The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 27, 1914, Image 3

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Rallied After Relapse and Crisis
Was Thought Passed.
Relatives and Officers of Church at
Bedside Last Sacrament Ad '
ministered When End Was
Thought Near.
Rome, Aug. 20. Popo Plus X died
at 1:20 o'clock this morning.
Already Buffering from bronchtls
and a weak henrt, the worry occa
sioned by tho war Involving all Europe
brought on bronchial pneumonia, and
the aged pontiff Is a war victim as
truly as If ho had been struck down
on tho field of battle. Me was ill four
111b holiness had lain unconscious
moat of tho afternoon, but rallied In
the evening, becamo conscious for a
time, and gave tho physicians hope
that he might recover. But his
strength was gone, ho soon relapsed
Into coma and gradually grew weaker
until the end. lie died while sloeplng
Death Followed Relapse.
In tho afternoon he suffered a re
lapse, and he received the last sacra
ment HIb Bisters lighted the candleB
before tho miraculous Images of St.
Joseph and remained prostrate, pray
ing for his recovery.
The ringing of the church bells noti
fied the peoplo of tho exposition of
the holy sacrament and culled them
to prayer.
Cardinal Merry del Vul, who was
called In, left after a few minutes nnd
Issued a summons for tho cardinals
who had loft tho city for tbejr va
cations. Deforo tho fatal turn for tho worse
tho pope addressed the wholo world
on the subject of the war. When he
was told that tho roar of cannon In
tho Adriatic could bo heard In Venice
ho exclnlmcd:
"Tho bones of tho doges muat thrill
In their nopulchcrs at the familiar
sound of battle, recalling tho heroic
days of old!"
Death Comparatively Sudden.
Death camo to tho aged pontiff
after a battle of a few days, with tho
leading men of science on ono side
and the grim reaper on tho other.
The streets' of Rome, usually gay
and filled with clamoring throngs, are
quiet. Tho nolso of tho market places
Is hushed. Everywhere eyeB nro turn
ed respectfully toward the golden
dome of St. Peter's, which appeared
to havo lost Its glitter in the dark
pall of grief that hangs over tho eter
nal city.
Hundreds of visitors crowded the
wide streets leading to tho massive
gates of tho Vatican, where tho papal
guard stood on silent watch. With
bared heads and eyes glistening with
tears, tho throng gazed at tho placo
where lay tho "peasant pope," as he
was nffcctlonately called by his Italian
Plus X. Was Born June 2, 1835.
Pope Pius X. was a native of the
little village of Rieso, In tho Venltian
province of Trevisco, which In 1303,
gave to the church a pontiff In Nlc
cola Doccaslnl, who assumed the
triple crown undor the name of Bene
dict XI.
Born Juno 2, 1835, to a poor and
humblo family of tho name of Sarto,
Pius X. was christened Giuseppe (Jo
seph) and known throughout life by
tho dialect equivalent of Giuseppe,
Tho early llfo of Pope Plua was
Ailed with activity. The district of
TrevJso Is one of poverty, only those
who have seen It realizing the strug
gle for existenco that ever prevails.
From an early ago Giuseppe, bred
to sturdy outdoor life, displayed a
bent for tho priesthood. The educa
tional rosources of ills birthplace wero
soon exhausted, and the lad's studious
learnings demanded a wider field for
their development. Ho was sent to a
collego at Castel, Franco, and from
there was transferred to the Central
Seminary at Padua, tho world-renowned
seat of Italian learning. .
On September 18, 1858, the young
seminarist received bis priest's orders
in tho Cathedral of Castel-Franco.
That year was a memorable ono for
Italy. Tho question of Italian libera
tion bad been forced to the front by
tho attempt of Orslni to assassinate
Napoleon III.
Tho diplomats of nations assembled,
but tho youngest priest was not con
cerned in the movement. He turned
bis back on the world and took up bla
duties as curate In tho village of Tom
belo. He soon was loved by his par
lshoners, to whom ho endeared him
self by his unselfishness, his self-sacrifice,
and his tireless labor.
Became Parish Priest In 1867.
