RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF rUEIMlAKSCiSL. TtCi J (i THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, NobrnakuL PUBLISHED BVEHY THURSDAY Entered In tlio I'oMnlllro nt tied CUmil, Noli. m Hccotul (;lns Mnttcr A. II. McAUTHUn 1'UIIMSIIKII TUB ONIiY IlKMOCHATlt' I'AI'MU IN WKItSTKH COUNTY I wish to tlnuik tlio doctors for the votes given mo at tlio primary flec tion, Mid hope to merit your conll. tlcnco and support nt tlio general election In November. Yours sincere' jy, ' Geo. V. Tkim:. Attention lh called to the tabulated priiiiury vote found on nuother page In this ibsue. Owing to the light vote ntul iiojontost In the Populist, Progressive end Prohibition pintles v.n do not give these retuniH by precincts. T The Tepee plctmes have been un usually good the past two weekrt. Malinger Wurren bus u (llbcrlnilimtlng tasto and knows what will best please our people. The. films hlch he holtuts nro of it higher older tluili thosushown In many of the larger cities.. - 9 Mr. Geo, Huminol and Mrn. Wnsuom shipped near of melons to.Mct'ook last Friday. Theio were 1(XX) melons in tlio car and they averaged a IV pounds npleco. They were certainly line melons and tho ilavor was exception ully good. We know, for the editor was presented with one for which we are very thankful. The light rains and the cool weather have placed the late corn out of dan ger. Tho the corn crop will not be as large ns it promised earlier in the sea son yet conservative men place tho yield nt from -'0 to JO bushels per aero. This yield, together with the bumper crop of wheat and tho abundance ot alfalfa and potatoes will put the county on easy street for another jroar. Tho Democratic party in this county -.and state comes befoie the voters this ;yonr with men who are well qualified lor tlio various ollloos. From top to bottom our candidates are men ot Stirling worth and imi known for their lionesty, integrity and busiuess ability. "We need make no apologies this year .nuywhero along the Hue for our can- xlidates arc all tttrong men and will make excellent oiliulals. Webster county Iriespt-etivo of par tisan polities &huuld feel pleased that one of her former citizens has been honored with tho-nomination of state representative in Douglas county. We refer to Mr. Henry KiohiiionJ. Henry is. now editor of tho Nebrusknn at Omaha and is getting out an excellent aiiipor. Douglas county should see to it that ho Is sent to the next session Mf the legislatuie since ho Is eminent ly qualified Tor the position. We whdi lilm success. VU thoNoTember election, tho voters of Nebraska will be called upon to decide whether oi not it would bo ex pedient, to confer the ballot on wo men. Tlio Nebraska. Association Op posed to Woman Sull'riigo is thorough Jy convinced that when this iuesliou is properly piesented to ho voters of the State, it will bo defeated by a ma jority of not less than T.'i.OOU votes. JOhlo, in September, Utt'J, defeated wo rouii Mitfrngo by 87, 1.1.1 majority. Wis cousin, in November l'.Hi!, defeated woman sulliiigo by l)'.',(!0l niiijorlty. .Michigan, in April, loin, defeated wo man biitfinge by 110,1 U majority. Or ganizations of women opposed to the ballot largely contributed to this re sult in those states. In another week our schools will open. A good start is 11 battle half won. Tlio busy season, harvest feasts, reunions and fairs will be past. The golden opportunity meets you at a most opportune time. You have had -trest from your labors unit been re freshed by pleasant associations, and aiow feel ready for duty. You are im pressed that life requires a lltuess to ,jrot the most out of it, and your usplr .ntlona lead you in seeking for that which will mete out to you 11 full ico ,ompenso of reward for endeavor put tforth. Our fci-hools have wisely and carefully considered