t RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, r. from tho top of n large liny stack one day hut week. The lint winds'1 of this week Is dam aging tlie corn unci pastures nnd onus lug the. (ititiiPiH to put up their prultlo hay earlier tlnin usual. Nell Klild departed for Ills home In NTEST A Vote Given For Every Cents Worth of Tradt Wisconsin lust Thuisdny, after u tl iro week's visit with his mother, Mis. John I'alno, nnd other rohitlvos, Mr. nml Mis .11m Kliiould returned homo fiom Coloiwlo the tlrst of the week, wiere tlniy had been enjoying an online; for the pnst three weeks. Miss Zclla Clmpliiln entct tallied n number of young lady friends Inst Thursday afternoon lu honor of her cousins. Misses Vernm nnd llcrtha Chaplain of Cowles, who were- quests at the ';luiphiln homo last week. H . HIE'F IIIHMIIRNMI IIHWMMII 1 1 UUIWHnM MiltMUMI """"l-ll IWT-fnif III irnwili ! f m W11I1I1WU muuuu ju iM-mmM ; BIG HADE EXIENSlN C e o s o CO I ComUM 19C9, It C. C. Zimmerman Co.--No. ?t li r iff iy Lv It Ift I L ! ir f FOR THE BABY i Go-Carts, High-Chairs, Rockers, Nursery Chairs, Cribs, Trundle Beds, in fact everything that goes to make things pleasant for the- Baby and convenient for the mother. We have them in all prices and quality from the cheapest to the best. Call and Look Them Over ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. mmmmmm SSi i OUR P)MlttEHTS- Are Made Right J Well Lettered And Carefully Erected Prices Are . 1M Reasonable co AND m OVERlflG BHOS. & GO. e9S30BB6S S3 ieses VWWWUWWWUWWWW. Correspondents WJVJVmVJVJVm'JWmVmWmWm'j NORTH BRANCH The hot winds are sizzling things up today The Uospul hand went to Glen Elder bundny. Mrs. Ha lloubow was very ill last Sunday. Loch lhUcliibon Is repairing the Keasley school house. Unity Hoycu made tl business tilp to Red Cloud last Thursday. Miss Ethel docket from Texas Is visiting h?r mint Mrs Ed Pk.nsoii. MWs Lois .limes is in town this week at the home of T. V. Cllne her undo. Some from these parts ate attending the holiness uiectlng at Uurr O.ilc this meek. Uobt. MorrN, an old resident of this place, died last Tuesday and was buried Wednesday iu North Branch. Grandma lMorson, mother of Chtif. l'leison who lives ueur here, died last Sunday in Bui r Oak. She was quite old and had been ailllcteda number of years. Mrs. CO. Hutchison and daughtei Mrs. Wm Hudiburg visited over Sun day iu Red Cloud mid took in tho Chan tauquu which they report ns good. They wero tho guestB of Mrs. . Aubushou For the odlilcation of those who do not know we will say that Noith Branch is a quiet little town two mih In Kuusas and two and ouo quarter miles "West of Uuldo Hock Iu a Friends or Quaker settlement, having a tine Friends Academy. List Tuesday was u bad day for run aways. George Cllne mid Hsslo C rav en's teams ran nwny running over u little colt and nearly broke its neck Lenuises- Craven's, our mull cairlei ' horse took fright at a threshing ma I olilue nnd ran away but no dnnmrc wus dono. NORTH WEST JEWELL Wo ntc needing u good inln. Tho thrashing machinal nro still grinding away. Will- HiidlbniR's visited nt Chas Snyder's last Sunday. Loch Hutchison is doing some car penter work on the school house this week. , John Oibb's wheat which was dam aged by hnll, averaged 18 bushels to the acre Will Anbushon's family were visit ing at Ed' Mountford's, up on Penny Creek, Inst Sunday. The many friends of Grandma Pier, son will be sorry to hear of her death which occurred Sunday evening at Hill r Oak. C. T. Smith while stacking hay last week was tin own from the stack and has been laid up since but is better nt this wilting. Thero has been several runaway! with tho dilfereut teams aiouud the threshing machines here of late. Essie UraveuN team ran nwny the latter part of the week, and ran over a colt be longing to Geo. Cllno, Injuring' it quite severely. SOUTH INAVALE Mrs. FloienceChafllu of near Frank lin visited nt tho John Mitchell home I last Thursday. Alva Stoner and family attended the Farmers' Union meeting nt Guide Rook last Saturday. The Mt. Pleasant Ladles' Atdf,oclcty met with Mrs. Frank Stokes Sr., last ihursday afternoon Mrs. Henry Johnson of Red Cloud was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Diuce Conley last week Ernest Cns'.c enjoyed n visit from his sister nnd tlueo bmall