He was promoted as parish priest of
Salzano In 18G7, only a year after tho
cession of Venezla (Venice) to Italy,
so that the future pope lived, for tho
first thrity-twb years of his life, under
Austrian reglmo in his native prov
ince. The able discharge of his office rec
ommended tho pastor of Salzano to
the notice of Monslgnor Zlnelll, at
that time the bishop of the diocese,
who nominated him to a canonry In
tho Cathedral of Trcvlso. This pro
motion was supplemented by bestowal
of tho deanery on Father Sarto and
htn appointment as Episcopal chancel
lor. To him also was confided tho del
icate nnd Important charge of spiritual
director of the Seminary of Trevlso,
In which collego ho was ltkewlso
glvon a professor's chair and an ex
nmlnershlp. Nor did hlB activities end hero, for
ho was chosen as a Judge in tho
Capitular Ecclesiastical court, and fin
ally waB appointed vlcar-genural of
tho docese.
After such an apprenticeship It was
not surprising that when tho Im
portant see of Mantuo became vacant,
in 1884, Leo XIII chose Gluseppo Sar
to to fill tho placo. It was no ousy
task to which ho had been called, for
his predecessor had allowed dlsclpllno
to slack. His persuastvo powers and
administrative gifts were tested to
tho utmost, but he was fully equal to
the ungratoful task.
Sovero In personal tasto, Slgnor
Sarto showed himself zealous In main
taining the gorgeous ritual traditions
of his church, and In 1886 the nine
hundredth solemn centenary of St. An
selm was celebrated under his aus
plces, whllo In 1891 he presided at a
Uko function In commemoration of St.
Louis Gonzaga.
Two years later Pope Leo recognized
Bishop Sarto's merits by raising him
to the Sacred College, with tho title
of San Bernardo alio Temme, at a
consistory held June 16, 1893.
At tho samo time he was chosen
out of nil tho Venetian prelates to fill
tho patriarchate of Venice.
Won Support of the Radicals.
In his nlno years' resldcnco in tho
"seagirt" city the popo of tho gondo
liers was beloved and a familiar figure.
His firm, dignified, yet genial rulo.
quickly made him a force to be reck
oned with.
Elected as Compromise Candidate.
Pius X. was, as befitted a democrat
ic popo, different In many respects
from his r.ljBtrlous predecessor. Llko
tho flBhermnu whose plnce he held, ho
found his recreation fishing In the Vat
ican ponds rather than in writing
Latin verses. To his saintllness of
Character nnd moral worth, Indepen
dently of all lesser and worldly con
sideration, memory doubtless will pay
When balloting began to choose a
successor to Popo Leo XIII., the name
of Giuseppe Sarto was hardly consid
ered at first. As balloting continued,
however, tho roll of votes In his fa
vor Increased. He was then regarded
as a compromlso candidate and,
Anally, on tho sixtieth ballot he was
elected August 4, 1903, and five days
later he was crowned In St. Peter's
cathedral, Rome, with all the mag
nlflcanco and brilliance of corcmonles
that distinguishes the coronation of
each successor to tho apostolic throne.
From the post of spiritual head of
gondoliers nnd peasants, a work thai
bo loved, to the throne In the Vatican
was tho career of Giuseppe Sarto,
Popo Pius X.
And he never hnd been ambitious
to bo tho head of the Catholic church
and the successor of St. Peter He
loved tho simple life among hie friends
There was a great difference of
opinion as to tho qualifications of Pope
Plus X. for his ofllco. Mis election, n
I compromise, was particularly pleasing
to Austria, Germany nnd France, nnd
In thesu countries, with tho exception
of Franco tu recent years, ho wns
highly commended for wisdom nnd
Brought Church and State Together.
Ab to Italy, ho Increased tho cordial
understanding between church and
state, which was not thought wise by
Italian churchmen. However, his no
tion resulted In nn uplifting of tho
church In Italy.
Tho dloccecs had been In a most
deplornblo condition becauso of the
long conflict between church and
Thero was evidence of mlsornblo
conditions existing In the Italian emi
grants. They havo llttlo or no Instruc
tion In tholr religion and paid no at
tention to It in this country, on tho
supposition that the Catholic religion
did not exist hem.
Tho popo pursued this matter to tho
proper outcome Ho filled up vnrnnt
sees, stirred up comfortable bishops,
and ordered tho teaching of catechism
all over tho world. Ho aimed chiefly
at Italy. In a word, ho deserted di
plomacy for tho Instruction aud organ
ization of tho people. Ho gave up
governments to look after tho lost
sheep of the household.
