Ed - l1rt ', ilftto . ,, T ? h- .' t ?-' mmm Historical SovU-ty . "tr-sC-' t . "i7rjyx 3Bk'. VOLUME 1-J You VERY one of your banking connections to bo a profitable one, returning you the vf f" Hi i i t. .' .u i i -udiUr j largest measure ol service ana accom 'J: J us. Interest Deposits Guaranteed by WEBSTER COUNTY BANK-, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITAL Hiin.OOO MR. FARMER- Have you provided your self with a proper place to keep your corn? Are your Groin Bins in good condition? Do. you know that we offer for sale the beslfCrib and Bin Material on the market. "And Oar Prices Are Right" THE MALONE-AVERY CO. "Talk With Us About Your Wants" Your Watch Ideal Many people have learned to consider such, and such a watch as an ideal time piece. When they buy they want that particular watch. We don't blame them be cause we have watch ideals too and ideal watches. They are the South Bend and the Hamilton and the Howard and one or two others. These we have learn ed to depend upon these we buy and isell eacli year in greater quantities. And be fore you make a watch pur chase we would like to talk to ' you about these move ments. May we? E. H. Newhouse Optometrist and Jeweler. Counties Interested Activity In the county exhibit sec- tlon of the Nebraska state fair' iudl . cates that there will be n decided in crease In the number of county exhibits in the new Agricultural-Horticultural hall, Sept. 7p11. Comities In the west and northwest sections of the state are making commendable efforts to boost their communities by extensive agri cultural displays. y t - ,,.. ... ,-,. fdfflrgrg?rgsr? iv-: !iJ-jrfrtV-'3w'''fa-rfI?lO!'L! -j-jS"?. JB i - i,, 'li.m'" a." modation commensurate wnn me size of your deposit, open an account with paid on time deposits. State Guaranty Fund ii i " '!, , To the Voters of Webster County: As candidate for sheriff on the Pro gressive ticket, I shall make the race on the following issue: Believing as I do that the laxity of enforcement of our liquor laws, more than any other one thing, should re ceive an officer's attention, I shall, if eleoted, do everything in my power to eliminate the "booze influence from our local politics, and to enforce the liquor laws in general. Realizing as I do that the difficult part of this will be to obtain the evi dence, I take the following method of doing this: If elected, I will set aside from my salary $100 each year that I am in ofllce, to be used in the form of rewards for obtaining evidence, to se cure convict ions against any violators of the liquor laws. And I Ifereby agree to pay any person or persoiib S2.1 reward for each conviction (not in ex cess of four per year) secured through evidence so furnished. If this proposition seems radical to you, please rumomher that an ollleor who tries to secitru enforcement of the laws Is only doing his sworn duty. J Will say further that, if elected, 1 will do everything in my power to give everyone a sqmtru deal who has busl lies with the sheriff, and will diu charge the duties ncrtalninir to mv f final. If... utilir..t -... .( t.iltf.. H '....,... I'w.i. i.n1. iiiviiuii. iJiu tilling Ill lll.ljl Kebpectfully. T. V. Wiiitk. Vavricka Grateful. I wish to thank the Democratic and People's Independent electors for the votes given me at the primary election and hope to merit your confidence and support at the gpneral election in No vember. Yours sincerely, Frank Vaviiicka. Patrick Conway's blind assisted by grand opera stars, of international reputation will glvo free concerts at the Nebraska state fair, Sept. 7-11. Four state bands, Nelsou, Stromsburg, Oakdalc and Tecumsoh. will assist In furnishing the music. r)r?tir ;RRAI X,AmO HIEF A Nnwanapisr That Gives The Nr.ws !J3D CLOUD, NEBRASKA. AtKUIST L'T. I!M1 Dr. A. E. Boles i i-n Fakes a Wife Tlio following taken from the Hast iugr. Trihuiio tells of the wedding of Vvo of Red Uloml'.i most prominent, J'uti ic people, and will prove interest ing leading to their many friends: j " V very pretty