you uud your tie &lrt8 una have inndo special provisions to meet those demands, and eordlully invite you thither. You will llnd here good society, ph-iisuil ii-fooiutlons, ami n mo-t hospitable people. nine and see us, leant our school iidviint iiges and know they nro not excelled by any town of lit size in the state. BIG, POPULAR VOTING CONTEST I Iundrcds of Dollars in Valuable Prizes Given Absolutely Free by Cook's Pharmacy and The Red Cloud Chief. ' - Wo are giving away, absolutely free, hundreds of dollars in valuable, prizes to the ladies entering our voting con test. ) ' There are to be eleven pilzes given at tlio close of the contest, and twenty lour weekly bonus prizes Hvcry prize Is well worth working for and some lad or nli-1 will leave our olllce on the night of Kubnuiry Itftli, with tho grand prize, whliili is a trip to tlio gient Paiiiimii' l'acllle position nt Han I'Vaueb-Colii l'Jlfi. This ticket not only takes you to this wonderful exposition, but It gives you 'J.l side tilps to tho wonderful sight seeing unci pleasure lesorts in California, and also six tickets to fair grounds, twelve tickets to shows In side of fair grounds. Kveryotie has the privilege of enter ing this contest and we feel sure that the ones securing tho pilzes will bo well paid for their time, so come in, let us show you our prizes, nnd explain the contest more fully, and you might bo tho lucky one at the close. The only way to secure votes in this by purchasing things in the Cook Pharmacy' or by getting sub scribers Tor The, Ked Cloud Chief. Votes will bo given at tlio rate of 100 to tho dollar on regular cash sales or collections. 1000 votes to the dollar on the sale of duo bills. 1000 votes to tho dollar on special sales. MOO votes for one yearly subset iption to Tho Ued Cloud Chief. Nominate yourself or your friend and get bu-y. Good For 5000 Votes When Used to Nominate .. , Candidate. Only u Candidate Clip Out and Nominate Candidate It is not too ute to enter the big fiuo trip contest. Holer your mime- 01 some friends name. Standing of Contestants to Date I lilaiicho lSoner . . i Krnui ltanney II Alison Cov.doti.... 1 Uludys Wilson u Josephine Esig 0 Klein Davis 7 Hazel Spires S ' Amui .leinberg . D Laura Pierce .MM .513.". ..5U3.1 ..07 10 . 11103 ..5053 .518.'. ? ..j... 10 Kthol Doyle ... :lf0 II Pourl Woleott , MUD li lvsi Uutledgo ft'.'Sf. l.'l Lirace yiierer ol-.'i 1 .Mabel Smith M 10 15 llerlllco West W0U III MhiIcUoss ;..; 51 to 17 May Wright .. 50.HI lb1 Gretn Turnuro ', .-. 5115 I'J Murybelle Uussiiiger...,. f075 .'0 Dorothy Potter 5115 HI Minnie Traut 0115 "li Hazel Uobinsou 51IJ5 UJ Klizabetli Overman 5010 '! I Marguerito Fogel 5laa L'5 Lola Coplen 5110 '.'i Maurino Caldwell 5UJ.) l!7 liractt Wilson ssa.'i ja Cimeo MeCrilli's 5015 ill LautM Hedco 50155 I1.I iliixul Shokion 5110 . JJl .clma Woudelly ... 'T 5U5U :IJ lm-z Crabill .VJ.5 !i:i Kteanortillhain " 5000 '1 Hstellu Uuylor 5035 :i5 Vcnia Henderson 5055 III) Kdna Ibinnoy 50S5 117 Edna lleiideison , 5015 as Isabel .Muynard 5050 III) Mario Traut 5035 10 Dorothy Hurtwell 5025 11 Mdyth Herrick n M50 12 lleatrice Sloss 5075 Kl Kalth Koontz 50(50 H Mario Harwood 5010 15 Lillian Koontz..., 5035 40 Mary Christian 5035 17 Clura Warren .... 5335 13 Esther Storey 50 15 111 Maude Crow 5350 50 Dora ltrlnknian 5000 51 Rotta McDowell . Huso WJ Miirthu Arnold.. 50-.'5 5;i Kintnii llurKinnii f,0:),'i 1 CI Volinii MolCltniia'v r.lln r.r Muriirot lli'iil noSO 50 lmrl Ciuj)oiitor ..SOLI .17 Mnliol Utilloy jiour, .13 Oortrndi) Wutlbnuuit.. '"'.' " ""'.iitts Bit lvu Ciirter .108.) no lluicu Unities -) 1 :i r ill Mnrlc rulbipliur !...B11.1 0'J Lena Ludlow !!. ,If0li5 (1.1 l'oiirl Minos ...V..5IW 01 Corrlo niedrlch t" .-000 05 Sndlo Oralittin 7700 tcM K X TALE OF A PUME i V y I By CLAUDINE SMYTHE. "All my life," began tho fltout girl, ns she removed her lint nnd hold It up to undergo a critical survey, "I've had n wild longing to possess a hut 'with a plunfo. 