Disappointed diplomats then waited
about ills timidity. But tho wailing
had. no effect on tho noble-hearted,
simple man who was tho head of tho
When tho tioublo between tho
church and state broko out in Franco
nnd tho concordat was dropped, tho
world looked to the pope, speculating
what coureo ho would tako. What ho
.did seemed to be tho only right thing
according to tho American Idea. He
Ignored the nation.
Lfuloro Pope Pius had been on the
throno thrco years he evidenced that
young men who dreamed of the career
of a courtier in Rome wero going to
he disappointed. Tho popo wanted
bishops for the different csces, and tho
way for young diplomats to promotion,
It was soon apparent, was through tho
tiresome but wholesome office of gov
erning bishop.
Ono great reform Popo Plus accom
plished, and It promises to bo over re
membered in history. Ho proved that
diplomacy In church matters Ib a
thing of llttlo Importance compared
with tho direct teaching and punch
ing of the gospel to tho poor.
Opposed to Woman's Suffrage.
An instance of his well-known un
compromising attltudo against ad
vanced tendencies was afforded In his
opposition to woman suffrage as voiced
by the popo upon the occasion of his
reception of a delegation of Italian
Catholic ladles.
"Woman can never bo man's equal,"
ho told his fair visitors, "and cannot,
thereforo, enjoy equal rights.' Few
women would ever deslro to legislate,
and thoso who did would bo classed
as eccentrics. Scripture, and espe
cially tho throe Eplatlcs of St. Paul,
emphaBlzo woman'n dependenco on
By vlrtuo of ono of his documents,
known as tho "Sapient! Consllllo," tho
congregations composing tho Homan
Curia of tho Catholic church havo
been reformed and the American hie
rarchy 1: ' " accorded a recog
nized va .j ui tte isfernracnt of the
Items of Interest Gathered from Re
liable Sources and Presented In
Condensed Form to Our
Western Newspaper Union New Service.
Manufacturing concerns to the num
ber of 1,750 or COO more than have
ovor beforo reported -to tho state
havo handed in' data to tho Nebraska
labor commission relative to their
1913 operations. Tho Information 1b
given in tho annual repot t Just com
pleted by I-ubor Commlslonor Charles
Tho concerns had capital aggregat
ing $75,0G5,S48. Thoy employed 50,784
mon and women, paid wages of $20,
025, SG0 during the year and used ma
terial to tho vnluo of 147.3C3,7C7. Tho
valuo of tho fin'shed products turned
out by tho combined list of manufac
turing plants was $175,204,779.
For 1912 thero wero 1,102 concorns
which reported. Those certified to the
cmploymout of 20,702 men and women,
to tho payment of $15,022,204 in an
nual wases nnd to the utilization of
$57,442,414 of capital in tholr outer
prises. In 1910 thero wore 950 plants which
wore roportcd to tho labor bureau. plants employed 19,559 persons
nnd had $C3,3S3,21C tied up In tholr
During tho year 1913 tho labor com
missioner makes tho observation thai
90 per cent of the Nobrnskn-madi
goods were sold within tho boundnriei
of tho stato.
Time to Control Hessian Fly.
Tho most cffoctlvo way of control
.lng tho Hessian fly, says Press Bul
letin No. 45 of tho Nobrnskn Experi
ment station, Is to destroy tho stubble
shortly after harvest. Tho llaxsceds
or puparla nro loft In tho stubblo after
harvest, and these should he destroyed
by early deep plowing, dono so care
fully that the stubblo Is thrown to tho
bottom of tho furrow and completely
covered, thus entrapping tho files.
Thin plowing should bo done very
soon after harvest beforo any of tho
files cmcrgo, and should bo followed
by a sufficient number of cultivations
to maintain a fine, wcod-frco soil
mulch until the field is seeded. Such
treatment makes for tho highest
yields, whllo tho keeping down of vol
unteer grain servos to scatter any
summer brood. Whoro for any reason
midsummer plowing Is undesirable,
tho flaxseeds may bo destroyed by
burning tho stubble.
Exhibits at Stcte Fair.