anil impressive double wedding ceremony was solemn ize i at ! ii. m. Thursday, August '.'Oth, at tlio home of Mr. and Mm. 0. V !V,iy, 11 III West Third .street, when I their daughter, Miss Klsie F. Way, ; was united in mariiage to Joe M. i Davis of this city, and Miss Gold Elslo i.i ... ,.. in. i i i uiiuiii m riumiiui nccumc uie urine of Dr Arthur E. Holes of Ke I Cloud. Mrs. Uoles is the sister of Mrs. Way. "Tlie home was attractively decor ated for the nuptials, green and white predominating. Tim couples were united between two large white pillars wound with ferns, an oval canopy aboe being covered with similar greenery. A pretty screened back ground wus iirninged, which was a mass of ferns, io-bmW, lillieS of tile valley an 1 palms, lioth couple were unattended. The wedding ceiemony wiii pel formed by the Uev. F. J.Clark pastor ef the Congregational church. "The wedding match was played by Ml'js Gladys Sutter and Miss Pmilu llivmuiu sjitig 'Oh, Promise Me' and 'I Love Von Truly ' "MisH Way woie a traveling suit of hiuutlful green, trjimue'd in lilielc vel vet; with u smtirt hliicK velvet' travel ing hat. Miss Arnuhl was becomingly gowned in a golden brown traveling suit. "After the wedding and the espies slon of congratulations by the guests an elaborate breakfast was served, tlio guests being seated at three tables at tractively decorated with while roseb iind( lilies of the valley, interwovon with white satin ribbon. Tho bridal couples sat at the large table. Those who served were Misses Katheriue Kohl, Margaret Fulk, Opal Nicholas and Celestine BremiHii. "Both couples received a large nurn' ber of presonts. The brides' gifts to Misa Sutter and Miss Brennan were band-painted china, and to the assist ants, silver spoons. "Mrs. Holes is from Franklin, but for the past two years has taught in the Red Cloud high school, where she has made her home for a number of yeais. Mr. holes is well established iu the practice of medicine at Red Cloud, where both are well known. "Mr. and Mrs Davis are graduates of the Hastings high school, class of 101.1. They are popular among a wldo circle of friends, who are pleased to know that they will make their homo permanently in this city. Mr. Davis ishaviug built n hamUnme dwelling at Hiirllngtan avenue and Ninth street which will soon bo ready for their oc cupancy. "The couples left, Thursday for Den ver, whererthey will pass their honey moon." Dollar Wheat In A Few Day Local grain men says Mondavi liust- fngs Dally Republican aro anticipating a further boost in the price of wheat and expect to 3eo it go to a dollar a bushel before the first of Sentember. It sold forOl cents on tho Omaha ex change yesterday. With tho prepara tions made on a largo scale for ship ments to Europe it is figured the demand will be for such a large quan tity as to cause the price to go up by leaps and bounds. , The big tractors will be given a chance to demonstrate their merits at the Nebraska State Fair, Thursday, Sept. 10. A tract of laud has been se cured and tractor men will show what their machines will do uniler the man agement of experts. Progressive farm ers have bfen making Inquiries con cerning tho tractor demonstration and are planning to watch the proceedings, Flfty - tno Weeks Each Year For St.fiO. nstitute Draws A Large Crowd The Webster County 'iVacheiV In stitute opened in ilut Washington M-liool building on Monday, August 2lth, with a very large attendance. there being 118 enrolled We in e very glad to see that a largo per I'ent of the teachers over the county tire men. The instructors this year consist of riot. Uoehrol tills city, Miss lluldah Peterson of Lincoln and Chancellor Fulmar of Weslevun I'nlvorslty. Among the special features this year was an informal reception on Monday evening, and on Tuesdiiv evening Prof, iloelir took the touchers to the agri cultural farm, where lie delivered an especially Interesting lecture. bpicial music each day furnished by members of the Institute is another lealure of this