children of Eudlcott, Nebr., last week. Millard Hunsieker and wife and little sou spent Sunday nt the homo of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Hun sicker. We nro pleased to report that little Violet Mitchell is lecovorlng nicely from the accident she mot with last week. Frank Kincnld and family mil Clyde ( Mitchell und family visited at the (Carter homo noith cast of Initvalo on dundny. Charley DlcUer-on U suffering Willi badly sprained arm caused by falling , SOUTH 1NAVALE Dolayedf Elmer Hlankenbaker nud wife visited relatives at Lincoln last week. Miss Zolla Chaplain visited relatives ut Cowles u few days last week John Clark has beon suffering with a sprained arm for tbc last two weeks. Reld DIckcrson and sister, Miss Visa, visited relatives near Franklin lust week Roy Fulton und family wero guests at the Frank Ithtukeubnher home last Sunday. Mr. nud Mrs. Jno. Patno mid sou, Neal Kldd, Sundayed ut tho Harve Fa rn ham home. Clyde Zlon nnd wife, Miner and Walter Noble mid wives were guests nt tho Carroll Noble home Sunday. Mrs. Thco. Hawkins was cnlled to Pawnee, Nebr., lust Fiiday moinlug on account of the death of her brother Eail lliough. Thrashing machines are busy In this vicinity this Meek. Cloud's machine Is thrashing at John Hardwick's also Raskins' nt Ilert Stuukurd's. Mrs. Ainesou of Red Cloud visited her sou, Fay, nnd other relatives this week nud was honored with a big birthday dinner at the home of her daughter, Mrs 11. F. Points, last Sun day. All her children and grand child ren were presout and report a very en joyable time. There 'whs qultonu accident occurred south of Iuavnle Monday morning when Violet the little seven year old daughter of John Mitchel was thrown out of a buggy against a wire fence und received several deep gashes 011 her neck and throat. Dr. Stockmun wns called and foundit ucco-sary to take several stitches in the wound. 6hu was alone in the buggy , andw the horse which whs not tied tiec,.tra,p frightened and run away throwing her out when the buggy turned over. ashreekTtems Rett King threshed on Monday. Frank Alles lost u cow last week. Howard Alius vUltul his mother hist Sunday Eiui-t Alles returned fiom Ouiahuon Tuesday. The hiat word from Jas. Robinson was encouraging. Mrs. Chris Hanson has been quite ill but is improviug. Mrs. Georgo Harris will entertain her Sunday school class ut her home du Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Amack nnd Mr. and Mrs. J, li. Stuuber visited ut W. J. Lipplucott's last Suuduy. Henry Huuson arrived home from Colorado several days ago not much, if any, improved in health. The topic of the sermon next Sunday at tho Methodist church will be, "Why does not the Church move Forward, faster? Remember the roll en 1 for lleucvoleuces. Did you miss mo last week? 1 will try to be regular us things of com munity interest mo always happening. I would appreciate it if you would re port to me any items of uews. The Methodist Sunday .school will hold u picnic in Edgar Wiggins' grove ou Wednesday, August 20th. Every body come und let somebody bring some fried chicken, sure, for tho preacher will be there. lion. Bayard Pulne of Grand Islaud gave a very helpful uddrcss ou Sunday afternoon ut tho Methodist church on "The Value of the Church to the Com inuuity" Hts subject was well chosen and forcibly presented: oue trouble was there wcih two or three residents of the community who need it, and were not there. Ho wus accompanied by Principal J. F. Mathews of tho Grand Islaud High School. Price of Health. To Judge by letters rccoived from correspondents, tho nvorngo person does not really want to bo cured, tie only wants relief, which Is quite a dif ferent thing. Or, nt least, It ho doea want to bo curod, bo is seldom willing to pay tho price not In money, that is trilling, but-tho prlco in pntleice and porsovoranco nnd solf-control.- Loh Angolas Times, j Mean oft Maud. Ethol "Jack enatched a kiss from llico last night and sua cried." Maud 'What for more?" 2 El, Would You Like This Beautiful Piano As a Present? We To Some One Of Our Customers Come to our Mtom, ire tin trj thU spltYulid iiiMrun enl - will tell yon pinnouwiiy. I hU I- n pri-e-iit woiih having. This Plan . i- of tin Oi-lel.miMl niau.ifiic uicr-.' Ton Voir Gja.'i.