1'vo been possessed ,wlth envy of every girl I saw with n rcal plumo on her lint. I've stood hours longing for tho wealth of plumes dis played in shop windows but 1 'never felt that 1 could get one I" "You see, when I wus a Imby nn undo of mine died, nnd his wlfu gavo my mother the white plume from his helmet; for ho belonged to some uni formed order or other nnd had n plume to march with, you know. "Well, mother packed Hint plume nwny in blue tlssuo paper, so it wouldn't turn yellow, und wnltcd for mo to grow up. "When I became old enough to think ubout pretty hats, mother brought out tho plume, tiud wo looked It ovor. "Just then, however, everybody was wearing llttlo clusters of tut short tips, nudvthat long ntrnggly ostrich feather of mine, no matter how you curled It, never could have boon worn on tho street without nttrnctlng un pleasant nttontlon. So we sorrow fully wrnpped It up ngnin, and 1 dream ed of the next year, when styles would change, whllo mother pressed out some plaid ribbon und, tied it urouud my hat! "Well, when tho uext year came, be hold tho plumo! Even mother hnd to laugh when wo looked at It. Every 0110 had a willow plume, If she huiT anything, nnd tho willow plumes wero thick and long and thrllllngly exquis ite. Tho helmet plume, Hat nnd scrawny,' looked In comparison like a llttlo ulloy cat bcsldo a big bluo rib bon angora! "I remembor I uhed real tears that year over tho disappointment. Uut mother had some cast Iron or India rubber or something equally strong, that resembled n bunch of black feathers, and we tucked those on my 'hat, whero I had imagined tho plumo would wave, und I wont out lu tho world and protended thero waB no, skeleton In our closet! "Of course, mother and I agreed! that It would bo perfectly cllly for m& to buy another plumo so long as wo had ono In tho house not in use! For wo havo always been taught to uso what we havo and finish using it beforo buying more. It'n rather diffi cult sometimes to realize tho logic of this system, but in tho long run It's very economical. Why, I'd havo had several expensive hats during those year of waiting ir it hadn't boon for that perfectly good, mussud plumo up in U10 closet! "Then last year, when I read tho willow plumed wero quite out of tli swim, and ordinary plumes would be used again, I got out my long slim natural feather, feeling very righteous lu tho knowledgo that thoro was noth- "Dut Now Has Come My Reward." Ing artlllciul about It, aa thcro was nbout fill willow plumes. It wna strictly ns tho 03trlch had presented It to the public! "I curled up tho plume and had my lint selected to appear early lu Feb ruary, when low and behold! Thoy weren't wearing plumes at all! Aud those who dared to Ignore tho stylos bought very rich expensive plumes to ,b1iow they could afford newer stylos If thoy wished, but that thuy pre if erred ostrich feathers. "Of courso I couldn't even protond that my feather was of tho cxpenslvo sort. No ono would huve been so gul 'llblo. It would have had to bo aw fully stylish to bo posslblo at all! So I wrapped it up again! "Uut now hno corno my reward! Thcro Isn't ono of you who can beat my plumo for stylo. Seo, I've pushed 'half of It up and tied it with a little bow and half of it down and tied it with another llttlo bow; cid behold, a French creation!" ' "Sweet!" exclaimed tho thin girl, reaching for tho hat nnd trying it on. "I think my father belongs -to eomo society or something, und I'm going homo and seo if ho lifts a plume." Then sho departed In Cbgor hasto. Chicago Dally News. Seeking Harmony. "This song Is not suited to volco," snid tho prima donna. my "Well," said tho, discouraged ninn nger, "I auppo&o I'll havo to get you nnothor