year's program. Tho Vietrola musicale will be given Friday at 10 a. m. It will consist of uiu-ic for clillilien. Chancellor Knliiun- will ilnltem- n special lecture to the teaeher.s on Fri! day evening at tho Methodist church which will no doubt prove both inter esting and instructive The public is cordially invited to attend. j Tlie institute closes on Saturday with tho eighth grade graduation ex-1 erciscs and rellecls great credit upon Miss UerSiude L. Coon, our county su pjirliileiident, and is In itsoll suflleieiit' piW that she is. tlmioiighly quulnleil for the position which hi! has so ably filled tlio past three years. The following are enrolled at the) Inslitute: L. M. Kt.-kard, Marlon Bloom, Alice Fowler, fieri Sirrs, Mubellc Smith, Venla Henderson, Ivu Rutledge, Myrtlu Bonner, Dthel Wisecarver, Lena Ohm stede, Inez Fetty, Agues Steward, (Jleiiu Foe, Helen Relhor, Eleanor Gil ham, Maude Crow, Ira Sides, Walter Portcnier, Joe Springer, Howard Yost, Belle Mclntyre, Alice Whalen, Lois Hltchfy, Mirth Walker, Frances Nolan, Grace Coombs, Muriel Henderson, Jen nie Campbell, Lenora Springer, Flora Shute, Monnio Speuce, Miuuie Trout, Anna Zimmerman, Jessie Murauville, Daisy Porteulcr, Estella Shute, Golda Hodges, Lllllian Porteuler.Rose Brehm Beatrice Sloss, Velma McKimmey, Elsie Long, Flossie McKimmey. Gut Dunbar, Lura Lambert, Kleanor Will lumsou, Macy Spraoher, Gertrude Oat man, Philena Fawcett, Deua Batiks, L. R. Wright, Lulu Hughes, Inez Boner, Josephiue Johnston, Viola Bar rett, Lizzie Uolthouse, Anna Peterson, Harold Fox, Joe Wlebeler. Millicent Brooks, Irma Bruco, Mario Pulsipher, Marie Jernberg, Nellie DeTour, Frank M. Delehoy, Elmo O. Fuuke, Blanche Bonner, Alison Uowdoii. Laura 13. Koon, Bessie Thomas, Myrlle Koou, Annu Cowel, J. Evan Uutchius, Ethel mice, Clam Ileln, Mabel E. James. Grtiee Boner, Mildred Koon, Katie Fox Hoy Boien. M. Turnbaugh, Dorothy Baylor, Estella Baylor, Delia E. Mo Calluin, Emily Walker, Emilia Peter son, Bertha Chaplin, Venm Chaplin, May Dickeisou, Harry L. Hodnsou, Laura Osborn, Hazel Johnson, I veil Robinson, Anna MePurtland, Llda Gllhaiu, Ora Burwell, Annie (.illhmn, Clarice Kernhner, 0. A. Pierce, Elmii Ailes, Christine Pattnor, Funiileliuteh Ins, Alviit Hutlijon, Wilina ij. Guy, Irene Crow, Grace Sherer, Pearl Sherer, Will Bruuer, Elsie Mikscli, Lena Lud low, Irene McUulre, Orlu V. Foufz, Gruco Leonard. For Sale Two and one half acres of land with good eight room house, two good chick en houses, wash house, coal house and agoodwoll. Everything iu first class sluipc. Will sell at a bargain or trade for stock. Inquire here or phone Ind. No. 81. The Democratic candidates for oflice on the state ticket and tho editors over the state will have a blc meetlnir iu South Omaha tomorrow. Owing to a rush of business this editor will be un able to attend, !: fiMKssBsra 1 B re I W&B -LOT 1- AT DISCOUNT I nP p' Pt v $ (Mm LOT 3- AT EVERY SUIT i1 IN STOCK 3l)i0- chsa VtJr j DISCOUPJT Straw Hato E?;cept Panamas o.l uxiorau in itiii.uu, 5J4.SU, JJ4.00 (3(rj fhAJ Gradcsgoat - - .- ,W.&wJ t This is Your Cfscncc To Save Money I TERKIS "It's Up PAUL The .Hk- loimfiiKiiifiiitimiiiiiiiii iiiiiiniiiiit IlltllllV .mh Copjrilcht 19C9, tr C. C. Zimmerman Co.--No. ?4 FOR THE BABY Go-Carts, High-Chairs, Rockers, Nursery- Chairs, Cribs, Trundle Beds, in fact everything thai goes to make things pleasant for the Baby and convenient for the mother. We have them in all prices and quajity lrom the cheapest to the best. Call and Look Them Over I ROY SATTLEYI Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. I )u mmmammmfifi DC D HE 3ME We would be pleased to present you with a card on which the election table, found on the back page of this issue, is printed. Call at this oflice and secure one. They are free. 1 B ' ljnj) I T'J' TV ' f h v-. NUMJ3JSR05 Ewmismm LOT 2- AT DISCOUNT EXCEPT BLACKS - AND BLUES fQ 60 OFF '' h CASH JSB To You" go OF dllUS Clw'3 STOREY I Clothier : I hi m e DC J EH U V' . r t . t 1 " ' T .,, I i 1 in ii i - - m ..