-.tse. We cordially Invl . jour iiiVpfutlou. CHAS. L. COTTINC, ! : ' Notice to Non Resident Defendant! In Tilts District Ceurt Of Wcbtcr County. Ntbraska. Tho Guide Kock State Hank, a corporation rinliitlll.. v. Christian Hansen, Kt. Al., PclenduiiU. Tho alKivo nnmcit Dctemtnnt, Christian llaiiHcn, will take notlco tlmt tho t'lnlnllir herein, Tho Guide Itock Slato Hank, n cor poration, tiled its petition herein In the Dis trict Court or V'ebnter county, Nebraska on tho'.Tthdny or July t9U, ngnlnst tho Delond. ant, Christian Ilnnnen. the object ami praj cr oC'whlchlHtoscturoajudsmcnt aanlnst tho said Christian Hanson tor J.KW.M and intci est thereon at 10 pcrcentfrom March !!7, lUlt; and tor tho satisfaction ol tho aforesaid amount l'lalntlll" has caused nn nltacliiucnt to b Issued and levied on and asks for tho satoof tho following juopcrty of tho said Christian Hansen, viz, upon tho South Half of tho South West iuartcr (s 1-2 sw 1-1) and tho North Kast (Juartor of tho South Knst Quarter (N. U. 1-t H. i:. I-l) and tho South Hall of the South r.ast Quarter (S l-'i ot S. E. 1-1), all In Town Ono (1). Section Thirty Threo rtl) Itango Nine (9) West (l 1. M. Web ster County, Nebraska, Said action Is on a promissory noto lor tU.W0.00 dated Sept. 27. 1912 ulven by defendant to tho plalntlll" on which thero Is now due and unpaid, ftor credltlnn nil payments undo on principal and Interest, the amount ol wmu and Interest at 10 per cent from March 27, 1914. from tho defendant to tho plntntlir. You are required to answer said petition on or boloro Monday the llth day of Septem ber 1911. Dated AuaustS. 1914. tub auioi: itocu statu hank ' I'l.AINTIKr. Ily Kiiank J. MUSIIAV Its Attorney. In the County Court of Webster County Ncbraskn. Stntool N))rnska, I ss. Webster county, f 1 n tho matter of tho estnle of John Mileoni doecasod. UUKIHTUH9 of said estate will tako notlco, that tho time limited for tho presentation and llllnt; of claims agatut tho same Is ,March 4th, 1915; nnd lor tho payment or dobtsls AUKuat7tli, luia, that I will sit nt uio county court room In said county on tho 6th day or March 19IB, at 10 o'clock A. M., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims nnd objections duly filed. Dated this 7th day of Auioist. A. I)., 1914. (Seal). A. D. KANNKY, County Judge. DR. DEARDORF vmTmmutARY mumocoN Qaiduato Chicago Vuterinaiy College TWEJA'K"Y1:AIIS nXl'KItlENOE AT BAILEY'S TIE BARN Red Cloud -- Nebraska A Missouri farm and Independenco For S5 Cash and 15 Monthly Ne Interest-No Taxes Either ten or twenty net es fyou t.nle your choice regardless of lze,) hIii three town lol and 300 shared iu sue oofsful 1,000 acru m chard company, with two canning factniics ami full equipment nil for only S30pj ?5 down nnd 85 monthly without interest or tnxes. Will pay round trip lailvvay faro of buycis. Payments Mop in case of death. Write for nhotographh nnd full Information- Wlllib It. M lin ger, N. Y, Life Dldg., Kuiibuh City, Mo. FOTX RENT good fl-l'OOAl houso HutohUou Sa laden. IPBBIw THE DRUGGIST s S9C9HBIM1 CC MHHICCb FURNITURE 3 AND UNDERTAKING ED. AMACK A LIS THE PHONE9 i" Highest in qualitylowest in price I l l us figure with you on your next order of it printing. We can please you, give you your money's worth, and as we are not pos ing as philanthropists ask only a fair profit. Anti-waste basket LW(DILM UNDER jCQNTRj 1 U fHArtNESS AND 'RUNNING RACES DAILY 1'A.TKICIC CONWA .BAND AMD GRAND OPCRA CO. DIAHVK.lAffE.AMTOEWlLE sHRflVDKlS JHieSe5t4tfricufuraIf()rfiflikdf i 3-1 i. !) mtiTFitcriTrc t t a ncTV wp-tb'dotrc iJTiructtri-e.We AXJTOMODIt.E,lMPLEMENT,trVE and nRlinn HAD IV! nrrpTuii m iiiTip 'OY$' SCHOOL 'REMEMBER TfeDATES -Va!Jl-iStiiiSSr - MW Zi-imf p O CO Shall Positively Give It mII'iiI.o it our planof giving this ChiMoii make. It carries the . fU-"! . v 7V-tVoar BLK I F your printing must be of the highest class combining good composition, the harmon izing of colors of paper and inks, see us before making contracts. Our productions are always at tractive and correct before leav ing the office. Come in and let printing gets results THEWORUHIENOWNED AERIAL GYMNAST 1$ (OJlraNiEi TrTTT' t ASns x TRESIDIE1 mM - STOCM " XHIB1T9 v ENCAMPMENT SEPT.-!?,6, 9 ioxi- 19M m V y. I ri 1 WHb w y 1 wy s a n y nmwT . Off A ( r M V. .1 . 1? L. ",.,. iv -vt xftj.MV .v , ' - n&'iiHf8)t'J&. "CM , j V T'f "r. '