Several Nebraska manufacturers
who havo. not placed exhibits at the
Nebraska stato fair horetoforo havo
signified tholr intention of doing so
this year. Owing to tho war situation
in Europe thoy nro planning for In
creased outputs nnd nro mnklng vigor
ous bids for the patronage of their
homo people. Nebrnskn Is rapidly de
veloping a number of important manu
facturing concerns. As n gonoral
thing, thero Is much lack of Informa
tion on what tho stato produces In n
manufacturing way. Tho mnttor of
exhibiting at the state fair has re
ceived much fnvorahlo consideration
from tho members of tho Nobraskn
Manufacturers' association and tho
loading lines will bo well represented.
To Test Blue Sky Law.
An enterprising Omaha man has
undortnken to rnlso n fund of $1,000
which he says will bo used In bringing
a test suit against the bluo sky law of
Nobrarka. Ho has written to forty
companies that havo paid $25 each to
tho stato railway commission ns nn
examination feo nnd received permits
to soil stock in Nobrnska, asking them
to contribute $25 npicco to this fund.
If tho suit Is won, ho says, tho com
panies will get back tho $25 they have
already paid tho stato, as well as savo
themselves nn outlay of $10 per year
for annual license, nnd $1 npicco for
agents' licenses.
Tho Btnto rallwny commission hns
decided to permit tho Lincoln Tele
phono company to establish now rntca
at Hnrvnrd,v At n hearing tho commis
sion decided to glvo tho company six
months to mako contemplated Im
provements. If at tho end of tnat
tlmo conditions aro not satisfactory
the romonstrants may make further
Tho pure food department of tho
itnte government will hnvo nn exposi
tion of tholr methods at tho fair this
County clorks ot fourteen counties
aro tearing tholr hntr, and ns many
county boards aro rending their gar
ments becnuse tho stato board of
health has not equalized land values
and Is holding up the work of making
county lovlos and extension of tax
levies on tho books In those counties.
The counties that aro worrying arc
Arthur. Burt, Deuol, Dodge, Gage.
Keith, Koya Paha, McPhorson, Mer
rick, Morrill, Nance, Saunders, Thomas I
and Wavno I
Burt county voted $75,000 for a now
county court house.
Georgo Pnrker was drowned In tho
Bluo river noar Paulino.
Flvo bands will furnish muslo foi
tho state fair this fall.
Work Is progressing on tho now
Methodist church nt Elmwood. "
Cnss county commissioners have
put the annual lovy nt 20 mills.
Hog cholera Is prevnlent among the
herds in tho vicinity of Auburn.
Tho continued dry weather Is Injur
ing tho corn In Nemaha county.
Tho annual rtiBh preceding the state
fair la on nt tho tocrotary'u ofllco.
Klnr Betts, nonr Chirks, was struck
by lightning nnd Instantly killed.
Bcntrlco uubIuosb mon will hold a
fall festival in connection with tho
local ennoo club.
Over a hundred tonchors wero en
rolled nt tho last Nemaha county
teachers' institute.
This promises' to bo tho banner year
for automobile excursions from ovor
the state to the Nobrnska stato fair.
Mrs. Theron Nye, a pioneer and for
fifty years a resldoitt of Fremont, dlod
at hor homo In thnt placo last week.
The cornerstone for tho now $14,000
city hnll nt University Plnco was laid
with appropriate ceremonies Inst Mon
day. Crofton, a village In Knox county,
wns the victim of a fire thnt, owing to
n shortage ot water, caused a serious
William Kepler of Avocn accidental
ly shot and killed his wlfo when both
wore trying to kill rats in a chlckon
Frnnk Brust, whllo working on n
tractor near Tnlmnge, hnd throo toes
crushed by dropping a honvy Iron on
his foot.
Fnlrbury baseball nssoclntlon la
making arrangements for holding a
big tournament at that plnco, August
27 to 29.
Tho Weoplng Water Stono company
has secured tho contract to furnish
stono to tho Grand Island BUgar fac
tory for two yenrs.
Earl Bailey of Elmwood, while plow
ing, unearthed a pockotbook that his
father lost In tho field thrco years ago.
It contained $9.50.
Elmer Tucker of Johnson county
wns bntlly burned by cnrbollc ncld
when n horso kicked him nnd brolw
tho bottlo containing It.