song. There's no use of try Ing to, havo y.Quj- voice rowrltton." n 1 firm W& PnOpOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. THREE. Till' In 'iwltin niMed iiincmllil tl c,inUt;llio:i of .lu HtAto of Noli I.H hi'ii in ii'li-r art fnrlli In mil. Ih miliinl t"il to tin- 1 li i'lnr.4 of 1 1 1 Ml.iti- of NMii.i.s la to lc votfil upon nt the Kncral elfc- tlott lo be I16I1I Tuitiiluy, NuvuhIjit 3rd, A. IJ. 19H. . "Km I 11 J.ilnt resolution proposing ntuend incrilH to taction 1. of Artletii V, uilil Sxllon 21. of Article V, of tho Consti tution of Ncljt.'iHka, rclntliiK to ti-rm of ollli-i- nt'd mlmv of (lovernor ami olllor CM' IIIlK' OlliC !.!! Hi 't It-v ilv-il tuul K-mrti'il by tlio l'eoplo t the si itc of Nei liirln: 1 Ocstlon 1. TI1.1t nt tin- mineral vlectl n t'tr MaU' mid li'Kltlnllvp olllui'x, lo Ijo ln-UI on tlio Tucpil iy KiKxccilliiK the llrtt Mou ilny In Niivnnlier, 1114, tlio followltiK l' Hi'oiniiiKi 11" iininniim-n'x to rri! ns 1 .1 nl H ,.r Arllile , of the Cji si.iutlon of Noljiualai: Spc. 1. The cxi'cutlvi" ik'pirtnient flmll cnnnlst of n Governor, who slnll I10I1I IiIh olllce for it term of two ye.irs from the tlmt Thurniliiy after tlio llrm 'liKMiluy In .luiiiiary, ne;t after hln elec tion, mill until his Hiicrfcmr Is elgeted nnd iiuallllril. In ndilltlon to tlii Uovi nior, tho I'M-piillvo ilep.irtiiiunt nhinl Inchiilo tlio follouliiK olllcers: Lieutenant Governor, Secretnty of Hlnln, Auditor of Public Ac counts. Tictimircr, Stlp'rlutcnpnt of Pub lic Initriictl.iri. Attorney nnd J'oniinls-iloner of I'ublle l.aniln nnd llulld IiiKit. eneli of whom ili.itl hold his ollleo fn the tern of tv.11 .ns fi-'ini tlv Hi st Thurcilnv after th" Hint Tue.xl.iy In ..vnu ny. next nfter hH eletllon. mill until liN Jx eli eted :md iillitlllled. I'll) vlilrd, I'ovvive-, Unit tho lhr.t elietlon of ."Mid utile, im Ahull be neld en I he Till sd.iy KiicfO(i-i tlio lb i Monday In Novriiiln 1, ll'l'l, end e.ich mice -edinK utecilon shall be held at thn mwio ilitlve time In enh even yeir tliTe'iflrr. Tho (lovinor. S-c-rei..rv of Slate. Auditor of I'Mblic c eonnt. nnd Trr.iiur' - .ilnll teflde at the -1 1 of (fovcnipi-nt ilnrlnj; thelr'terniH of ii'ileo, in-il Itoeji Hip puliMe lecurdn. book 'I and pipeM tlieie. and rlnill peifotni sucn dutli'n tin inn v be p., nlred liv l.tW. Utc. 24, The ciliary of tjio Oivernor n'iMll be llvo thnusiinl ($,".. OUU.fl'l) doll irn PT nniiitm. The mlirlcH of Auditor of I'libllo .icei'iniM nul Xi eretary of Stati;. SujiiTint d nt of I'ublv In -trurtl n and 'onihilie' oner of I n t'c I iii!h and Hulld-I-ikr ph.ill be two llion.-iiul live hundrrd fi',."0n.iji)) doII'ir.M each per annum, and of tho Attorney f!. nerai, four thou"!!!!! dol lars ($1,000.00) per iinntiiu. tho salary of tho Stati Treasurer nhall bo three thou sand (J.1,000.00) dollar.i per annum, nnd tho Lieutenant Governor shall recelvo ono nnd one-half tho compensation of a senator, and after the adoption of thin-constitution they shall not receive, to their own use any fees, costs, Interests upon publlo moneys In thf Ir handauor under their con J perquisites of ofllce or other com pensation, nnd nil fees that may hereafter be payable by law for services performed by nn olllccr provided for In this nrtlclo of tho constitution shall bo paid In nd 'vnnco Into tho stato treasury. Thcro shall bo no nllnwnncp for oleil: hlro In tho of fices of tho SuprrintPttdent of Public In struction nnd Attorney General. Sec. 2. That at raid 1 lection on tho Tursd iv sueeeedlnir the llrst .Monday In November, 1SH. mi the ballot of each elector votlnir thereat, thero slnll bo prlnti d or written the words: "Kor pro poned ameniltiitut' to tho constitution, llxlnir the term of nfllco und miliry for Koveriior, nnd other executive otllcem," aid "Airilti"t pnpi!ed iiiiiiiinlmPutH to 1 he conptltuttoii. 