with the malig
nant persistence with which she pur
sues those ensnarled In her web,
brought' their wandering footsteps to
a halt In a little town In Michigan.
There they sottlcd.
Banker and Lawyer.
They grew with tho community.
Ono becaino tho leading banker and
tho other Its prominent lawyer. Suc
cess came, but tho old-tlmo rancor re
mained. When tho amcnitieB of Boclal
or business llfo lifted a commanding
finger courtesy ruled, but that was all.
And thoy married. To tho lawyer
was born a son and unto the banker
a daughter was given.
Fate, remorseless, threw boy and
girl together In school, in play and
in tho youthful activities of a small
town. Plnaforo and knlckerbocker
friendship grew as tho years rolled by,
and ono day beforo they wero out of
school tho chrysalis of friendship
burst and radiant lovo came forth.
For a while boy and girl kept their
wonderful secret to themselves, it
would havo been sacrllego to talk
about It. Then tho brutal realities of
llfo crept Into tho roseate picture.
Would papa? Would ho and he
forget that horrible mysterious some
thing that had embittered two lives?
Daughter crept to daddy's arms and
whispered tho tale; son stood beforo
father and told tho story.
Meet In Secret.
Tho old hatred blazed forth and
weeping girl and angry boy wont forth
to meet In secret and wonder why
fato was bo unkind.
Ono day they married, not In tho
homo town, but in another 'not far
At first It was a secret, but soon
it becamo apparent that It could not
be a Becrct forever. So on some pre
text or tho other they loft their ro
spcctlvo homes and mot in "the Wis
consin woods." There for, several
weeks they Jived a llfo ot utter free
dom. Dut tho greatest day In a wom
an's llfo waB approaching and they
Journeyed to Chicago. A baby a
little girl wob born In Oak Park.
Today they aro ashamed of what
they did. Five years of anguish and
remorso have not balanced tho scales.
She could not, would not go back
homo with a baby; ho well, he ad
mits It today was a coward. They
decided to abandon the child.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester T. Bradford
llvo In Evanston. They, too, had a
baby, but it was upstairs in its 'crib
while tho llttlo buggy stood on tho
veranda of tho Bedford residence.
Fato placed It there. Tho young 'fa
ther had a friend who lived In Evans
ton, a well-to-do young man, who
necessarily must llvo In a good neigh
borhood. And with tho nddross as a
pivot in seeking a houso In which tholr
bnby would receive at least a chance
1 of decent upbringing, tho young cow
l nrds started for Evanston. Half a
! block before they reached their
friends houso they saw the empty
buggy, nnd Into It they dumped their
baby and flow.
Thero wob another desolato homo
In Chicago. It was different from the
llttlo Oak Park cottago but hardly
less desolato. Thoro wero spacious
grounds about tho houso, and from tho
exterior it was beautiful. But to tho
occupants, tho homo was dreary, as
tho halls gavo no echoes to pattering
feet of children.
Thoy wanted a baby, and appealed
to tho Illinois Home and Aid society.
Thoy wero shown Beveral children
which had been placed In the care ot
the society, and ono, a little girl with
bluo oyes, attracted them,
Legally Adopted. '
0 tliey took the llttlo girl into
tholr home, and In a short timo it
hnd lost Its desolation. The halls
echoed with tho laughter and prattle
of tho child, and tho man and his
wlfo wero happy. They decided that
the child should never bo takon from
them, so they legally adopted hor.
Fate again Intervened, for she was
named Mary, and Mary wob the namo
of tho girl wlfo who had placed her
baby In tho empty buggy on tho Brad
ford porch.
Hack to Michigan went tho young
husband and wife. They mado their
marriage known but there was no
reconciliation of tho graying Kentucki
ans. Thoy ncccptod tho situation, that
Is all: Three other children came to
gladden tho homo; the husband pros
pored at his practice. Tho wlfo
smiled by day and wept by night.
Their thoughts wandered back eter
nally to the llttlo girl who had been
left In tho llttlo buggy on the porch.
They loved tho children who hnd
come later in life, but thero was a
constant yearning for their first born.
What had becomo of her? Had tho
wheel of destiny crushed out tho life
thoy had given? If Bho was alive, had
she fallen into the hands of kindly
foster parents, or was sho being buf
feted by want and adversity?
Conscience and fato did not let thorn
forget for long. Did thoy go to tho
theater thoro, Inevitably, In the woof
of the story was a baby. Sometimes
abandoned. Flotlon that camo their
way seemed to bo built almoBt entire
ly on stories in which girl babies
played a part. Even tho movies
Unshod accusing pictures.
Tho minds of the parents conjured
up terrlblo pictures of the fato of their
daughter. At length, unablo longer to
stand tho uncertainty, tho father hired
detectives to go to Evanston and traco
If they could the fate of his child"
Then tho stage waB Bet by fate.
The detectives had struck tho trail,
but a blank wall blocked the way
when they sought the namo of the
man and woman who gave tho love
nnd protection dented by father and
mothor. Mary's foster father heard
and the only mother Mary knew wept.
Lawyers wore called In. It was
agreed there should bo a meeting of
the lawyers.
Mary's Real Father.
Mary'a real father went as hla own
lawyer. And Mnry's foster father
wont as his own lawyer. They mot
In a hotel lobby as lawyers and wcht
to a room as lawyers. Tho man from
Michigan sat on tho edgo of tho bed,
the man from Chicago on a chair.
Tongues wero silent, but eyes
searched and spoke.
"You," said tho man from Chicago,
"are tho father of llttlo Mary."
"And you," said tho man from Michi
gan, "havo my daughter."