Harold, 2-year-old Bon of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Ed Lundy of Webster City, was
badly burned while ho and his brother
were playing with matches. .
A reception was tendered Rov.
Chnrles Johnson of tho Surprise Bap
tist church last week on his return
from a two months' visit In Sweden.
Tho noroplnno In which Lincoln
Benchoy will glvo exhibitions nt tho
stnto fair this year fs said to bo the
smallest air craft over put Into actual
Frank Rorer, nsslstant cnshlor of tho
Germnn Nntlonnl bank ot Columbus,
nged slxty-ono, nnd nn old settlor of
thnt city, committed Bulcldo by inhal
ing gns.
Hank Slussor, n rurnl mall carrier
at Mlndon, was found badly Injured
under IiIb overturned nuto on hlB routo
nnd died as ho was being carried to
his home.
Postmaster E. S. Davis of North
Platto Is taking steps to estnhllsh a
branch postofllco In tho Fourth wnrd
of North Platte, which has been grow
ing rapidly.
Walter Hansen of Omaha wob sorl
ously. If not fntally, burned by tbo ex
plosion of tho gasoline tank on his
motorcycle whon ho collided with nn
automobile. I
Iwns destroyed hv fire, cntislncr n. 1ns
of $15,000, covorod partly by Insur
nnco of $12,000. About eight thousand
bushels of grain woro destroyed.
Tho commltteo having In charge the
Germnn dny festivities to havo been
hold In Lincoln this fall, hns doclded
to ahnndon tho celebration, and will
send tho money to tho fntherlnnd for
tho boneflt of the wivos nnd families
oJJ German solders sluln In battle.
Following nttacks upon ehlldrv hv
dogs about tho city, Omaha authorities
aro seriously contemplating giving po
lice officers orders to shoot nil dogs
found upon the streets.
Tho now Fremont high school 1
about ready for occupancy nnd tho old
Central school, v,hlch was erected ns
Fremont's finest school houso ovoi
forty years ngo, Isihelng vacated.
Miss Mario Schlssler, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Schlssler of Hast
lugs, hns received notlco of hor np
polntmont ns a head nurse In tho Cor
man army nnd will leavo immediately
to tako up her now duties.
loin Tower, nged 10, wns knocked
down and (-erlously Injured whon a
runnwny tenm dashed Into a crowd Just
leaving a moving picture houso at
Hebron was visited by tho most de
structive storm of tho season, during
which rnin fell In sheots, whllo a tor
rifle electrical storm prevailed, a great
deal of damage being dono.
Mr. and Mrs. David WhUton, ago,!
pioneers of Boone county, wero killed
noar Albion when thrown from n
buggy. Their team became frightened
at a number of elephants In a circus
para do. .
Tho construction of the now olec
trio power and gas plant at North
Platto Is under way,
It Is rumored thnt tho Corn Feed
Products company of Bcntrlco hns
bought tho ceroal mills plant In Ne
braska City nnd will occupy it In a
vory short tlmo.
Vandals ontored tho Union Pacific
depot nt Osceola and destroyed n type
writer, telegraph Instruments, book3,
stntloiory nnd other mco fixtures, No
money wns taken, jgnd It Is thought
tho destruction was wrought by some
one having a grlovanco against the
(By K. O. BnLLKHH. Dim tor of Kvonlnn
Dopartment, Tho Moody lllblo Institute
LESSON TKXT-Matt 22:15-22.
GOLDEN TKXT-'Thcy say unto Him.
Caesar'. Then Bald Ho unto them, ren
der therefore unto Caemr the. thing thai
nra Cncsor's; nnd unto God the thing
that nra dod'a," Matt 22:21 It. V.
Tho tttlo of this lesson suggest!
moro than tho portion of Scrlpturo so
lectcd BocniB to warrant. Wo havo
eoon In previous lessons how tho Mas
ter condemned and denouncod ths
rulors by his teaching In parables.
This led tho Pharisees to tako coun
bcI how they might ensnare him (t,
15). Thrco questions woro nuked, one
political, ono doctrinal and ono ethi
cal. Our next lesson deals with ths
third question.
Secret Methods.