1 1 ; 1 11 k the te-m of ollleo nnd ! ilary fur governor, and other execu tive e'llcers." Appioved. April 11. 1H13. I. AddlFon AVult. Secntary of State, of the Slate of Nebraska, do hereby certify the foreiodni; ptopoed amendment to the Constitution of the State of No Inaska In il true and coneet copy of the iHkIii.iI enrolled and niriosed bill, as pas-ied by the Thlrtv-t'ilid session of the LeKNIaturn of the .State pf Nebraska, ns npppirs from flald original bill nn llle In this llllee. and tint said proinsed niivnil inetit Is submitted to tho iiualllleit voters ot the State of Nebraska for their adop tion or reliction at the Rene-til election In be held on Tueday. the 3rd day of November. A. 1). 1011. In Testimony Wheioof. I have hereunto set my hand and alllxed the Great Seal of Urn Slate of Nebiaski. , none at LlncMn. tn's ?Trd day of M-i-eli. In the year of our 1 nid. Ono Tin is nil Mi 10 ilpiulrni ami l-iii'ii.'-n. ana or tlio Tndependei'PP of th T't !lnl .M up tie iiuniii'Pti una i iiiriy-seviniii. unu oi this Unite tho lurty-s vealh. A'MM-aiiN V.' IT, Seal) Picietary of S,tite. I5S3a gsss - NK3 S S ri u sffla, THE ALARM is 11 drond'nl tiling OF FIRE for the mini without iiibiHuiico. Hvery time he sees the engines racing nlont; his heart come.s up In his throat if the lire is ntiywhero near hi place. What folly, what mlsi tiilceti economy. THE COST OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly hu considered. The freedom from worry alone is worth it iimiiy times over Have us insure you to-iluy. 0. C- TEEL9 Reliable Insurasioo. (01010 OllUttt Ad c eat to 6') 1 h n vl e.. m k'j rfrxwm f- La &i tii VnWMhLlMfc-tMUkMhhteUMMMk'M V We Are Looking For 1 The Man Who has soiled his clothes so badly Mint they are not lit to vvonr. Ko mutter how dirty or greasy tho suit may be we are equipped with tho most modern niiiehlnery and have skilled workmen who know how to Clean, Repair and Press Clothes R. G. flassingef Cleaner and Dyer Both Phone iriakn. I L M . r a A A. U . . t- tfl L L X! C 1 U 1 . 1 1 1 ? maiiiuiiu Drauu ? The float7 With the Quality BIG PREMIUMOFFER "-L -lKlfI9r1tfomcnts S C&"Gei7. Ii:9crApomi)anyij,vIiercby ournomrsmay obtain any oflhe Simeon L. & Geo. H. Rogers Co.'s genuine standard. A-l Plate.silverwLre at a very low.'cost. This silvej-reJsjwsHivelx guaranteed and is now on dis play in the Bon Ton Bakcryrvindow& Each 48-lblsack ?i?PiliPlaili.FlouCcontaillsont; fuil certificate. EacjhJWlTck pfsajd flour contains one-half certificate. TJilell certificates together with a small cash pay ment,j;ntiUesjLhe holder to any one of. the various premiums offered. See large display cards. v The Diamond Jlilling Go. Red Cloud, dft l.j ft . k. :n'!'i'!'!'iii I'inii u '1 1 , There's Nothing Better A. WULLBRANDT THE HOKE GROCERY jL sgssss'1-' "smm- ssjssb IJECMM ifeAfCHEl UNb'R CONTRACT JESS AND RCESDAILY-V l'ATKICIC CONWAY&J .BAND AND GRAND OPCRA. Co. DMNVilACmUDEWUE sHRWDfK 'cSestitfricuIfuralfniiifuIriii; dl'shlnv 5i-rk?.lf)ilTrniTATF? I,,.oJ t and TOTTER BARTltt BOYS' SCHOOL 'REMEMBER TrDATES Jfn .i7Wix sa'tfi w&aw&mmissixigm f) 1 . . m OUR HOHUffEHTS Our Prices Are Reasonable OVEHING 3 8 ? n Nebraska I nlll- rnmnlnln ?, f - "" -"'"(jh.h; lint ui VJIO- gf cerics, Qucenswarc, Cigars, Candies, (ft Tobacco. You will fmfj us able and ? willing to. supply your wants in a very satisfactory manner at all times, and our chief endeavor is to please. Now, with these inducements and incentives to give us a trial order, why not do so today. A Trial Will Convince You- THE WORLD-RENOWHED AERIAL GYMNAST J 5 MLTbrnmwEmw fe exhibits v ENCAMPMENT Are Nade Right Well Lettered And Carefully Erected il COME IN AND SEE BROS. & GO. f 8 ttk?y EACSMIlKr tf 1 um fWEPT.-!r.A.ii my z? zaj air fri&.ti t h,c?Jtrz .jTfi 1.1 ; f lr .! 1 A' . iraqi WaWfWAi,!, V -'HA,0'.Z!,. Ki-; tnrC ls, - -, M-iJhJ'Avj.p