"Listen," said tho Michigan man.
And ho told tho story of flvo years
of hell, of sleepless nights, anguish
and regret, suffering and self-condemnation.
"And you listen to mo," said the
man from Chicago. And he told tho
story of flvo years of a now heaven
and earth.
Tho adoption of a child through
court proceedings gives that child ir
revocably to tho foster parents. Tho
man from Michigan, as a lawyer, knew
that legally his child was lost to him.
Ho had had and had abandoned. To
him who stepped In ns his substitute
tho law gavo a good title.
Mary will never know that when
sho was playing wlth her dolls on
tho lawn two men wero looking nt her
through tho roso hedgo. Both wero
Mary couldn't understand why dad
dy's eyes were wet when ho hugged
her In his arms a moment later and
sho didn't see the man from Michigan
aa he lurched down tho street.
Ahaves and 8aves, and Plans Bright
s Future With Fiancee, but Now
Dream Is E,nded.
During flvo years Alexander
Schwartz shaved and saved In a Chi
cago barber shop. Soveral evenings
each week ho put on his best clothes
and trlct) his best conversation. Ho
was mak'ing plans for his future.
., On thoso occasions a young woman
shared in tho plans, helping him to
make them.
Schwartz shaved thousands of faces
nnd cut the hair on thousands ot
heads during thoso flvo years. Ho ex
pected that after he had been married
a few years ho would own a shop and
Bit bcsldo a cash register that tinkled
pleasantly. His flanceo agroed that to
a bright man llko him such a lucra
tive futuro was moro than probable.
Meanwhile Schwartz went on shav
ing and saving. Recently, however,
ho had to tako somo tlmo off. Ho ap
peared In court beforo John E. Owens,
county Judgo. Thero he learned that
In tho years of shaving and saving
and dreaming ho had overlooked pro
vision for his mother's future.
"You must pay $3 a week for her
support," said the Judgo.
Schwartz declared that It ho did so,
saving would be Impossible.
"Earn moro monoy, then," said tho
"I mako only $15 a week," paid
Schwartz, "and if I use $3 ot that for
another purpose, I shall bu unablo to
marry. My girl has been waiting flvo
yoars. Sho Is tired. She will quit
mo If sho has to watt any longer."
"You must contribute to tho support
of your mother" Bald tho Judgo.
"Walt until you earn monoy enough,
or until you agroo lo support both
your mothor and a wlfo boforo you aro
"You say our friend fs rising In
political llfo?"
"Yes. He's rising, all right He
used to be on the level, and now he'i
known as the man higher up."
Tells How Lydia E.Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound Re
stored Her Daugh
ter's Health.
Plover, Iowa.-"From a small child
my 18 year old daughter had femaU
weakness, I spoke
to three doctors
about it and they did
not hqlp her any.
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
DOUnd hnd been ai
!j great benefit to me
so x decided to have
her givo it a trial
fane has taken five
bottles of the Veo-e.
tflhln fVimrifflinA an.
cording to directions on the bottle and
Bho is .cured of this trouble. Sho was
nil run down when sho started taking
the Compound and her periods did not
come right Sho was so poorly and
weak that I often had to help her dress
herself, but now sho is regular and is
growing strong and healthy. "Mrs.
Martin Helvio, Plover, Iowa.
Hundreds of such letters expressing
gratitudo for" tho good Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has accom
plished are constantly being received,
proving tho reliability of this grand old
If you are ill do not drag along and
continue to suffer day in and day out but
at once tako Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound, a woman's remedy for
woman's ills.
If you want special advice write t
Lydia E. Flnkhnm Medicine Co (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Yoar letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
Woman and held la strict confidence
Islands Where Communication With
the Great World Is at Rare Inter
vals Tristan da Cunha.
Though scientific progress has madt
it possible to do a doublo Journey bo
twean England and America In a fort
night, thero remain many Islands with
which it takes years to communicate.
Off tho Scottish coast aro the
groups of Islands known ns tho He
brides, Orkneys nnd Shetlands. Of
theso tho most Isolated Islands Is St
Kllda, some threo miles long and two
miles broad. The Inhabitants lead
lives of great loneliness, for it takes
n month to get to the next Island,
and tho sea v of ton makos any com
munication with St. Kllda Impossible
for months.
The group of eight Phoenix Islands
In tho Pacific has a total population of
only 1G8, while another llttlo bit ot
the British emplro Is Fanning Island.
This is a landing place for tho PaciQo
submarine cnblo, and usually there'
aro about ono hundred people in the
The loneliest of all parts of Dritlsh
territory Is the Island of Tristan Da
Cunha, In tho South Atlantic, which
1b also the smallest Inhabited Island
in tho empire. It Is 1,800 miles from
land, has a population of 74 Scottish
Americans, and tho inhabitants get
news of the outer world usually once
every two years.
Fly Screen.
A teacher in tho third grade recently
Introduced tho word "veil" to the at
tention of her pupils.
"What does veil mean?" she asked.
There was no response. "Ladles wear
them," sho explained. Then a small
boy spoke up.
"Please teacher," ho said, "It is a
black cloth which doBo ladles wear ov
er der faces when do flies Is biting."
xThe Usual Process.
"They ore going to put your reso
lution on tho tablo."
"I'm not surprised. I expected It to
,bo dished."
Summer Days
Call for a dainty,
wholesome food such
' with cream.
There'sKtllc work, and
much satisfaction in every
Eackage of these critp
its of perfectly cooked
and toasted Indian Com.
Appetizing flavour,
substantial nourishment
and convenience ot serv
ing are all found in Post
Sold by Grocers
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