I. The First Question, w. 16-22
This pnrablo of tho wicked husband
man (ch. 21) seems to havo boon
clearly understood by tho Pharisee
(v. 45). Whllo It 'stung It did not
bring them to repentance The hard
ening effect of unaccepted truth Is one
of lbs most terriblo results upon the
human heart Tho record tolls us
plainly (ch. 21:40) why those Pharl
soes wero withheld from at onco pub
ting Jcsub out ot tho way. Thoy
hereforo resorted to secret methods
and endeavored to bring him Into con
flict with tho Roman government Tha
Pharisees entered Into this plot to on
tanglo Jcbub with their moat deter
mined enemies, tho Herodlan party
(Mark 12:13). It was a good scheme
from their viewpoint to got Jceus to
utter something treasonable and then
to turn him ovor to iforod, who was
a puppet ot Romo. Thcso Pharisees
Bcorncd to pay taxes to this samo gov
ernment with which thoy nro now con
niving. Thoy began with words ol
smooth flattery (v. 10). Tho dovll Is
nover bo subtllo, bo dangerous nor so
malicious tut when ho flatters. Apart
from Jcsub each party would have
given Quito a different reply to this
question. In fancy wo can soo them
as thoy must havo gloatingly ex
claimed, "Now wo will sco him en
trapped." If 'Jesus declared It Illegal
to pay trlbuto to Caesar thoy could at
onco formulato a charge of sedition
ngalnst him. On tho other hand, for
him to declare it proper thus to pay
trlbuto to a foreign government would
seem to them for him to dony his mos
Blanlo claim, according to tholr under
standing of tli messianic program.
Calling for a Roman denarluB, a
legal tnxpaylng coin worth about 17
cents, ho asked, "Whoso Is this Image
nnd superscription?" "Caesnr's," thoy
reply, and by thoso. words they have
caught themselves and not Jesus. His
reply was, In effect, "Vory well, you
accept tho money of Romo, you must
by that net nccopt tho responsibility
which accompanies It." Jesus first of
all denounces tholr hypocrisy nnd thon
exposes the folly of their question.
His Teaching Is Plain.
II. Tho Second Question, v. 23-33.
Tho rationalistic Sodducocs, who did
not bcllovo In tho resurrection at all,
now try to entrap Jesus by question
ing him along tho lino of their particu
lar doctrlno. Tho teaching of Jesus
Is plain and unequivocal as to tho res
urrection of the body and tho lmmop
tnllty ot tho bouI. Jesus seems In thli
reply rather to Ignore tho first and
to striko at tho second, which Ib mora
fundamental. Their plan of attack
was very scholarly1 and philosophical
and was designed to show tho absurd
ity of his teaching and thus by rldl
culo discredit his standing. It is al
ways a favorito way for thoso who
qulbblo to Imaglno a suppositious case
and then to put a subtllo question. In
this enso our Lord, "by ono sentence
demolished their well-planned attack,
"Yo do err, not knowing tho Scrip
tures, nor tho power of God."
Tho Teaching. Jesus hero shows ua
tho true rotation of himself and of his
peoplo to political questions. Ho rec
ognizes tho authority of human gov
ernment and it is his will that his fol
lowers shall enjoy tho llbortles ot
privileges which that government baa
to offer; at tho samo tlmo thoy aro to
submit themselves to Its requirements
under ono clearly stutod condition,
viz., God'B supremo will. In so far as
tho laws of (ho stato aro Just and.
truo nnd In harmony with the law ot
God It Is tho duty or Christian people
to support and to obey them. Jesus
would ally himself with neither party,
thereby avoiding complicity with any
tneasuro of evil. Wo may likewise
maintain a similar relationship with
God nnd epcak with authority In the
correction of abuses, and In tho direc
tion ot civic and national llfo.
Wo havo purposely included tho sec
ond question inasmuch as the next les
son concorns tho third of this group,
which ought to bo studied as a whole.
Jesus was ovor ready to meet any
question. Ho nover equivocated, but
lifts his answer out of tho realm ot
tho controversial Into that of abiding
principles. Jesus denounced the hy
pocrisy of his assailants, condemned
their ignoranco of tho law thoy so
loudly professed to obey and pro
claimed at tho samo tlmo tho immor
tality of the soul and tho resurrection,
of the body. He emphasizes man's
responsibility to his government ;
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